Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, March 14, 1806, Image 2

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C’ ftt’vn ‘"oun ‘x, In- hQ_JIIY ON rhi- ; fiitivn of Jr in iVSeM ‘ f. Ah •’ (Elf i • in} }(IU F j >\i i i-vs ra I sv J.-s tS h.t o anTi rv tifr. ’ ~r . tjf cl -['/.'h t i. ‘ir t’ to Tlic’li tv ttbrofe G ir.'.un MrcraF , a?! jUr; ihc l i : the t.-hedue h-ir * . a”- rx B, n ) that ’hi* l<t i t luv- . ]oit •, i c iha < ouus Mt. tr Liut a ‘l'lMr’as ■h- p e: can r- , * C>'ll’ a r iow 10.1. rd in the (1 ri-.No’i'C, anj * affidavit ft ‘ ■ 1 - ta ; f have b- tr;, been lolH-y n-ocident ; fie: p . t c hc'H- r inten ed bv the l.x fv ftin, of the |.ii itl aft ot i 7SV> ** !l ‘■ ° hrr circUiiilU’ lul p! </.j l br py, ?ll j I id lie or t co) t, UnO’ u • tdy • ||,K tl. in l iiO't'.s ar:d i videitcs id deb . I'C tllab/iflicd as U rrclr* by th> Mid fixili left o . (j- ibt* a 1 j. (,< n t..c Lit! J ihu Mead put)- liihiog a nutter lot tin .pace < t Jhx mu ith- inoi.t . I ihc juO.i’ pa/, tcn of ih.;> eh , unb Is ault Ihull be (h v. n ioihetouit wuh i<t the f tic 1 lex n.ontl/S, or otner nu tr/ ill 1 appeal to the court a: ainli the lame. 4a 1 CHI I)ULE. ONE d r aiv i Ly Alexander y. bn/lon, dated 7th May 1 S q. } -ruble st ‘June 18-4, ;or 43d h<j lars andM] *.•'. One and amn d’y Green-K. Luke dated \ ‘J me, 1 a 2, J-yrle 10 a ays,/ itr uJte, Lr i t dr iu s 53 . i nts. O’,,ivi y Letma Kol lo k, deli and bit .m u . 1 co pav ti</e 10 days ufte r da e /„r IS7 ■6- aS , J i'i r. r. One d<uvon by a ~/) Ma.\ da el 3 1 May, 1 Q\,p-i ~bt. b >aus a !e r and >, JV 1 aoli, s 97 t O/ti ti a JOn py i+b-tries L ndt-U‘re,n. / , 3 / la., 1 a p/; avf 30 /Oi a (’ dt , )cr 100 dollars C or a;?/ <vy Nath, t Beal Jo IJo o <<oo j, ■& JO. out payable l a* not 1 tc< lle:J, left by Cbarlts C jd.on, esq for iclhtthen. A ru ] 1 1 signed ay sir T. ora s Ron sail of Ln^land for too pounds su’t : .g, to AJtss Ann Davies Tvub several retails on ite bac for t.e v terest. True extra# from thr records. J. BULLOCH, Cue. Jan. 31. liw 6 n /}y. L i.oitc.a, Liuttcry, isttperior Court, March ferns, 1805. On the petition cl John Bo! to t xcc tor o! Robert Woiton pra) in .the tuit-cluiu c of the t Cjirty ui t le 1 pt.on o’ ail cha J. of lan ift u.t'f in 111 tc/r/n a Son!) irv, coofai >iny i v-: 1:y fee f: >nr, uU one humno and citir ty ict-t i'-.m, iviu • p .1: he or. p u}l It> Ihr numt-f t leven t\ • n. 1. ( li) sviuCit !;. lor o a .1, win the t.n iroycment t* ere. >u, was aio.tgnu,ed on tht tu’ ‘ day ot Jam , one thoul a i |rven hundred and iiinery fi e, by Willum Hunter lor rails to tl.e laid Robert Bolton, foi iecuri.ip, the payment ol tht Li n o’ foriy-twu pounds lterlirrp tqul in value to one bunder, a .and eighty dolLisj with tnterei ilicrcon, due upon a cciiatn bunt or ordination Irotnthe laid Wil* iia n to ilk laid K.itierr be-arint even date with the Lid mutt It ts ordered, 1 hat the princ.- joai, imereti and colt c'ue un the 1. id bond bt* paid into court with in twelve months Irom this tutu umcls the principal, intend und iod be lo paid t <e equity ol i't-oeiMption ot the laid n.orij'a l e i preu ales lhall irom tnence t oil be toreclolcd, and iuch o ner proceedings ta:;e place a. t..c ia* directs, J>i iit isfurther ordered, Thai a copy oi tins rule be pubiilheo jo o .e of i e h’ :bi c Gazettes o ! tii .s tint at least i nee in every ninth until the time appoints for payment, or lcrved on the mortgagee, at least lix months previous to lu.U time of pay ment. axtra:: frum the Minutes, U i zbih March jb.x;. A. r ore., cut. c . s. c. l. t". ; 2$ ta.n lit Oi Frue tit l'ub>: rnd Jl (j tirer. gtn;-.rai.;‘m;rand \. J-n Jrinffr: tb< folioninfj roftnjnicition Me flip w r). 1 , vrdoit wi-l* caution if 4 f\ 1 f it i’ calculated to In spire. r ri:?r ful.jefl is without .'oubt ■ not cirirr ■> r** in'c’ it'.• jx. of Mhe-4htvL- aedfr and her consorts from I M-w Yr k ti e nnnner in which they jw .rr tq iyped, and the fufpicion* which (vri-re attached to thrn. while they were pi port, were evidently calculated to raise j every thlnfr nbout them, inore tsp. cully .the point of destination and the end of jfo f; £ular an rqui^meut, into ohj’ &sos I I unci.turnon < uriolity. } J arly fplnl too jllep[)fd in to aid the natural impu'fe c.f I the occasion. The fede alifls did not Wail to fc 7. upon tht- m ) derious cover in (which the plan was enveloped, and 10 locmr Ihe mod ( x r, a.irdinarv cha'i;f (aoaiiift 1 fir administration Tr pi jct Inf gen. Miranda, aicor'.ing to their re •pri fcntaMcn, i-thi r v.ns dirr f'l'v promoted lor i ulire. tly connived at. I'l.e te lerui pits therefore e q-iired, to coii.-ft the in?. tr .ids fuiio at ok: the repubita s to ■ ‘tfend ihe adir.i Jltraiioti. Under Inch (ircun.llatict e, ti e xnedidon of gen Mi rtinda has hecon -anolj Ci ol cot.ft tr;.'- be inter*ft. Fable* ltae bren fornvn ; eotjcfturcs liavt bei-n t tfered; aim It <v. ry one has been at x-ous to • x 1-i., hut none has yet p< fi i*rly afcir.? tucl the t' l jCt of thit my iteriou* cnt< rp 1. . 1 i e h. ,ri >i eot.j Ctuic is yet op n to in imagination ana tl.e race of monllrou absurdities is not yet ended. e fli li not thtrii n prelume to vouch for the virac.ty of a it iglc fadi coutairud in the follow: j? 1 ommuiucaucri. The author indeed prof, ffes to be conn sent in tlie jtiuib of li 1h ilirory. II ‘* un acquain | .a.ce ot Mu a da; conversant with i plans, and convinred of their reality. [ But tht* is an rff.nv b tween gen Mi -1 anna and ninj'dj Far be it from our with to nt; k. it a fu’jed of contention between ns and the puhlic. t give it t.. them ai 11 is given to ua. We are the Oipars but not auihoi* ot the conununi Cdiion. It is put to the prcls unticr ttic pcrfti.sfnn, that if it will not enlighten by its accuracy, it may amuse bv the no vetty t ftfie fable :ad that whether it contains httions or lttts, it nay i< rve- to invite attention ot the public to ihc future of the plot,* COMMUNICATION. That Miranda, has embark'd at Niw York-that tie has afifmlly gone from fliciiie, with the fixi'd dtfign to imam i I a*e his coilniry from the yoke of Bpa n it a notorious I act. Sumlitye alone, this migh? he de-.mvd a pr j fit of a mnt adventurer ; hut when we read the following ihoit hilt ny of this mm, the n.i id mult >xi.m.l with Wi/udir, that it ii <s bveu del jid L Ul.g. Su long fnee as there were fiv r .Me am. from five provinces of South •vai erice, at Madrid, lent to complain of inulhiabie grievances ; tiiey were denie. •Irefs through hruglitimfs and pride, j ‘ at cur agues were, before our dis tics t;ad ended by Oe of the! Ilegat'. 8, was int.uficl to make certain propi fine ns to Great Biituin. Lure’ Chat: vn (who bait tornicd a whole ad •t,in,lllation, under a moll folv.mii pro mill from the king, he Ihould have ! s unbounded confidence: during lift) . mhiaced those propositions, gave the a gtiu yearly, ml tiled-hgn Ihould re earned iutotfleil ; he wa paid this petition no longer than the ii!c-i:me o! that aciminittralion, and the agent wag, along with the other four, fjci diced to the rebutment of .Spain. In 1783, Miranda, who wag born in Cas avail, u city about 12 milt 8 fou:h ot Liguira, made his appearance in this country ; he is well known I y many ot our molt eminent citiz i.s ; pill ifu. a tiling tmud | and tine. tug iravetg hro’ ad Europe, he nay be iuppoftd q 111 to any until, now living, as to j ent gt net and capacity, tor the molt impur taut atl.ur.-. Hi o!j and lias been nothing (hot, and nothing cite, tt . u to ei.liver Ins country t om a null intollcable auu lui mg bondage. When hn land ti led i-u. a targe tl ct to luppott their c.amis at XseUica iouiui, Miiauoa wag en gaged to v.o n.o c than aid tlicui in thole claims, but the cxpsoiuon vas a bandoieci ; thecaufc nay be coi l ttu ad, but nuic omy will tievtlope the tads. Diiappointcd, till the r. volution had created war between France and Spain, ue weut to Parts ; beta .me a general in llicir ailines, i hat iatl diicat if tile let! wing under Demount!, v> Uicb lie comma.del, ca tiled fuipiuout, that Lav ing coma over from t nguud, Hay might have been bcuayeJ, but all the Auuikan* m Paris (among ( wiiom Tom; Paine and Joel 13-ri.. ) gave it a* ilieir decided op..non, that Ins ptiucipics vv.ic liuCi.) jiuie, honorable auu tiu.y dean , lie proved alto, mat lie prot.liea aglnU the niouc oi attack. t.:e oc tore tilt action, and luat Uc rciuted De mo unci'* pnlL-ig icucitatiOßs to cm, giaie along witn hnu He Wc>utd have cniuaiked with an army noui tor ihe uir.dory haj u m v,cw, bu: no opportunity until peace w s con- C-uded. A lit ell tOU .lie idIUC i.j .t, lie dice more eterca h. icivict* io ti g land ; u.ey cr.ce uore ac..p..d, and he was more deceived. j ut upon tr'jiiin'-, lie touwd, couna is to ev..y us ana 1 do; it com pit> ibai , li, ime lu.act cuilijUcd, and vot t}.p errant.ip??ion r,f hi country j He renounce ! all par; ic’pnvton in th. | eip-dition, rent his Ci ‘rmiffjr. in p.rcc,, -tpa.a hfd him with p-ifidy, duplies:?’, an! lit ,• a-nd embark and for /. merica, It is unneceffiry to fay mor/ thar. that the doors wi I be opened in three provic-s, npvv organifed ; they knou our er.ample and wid follow it ; no con ditions remain with the gove-rument cf It:.gland j all nation* will be invited to their pintg, non* f<>,much drfi-ed ns our ‘nwn offerg rtffta'.ernity and fderdfh;pi will, if we a-e w illing, unite this whote continent like the f Par fyftcm, by one common attraction ; everv pa t holding its due proportion ini'sow.'. 01 hit, giving bianty a'>d harmony to the whole. The above fkuch is to fatisfy public curiosity ; it is enough for the moment <i9to the means the place of destination, !or poi-tg to he firft open ‘d, it would be improper to lay -av 1 1 .1 fa’-ther ; the plan is will dig- (I -.! ; miracles do nol c in’ t v-, y Hav, and u icfs a miracle dots come,, Mnaoda n.ud lucceed. A f v* StriSiu cs. The pri-ce'iig comma ncatin without ‘ tin. x• reme y eomp!im*:ta y to-'ed ll ‘i cha ader of en. M-- rr> a Bu .1 .* n.cumhent upon us to reu ak, that r art other reprefentau os H a .. IT or: t fiamre Will tr : ti to -he defy is fail , fome hav venture, to luygeu toat the ol j fit o'.f 1 kiuv s not to liberate in. cotnriy ; but to corn ,it a predatory exctnfi n upon the covffs •f South A merica, to ■ he wtaitby city of Bue nos Ayr s, 1 to ie ze upon the tierfure of Peru ; whil. otr.ets liave dispatched. him on h commercial fpccillation, neither fohcQ. <ibie as . r eraancipation ol his coui.tiy, norfo iuciaiivea* tlie luzure of its riches. It ihe dfflgn of Miranda be really what it prof, fi.s to be, fome have gone on to doubt i. qu„lific;itiof.s for the actowiplifliiiie nt of his pr. j fils. Tory have cai c 1 him, an airant adven turer . they have pointed him out, in the lii'lory of the wars t Fiance as a dtfgratcd and catlne ed gcn.'ral ; they have ilultiated the incapacity of his foul by tht repeated mifcarr.age ot his plans. Few like our connuicicator have ven tured to ext: ! fuo “ intelligence and capacity for the nn ft important affurs.’’ lilt let his p'an b* ever so noble, or his qnalilicalions ever lo great ; many hav. counted the probability ol In* fuc -1 ceidnig in emanetpatton of hiscoun trr Wt know n. a ici our e inimu n<eatorcarefully avotus to touch upon, the l*omt ot hid eeilniatioi ; wl.etin-r it be M x cv., Nt w Granada, Peru, or iluc ’ nos .yrts. but ia aii ttlofe couutn, s, and ffi uni s vvouid surround him. The pc p c aie the devoted fl ives of the cier 11. al l. Bpan.lh colonies, aud the e er s y a.e bound by their rich benefi ces to tlepief nt older of things. Thctr pvlntcal prvj lJiccs are fcareely l.tsob litnate viiuu their fhcal . tucy nave no p els aniong them j tneir v.p picfhonsa) y be gteat but they Itavc . learned to be contented Tue very uto- 1 nopoly ol Cv in erce which pr,aii*a ; niung i dii, has the .if fit of fhuumg out a w'litrut the great fmans ot tm pr. vc.iKiit. F w Urangcrs visit their count i y and the nuletabe Mtltee ot eViex co and Pwiu liUj no to profiv by the eutcoverics of more civikfcd i countries. But why may not the Sp.niifh colonics become as independent a* the Bri-oflt • colonies formerly dul ? VVc may reply, their condition is (i ll rtnt in two important*. Not only was oui pc'ople trvfr than tht Spauifh colonics < are at piclenl ; as much irser at liali, ; in proportion cs the Britify governmeut \ is iiiore en;i b htened than the bpcnifh ; i but tuc government wiiich was eitubulU < eu in our ce-ijuiis was much better cat-! cu atcdtJ give fuccels to a revolution, j Tue lc-, dl u jre3, which were previous ly eltabi (he lin our ow colonies, iur v v.d the 1 ownfall of the Briton i.,ve i.ignly, and \v. ir admirably kited tor collect 11 g together the toice lion. But 111 the Spamih coioni.s, no I luck organtlation .xltts for tue cci.can 't rat ion e l ibe pu.die torcc. Tile wh.vie jbuti cin 01 kgß non is in the hauos of jV; or ouV. fuOi.lvlluaie age:, sol be* anil e.ectCvi, cou it.iucn.i arc raaies wit: out - in tue dpaitdh voca bulary. * ‘i befe circmnd .uses are strongly cal. cu altU 10 produce a cSoubt rclpee'tiug the iuctels ot Miranda’* proieued en t.rpriie, uuacr the preient itate of the bp-tulh c lonics. On ting fuhj cf, however, wc are bound to tpeak with j alf the hun uity of coubt. We know j but little ot ihe preient itate of the ’ Bpatnfli colonic?; the ttrength ot the I government, the character ot its preient ! - ffieci g, en ii military resources. \> e know in ids ut Miranda’s means or tue . c uic.o ot Lis adherents. “i* ihttt ‘p ewintes ‘ or.- already “ it i .'i;u..Ja . alfilfed, it nut by me trea iiuiy, t lean it is laid by .he ,tp ot England ; it three millions of dot ji ig h .vi been turnifhed by his .Vrn.ll |eaa ctioeiatcs or Eiiginu fpeeulators j jit iucCetf llmu and ciowu his it eaer lion* ana tile tresiury ot the king ot !opam ihould u>l into ms hand* ; it ilu mimicry tore: ot th-t country be levoti or us c.lctphue laipcrlect j it is ccna:.. ij pmbabie mat may become t c otTu* country. \V kae w. mean to _ii u is, that even if a ** nu ruelc cock” not •• eoiuc,*’ itiu Mi.caJu ft ‘j uot “ iucceic.” v NINTIi CONGRH.SS. //: USE Os REPJIESE.'. TJTIFES. F irl.ij, Fel. 21, A’ hi!! vas received from (he to suspend the commercial mtmourfe between the (Toiled Stales certain parts or the iflind of St. I) minco Tnis hiM prohibits al! cuaimncial fn tercourle Lc'ween citiz-ns or ini.ab'tants of the tTi ited S ates a id ai r part of the J iflind of St. Domingo rot in the pr-s i l ffion and under the acknowledged t ro I verr.mcnt of France ; in violation of tdis j provision, the v< fT l and cargo are to jbe f rfeited. It is lim tec to one year, i and the prefuient is authonf and at . try ! intermediate time to take off the res ; iraints and prohibitions. I Reicr ed to a catr.millee cf the whole on Monday. Mr G e g, agreeably to notice given yrfterday, called for the orcirr ot the flay, on a rrfolu ion, t.ffered by him on t!-i 6’h day of December, for the repeal of so much of an art o( congreL, ve..* taring the grants ot land, and providing for the disposal of the lands of the Uci tcei Siatea south of the Tenntffvc, asap propiiiua any portion thereof to the laustartion of chinas under certain ads of Georgia. Mr. Meriwether moved a poftnone rnent till Monday. Mr. Epprs moved a pnftpot.cment till the fecund Monday in March. Fit Li.; tv ry nrumbci knew his fcntimenis on this fut'j.d. He wag m of the prop, fitioii ot the gentlemen from Penn f; iv.'-ma. But, whitt fu oia„y inurtfting I luijeci*, in v.’lrch the rational tvtilart j was dircCfiy ii volved, reriiaiottl unacted | upon, he did think that every thing cal ’ culated to disturb the harmony .it th noufe ought to be wntiti, and ‘rom con ; fideration ; tnar no ui.picaLut urcum , K-nces, or div.lion of ..pnoon on lu nor -dma'* po-nis, ill uid the con cur.cure ot n e.i ot a 1 panic in the a dup'.soi; ot mtalurct- caiied for by the inter it ig cribs of cur , Mr. Gregg did not kr ow on what ground gentlemen inleiicd that i .1, j, r . ■pi fit ion w..s caku ti led to cause more divdion among tire numb rs o! the house, 1 than any other propcfu.uu winch be offered. It ws ,1 piam and li.npic ’ cp'cltion, whether it was not be it, under jail the circumlta.icis of the tale, o re -1 pea! the taw making an appropriation j or taiistying the c aims muter the art 1 ptopofed to tie trpia.ed 5 that enugrda might thus torev. rhe douc wiiii tne futj.c.t. Mr. G tain he ha . iorboru ’ caking up Una r. loiution tor t ? reaion cfftgi.ed by ttie gentleman 1.0.0 V.p I'iioUgh iieconii ered the itr j it moor- j j tant, and that U btlioved ;n, ..gflj.ure to decide upon it a on cany nay, u. nail thought it m it advdabie to cail u Up ltd tiie great national buSnets before tbs li. ulc were attended t..— Fdis lati butineis had been uncap. Ctcu.y to li-.m d.lajed from ti ie to time j a u ne : thought it probable that the icio-uSon,’ under c 1 Ii nulla , could beaded ap- • on, bdort uic ti s c woe prepared to j act o the nation... hulinet.. xie re 1 .ha the lu -j a or ottr c ff ren- ( ce with one ot the bellige eat nations had not before Ui a time tieeu s-rted or;. I tie had iaiu a icioluuon on the tabic on } th 13 lubj Ct tour we,, as ago. But it j had been uclayeu by a t-all cf various I trealury statements ; which he regretted having co. fluted toaik, as, i.i his opi nion, they tiad 110 bearing ua the sub j and | Mr. j2tkfon rose to move 3 peftpone- j 1 incut luucllniuly. | Mr. Litb laid is this motion involved iaQt cl lieu ot ihe main,on iie ivouii ! cu.l lor the taking of ,ue Yeas and Nnvj Mr. I uon.2 hoped tiie gentleman ’horn Virginia, (.vl.. Jaekfuej would | wu lid raw bis motiou, as Iroin ns going ito rej fit the icl.<iu ion, it would pro -1 due* mi the re in a k • which ivattid aide Irom a cured Uik udtja ot a Fur the redans which nad beui u gedey tht gtiitleman in n Virginia, (cl , Epp s) who had lii It tpoke, winch ue conduc ted vo. y cogent ; and as the subj dot coinpromite was progreiiiug, and rmgiit bs Icttled betore the fecund Monday oi March, he hoped the motion lor an n. deli .tie postponement would be with diawn, and that tor a poUponctneuf lo tiie fecund Monday in March pre-vul. Mr, Jaekioji laid, :t he viewed the furjed in the fame light with the gen tleman vs'ho had juit laoitc’.;, Le wou u agree to withdiavv hisuiutieii. tie couhi, however, never mike puocipie oemi to expediency. Principle tied’ heretofore | governed his vote, and thouid ttnl conti j rule to govern it. Even on rue gr-und ; o’ expediency, ht doubted the piopricty jt adopting the reiolutioa. u . known there was .miner inbj.ct cou ! netted with it, belore the n^iliaiure. it that .hauld be deemed iu the ut. alive, | ‘t imgal be proper to agree lo this iefo [ .utrun. As ta. ic ..a* a prubebimy mat I tear luij et w.uid come oe-.uie the : iloule, l;e did not With .o ti:ug .be Uib j.e.t twice before idem in cat ccilion. Its | oiteulliou had iieictoiore cxcutd i.l the J malignant paUious of the hauu.i bent j and i:sa. well to cidt-.b I mat harmony which outfit aih-uouli, tube etlCTilhea, wneu they were on t e e-c oi ciiteilug oil CJUii.J. ot il.i deep Ut na.ioiial intetcfU Mr. J. laid uc wnthed the lafcj Ct cou.o De avoieca aito.;etho. Id c whs lesi tiiy lick ot it,auj .aunct to get iu*. OI h c .r V Ckav-D ■ i. iH J 1 • i j cprr :! st.iL: *u mardtU'd I.rxiH firfl be dec id. J if th - w-rc ijejrafiv and, the course pointed out by t c j-efidution of the gen:!i”- an f-am Penn l fylvania mig-ht be nectff-.rv ■ Nfr. Alttr.n hoped the notion for sa lindefinite poftpanement WcuM not nre ivnil. lie Li.!, that though hts ’’enti jnun's were not ‘hanged on this fuhj.'-fif, and though they’wter the fame nor they . ever had been, he-cid. britevc the tran quility of the ra’tcn defended much on the deciSon ol thi: queiboo, and the ; meeting it famly and fuiiy. He hoped, tl.b, would take place this f. fiion ; but (with his ’liendfrom Virginia, he hoped j that the f’.bjefit would not be ukeu up. j Hr thought th.-. the other qtieftion, re- I lative to a compromi’e o; claims, fhoi.ld ’b - p'evir ufly and fcmffi. If the aaeftioß lof ci.mpronrnfc In >’uld not be agreed to, •i w uld agree to that course which r mid prevent the lobj et from ever te j ing agitated within theft- wall,, by trans {fcriiiip it entirely to the judiciary tribti j na! of ihe country. Hr would rather | make a vclui.tary return of the territory I u Gcor. ia than ft ffer the lubjifit to re main in its present it -te. SJiouid ‘.lie comuromife be not agreed to, he would in proper time lay a proposition to this i. before the house. fie th< Ught ti e | mterfft of the nation required the getting j rid of the iubj.ct m this way, j ?vfr. Jackson wit dew hi.- motion. He j laid I.i* ..'Lijtfil ct.ulil be rtf. fit and by pidt ; poning the refolu'iou from time to tune, i till the quetUon of rompromife fhsuld be Fn ll decided. He was indeed willing, th?.; but!; qu.tlicins fliouid be dccidcu at i the fame Uine. Mr Ciiiic was r;a! r y concerned hia colhague had made this motion. The r< foluricn of rhe gentleman from iylv.mi3 had been before them two months, arid not a fi itep taken r * |picti:;g it, and now we are toid we aic j not to act upon it till a; on, not • even before us, (hall ht-decided up in. i Whatever may b* before tlie otticr I branch of the leg.fl .ture, we are not at !ub -ty to argue upon it. What pros, ipefit, then, is t: e.e to get at this fut-j cl, Lvhen eiitlcmen fay their ohi fit is to j j) >ft pone it from time to time, till a pro y fi r ton in its tinoivo iliaii !>-_■ dc-tded . po.i ! If ‘he lot j ci were really ccnfi -i .red as competed of such iufi immable mattr.a!* us tome gentieifjen tfairk, the tooncr i! is dei-i.'ed tl:t ututr. Mr. C. jl. nl h” wi* cady to go at once into the j diLuifior, md he thought the hotter ti e jua'ilt, u.c tariier w.ufd be lhr peace tlitt lollowcd it. Ii? was rta yto re • pea* the law, which in the opinion of ionic ‘Ml.:iD:n, g*ve a function claims tou.iuej ui lr. ao arid corruption. Mr. G'egg Ltd tie huu no objection ! to the pi,*t^eHemeut moved by me gen tit man irom Virginia, provi ed they j'.'ouid get at the Li iiucf* contemplatedl j l>y him. Bui if this could nut be done, (he i*u* rather forgoing into a coufiOtr juoa ot the rcioiuiion. As to thtf’ propofidon of eomprci.'-fe, he knew .a.thing cf it. No prupofitiou ot ttnS xi,.U been received by the house uom the clatm uits. To podponc there to:;'this r.Lluuon for a bulintf they nothing about, was very extraor. jdinary. It ht were fatisQed they cou and | b -’t u, this buhnefs within the time men” (tinned, be would be content to lev it .tv.t lor the pies, nt. but us that was ■ ii,.certain, he iiopco the rcL.uuun would | not prevail. i Mr, G. W. C mScll hoped the mo jtiouto pottpone w aiu prevail. Bali i nets of biucu more importance claim i ja prior attention. He conceived tnat j the- retoluliou, when luveftigatcd, wou.d i be found to contain a very curious prin ciple, which the houle would no like ly to adopt. It went not merely to uccide on tue rights oi others, but to Hi ip them ot the right of dectuing upon thole rights. He tnnuid be agamlt de cidiug 011 the r cloluttOii untu they tiati previoull/ deemed the qucttion ot coin res he did r.ot think it nec eifary, before this deciAon was mad.-, to deprive tbctnfelve* of the power of allowing claims which ought be brought batore The poftponemeut would leave an opening to Cuugrcls to act ui tit le claims as they may fee tit. E.r | t:u- rtuioi:, and in c*ruer that bufh.tfs |wf greater moment iai 3 ht be taken up I m the ti lt initancc, he fiiouiel oc m uvor 01 tue pokponertient. Tt.e qj. ttu u was then taken on the p ttpoueoieiit, u .til the second Mindly wf Maicti, and earned——-Ayes —nays 39* Alt . Nicholson, from the committee ot ways and ai-aus, m the aoiencc of tt.e cUairmaii, leported a bill making applications tor tue support of govern ter the year 1806, which was rs- I tei ed to the committee of the whole oa ; iviouday. ! i '“- “ ou s £ refclved itfelf into a com. - mince ot vhc \vhoi£—-Mr, *** *kc uti the biJ from the innate, j provide 'g for the payment of the witnef ; ‘C6 t>b the tr.i ot Samuel Ctialc. , John C- b r itrv gave a hdLuiy 0/ 1 the lute ot a Um.iat bill at tue cut: of tue iail it.non, and advocated its adop tion. Mr. Macon moved to amend ttu bill by limiting the pay meat ot wit-nuTcs tr> ti.ofe luuiiuoueii on the part ot the Uni ted State . Ou ti.,s motion a debate arose tthich occupied the remaining part ot the lit. ti"g ; m which Melba Macon jjd Hi ..iTiou lupported ; tr.d Mctrj. .-ilttrn, jae&tc'a at*d c._.iy the amend— .vie .t. Whea, an motor, of Mr. Sxi'ic, the uoui.t ttce r.;,r aud iibtauini leave to fit lealie.