Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, March 14, 1806, Image 3

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Bt Last F.ri mua's i'Jjji., Ku*’ope;in New 1 :. lie'.’ hud h the -Up Sachr*:, (apt. Hd‘c , in 43 daft from Live/pod, arrived at Chatltjlon. ROTTERDAM. IVc. 17. The Harr.b.trgh and other German litters received yefterdav,contain only a Ih'rt ac count of the important batth- which has ta ksn pliee to tha of the French- — From the intelligence written hr gen. Cer their on the lield pi Battle to Stutgurd, and announced in the-Moniteur of the iith.fthat paper of the i*th not being arrived) we ga ther the followidg : Telegraphic Dispatch. “, Der. 2. 41 The emnernr has-defea’rd the Hitlfians at Olrautz—half of their army is annihilated anil the remainder is in fuil light.” T'r. s day, however, w; nave received the f dovving account, paol'flu-d incur Vienna C -urt Gazette nftiie 6th mil and alf> from /a refpeflable quarter tne lit* joined order 01 the day,dated the th-r-i, m ,1 UVueil hr the Emperor in hts quarters at A uilerlfiz. We have, betid • , r "’ -t'vcd cer tain information that the Emperor of me French and the emperor if Autt'"-. hid ail interview near the field fbv-e, n” i that an armiltice was copclade4 b twee t the two lo roreign*. VICTORY of />.U'oTEIt-I.TT f.. Obtained by the French amv oil the 2J, , December 05. Fr>mtlte ;.u November, to the ill of December, every effort was mode to bring the Ruffians to a general engagement, and the mea ires taken to pr.,m e that object live had t>*e mod favo'-tib e result. Iu 1 i fcri habie was the i >y With which the F-e; r.h army, from the heights on wh ch T*ap-I'ean, in theopen fields was potted, be hethe advanced polls of the Ruffian army anpmacltn g, and a movement made from their tlmilr, with 3 view’ of efurrounding the F ench right wing. The R Flails mtr hed i column, in one line, t> the e gth of feur French ttviles beyond the French array, ■wnlch, mean, remained no novable in vs pofi-ion, in order that ‘he e tc.n wh ha ile ‘ed with rapid llrides to meet delhuSion, might advance in near as to render it nvpt Bi ble for them to el'cape. The French empe rt made his dilpoiiciorrs for battle in the following orders H ■ gave to Marital Latinos the coratrand cf the leftwing; to Marshal Soult the cm mandof the right; and to marshal Bem ad t e the c mmand of the centre. Pi-i.tce Murat re ce.vr I the command of the cavln , vs ithwhich 1 e was polled 011a particuliar paint. Flic le f r of Mat-dial Larmes approached Sr. Anton, wh en hod been fortified and mounted with 18 pieces of cannon General Suchet’s divifi-in f irmej the lcf cf Marti, a I I.annos } the divili .1 of general C dicreiU fornied his right, and was fttppoi t- :i at the fame timo by Prince Murat’s ca- V.-.lry. Th- vvi of his cavalry encfißo ! of Gene j~ Kiellerman’s htifirs and chalTrnrs, and oi Waltherand Beaumont’s d'vifi u of dra g “ms. The division formed of Genera.- Fl-mf'-nti and Hautpoult’s cuirati -rs, with ay fiel 1 p’e.-es, was polled as a reforve. Mirdrtl Bernad 't'e, that is to fay the ce “re, had on the lef- the div fiin of gene ral Rivaud, which alfi communicated with prince Murat’s •••gV wing, and 011 the right the division of general Urc-tet. Marfbel Snult, wh commanded the rich wtnj rs the at-mv, had on his,left the ibv fi'-n of general Van Damme. m his centi i the 0 wfion , f general St. Hi aire, i.’-il on h -i right the divifio of general L,'grand. M'rdial O’A vend Was de'ac! : i to the right of g’ueml I ‘--and., to’ • nfence the 1- ■ -id between •h“ ■ a.’ -s and the v I'ages of, S-kolmtz andFels-i tz He hed with him G-neral Bourch'er’s d'v : fi n. Thedivifior of general Gu-li a wtv t! ire'lid to march a’ day break fi'om N-c -Inhurgh, to flop the cups of the enemr, v *ich ’.vis endeavoring to turn the right wing. TUe ? mperor Nupo'enn whh his whole ger.cral ‘■::, ten batTtnis of she Impel Ouurri, and ten bi riii ns of ge ,e>-al Ottd rot's Gren ands. f.rme.i he r* fn-ve of tin army. Their fflops v.e e Ifp fe.l in r - lumns in a drubit Idle, .-nd drawn up in bat tu! ions, but placed t such j -nice fr>n each other, that fufEcient w s le’t F** deploying-. In tlteff nu rvais forty pieces of cannon were placed, wliic i ere fvrved b> the artillery of the guard. Tilts corps wa intended to advance with the grevell expe dtkm to any quarter in w.hch its prefenc. might be necefisry. i he morning dawn begin at length to at pear, but h emert to approach too 11 wly f t the w.ihes pf both armies. Snrr u tded b a i his Marfhais, the Emperor No pole u wilted until the horizon was,perfect!v clear, before he coinmnnicai-e 1 his final i lltruftior.s. When the tun (hot forth hisfirit ray, the lalt coder was given, and all the vlarlhalr, rotle efi n fu 1 gallop to their ref e-Ttve corpe, -be j ful cry of ion p tive Me £np;rir vh cli echoed along the whole iire, was the ft go a! fr ge reral engagement. At ht - nt'.- rrcut the ctnnonade became heavy r-n the extremity of the right Wing, which the ad v ncid ,;m.d • f the K ufiims had alread re che l. There, however, thevfed in qtjrtte •mexpeCed’V with Marfisal D’ Avrull, who rt tde them hai*, and the battle immediately b gan. At the f me tirar Martha! S- u’t put him f- inert ti a, 4 nd advance 1 with the divt £. ns general Vandamme and St. Hilaire, to .-srds the heights of the vi l*ge of l’rat gen. tr confeqnmice of tliefe operations the right wing f h RuTur army, fund irfeif * ”■ ee v ntrr.ed ; a'! itspla s were derail s. and —-tir riled by a tmvement on the fl .R, the me-try e"d*av q. ed to reat. —While tln-v. w- u and attack; tbft found thftnlelvrs fadderlv attapkqd. From tha* m ment tl.e e etny’s right wing was cmfidered half de feated. The cavalry under Prince Mum now be g ir * to move. • The ‘e f '. wing, under ‘he c mmand <■ f general Lanre.-, marched.f -- lvard al:q ; ‘he trdops drawn up in the. f rm of regimmts in he ‘ante manner as if they had been eyem pv dtvifions. The cen*re under Manord beriadotie hkewift* advanced, and infian-lv a ’errtble cannonade relounded along the whole li- e. Iwo hund r ed pieoesmf cannon, and near |v 100,000 men a 1 engaged at orte time, pro duced a tremetTdeus ar-d awful nolle This waftruiy a g-styd con rest. i he untie hadlalled only two hours, when the 1-f wing of the Kaftans was cur ett, au.d tbeir ri i- driven back t-> Atttterli's. The h- i*i qn?.r:crs of tne c,rrperors were a: Auittrl'nz ard rho verc obliged to g v. order to the gu rci to all v\i.ct to i e-eftsupiifi), it jjthe jun<sio. r l -He ief; wing anu tr.e teri’re. rcfH.ieß s t :Turned.ate!v lite F-ench, ’rd w.t-.-e T ,e hoX n *>*•! w .s .driven pact. tr. d.f I erfr. 1J -n;. i.riUc, ~ ir. ‘-- ~j x..i Ta..d J ‘'’-’re ‘.d in tiie power nf the victors ... ven the G-and Prince Coiitlywine, whole eg:ment was entirely cut to pieces, has onlv o his boric for his cf tape. The wss ohAinatcl v maintained by the rei.v ;gp -tef Ruffian ar-m. The centre of •• e Ficn h army wnhftcou the cHTdiydfitd a'taclfs of the cavalry. The French le ‘• ing alto continued us attacks, hi all of wh ch it was viftoru u'. At one o’-ock, P. M. the vnilory, which never t-.- a moment doubtful,, was de ci lvely on -.lie fid? of tlie French. The c> was (till conilanflv m- in tamed on the French right wing. The Ruf fian Corps jvlnch had been cut otT, was fu-- r.-u-.d'-*, compeiltd 7'oabundon all pofiimns, forced into a hollow, w,„| driven tip agaiull a lake. Here a mull dreadful fpcFtarle present ed itself. Twenty thonlVml men spread them*elves over the icy furface of the lake, only to he drowned. A1 the lame time rwd Russian columns, of 4000 nit n e ch, laid down their arms and he wh vie 1 ‘ the ariillerv, at leail lao pieces fell in our liami*. On this div we had the whole of the Russian army ti encounter. The half of it is dvi'toyed; :t. u he remainder has taken rliglit in the git eti c if idiot). The greater part threw away their arms. Os the whole Freuch arm;’, the refi-rve was tec only ~ j , 1 winch was not engaged, and in- n k'‘ .iotte is en ai to on army. 1 lie F- nt . 1 m , til ngh firing, was not f> outlier is - the enemy’s, wh ch c ‘nfitted ’ f 105,00 1 viz. ;o.eoo Ivussiau, and r 5.00,1 \ .il i - r. . . tin ; viftory p seed in the lianas of lie French army 40 Russian lland rres, nu ‘udi-'g the colors us the Emper r A iexaudei’s 1 f-. g .ard, from 11 tp 15 Russian Generals made pr loners, and among wh nn are the Princes G dlitzin and Rephin; and, final y, an unmenfe number of Russian piif o.ierr.. The French General Stall’ does n t yet knew the number, but returns of near v ao,ooari already m.ule. The Ktissians have beiid s left 15,000 dead on the field. Though exact accounts are not yet received of rhe lot's of the French, it appears t s be only all in (Bo killed, and fro n 15,00 to 16.00 wAu.lded. Phi* cannot ailonilh tac ticians; for every <yne, knows that great numbers are leldotn 101 l but -by tit fie who tske flight. Ji- tides, not one corps r.fthc French army was penc rated, except a h .igle tiatfalion of the 4th regimen , which hod to fultain the whole of the first attacked’ the Ruffian imperial guard. ‘Fire French genera s cf division St. Hi laire, Ke lerman, and W:dtar ; the genera.s •f brigade Val rr., Thiebaut, Sci. rffiani, ! and Conlpans, and final y, genera! Rapp, his imp rial mjetty's a junnt, arc among the vviui'ided fih-; lafl general headed the gre nadiers of the French imperial guard m the ■ Pack, and to->k prti'.mer pr.uce Uephin, who c mmanded.the cavalry of the Ruffian nnperiii guard. FRAXCR. Bulletin of the G'and Army, Is dated Auitermz, December tins Butlciin it appears, that 11 uu purte, by way oi tlrategein, had induced the .Ruffians to believe thai he was afraid 0 give them battle, and so confident was the -vuttro Ruffian army of iuccefs, lhat they had formed a plan, not only to con quer, but to prevent the escape of tlis French array ; this ituliake was their inn, and tenamated in their entire over throw. THE ARUfIIVrTCE. Cone tided letw-.-n their M y flies the E ti ter o> ,r 0/ the French an - Aujh itl. Fis iii.-.j lly the unperor oi the French and his in j ity the emperor of Aultna, being dtfitous t coming to definitive ne gociations, in order 11 put an end to a war, which has devjft-ated both theit do minion*. have prev,oiiily agreed upon an armitttce, to < v if ttntiHhe coiicjujun of a definitive peace, or the rupture of the uegociutioi.s. In the latter case hollfii tie fhali not recommence tilt within fourteen days; and the Ctfi'.uon of the armiliice fliali then be announced to the plenipotentiaries of both powers, at the dead quaiters of their relpective armiei. “ Art. 1. Tire Hue ol both armies fhali’ be in Moravia, in the Circle of Inglau, :ie Circle of Z lam, the Circle of Brunn, a part of the Circle of O.rnuix, upon the ight bank of the little river of Treceb i ska, before Froftnitz, to the ipot where Utatriver difci;arge6illelf into the Ivierck; and the right bank of the Marck to the juridwtn of the river with the Danube, Freiburg being included. “ No French or Auttrian troops Ihali, on any oecalii;n, be Rationed within five or fix league* of Ha'utch, upon the right back of the Marck. “ Further the line of both armies Ihill include 111 the territory to be occupied by the French army, ail Upper and Low er Aurl/ia, Tyrol, the Rate of Veirc", Carinthia. Styria, Carnioia, the county of Ccrilz and I.lria, and lallly in 11 ihe ir.ia, the Circle of Montabar, ad tlte .whole fpaee to the eatlward from Tabor IO Miilt An art. 2. The Ruffian army fhali evacu ate the Auitrian ikates, with Aultuan Poland, and Moravia and Hungary, with in tb pcr.od of fifteen days, and Giiia cia witnin a month. The routes Ihall be prilcribed to the Ruffi-.ii army, that it may be always known where tliey are, as well as to prevent any nuiuridcrltaiiding. Art. 3. There iliall be no levy 111 trials, or info, rqdtiou in Hungary, nor any ex traordinaiy recruiting for troops in Bo hemia, nor (hall any loreign army he ptr mifed to enter the territory of tue Haufe of iauftria. “ Tnc negociator* for both powers fhali Oieet at Licholiourg for the imme diate commencement of negociations, 111 order to tffcft, without delay, the re eilablilbroent of peace and good under ltiiirtiog between-the two Emperors. Done at Aujlerliiz, Du. 6, ißcfi .- ariha! BER i'HIER. J, Prince of LICHTENSTEIN, l.ieuten mt-Gtrerat ” St. EETERSBURGH Dec. 22. Yrfterdny, at fire ia the morning, our beloved foeriei fi rttirned in “wd ..,© . . ° benth, to the great joy ot this capital 1. .1 g met by the j >yf'.il acclamations o’ t'T ‘uhatrhants of H ‘ankt. IV; were the day before yefterdaf, apprized hv the publication of the following article in the Court G T...tte : Hullitsch, Dec. 3. The txhautted powers of the Court of V'ienna-, the misfortunes il has sus tained, together with a want of provia ions, have compelled the Roman empe ror, notwithstanding the tlrong and vigivout support he hr* experienced from ti e Ruffian troops, to conclude a con vention with France, to which also a ptace tnuß soon succeed. His imperial mijvrty having cotne to his affißanee as an ally, had no other object in view than his defenc-, and the averting of thole dangers which threaten his cm pine 5 and iince his majesty the empe ror, under the present ciicumßauces, lias deemed the presence of the Ruffian troops ro longer ncceffary in auR ia, his mijelly has been [tleafed to order them to irave Aultria, and to return to Russia. The relation of the hostile op erations, to the period of tjieir ce Ration, will be pub hilled in a short time. LONDON, ‘Janutrv 20. The dilpaicfies received lj from fir Ar.hur l’aget. Lord Hum- 1> and Vlr. Jackio-.i, have confirmed the ‘ rrtnent relative to the trims of the treaty us pa-ace bttweeu Aulfii* e ,and Fiauee : l he Tyrol is to fie ceded to Bavaria and tlte kingdom of Italy, the Northern Tyrol to the firmer and the Southern to the latter. The V ra'berg to fie given to Bavaria. 1 fie Aukrian pefleffions in Saabia and Franc nia to Bavaria, Wer cnberg, tk Baden. The lunvertha*, a melt important ncqmfi. tion, is to be annexed to (fie king of Italy, together With the d’enetian Provinces. Fitty million* of Florins are to fie paid to France. Bonaparte has a so demanded thecefum of Iftria and Dalmatia, bur tins detmnd was firmly refilled by tfie arch duke diaries, who deified an interview with B nap irte for the p’irpufe of Rating hts determined ,opp ~l'tK n to it. The arch duke’s army was at LMenhurg, four polls from Vienna, at the commencement of the neg.-ciation fir peace—his preiitnee perhaps produced benef.cial effecls; but the terms of nsacy are yet fevi re and ! a.dem ugh. V.'e jupn ie that the eredi .n f :he elect 1- ratesot Bavaria 8c Wirtemberg into kingdom has been itipulated, in the treaty-—the elector >f Wirtemberg has already assumed the title of king of Su ifiia. France it isfaid isto keoii the f-rts and ’etc de pouts of Ehrevibieitsiiu, Caffel, hid Bril’ich and Kehl ; the f .rt of CnlTcl is j nit iinUiied, and is Ibid to be a masterpiece cl fortification. Kclil is nearly completed. In the mean time, though psace fia been ellabliihed noon the conttoc Bor.apat'e ts utcrca-'iiigliis armies, and Bo,c -o co- forints hive been ordered to be railed for tfie vear tfiO'j. Win!ft he was at Brunn, he was af- II .-tod with an opthatonic c mplamt, wliicii, however, was but of fit ir- continuance. J n I! try ip Mr. PITT ri uran ! \Vr prepared on readers efterday i • except this ;.fH -‘iiiig an nunciotion—ile died at had pafi ffiur o’ cieck rfii* m'lrniMg. COURIER OFFICE, half pall two We Hop the P.tls to (late, that difpatch ts have been received fr-.m b .-!m, which (la e that it has-been agreed between tfie Ki ig o( PruSia and B inaparte, that f I inn. ver Hull be occupied by Prullian trneps till the peace. The British troops are immedi ately to return. LOST OR STOLEN , A GOLD WATCH, A few evenings fi icr. Who ever has found the fame s ic q K'fted to leave the name of the fi filer v/ th the printers. The owner will farisfy such perf n that the Watch is h*s fy uitnti fyin r, and afterwar 's l>y prov mg his property. A hantifomr reward will be given if rr cn retl Wati h-iDakers and oi hers are requested to Hop any pnlon in appearance suspicious, who may otrrr lurh a Wa ch f. r as he looter has fame ground lor believing it was Helen. March 4 V\ A \ 1 . 1), { iU-tir.ted v i h H I J an’i w t can g'Jod rcgy-mendatinrs * 1 hne y, lTbriety v dA plifies. A: ply to the iubicri ber at ham, Bryan County. J h.i H. Morel 11 K 55 iH <0 )ULi Ov 1v , \VI ililtfG to dircft .ltPii£|ter,tjon to wards the c lleftion -and let’ll-Tut -of di-bts due to them, Give nonce that.jpn the 31st day of December next, they jfcrtMecline ihe Retai business on credit; ft re there fore that al 1 thole indeined to them, or to Robert & John B- Iron, will immediately make pawnent or otherwise Fettle to their iatit i'aftion. 1 From the store crllecliort rnede these two years pad, the debts tothem have accumula ted beyond their widi ; and thev are fufficiently aware t hatbulim Is on such a footing cannot support itfelf, Curtis iiolton, Cos. Their remaining (lock oa hand which is not iirendedto he mcreafed, will be fold lv wh l-d'aleor retail, on eaiy terms for cadi, produce, or town notes. N’ v, 26 ts hona.cinu e. THIS elcirant retreat about 4 miles from Savannah, on VVaftaw river, is oflertd O’ aleafe for fix or seven ycirs, for the bere fit of the heir, a miner, on terms that will (Vi? th-fe inclinable topoftefs f> valuable a pw e of ground, as we 1 cakti ated for heahh as for pleasure and profit. Apply to W. STERHF.NS, f r . N. TURNBULL, J Autuii. <1 i t s) ir C.iJ If IV IP OR SALE a few hundred bnfhe's of Gold and Wh ‘e Seed RICE of an rr cel’en- quality, berg ‘he. prod ft of *ev gronnd from choice 1-. ed. Apply to Lbsnrztrr Stark. February 2? . ja- RE PUB LIC /i N: SAVANNAH, MARCH 14, lßc6. **%*-*! ‘Vi Ts r-nrfMT TjlrfaißWii Arrived, on Tfiefday lift, the (loop, J lines Beard, in 16 day3 from St. Titomac. A gentleman who enme in the above veffil dates, That on or about the 20th ult. the British fleet fell in with a French fleet of seven fail of the line, off Hispaniola, that an engagement took place, and the Britilh captured five fail and drove two on ffiore. How this gentleman obtained tLc above information we do not utider itancl. Ic ia possible that such a tranf aftion might inve taken place, but \vt are far from perfuaaing our reader* to give it much credit. It is dated in fub fiance as handed to ns, and conceiving it our du'.y to inform our readers of anv event, even reported to have taken place, we have placed it before them. F. at ratios a letter from a gentleman in IFii/hington, to his friend in this Jly, gated Feb tilth, 1 806. “ \on u(k me fur information a* to governmental plans. Our rulers arc so perplexed they know not ivbat to he at ; lome decidedly 1: y that it Grcat-Britatn does not relax in her inealuresot Ekting our feam-nand takin > our veflei*, that war mull be the confequencc ; tny opi.. nit n ir., that much depends on Baria pane’s fuccels—ffiouiti he be checked f-vcrelv, Great Brio in will make no cunceffi ms to this country ; il otiicrviie, file no doubt will. “ Con.pifsia doing nothing of im portnnee. 1 fisall ad vile ynu as early a any thing iuterelling tianfptres—at present conlider every tiling doubtful ; of one, lit lure his country is not a x iotas for hostile mcafurcs—they arc quite tinptepared for it. Mr. Munroc’scom rnunicaliotis ate expected in a fort night’s time, which will (hew more plain ly the views of government. “ The Florida* it is thought will certainly be purchased by America.” Museum. —">• oj. —- Port of Savannah. - ARRIVED , Ship Louisiana, IVIor, New-t ck—Phoenix, Wright, New York—Brig Sally, Chafe, Newburyport; Oliver Peabody, Treadwell, Trinidad Sehr. Adventure, Wood, Chat left.on Sloop Louisa, Thuytr, do. Jenne, Beard, St. Tkasmas CLEARED , Ship MafThchufetts Buntin, Liverpool ; Brig Refervc, Red n,ond, do. Sloop Ikr k t, Martin, New \ ork—Chriflopher, Ingraham, Sunsbu ry. mmisw DIED, on Friday morning, the 7 h inst. at his plantation, (White!) u!f,j NATHANIEL ADAMS, S-n’r. Efq’r. The death of am trios so r* matkably excellent a character, is an e vent that should riot he ftifl .-red to pafa unregarded among ft the common notices of mortality. A frientl deeply and just ly impressed with reverence, Wtfhcs to in tlulge his feelings, by payin.7 a tribute to the memory of a man so universally be loved and respected ; In the rtcolleflion of these who enjoyed hi* intimacy and friendlhip, his memory will long be un ba'm’d ; they will long remember how all the great and noble virtues that can adorn tire man and the chiiftian, were emb llilh’d by the tendered aff:Ctions, by the gentlen-fs of manners, aud the philanthropic disposition of his mind, R.flgtied tothc tviilofheaven in his lall. momenta, he exhibited to hia furroun ding friends a bright example, with what ease and comfort a ehrillian can expire— happy in the affi luotis and efl ctionau attention* ot a numerous family, proud of alliance to his virtu-s, he died in the full poffirffion (sf his mental faculties, ex prilling hia hopes of a glor oui immor tality. Let the wordly wile, let the thffipited votarie of pn-afure., jnufc.'.nd contemplate the feene ; and let their confeisnee, (if it can ref life 1 trftimony in favor ot the pious and the juftj in duce them to emulate the virtue* they cannot but admire. When worth departs, the brer,ft will heave with sigh, And grief-drawn tc ar* will fl iw from wailing eyes ; Reafort a while, alas I will plead in vain, When it attempts our furrow to rest: gun ; But sweet religion hath the healing pow- , 1 e s . To Luffi th” sigh and flay the failing | flic wer ; It teaches, when the heart with candor} glow’d, When from the tongue no rancorous j funder flow’d ; When ftridt integrity the mind pofT-{T’*l, i And faith inform’d the meek and Hum- | ble bread , That such a man but quits a vaie o‘ } ft rife, And gains by death an entrance into life. The fiiend who thrice ten years thy heart has read, Woo lov’d thee living and who mournt thee dead, ‘Fo friendlhip pay r tiii* tributary v:rf~, as man with lorraw views thy fable lift fe, But as a chriftirn hails thy b’.iffnll fraf, Aud hopes that there we once again may fried. Museum., in N< w Yotk, on tl c2d ult* Mr. Rnlr t Atlm, Stone Cutter, late a relldcnt if this city. > at St. r I Ik mas, Mr. William Singlete’rry, of MafTachufetts. , at fame place, Mr. liaac Slown, of Vcunont. AUC HON. THIS DAY, The 14 tb WILT, hr r OLD or. Le'.ng & IT it Lams’ übarf r<( iLxoi o'ciotk t WITHOUT Ri;>] RVE, 100 bills, }l'ttfi) {’tipcrfinc A lexandiia r lour 90 halt barrels (Ijtto 70 halt barrels Crackers 100 kegs clitro 5 > barrels; Pilot Incacl 14 bags and 2 bbls. CoiFae 1 * bbls. Mot *hward Gin CONDITIONS. Bums over one hundred dol lars Notes widi approved endbr 11'ers, so davs. S. H. STACKHOUSE, Ah Pt Wanted on Char er or J-reithr, f-Flp-i A VESSEL of about •W.:. 0‘ I\. SCO tuns, for a Gtr-. P ,jrt * A FP‘T 10 A. (}, Oemler & Cos. March 14 56 LANDING, MOCO \, C ff-e Fresh Hylon St Gunpower Tea* alia 1 01, Bifeuits, Fluiih and Vmerican Cheese Fri j.pci am! Rinj-et in bags Chewing Tobacco Brandy tn pipes, Negro Pipes Prime Jamaica ffiigar Martinique Coffee, Empty Dem’johna Ivgs of Gunpowder, To'ngu. a ■ bins and Beef, and an ..fl irtment of ST/11 ION ART, t Wliieh will be fold fur nBADV money a vciy reduced fi-iies. ALSO, Every article in ! l, e GROCER.T an i LI OIK) !i UN El. I’dyicy Ilannan. ’ March T 4. CriT TA it EX turn Stuhety ‘J il i jf, in this city, on Tuefd y Inst, three ft ver Ted Spoons, tio 1 uj them mettled Ai'TA % the Othe nui/h no marl T‘'C owner n, ay have them by proving property owl paying for this adveuif, meat sfj>’ ,y In JOHN WILLIAMS, s C.B. Sjv, Marth 13, 1 tc6. 56 SHERIFFS SALE. TV ILL he fold or tb fi't Tuesday i 1 M y next, at the Lourt-house m the city 1f Savannah, /<? t-vjun the hours oj ten uni three o'i lock, jj t,]K f Rowing wharf I .O T 5 vizj Lots N . id, 19 6c 20, taken ti idtr execution at the ini-of Andrian Van bi'idera;), ds the property of Kit ltd Turn bull pointed out by tlie de.cnJ unt. T. Ivobertfon, r>. e. c. March <;6 T O R E NT. STORES No*. 7 and to, in the Ex change. For ttrms apply at my office. T HOMaS FIT I, Sec'ry. November 29 if 76. F’eVl Hands I WANTED tohir’ two or three FIELD SLAVES, for par ticular* enquire at this office. March 4 itn 53 10 LET, A two (torv II MJSE iu Green Ward, Green fipiare. Enquire of James Shai:er. Ft bmary 28 1 m GEORGIA. Uy Ghar-e* fi.bcrne. (L. o.) )” by, c!k. of the court C. A‘>rrnethv.J of ordinary for the county of M’lmofh, in the ft ate afore ftid. WONBREaS Mr. HAMPDEN MriNTOSM anpiiet for let !‘-rj o zdminiftt >t'Mn on he eft* e *nd effects (1 Mr. Ge >rg- lVl‘lntofh, ■/tc t.f Chatham or u ty, decrafetl, a* <-a ft r * kin. I be.e . r th-ref as ro ci e and adm'-njih all and angular ,r ”T k r.rlred and cr.di or* of ihe l J 5 fi caCd to file tfte : r o’ j chons (if Mr, th y have) in my office oil or lie’ she Ti h day or April, next, o herwife rjttj.-s wi’i :>t g j anted ft:rr. fi'vcp un'ci my ho'd 2nd seal ■hia third A.yof M ‘.rch ific6 a ■ I m 3 ;T. jti.l if 4 i.erSc-to 1 and rpe.l ----e r r • | 1° ‘ c# j