Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, March 18, 1806, Image 2

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PG3i PONBMENT. fPe tbe Ccmmiss'oners, appointed ov ‘he Legislature to dispose of tie FRACTIONAL, f>UR of fVtikmsm, Baldwin and Wayne Counties, have for several reasons Postponed the date until list i* to June next , at which time we will com me nee. WILKINSON, THOSE of the fir (l did rid on the 16th day of June next, and continue from day to day, between the hours of ten and three, {Sundays exceprcd) un til the 23d inclusive. Thole of the 2d diftrid on tha 24th day of June, until the 27th inclusive. Thole of the 3d diftrid on the iSth day of Jam , until the 2d day of July inclusive. Those of the 4th diOrid on the 3d day of July until the 7th inclusive. Those of the sth diftrhffc on the Bth day of July until -ihe 1 ith inclusive, BALDWIN. ’ Those of the lit riiftrid on the <2th day of July until the 1 6th mclufi ve. Thole of the 2d diftrift on the 17 h day of July until the 24th inclusive. Those of the 3d diftrid on the 251(1 day of July until the 29th inclusive. Thole of the 4th diflrid on the 33th day of July until the 4th day of August inclusive, Those of the sth diflrid on the sth day of Augufl until the ) 2th inclusive. WAYNE. Those of the ift diflrid on the 13th day of August until the 21st inclusive. T.iofcof the 2d diflrid on the 22d day of August until the 26th inclusive. Those of the 3d diflrid on the 27th day of August until the 30th inclusive. Terms of Sale . Os the purchafcrs, bonds for the amount of the purchale mo ney will be required j at four equal inftaltnen.s to be paid in g .Id or silver; the fir ft payments twelve momhs after date. In ad dition to which a mortgage will be required. VIO(jKS SfFIR, Reddick Simms, > Commiffsoncrs. Ratkic Jack. J W.isai igton, Feb. 17, 52. PRIME RICE LANDS FOR SALE. ALL that valuable trad of LAND firuated and be ing on the south fide of the Ala camatia river, known by the name of the Broadface trad, late the property of General Lachlan M'lnrolli, containing 1755 acres, of which 1100 acres arc prune Tide Swamp of the rirtl quality and very belt pitch >f tide ; the balance high (well timbered) PINE LAND, anu well calculated for a ftttlcment v iettlements. This trad is di ridetl into three parts, through he uppermost third runs a large tavigible creek, to a anding, on which may be ered ed (as the rtream is confiJerable) a Rice Mill, Saw Mill or Grist Mill. This property is situated immediately oppolire Maj. But lers, Demere’s Ifiand ; and from its local advantages is the mofl delirable rice cllate in Georgia. Anv perton who wilhes to purchafc may apply to Mr. A LEX.ANDER MEIN, Charles ton j Mr. CHARLES HAR RIS, attorney ac law, Savannah ; or Mellts. MEIN, MACK.AY d? Cos. merchants there. In all of whole hands a plat may be feci, and thole who may be de lirous to view the piemifes, by applying to Mr. M'KINNON, St. Simons Ifiand, he will lhew them the lines, and give every other ncceffary information he —f.rveyed the trad. at Continuation, OF Fenian Intelligenc /. received at Charlejlon, per Jhip SACHEM, frtm Liver poll. THIRTY-FOURTH BULLETIN of the GRAND AR.MV. Brunn, Dec. 10. •• The emperor to-day received prince Repain, who wa taken prisoner at Au fterlitz, at tbe head of the horse guard*, of which he wa* the colanel. Hi# rna jefty fa id to him, that the emperor Alex ander should not be deprived of such brave men, and that he, with all hit guards, were at liberty to return to Rullia. “ His received at Brunn the Pruflian minitlcr, Haugwitx. He wat, extremely fatisfied with ail that this plen ipotentiary said to him, and received him in the molt diftmguifhed manner. If has by hi* councils increased the elteem and welfare of PrufTia. No intrigue* will be able to effedi any thing sgamft the good dil'pofitioQ and true wisdom of PrufTia. Tbe French nation, Glides, does not depend on a Tingle man ; and one hundred and fifty thousand more c nemics would only serve to prolong the war. France and Prussia in the prefer.t circumftancea, can never fuffiriently” praise the duke of Brunswick, M. M Mollendorff, KnohelfdorfT, Lombard, Sc efprcinlly the king himfclf. PrufTia ne ver had a solid friend but France.” THIRTY-FIFTH BULLETIN of the GRAND ARMY. Brunn , Dec. 1 1 . “ The Ruffian army began its march an the Bth of December, to return to KufTia in three columns. The firft took its way through Cra cow and the Therefpol ; the second by Calbau, Lemberg, and Brodi ; aad the. third by Tyrnan, Baltlka, and Uffiadin- The emperor of Russia went at the head of the head of the firft column. Indepen dent of the field artilleiy, the Ruffian* 101 l a whole park of artillery of 100 pie ces of cannon, with three ammunition waggons. The emperor has lince iu fpeded this park, and has given orders that all these pieces should be sent to France. It is without example that in a single battle, frara 150 to 160 pieces of cannon should be taken. All had been fired, and bad rendered fervicc in the aftion. “ Several letters, from Vienna, as sert, that a war with Prussia it not far distant ; but it is much more believed that a continental peace is near.” BRUNN, Nov. 28. Nafolioii, Emperor of the French and King of Italy, decrees at fol low* Head quarters, Aujlcrlif, Dec. 7- I A contribution of 100 million* francs (above four million* sterling) i* to be railed from Autlna, Moravia, aud o ther provinces of the house of Auilria which are naw in poffclfion of the Freuch army. 3. This sum is intended as a gratuity for the army, agreably to a dillribution which is yet to be arranged. 3. The price of all magaxines of fait, tobacco, arms, powder, and other mili tary amunition (lores, which the French army has no need of, and which our ge net al of artillery may not take to Frnnce, and the (ail of which he will determine, (hall be given into the money chcll of our army, i order to divide it among them, as a gratuity or priae mo ney. 4 Out of the funds of these contri butions, as well as those of Suabia, there is to be paid three months pay to all ge nerals, officers, and privates, who have been, or who may be wounden in this war. (Signed) MARET. Nafolio* emperor, Itc. decreet at follows : Art. I. The widow* of the general* killed in the battle of Aufterlitx (hall re ceive a petition for life of 6,000 franc* ; the widows of colonels and majors, a penlioa of 2,400 franc* ; the widow* of captain*, 1,200 ; those of lieutenants and tub lieutenants 800 ; and the wi dows of foldicr# 3uo francs. Our mini ster at war is charged with the executi on of this decree, which (hall be iulertcd in the order of the day of the army, and in the bulletin of laws. (Signed) MARET. Nafoixom, emperor, See. decree* as follows : Art. 1. We adopt all the children of the generals, officers and iolders, who were killed in the battle of Autler litz. 11. They (hall be supported and edu cated at our expeucc ; tbe boy* at the imperial palace of Bamboulet, and the girl* at the imperial palace of St. Ger main—the boy* (hall be provided for by us, and the girl* receive a portion. 111. betide* their Cbntliau and fami ly name* they are entitled to bear the name of Napoleon. Our grand judge will observe, in this case, all the formali ties prefenbed by the civil code. IV. Our grand inarfhal of the palace and intendant general of the crown are charged with the execution of the pre fect decree ; which (hall be pubhlhcd in the order of the day ct the army, and inlcrted in the bulletin of the law*. by order 01 the emperor, *UKET. WENNA*, Dec- 2*. The evil* of war, which hare borne so heavily upon us, hare at legth termi nated. Yefterdsy the wished for intel ligence was brought from Petersburg of the conclusion of a peace between Au stria and France. The war has lalted two months, aud the peace has, God be thanked, put an cad to it. According to the term* agreed upon, the French are to leave Vienna in four teen days. They will evacuate Brunn on the 4th January, Vienna ou the loth and all the Auflrian (bates in their pos s ffion, except those ceded to the king dom of Italy and to Bavaria, within fix weeks. There are, besides the ptblic several secret article* in this treaty. Tbe contribution of one hundred millions of franc*, laid upon the Auflrian States, ! • s been reduced to thirty millions, This day, after the iign ng the treaty of peace, the emperor left Shoenbrunn to proceed to Pans by way of Munich, where his msjefty will not flay above 3 days. Tbe peace concluded icems to be definitive. His royal highnef* the Archduke Charles hat had an interview with the emperor Napoleon, and was received with the me ft diltinguifhed marks of c flecm. The French army waited to re ceive him wth military music. During the coutereice, tbe evacuation of the Au.Triar, province* was agreed upon.— Such acffiirs as are dill to be arranged, are to be left to the Archduke Charles- ITALY, Dec. 10. Marshal Maffena hasimpofed a contri bution of fix millions of franc* upon Trifte i* confiscated. Letters .rom Naples eilimate the Ruffians and Monte negrins landed there at 30.000, and the E ighth at 8,000 men. Maffeua has de tached a force to meet them. LONDON, December 30. Pa is paper* and Dutch Gazette* to the 19th inilant, arrived this morning. The Emperor of Austria after having agreed to the armittice, is said to have requested leave to extend it to the Rus fiau*. Napoleon observed that he had so completely surrounded them, that not a man could tfcape ; but that from his refpedt for the emperor Alexander, he would fend general Savory to him, inti mating hi* with to put an end to the ca lamities of war, and to open a way for the retreat of the Ruffian*. General Savary on being introduced to the Emperor Alexander, wa* received in the moll gracious manner. He is said to have cxprtffed the highell admiration of the Emperor Napoleon.—General Sa vary observed, “ that it was the 49th bat tle which his Sovereign had gain.d,” to which the Emperor Alexander is said to have replied, “ that it wa* the firit in which he wa* engaged.” When it wa* alked what guarantee the Emperor Na poleon would require ? Savary replied, 11 Only your word, Sire !” It is reported, that Prussia is to cede barcuth and Anfpach to Bavaria ; and it is hkcwife said, Fall Friefeland and Embden and Denmai k, for which flic is to be indemnified by receiving part of Hanover, namely, Luneburgh and Lau enburgh, the territories of Bremen, &c- But the is to cede Lubeck. Bonaparte, it is said, has declared, that the Electo ral dignity (hall be conferred on a neigh boring Prince, fuppolcd to be the Duke of Brunswick, others fay, the king of Denmark, as duke of Oldenburgh. January 11. Considerable doubts have prevailed with refpedt to the number of (hip* that have lately made their elcape from Bred. A few week* ago, when the harbor was reconnoitred by one of our cruizers, there were in it twenty one fail of the line, seven Irigates, and eight corvette*. Letters from the Aigle, of the 3d and4th date, that (he had been in and closely re connoitred the harbor on one of those days, and could not count more than ten fad of the line, one frigate and four brig* ; —eleven fail of the line, fix fri gate* and fame corvettes have therefore made their efcapc during the time our fleet ha* been blown off the harbor. January 13. It was dronglv reported at Berlin, when the lalt letters came away, that Schimmelpenninck wa* about to refiga the place of graud penfionary of Hol laud, and wa* to be fuccecded by Louis Bonaparte. This i* not a very impro bable speculation. There items no doubt that the Eledlor of Bavaria is to be king ; and that Eu gene Beauharnois is to marry hts daugh ter. But there is a talk of setting up ano. ther kiHg. The Hamburgh correfpon deut iufinuates, that the Eledlor of Wir temberg looks for that dignity.—lt would be strange enough if the daughter of our mod gracious fovercign were to beraifed to the rank of shs:cn by Bona parte ! It is certain that Napoleon ha* been pleated to accept the grand ele&oral or der prelented to him by the elector of Wirtemberg. We underdand that the emperor Na poleon has demanded of the elector af Wirtemberg, the whole populatiou of whole dominions does not exceed half a million, an immediate aid of io,oco men. The eledor has pubhlhed a long and la boured addrels to hi* fubjed* oa the occasion. Saturday the letter* by the Lifboa mail were delivered to the potl-office.— The Spaniih government is reduced to a Hate of the greateil ecnbtrraffmeot to furuifh an immediate supply ; a Bill ha* been obtained trom the Pope, autkvn. zing the kinj to fell church prop:rty to a certain amount. The Prince of peace has sent orders to the different ports to equip a fleet of j 25 fail of the line, to be ready for sea by the end of March ; but the arfenii* are unprovided with (lores, even for the re fit of the reffels, which escaped dedruc tion off Trafalgar. Dnsrut Hbkhcake—About the 30th of November, one of the moll violent hurricanes was experienced oa the road of Spain, that ever wa* remem bered. A letter received by a respecta ble house in town, from Valeniia, of the 23d ult. dates its effids to have been mod dreadful at that place. It rained inceffantiy for four days, during which time upwards of two hundred houses were waffled away, and not a vedige of them left behind ; a number of persons, in endeavouring to save their efteds, loft their lire*. To add to the difatter, num bers of (hipping were driven afliore and shivered to atoms, aud many of the peo ple on board periffied. The Bcrbice packet, belonging to the house by whom the letter was received, was one of the (hips driven on shore ; and althoigh strong built, (he did not furvjve the hur ricane half an hour. übwmbwa smvmi NINTH CONGRESS. Senate Unitjd Statis, February 26, 1806. Mr. ATitChmli, frim the committee ap pointed on the fuljeft, fubaitted t the coofiJcratioH if the Senate, a repirt in those part* of the memirials Jrom the merchants of New Tori, and the cham ber f commerce in New Haven, which relate to providirp a further naval ar mament for the public defence . In addition to the drong reafona ur ged in those two memorials, tbe commit tee refer to the prefident’a message of the 3d day of December lad, informing congrefa that conliderable provision had been made under former authorities, of materials far conftrading (hips of war, that these were on hand, and fubjett to the will of the legislature ; and to two communicatietns from the secretary of the navy, dated December 16th, and 2 id, 1805, giving information that large supplies of timber, cannon, copper, and other valuable materials for that ob je£t, had been already bought and paid for. Calculating the moderate appropria tion which will be required to augment to a very refpcftable degree the naval force of the nation ; contemplating the insults and depredations, committed by foreigners near our coaits, and at the ve ry mouths of our mod. frequented har bors ; and cllimating the protection and fecunty to the territory of the nation, and to the persons and property of it* citizen*, by an enlargement of the means of maritime defence, the committee re commend an adoption of the following resolution, to wit : That it is expedient to make provision by law, for the appropriation of any balance which may remaic unexpended of the Mediterranean fund, to the pur pose of building (hips of the line, under the direction of the president of the U nited State*, agreeably to the provifion* of tke aid of February 25th, 1799. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. MONDAY FtnuA*r 24: Mr, from the committee on public land* reported on the petitions of Roger Eno* and Robert H. Stoue.— The report in both cases it unfavorable to the petitioner*. The House took into confidertion tbe bill, received from the Senate, to pro hibtt commercial intercouife with the island of St. Domingo. A motion was made by Mr. Nichalfon so to amend the bill at to require bond* to be given with furctics, {The bill from the Senate only required a bond to be given by the mailer* and owners,] to prevent all tradeto the ports of that ll land which are not in the poffcffion ®f th* French. Mr. Nicholson supported thi* amend ment. Mr. J. Clay opposed it. Mr. Jaeifon (poke in Faver of it. Mr. Nicholson, tor the purpofc of allowing further time to examine the provitlons of the bill, moved it* pullpone ment till to-morrow. Messrs. Eppe*, Bidwcll, Bedingcr & Alilon oppoted ; aud Meflr*. Nicholfoa, Lcib, J. Clay, and Crowninfhicld sup ported the motion, which prevailed— Ayes 57 —Noe* 53. Mr. Leib, from the committee ap pointed to enquire into the expediency of altering the inode of keepiag the Journal of the House, made a report, which was referred to a committee of the whole House to-morrow. Air. CrowninJLielJ from the commit tee of Commerce and Manufacture* re ported anew bill, to regulate trade and intercourse with the Indian tribes, which was referred to a committee of the whole House on Thursday. Mr. J. Randolph moved that the House should relolve itftlf into a committee of the whole on the state of the Union upon the resolution amen datory of the Couffitution of the U. States as to the tenure of the judicial office. Mr. Maflere moved to postpone the confideratiou of it. Mr. Sp.alcr said thi* motion wa* not n arier; The question wa* ta&eo as; going into a committee, and carried—Aye* 65. Mr. Gregg took the chair. The resolution having been read, Mr, Randolph moved that the committee should concur in it, which motion wa* difaereed to—Ayes 5 I —Nays 53. The committee arose and reported their difagrcemcßt to the resolution. The House having agreed to con fider the report, Mr. Qlatk moved a postponement till the 3d Monday of March. Mr. J. Randolph opposed thi* mo tion, and exprtffed a hope that a poll ponement for a (horter time would be agreed to. Messrs. Gregg and Smilic opposed the postponement. Mr. Majlers moved an indifinite poft ponetsent. Mr. Findley and Mr. J. Randolph opposed ; and Mr. Conrad supported this motion which wa* loft. The Yea* and Nays being called were ¥08*42 Nays 81. Mr. Clark withdrew bis motion of postponement till the 3d Monday of March, and moved that the resolution should be made the order for next Mon day in which Houfe concurred— Ayes 67- Mr. J. Randolph, after fome pre-- limtnary remarks, offered the following refolufions, which was referred to a committee of the whole House on Tues day week. Whereas it i provided by the filth fedtion of the ill art. of the conltitu tion of the United States, that no per iod holding any office under the United State*, (hall be a member es either house of congrefa during his continuance in office: THEREFORE, ill. Resolved, That a contrxftor un der the government of the U. States, is an officer within the purview and meaning of tbe conllitution, and, as fuel* is incapable of holding a feat in the Houle : sd. Resolved, That the union of a plurality of office* in the perlon of a single individual, but more especially of the military with the civil authority, is repugnant to the Ipirit of the confti tuiiou of the United States, and tend* to the introducing of an arbitrary gov ernment : 3d Resolved, That provision ought to be rtadc, by law, to rendett any of ficer in the army or oavy of the U. S, incapable of holding any civil office un der the U. States. The House, having coufidered the bill to amend the Library ett, ordered it to a third reading to-morrow. ■■ TV S*DAY, Ecb. 25. The Houie relumed the contideratioc of the bill to prohibit commercial inter course with certain parts of the Ifiand of St. Domffigo. Mr. Nichofords motion to require sureties, after conliderable debate, was disagreed to. A debate then ensued on the paiTage of the bill, Messrs. Nicholson, J. Clay, Eppes, Early and Smilie supported, & Messrs. J.C. Smith, Quincy, Dana, Ely and Crowninfhicld opposed it. When tke queftioa was taken by Yea* and Nays, and the bill palled—Yeas 93 —Nays 26. Wcdntfdaj, Fel. 26. The hotife resolved itfeif into {a com mittee of tbe whole on the bill, received from the Senate, to regulate the laying out and making ?. road from Cumberland in the State of Maryland, to the state of Ohio. After considerable debate the com*r mittee rofeand reported the bill without amendment, when the house, without coming to a dccifion on the report, ad journed. In addition to those gentlemen, re prefeoted, in our last paper as having spoken in favor us the St. Domingo |bill, Air. Rhta of Ten. spoke tn support of it. Friday, Feb. 28. On motion of Mr. Damtfon tbe house resolved itfeif into a committee of the ■whole on tbe state of the unioa. Tbe refolutious of a fele& committee relative to the fortification of port* and harbours were read. Th* firft resolution appropriates one handled and fifty thousand dollar* to , thi* purpofc. Mr. Dawfnn advocated the adoption of this resolution. Air. Clinton thought the proposed fun* infufficicat for the purpofc* contempla ted, and particularly a* it applied for protesting the harbor of New-York,— fie thought the poflure of our affair* demauded vigorous and liberal mea lures. Mr. SmiAe moved a postponement of the further conuderation of the report. He wa* of opinion that if the Uni ted State* submitted to the infult* ami injurie* heaped apon them, there wa* n nvcellity for incurring the proposed ex penle. But should the government man licit a becoming spirit of refinance, he would be williug to resort to aay mes fures of delence called for br our tion. He, for this rcafon, thought it expedient, tn the firft ialUnce, to decide the course of tr.calare* intended to G pursued. Mr. Cioi spoke against the icotioa of poftpoaerarut—which wa* ltktwile opposed by Mr. Dawfo n who exprrffed great fnr priie at the coarie pu sued uj^eml*-