Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, March 18, 1806, Image 3

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ire on this Whenever it had Seen followed by a motiop to defer it, notwithstanding the critical state of our affairs. He was of opinion that the fubjeft ought immediately to be acted ■pon, and that ihe intere 11 and dignity of the nation were not to be protected i by mere declamation. The queltion of postponement was then taken and loft. iMr. took moved to insert 300, oco dollars in the room of 150,000 dollars. Air. Early moved to fttike out 150, coo dollars. Air, Bi Iwcll opposed this last motion. He was willing to make this limitted ap. propriation. as the present ohjedt was the repair of exilting fortifications.— Did the question turn upon making new fortifications, it wouid require a very different consideration. The motion to strike out 150,000 dol lvd was loft. Air. Macon then spoke against the ref lotion. He believed that it went to introduce a system of defence whtch the j ration could not bear. He said the re_ j p irt embraced three modes of defence ; j by ships of the line, by gun boats, and) by land batteriis. To the seventy fours he was decidedly opposed ; with regard to gun boats he cared very little about them ; and lie was opposed to the propoleii appropriation for lortificatiyns on land. Air. Dawfott advocated the refolu tioti. Mr. Cool spoke in fsvor of the reso lution ; and made a speech of confidera b.e length, in favor of appropuatnig a larger lum than that contained in the re iolation and in favor of energetic measures and a naval eftablilhment. Air. Early opposed the refolu ion. Mr. Duvjjon replied. Mr. Vamum spoke in favor of it. Air. i.lin.on moved that the commit ice ftiould rife, to allow further time foi examining the fubjeft. Air. Elmer oppoled, and Mr, Macon ipsported this motion, which was cani ed. Air. Dawson gave notice that he would again call up the fubjetf on Thursday next. The resolution reported by a feltft corrimittee, to prohibit the importation *>f flavts into the territories of the U. States wab agrred to and a commiuce appointed 10 bring in a bill. #ss®rvv- - - jol: msnssxs&B Georgia. COURT of ORDINARY, .CHATHAM COUNTY. - Monday 3 d March, ißc6. WHi Rt .S it is Rutea to the Court, that a fruin iiltai on hid been granted in the vear 1799,10 ‘AGiliarn Mil ligan, on the estate and effects o’ David Mtlhgan, deceased, and to Edwin Gardner, on the estate and effr&s or Alexander Brown, decealed, and that both tite laid admimitrators, did and It >! 1 continue to relide out of the it ore of Georgia, and have never nude and rendered an inven tory of the ettates they relpedt ively rcprelem, or in any ocher wife complied with thcj requisi tions of our laws. It is therefore ordered, That rhe said Edwin Gardner Cjf Wil liam Milligan, be and appear at this Court, to be held on the ft: ft Monday in April nexr, to shew cause (if any they have) why such letters ot adminiltrauou should no: be revoked. A 7 that this order tie publifheu i one ot the Gazettes once in ev .i ; we k from the date hereof. Ext aft from the minuet. .DW utD W. U 1 E, sl"| Cm - C iur of t lin ry Ch 7 AREN from Stutely Ti’,i g’<urf, in tbit aty, on TuefJay lajl, three filter 7c Spoons , tiu ■uj them marked jVi ’7 /1, the other with no mark The owner may have them ly proving properly and paying for this advertif merit ripply lo JOHN WILLIAMS, s c. 9. Sav. Alarch 13, tßc6. 56. VV Al\ i J 1 17, AN OVERSEER, a {ingle man well ac quainted with Rice P anting, wlm can bring gnod recommendations -t his honehy, fohriety and abilities. Apply to the fubl’cri ber at Cotton ham, Bryan County. J ho H. Morel. March 11 55 GEORGIA, ’j By Charies Hberne. (L. a.J hy, cik. of the court C. ribernethy.J of ordinary for the county of Mftntdh, in the state afore, said. WHEREAS Mr. HAMPDEN M‘INTUSH applies for let ters o administration on ihe estate and effects of Mr. George Mftntofh, laXe of Charhain county, deceased, as nearest of kin. The.e arc therefore tu cite and admonish all and ftnjular the k'ndred and creditors of the said deccafed to file their objections (ii any they have} in my office on or be the 2Sth day ot April, next, o-.hsrwife ktfets will be granted h'm. Uiven isniiet my hand and sea /his third d *y of March Ihc6, and it the jo ti year of A ericsn liidepc.;- £55 J R E PUBLIC A A. SAVANNAH, march iS, ISO 6. In the liepubl.can of to-day will be found a few more articles relative to the late vi&ory of the French over the com bined armies. Not being able to obtain the papers by the Northern mail or. Thursday last till after 5 o’clock, it was impoflible to publish more than we did on Friday : hut our paper of that day con tained the moft important part of the news, so much so that nothing else on that head can be materially interesting. We have made a few other feledftions for to day of a different nature, which we ; know to be new, and hope will be latis jfa&ory to our reader*. MARRIED, on the rath inflant, bv the Rev. William Clarkfon, Major ABRAHAM TWIGGS, to Mil's ELIZA MARY H. LEWES, 011!'. daughter of the Rev. Stephen C. Lewes, of South-Caroliua, deceased. ExlrnH of a Utter from a commercial house in Liverpool to* their correfpondcnf in Char left on, date ‘ the 25th January, 1806. Sir —The firuation of political af | fairs ftiil occasions a severe depression in 1 our markets ; and we have in ihe flron gert manner to confirm the advices we have already given our friends to do no b fintfs to this country until we are more fettled. Tbi quarantine is taken off all veffcls f.orr- NewTbrk and Philadelphia | The king’s fpetch upon the meeting j of Parliament is and. dilute of any particu lar interests from which umc'ufions of a I commercial nature can be drawn. A [neral peace is u k?d of by fome, but as j far as's publicly known, relts only as ja matter of opinion, and it i* by fome th ught that the death of Mr. Pitt, ‘which took place on the 23d inflant, jwiil remove one impediment to a negoci lation, and by other, that at tlhs moment | his loss, in a political point of view, is j moft. ferifeufly to he deplored. We men tion to our friends such pub’ e occurren ces as are likely to aft Ct mercantile ar rangements ; and whether a cotuinuatiee jo 1 , war, or a peace be concluded, w,. feel 1 confident that your filtered wu! be Wc |m fitted by ftoitig no tnifincfs this wav, I Pruiiia is to occupy Hanover, at lead j for the present, by an arrangement be tween that government and France, and nothing further is known from the con tinent than what we have already detail ed to you. As long as France re ams the sway in Europe, there can be 110 doubt it will exert its influence to i< (Ten she resources of this country lrbm a con tinental trade. Owing to political occurrences, and want of demand for goods, the depres fion in our Cotton Maikets, in parricu iar, has been moft lerious, Upland Geor gia has Seen fold at 14. 1-2d. fer fair cotton, and we have heard of a sale lower. We quote you the price of American cotton at present, and the rapid decrease in value is aimoft unprecedented, aud has been nearly nominal, cottons having come down 2d. and 3d. at once, with ve ry trifling sales. .Such is the alarm ere ated, aud the anxiety of the needy hol ders to force sales, that we expect a it ill further redudtion, and ftiould not be surprised to fee upland cotton at I2d if so, it may produce a speculation, from which alone any improvement can be now looked for. New-Orleons and T.nntffee are nearly unfaleablc. The hi h quotations from your conn try, and the rkitiand there for the French ffn.iket, will be the cause ot furious io3- fts from shipments, and whether und.r the 1-flue nee of advices from hence, a oorreiponding redudtion may take pace with you appears doubtful. Some Dies of flour have been made for exportation, aud reft* about 465. per j barrel. ! We have already sdvifed you the alte * rations lince our last price current, but the wind has prevented any vefiels get ting out of this port for upwards of lix weeks. Should the present bed iayed, and any thing interesting occur, you may, depend upon being advised. Insurances to and from trie United States 3 to 4 guineas—2l 2 lias been given on the ihipg.—-New_Oricans 6 to 8 guinea*. We remain, &c. On Wednesday afternoon, the sth inst. a Frenchman named Claries Prieur a painter by trade, being detected in the adt of (feeling, fearing the cons-q ucnces attendant, it is supposed, drew a razor from his pocket, and before he could be prevented, cut his throat in so horrid a manner, as laliantly to terminate his exiitence.— [Georgetown Gazette] Capt. Shearman touched at Antigua, from whence he failed eighteen days ago, and informs that two hour* before he left Antigua a Uan.ill fchr. arrived there from Gaudaloupe, which gave accounts of great rejoicing* there, in couftqueticc of a Peach with England and France. [Cbarlrjion paper J WiLLiAH rfiLL , who had for fome time pjft acted m the capacity of an afiiftant to Col. Ha.vkin* in the Creek Agency, and in which ftaticn he had conduced himfelf to the ektire fatitfsc tion of the Colonel, on Sunday night the 23d ult. put a period to his exift ance by hanging himfelt.—Thefe cir tnitnftances, as far as we have been able to learn are ; he had been for ftveral day* in a deranged state of mind, and .ad made several attempt* to destroy himfelt—as toon as this was difeov ered lie was confined in one of the small rooms of the FaAory of Fort-Wilkin lon, and every thing taken out of the room with which he could injure him felf—when he was difeovered he was hanging, by means of a small piece of raw liicfe, which he had put over a small peg—the raw hide being too fUort to admit of his placing it over the peg, he placed a keg of nails so that he could by getting on top of the keg, be high enough to hitch the hide to the peg and io acconiplifhed his purpose. He had been recently appointed agent for the Chadaw deparment. [Sparta Gazette.] The Commissioners of Miiledge ville, fold feventy-five of the Lots ; tlie aggregate amount of the sale was 3 1.650 dollars. The sale is postponed until June. [<kj CCT The preachers of the Metho did Episcopal Church, are Rationed in the several diftrids and circuits, for the state of Georgia, the present year, as follows ; Oconee District. Snmuel Cowles, presiding Elder. Sparta circuit— James H. Ale/lard, Red dick Pearce, Appalachee do. Joseph 7arpley, I.ovicl Pearce. Milledgeville do. Jeremiah Lumlsden. St Mary’s do. Hanover ftunnon. Ogichee D.strict. Jos'-as Randle, presiding Elder, Louisville circuit— Jthn Camble, John Hdl. Little River do. Benjamin Tradwcll. Broad R ver do. George Fletcher, IVd liant M. Kennedy. Augulld towu— John M‘ Venn. Louisville paper. Baimadoes, February 1 The hon. Jucge Bedford, at a court of vice admiralty held on Thursday last was pleased to pass fcntence of condem j nation in the cale of the American fltiD j Angetouia, from the coast of Africa j bound to Charleston, detained by hi ’ maj.;ftv’s fli p Piincefs Charlotte, de j creel.ig the laid ship and cargo favc the ! private adventures, to be lawful prize to the cupiois. Bz cast ErsNitsa's Mau. Charleston, March 14. NAVAL VIC TORY. We are indebted to Ids Brjtmnic m.ljrP.y cnnlui, Mooiiie, eiq for tne fol lowing letter from. Admiral c hrane, con tainmgan account of the action between the Bid t i tli and French fleets, off the city ol .t. Domingo, on the 6tli February last. The letter was put on boaid the brig Jane, capt. liunt, arrived yesterday morning from Cork, who fell in with the Northumberland. >n the 17th ultimo, in lat. 24, 54, lon. 63 — Admiral Cochrane intended to make foi Halifax to repair, having his mainmast fliot away about ten feet above the deck, and his mizen-maft. considerably injured An officer of the Northumberland inform ed capt. Hunt, that this ship sustained the greatest injury in theaftion, having I aid along tide the French admiral of 130 guns. The Northumberland is a 74. COPY. Northumberland, off St. Domingo, 10 February, 1806. SIR—I have much iatisfa&ion in commu nicating to you, that the enemy’s fquudro.., lately amved from France, named in the margin* which vice-admiral lir John Duck worth went in puriuit of, from St. Chnfto phet’son th* lit, have been taken or destroy ed. They were difeovered at anchor off the town of St. Dcnvngo, on the morning of the 6.11 As the Britifli iquadron advanced, the% got tinder weigh, and at-empted to el'cape by runningdi w.i a ong .he fli re, to the S. S. \V. but were fruftiated by the prompt mea ures adopted by the vice A little after 10 in the forenoon, the; were headed by the advanced part of the Hntifh fquadr n, and brought to clol- action The Superb, carrying Ki John Duckworth’s flag, leading, followed by the Northumber land, spencer, and Agamemnon. The lee .ine confuting of the Can pus, bearing ihe ft g'r.f rear-admiral I.ouis, the Donegal and Atlas coming up to leeward. 1 he abtion began by the Superb firing on the Alexander, the leading ship of the ene my’s )me ; the Northumberland, taking up he Imperial, the second (hip, when the action loon af er became general- The Alexander, being disable 1, dropt a llern, and ab ot .1 o’clock, ilruck her co lors, having 101 l all her mails- The rear ships of the enemy ch.fed to i'upport their admiral in the Imperial, and about a quarter pail eleven one of them, the Jupiter, Ilruck to the Donegal. The Brave atlo l'ubmitted soon after. The Imperial used every means to efeape, hu’ finding that impoilible, ihe ran on shore near Point Palungae, about 10 leagues S. W. of St. Doimngo, and was followed by the Diomede, where they ftramled, and were af •erwaids let on fire by the frigates of the squadron. The enemy all landed from the 1 iperial, but the captain of the Diomede was brought off with above 100 of her crew, the rest had got on shore. The loss of the enemy has been very se vere.—By a Flag of Truce which carr.e off .0 request pertniffion to fend supplies to their w .unded, I was informed, that the Imperial had about 700 killed and w jnded. I'he Diomede a great many—the three fhip capturtd have ado luderci leveiely •Imperial 130 guns, burnt Alexander gq captured Brave 84 do Diomede 74 destroyed Jupiter 74 captured Fraternite 4* e'eaped Comet 4* ->. A Carvtfe, j* *hf rtsta’ loss of-their fijnadron to be 1,808 ot 2,000 men. 1 am happy to lay that the loft of the Rrrilh squadron has been, comparative y, small, n -t bearing any proportion with that f the enem; —the total killed a. and wounded not exceeding 200 or a 20, of which this ship had one hundred. 1 enclose a copy of the thanks font to the ships of the squadron, by Sir John Duck worth, previous to his departure for Jamaica, where he went to refit: the prizes having preceded him the day before. The frigates and corvettes tflefled the ; r escape dunng the affion, but I h pe thev will yet be met with a squadron I have fetit in pursuit.” 1 have the honor to be, fir, Your moft obedien* servant, ALEX. COCHRANE. COPY. Superb, rffSt. Domingo, bth Feb. 18c6. As it lsimpoffiblc for language to con vey an adequate sense of my feelings to the honorable Rear Admiral Cochrane, for llic noble support rendered me by he Northumberland, or to rear admi ral Louis, and the captains of the squad ron under my command, tor the bravery and judgment dilplayed in the service of their king and country, by effecting a complete vidtoiy in as Ihort a period as our naval ar.nals can produce ; l, there-* fore, can only, with a heart impressed with the highest sense of admiration and approbation, beg to offer to the honora ble rtar admiral Cochrane, rear admiral Li uts, the Captains, Officers, and Sea men, and to the Officers, non-commiftion ed officer* and private* of the Royal Ma rines, niy warmest thanks : Aw d I de sire, that the Captains will convey these tny sentiments of approbation and admi ration, with thanks in ihe nioft gratify ing manner, to the Officers and Sea men, and Royal Marines, as a proof of my high sense of their fervice* in the battle of yesterday. (Signed) J. F DUCKWORTH. To the hon. rear admiral Cochrane, rear admiral Louis, &c. Pert cf Savannah, ARR l FED, Sh'p Sufm, Gladding, Providence—Schr o,ive, Rhodes, Nrw- Or leans S oop Rolla, Tuung, Charles ton. CLEARED, Ship Fair American, Hazard, hero- Tork—George Barkley, Paulding, hantz—Brig Beirut, Barrett, Tobago — Ceres, Worth, St- Croix — Paragon, M tiler, Jamaica — Sally, Tott, Gibraltar—William Gray, Saunders, Wes Judies — Schr, Colu bra , Ernes, lla mastnah—Sloop LouiJ:., Reynolds, barlcjien. NOTICE. jT'HE PEWS in the Prelbyterian Church, R will be RENTED for one year on FRIDAY next, the nil mil. at ten o’clock in the forenoon, at laid Chinch. Applicants for Pev/s will please be punctual in their at tendance. CHARLES HARRIS, A EBENEZF.It STARK, C rruftees. GEORGE HAKRAL,j March 18 EPISCOPAL ( HURCiT, THE Members of the EPISCOPAL CHURCH arc rc-qu.-fted to attend next Thursday the 20th mftant at the Ger man Lutheran Church at n o’c! ck in the forenoon. I'he sale of Pews in said church will then take place. March 18 37 ASSIZE for Alarch, 1806. THE price of FLOUR being ten dollars and a half per barrel, weight of Bread ir.ull be, 12 1-3 cents Loaf [ 6 1-4 cents Loaf 2'b 1 or.. j lib. -m. Os which all Bakers and Si llers of Bread arc to take due and particular notice. j- CUYLER, City Treasurer. LOST, ON THURSDAY evening 14th inst. be tween town aud Mr. Grants, a filvcr grey TIFIMT, faced with blue silk velvet. A realonable reward will be paid :1 delivered at this office. March 18 3t 57 TO LET, end Tenement of the fubferiberr.’ A Fire Proof Brick HUILOI N’G, -.n ti e Bay, lately occtip e-i by Mr. Jt.feph Kit -. Immediate potfeCi n ca . be gw n. Apply to It. k J. BOLT ON. March 18 ts 57 IvoTice. \GREEABLY to an order of tlie K- n orable the Inferior Court of Burke County, Will be Sold ai the Court house in the town of Waynelborough, on toe firft Thief day in May next, The whole of the REAL ESTATE of Matthew Clark, deceased, for the benefit of the beds and creditors of said deceased. Term* will be made ki.own on the day of sale. BENJAMIN ANSLEY, March t 8 57 Afting Executor. FOR SALE, AT THIS <IFFICE a few copies of the Georgia and South Carolina Rlfl icican Acm a 7 ac, far the year iß* , i. March 18 47 N >TiCE. IS hereby given, flat after the ex piraxic.ll of nine months from the hat hereof, application will be made to tin honorable the Inferior (Jouri for tf.r coun/) of Cam cn, ior leave to fell tne real eltaxc of Jainer. Vine erf, ia-t or the laid Cour xy nee. tor the bene fit cn the heirs and creditors. TIIOAfAS KING, / ARCH’D GDAUICi Auguff 27, i*j,. MUSEUM OF wax Figures NOW OPEN next dor to -in drezv Sort)', ov hay , and ii ill remain here for ivco weeks o>.ly. Anew and Ellegant Coll <£l on of WAX FIGURES, Judged by connoifleurs, to be luperior to any exhibited in America. Among which, art the following claraßersy A (liikink reprefentution ot the late unfortunate Duel between Gen. HAMILTON & Col. BURR. In this interesting Irene, the Colonei is represented in ‘he at titude of firing, while the Gene ral Hands at his distance wai ing the result of the full lire-, both accurate likendTcs. A striking likeness of his excellency THOMAS JEFFEHSJN. Also of the MARQUIS DE LA FAYETTE. THE DEATH OF GENERAL WARREN, Who fell in the ever memo rable BATTLE of BUNKER’a HILL. In this warlike feme, ‘he Genera) is represented as fupparted by one of his men, while a BRITTON rulhes up to plunge his bayonet into him. Another of the G’s MEN pre'.ents his gun to his he*d for immedi ae revenge of the Gene ral’s death. THE DEATH OF GENERAL BRAD DOCK, Who fell in Braddock’s de feat. An INDIAN is repre frnced icalping the Gen. -while one of his men in an attempt to relcue hun out of the hands of tlie Indians, was overtaken by another Indian, who ;s ready to Iplithttn with his Tomahawk. THE B AUTT of AMERICA, The SLEEPING BEAUTY. ELIZA WHARTON, OR THE AMERICAN COQUETTE, Represented between two RI VALS. T he Happy Cottagers cheer*, ing themselves with their Bottle and Pipe, ihe Poor Mendicant a/k ----ing Alms. *, * Lhe MUSEUM will be open from nine o'clock in the morn ing, till nine in the evening, Sun days excepted. PROFILES cut with accu racy, at the above-mentioned place. ADMII I ANCE, 50 cents for grown peilons children half-price. VISIIORS are particularly requested to refrain from touch ing the FIGURES. March 18 notice;. I™ 1 HE fubferiber takes this oppor tunity to return his thanks to the gtiitleman who took the Saddle off hi Horse standing at the door of Guqii’ Tavern on Friday evening last. Hi# thanks he confider as justly due for the gentleman’s lorlxarancc in not accom madatirig himfeif with tlie hoife and bridle. However, should the joke be carried further, he flatter* nunlelt the perlon alluded to, will luit be furpriltd at finding his name, at full length, it* this paper in a few day*- The faodle, if lie thinks proper, may be left at tin* office. WILLIAM BROWN, Harbor-nri .llrr Fort of Savannah. March 18 2t 57 iio.-.a eilt LI e IUIIS elegant retreat about 4 miles from Savannah, on VValiaw river, is offered or. a Rate for (ix or I'even years, for the tene lit of the heir, a minor, on terms that v, ill suit thole inclinable to po.'lefs to valuable a piece of ground, ai well calculated for health at tor pleasur*ar.d profit. Anplyto W. STEPHENS, l „ N. TUKNBUI.L, S < ' I ' ARDIA * , Avgult y 6 SEED RICE FOR SALE a few hundred bufbolj of G ..d ai;d While Seed KiCE of an tx ■ ..c: • qualit), bang the pr.du it of new gr .tind trorr. cioice feed. Apply to Ebencacf Surk. Fe.vujr; it