Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, March 25, 1806, Image 1

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Vol. IV. No. 52. J CONDITION 5 OP THS GEORGIA REPUBLICAN. The Republican is published every TueiJay and Friday, on a royal Ihtet oi a food quality. } The term?, of Inscription are sir not.- i l. aas per annum. halt to he paid at the j time of fubfcribingt and the balance at the j expiration of the year....and all papers will fc.’ continued until ordered to the reverie. tskues ct jtorr.iTssnia. Alvertilements tnferted at 50 cents per fruare the firth mfertion, anu a 5 Ire’ each con tinuation.. .A liberal allowance made to thole v/ho w:flt to ativertife by the year. For Sale ar this Office, Vs variety of BLANKS among which are, Foreign and Goading Manifelts, atlerchants Entries, Liquor do. hi ts of Exchange, do. of Lading, Cos of Sale; Powers of Attorney. Checks, Apprentices Indentures, Deeds of Conveyance, £ nds; Note3 of Hand, Writs for the Superior, Inferior & Mayor’s Courts, Mayor's Court Executions Rt, K nice 3 o creditors of Intolven: G, tors Military Sum monies, St Execution*, &c- CT Caros, Handbills idc. &c. P. \nted at a Jh>rt Notice on reasonable ti 1 ms. nrerrrtreiawG'atMEaMKaM FOR LIVERPOOL . r-TV The staunch -new fliip IV) lid |AN tv, Tfrejf William Bussey, master, \V ILL be loaded with all possible dif pKtch, for the above port, l'or freight 01400 bags Cotton, apply to the mat ter on board, or to ROBERTS & GI ARK. Smith & Bourse's vharfT Received per said vessel and Jor sale as above, 100 ra. feet white pine Lum ber, A quantity Spars for booms, topmaflrs, ike. FOR.'SALE, B I L I. S On, New-York or Boston, ROBERTS & CLARK. February 4. 4; yUs? ~rEceTFed, k Cafe* 7-8 Irish linens, colt from izd to 19T ftirling, I Bale drapery baize, I do. blue cloth, 1 do. white dowlas, 1 do. rc,f j blankets, 6-4, 7.4, 8 4, and 9 4- * do. ravens duck, 3 ei)’ biue Gilla hdkfs, “I Suiia -2 00. do.-Gumhs, I ble for 2do Gudjtpore Sannalis, J> the Afri -1 do. judjea baftas, I can 2 do. Boretpore Coffks, J market. THE ABOVE WILL BE SOLD BY THE BALE, OR CASE ONLY. ALSO, 17 Calks London porter, do. do. brown flout, 12 Nells trunks, 3 6’afts London made hats. ON HAND 15 Hhds. N. E. Rum, 4 Pipes brandy, A quantity No. 10. cotton cards* 10 Che As Hyfon, and Hyfon skin tea. For sale ly K cherts G? Clark , Sn.ith tg Bourles Wharf, . TVcemhcr so, 32 ts LUiiJbK l $ & CLAKK, Have ]ttft received per the brig Eleanor from Boston, and for Sale at their flare, Smith and Bourke’s wharf. 8 Hilda, retailing Sugary JOO pair negro Shoes. ON HAND. 1?> Ilhde. N, Rum, 40 Bbls. Mackarel, 10 boxes Cotton Cards, 2 bales Blankets, 1 do. low priced Broadcloths, 1 trunk 4-4 Irifli Sheetings, 1 case 4-4 and 3-4 Irish linens, 10 Bbls. Beef, 4 pipes Holland Gin, 3 do. Cognise Brandy, 20 Bolts kuflian Duck. Nov. 1 ts Gi TO LET, A large conven ent DWELLING HOUSE, and well fitted up SPORE in a central situation, either ftpaiatelf or together. Terms wi’l be made ery reaf •nabU. Apply to Nic pru'ce Febma-y t* _ , . - — 4, , “ ■■ ril~j|jjti > ~w HL ■ > SAVANNAH : PRINTED BY EVERITT fcf M'LEAN, O V THE BAY. Wanted on Charter or Freight,’ vfc’FdSv\ A VESSEL of about iJL 200 tuns, for a Gt r- SSjQßSs. mi *'’ P ort * A PPb to A G. Oerr.ler He Cos. March 14 y 6 LANDING, MOCOA, Coffee freth Hyfon St Gunpower Teas I . s aila 1 0.1, Bifvints, English and American Ctn.'tfe Pepper and Ginger in bags Cnevitig Tobacco Brandy in pipes, Negro Pipes Prime Jamaica Sugar Martinique Coffee, Empty Demijohns K ',B of Gunpowder, Tongues Hsus am] Beef, and an uffi'-tment of NT AT ION ART, Wuielt will be toll for ready mosey rV very reduced prices. ALSO, Every article in ibe GROCERY and LIQUOR LINE. IVytey & Hirman. March 14. Prime JNprth-.vard 15U 1 - TfcK, In !e vgs, for f-4; hv /!’■- fubfcr'ber. A. PEMBERTON. Feb-iiary 2 5 50 LOST ok Si OLEN , A GOLD WATCH, A few evenings fine;*. Who ever has found che fame s re quelled ro leave the name of th finder with the printers. Tiv owner will farisfy such perl r s hat the Watch is his by identi lying, and afterwards by prov ing his property. A hrndfornt reward will be given if required. Watch-makers and others an reqtiefled to {top any person ir appearance fufptcious, who mat offer such a Watch for {ale, a the looter has fome ground foi believing it. vv;s stolen. March 4 53 THE SUBSCRIBERS. Wishing to dirtm -ticu* o.ttpntton to wßi ttie collpAion *n.-l set tlemem of dch* due m-'.'••m. Give, notice that, o>, *lh> ■>,(! <!?’ r.f D - ‘ “oilier next, the v ‘viil decline tli. Tleraii biifinefs on credit; Thev detire there fore d,;it e!’ these lndfi-ed 10 rheot, nr re .Robert Juhn Bolton,wtllimmeflir-t,.) . -,,,i ; , pavinent or otherwjfe fettle to their lans faftioti. From the ftnrr cr I left ion made thof r years pad, the debts tothem have arr.urhula ‘oil hevond th.etr w : fli ; and the\- ar* fiiffirientli aware t hathnfintfs cordnfled on such a footing cannot f import i (elf. Curtis Foltou, Sc Cos. Their remaining flock on hand wt-lrh r nnt in’ended to be i ‘crea r ed_ will.he f!{J n whoieftle or retail, on ctd'y terms for calh, produce, or town notes. Nfv, 29 2d ts TO r ICE,~ AIT. Persons having ary deihands againf v the eflate of Jrhn Jlaocrfharr clee*:eiV<’ are reonefted to fetid them in rroperlv attf* edaw these who are indebted tomikepav mer.t to Joseph Habersliam. Adm ini fir at or January 1 6 ts 38 TO R E N H STORES Nos. 7 and 10, in the Ex change. For frrnmt npniv at tnv oflicc. THOMAS PITT, Sec'rr. November 29 if 26. Field Hand; i WANTED to hire two or three FIELD SLAVES, for par tiruiars enquire at this office. March 4 im 53 PLACENTIA. THE Subfciber offers for Sale that valuable Plantation at Thun derbolt, generally known by the name of Placentia—Containing upwards of 12,00 Acres— 340 of I which is good Cotton, and Corn Land, already cleared, and part ly cultivated-—r6o acres is prime Rice land, of which 120 acres are under Cultivation. The re mainder is good, high, Pine land- Any person wishing to purchase, will plcafe apply at my Counting Room, where of the L ind (hall be (hewn tnerr. ind the terms made known. Jno. P. Wjlliamfon I 7 ts 37. T U E S D A Y, March 25, ißc6. The Subscribers, HAWING entered into Copartnership under the Firm of Shrarrr Ss> JJkrSDAr.e, Offer the Public their services as Facto- HERS isf AGENTS. THEY receive and dispose of a!! kinds oj proiiuce, Houses, lands, Negroes, or any other species nt property, on commission. Thy having a general knowledge of the DRY GOOD & grocert bu siness, offer their services to Country Merchants, and in making purchases arid forwarding agreeub/c to order any articles in that line — Ai.d when cjh is deposited with them, they attend Auctions and buy at the tc'xus/l Rates. M. Shearer. (no. Drysdale junr. N. B. Their Counting Room is ad joining the Post Office, S. E. corner vj the Exchange. Nov. 19 ts 24 SAFARNnH MARINE Holpual & Foor-Houle Tiie subscriber being appointed by their Honors the jitilices of the Inferior Court, overseer of the Poor arid foie Medical aflill nut to the i J mr Houle and Seaman's Hofpi "■•h givv-s Funite N ‘'ice, that lie is now ready to vremve into the lullitu ion, any perl on or perloits belonging to the County ; or lick Seamen, who ihatl nuke application to him tor admitii o . .q rei-uett that in future (he ci■_. /.< as will not give any rebel’ to permit. it in-rr door , asttie ar. adgemeuts made lor tltei- reception is i’lch as will fu peretde the N cebi y of their giviu- Charitv in that win ; . ihey .0 iwev. r,. icel dil ;>olevl tv ■■-iitit die i r Uitu ion, any donation wdi lie rhaioviihiy teceived and faithfully ac count'd for, by MOSES SHEFFTAL. November fii tjc, 1 JJ lJ*- A i ■ J .’ , Grateful for the dillinguiftted patronage e 1 is e spent- ce i linte h,seiiablifhmem in Savannah, Mr Green with deference informs us frien'ls and ’he public, that the Ladies Literarv It it ml, and ;lie Grammar and Mat h ematlcal f.hools, are llill conduced hv him dn the fame cater,live plan, as at their com- Tien ci? merit. The course of tbe schools, inclades Read ngt Gri mnuu, LI tcraion and KTetcric, V'rrt<rjs in all ihe ufeful ornamental Jiands, vrithmc ir, B uk Keeping, according to it - (yltems, Ge •grrphy and tLe uiV, awingc of iVii'jis in clifterent pro .eclions, the lements 1 Afiroiirinv’, and lie life or rhe Gi bes and i't Inn an Htltory nd Chrcnoh gv. In t\te Mathen atre i dep<arrrrent, the t >uJ>i‘ls wi i l>e carefully mtl ufleil in Algebra Geometry t Trg<nomf •)', Cor.ic Seftions .nd Fluxions, wirh th i: vnpheanon to the ruliaefs ot l.dft and the mveitigution of fci* vfnee. .Sixteen years **xpe-icr f in his ] rofefllon, iiul a (acred a id uurcmr n r ‘ ttontion to lie morals ami real im;'nt of bis pu pils wid, lie lio]ies, con m* ro him from i liberal ami e.nlightpn. juiilic, a Oiare of rhuf favor which he h hitntnto experienced Pupils admitted wi thorn sh. trance, till -he fit of rhe enf'-mg January. A* A Dancin'* M s .tlu of eminence will attend the School ;. November 5 ?o ’NvT.TCTT ALL persons having demands against the lac eltab'dhment of Lyon St Morle, or of the it lie of Samuel Morle late of this city, de- j ceiled, are dclired to rentier rhem to the lub. icribcrproj rly atteiled, and thoie who are indebted wi Ido aftrvice to the widow and c!ii! ireu of laid Morle by making speedy pay ment. Curtis Bolton, Adm’r. on said Morfes ellate Nov. if, 24 2 . ‘lHb bUBSCIIIBEK, f-FFERS for (ale for cash, or itrrior Nsgrcrs, /hree houses aiid ts. trie village nf St. Gaul, one ‘-hicu was formerly Occupied by S/c B ounr. late of this ti.'y, dec. rhe her (wo adjoir.iiig. Fo? particulars (poly to lVir. /onatkan Cline, in Sa zam an, or in Waynefborcugo to Stephen Blount. I"”. 24. Jot. a 6 dU LEASE For a T erm of Years. Lets No. 13 and 14 in Warren Ward fitw.ilcd near He Boy and adjoining a lot belonging to the elate of Hld ml ridge, at prejent, occupied ly Mr. J .tries Me Intof and Mr. W n. Gseen Troche l —One of thtm\ a corner lot nn a /quart and fronting the new market. lor terms apply to WILLI ald PARKER. Jarua,j j f/_ 50 Dolhrs Reward. It ANA WAY about 4 mouths ftnr*. A n**gro man named PETEK, fcHoiipm./ ro the eitr'.t;:of George Hailt dec’d, Hr is a valua ble carpenter, and 7. 0H known for many years -n ih is city He is tall and Him, aAive, art*! : and when quedioned closely, he Ham mers much. led .1 ars will be paid on hi, delivery to the Subfcriber,orto tne Coaler of this city, and forty dollars in addition them* ‘j-\ proof of h;j being harboured by 4 white person. t.MACHW, Eso'r © Efttite, George flaift O -fobr-r t s ’ 4 - uTTTT, THE WHARF AND STORES fgORMIiRLY occupied tv Mellrs. U rinox, and at prelent by Mr. Andrew K ‘vix. Thei- produftive and convenient f• nation is lo well known, as to re-pure ns further explanation. For terms enquire ol ! R. Wayne, j Kovtmber 1 iq Administrator’s SALES. Agreeably to art order of the Jus tices of the Inferior Cavrt of the County of Chatham, WILL BE SOLD, At tie Court-house in the City of Savannah, on TUESDAY tin 6th day of May next, sole lo commence at 10 o'clock, the fol lowing Property, Icing of th. real and personal estate of the late Joseph Clay. A WHARF LOT 150 fee front, with the valuable improvements thereon, adjoin ing Mr. Roltor.s. .500 feet front on the river ai \ amacraw with the improve ments thereon, situated between Mr. Boltons and Mr. Twiggs’ wharves, which will be divined into Lots to accommodate pur chasers. A Houle and Lot on the Ba/, formerly the residence of Mr. Clay, adjoining Mr. 1 ellairs A Houle and Lot fronting the South Common and adjoin ing Mr. William Wiltons. A Lot on Farm-ftrecc with the valuable improvements there on, now occupied by Mrs. Clay. All the remaining Levs and Lands lying on the weft tide of Farm-ftrect, including the low grounds to Mu (grove’s creek ; these will be divided to accom modate porchafers. All that part of the very val uable Plantation and tradt of Land called Vale-Royal, lying north of the Augusta road and weft ward of the property lift mentioned, containing about tcoo acres, of which 460 are tide and inland swamp, the re mainder prime Cotton Land. This plantaiion has a front of more than a mile on Savannah liver, and lies immediately a bove the city. All the remaining part of the Vale Royal tract, coma ping a bout 100 acres and lying on the Augusta road near the city, which will be laid out into final! ; Lots. Another valuable Plantation and tradt of Land called Spring field, adjoining Vale Royal on the south, lying on both iid.s of Mufgrovt’s creek, containing 885 acres, of which 250 art rice Sv/arnp, the remainder good Cotton Land. This property is compoltd of 45 and 5 acre Lots, a plan of which will •be prepared, and such of them as are connected will be fold to gether, and the remainder lepa rately, 5 Farm Lots of 50 acres each in the 1 ownilup or Savannah. 4 Lots, being a part of the Fair Lawn traft, formerly Col. Wylly’s, viz : No. 11,71 acres, l 3 57 acres, No. 3, 46 acres, and No. 21, 10 acres. 2 L'fls at Thunderbolt, No. 7 and 14. 2 Lets on x'ybee 1(1 and, No. 3 and 27. 1 Lot at Montgomery, No. 14, 99 feet front on Vernon riv er, 440 feet deep, and two back Lots of two acres each. 3 adjoining Village Lots ar Adton, 150 acres, near JLne/’ bridge* A.? 103 seres good Cotton Land oppolite Montgomery, between Vernon and Ogechtc river. A valuable Plantation anc tradt of Land about 10 miles from Savannah, on the Louis vile road, containing *-50 acres} of whicn 40 r - are Pice 1 V-vamp. 300 acres I'.or. Land near Mortdth, | 250 abo *f miles a-* Ibo vc Sa‘ r ai , fd',, k < • r>.- river. [Whole Number 359. ormerly occupied by J. jen •<ins; Lauds in T.fiumhain Coun- IV. acres, in one body, near Cireit Ogechce rivyr, about ?rj miles from Savannah, granted at vaiicys times from lyb.j 101774. ?.yo Acres pine iaciu at joining the above, and lands of Michael Macinfufa, fcmerly R. M’Cor mick’s. 200 Acres pine land near Ken nedy’s. 300 Acres formerly Bennetts. 300 Acres formerly Cold wires, joining R. Scruges and Paul Bevil. An undivided half of 300 a cres joining the above, granted to B. Cf I, Goldwire. r.^ oo A'-res pine land near i uckafee Kincy, formerly Her riots. IN GLYNN COUNTY. 500 acres Land granted to Joieph VVrrght. 2CO acres granted to Joseph r IN LIBERTY COUNTY. 1700 acres Land, in tour ad joining traits, formerly James Andrews and Grey Elliotts, ranted 1764 and 1769. 550 acres in two adjoining rads, granted jo Robert and Matthew hmallwood, 1764. In MACINTOSH COUNTY. acres Land, formerly William Fox. 250 acres at Beard’s Bluff on the Alatamaha. 97 NEGROES. And immediately thereafter at Vale Royal and Springfield* •id ihe order personal prepert} on those places, confiding of Stock &? Planratiou U tcnsils, & . See. CONDITIONS. For the real estate, one third payable the fir ft January, 1807, one thiyd the fir it January, 1808, and the remaining third ft.ft lanuary, 1809, with interest on he two lalt inftalments. ‘I he whole to be feeured by bonds and mortgage. For the personal property, one third Cash, the remainder on che suit January next, secured by notes with approved indor lers. william Wallace, THOMAS GUMMING, Joseph stills, Admin iitrators. Sav. March 3. 53 For bale. ONE of /be moft valuable Tracis of Hand upon ftic Altamaha, con/ainit g *Souc eleven Wjndred acres of Rice Swamp in heft pitch of nde. ‘i t.m trail is abont hre miles above the town Os Darien, was, prior to there volutscnary v.arj /he pic-p trty of the Lie governor Wright, and has fer a fetdemerit, attache.! immediately to the Swamp, one of the molt beauti ful and moft tleva/ed tftuations upon /he river. Periods wishing to pur chafe this property will .-pply to h uwaril Swar bretk or William Mein, Fftjrs. nf Savannah, where a pb/ of /he Can i my be feert, FOR SALE. THE heufe at present occu pied as the Republican Printing Ojict ; Lumber or the labour of u Carpenter will be received n payment. Eo r particulars ap ply to EDW. L. DAVIES. Nov. 17 24. t s. ► For sale, a Capita! trnft of 202 1• 2 acre .t of lan in t 1 e ‘t/j dijlrtfl of Ra/davin nun'y. f t put liru/ari ‘ttquirt of the printer! oj th \Mp t ‘Jan. 7 ts 27