Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, March 25, 1806, Image 4

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Ml CELL \NEOU 3. . v .. -urevtu: Uk 4.flsAr;ixsnkKii) I ThF. S/tTROR o ADIEU. * i —■* i W’HRNCE com*. th * krm. tU.a cutting ; l'rnart ! doth the tear I’-ib'dlcn start 7 Why heat:, my la-l, my Unking hcrt Tlm hi av ily ? k LIZ A— is Lccaof; 1 feirt— My life ‘ — thee. T- It on the rude anti loan.:'.* v.-avr, Q’ci wti'v the Uca ling rive, In diltim tlir.ivs 1 go to krave The fonov.i ft a— My doom—;.e:Uaps—a wa**rr yrtve, Fur —far from thet ! Yet not the angry ocean's roar. Nor rock* that Ikirt tht fata! more AJi flam'd vrith liujnv reck'd ieamrn'i t ore— Could make me fear ; No, ’tU thy lots ’ I novr deplore, With briny tear- Oh 1 fay, thou at! on earth I prize 1 Wilt thou rr.v ahfeiue mourn with figlis ! And Hca7n invoke, witli up-lift eyes, To {peed my -.vay ? V,'il thou But fee, the lignal Acs ‘ I must not stay. B_v ftorm* that ftveep the deep abyl’s— Bv pilgiiled vows—bjr all our bliss By tUik embrace —and t'.iij—and this— Dear Maid ! be true ‘ Kemember Love’* lull parting kits ! Adieu ! Aotzc !! ! THE VAN ITT OF RICHES. IF tile trealur’d gold could give Man a longer time to live, I'd employ my utmost care Still to keep, and hill to spare t And, when Death approach'd, would fny, *• Take thy fee, and Walk away.” But finee rishe* cannot save Mortals from the gloomy grave, Why (hould I mylelf deceive 7 Vainly ligti, an i vainly grieve J Death will lately be my lot, Whether 1 an rich or not. Gt”e me ficily wbilfl 1 live Generous wines, in plenty give Soothing joys ni) life to cheer Beauty kind, and fi lends (incere $ Happy, could 1 ever find friends lincere, and beauty kind, AN ADDIIEbS TO FASHION. *TIS to thte, O I'.ttbion ? 1 add refs myielt ; whole voice even the deaf can hear! whole /acinaung form even the blind can Ice ! whose iway ex.endeth mver both old and young— prince and peasant ! Before thee wisdom “ lulls difcountenanc’d, and hke lolly ihewsfeeing thy potfer is unlimited, thy do minion refiftlcfs, and thy reign is predominant over the hearts ot die lair.—’lds at thy Ihrinc they devote theriifelves with un ; bating zeal: ’tis at thy call th.y emuloully itciye who lhail lii It obey thy lui'Ciious man date: in thy caule their uunolt powers are exerted, wlio hold in chains, even die boalted lordsof the creation. In obty ing tny injindti ms, what will they not forego ! what lacriti ces will they no: make ! At thy command, they have tottered under the weight ot enormous he .a drdlcr, have barricaded themfclves in buckram aiul whalebone, have encircled them feives with m a fly as an entrenchmenr, and fortified tbcmklves as againlt a holt of locs. Yet all thy call have they difpenlcd withal , given up all the out-works which they teem ed to place luch confidence in, and gone into the oppofi e ex tremc, lcarcely leaving cover ing fufticsent to repel a belieger ! la obedience to thy mandate, they expole their lovely forms to die rude glare of licentious nets, and leave thc.n undefer. - ded to the keen blasts o! Boreas, or ihe lcorchingkilfes ot Pnce bus i “ The icy phang, and churlith chiuing of the wintei’s Hand,’* is drowned by thy pre vailing voice; nor will they lcteea thcmlclves from the bur ning rays ot the tun, if thou toroid it 1 for thee they lacrificc cule and health —even health— lacetclt companion ot the fair— paints tiictr checks with r tfes, whirh makes their eyes ■Sparkle with luftre, and;dds ra diance to beauty—even thou !art neglvftrd, if faftvon require bur thy fake, O tvrant Llh ii.un, they bedaub their cheeks ; -.vith pax.ts and creams ; for jthee they will hcreave them- Vlvcs of the lovely trefics which idor.i their heads the precious gift of nature, which (he hath given them for a covering—to be supplied by the fantaftical hand of art ! ’Fis thy voice drowns the once regarded voice of model! y itfelf-—once dear to every virtuous female breast, which consecrated beauty, and doublv enhanced its value. Yet modrfty, once so honored, must yield, and retire unheeded by the gay votaries of fafhion. And is then modesty quire dis regarded ?—quire forgotten by the fair ? No—there are yet those who scorn tafhion’s despo tic sway, when it exceeds the bounds of modesty, who can re lilt its Inwlefs force, nor so! ow the giddy traflof fafbion funner than virtue and decorum war rants. May, then, thy votaries, O falhion, decrease, till, relto* red to proper limits, thou (halt only ule thy influence to adorn and ornament beauty, instead of imparting and degrading it. FRIENDSHIP. A Fragment. * * * SUCH is the man of experience and principle whose fricndlhip is a trealure more va luable than both Indies. There is fbmething about him won derfully Toothing and confolt tory i a certain charm in all he docs and fays, that strangely fof tens and ravilhes every fympa hetic mind. In his presence die labouring breall is relieved, and the lwdling heart gets venr j the faddcit lout becomes cheer ful, and forruw dies away. In lhoit he enters into the lpirit of whatever afift&s us with a feri flbihty ana eagerness peculiar to himfclf i his partial imagina tion broods continually over our iutereft j our image, c.eater to him than life, is eonftantly up* permoft in his thoughts i arid his hearr, like a firing never on: of tune, like an inltrument ev, r true to the touch ot a matter, is invariably in unilon with ours O friendfhip, thou belt o! bldlings that the belt of beings bellows on the belt of mortals ! thou fairelt and fulled image ot heaven and immortality ! With out thee the world is bark; and life a dream ; thy voice is the ianguage, the harmony, the mu tual gratulations, of congenial aid ientirnental 1, hits; thy presence the lighr, the comfort, the glory of humanity. Peace and prosperity dwell with thee; health and happiness are in thy habita ion ; hope and joy, with a thouland smiling and ramelefs endearments, sparkle by thy (i ie ; and divinity beams be nignant wherever thou ait. DR. FRANKLIW THhi dodtor, in the early part ot his life, followed the business of a printer, and had occafio.i to travel from Phila delphia to Bofion ; in his jour ney lie Hopped at one of their irns; the landlord of which, pollcflcd the true disposition of his countrymen, which is, to be inquilitive even to impertinence, into the bufmels of every strang er- The dodto', after the fa tigue of the day’s travel, had let himfelf down to tapper, when his landlord began to torment him with qurftions. The doc tor well knew the dilpofitions ot thcle people ; he apprehend ed, that, after having answered his queltions, others would come and go over the fame ground, determined to flop him, “ Have tou a wife, landlord?”—“ Yes dr.’’—“ Pray let me lee her.” Madame was introduced with much form. “ How many children have you ?’’ Four, li r .” “ l lhould be happy to fee them,” lhe children were loug it and introduced. “ How many fer vants L-ve you ■: ‘ l fv.o, fir; | a man and a woman,”—“ Pray ; letch them.” When they came, ! rhe dotftor asked if there were a i ny cure else in the houte ; and being anfwcred in the negative, addressed hirnfelf to them wth much folemniiv ; “My good friends, I lent for you here to give you an account of mylelf ; my name is Benjamin Franklin ; lam a printer j forty-five years of age ; reside at Philadelphia, and am now going from thence to Boston ; i lent for you all, that if you wish for any further particulars, you may ask, and I will inform you ; which done I flatter myfelf you will permit me to eat my supper in peace.” Anccdrtte tj Dr. Franilio. WHEN Dr. Franklin was in England, he spent part of a day in a rural excursion with commodore Johnston and oth ers, In the courle of the after noon thf’ company separated, & the Doitor vvii found in a revi rie looking at the Thames. Be ing asked what was the obj-d of his cont unpUtion, “I am musing (ii-‘ reolted) on the im proper di.lributton of power, Hz lametuii g that the noble rivers of Arnert a lhoukl be fubjebt to the pahrv ltream I am now be iolding.” WANTED TO HIRE, a Ntgio Boy apply at this Office. March zi. Cl Fy r>HEKIFF’ SALE. On thef.'ft luefday in April next, will be fold, at tbe'Court-houfe in the city of Savannah , between the bars of to and 3 o'clock A negro buy named Nat, levi ed on as the property of Thom as U. Charlton, t lq. to fatisfy a judgment in favor of Daniel Remfhart. Pointed out by the Defendants; Also— A negro girl named Mary, levied on as the property of Mrs Voilatton, to fatia fy William Lcwden. Conditions C-lh. J no, WILLIAMS, C. S. Feb. 28. ts. 52. PUBLIC SALE of a BAY LOT. On TUESDAF the 3// April nrxf, at the Court house , between the hourt of 10 and 3 o’clock, ALL 1 at v.iiuble vacan/TOWN LO F on t ic B.iy of Savannah, (being imm;dlately to the weftwaro of the late Dr. Jours’ residence) con taining 60 reet in *ront by qo sere deep known by the No. 2 Deroy Tything Dei ward.—Cond/ions to be made known a/ the day of sale—in the mean time for icforira/ion apply to MEIN, MACfCAY, tsfCo. Mirrhn / r ; 5. SH . Kll A WILL BS SOLD, At the Court-hut e in the town of Brunswick, Glynn county, on the first -WESDAT in April next, between the hours of ten ant! two o'clock of that day , TWO hundred acres of Land with die improvements thereon, seized and taken in ex ecution as the property of Wil liam Carr, at the suit of Jofcph Howell. The above property was levi ed on by Edward Pitcher, con flablr, and returned to me. Conditions of sale Cash. Wm. PAYNE, s.o.c, Fehru.iry 24 ■'dIIEKTFF’S SALES. ON tbs fi>ft Tuesday in May next, will be fold at the Court- Iloufe in this city, between the hours of ten and th r ee o’clock. ALL that tract of LAND; in the partition of Cum berland IllanJ, being the South ernmolt half part of Lot No. 9, bounding on the weft by lands so John H. M’lntolh, north by ] lands of the estate of Lynch, call by ihe ocean and fijuth by lands of the estate of gen. Green, fuppoled to contain 400 acres, be the lame more or lels. Seized by virtue of an executi on, the ft ate, vs. estate ol Jus tice H. Scluuber, dec. pointed one by the Ex’or. F. Robertson, ?, c. c. March 11 Shcrift's Sales. i OX th: first Tuesday ,r. April next, ai the I Court house in this lily, lelvdan tZe j hoars of IC and 3 o'tloch, WILL bE SOLD, ALL that trad of land on ] Hutciiinfon’s Iftaad, conr.mcnly ! caned Biilie’s point, containing j 2CO acres, more or lei's, and a j lot on Bay-street in Savannah,; joining the ellate of Doors, con- j taming 60 feet front and 90’feet; depth i with all the bricks on the prernifes, a considerable part of which, was imported from! Liverpool a few years ago : i ALSO, a part of a lot, 16 feet 1 front by 90 depth, with the im-1 provements thereon, joining the , fame. Seized as the property of James MofTman, under iun dry executions. Terms —One third in cafh — one third on the firft day of Ja nuary 1807 —the other third on the firft day of January 180 S— with such security as may be re quired at the time of sale, each to bear interest from the rime of purchase. Continued ftcnv March Lies, T. ROBERTSON, s. c. c. Marrh 6 54 Sheriff s SLles. U ‘til leSold at the Court-house in Savmnah , on Tues .ay the firft slptil next , between the hours of ten and two o'dock, a LL thole TWO WHARF LOTS at New Deptford or Live Fathom Hole, known by cumbers one and two, con taining each 100 feet in front and 1 icjo feet back, with Buildings, j Score Houles and Improvements thereon, which property hath been dniy foreclofed, and is fold j to fiitit!y a mortgage from John S. DcMontrr.cllin 10 Peter Cat-j T. ROBERTSON, s.c.c. February 24. 51 Marshal’s Sales. YV7 ill BE SOLD ori Tuer \ V day the firft day of A pril next, at the Court-house in Savannah, between the hours of ten and three o’clock, the fol lowing Property, taken in Exe cution as the property of Smith, ‘'ons !k Anderson, ar the suit of Thotnas & Swords : Unexpired Leafc of I.ol’ No. j, Heachcoate Tything Decker Ward, Savannah, with the buddings and improvements thereon. ALSO, Flic Buildings and unexpired Leale of Lot No. 9, Carpenter Tything, Decker Ward. ALSO, One 50 acre Lot on the Thun derbolt road, three miles from Savannah, with the Buildings & Improvemenrs thereon. 200 acres Land adjoining Stubb’s, within a mile ot Lou isville, Rnckiv Comfort. 44 half Lots in the Town flaip of Washington, Walhing to.n county 2.500 acres Land on Town Creek,'Hancock county. 530 acres Laud in Wafiiing ton county. ALSO, The NEGROES, Molly, Charlotte, Lazett, Hazen, Biliy, i Harry, Bob, Joseph, Nancy and Quako. B. WALL, m. and. o. February 24 5 1 ALSO, | On the id TO No DAT in April, will be sold, At the Court-house in Bryan Coun ty, between the hours of eleven and three o’clock, 6 Field NEGROES, Confiding of men, women and children ; le zed and taken! in execution, and lold purluant! to a decree of the Circuit Court of this diftridt, as the ettate of the Ja;e Samuel Miller deceased, at the lu t of Powell and Hop ton, lurvivors. Conditions Cash. The I tie takes place at the a bovc place by eonfent of parties. B. WALL, m. and c-. S.iv. March 5* 5+ PnIME RICE LANDS FOR SALE. | \ LL that valuable tract of \£\, LAND situated and be ! mg on the iouth fide of the Ala j .amaha river, known by the jname of the Broadiace tract, ■Lte the property of General j Lachlan APlntofh, containing 1755 acres) of which iico acres are prime Tide Swamp of the ! firil quality and very belt pitch iof tide the balance high (well Limbered) PINE LAND, and j well calculated for a fcttlement : or lettlements. This trad: is di jvided into three parts, through j rhe uppermost third runs i navigable creek, leading to & landing, on which may be ereCt ed (as the (tream is ronfiderable? a Rice Mill, Saw Mill or Grist Mill. This property is fttuated immediately onpofire Maj. But lers, Demere’s Island ; and froirj its local advantages is the molt jdefirable ricq eftace in Georgia. Any perion who tvifhes to purchase may apply to Mr. A LEXANDER MEIN, Charles ton; Mr. CHARLES HAR RIS, attorney at law, Savannah 5 or MdTrs. MEIN, MACKAY C5 5 Cos. merchants there. In ail of wiiole hands a j>lat may be j fee*), and thole who may be de sirous to view the prernifes, by applying to Mr. M‘KINNON, St. Simons Ifiand, he will fhcvr them the lines, and give every other neceiTary inforriiaiion he 1 having resurveyed the tradl. February 7 46 | POS i PONKMENT. ! iPe the Commissioners , appointed the Legislature to dispose of tie FRACTIONAL UR VETS of Wilkinson, Baldwin and IVaynt Counties, have for several reasons Postponed the Sale until the ibtb ‘June next , at which time we will com mence. WILKINSON. THOSE of the firft diftrift on the 16th day of June next, and continue from day to day, between the hours of ten and three, (Sundays excepted) un ci! rhe 23d inclusive. Thole of the 2d diftridt on the 24th day of June; until the 27th inclusive. Those of the 3d diftridt on the 28th day of June, until the 2d day of Jujy inclulive. Those of the 4th diftridt on the 3d day of July until the 7th inclusive. Those of the sth diftridt on the Bth day of July until the 1 ith inclusive, BALDWIN. Those of the Ift diftridt on the 2th day of July until the 16th inclusive. Those of the 2d diftridt on the 17th day of July until the 24th inclusive. Those of the 3d diftridt on the 25th day of July until the 29th inclusive. Those of the 4th diftridt on the 30th’day of July until the 4th day of August inclnfive. Those of the sth diftridt on the sth day of August until the 12th inclusive. WAYNE. Those cf the ift diftridt on j the 13 th day of August until fthe ’ 2.lft inclusive. Those of the 2d diftridt on the 22d day of August until the 26th inclusive. Those of the 3d diftridt on the 27th day of August until the 30th inclusive. Terms of Sale . j Os the purchasers, bonds for | the amount of the purchase mo ney will be required ; at four equal Hiftalmems to be paid in guid or silver; the firft payments twelve months after date. In ad dition (o which a mortgage wi*l be required. Motts Srstn, > Kr.Dpicx Simms, t Gtnrrijficnen. P*t*lCjAC*. \ Washington, fro 7,