Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, March 28, 1806, Image 2

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DsrAurvtnt, Mi’cb I, t?o6 I Notice is h r by f'vri ri' l il -\T ftpsiate nropofids vrill b? , £ recti'/rd at the office rf the fterr t try f>r the Department of War, ti"ti 12 n’cioi k -it noon of tht fit(L Wednel day of June r>ex‘, fur the iupply of alt Tati ns that n.ay bo r.-qureJ for the lift’ of'be United S i'n. from the id day es Oft.ibcr 1806, until tho jo'btLy of September, 1807 both day# inclufire, at th< following places viz. First, A’ Niagara, Detroit, Michili Clickinac, Fort Wayne, Chikage, and at •nr place or placrs, w here troops are or tnaybe stationed, marched, or recruited •rit!.in the Hate of O.n ), and territory of Michigan, and at any place or places within the Indiana territory north of the 41 It degree of north latitude. SecuiiJ, At South Wifi Point, Tel •iko, Knoxville, Niflivillc, and within th’ Cfierokee nation between Tenneffce and Georgia, and on the Tcnmflee river, ahd on the road between (aid river and _N.ilhviiit, and at any ]i(ace or plac< where troop* are or may he stationed, marched or recruited within the flutes of Kentucky and Tenm (Tee, Third, At the garrifou near Vincenes Oil the’ river Wsbafli, at Fort Mafiac, N’-w.Madrid, Chick*f*(r Bluffs, Arkaa £l3 stches, nnd Fort Adams, and at a- Tiy plate or placcu vrtirre troop* are or may be Hsfiotud, n arched or recruited in the Mifhffippi trrrito y, except the county of Walking ton, and at any place or places in the Indiana territory south of the 4t fl degree of north latitude and fifty mile* call of the Millilfippi river. Fourth, At St. Louis, St. Charles, is.:ilkdfk.M, Kaliukia, and at any place or places where troops are or may be fla tinned, marched or recruited within the territory of LouiGana north of New Ma drid, and at anyplace or places in the Indiana territory within fifty miles call of the Mifliflippi river, and south of the 41st degree of north latitude, Fort Maf lae rxet-pted. * Fifth, At New Orleans, Plarquimine* Point Coupee, Oacheta, Natchitoches, Apprloufas, Attakapa, Fort Stoddert, Fort St. Stephens, and at any place or places where troops are or may be fla tinned, marched or recruited, within the territory of Orleans, or in the county of Washington in the Milliilippi territory, aud at any place or places on the well fide of the Millilfippi river below Arkau fa*. Separate propofols vrill aI To be received as a forefold fur the lupply of all rations which may be required for the use of the United States, from the id day of Janu ary 1807, to the 3t ft (lay of December of the lame year, both days inclusive, within the fcvcral days hereinafter men tioned, viz. S xth, \t Fort Wilkinson, Cockfpur lllmd, and at any places where troops are or mey be Rationed, marched or re cruited, within the (late of Georgia, and on the Indian boundary between Geor gia and the Ctvrk nation. Seventh. At Charlcfton, Rocky M >unt on the head waters of the San tee, and at any place or places where troops are or may be Rationed, ma-ched or recruited, within the Rates of North South Carolina • Eighth, At Norfolk, and at any place or places where troops are or tray be Ra tioned, March'd or recruited, withiq the Rate of Virginia. . Ninth, At Fort M’Henfy, and at a ny place or places, where troops are or may be Rationed, marched or recruited, within the Rate of Maryland and district of Columbia. i Truth, At Fort Mifflin, Carlifle, and at any place or places where troops are or may be Rationed, marched or recruit ed, within the Rate of Pennlylvania, eaR of the Mountains, aqd within the Rates of New Jerfty, and Delaware. Eleventh, *t Pittfbnrg, nnd at any {Race or places, where troops are or may >e Rationed, marched or recruited with iu the Rate of Pennfylrania, wcR of the mountains. Twelfth, At Fort Jay, Weft Point, Albany, Shrm Aady, and at any place or places where troops are hr may be station ed. marched or rtcruited, within the Rate vs New York, Niagara, and its depcu> dencics excepted. Thirteenth, A,t Fort Trumbull, Fort Wolcott, and at any place or places where troops are or m.,y be Rationed, inarched or recruited, within the Rale, of Connecticut, Rhode Maud and Ver mont. Fouitecnth, a t Fort Independence, (Bolton harbor,) and at any place or places, where troops arc or may be Ra tioned, marched or recruited, within the Rate of Maflachuletts, the town of SpriugftelJ, and the diftndt of Maine ex. ccpted, , Fifteenth, At Portsmouth, Portland, and at any plate 01 place*,where troops, arc or may be Rationed, marched or re cruited, within the Rate of New Hamp fliire and thedißrldt or Maine, Sixteenth, Proposals will also be re ceived as alorctaid, fur the supply of all rati ns, which may be required * by the Uuited Slates, tor the troops which are or may best a turned, marched or re cruited, within the town of Springfield in the Rate of Maflachofctls, andTor the armorer* and other persons employed in the United States’ armory at that place f:>m the tft day of January 1807 to the 3 tft day t December u the lame yrar, both days inclutive. A ration to consist ol one pound and O. e quaitei ot beef, or three quarters o. n ,i.m ot poik, eighteen ounce a of b - 'i ,, v ft ‘ll-, one gill of mm, whis ky or brand), *>.d at the rate of two qca r ts of fait, foo* quarts of vinegar, four pounds 7>f soap, a'"d one pound and a half of candles, to every hundred ration* The prices of the ft-vtral component parts of the retioti shall be f;i-eiiied ; but the United S ate* shall refrrve the right of making such altera tion* in the price ot the component parts of the ration aforefaid, as shall make the price of each part thereof hear a jull proportion to the proposed price of the whole ration. The rations are to be furniflied in such quantities, that there (hall at all times, during the term of the proposed contrast, be fuffi cient for the consumption of the troops at Michilimackinac, Detroit and Chika go, for fix mouths i advance ; and at each of the other polls on the Weflern waters, for at hail three months in ad vance, of good and wholesome provi lions, if the fame be required. It is al lo to be petmitted to all and every of the Commandants of fortified places or poll*, to rail for, at feafon* when tlie tame can'be traafported, or at any time in case of urgency, such supplies of like pruvifioni in advance, as in the difere tion of the commandant shall be deemed proper. It is underflood that the contraftor u to be at the t xpcnce and nlk of iffu mg the supplies to the troop:., and that all losses Jutlained by the depredations of the enemy, or by means ot the troops of the U S. shall be paid by the IJ. IS. at the price of the articles captured or ricflroyed as afOrtfaid, on the demolition of two or rn re persons of creditable characters, and the certificate ot a coin mdGoiud officer, Hating the circumllan ce ot the lots, and tiie amount of the articles for which compenhitian (hail be claimed. The privilege is understood to be re served to the U. S. ot requiring that non? of the supplies, which may be- fur uilhed under any of the proposed con tracts, fhail be iflned, until tiie supplies which have been or may be furniflied under contracts now in force, have been confumcd ; and that a lupply in advance *may be always required at any ol the fixed pods on the sea board, or Indian frontier, not exceeding three months. H. DEAR HORN. [s9] Secretary oj War. SHERIFF’S S TlEs. On the fir ft Tnefday in May next, will be fold at the court-houje in ibis city, between the hours of ten and th ee o’clock. All that craft Os land fuuate, lying and being within the coun ty of Chatham, containing 30c acres be the fame more or lels, bounded northwardly by Savan nah river, callwardly by Grids of Joteph Clay Hq. wettwardly by lands of Montaillet, anti fourliwardly by lands of— and which land hath hitherto been known as the Gibe land. Seized as the property of Win. Hobkirk, under a foreciolore ol Mortgage to the Wardens o’ Chrill Church. T. ROBERTSON, S. C. C. Ma cb 10 ts 55. SHERIFFS SALE. WILL be fold on tbeftr/l Tuesday in May next, at the Court-house in the city of Savannah, be tween the hours of ten and three o’clock , HE following wharf LOTS viz; Lots No. 18, 19 & •1 o, taken under execution at the fuitof Andrian Van Sindrrarq as the property of Nichol Turn bull pointed out by the defend ant. T. Kobertfon, s. c. c. March 14 * 56 Sheriff's Sales. ■ ; . .WILL KF. SOLD, On T uesday Ihr day of May, 1806, at tht Court house in Jefferson, between the hours of ten and two o'clock, the fdlowing properly, mortgage 1 by fVtl. liam \ orris to Robert &■ John Echoes for the payment of a large sum of mon ey, iht equity of redemption having been duly foreclosed, viz, LO r No. forty-fix, (46) Do. do. thirty-fix, (36) Do. do. thirry-feven, (37) Part of lot No. leventecn, And the whole ot the front of lot No', fevenreen, (17) being a water lot, with all the buildings and improve 1 rnts thereon. David G. Jones, S. C. C. March 17 5S 30 Dollars Keward. RL.nAWAY from the tubfcriber on the ijth February lift, a young; negro wo man YiaTned NELLY, the >X a'/Vtu five feet two orllll ec incites high, thick made, has remarkable thick lips, and black teeth, which are very tar apart, and. Itip* much when l|ieakn g. She is well known about t. vrn, where (he may Se enticed to work ; and i* - uppoted to he harh-rrd at times about the Oip'’.an heuie, and Mr;- W ilkmtou's plan lit: on near Savannah. The abov* reward will he given to any perton who will deh \ er her to the j oler in Savannah, or'inform l*be tutjlcriber where die mav v be taken. I I'm. STEPHENS. M * cb i S w NINTH CONGRESS. HOUSE or kEPRESESTHTIVEZ. Fxidat, March 7. Mr. J. Clay presented a petition from MefTr*. N cklin and Griffiths, re presenting the lofTe* they have fullained, owing to the condufl of general Arm llrong, in the case of the New-J-rfey, under the convention with France, and praying for indemnity, which was refer red to the committee of claims—Ayes 54 —Noes 31. Mr. Crownin/hield moved a resolution, inftrudling the committee of commerce and manufactures to enquire into the expediency of amending the 18th and 77th fed ion f the aft to regulate the coileftion of duties on imports and ton nage, so far as to remove the disabilities aix! reftriftiens at present imposed on veffeb arriving at fcveral ports of entry of the U. S. from the Cape of Good Hope, aud from places beyond the fame. This resolution, after a modification by Mr Dana, making it more eorrprehenfive, wa* agreed to. , The house again resolved itfelf into committee of the whole on the slate of fhtr union—Mr. f. C. Smith in the chair Mr Crrrgx's • resolution still under confideratio*—Meffrs. Sloan, Findley, and Elmer supported, and Mr. Early oppolcd it ; when after a few remark* connected with fcveral commercial de tails from Mr. Mac Creery, the commit tee roftr, and the house adjourned about the ufuai hour. Saturday, March 8. Mr. Cook submitted a resolution, sot the continuance of the duty of. two and a half per cent, on good* chargeable ■with ad *aloiem duties, commonly cal led the Mediterranean fund, on the con dition that the fame be cxclulively ap plied to the augmentation and support of the naval force, and the prottftion of our ports and harbor* egaintt insults and u!j.urics. Ordered to lie on the table. A communication was received from the Gcretary of Hate, tranfmitttng a de tailed llatement ol the itnpreflmait of American seamen. Tiie house again resolved itfelf into a committee of the whole, on the state of the union—Mr. J. C. Smeih in the chair. Mr. Elliot supported, and Mr. D. R. Williams opppfed the resolution of Mr. Gregg. The debate was rlofed by Mr. Bid well, who enforced the propriety of a doptmg efficient ineaftires, without ex pressly declaring himfelf either for *r againlt the resolution. LETTER From the Secretary oj the Treasury, trans mitting the annualJljtemenl of the sits trid tonnege of the United States, on the 3 \ft day of December, 1804; to gether with an explanatory later from tht R.gfter of the treasury ther com. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, February 20, lßcc. Sir, 1 have the honor to transmit the annual statement of the diftrift tonnage of the United States, on the 3111 Dec. 1804, together with an explanatory let ter ot the Regifler of the treasury. It appears from those documents that the aftual tonnage of the United States on the 3ill Dec. 1804. might be esti mated at about tens, vix. Regiftcred tonnage, 672,500 Enrolled doi 353,800 Filhing do. 57,800 983,100 I have the honor to be, Very refptftfDlly, fir, Your obedient servant, ALBERT GALLATIN. The hon. the Speaker of the house of Rrprefntatives, Treasury Department, Regflet’s effite, Ftb. 18, 1806. Sir, I have the honor to transmit the annual statement to 31 Dec. 1804, of the dillrift tonnage ol tbe United §utc*. Tons 2stbs. The correfted regillered tonnage is Hated in laid ab ilraft at - 672,530,18 The enrolled k licenftd 81317 S°°<s7 The filhing vessels at 5 J >337> 3 6 Amounting to Tom 1,042,404.6 The tonnage 00 which duties were collefted during the fame year, amount ed as follows : Regitlered tonnage, pay ing duty on each voyage 1,132,70900 Enrolled and liccnted tonnage employed in the coafiing trade, paying an annual duty, 252,890 000 Filbiug veils'll the fame, 57,857 00 Amounting to Tons 1,443,456 00 The regillered tonnage having been correfted ac cording to the mode pi e feribed for tliegoven.raeut of the colleftor- of the fe vcral dittpAs, aud a* Hat ed in the communication made by the secretary of the Treasury to Congrei* the 27th Feb. j 8 Jl, u considered the trie a mount, as near as miy be. of that deferiptim of tonnage, 672,530 18 The enrolled and ’icen fed tonnage is dated at the amount upon vhich the annual duty w;s col. lefted in 1804, on that description of tonntge as being the moil cirreft, and may be conldered nearly the true aqpuut, 252,890 OO The fifhfng velTls the fame, - . 57.857 00 The diflrift tentage of the United States n 31 Dec. 1804, is ftatid at 913,277 18 Os the regifteret ton nage, amounting as ibove Hated to 670,53d 18, it has been alcertained, rFat there were engajed in the whale fifhery, 12.015 71 Enrolled and Icenfed tonnage, also in tht whale fifhery, - V 223, 40 Amountiag to Tons t J 339 *6 It appears by thecolleftor’s abftrafts that 103,753 91 95th* ton* new vcficl* I were built in the year 1804, whereof and 30,104 52 95thstons were enroll ed. I have tiie honor to be, fir, With the greatest refptft, Your mod obedient. And moil humble servant, JO SEPH NOURSE, Regifler. Hoa. Albert Gallatin, Secretary of the Treasury. From the United States Gazette. Stine-Ware Pipes for Conveying water. Pipes of Hone ware materials are but little known on thi3 continent (wood Wing fo'dieap) but are in general use in many parts of Europe, particularly in England, where the many advanta ges they poireE, render them more ge neral than any other kind. With care they are as durable as iron or lead, and “ are particuliarly valued for the cou veyance of spring-water to drink, for being glazed on the inside a* wrll as out, the mud will not Hick to them, and the water is better preserved and clearer than in any other pipes ; brfide*, it doe* not acquire that bad quality in palling through them which it doe* through lead, iron or wood for what ever 1* the quality of the water at the spring, it c-an bo depended on being e qually good, however far it may run, even in the hottetl weather—A pecu liar excellence ! No other fort of pipe can vie with them in keeping it cool. This laH advantage is a very conftdera ble one in a climate like that of Ame rica, especially in the summer season ; and their colt bears no coniparifon with the lead or iron. Pipes of this defeription are said to have been found in fcveral places about the city of London, which, by several circumllanceß, are supposed (by icienti lie men) to have been laid by the Ro mans, when they inhabited that Island ; such have been taken up at Hyde Park, belonging to the ancient water works there, and still perleftly found. “ Some years ago there wa* a trial of this fort of pipes (half an inch thick and four inches bore) made at the \ ork buildings before Dr. Defaguelter*, and the plumber* of the works themselves when being fairly tried with all the comprcfiSon of air and force that en gine could lay upon them, without do ing them the lealt injury.*’ A confider. able improvement has lately been made bv a manufafturer at Cbarlellon (on the Ohio) in the method of fiuilhing them. It principally coufifis in an ingenious machine for boring them completely true (an efiential requisite), as well as leaving thejr internal furtacc smooth, which qualifies them for and enables thern to receive an excellent glaxe which it prepared, 1 am allured, without a particle of lead ; and being fitted toge ther with a small quantity of cement, are rendered water tight. Some of hefe pipes arc cylendrical, feme lquare on the outlide, others ball fquarc and half round, others oftagon, with bores of any diameter, to suit the fancy or convenience of purchasers. Taking all things into conlideration, no fort of pipes can be pt in competi tion with them even in this country, lor wood has only one solitary advan tage, namely, the firtt coll being fome. thing lef* ; but when excellence and du rability are considered, as alio how much tweeter and cooler stone-ware is known to keep water (when on the con trary, almost every l.ort of wood gives it a difagreeabl* taste and color), this objeftion vinilhc*. Betides employing them for convey, ing water under ground, and various other purpofei, they are commonly used to carry it from the ruots and gutters ol houfe*, aud for this purpafe they are much to be preferred to wood, as expo sure to change* of weather doe* not ef fett them, whiift it Eton deftroy* the other. A friend to Amirican MannfaSurts. BOSTON, March 3. On Thursday lass, at ia o’ftork, agreeable to alfi;jnn'.cn M thcCU.fs <)f the ODges, and !other tribes pi Indians, now on a vifirto this Metropolis, wer* introduced bv the adjutant and Quarter-MafttT Generals of this Commonwealth, into the Senate Chamber, accompanied by an officer of the United States ar my and their interpreters. Seats were alfjgned them, and they were addrefled by the President of the Senate, from the chair, in sentiments expreflive of'the friendfhip of this Common wealth, and of the Piefident of the United States towards them and their nation. Twoqf their Chiefs rose, and expressed, through the medium of their refprftive interpreters, . lorres pondent feelings towards the Senate and people of the Unit tid St.i'es. After this interview, they took a personal leave of il eacn Senator by the hand, and retired from the Chamber, After which, they repaired to the Houle of Reprelentative*, Where they were addrefTed by the Speaker, and retired with | •imilar ceremonies as in’ the Senate. They were then efcorced to the -ouncil Chamber, and intro duced to his excellency the gov/, ernor, and to each member ot the Council. In-this depart ment of the legidature, refrelh ments were provided for them, which they partook of with much p.cafure and fatisfaftion. and appeared highly gratified with the flat ering attention they r*?cci v.d on this occasion. On their arrival at the State- M >ule, a fa lute was fired on th commons, by the artillery com pany of capt, Cobo. Peterjburg, (Geo J March 4. HORRID MURDER, On Saturday night the id in- i thru, was murdered in his own yard, John Barclay, of Wilkes county, by a shot from the hand of an unknown viilian.*— A It Icems the unlortunate mat ■ iieard a node in his machine! house, at fome hour in the night 1 and enquired of his family the I prclumed he hau as much right 1 to know as any one, or words to I that etfeft ; upon which the un- 1 rortunate man went out, towards I the machine house, and was 1 heard to lpeak with someone } I in a lhort time after the report | of a gun was heard ; when his I wife immediately exclaimed, I Barclay is dead ; ••*#*•****** I One ball entered his mouth, I which lo afiefted his tongue, I that, though he lived a short 1 time and was in his senses, he j was unable to speak so as to bel understood ; could he have beer* I underltood, it is highly prefi j mable, the atrocious villiar I might have been difeovered—* J no matcer what the character! of the unfortunate deceased 1 might be, it behoves every in- I dividual in the community, and j particularly the officers of jus* I tice, to ule their utmost exer- I tions, to difeover the offendei I and bring to condign ptinifl', 1 ment the unfeeling and inhuma fl wretch, who has thus dared am I is fuffitiently hardened, to vio ■ late the laws of God and hi ■ country. 1 yt friend to hurrionity. 1 PUBLIC NOTICE. PUBLIC Nufice it hereby giver.; i that at the expiration of ftxt j nays from /his date, to wi/, on th \ 19 h day of April nexr, WILL be! ,bOLD at PUBLIC AUCIION, at the Court-house in this City, be ween the hears of 10 and 2 o’clok, ALL that LOT of LAND in Carpenter's Row, containing feet in frotet and 150 feet deep ; be ing the real cliate of Afaph Tower ‘ fold by order of the inferior Court or the bejefi/ of the heirs and credi* tors. ASA HOXEY, Adm’tor. J Feb. 18 : law 5 J TO LET, * THK ul Teneraeat of tbe Sublcribcrt Fire Proof Brick BUILDING, on thr Bay, ltel* •ccwpird Uy Mr. Jclirpli Rice. Immediate poftCou can be given. Apply to K. I* J. HOLTON. March it -