Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, March 28, 1806, Image 3

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R E PUB LIC /i /V SIV vNN AM, MARCH 28, I 8 6. ■ ‘iw ’ It it worthy of nitLe thtt ’he Rvt Gi%ette of New York ( imerly it* . * n’/, of notorious m.nwr ) > die lam i (l P <r Which celebrated th- pi rtical ixpHi ton of Og'it* id C to St Dnn g Which celebrated the buck empire o* Hayti. Which has always bee ” in the pay of the British goeernmrr.t and its agents. Which has always b en < ppoted to the Republican at munftraiion ot their States. That is the fame Og..en who is concern’ ed in the Leander, is a hnttr tory and a mere tool for a certain houfc in New Y ork. Twelve months ago, when the armed expeditions were forcing a tr.ioe contra ry to found policy and the law r>f 1 aiions, we foretold w at would be the CJiift qtience — the Leande vr / Jited 01 jo Ist. Domingo, and here the ed it is teen ; if meu wtia have na God 1 ut gold - no ruble bat their ledger, no morality hut percentage, arc permit ted to commit Jt th-pirates, it is not tu pi fii.g ti-at tl ey Jhouid proceed to commit greater V 1 h.wjr oi tveiy kind ha.- Imah beginnings. Caligula is reported to have begun with toiluring 3, sand endtci with tne nulls creof millions.— 13c the Leand r give, witcrc (he nay, fhc can. ot he concerned ir. acts 11. on. eentrau.ct ry ot the law ot lutiors—nor more repugnant to lout..’ policy, tl an the forcing a trade to the black . mpire <> r H y I—am.1 —am. w:.o is uth t has done tlvu ? Who jotted tit trade 1$ St. Dart go ? federal merepaurs. Who a e concerned in the Le .ntlei 7 The lame pe.ions tlia. t .ncern ed in the torccu trade to S Domingo. They tisvc lunujhtu us a nut a..a we lhaii preuth uy n it. Aurora. The federal printers begin to be (by oi the op.nion ot quantum rient, e ter Porcupine whn, u c begun <0 .el. the truth he-e —they caned him a d a JcounJrel , am. his iuLic.ibcrs w.thdrt . —the) miw do not l-ke Ins Eur.pean View of- Policies—much as we have a ways den iter the pndcip c*-.d J->bbtv and b s politics— h fta-l iik rar me:: ot corfituiey, h was an E ghfhon n, arid a itciiiait rqyault - Utiom, Ii .ui contrail 0 wuii it.e i.ytrotrljy ui 111s 0:1 font-jYttn it and ii-pporui., hence 11. u niformuy ai -ys (hone more co.op'cu ous—the m .ukuc tiut Colibet, jo gin t from Ihe ciiaradit auj Hie c ruiuct o Hi—fnendt h.r (..ud nc judged by 111., friends mo.. ) -pimiou. c :hc can nation generally a lei o f ound’eis— why his menus o’ fert. .1 h >1 Gobbe hail a rignf 10 hi.ife to from the cr,-.patij he kept ;he IT wuh , U f:i, ai dil ora. 1 c. Us arc iov. t d in Inc eyes us Etirilp.-. ;>y v-". 6 i’s reprefenta-- tions, the lublcntieis o Cobfei’s pap-r mult think ihcn 1 :vc* ; he is as rtf-.’tft ahe now a cv.r he was ; his iait review of European pouucs is a manly Se a j jit dticnpuoti. [,'i/C J The P onagutfe charge des affeires *nd comui general 11 ar the United 1 States, give., tins public i.oi.ce to th me'cliants and traders to whom it m concern . That all ;he mad rs of vtfT.-f-on the Unitcc States to a .y port n. Pjt-:n gal, or its A ‘OS, mult have them bills of liea ih an bins 01 umng certified bv the un ertigned,or ih rcfpifbvt. P i tug in fe vice conluis s ami -t a: y pas fen gets on hoard, iticy melt befu.ufii ed with a j fl.jqtt. iSh un: n.e in-ft. r of any * ffel to tuen t n mm, lie will or h s a*r va ,n Por -lgal, be übi.i ged to uiioe-j;.) I'ci-ii qi- i,... i. e as th. board ot h 3'';: t(. . 11 y cl— m n-i-ffsr ry JOb tPH R Dl-.M KF.R. Fbtl.deiphi , Mitch, i-c 6 PHll.rtUiii.PHlA, March 10 The following m tt extraordinary in terlocutory orcier ws lately mai.e in Bermuda, a c py ot wh t b was fe rby a gentleman ui that lfla id to i is faetiu in this place. Ttie case of the Columbia:! Picket was thus ; ir.e went from the Uii ed States to ii rdcaux, and v.a- capiured on her return voyage. Ai ycc ininL-nt upon-the principles which arc embraced in this order is fupe.flu u , thfv arr such as never can, rn.r never will b< submitted to, and will not we trust, be countenanced by ihe tribuna s in E.ig land ; if they arc, there is an end to *ll neutral r-gats- Bexmuba, -/i s ? So mere ijltnoit, S Thursday the h cord day rs Jantiary, in the year otfour I. rd M.e thoufard and eight hundred a fix, b t ( .re'ihe hmi orable and right wi rlhipful William Territt, doCior if lavs, conmnlfary and judge of tile’eourt of vice admi ralty in ihe lain isl r.ds of Bermticia, and also to hear ad tleterm ne all and all manner oi cauU-s complaint', as to (hips ad god.'s feizt-d and tak n as .prize, fpreia'.- mfhtutcdand ap pointed in ti Him s houfc, at the town of St. Georg.-, in the said Is laids of Bn u a P.efent Jthn Levrit t deptii rej (Ur, Ship Cos urnot * P,,(ket. Purnel War rfngton, niait-i O i • er< gn lorJ the king, agaiutt ihe it* ih p aud goodr, ; ‘"ker. 'd feirr 1 ’ v rrej fiv’i f.hiW. 1 t w .v, 1 - W’liiting, w‘iiereof licute* ut J .hn O k ey is commander, and ugnt t. ihe o rt of Saint George, in ; : “Kl fi tvu ot ci muda, and also a ■lt Pm ..t! W.irringtnti, the mallei, ’ la ina.its of find Hup and cargo. h . n--\ prayed the claim by hm giv ito oi admitted, and the (hip and ,u io ac relbircd as claimed, with ■ its, and anti tl pence*. tt.n tne la.u c airn to be re j acd, s ,and the faia Ihip and cargo to be • >ndenitied. Pne Julge, having heard the said claim anc proofs read, and advocate* on boili (ides thereon, direclrd that further proof of the property oi the laid llnp and cargo (except one trunk, marked \\ r , configncd to Gvrvais Wallet, in Philadelphia, and one L>ox marked iWF. containiiig a few bottles of inufT, oi which the Judge decreed rettiiution with ; he concent ot the Ihnuiii be proouced by the claimants m 11 bt months from the date hertof; with üb-riy alio to the captors 10 bring in further proof, by invocation ot papers fri.m the cales of me Zuleina and the Eng nia, in the court or vice adnnrality a liahtax. The judge fuithcr diredted dial the claimant lllould wiiliin the iamr ‘•uni adduce luither proof upon the iul I wing points: — hirji —Or what Colony or tnunlry the vuiw.ud cargoes were me g owih, pro dkee or manuhidture. Second— ~Under what ceitjlcntet were hi lame admitted to an er.tiy in me ports oi 1’ ante, and whether liab.e to ot - uuced duiie* Hhi uzs vV nat are the French laws npor tins lubj.Ct, ana iin.iiations , art lmpoliu upon return cargoes. jOl iiM LEWIS, Dtputy Regijter. ON the twtiuy kcona uli. was ie cuciy iiiterreu at t ritiuj.’ burial grouua 1.. G. 1 niai.Lown, me remains or Maxy 1 xamm, wiuOw of John dc 15ratim, wno jjrc [tic title 111 Germany (die place ot ms bntu) .t Lord J jnn \Vd uam G ordilc b.ji.m, wlilai title, to giti-c wiiu ms Ha ion in ilu army, lie r.H- quilhed tor the ei j iyniciit of a reti reo oM, ami p;.IT.j Ins miter years ai ois tea. near Germantown, in which re t'i uncut Ins acn:ablc partner cheeriully .ccompasicu linn, a iho’ h. r mode of e lUcauuu anj toiiner habits of life, had qualified her tor the molt poluhed falfi ;t>: able circus ; Sue was ddccndcd from nc of lilt h a and molt relpettnble fa iniiiea 111 Ciiar.i-ilpu, S. Carolina ; having xpt.vienced tin- viulfrude* of tins life ii a remarKabie degree, the lollowed he wile CXiOip e ot ihat Mary ot whom Ch ist bore mis telii nony ; “She hath en.jlcij ihat good pari which lhaii not be taken away from her.” She die tat in the bofoin of her all. ebon ite children, who, in compliance with her dTires, sent her remains to Philadel phia, in order to beeouvcved to German town and buried by her la:e rinfb uid. The interment was foiemn, attended with a comtonable evidence, that (he had exchanged a fecne of trial in tins probationary Hate ot being, for eternal peace and rest ; and although no wta. ping relations a.tended tier deposit in tiie lilcnt grae, (he has lett many friends A-tio f niibiy feel and deplore licr loss, S c was a woman ol luperior uuderftan ding, great p’ety and ex.inplary patience under (ufferuig. Philadelphia paper. Port of Savannah, ARRIVED, Schr. J,ne, Sum, Chat lei, on CLEARED, fiiig Eliza and Ma :y, Stnr, Tor k ; tsluop Le.igirt, Coo per, C, ,ir,tjlon. Cj* THE fbtp Ma or Jaki •wi!l Jot’ ior Live-po,J on Sunday next, J or pof ige, apply to rW BERTS and CLARK. March 2'i 60 (p TAKL NOTICE THE Mayor’s CLurt is adjourned til! Saturday ii.xt the 2g'.h inti, of which a i concerneo will take notice, and. attend accordingly. Km. BLOGG , C. M. C. March 28 60 UNION society. ‘T'H . Members cf tire Union Society Are Jl delirerl to meet at tiie Cur Hall on nday the 7’h day of April nix', rKtcise i.Y at nine o’clock in the being the quarterly meeting preparatory to the An. nerlarv. ’ PETER S. LAFFITTE, Sec’ry. Til >fc periling who are detirous of j'ir.uig this iniiitntion, will take notice, that to the Ruler, unlels application is made at rhe above peri.d they will not be admitted at the Annual Meeting. March 21 58 ASSIZE for March, j o os. THE price of FLOUR being ten dollars and a half per barrel, v. e.glit of llread mutt be, 12 w cet* Loaf I f, 1-4 rents Loaf *b. 1 oz. I ilb. i- oz. Os wh'ch all Bakers and Sellers of Bread are to take due and particular notice. j‘ CU i LER. City Treutitrer. IN 1 uTu :nrf .1 rrToliit.ion of Council, I do hereby publish Hg’ins and HmlJ,n, for entertaining negroes on bunday, fined 30 doiiars.— Alfa, Tharnat Dotuhnrty, for retailing Spi rituuui Lquors, without a licence, fined 10 dollars 7 M. lI’ILLSO H, r: c. March 28. 00. AUCTION. THIS D.if at 11 o'clock before the (ub r i river's /)UCI ION ST ORE, •util but -curve, all THE sTOCK IN TRADE ir’e. LIM, and C. CONSISTING OF, I'if-cs Hranely, Hhds. J im. and N. E. Rum, Pipes Wine, Birrels Sugar, And an afTorrment of Dry GOOD ‘, and o'hc r groceries. ALi>O y 1 ITark* and chair, and fun elrv artiiles of houfchold fitrni ture, and a handsome colledion of rxccilenr hooks. Conditions—all sums under 50 dollars Calh. All over, notes at ho davs wirh approved cndorlers. Joy order of the adminijlratt in. And at the lame time a varie ty of oilier arritlcs of groceries, Dry C3oods 6v c. S. H. STACKHOUSE, Autliont cr. March 2s. 60. AUCTION. TO V.O.v l<(J.y tne .y b injl. WILE liE sOLl) ai tbe bou e of he rev. vl,. CL\rKION >e r Roltoh’s f<i*a e. — ..// is Household O ivitciien jt ui - ni urc, CONSISIING OF, 1 Side Biad t Hair Sopha 1 doz. Chairs Dini ig a *'i Tea Table®, 2 Ln ge C .rpeis, 2 Serrets, Looking Glafl* y, Beds, Matrr^fTs, Beaureaus, 15- (Reads, Andion®, w 1 1h hand Hands, t Mahogany wr ting table, Iron fenoer, Cots, common ta bles, DrtHiog tables, CaniHen and wuiters, Tin C..ves, Knives and forks, IVh Knelts 6c Iron Poes Ci ff.-e Poi s, Do. Mil.s Ike, kc. aL',O, A f nail brown HORSE well calculated for the ladHe, and goes vvUI in harn fy SMI. STACKHOUSE. Auctioneer. Mirch 28 60 — furst” r ecf.ivedT 30‘f.’ fi. Brow, ST UT. 12 d)s. Button 11 of a Surer ior Also, 10 HhJt ,V. r. Rum 4 Pipe! Br inly, Bor talc ly i\obe ts & Cbark. March 28 60 TO RhNi, ’ ‘ lllu Br clc Fire Proof STOHI, lately I Jh occupied !>/ the fnuleriber as a Count ing Houle. JQt. H 4BERSIUM. Mar h 2lt Ao. 1 HE SUBSCRIBER, H*.S rem .ved to the Wharf and Stores belonging to Mr*. Hunter, formerly oui.ip edty lVJiflrj Hunter to Mini*, where lie cJininues to tranlaiS the Factorage and Commission Jjusiness. [oseph Habersham. Marrf) firt 1 U i_. Jji kJ, OK the 4*h day of April rivxt, at the Plantation of Lee Blarklell, in tlir 1 unty ot 11'yan, the following property, be longing to the eltate cf William Manweil, jiin’r. uc-ccaled, viz : Six, one Hrle a lmall Stock of Cattle, and variout arii cles of Hnul'ehol.l Furm-ure. Conditions made known on the day of fair. 54.1 an iiiacklell, Adn/ux. anu Lee Bla k fell, Ai?rr.’ or in right of his wife, r.-hn.iirv INDIA NAN KtiENS. the Si nscitißev rrrt* rot ui.r, 3000 Pieces India NANKKKNS, at reduced prices, for cuOi, or approved note*, at iixiy day*. Ia & Scarbrough. Mtrch t J 57 ZJ” TftKE V from iiuktty ‘Pilling hurjl, in thil city, an Tuttday I Jl, three ft vrr ‘Tee Spoont, two of them marked MTA the other with i mat k. The owner may have them by proving proper ty ant {raying for tbit adverlifci.eot. Ap flytO John William?. S C. S. .JuVi Mur eh 13. 1806. 65 JOHN FOI.TON, tv* ~) Tm/bw •ut. >■ buO •<■ WILLIAM NOkRIS, J Court, Klar.b Term, 18 />. U p OV the petition of .Jnhr Bolton, lurviving copart n r cf Robert & John Boßon praying the foreclosure of the E q iry of Redemption on *he fol lowing premifis, mortgaged to the said Robert & John Bolton for the linn of eleven hundred and forty fix dolla s, pavaole the fi*th of January io*, and. alio for the further sum of fle ven hundred and forty fix dol lars and interelt payable the fifth of November 1802, to wit, the following lots and ptrrs of ots ir> the town of Sr. Miry’s.— A 1 inat wharf Jot containim* 150 free on St. Maty's lbcer and running 150 fret well to J m |- ion's water lor, and from Sc. M 1-, r.’s llrecr to the river o > fret an I along the river ioo lert The fame being the front of lot No. four in the plan of -fan! town—Also part of lit I lot’ No. four beginning ac Ready (Ireet running writ on the St. Mary’s ftrret to Ju ‘•fo- , 4 lot & on Ready drrer 200 fert north >o Divine Young’s lot <>r li ie & • 50 weft on laid Young’s line to Judlon’s lot wiih the buildings and improvements thereon. Alio Joe No. (43) forty thier ontaining four acres ihen o upied by Peter W. Grren, w .1, t e buildings r-nd imprhveir ems rhereon, and on motion of Mr ‘tiles attorney *o* the petitioner, it is o daea bv the court hat the principal inn tell and tolls upon rhe Lid mortgaged premiltk bepiid into court with n r we!ve months fiom this datr and unit Is the lame te lo pail the equity ot redemption 1L..11 thenceforth b forecloled and 0- tht*r proceedings rake place pur fuaut to the ~and of atf” mbly in fucli case made an.i provt lri : And it is fur tier ordered ir purEance of the laid a<f:t rhat th s rule be publilh *cl in one o‘ : ih • public gaz: res ol this flare at Tad hnce in every month until ■he rt ne appointed for payrnen . or f rv.d on the more a e or special agent or at tonic / at lead fix months previous o th<- time the laid money is ordeied co re pai I into court as aforelau* E - traTl from the. nun utei this nth Ms-rh, 1106. ISAAC!JtE I{/S,e.e e. ee\ Ia n 211 60 J AREN UP, ON the from Savannah, A SORREL MARK aln u fourteen and an half hand, high, hut, a flar in her fort arid ami f vrial fiddle ir.a.1.3 The ,wntr is rtqtielie Ito piy uur ges and take her away. Enquire 1 f Sylvdrtus MuTirt March 18 ’ NOW... ALT- pe>f n having dcmini!* nramA the fublcriUerb, culler us cp irtucri or individuals, will plcafc prtfent them for payment, at their counting.jioulc, without delay. Mein, Mackny <sk Cos. Sar. March 28 do wan no, AN OVERSEER, a ti gle man we!! sc qaainte l with Rice planting, why can bring good recommendations <t hi Uom ellv, fobricty tnd abilities Apply to the fubferiber at Coubn Hurt., Rrya.ll County'. JOHN Ji MOREL March r 1 r , ~ivUJiUF. r “ AGREEABLY to an order of the Mart. oracle Ihe Inferior Court <,t Burke County, Will In Sold a ;|ie Court linn!-* m the town of VV ) i.eiu r .ugh, 1 n lie tirll J'ncf. day in Mar nes , i lie while o| ti, e Uh. Al, ESTATE ‘of Matthew CLA, dfo-ajbl, f.,r ’lie be ciit of the iiei u and .1 nium, ut ihuj dec.eafed Terms will be made known on he day ot file. BENJAMIN AN ‘LEY, March 18 57 A i i’a’ r -'iror Trit I' oV HUNTER & MINIS, IS this day difTolvcrl by cr.ti ual ctm sent. All persona having dcniaiids, w,i| I pbafe render them to the fublcribirs tor adjiiflaient j and all indebted, an loir iteil to prepare tor immediate payment. They will attend at thcr Cumunnw house as nfual, lor the at'jnltincut oi their accounts. JAMES HUNTER l.irtnC MINIS. March 23 eg* ibt.L) i\ ic. r,- FOR SALE a l’ hundred bulhela ft O'ibi aa Whirr Med KJCK if uu r> celleri’ q-iality, being the pr.idu.'t ot m./ ground front elm tee Iced Apply in Übcn zer .v-uk. . Ftbruaty 8 j Cr.' URT, Cbrt b tit • .CUV y ) In 1 Y. 5 ON the petitionu j h Mead Hating being pVfTL.fTd of notes of h<uiO an.’ ev ci.s ot debt, belonging to t(j c | a e Anibrbfe Gor don den .ife.’, as fpecified in the bJmdu e hereto annexed, and that the lamp have lolt ; and that copies of t'm f-mc as near as th’- petitioner can re coileift ate npw lodged in the clerk's office, Together wirh an affidavit that tire, in nc have b''eo been 101 l by accidetit \ K | r tying t ie benefit intrn ed bv the itx<hi ‘ecTion of theju li iil of *799 a, )d O'her cin aurflapti al proof being a|fv I iid be f orc- the court, Jt is oui-red, that the said gums and evidences of debt, be ellabliffied us dirc-Scd by rhe vaul sixth ledlaai o’ ihe judicial V 'T on rhr laid J>! 1 n Mead pub lilliing a notice lor the lpace of fix moi'iihs in one id die puljlic gazettes of this cin, unlels 1 aot'o lh.ill be flirw’D to the court with in the laid lix ‘months, or other matter Ifi ill appeal to the court ayainlt th - fame. V CH KDULE. ONE d*a~v 1 by /llex.mndtT jobnjtoti, dated -jS May )So+, payable st June 18:4, jor 44. i tlo.h/rj an l 4'y ten’s, Une drau>/t by Cos frit R. Duke elated 13/4 I"tte, *BO2, fay idle 30 days ~f-■cr ■cr tale, for id Jj ,a j 53 1-4 cents O'.e Jr i.V’i gy Lemuel Kol lOcd, dated bib Au s ut, 1 00 , pay* aue 1 Q days after date t foi I\7 do.Uis 30 it nr r. One dr art it pj Hugh Magee, da ed gd May, IJO4, ■piDaoli ho days after and tie, fjr si dollars (;7 ents. One and awn by 10. tries Etniergrten % dale l jl Mas, iSoj, pa .aide 30 days af.c y dit , Jtr 100 and liars. One drawn by Nat ban Heal far ioo dollars, t 111 to ■its oom payable /do r.ot rectlie-.1 , left by Charles Goodwin, esq Jor toilettton. A r ece/ji signed by sir T out .s Bon salt of hnglatii Jor 10 j pounds storing, t> /Vtfss /Inn Davies, with several tempts on the bac't Jor l e interest, l me cXffrtCHrom rhe records. J BULLOCH, Cut. Jm. 3 1. liw 6.0. 45. N et ice, T HE fnht. fiber, lorne ime fibre eing on ms re ur.i from the lndua liiio', rair'c up w’tft a J Oil N I VINE faE fit: called liiinlc,!) vvn> -uj in his potlrifi hi a nt‘-v negto el. rw i trim like t t.ii irniitnre ,i:nl con. verf.aion ct Irv tie, a’l'pii in trrooa cd • om whence he b,nt cimic, lie iimip •2r in w.'.K b he ma te rep y, logeilier with o her ctrm ntiames oi his co.i- Ju t Coiifi: rni.d/ne lutilf ribe. m.hc be. icf tnar /he tiet/m had nee'i itoleri H • tbe/efo e dc.n.nJrd <>l Irvit-c in ,vbaf wa\ tie had c,nne ft the potl.l* t'/nof the nrur” ; t' wh'i.b hr* te. r u-ncd an cvatiwe .mlwer. ‘l’t-e fi/b” lr rtbr-r tod hnn hr h ;tl go'>d real >1 O believe the had oeeti ttoletl and was d'*t r oijed t> /ik/ e ne gro Irom him aittli at: turn adverttfed a td in 1 ate no pe lon tlionri.l hi n tvnniiie’ch.cen in mr>t wcu .! ei tier re'urn <>l te 1 nini. I'hii is theiefore to n:■: ify cl! per* Tons wh'tm ‘t ilb ti nr inay r ‘m*rn, J (he luht. riber has in !iii ix.ltcs. li n rhctiii’ new negro; he is zb ut t’.ve tee: eiaht inch a h 1 nh, he’ / wen . w :iity five anil rni‘/y year* no marks o her ihan ■.n f.u hack, which appeal .'0 h.tvc lull id undei the kjowlki.i ; ipr -ks I'd r nr 1 u Ellpjittl lays he l ainsf ir'i'ii Carolina, but Uoei iMi it ew wiwner 1 rom l\i r?-i <>r .S.ju h, he indiUn ctiy coinmijnica’es (/.he t .*tk *•) in vv n >t w.iy the min fume hi 11:11*) til l he took him ur> ir rite mad, wtisu on his sv.y nt lt.!i on Inti • river r < reck neat by. >:r ni Oivi.rt ae itierelore requeued t-i tt eve m” propeify 01 ihe nezr ch.fges and/'k’- In ii-iwiv. Win. l\cc!y. Canwien Con tv nr. S/ hi try's River. Sept, 20 Min Kid 7. is ; 11CR. IS he'eSv given, /ha> af/e r ‘he ex’ ) r ill not ivnr. -.ti > (>v * f <* 11 f • at icre t, aj> /! tali 1, will tic n> it : /, it,c b uvorz !e fie iuf'rir r C'-u / .or >te Oouii/i of ‘-—a h cn, for ,u< : ,j f~l ■<ie ra’ e tafe of J ‘:*. *V . icer t, ,e 01 tlic aid dec. 10 lAc kne. tottl c be: s I,id ;rr(.:t .rs. TH r.M ff 'to, t AUCt(’l) CL A iUk, \ c** Auglllt i;, !•)_,,