Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, April 01, 1806, Image 1

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Vol. IV. No. 5+.J CONDITION 0 1 THt GEORGIA REPUBLICAN. ■i Tlie 11EPVBJ..C/S.N is publiiea every Tueliinv and Friday, on a r>al llicet oi fo-xt xjualttr. The tenr.3 of febfenption arc stx -doi.- u’ per ui.uuiti. ..die half to be at the v rne ot fu'jlcrthing, and the balance at the sLpiratton of the year..-xml all pipers will be continued until ordered to the reverie rnsni or AorgßTisixs. Adverttlements ifllertcd at 5c cents per |>|Uare the firit insertion, and 25 eachcon tmuatio ... A Uheritl all wane? made to tlude who tv.lh 10 advertise by tlie year. For Sale ar this Office, A variety of BLANKS among which arc, Foreign nul Coasting MtflifclU* Meroh ints Entries, 1 ijuor* 00. 11. Is of Exchange, tl 1. of Lading. c. j of Sale; Powers of Attorney, C hecks, Apprentices Indentures, Deeds of Conveyance, 3i ,nds; Korea of Hand, Writs for the. Superior, Inferior &. Mayor’s Courts, M Ivor’s Ct urt Executions Ji Sttpbaenas, D rices to creditors of Infolv- nt le > tors Militarydnmmonfes, & Executions, ft :- cy Cards, Handbills tAc. (Ac priced at a Jbort A odes on reaftnablt ter ms. •eumsmbOAßmt FOR LIVERPOOL, -LfSS- The ttamiCh new fliip ,VMK ‘ i A^t IViiUam Bussey , master, W 1 LL be loaded with nil )>o(T: i!e dis patch, for the above port. For freight of 400 bags Cotton, apply to the mat ter on board, or to ROBERES fc? CLARK, Smith 6c Bourke’s wharf. Received per said vessel and Jor sale as above, f 00 m. feet white pine Lum ber, A quantity Spars for booms, topm-ifls, &c. Gruur.d r ent. ALL tliefe indebted to the City for UK(-UM) KENT, are r. q;e c ! to e< me fur war a immediately ui.d lcttle the fame. J. CUTLER, City Tre fir er. JHarth 2j 59 JUST RtiCf, go C-Jh Brew i TjUT. 12 Do, Du, tun AsUJi oj a Su etioi Quality, Also, I o /Fa’s A’. E. Rwn 4 Pipes Brandy, For sale ly • vobe.ts & Clark. March a 8 60 TO RENi, vpHE Brick Fire Proof STORE, lately JL occupied by the lublcnber as a Cuunt ing Houle. JGs. HABERSHAM. March 28 ho INDIA NANKEENS. THE Subscribes itfek for sale, 3000 Pieces Inuia iN ANKEENS, at reduced prices, for Calh, or approved notes, at Cxty days. 1 a) lor £? Scarbrough. March 25 j 9 6t ( HE SUBsCKIbEk, HAS rent ve.. to the Wharf and S'orcs bell i 1.1 g to Mrs. hunter, fume.i\ etvopied by iv.illVs hunter <x Minis, wi.ere 1h c-mimies to tram-et the Factorage ai.u L oir.nVssion Business. 1 Jo epii Hauer.ham. March 28. Cos Nu i lur . ALL tiers ns having demands againh the fubfenbers, either as c -partners or inaividuals, will plecle preler-t them tor pa- ment, at their counti.. st -house, without delay. Mein, Mackay & Cos. Sav. March 28 60 WANTED, AN OVERSEER, a ft gie mm well ac quaint-1 with Rice plan i,ig, who ran brii g good recommendations cf his bo„. efly, sobriety aid abilities Apple to the fubl'criber at Cotton Ham, Bryan County. JOHN H’ MOREL. Mircf ti 55 TO LE7\ THE Tere-nent of the Subfcriher.’ F’rt Pro 21 Br:2lt EUII.IJING, or. the Bay, lately cccup'ili by Mr. joftph Rice Immediate ijn can he given. Aj.r lv *® R. & j. BOLTON. ‘ Mareh 18 c, Georgia Republican. Warned on Charter or Freight, r y£rS*\ A VESSEL of about r~\ 200 tur.a, for a Gtr- Man port. Apply to A G. Ocmler 2c Cos. March 14 la * M TING, MOCO A, CifTee frclh Hyfon 6c Gunpower Teas Sallap 0.1, Bifeuus, Engiilh and American Chcefc Pepper and Ginger in bags Chewing Tobacco Brandy in pipes, Negro Pipe* Prime Jamaica Sugar Martinique C< ff-r, Empty Demijohns K ‘gs ot Gunpowder, Tungtits slams ami Beet, and an .''fTrrtmertt of Sf A HON ART, Which will beio’.d for riauv money at Very reduced prices • ALSO, Every an tele in the GROCER 2 and LIQUOR. LINE. Bay icy L? H traun. March l Prime .Northward uU 1- r rEK, In k *gs, for falc by /he fubfer’b^r. A. PEMBERTUN. F.brjnry 2 <; 0 LOST OR STOLEN, A GOLD WATCK, A fetv evenings fmeff. Who M 'er has fou~nJ the sane is re j'lnle.i ro Lave the nane of rhe iffier vv'th rhe printers. Th )-vner ‘vvll farisfv Aich perl r hit the Warch is his bv uh nr> S'in/, and aferwarls Hy pr >v ing his p” ‘Dtrcy. A handloiw reward will he given if required. Warrh-irtakers and others ar< requeued to Ihoji anv pe.fon it ap: earance fnfoicious, who mat ofFer tiirh a Wau'h for Jale, s i rhe looicr has In me ground so beheving ic was ftulen. Marrh 4 fj THF SUBnCRIBhRS. WISHING to wards the colteflion and lettlement of debt due to them. Give notipr. th t, on ‘he ■>?•■ rlnv of December next, thev will decline T. R-tai btifiotfs on credit; Tlit-v ihdire ther fore that ;;1 thofc indelved to the-i, ov r R- bert & John BUton, wiUimmeilively m:if !>v ment or otherwise fettle to their far; fnfti ’n. From the fl-re crlleAion made Gulp nv , “ear-, pall, die debts ro them have accnmuh -■-d bevord thro- w ; fli ; and the,. a , f-diciendv ar.if • h?t!,.,|i n , f s Inch a forcing cannot fnpport Itfrlf. ‘ ui tis ‘t-lion, lx Cos. Their reaia-ndock on hand whh li i> ■or I -’-ended t lie i -creard, xvd 1 be fiM h vhoh.ft.Je or r tat an easy terms for call . ■erduce, or town notes U c, at> ts FicM Hands I WA NTF.I) to hir• two or three FH-U* SLAVES, for par tiriiiers er.quiie at i11.6 edict. March 4 im $$ GF.C )RGiA. GO UK r of ORDINARY, CHATHAM COUNTY. Monday, %and March, iSc6 WHEREAS it is ftatec i the Courr, that admii titration had been gran'ed i he year 1799, to WilFam Mil on the eftatc and tffed of David Milligan, deccafei, jndtoL'dwin Gardner, on th - (late and tff. &sos A exandc Brown, dtetafed, and that botl o.e laid acini niftratrrs, did a:n ii*ll ccntir.ue to reside out of the. liatt ol Georgia, and have ntve: made and rendered an inven tory of the estates they reflect ively r- preien’, or in any otter wile ton piitd with thcg'requifi tions of c nr |.wr„ If is t f,re ord/red, Thar he fair] how in Gardner & Wil liam Mi lit;an, be and appear a’ this Courr, to be held on the firit in April next, to fiww cauie (if any Thev have) wh fuch letters of adminiitraiion should r.o’ be revoked. And that this order be published in one of th- Gazettes once in every we. k from the date hereof. Ext all from the minu’es. I’D WARD WHITE, 1 54] Clerk Court of Ordinary SAVANNAH 1 PR'NTED BY EVERITT S’ M'LEAN, OS THE B\Y. TUESDAY, April i, 1806, Tlie Subscribers, IdAVING entered into Copartnership •mder the Firm of Shaarfr U UktSDALK, Offer the Public their services as Facto- XERS v3* AGENTS. Tll /■. T receive and dispose of all Finds ,fprodute, H.uses, hinds, Negroes, or any /,htr spui sos property, on commission. They having a general knowledge of the DRT Gl/01) A GROCERY BU SINESS, offer their services to Country Merchants, and in making purchases and forwataing agreeable to ur aer any articles in thut line—And when cJh is deposited with them, they attend Autiions and buy at the lowed/ Rates. M. Shearer. J no. Drysdale junr. N. B. Their Counting Room u ad. joining the Post Office, S. E. corner oj the Exchange. Nov. T 9 ts 24 EOUCa l ivDN, Grateful for.the (lilling-uflied pntronsg. lie has experienced liuce lus eltabl ifmnent r S .vannah, Mr Green with deference inform his friends and tlie public, that the Ladie- Literary fcliool, and the Grammar and ila> h smaticnl tchools, arelhll conducted by hin on the fame extenfiveplan, as at their com mencement. The course of the Ichcols, includes Read ng, Grammar, Kl icution and Rhetoric, Writing in all the uleful ornamental bunds, Arithmc ic, Book keeping, according to ft veral lyitems. Geography and the ule, drawing copy ing of Maps in difieunt j)ro jections, tlie lements of Allronomy, an he life of the Globes and Te lurian Hillon and Chronology. In tlie Mathematical department, thi pupils wi 1 be carefully mllrufted in Algebr; Geometry, Trigonnmeiry, Conic Seftioir and Fluxions, with their application to the ntlinels of life and the invefttgation offci ;nce. ,'ixteen years experience in his profeHior, and a sacred and unremitting attention ts he irorals and real improvement of his pu nls will, he hopes, continue to him from •- liberal and enlightened public, a (hare of oat tavor winch lie has hitherto experienced i’upds admitted without Entrance, till he ill of the ensuing January. I,A. Dancing Master of eminence -ill attend the Schools. November 5 ao NO i ICE. ALL persons having demands against the late ella'ddh-nem of Lyon (k Morl’e, or of rhe itaie of Samuel Morse late of this city, de :eafed,are dclired to render them to thelub. cnber properly attdietl, and. tiiofe who are ndebted nvi 1 do afervtce to tlie widow- ancl hitdren offaulMorfe by making lpeedy paj - lent. Curt’s Bnlton, Ad mV. on (aid Morfes edate Nov. ift 14 2 . • lit, oUiT'CK. lihK, OFF EKS for laic tor calh, o -irterfo- N.grors, /hrec houses and ■ >/$ ifi tnc viiiavc rs St. Gau ; , one vhicb was formerly occupied py S/c ----) :cn B nur.r. !a/t 0” ibis . i/y, <jec. the her/wo adjo tii'g. Fot pirtnulars opH t > Mi. I r.ktba 1 Ciire, in Sa raiHiah,orii VVayne(borru n to Stephen Tlount. TANARUS” 24 f’ e 6 1 U la Lb/S a For a Term of Years. Lot. No. 13 and 14 in IVatrcn Ward ftujted n ar tie Bey and n,joining a lot belonging to the eflute of H I.iUibritlge, at present, occupied by A/r fames Alclntofh and Air. IVtn Green Teache —ore of them a co, ner lot on a square and fronting the new market. Fo > terms apply to IVILLI t\ A1 PARKER. Jarumy 3 ts 3^_ 50 Doll us Heward. lIAiVAWAY about 4 months since. A gro man named I'ETER, belonging to the bate i t George Haift dec’ll. Heisavalua .c cai [tenter, and well known for many years n ihiucity He is tall ami dim, aflive, and riluland wlien quellioned clolely, he flam -els much. lodol ars will he paid on his .clner to the Subfcriher,orto tne Goa'er of lis city, and forty dollars in addition ther.-tc jn ooi of his being harboured by a w hite icrfon. J.MACHIN, Exo’r o Eflate, George Haih OAolerfs 14 1 O 1 I 1 , THE WHARF AND STORES 17 OKMLIt I.Y occupied by Meflrs. Wilfot Ate Knox, and ut present by Mr. Andrew Krmx. Thei proditiftive and convenient fi •nation is In well known, as to require nt further explanation. For terms enquire o! K. Wayne. November 1 Bonaventure. THIS elegant retreat about 4 n.lles fror. Savannah, on VVaflaw river, is ofltrt ; 011 a Itaie for fix or seven years, for the be 1 tfit of the heir, a minor, on terms that wdl luit tbule inclined to possess so valuable a piece of ground, as we!! ealeu ated for health as for pleaiure and [irofi-. Apply to IVm. STEPHENS, ) . N. TURNBULL uard,ana - j Augtilt 9 i IU LfcJ, ~ A large conven ent DWELLING HOUSE, and well fitted up STORE in a central situation, cither J ieparately or together. Terms will be made very “reafoualile. Apply fhc prin+eri!, February 18 Administrator's SALES. Agreeably to an order of the Jus lices of the Inferior Caurt of the County of Cr. atbam, WILL 13 E SOLI), At the Court-house in the City cf Savannah, on TUESDAY the 6th day of May next , sole to commence at io o'clock , the fol lowing Property, being of the real and personal estate of the late ‘Joseph Clay. A WHARF LOT 150 fm Front, with the valuable improvements thereon, adjoin ing Mr. Boltons. .500 feec front on the river at Yamacraw with the improve nents thereon, lituated between vlr. Boltons and Mr. Twiggs’ wharves, which will be divided into Lots to accommodate pur halers. A House end Lot on the Bay, formerly the rcfidencc of Mr. Clay, adjoining Mr. ‘1 elfairs A Houle and L.ot fronting he South Common and adjoin •ng Mr. William Wilions. A Lot cn Farm-street with the valuable improvemt nrs the re on, now occupied by Mrs. Clay. A 1 the remaining Lots and Lands lying on the wilt Fide of Farm-lbeet, including tin low grounds to MuFgrovc’s crick j theFe will be divided io accom modate purchakrs. All that part of the very val uable Plantation and trait of Land called Vale-Royal, lying north cF the Augulla road arid westward of the property Lit mentioned, containing about iogo acres, of which 460 are tide and inland Jwamp, ihe re mainder prime Cotton Land. Fhis planta’ion has a From o more than a mile on Savannah river, and lies immediately a bove the city. All the remaining part of the Vale Royal trad, conta ring ü bouc roo acres and lying on the Augulla road mar the city, which will be laid cue into fmah Lots. Another valuable Phfltatioi and trad of Land called Spring field, adjoining Vale Royal on the louth, Ring on both fidrs of iMulgrovUs creek, containing ,885 acres, of which 250 an lice Swamp, the remainder good Cotton Land. This property is compoled of 45 and ,5 acts Lots, a plan of which will be prepared, and Fuch of them as are connrded will be fold to gether, and the remainder lepa rately, 5 Farm Lots of 50 acres each in the Township of Savannah. 4 Lots, being a part of the Fair Lawn trad, formerly Col. Wylly’s, viz : No. it, 71 acres, No. 13, 57 acres, No. 3, 46 4i.res, and No. 21, io acres. 1 Lots at Thunderbolt, No. 7 and 14. a Lots on Tybee llland, No. 3 and 27. 1 Lot at Montgomery, No. 14, 99 Fret Fronton Vernon nv r, 440 Feet deep, and two back Lots of two acres each. 2 adjoining Vjliiage Lots a’ Adon, 130 acres, near liancr’t bridge* 103 acres good Cotton oppoiite Montgomery, betweer. Vernon and Ogerhee river. A valuable Plantation anc | tract of Laud about 10 miles rom Savannah, on the Louis ville road, containing 1550 acres of which 400 are Rice v ,wamp. 300 acres Pme a nd near ; Monteitn. I 130 *tre ab<’-ir 7 miles a -1 hove orcr ne river [Whole Number 361. crmerly occupitd by J. Jen ins; c-ands in Effingham Coun ty. 1F94 acres in one body, near GreuOgechee river, about ox, miles Fiomi Savannah, granted at various rimts from 1764 to 1774. 250 Acres pine lanu afjoining the above, ar i lands of Michael Macinfufs, formaly R. M’Cor mick’s, 200 Acres pine land near Ken nedy’s. 300 Acres formerly Bennetts. 3°o Acres Formerly Gold wires, joining R. Scruggs and Paul Bevil. Ar. undivided half of 300 a crcs joining the above, granted to B. (A ]. Gold wire- FS OO Acres pine land near 1 uckalee King, formerly Her* riots. IN GLYNN COUNTY. 500 acres Land granted to Joieph Wright. 200 acres granted to Joseph Baynes, IN LIBERTY COUNTY. 1700 acres Land, in tour ad joining trails, Formerly James Andiews and Grey Eliiotts, granted 17F4 and 1*69. 350 aerts in is\o adjoining tracts, grained 10 Robert and Matthew bmallwood, 1764. In MACINTOSFI COUNTY. 200 acres Land, formerly William Fox. 250 acres at Beard’s Bluff oa the Alatamaha. ’ 97 NEGROES. And immediately thereafter, at Vale Royal and Springfield* all ‘he other personal property on those places, confillmg ot Stock Plantation U** tensils, &c. CONDITIONS. For the real estate, one third payable the firit January, 1807* one third the fir If January, 1808, ari.i the remaining third January, 1809, with intcreft on ‘he two Jail inftalmencs. The whole to be lecured by bonds and mortgage. For the perianal property, one third Cafii, the remainder on the fir ft J anuary next, lecured by notes with approved indor lers. william Wallace, ’1 HOMAB CUM MING, JObEFH STILES, Administrators. Sav. March 3. 53 For bale. ONE cf /he moft valuable /rails cf Land upon /ne Altarnaba, coi./amii g about eleven hundred acres of Rire bwampin /he belt pitch of /ide. I his tr-’ct u about hve tiiiles above /h own of Darien, was, prior to there* voluiionary war,/he proper/y at the laie governor VVrighr, and has for fettle me r.f, attached immediately to the Swamp, one of ihe moft beauti ful and molt tleva/ed fj/uaiions upon /be river. Pei lons wifliing to pui chafe this proj eriy will apply to Fdward Swaa-- biecfc or William Mein, Ffqrs. at Savannah, where a pla/ ot the Lan4 may be seen. Oitobtr 25. /f; g. FOR SALE. THE house at [-refert occu pied as the Republican Printing i Lumber or the labour of a Carpenter will be received n payment. For particulars ap ply to EDW. L. DAVIES. N0v.17 24. ts. FOR SALE, a Capital trait of icz I 2 acre of land pn tie ,th diflrift of Baldwin county. For \particulars enquire of the printers of thit ‘.paper. fan. f ts j;