Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, April 01, 1806, Image 3

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HE PUB LIC A N SAVANNAH, a?A!L i, iSc6. HORRID MUX I)ER ! Ann r 7 u’ckji k ou Tuefoay even ing lalt in Effingham County, John .London, elq. was lliot off of his horlea* he was returning homejlrorn a neighbor's •within shout a quarter of a mil eof his own houle. It was immediately dif covcr.d by one ot his negroes who wat a ftr.all dirtance behind him, and who alarmed the neighbors. It appeared on examining his wound* and bom every r.cediary evidence that lie had been twice (hot ; the contents of one gun lodged in his bowels, the other in the brealf, the whole amounting to 51 (hot. .Yninquelt was held over the body and ?fcer taking many affidavits on the fub j.ct, the jury gave it a, their decided o p.uion, that ne tv3 wilfully rourdertd by one Lewis Magahagan, with an ac cotnplict [tor it appeared there mutt have been two theatirocious act. J Megatltagaii had already concealed tiimlelf or gone away so as not to be found; a party ot men went immediate ly in purlmt of him but had not found linn on Friday. He was a near neighbor to Mr* London, and the C.lpute, which 1. appears been the oeatu ot Mr. L. is (aid to hove anlen from nothing more coulequential than the (hooting of a dog mat rud'heen somewhat truubltfome to Mr- London and belonged to Maga liagan. Mr. London was about 48 years of age—He had for many years iupported the belt of characters and fil led lome ot the molt relptdtable and i.lponiible poifß that couio tie conferred on lain by the citizens of Effingham County. He had Uncharged Lis official emits with tuch promplncls and impar tiality, and the duues ot a member of lociety and a neighbor wuh such tx actncis and vedtuuae as to lecure to him the eitcem of almolt alt who kucw him. Federalism Jcfned. A Ftiler aiiji, according to Webftcr’s sew dictionary, is a friend to the Conjli tu.’iofl of the United States. How hap pens tins, wuiie mine or our federahtu are ueciaring ti.e conltuuuon is no bet ter ttiau wei paper; others ridiculing the ve.y iu.a ot coultiiuiiuns of goveru wrnt i Houuf AS’l , lays that ttie rage for Cor.Jlhvt.on making tins been in me world about 25 years, aua in 25 more it will come to an cod. Buk.liiigh fays, liic conlfuutioa 19 good tor nothing, and re.igiouj/y adds, • kick it to the L—l.’ Had Web (ter said that a f derail (l lov ed all conliitucioi.i, which Kept him in piace, and hated all, winch kept him ut—or tiiat a federaiift was a tricud 10 the charter of Ling Charles, and dread fully affraid, iclt trie people of Connec ticut ihould have a coifftitutibo, wc fhoulj have given credit lor hi* frank ntU—or it tie had briefly U.J, ‘ a feat rd ft ts a friend to monarchy and hi.rar . thtet, n i would have been evi dently COlltCt. liut his laying that a ftderalift is a friend to the coiniiiution es Lhe United States, is too Lvere a cut 011 the fede raiilm 01 1806, which Heartily curies the ceiiiltituiiou and the aouuiiiitraiiou, and then takes breath only to more cordially me revolution, which gave rife to both of them. Hat ford Mu>cury. Connecticut federaliim is like a manu facturing town in a great country; it makes every thing witnin itleif, has a great deal to export and nothing to im port ; hence has hitherto k. pt the ba lance in it* favor. Whenever a ltory is necessary for proxies, it is at once made, not from auy raw tnaierial, but trom no thing ; iu this the feceralilt differ from other manutadtures, who mult always have something to make lomcttnng of. At one time a French fleet has come to demand 6 millions of dollars ; at an other tile Spaniards are upon us, and our vessels are alt in .he dry docks—or l'o pery is about to be eitab i(h;a 111 Louis iana—or the crew ot the lhip Ocean has fcten mi.ffacrtd, or Bonaparte is dead and all hi* army surrendered—or ih. faiarits of public eific-rs are raffed, or lome democrat has ulurpcd the place of Luci fer, or lome federal lawyer has become a real chrfftian. There is a great deal of reeling, cross twitting, and throwing of the Ihuttle by theft federal manufactures jutt before proxies ; but as the whole is made of no thing. it comes to nothing soon after proxies, so that it cannot be said of these manufactures, this work lies a great while in their hands. If the question in this country now were, ‘whether to revive fedetalifm and idumt and Liberty ! (landing armies and 8 per cent loans—or to import the empc tor Alexander to govern us, the deci sion would be in favor of the last, for would honeitly own that, he was in favor of monarchism and nobility. When he talked about energetic gov ernment or religion, we Ihould under (tand him. If he wanted to oppress the people with war* or taxes, lie would vhuie about it, pretend great friendfh p for the people and appoint fad days; hut the imperial Alexander would go fir-fight forward. Federahim is such a double-tongued, double faced thing, that common pm p.c are deceived by it ; and as-thc ftdeial aoulct have neither crown, nor Cn.o&ct6, 1 1 they go Hilr to work, raising hatterv j arter battery to protect the people irom their worlt enemies, ihenjUv s, and to protect themfehes ftom the p > pie, af ter they! be louud out—Hence ft •(- eralffm, with all its dilguifis, is mine dangerous than monarchy ; for the latt would be dilpoied of every’ lummarily ; but the iii It can dulil us pouons many years into the bocy poiitic, before it is detected. It would be iafer to trull the emperor of Alexandria than any ot our builders of Jlupenduous fabrics. ib. Some time ago a man of decent ap , pearance was apprehended by aa iuliabi. lent of Baldwin, well known lor hi* tal ents in rogue catching, in piaffing Court j terfeit Morey ; and was carried to Grcenf. boiough during tile fitting ot the kit Su perior court, where be confided himfclf to be concerned w tli the notorious A brah; >n Collins and then made oath that a number ot men (naming them) redding in the upper part* of Georgia were deep ly concerned witn Collins—one in par ticular hi (wears to have seen a letter from to Coding, in which he wrote for , 20,000 dodars. The names of the per funs in;plicated are no secret here —they are moftiy men of tne firtt refpediability and Handing in lociety—lome have bn’ii and now are rren pi, (T fling the highelt lfations in the gift of the people.— We thought it would be neglecting our du ty as an organ of public information, not to have noticed an occurrence of such importance ; but we forbear giving a more minute iiatement as wc are well in formed that lome of the parties ate de termined to lift it to the .bottom aud make a iiatement to the pubic-—and further, wc are not dtipofed to pubhfli abroad the names of men, heretofore un tmpcached, as accomplices of a noted countcrtcitor, on luch authority. Sparta Gazette. WE have great fatisfa&ion in communi cating to the public the following pleating information, inaliiuich as it completely pur ges the government of all criminal conni vance at, or pasticipation in the uue mys terious e.xpidition under Miranda. —A letter is received in town from general Dearborn, lecretary at war, in which lie peremptorily declares that neithet the adminiilration, nor any of ‘he heads of departments individually have any knowledge of the dellii.ation of the Lexnder; that on this 1111■ j ft neithet Mr. Jetferi’on or Madison ever had any conferen ce’ and communications with gen. Miranda; that it was not until after hie had failed that they were adviied of her heinv dellined on a lioitiie voyage ; and tnat on receiving tins advice, lints were immediately initituted i aga 1 nil the parties concerned, and that too, before any reprei'entations were made to them by any foreign mimlter or agent. Ref’s Gazette. The following letter has been received at Raleigh, (Nortn Carolina) from one of the members of Congrel's from that date, dated “ IVa/higton Ciy, March 17. “ This evening m the houle of reptclen tatives, a vote has been taken on Nichoil'or’s reloiii.i .n, [for a partial iion-importatK'ii afl] Yeas i t— Nay* 35. A commiuee is appoin ted tn bring in a bill to carry tills rel-luton into Mr. oioan withdiew his rtlolu tion immediately upon the above dceilion, ami die commiuee is dilchurged from the further cotuideration of Mr. Gregg's reiolu ton.” The following is the refo/utiou propnfd by Mr. Nicholson. Uefolved, That from and after the day of next, the following articles, being of the growth, produce or manufacture o f Great Britain or Ireland, or of any of the colonies or dependencies of Great Britain, ought to be prohibited by law from being imported into the United States, r nit the territories thereof, viz. All articles of which leather is the mate rial of chief value. All articles of which tin or brass is the material of chief value : tin in lheets excep ted. All articles of which hemp or flax is the material of chief value. All article* of which lilk is the material of chief value. Wool en cioths, whefe invoice prices l),all exceed— Woollen h iiery of all kinds. \Vuidow glass, and all other manufaffures of glal s. Silver and plated wares. Taper of every delcription. Nads and Spikes Hats. Clothing ready made. Millinery of all kinds. Playing Cards. Beer, Ale and Porter—and Pictures and prints. Er.traft of a letter Jrom a merchant in ttrw York , to his Jr tend in Philadelphia, dated March 11 • “ Pray cormtadnft the fl-.ameful report, of the Indopan having failed from Hayti, for the Spantfn Maine, as no person can con troul her dellination except ourselves—we Having chartered her, and appointed every officer on board. “ We have just seen a letter from capt. Lewis, dated Port-au Prince, itli February and you may rely that the ftup Emperor is now at this port, lndwill reiurn from thence to New York—any thing to the contrary of your newsmongers,notwithllaiiding.” By a recent aft of the Britifl; parlia ment refpedting prizes, it is among- otii er things enadted, That in all cases of appeal from the vice-admiralty courts, that the proceeds shall he paid to the register of the court, and to be by him, and the parties concerned, remitted to trulfees in London, named, one by the Captor, and one by the Claimant, to be inverted in government fecuritics until a final decision, Thi* will obviate one greate inconvenience experienced here tofore by our citizens wlui after an ex peufive and a getting favorable decree, often found the captors, and their secu rities insolvent. Norfolk Ledger , | Montevikzo taken by the Esitish. j Advices is received at the Bland of Cuba, by a packet frurn Qid Spam, that Montev : e Hon the river la Pitta, is ta <cn poffclfion of bv the Britilh, and that their force am'tinted to eighteen thou. ‘ir,d troops —ti.c commanding officer on his expedition w;o not named at Cuba, when our informant received th ! s intelli gence. N jfau pop. We learn that the counterfeiters have adopted anew method of effecting their nefarious defigna. Finding themfeSves incompetent to imitate the filling and liguing of bank notes, so as to referable the writing and denatures to the true notes, they now engrave on their plates the name in the- bony of the note and the iignatures, in imitation of writing. Our informant has seen two fpecitnens of these counterfeit notes. One of them was a Newark bank note cj One Dollar The whole of it was engraved, e xcept the I Dumber, The paper was of a feintyel . low hue, refemhling the silk paper of China ; appeared not to Have been sized, and was very rotten and weak. The o ther was a Manhuttca bank note oj three dollars, which like the preceding note, was wholly engraved except the number. The paper was whiter than the genuine note, and the engraving much inferior, particularly the River God or Divine, which was faintly and very badly done. It would he serving the public, if the printer* of papers iu the fcv,ral Hates would publilh this information. N. Y. Mer. Adv. A (hip in 64 days paflage, arrived at New-York from Bordeaux on the loth inst. bhe was the bearer of the accounts of the unexampled fucctifcs of the French armies in Germany, which we have already ptiblifhed. The following is the only new article we obferveby this arrival ; “ A paiTenger in the Frances Ann, informs us that official advices were re ceived at Bordeaux on the 25th Dec. that 10,000 English and 6,000 Ruflia’ a had been debarked for Hauover, and that on the 14th inarfhal Augereau had orders to proceed thither by forced marches, at the head of an army ot 70,0®0.” Married—On Wcdnefday evening 26th March, by Mr. Levy Abrahams, Mr. Samuel Rujfel , to Mils Sarah Delyon, daughter of Abraham Delyon, boiii ot this city, riawssi-TO-.Miirtniriimi-w 11 in n nu LI Port of Savannah. ARRIVED, Ship Naruy, blolls, I.ifbon ; Png Luna, Starr, New-York; Experiment, Roiimr, Havannah, (.LEAKED, Ship Charlotte, Al'Call, Liverpool i Br g Dean, Edgar, New- York i Ynomas, Dexter, do. Schr. Netty, G bbs, Phi‘a. Jane, Street. Chari fen , Stoop A ora, Booth, da. Cbarlefton, March 26 The (hip Henry, Weeks, from Liv erpool, anchored in the lodes this iriurii ing—long paflage. Capt. Croui ipoke, on the 27th in lat. 23. 14. brig Dolphin, Torr.-i, from Dcmtrara for Bolton, 20 days out—all well, March 1, in lat. 26. 53. N. long 70. 45. VV. Ipoke brig Valerius, Gro(s. 9 cays from Savannah for Demerara. Capt. Grots had the day before spoke Hie two French frigates and corvetl that elcaptd from tiie adtion off St Do mingo. They itajed that they intended making for fomc port iu the United States, Extrafl from the I.og Booh of capt. Brown of the Jchooner Live Sijiers, be, longing to capt. Morns, of Rorjolk, Virginia. Gn our paflage from Cayenne, to Norfolk, ( Vir.) was captured oil tiie call end of Cuua, by tiie Sanffarcat Gaily, capt. Jolly, under a pretext of being bound to St. Domingo ; a charge utter ly unfounded, having nothing on hoard but 16 hoglheads of sugar, aud little or no cadi to purchase coffee, or any thing else. After being brought to, they came on board and plundered capt Brown, his mate, and all the seamen, of their clothes ; the cabin, of every arti cle ot furnitnre, and even took fiorn the Ibreaft of capt. B. a gold pin, and his watch ; cut the long boat away from the Hern and sent heradiift ; and, after committing every depredation that pi? rates are accustomed to, sent him in to St. Jago de Cuba, where capt. £ was undtr Hit nectfffiiy of purchafmg provi lions and clothes tor himlelf, mate and people. “ Capt. Brown was captured, Febru ary 27, and liberated March 4 ” mac wnir— mmmotmmm naumuim——* UNION SOCIETY. THE Member* of the Union Society are desired to meet at the City Hall on Monday .he 7th day of April next, i>keci:.k lv at nine o’clock iu the forenoon, it Ueir.g the quarterly meeting preparatory to the An niverf&ry. PETER S. LAFFITTE, Sec’ry. *,* Tliofe perfon* who are dclirous of joining thi* institution, will take notice, that agreeab e to the Hales, imlels application 1 made at the above period they will not be admitted at the Annual Meeting. March 21 ;8 ASSIZE for March, ifto6. THE price of FLOUR being ten dollar and a half per barrel, we.gtit ot Bread mull be, nl* cents Loaf I 6 1-4 cents Loaf alb. t 02. j ilb. j-* oz. Os which all Bakers and Sellers of Bread are to take due and particular notice. j* CUYLER, City Treasurer. NOTICE. •Tl. the Citizens of* Sa vanjiah, and inhabitants of the Sea-hTmds, Wh.te blulf, Little Ogechee and Chero kee Mid Dilfricti. The Tub— leriber is now ready to re ceive the J axe , for the year one chdufand eijrht hun dred and five, at his Office, die corner of Broughton & j Lincoln ftreet* late Herlon’s house. Office hoi irs, from 9 in j the morning until 2 o’clock in the afternoon. f hole that do not come forward and pay their tax es by Thursday the 15th day of May next, will have executions iflued again!! them as the law directs..., a!f., for thole taxes unpaid for 1804 EEIEK DKVEAUX, T. C. C. C. Tax CoHeßot ’s Office, J , Monday, 31//, March, 1806. 6t ants a Situation, AS a Gardner, a man who perfectly un derltands the bulineis. For further in formation, apply at this office. April 1 jt it JOHN BOI.TON, sun.T Camdut vs. > Superior WILLIAM NORRIS, J Court, March Term, 1806. UPON the petition of John Bolton, iurviving topart n r of Robert 6c John Bolton praying the foredofure of the E qnityof Redemption on the fol lowing premises, mortgaged to the said Kt.'bert &c John Bolton for the sum of eleven hundred and forty fix dollars, payable the titch of January 1802, and alio for the further sum of ele ven hundred and forty fix Jol iars and inteici! payable the fittii of November 1802, to wit, the following lots and parts of iots in the town of Sr. Mary’s.— All tiiat wharf lot containing 150 feet on St. Maiy’s tlreec and running Iso feet well to Jud ion’s water lot, and Irom St. Ma ry’s llreet 10 the river too feet and along the river too feet.— The fame being the front of lot No. four in the plan of laid town. —AUo part of laid lot No. four beginning at Ready ttreec running welt on the bt. Mary’s itreet to Judfor’s Jot 6c on Ready Itreet 200 feet north to Divine Young’s lot or line 6c 1 50 wel v on laid Young’s line to Judson’s lot wjrh the building and improvements thereon Also lot No. (43) forty three containing four acres then oc cupied by I’eter W. Green, with the buildings and improvements thereon, and on motion of Mr Stites attorney tor the petitioner, It is ordered by the couri that the principal inteiell ami colts upon the said mortgaged premiles be paid into court with in twelve months from tins date and uniefa the lame be lo paid the equity of redemption ihall thenceforth be forecloled and o ther proceedings take place pur luant to the ad! of afTembly in luch calc made and provided : And it is further ordered in purluanceof the laid adt that th.s rule be publilhed in one of the public gazettes of this Bate at leal! hnee in every month until the time appointed lor payrnen , orferved on the mortgager or his special agent or attorney at leal! lix months previous -,o the time the laid money is ordeied to be paid into court as aforelaid* Extract from the min utes thisotb, Marth, 1806. ISB/1C CR EIVS, c. t c. c. a j ami 2m Cos. N yi iCE. IS heieby given, ihat af/er the ex piration ut mne n.oii hs from the da/: sere f, application will he made to rht noncrat'le the Inferior Coui/ tor the Count. (.(Cam en, for leave to fell the tea! elfa/e of James Vineer/, late of the (aid Gout.ry dec. for the tiene ■ t of die heirs and creditors. THOMAS KING, > , , ARCH’D CL\KK, > - a '- rS ’ tSIOTtCE; A N” Eledlion t'or Lieutenant in the firtt a i. company Chatham Hej;imeiit, in the ri o‘n of Rohert Allan, dereafeft, will tak ■ pkici at the Theatre on Saturday the nth I itiftant. fi'lin I.ove and Adam Cope, F.fq’r*. ■ will fuoerintend said election. By order of Major Doyle. J. PETTI BONE, Captain, April 1 g, Notice, THF COPARTNERSHIP of MERRITT & WHEELER IS thbday dissolved by mutual con sent. Sylvanus Merritt, George W. Wheeler. April 1 61 Sheriff’s Sales. At the Court-house in the city of Savannah, on the firfi TUFS DAY in May next, between the hours of to and j o'clock , WILL BE SOLD, ALL tliofe buildings situate on North half part of lot No. Decker’s ward, owned by rheeftateof Philip Mines, the property of M aurice Lehiff, now of Joseph Arnold. Three lots being part of a five acre lot for merly the property of John Cur rie. ALSO, The following negroes to wit} Role, about years of age, Sam by occupation a painter; Pom pey, his wife IlTabella, Cato and Caffiir, and a fifty acre lot known by the No. 8. Alio, the house sn Anson’s Ward, at present oc cupied by the defendant, seized nndcr execution as the property of Jolcph Arnold, surviving Cos. it tne luits of Benjamin Bulky surviving copartner, and Benja min Buliey junior. Continued from March Tales* Conditions Cajh. T. ROBERTSON, see. April 1 61 Cuy Sheriff's Sales. On the firfl Tuesday in May next, WILL BE SOLD, at the Court-house in Savannah , between the houi sos ten and three o'clock, A Negro Wench, named Chloe, levied on as the property of Do&or John Love, to latisry William Camp. ALSO, A N<gro Boy, named ‘Pom, levied on as the property of Samuel M‘Connick, deceaied, to faipfy Benjamin Ansley and James Marfhalj, pointed out by the plaintiffs AL6O, A two story MOUSE in El bert ward, levied on as the pro perty of James Gaffney, to fac ;s’y Charles Tint- JOHN WILLIAMS, s.c.s, April x 6x IN rurfuarjee of a tefolution of Council, I do hereby publilh Higgins if Uaddin, for entertaining negroes on Sunday, fined 30 dollars.—• Aifo, 7 humat Doguhurty, for retailing Spi* rituou* Liquors, without a licence, fined 10 dollars. yds. M. IVfJ.LSOU, c c. March 28. TO BE SOLD, ON tiie 4ih dajr of April nxr, at th# Planta’ioß of Lee Black (ell, iri the county of Biyan.the following; property, bo. to the eltatc of William Maxwell, jun’r. tleceafcd, viz : S;x one llorlc a small Stock ot Cattle, a"ff various arti cles of Hoalehojd Puruituie. Conditions made known on the day of (ale. baiali Biackfell, Adm’rix. and I .ee Blackfdl, Adm’ or in riglit of his wife. Febrtta-y 2* TAKEN UP, ON tha road to Anjufla, about two mile* from Savannah, A SORREL MAKE abou’ foilitecti and an half hand, hij-h, ha* a (tar in her forehead and feverat saddle marks. The owner is requested to jiay char ges and take her away. Enquire of Sylvanus Merritt. March it bn CT TAKF. V from ‘ tukcly Tilling hurjl, in this city, on Tuesday lajl, three li ver Tea Spoons, two of them marked MTA. the other with no mark. The owner may have them by proving proper ty and paying for I hit advertifemenl. /Ip. j fb j John Williams, S C. S. £•• Match 13, x 306. 63