Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, April 04, 1806, Image 1

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Vo!. 1 v'. No- 55 ] ck> NDI 110 N j Ok’ THE GEORGIA REPUBLICAN. ?he can is publiftied every ;ty arui Brulay, oil * royal fiseet of a | j-nd quality. The terms of fubCcuption arc srx. oot.-j la us ;ier anrtum. It rlf to Le paid at tl,e j time ot fubfcribieg, and. Hie bain, cc at the 1 expiration of the year....ana all papers will be continued jutil ordered to the reverie. TX2UBS or JDrtßTlttlfO. Advertisements mi'erteti at 50 cents per Innate the fine infeftioi., and. ‘.5 for each con tinuation.. A liberal allow tnce tol.ioie who vv.lh to anter-ile by the gear. For Sale 2f rbis Office, A variety of BLANKS among waitl) use, I 1 ireiguand Coalting Mauiftasj Vnrehantt Entnes, L. quOr do. B ts of Exchange, J e 1. ofLaiLng do .of r dt; Power* cf Attorney. C necks, /, Indentures, Dee-fs of Conveyance, Bonds ; Notes of Hand, Writs for the superior, Inferior A Mayor’ Cou ts, Mayor’s C art iix uti.on St Supb enas, B>i ices to creditors of lnfolvem t tort Military Samm nles, &.Es tfuti.rns, &:• ‘ey Cards, hsinDsnis : dc. ITc Printed at a jh jrt Retiee on reafoasbn Us -ns. fell r-r—l -io:.~T’ ‘ - ‘vdiiU ‘Ti t iraiw FO x LIVERPOOL, wTUV, The ftaanch new (hip w ‘ v l K • I A *N* E, K't'Hant Bussey, hi : ter, WILD 6.- lead and v*iti. all poffi'Le till patch, tor the above p.n. For freight of 400 C'duou, apply to tile ciaf ter on board, or to R'JhEKTS Cl ARK, Siimh & B r.irke’i wharf. Received pet said vessel and jor sale as above, loom, feet wiiiiepiiie Lum b r* A quant I ,ry -pir for booms, tap'll its, ike. ChouKci i ent. A 1.1, tti. fe to .he Cirv for GRuUM) R -ivT, are r. tp.e eel u. r.e is;.van. immediately ai o little the fame. J CUT Li. R, City T trfu er. Flat eh 2.5 59 J'JsT RECFIViiO, 50 C JLs Brew. oT UT, 12 Jjj. Aa, ton i.ii of* Supct ior Uua/iy, A Mb, 10 Fk> ft 7 F Rum 4Pt its B: t'-Jy, dot sail iy ts £? Clark. Mar h iS 60 If 1 IN i'.jN >j) r T' , HE R>c. Foe Proof ‘’TORE, torch X occupied ‘Jj wit iUOiCribfcl iv- v> L Ul. •• jng liquid. JOs. H ■LERStJe.M. M.-r h ‘ •Ni> N'. K I.!-;, Til. hi *c* tt ff ti r ts. t.t, jgo fnecti 1 1. 1.1 c>r. - .r-"C<-a jl. tor t. in, ,r appre an 11 tes, L a h.\ ) O.j S i ) ioi If St ur >. oi gli Vxrch 15 59 At ! 1 I‘. .li * *> s te :• ii: i<, HAS r* m vtd to he Wharf and Store - bei S'"S to Mrs. Hunter, 1 rtnc.-ty t ,"ttl b Mtlirs tuier ot Mims, wnere h 1 c .1.11.. cs tt trar.Ua me i etCLCii 2^5 1 - l. CUimiSbiOl! Lubirei *. ]o-epa ham. r March ;8. so f'U I f,i . ALB pr f r.s having dvruar.ds againll .lit flibh. lirh, ei.liei a t pjr'.ttt 01 in. v duals, a >ll p.eAe present rhrm to. faymti.t, at .heir ctuiu. g-honfe, v.i.ilcuL celay. Ms : n, ‘.'ackay 6’ Cos. Sav M rch 28 60 V\ AN Ii J^. AN hvERSLi K, a fi gie man well ac qu.mte i ili Rwe plan ing, vho ca j r good re cor -r ndan. us •f hi ho elt’ , sty ti 1: r.b'li'ies A yto the fubfer. .at Cotton Ham, Ct tintv. JOI N H. MORE!.. M o ‘ I iy TO La hr i , r TT , t I f. eaif Tll emi of the Subfcrber,’ 1 t' r e Pro t ones HUIL tiNG, on the £ , lately ore; p. b. Mr. j I'eph rlice. immediate puHtii .1 r b givem A;,ply te A. &. j. ROLTOW. March id Georgia Republican. O i SAVANNAH: PRINTED BY EVERITT id M'LEAN, os’ THE BAY. Wanted on Chiner or 1 Tp", viPy A VESSEL of about yvl^ r V'£y J \ 100 rur.s, for a Gtr ‘MfiSSSL mim P° rt - Apply A. G, Ocfrler *Sc Cos, March 14 56 EandTng; MOCOA, Coffee I'tr t tiylou & Gunpower Teas Sailad 0;!, Biscuits, English and American Chcefe Pepper and Ginger in ba^a Chewing Tobacco Brandy in pipes. Negro Pipe* Prune Jamaica Sugar Martinique Coffee, Ennptv Dcmijohat IGjrs of Gunpowder, Tongues iiaros and Ik et, iind an afforiment of STATION A Li r, Which will be fold fur hiauv money at very reduced prices. ALSO, Every ankle in the GROCERY and LIQUOR. LANE. Hay icy & Harman. March 14. Prime JSiorth vvard f U , - TP ‘> a ta 1 v , In kigs, for Fa! - !>v t\e fabfcr'ksr. A. PL M BLR T'C:-:. P * v m*-v z > S° LOST OR STOLEN A GOLD WATCH, A few evenings finer.. Who ver u as found the fame is re j lefted to leave the name of rH 1 idtr w T rh che printers.. T r iA'ner will faiisfv fncii perlor ! nc the Watch is his by identi r ying, and af crwards by prov inj; his property. A handforne rewird will be given if required. Watch-makers and others are reqtiefted to stop any pet lon if apoearance fiifpicious, who mat offer such a Watch for sale, a rhe looser has ibine ground fu believing it was flolen. March n eq THE SUBSCRIBERS. WISHING co dir;:h tin r attention rr '■'■ii'ds ‘lie collection and lett'nment • f debt (Lie to them. Give notice tkat .on tfie 31 dxv of December next, they will decline tin Uetai liuiinefison cr di‘; They dcliic there f->re that al thole intleh-cd to tin m, or t’ R'lier’ & John Bolton, wi’. immediately mak. ua mem or othervvife fettle so their Litis, F?.i° in. From ‘he (tore crllection made these tv. - ’ ve rn past, the ilehts to them have acci.mtlla ‘H beyond their with ; and th.y ar< ft (fineetiy a vare ■ hatbufinrfs conduded or ft,ah a roc cannot fnpport itfclf. Curtis Bolton, Cos. Their Hock on hand which is - >t intended t > he increased, will he fold fi l’ , ’lela , e or r ‘ail, on easy terma for cadi, aroduce, or town notes. Noy, 29 -6 ts Field Hands* I WANTED to hire two or three FIELD SLAVES, for par ticulars enquire at this office. March 4 im 53 THE FIRM OF HUNTER & MINIS, IS this day diflYvrd by iru ; ua! ccr b’ t Ail ptrfon3 Laving demands wL i Ac render them to the ftibleriber* f t j Hfuetit; and all indebted, are loli ’’tt to prepare for im,mediate payment. T <y will attend at their CompUn; I house as uteal, for the arjuftment o’ their accounts. JAMES HUNTER ISAAC MINIS. March 23 jg- Fpht DoMara Reward, WII.L he givtti for app-ehending a; and lodging in ary jail in this ta e so the fubferiber can get h'm again, or d’lvti him tome, in Bulloch county, a negro man, named BEN, be jis 22 or 23 years of age, about five feet eight inches high, a Ima.l fear of a burn on one of I is chei ks, yellow complexion, we.l made, torn in the (late of Maryland, 1 tre.m tlenct fie was brought to North Carolina, there owned by rrn-jor jofeph ! Gratnam, brought to this date about 3 j years since, he ts in the habit of faying that he ib Ate. saail. Johnson, junior. Mitch 23. jtg. A (J i ICE. AGREE aIJI-Y f an order of the Hnn or—. ,e the li.fieri..r C urt of Burfip u o , Will he Mold a. ‘he C urt h- use 1- tae town ofW yi elh r ugh, or.-he firft Tue f !I*l. m lay rex , 1 lie h ie of the It 4. AJ, I'.m f . 1 L of Mat hew Ci -.rfi, deceal’ed, {• ■ ie fie cht ‘ f thg he, 2 ai.d creditors < f far dt eal and Tern. wi.l fie r. t le known ct he uay f l’ale. BENJAMIN ANSI.!- Y, March l? 37 A filing a,xesato,. FRID \Y, April 4, iSj6, Tiie Subscribers, HAVING entered into Copartners"/.’ •tvder the Firm of Surars'r Lv DRisdai Offer the Puttie their services as Fuel o turns iff JOSS'TS. FIIF) receive and dispose of all hinds of produce, Houses, lands. Negroes, or any other speci-s of property, on commission. Th-v having c. general htt'wledge of the DRr GOOD A GROCER}’ BID SINESS, offer their services to Cow ry Merchants, and in making purchases and fcrvsaraing agreeable to order my articles ;.n that line—And worn cajb is dip.sited nvitb them , they attend An bit on sand buy at the 1 lovoejl Hates. M. Shearer. {no. ]).'ysd :!e junr. N. H. Their Counting Roo-i is ad. joining the Post Office , S. R. corner of die Bxcaange. Nov. 19 ts 24 p.DUCiI 1 jT Grateful lor.the dilii, ‘inured patronag lie has experienced fine.’ lustiLdiliUinie m 1 Savannah, Mr Green lynhilet'erence interni’ its tri nls anil tiie public, that til. 1., lu Liter,arv Ihlioo!, and he Cammii--.. 1 .viath eiiiatiea) schools, arettili cor.cL'.Cle I tv- nth: on t.te lame evtenliveph’n, as ;u toor.i- : flic courle cf the IcnooL, includes It cad 1 n.g, Grammar, Li •cutivn and Hi . me, | tVriting in all the tifeitii aj.itnitcntai iininis Vvlihme-ic-, Book keeping, acCorf .iig to !'e ! vfciT.l l\ items, Gtogra rlty aid the u.'V ‘rawing copy yig of laps in diitereut pr, 1 ttons, the lenient.; o.: Ail rum tv, at. ■in'j tile of the Globes and Tedurian ililtcr ; and Chronology. In tiie Mather, imcai and ■ arc-rent, t’i pupils \v i I be,careful! ■ “".tru .'rid in Ai-1 •r. t geometry, Tt igunp, ~ . . Con e Lec.t. n and Fluxions, with the! :.pj iicatui! 1 tin bull uefs of life and the tnvelligitica or tci cttce. Sixteen years experience i t his profr,Ttor, and a sacred and uhrennttiny attention to ■lte troriis and real imprint, cf hi.,) u >i 1 s will, lie hopes, cun’no.e him ft in liberal and er.iighieuec ) ..b : ~ a Ilia re r! tint favor which he has i. •ht.voex ev.encfd Pupils admitted without entrance, till the lit of the enfiling Janus \. „*,A I)a.ncino Mas . sa of eminence ] ii.l attend the School . N ivemher 5 20 j— — ALL perfor. . hat if, ‘ 1 read 1 to. 1 . ite ettabhlhment rs J n eric,. •!’ the! La’e of Sstt.uel Mori • laic cf this cl” , !.-• ?a!‘ed, are deared tore.'tier loom to a . lul> j ersber oroperly *r ‘t;*-’ .. . .; i> tub tdcbte .’V'i ldo ah rm o ■.e vi> . and hildrsi: of laid f-.orlc by n.t.k . (peed; pty nent. Ciirlb Uohon, Adm’r. on fail! ‘'lories eilate Nov. ih . n a . 1 Sti 11, ‘U ii dC, tv I Bil. iv, OFFERS for iaie tor cam, of *.*rterfor Negcwi, lvu ai.cJ ofs in the v:!iage of St. CJau 1 , one jvhich was formerly occupied 07 S/e* ,>iien B uu.e , late of this city, cFc. true : her two adjoinif jr. FOl pai titulars apply to IvSi. Jonatrac- Cline, in La vannah, or j.n Waynelb jrr u ft t y Stephen Flount. • fni. ■9 4. - 6 lU VO For a Term of Years. Lot’ No. 13 and 14 in IVarrcn ll'ard \f.tclted mar tie Bey nr: 1 adjuring a Ini belonging to the ed aitcl I ■ nnbridg , at present , otenpied bv - frees I.e/nto/h and Mr. Hat Gc , -r'e —one if It. tm a comer lot on a ‘"three and frontin'’ the new let. If 01 tfi ‘■ s o'h yi • WilliX Si Parker. jfanuaty 3 ts y.. To ft; “ THE WHAKF AND STORES IJ'ORMi.RLV occupied by Krllrs. W 1 >’o.. it K.nox, and tit present by Mr. Aadri ~iiox. The! productive aid convenient • uiitiott is in well known, a;, to require n< urtiler explanation. for u-ro’ , enquir o’ K. \\ a) ne. A 1 event'er 1 uj Bonaventure . ‘"I” HIS tie *a. t retnat abotii 4 nti'er, irorr 1 Savannah, on V/i.iTaw river, i:> ndereil on a Irafc for lix or Je-'cn year , t >r the ben t tit of the heir, a minor, on tvrmt that tv lb l'uit those inclined to poiTefr, so valn.ible a piece cf ground, as •. ;|| calculated 1 <r . cai.h as for pleasure and’proiit. AppL to IVm. ‘hTEPHEhS, / ~ N. TURNBULL , \ - jU ‘* rdl ‘ ir ' B * Aog ilt <) 6 convenient DWELLING HOUSE, and well fitted tip ST OB if in a central situation, eiiTer 1 | it par ate ly or together. Terms wii: bt made very reuiotubifo the prititere. February 1 ft N'STTCIL. IS hereby fciven, afr'ur the ex xr Ait not nine mon hs from the c*t , here f, appbcaiiun wiiloe made .0 rip nonotable r’ne inferior Court tor the county of Cam cn, for leave to fsli tie ea’. eifa/e of James V'inc trt y iatt A the laid Coun/y dec. for the bene t of me ht-i'S and Cr-ditors. THOMAS KING, > ARCH’D CL AUK, S^' U Augud iboj. Administrator’s SA ILH. Ag r era' , ly to an cyder cf the Ju. tices oj the Infr tor Caun if the Courtly of Chatham, Will be sold, At the Court-home in the City cj Savannah, on T UESDAY th 6 th day of Ala v next, s:le /. cemaence at 10 o'clock, the fol -1 wing Property, be nu of th reel ana personal estate of the iait Joseph day. \ WHAKF LOT Ijo feet T'jL front, with the valuably i!t giovements thereon, adjoin , < ‘.vJr. Boito;.:. .jCo kec front on the river at fa a: ac raw with the improve >’itms thereon, fltuated between Mr. Feltons Mr. Twiggs’ r-1> wharves, winch wd! be divined ir.;o .Lots to acccmtr.odace pur -bk.Trs. A i au'e and Hot on the Bay, formerly the rtfideme of Mr. Clay, a.ljoining Mr. Itlfairs A i <ouie aid Hot fronting he South Common and adjoin ing Mr. ./i,1i..,D Wilionn. h Lor on Fam.-llrecc with he vaiuat it irr.provu v nrsthefe tr , nek/ occupied oy Mrs. C.ay. A 1 the remaining Lots and Lands lying on the weft fide of Far., -fiieet, including the Jou grounds to hii.]Lrove’s creek ; thele will be civided to accoiD mouc'te purchaftrs. /-li that j:art of the very val uable Flaniation anil tratft of Laud Called Vale-Koyal, lying u rth of the Augusta load and welHard cf the pioperty 1-ifil nv n'roned, it n airmig aboual 3000 ac res, of winch 460 art g tide anh inland iwair.p, ihe re-j uiteniier prime Couon 1 .and. ■ This ion has a fr< m o more than a mile on Savannah river, and lies immediately a bove the city. kfxll ihe remaining pare of the Vale Royal trad, ronta ning a bout 100 acres and lying on the 1 Acgulta road mar the city, which will be laid out into fhnaii i_iO 1 Another valuable Plantation and trad of Land called Spring field, adjoining Vale Royal on the louth, lying on beth Jid sos Mufgn.vtL creek, containing 805 acres, of which 2jo arc ike Swamp, the rennainder good Cotton Land. T his property lis computed of 45 and 5 acre Lois, apian of which will bt prepared, and such of them a: .ire connected will he fold to get her, ana the remainder lepa rattiy, ,$ Farm Lots of <0 acres eac h in u- To.wn.Tuo ol Savannah. * 4 Lots, being a jiart cf the I ...r La :a irxsi, formerly Col. Wylly’s, v. 7?, Ho. 11, 71 acres, f o. ig, <j acres, No. 3, 46 aciii, and No. „i, ic acres. 2 Lots at Thunderbolt, No. 7 and 14. 2 fa ts on Yybre 1 .‘land, No.! 3 ar.d 27. 1 Lot ar Montgomery, No. 14, y. } .Lit front on Vernon riv er, 440 feet deep, and two back Lots of r-.vo acres each. 3 adjoining Viliiage Lots at Adton, ty: au .s, ntar ilaner’t bridge* 103 acres good Cotton Land oppoiue Montgomery, betv/ecr. Vernon and Ogcchee river. A valuable Flaniation arc traL of Land about 10 toilet, iron) bavannah, on the Louis ville road, containing 1550 acres of which 400 are. Rice --.v.un’p. ’ 300 acres F,nt Land neat M cteitn. 2‘jO at re j abisui 1 miles a bavc bavauu,-*:.* ataf ne rivet CWhole Number 3^2. ‘ornurly occupied by J. Jen* .ms; _ands in Effingham Coun ty. • 1894 acres in one body, near Ln it Ogee bee river, about 55 •.odes fiom S.ivanpah, granted a: vai ions times from 1764 101774. 250 Acres pir.e lanu adjoining the above, ard Ends of Michael Maeinfuls, formerly R. M’Cor mick’s. 200 Acres pine land near Ken nedy’s. 300 Acres formerly Bennetts. 300 Acres formerly Gold wires, joining R. Scruggs and Paul Hevil. An undivided half of 300 3- erts joining the above, granted to B. ts i. Gold wire. 1300 Acres pine land near \ uckafee King, lom.erly Htr riots. IN GLYNN COUNTY. 500 acres Land granted to Joteph Wright. 200 acres granted to Joseph IN LIBERTY COUNTY. 1700 acres Land, in four ad joining trads, formerly James -Andrews and Grev F.lliotts, granted 1764 and 1769. 550 aoies in two adjoining tracts, granted to Robert and Matthew Smallwood, 17(14. In MACINTOSH COUNTY. 200 acres Land, formerly Wilham Fox. 2co acres at Beard’s Bluff oa the Alatamaha. 97 NEGROES. And immediately tin rtafter, at Vale Royal and Springfield, ail the other personal puperty on thole places, confuting of Stock & Plantation U tensils, Sc . See, CONDITIONS. For the real eilate, one third payable the fi. ft January, IHO7, one third the fiift January, iSJoB, and the remaining third January, HO9, with intcreft on the two la(t inftalmcnts. The whole to be ietujed by bonus and mortgage. For the personal property, one third Cassi, tlie remainder ori the fir ft January next, fecund by notes wiih approved iridoi- Icrs. WILLIAM WALLACE, ‘i liO MA S CU M M I N G, jOSLi i I SIH ES, AdiiLniltiators. Sav. March 3,3 3 For Balc. ONE of /he molt valuable /ra£fs of Land upon /he Altaniaha, con/aioii g about eleven hu/idicd acres ot Rit es jwanipin the belt pitch 0/ tide, ‘i his u/dt is about five miles above the own of Darien, was, prior to the re volutionary war, /he proper ty ot the late governor Wright, and has for a leulemer.r, attached immediately to the Swamp, one of ihe molt beau'i ui and molt tlcva/cd li/uations upoa /he river. Persons wifliirig to puicbafe thia properly will apply to Edward Sway* btcck. or Willum Mein, Efqrs. A Savannah, where a p!a/ of /he Land may be feert. Odtobtv 15. ts: 9. FOR SALE. THE house at frefent occu pied aS the Republican Printing Office j Lumber or the labour ;t a Carpenter will be received in paymenr. For particulars ap ply to EDW. L. DAVIES. Nov. 17 24- ts. FOR SALE, A Capital trabt oj SOI I • 2 acres of land in the sth tlifriil ot Baldwin cuitnly. For particulars enquire of tbt printers of this ■ \ paper. t fan. 7 if 37