Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, April 04, 1806, Image 3

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RE PUBLIC A N SAVANNAH, A PHIL 4, lßc6. wnrwr 11 m THE federal editors seem determined to keep up an appearance, to prove that wonders will never tc.ft ! Now that the Miranda theme haa been progressed in so far as to cover them with Ihame and confufioa ; and finding it will no long er aid their vile attempts to vilify the government; they have set afloat ano ther bubble, which we have no doubt, in i the regular process of time, wil lhtujl, and add one more to their fwoln catalogue of forgeries and imptftliont. What we , allude to is a paragraph which origins- ; tea iu the “ Washington l-ederalilt."— < after palling the molt voluptuous eulo- ‘ giumon Mr. Randolph's fp t ech on the , non-intercourse bill, they would endea- ( ▼our to make believe, that all its cut- 1 tiug farcafin—all its inimitable beauty, : spirit and animation ; with all its clote, ] corredt and logical arguments, were \ brougtit into dread array fur the con demnation of the administration and eve■ i ry thing democratical ! 1 1 We mult confefs, the opposition have rendered rr.jrvcLout articles iomewhat , common, il not tafbionablc ; but the 1 one in queltion has too much coloring 1 to make it as current as its authors would wilh. On our part, we have no doubt, that the lpcech in rietad, when it arrives, will prove to our readers, that the character given of it by the AT ‘ ington Federahlt,” is a foul inst. ;prcu: tat ion. The editor would not ink that it it ; impofblt that Mr. Rai-uoiph rtiould have ’ eppoitd certain idu ur. ft ti.c adiMn-j iftration— On thcoiucr hand, he believes 1 and knows, that the ti:it m n w:il lomv- 1 times dilfcr iu their views cf the fame I fubjetft :—and aumitu me v o ft, that Mr. R. had tepc.tej . :i pro ceeaings of tne ar utivc ■, it would rot thence ineontejlibly tollow, that they were I wrong. Wc have ever viewed M Ran dolph as an independent and honelt poli tician i but, notwnhllandii'g, wc arc of opinion, it wuuld require more than the j force even of bis herculean arm, to com mumcate a fpaiin to t lie nerve oi our gov ernment, so powertplly invigorated by the affections ot the great body of the Amer ican people. Bait. Lon. duv. We underhand, that John Randol, who was cUargeu with the murder of Mr. M’Nor tci, the Deputy sheriff, had hi, trial at the Superior Court for tire county of burke, on Thuriday ihc ah mtt. when the following civcomitaitccs appeared m evidence—-that the Sheriff of liana: county, had in Ins pos. felßou a eultrcls warrant, which was direc ted, (or iiueiidcdj to be levied upon a negro ft how, belonging to tlie mother of Randol the priloner, ami of which he was apprized, that the Snurift accompanied l>y his deputy went into the held where the negro was at work, and where the prifqner alio was with his gun—that the negro on feeing the She riff, run and placed himfelf Behind the prt ioner, who undertook to proieil him, and prelented his mulket at the Sheriff, but the deputy being near him, caught hold ot the juulket, and told the pri loner not to be a fool • r oder violence to an officer for doing his duty—that the negro then run off, and being followed by the officers, ffve pmoner again prelented ins gun at the Sheriff, who calling to him not to lire, he immediately diiedte-u his piece at tlie deputy Sheriff, and with too fatal an effect mfeharged the contents of it into his bony—the and I leafed immediately called out t.the priloner that he had kiheil him, who replied, that he had told hint he would do so, or words to that effect—lhe priloner then went to the decealed and hel ped him off h s liorle, and remained with him ’till aftiffance was procured ; he was then arrested the dileafed died that night ; on these taels clearly proved, the Jury at io o'clock iu the evening, after retiring for about live mint! es, returned a verdi/t of GUILTY—and on Saturday tali the awful lenience oi death was pronounced agaiult the prisoner, who was direited to be execu ted between the hours of ten and two • ciocic on Wednesday the situ inllant, and was executed accordingly. Aug Her. PHILADELPHIA, March 17. From the prevalence of the northerly winds For three weeks pall, it is learfd fome of the inward bound telfeis hate hard times on the cuaii, and that man, cf them from the length ot the time they are detained from port may be in want ot the neceflaries of life ; it was therefore reloivcd on Saturday lalt to lend out vessels t j furnilh them if polfibie with rr *'£f—lmmediately two lchooners were taken up, loaded with, water, dec. and yefferday noun tailed, for that benevolent purpose. The Spanish government has highly ap proved the conduft of its officers and teamen, off Cape Trafalgar. Admiral Gravn.a has been promoted to he Captain-General of the fleet; Admiral Alava has been invelted with the Grand Crof* of Charles 111. and Admiral Escanomadw a Lieutenant General. AH the admirals and officers have been pro moted a step. No less than ten Spaoilh ad mirals and commodores, and ten captains of frigates, were killed or wounded in that dreadful battle. P hiladelphia paper. MARRIED, at Auguffa, on Wednesday evening the 6tli ult. by his honor Judge Willfon, Do-slor MtcuAKL Burke, to Mrs’ Sarah Armstrokg Port of Savannah, ARRIVED, Ship Drum mond, Bat budors i Brig Minerva, Brool irtgs, Cbaile/hm. CLEARED, Ship Mary sane, Bui fey, Liverpool ; Sukr. Clive, Rhodes, St Avgujhns. r DIED —at Darien, on TliU’ldas she 27th ifft. in the 43 hyear of his age, Mr. OHN COLE a native of Rnode ■ I (land ; tut for many y ars ucJ tier 11 a retiffent of this city. —\ widow, children, relatives and friends', feel the lifts of a kind hi fb-ind, parent aud friend they have this lenience for a confutation, thrt u an houcll man i, tte uobieft wotk ol God.” nr - WWMBPB—— ll'AitinaroN ( City J March 21 . WE dilcn-igr me mournful duty of an ncunciug the death of another revolutionary hero. On 1 uefday evening General J AMES J ACKSON, a Senator from Georgia, drew his lull breath, altera lot.g and painful iilnclV. Leaving the talk of eulogy to other pens, we cannot retrain from that expression of re gret, which v. e are convinced, we leel incctn tnun with every pa'riotic mmd in America, at the loss of a man, who, a holt in the davs ot peril, yeas Hit ready to exert his powers in the defence of his country’s righls. A gratefulcountr. lias at'effed its lenfe of the lets it has iuftained by the death rs this diffiinguilhed cuizen. Both branches of the U gtflatute have agreed to yvear mourning for a month, and the houii- of Ki prefentanves have, by an unanimous vote, enrolled him on the lilt of our diitinguifhed revolutionary pa triots. “1 he remains of the general were yesterday interred in the bur\mg ground at Rock Creek church, with military h licrs, accompa nied by a long proceflion, composed, -of the military ru umfirm, martial niulic, the masons tin* immiurs of tin* two houl'es of C’ ngrefs, officers el the Executive Department, and ci tizens. CHARLESTON, March 31. Fx‘raS of a Liter fron. W :fhmgton, da ted the uph in,tar,t. “ The Pan i tic G neral JACKSON, cf Georgia, died a,, mnminp at 4 ‘cb-ck, of a dropiy. No order is yet taken re'auve to the ii'neral 1 blequics. Eve-y attention, ex pre.'live < f the nau nallois will be u.qties tfmably paid by both i. uies ,f C ng Is The bid prohibiting unpor:ations irotn Gieat Britain is not yet reported, and the ref- ic we aie igam nccupied wi.h confidcraiiuns loc_l and mm mKmmmumuimmammmmmmi* Cril\iAi’a CHUKC i. members, of tins Church, are neiifi cd to auei.d at the Chu eh, on Ea sier Mo.vbay next the •? u I'.-.*- at 1 o’c lock, te e.eft two \\ ardens, and teven V estr) men. , W ; r H K E fv’ l Wardens, ltubi. MAwkAY, April 4 ti UNION SOCIETY. THE Members of the Union Society are desired to meet at the City Had oil Monday the 7th day of April ncx., I’ai-.cist i-v at ame o’clock iu the forenoon, it being the quarterly meeting pieparatory to the An* nivcilary. PETER S. J.AFFITTE, Scc’ry. *,* Thole perions yvlio are deiirous of joining this inUitnttou, will take notice, that agreeab e to the Rules, unlels application is made at the above period ihey w ill nut be admitted at the Annual Meeting. Alai cb 31 j 3 L.osr, A POCKET BOOK containing about 1 5 Dollars in Jersey notes, and a few* papers of no value to any but the owner, by leaving it wiih the printer, the iinskr receive a generous reward. April 4 63 NOTICE. AN Election for Lieutenant in the firfl company Chatham Regiment, tn the room of Robert Allan, deceased, will take place at the Theatre on Saturday the 11th mftant. Jahn Love and Adam Cope, Efq’rs. yvill fupenntend laid election. By order of vlajor Doyle. J. PETTUJONE, Captain* April 1 hi Notice, THE CD PARTNERSHIP of MERRITT & WHEELER IS this day dissolved by mutual con sent. Sylvanus Merritt, George W. Wheeler. April 1 6t IN puriuance ot a tei-iuwiuu of Council, I do hereby publish Hggins & Hadden, for entertaining negroes on Sunday, fined 30 dollars.— Alio, Tlomai Doruharty, for retailing Spi rituous Liquors, without a licence, fined 10 dollars J IS. M. WILLSQ V,c c. March 28. 60. Marshal's Sales; On tbs id TUESDAY tn April, will be sold, At the Court-house in Bryan Coun ty, between the hours if eleven andtbiee (,‘ctock, 6 Field NEGROES, Confiding of trim, women and children ; fe zed and taken ’ in execution, and fold pursuant to a decree of the Circuu Court of this diftnd, as the elLte of the late Samuel Miller deceased, at the luit of Powell and Hop ton, survivors. Loniiltont Cash. The laic cakes place at the a bove place by conlent of parties. B. WALT ~ m. and g. Sav* March 5. 54 A. SCTHRNER & Cos. Next door to Dr. BenheW, and nearly op* petite to the Poll Office, HAVE JUST RECEIVED, The following articles, which they will dis pi-fe of at reduced prices, top, and Sunrrow Boots, Gentlemen's fine Shoes, Do. common and 1. Negro do. Ladies Morocco do. Jio. Kid do, Do. common do. LIQUID BLACKING of the firft quail- , ty, ai.u genera ly every article in their line, which they Batter them (elves will give fads- 1 tav'uon as to the quality and price. , April 4 6 S hive Dollars Reward. ABSENTED himfeif on the night of the 26th March lass, Sam, a llout young country born negro, fix feet high of a da k complexion and fur ly countenance, had on when he went off a white negro cloth jacket and trow- 1 f rs, it ia probable fie may change his dress, walks veryertd and is much of a beau, as the laid ftllow once attempted to get to the up country and wasdifap pointed in his 1 xptdl at ions, very probable he may aim for the Northward. all perfops are hereby cautiontd agaiult harboring or carrying hint off as the law will be enforced agaiult luch persons. The above reward will be paid on de liveriug him to the goaler, or Frederick Herb, in Savannah, or to the fubferiber on Liberty Hand, below Thunderbolt. gecrge herb. ‘ April 4. 62 Sheriff’s Dales. On the fitJl fuefday in ?Aay next, at tU Court-kouye in its City, bet w in the hours oj ten and thee o'cMk, WILL BE. SUD, ALL hat prrtofihc LOT nd itripiov mem?, on w hich joD 1 Bollcs now rtrlides, on ‘he ’ u h li ie of Broughton iLeer oppoli.erhe n arket-l'cju.ire, fnz d b\ Jno. P. PourncH one ot the Conflates for Chatham ‘>unty, as rlit* pre pmv of llaac Fc J, 10 fatisly lun :iy execu ions P > nttd out by the defendant, tod returned to tne as the Law diredls T. ROBERTSON, s. r. c. April 4 62. oilon It s Dales. On the fi jt Yuefday in May next, at the Court-boufe , in this City, between the Lours of ten ana three o'clock, WILL BE SOLD, Lot of land in Yam s acraw, known by No. 23 leized under sundry executions, as the property of Robert Greet, and pointed out by the defend ant. Continued from April Tales. T. ROBERI'bON, s. c c. April 4 f,2. iblicmf s Dales. On the firjt Tuejdoy in May next. WILL BE SOLD, At the Court House in ti e City of Savannah, between the Lours of ten and thiee o'clock, ALL that tradi of land, with the improvements thereon, luua.e on the Thunderbolt road about two or three miles from the City of Savannah, containing 57 acres —leiz-cl as the pioper :y of Smith, Suns and Anderson, u Lusty E. Le/eiii..unh and C>. C ntinued from A[>ril Tales'. C n itions—on t half payable at 90 days, a diTountable note win a good Indorhr—the other haif o he firlt diy of Janurry, 1007, with a bond and mortgage on tne prooerry. f. ROBER I’SON, s. c. c. April 4, 61. Marfhai’s Sale. By virtue f decree of tne Gircu - O un, if the (Jiii/ed States, for th district of Georgia, for the foreclofu'e of a mrtgßge, will &e fold at pubh Auction at the Court house (n the city of Savannah, on the firft Tuesday io Vlay ncx , between /he hours of ten and /w*>, All that va'uable Trail ol Land ii urte irt/he county of Camden, contain ng seven hund/ed and twenty acres, mre or lc(s, known by the iiim: of Point Petei——;crc of are in a hate of cultivation, the property of Jas. Seagrove Esq. BtN. WALL, M. D. G. April 4. 62. C!? TAKEN from . tukcly Tilling hurjl, in this city, on Tuetday hjl, three Liver Tea Spoons, ttuo of them marked AIT A the other <uiith no mark. “Ihe owner may have them by proving proper ty and paying for this advertisement. Ap ply to John Williams, S C. S. Suv, March 13, tSufi. 65 .Sheriff's .Sales. On the firfl \ittefday in May next, at the Court-house, in this tty between tie hours of ten and three o'clock, will be sold, ALL that traft of land on Hutchinson’s I Hand, com monly called Bailie’s Point, con taining two hundred acres, more or Ids. Seized as the property of James Molltnari, under ltm- Cry executions. Continued from April Tales. Also, A lot on Bay-lfreet in Savan nah, joining the t Itare of Doors, containing 60 feet front, and 90 feet depth ; with all the bricks on the premises, a considerable part of which, was imported from Liverpool a few years ago : ALSO, A part of a Jot, 16 feet front, by 90 depth, with the improve ments tliei eon, joining the lame. Seized as the pioperty of Jamts Moffnan, tnuer Jundry execu tions. Conditions made known at the day of lale, lold ac the riiqueof the former purthaltr, he rot having complied with the tern s of Tale. T. ROBERTSON, s. c. c. April 4. Si. SriEkibß’s o/vLh.". ON Ihe rirlt Tuesday in May next, will be fold at the Couit-houfe in this city, be tween the hours of 10 and 1 o’clock. A Mulatto boy named Miles, luzcci as the property of the es ii'C of George Johnlon dec’d. at the suit or Jolepli Longworth <<nd otheis. The property i uimed out by the plaintiff. T. ROBERTSON, s. c. c. Anui 4 63 •Sheriff's Yules, On the fill Hues day in May ”ext, will be fold at the Court bouje in this city, between the hours of 10 ar.d 3 o'clock, IHE following negroes (to wir) I ISABELLA, RACHEL, Lawrence, jim, bess and POLLY, taken under ex ectuion to fatisfy James Alger, he property pointed out by the defendant. T. ROBERTSON, a c c. April 4 63 SHERIFF’S SALES 7 OIV the firft Tuesday in May next, will be fold at the Court lloujc in this city, between the hours of ten and three o'clock. ALL that tradt of LAND, in the partition of Cum berland Eland, being the South ernmost half part of Lot No. 9, bounding on the weft by lands so John H. M’lntofh, north by lands of the eitate of Lynch, ealt by the ocean and south by lands of the elUte of gen. Green, (uppofed to contain qoo acres, be the fame more or lels. Seiztd by virtue of an executi on, the ltatr, vs. eitate of Jus tice 11. Seheuber, dec. pointed out by tlie E .’or. T. Robertson, s. c. c. March 11 59 City Sheriff’s Sales. On th ft ft Tuesday in May next, will bes >l,j, at the Court-house in Savannah, between the hours of ten and three o'duel, A Negro Wench, named Chioe, levied on as the property of Doctor J ihn Love, co Lusty William Camp. jJL'G, A Negro boy, named Tom ievied oa as the proprrey ot Samuel M‘Cormick, uectaied, ro iati. fy Benjamin Ansley and James Marshall, pointed out by the plaintiffs. ALSO, A two story HOUSE in El bert ward, levied on as the pro perty of James Gaffney, to iat • isfy Charles Tint- JOHN WILLIAMS, s.e.s April t Ci SEED RICE. ’ SAI.E a tw hundred bii:l,e'. ot . Gold and White Seed RICE of me..;, cellent quality, being the produft of new gronnd from ciioiee leed. Apply t Q Ebenczor Scatk. FcWraiay tU j. Notice, “ Enr e THE fubfrr ibcr, lotne ‘irr> >t , n hti retur.t frnn the In. ‘ nation caire up with t JOHN IR VINE (as he called him e ,') who had in hispoflefiion anew nrgto tela low \ hom the countenance and ecu. vcrlation of ltvme, when imerrcga'ei from whence he had come, the man ner in which he made rep y, together with o.her circ umffances of his con- Judf confirmed /he (oblcrtber in the bej icf /hat /he negro had been ttolen.— He therefore demanded ot Irvine ir whar way he had come to the pellet* lion of the negro j to which he te. lumeJ an evasive artfwer. The Tub* kriher to and him he had good reaf >i% r to the negro had been stolen and was determided to /ake /he ne gro Irctu him and have him advertiled and in tale no pet lon claimed him within eighteen months wculd cither return or led him. This ts iheictore to notify all per* Ton* whom itdo'h or may concern. 1 hat /he luhkrihcr has in hit polles. (ion /he laid new negro; he is about live stet eight inches high, aged be* /ween twenty five and /nu/y years— no marks other than on his back, which appear to have luff ted under the Cowfkiu ; ipcaks little or no Engliih fays he came Irnm Catolina, but doe* not know whether from Ncr/h at 6'outh, he indiftiiidtlv communicate* (when .Iked in wild wav ’he man came by him j th the took him up 11 /he road, when 01 nts w y to h.h oil linn ’rtvtror creek nearby His ti er 01 owiets a e ihertture t.equeltt*J to prove the prope./y oi he ne u iu pay charges and t ke him awav Win. Neely. Camden Coun/y ou S/ Mary’s Kiver. inept, 20. Jam id m 7. SUPERIOR COURT, Chatham County, f In equity. 5 ON the petition of John Mead Hating thac being poffeffcd of ievcral notes of hand and eviden ce sos debr, belonging to the late Ambroie Gordon decealed, a3 Ipecified in the Schedule hereto annexed, and that the fame have 101 l *, and that copies of the iaiwe -is near as tne petitioner can re col leeft ate now lodged in the clerk’s office, together with an affidavit that the lame have been been loft by accident; & j raying tne benefit intended bv the fix-h lection of the judiiial aft of 1799, ant! other circumstantial proof being alio Lid before the coni t. It is ordered, that the Lid notes and evidences of debt, be eftabiifried as efiretied by the said iixth ledtion of the judicial a ft, on the laid John Mead pub lilhing a nonce tor the space cf lix months in one of the public gazettes of this cin, unlels taufc Ihull be (hewn to the court with in the fan! fix months, or other matter appear to the court againlt the fame. SCHEDULE. ONE drawn by Alexander JobnJlon, dated 7th May 1804, payable \st June 1804, for 448 dollars and 47 cents. One drawn by Green R. Duke dated 13/6 June, ilioa, pay able 30 days af ter dale, for ifft dollars 5j 1-4. cents. One dr awn hy Lemuel Kol lock, dated 6 lb Augujt, 1600, pay able 10 days after date, for 187 dollars 50 cents. One drawn by Hugh Magee, dated 3 d May , ido4, payable 60 days after date* for .51 dollars 97 cents. One drawn by Charles Linder green* dated 3 d May, 1805, payahie 30 days after date, fer 100 dollars . One drawn by Nathan Beal for too dollars, but to whom payable ldo not recoiled , left by Charles Goodwin, esq. f f - colled ion. A ’tcciq 1 signed by sir T om s Bon sail of Indiana for too pounds sterling, to Nits: Ann Davies , with several receipts on the hue's for He merest, T/ue extraft from the records. J. BULLOCH, Clk. Jan. 3 i. nw 6m. 45. TO HE SOLD, ON the 4th da./ of April n*t. t tho I’lxmatios of Free khckfell, 10 the to .. ty of Jiy*n, the full wii.g property, be. lon){i..£ to the citati of V/ilium Maxwell, jun’r ileceafed, yu Six Negr .es, one Uori* a lmxli Stock of Cattle, and Vat.ou* arti. 2lej of ffciul**ho!d Furtti'ure. Couditiotu rude known on the day of t!*. Sat ah Blackfell, Adir/rix an/1 I-k'e Blarklell, A im’ r i*. right f hi* Wlft. ? <j*; 4 -'>