Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, April 04, 1806, Image 4

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PRIME RITE LANDS FOR SALE AI L ‘hat va’t able traft of LAND froatui SHid b'.- i jon ‘he ! uth tide cff the Ala river, kno*n by tic rame of the B< ad.ate tra^.t, J tr t e property ot Grneiai L-a l.laa M’lotofh, cent ininy *'755 at f% ol which i ICO a-rt; aie prime hide Swanp of the hdl quality and very bell pitch ff tide ; r ht balance high (well timbered) PINE LAM), and vv II calculated for a letrlement or ler |e,r nts. IMis tjac! is di v,'ll’ three parts, through tit upjiernn fl rhird rurs a Lrgt D’.vig ible t;f. k, lead ng to a landing, orj <vhirh may be crcift < and (a* the dream .s < onfi t ruble) a Kicc Mill, haw Mill or Grill Mill. This propc ry is limited immediately oppolbe Mq. But l"j% lJen ert’i Illund ; and from its local advantages is the molt delirable rice cltaie in Georgia. Anv perlon who Willies to j.urchafe may apply to Mr. A- I A XANDER MJ IN, Charles tor.; Mr. CIiAKI I S HAK IM,, attornev at law', Savannah ; i Mtflrs. MEIN, MACKAY &( j. merchants there, in all of whole lands a plat may be seen, and thole who may be de li on •> to view the premies, by a M \iugto Mr. M'KINNOJn, V>t. Simons [Hand, he will shew them t e lines, ad give every other neti flary information he having i efurve) cd the tr*dt. l'Vbrmt.v 7 46 I'Os 1 PGA tVvirwN i . VPe the Ccmtvi.siotc’s, appointed /,y .he 1 (filature to tii l'oi’ of tie LR/lCi JONAL iUR- I'tys of Wtixihsott, Baldwin and IF nut C<.unit ave Jar several teutons Pui/J .tied fie lac until tie 16/0 June next, ot t kjL cb time wo will com mence. \VI! KINSON. TIIO h of the fiilt diflrifl on the 46. h day of June next, and continue tiorii day to day, bit ween the I, -u;s of ten and ti'.iee, ( m .days excepted) un til 1 ie - pi iii< it,five. r Ih*k 1 *ad t’illriM on the ; 4 ! M\ 1 J a ,e, until die 27th gu hi’! Vs . t 1 3 l dififfiT on the itn day of jon , until the ad a of ; uly .c lulive. u 1 1 of •4 li diftndt on an'/ ‘yo: July until the 7tli ib opany 1 e*rtt thhe sth difirid on peevrfhf oi July until the long, Uve. are ihftAE.DNV IN. - M ■- f | . the ilt diltrict on of July unt'l the *ve. Af tfu r t fi C nj diftrifl on _<fV.xrt l y July until the 1 Voiive. At of the 3d dilliifl on the . day of July until the ayrh mfive. i ii <le of the 4111 difiriT on ie 30 h day ot J uly unril ti'e. day o’ Au-’iilt meiulitve. Ut.ife 0* rhe 5-*, uiltndt on the s<;i da . of Au,. uil until the t ctb 1. cluf’ve. W AYNE. Thole ot tie ilt d,drift on the 1 itn dav ol Augult until the •ant indufive. Eiiolcot the 2d dill rich on the aaidAvol Au utl until the 26 h inelulive, Thule of rhe 3d didrift on the 27th day of August until the 30 h inclusive. Terms of Sale . Os the put claim;, tionds for the annum of 1 lie pun. hale mo ney will be required y at four equal mllalmen s to be paid m gnd or fiber; he ti. lt payments twelve months after date, in ad dition 10 which a mortgage will be required. Ma*ri Fret*, j Ktnaicx Sixm, t Commi T temr/. P*ni{ j acc. j Feu. 17, } GEORGIA. 1 By bis Excellency John Mil ledce, Governor and com mander m chief of the army a>d navy of this state, and o* p-e militia thereof. A Proclamat ; on. \\7 11 RI AS, 1 have recei \ 3 ved official information of 3 m”|l wilful and crurl mur jdtr havii r been Committed on j the r ight of the 25'h of lad 1 month, near the plantation of Mr. John M’Call, in the county of Effingham, in date, on the b'xiy of JOHN I.ONDON, Esq. fenaror for rh.-.t county. /Ind whereas, it has been rc prefented to me, that from 1-v ----eral alfidavits which have been taKen, there; can remain bar lit tie doubt tha the abort laid mur ler was perpetrated bv one 1 m.w is M‘Gah can, who a : > fconde.l, and who is of n icidle na ture, has light eyes, and f.a:r in -1 lining to be red, is somewhat frtckled in his face and on Ms hands, knd has a l.naU piece cut of one of his ears. in on er therefore, that tl e laid Lewis M'Gabagan may be brought to exemplary julbce, I have thought fit to ifluc this my Proclamation, oIT-rinp a reward of ONE HONORED AM) FIFTY dollars to any person or | er lons who will apprehend and •urge him in the jail of either of he count rs if Chatham, Rich mond or Wilkes ; and 1 do charge and require the jailors of lie rdp Give jails above men ionai, that 111 the event of his being phi t J under the care of e .1 rot them, he wi I he par ticularly vigilant and attentive :o his htfe keeping. And 1 do hereby a!fo charge and require ail officers, civil and military, belonging to this, o be auiing and afiifiing in ap prclici.ding the laid Eewis M‘-, lo’luc he may be bro’i iy t!uc course of law, to ar.jw.r to the charge againlt him. Given under my hand and chc ; rent leal of the fl .ee, at the Hate 11.’ufc in Louisville, ti is 3ii day of April, in die year ol oui r.ord, 806, ad of the ln '•’ pende ce of the United o A nrinn the thirtieth. By ihe GormNOK. JOHN MLLLEDGE. /to* i M arbukt, Sea etai yof State Mi-iKbIiAL/s bALEb. li ILL be SOLD on Luc [day the if dty of A Jay next, <u the Court-bou e in Savannah, be tween the hours 0/ ten and thru o'el-ok, 1 lie following property, ta ken in execution as the propel ty o. Smith, Sons and Anderlon, at the suit of Thomas and James Swords. Untxpired lease of LOT No. 3, H atlicoate i ything, Decl ver Ward, bavannah, with the bud dings and improvements thcie on. ALSO, l he buildings and unexpired leaie of lot No. q, Carpenter I ything, Decker ward. ALSO, Oor 3® aeie lot on the Thun derbolt load, three miles from Savannah, with me buildings and improvements thereon. 2QD Acres land adjoining Stubb*. within a mile 0 f vil.e, R ickey Co.nfoit. 44 ban lots in tfie I'ownfh.p of Walhington, Walhingtun county. 2,500 Acres land on Town ; Cre. k, i i uncock county, 530 Acres laud m Walhing ton county. ALSO, The negroes, Mollv, Char lotte, l.azett, Hazen, ihdy.Har- ; r .Vi bob, Joleph, Nancy and cjuako. ben. WALL, m. D. c. April S ASSIZE for Match, 1H0&. of FLOI X atki i kilt per iurrei, uunt vt Brrad ■UiIU Sc*, it enr% Lo*f j 6 i. + cenu Loaf *; b - 1 I lib. I*a. . Ot tt-h-ch iiU Bakers and S.’icrs ol Bread are to taco duo and (.articular nature. j* CUiLEK., City TrcMurtr, I NINTH CONGRESS. //; usr. or RE PR F.SF.S TAT IVES. Tui..’Av, March iS. Mr. Jacl/w, from tl.c committer ap pointed out he mo fla,;c of the paliJent, tranfmitting’ a communication fr m the governor ai.d of Uie Michigan territory, m*.!e a report, with an accom pativinsj hill f.,r tlu a.'iuTment ol titles to laud in tiie tc itory of Michigan, which vuj rra.l, and referred to a com mittee of the whole liouie on Monday next. /I fr. Grryy, frrm the committee on public Itndi, nude a favorable report on the petition of R’clurd S. Bryan and Georsfe Buwer, v k h was ordered to lie on the table. Air. Grr:f , t-the fame committee, made a favorable • oo>t on the petition of Nich. := . a ks * ..ich tun ordered to lie on the tabic. Mr. 7 hi . . , from the com mttee of ch e*., made a report on the petition id t!< !. ~i :sprefentativea of Phiueas Miller, t. ‘relentinjr that au ade quate compcnfanen li suo’. been tTiEclt for timber coittiecie'd to be rendered for the fervicc of the lh 8. The committee conficlcr the case as fully within the powers of the lectrtary of the navy, without any 1. pill 1 ito luterpofitiou, and therefore recommend that the petitioners have leave to withdraw their petition, in widt h the iioufc immediately concurred* A niidlajpe was received from the le natc, llatinpj their having passed the bill for incoi(.orating the trulfees of the Pit fl.ytc ’an church in George Town. Mr. V. R. 7 hnmpfoit called for the order of the day on the report of the committee of the whole on the billautho rifing the credtiun of a bridge across the Potomac. Air. Lnrly moved to poftpor.e the bill iedefinitcly. ‘Phis motion was disagreed to—Ayes 53 Noes Air. G. IF. Campbell moved a poil ponement to the iirft Monday in April. H ‘bis motion was likewise disagreed to Ayes 47 —Noes (tl. The lioufe then took the amend” ments of the committee of the whole in to confideiation, to fonte of whicii they agreed, and to others disagreed; when several oilier amendments were made, and the house adjourned. Wednesday, March 19. Air. Stanton, submitted a communi cation from the general afTembly of R. Island, on an amendment proposed by the legifl itur sos Sentucky and Perm lylvama, to the conkitution so as to con iine the judiciary power of the U. S. within narrower than the exiiting limits —declaring that in their opinion it is expedient to agree to the said amend ment—which was ordered to lie on the table. Air. Gregg , from tbe committee on public lands, made a report on the me morial of the Regents of the f/niverljty ol Orleans, praying an endowment of the 11>flitution. The report concludes with a resolution ttiat a tract of land iix miles iepuure be located lor the life 01 the umvcility of Orleans ; and that it is ado expedient to appropriate to the fame puipole tlie public building* in New Orleans originally intended for a linniar pui pole. Referred to a committee of the whole on Saturday. Mr. Ct o’wninditU offered a resolution making it the duty of the committee on tual part ot the inefTage of the president which relates to the organization and clalfifieation of the militia, to enquire iu to the expediency of palling a declaiato rv ad as to the exemption of maiii.ers, employed 111 the public or merchants ser vice, from military duty. Agreed to— Ayes s*. ’i he house returned the consideration of the unfiiiiflied business of yelterday, viz. the bill authorifing the erection of h bridge over the Potomac. Alttr ma king other amendments the bill was or dered to a third leading. Ayes 47 — Noes 4j. Death of Jf.nkral Jackson. A uicilage was received from the Se- | nate, announcing the Death of General James Jackjan, a Senator from the It ate ot Georgia ; and dating the appoint ment ol a committee 011 their part to take order relative to the funeral. Whereupon, on motion of Air. J, RanJulpb, the houle uuanimouliy adopt ed a reiolution, declaring that they would attend the funeral of General James Jackson. On motion of Mr. J, Randolph, RejbireJ uiiauiiuoully, that uie mem bers ol this houle do wear mourning on the left arm tor the course of one mouth, ill testimony of their relpedft tor the me inoiy of tlrat dilhnguillied revolutionary patriot! On which the house immediately ad journed, without traufadiug any further buliucls. REPORT Os the Secretary of Stale on the imprrft n.ent /’ Rmtutran iy otuiih r.JeU. THE Secretary of state, incom pliance with the order of the house of Reprcfentatives or the 6th us January, directing him to lay before it “ a return of the number ol American leimen who have been unpreifed or detained by the ihipsot war or privateers of Great Bri tain, whole names have been reported to the depaitment of state fincc the statement ‘.aft f. ffion of Ccmgirfs ; met:*..mi.-,jr t’ r.sir <** of the •'crfons imprefled, with tl e names of the (hips or v ffels by which they were irnprcikd, and the time of the impairment ; together wit ft any facts and circumstances in relation to the fame, which may have been reported to him: Sating alio (he whole number of American stamen imprefTcd, from the commencement of the prelent war in Europe, and including in a separate co culmn the number of pass tigers, if any, who have been taken out of American velitls coming to the United States from Europe,” has the honor to trarifrnit here with tbe names of nine hundred and thir t. en persons who appear to have been lcnp-ulled from American vtfTele, and whole names have been reported to the department of state (nice tbe lalt itate ment was made to Corigrels ; together with a difcriinioation in the part cu ars required by the order, except as here after mentioned. The aggregate number of imprefs tnenls into the fit itiHi service, iince the commencement of the prefetit in Europe, is found to be two thoufund Into hundred ands venty-three. It is not tafy to dillinguilh, with ac curacy, how many ol these perfon3 were really not citizens of the U. S. but the column of leinark-, added to the lid in lieu ot this diferirnination, will exhibit lome ground fin judging of the t aCb. It has not t.een deemed necefiary to make a separate column lor impress.-d passengers, as this defeription of perfous have been reported to Le imprefled but in the few cases subjoined. It is proper to obierve, that a final! part only ot the period fincc the lalt it at erne lit there was an agent for fcamen for the leeward islands at Jamaica ; tiie gentleuian who then held the charge ha ving religued K, and another, w o had been appointed tc fuccccd him, having declined accepting it. The agent ap f minted for Antigua having been abfeut rorn that lfisnd lince his apuointment in May lalt, r.o returns have been re ceived trom the wiriuward islands. From these circuinftancts it is very probable, that many impicff rents have been made in the Well Indian teas, which though of a recent date, are not included in the present report. All which ir rrfpeflfully submitted. JAMES M.’.DiSON. Department of fate, Manh r. TOTAL SUMS Dislurfsd by th: United States for for ti fyingjorte and harbors within the fame, fincc the loth of March, 1794, to De cember 3 if/ 1 iloy. Ports & Harbors. Dots. Cat. Portsmouth, N. H. lb, 594 48 Glouctftcr (Cape-Ami) Mas. 4,738 66 Marblehead, Muss. 17/298 69 Salem, do. 3,223 66 Portland, do. *-.834 66 l>otuui, do. 186,193 17 Newport, (R. I.) 117,936 04 New London, Conn. 10,218 02 New-York, *1. 7> 43 4 14 Tort Mifflin, Penn. 171,984 37 Baltimore, Md. 1 *0.3)8 43 Annapolis, do. 3,266 25 Norfolk, Vir. 36 863 2S Alexandria, do. 3,936 36 Cape Fear k Gcracock In. let, N C. 3M54 74 Beaconifland, 1,81649 CUariciton, S. C. 56,651 09 Georgetown, do. fe 2 2 54 Savannah, Georgia, 8,112 26 Point Pctre (St. Mary’s) < )°* J 5,380 9t Iota!, dolls. 943,629 36 ♦Exclufiveof the sum of 222,810 4 dollars expended by the state, for which ihe has received a credit at the trealury, on account of the balance due by her to the U. S. H. DEARBORN. IVar Department, Feb. 13th, ißc6. Sheriff's Sales. On the firjt fuefday in Aday next, at tbe Court-bokje in this City, between the hours of ten ana three o'clock, WILL BE SOLD, ALL that prre of the LOT and improvements, on which joi i\ Holies now refijes, on the sou h lidc of Broughton Itreet opposite the inarket-lquare, leiz ed by Jno. P. Pourneli one o! the Conliables for Chatham County, a the property of Isaac Pell, to latisfy lundry execudons pointed out by the defendant, and returned to mt <s the Law directs. T. ROBERTSON, s. c. c. •iprtl 4 62. bherHi s iales On the fir ft Luefday in May next, at tbe Court-boufi, in this City, between tbs hours of ten ana three o'clock, WILL BE SOLD, f | AH A F Lot of land in Yum- X acraw, known Oy No. 23 lazed under lundry executions, as tne property of Robert Greer, and pointed out bj the defend ant. Continued from April fates. T. ROBLR i SON, s. c c. April 4. f)i. LONDON, Feb. 10. WE underiland Mr. Fox has already ,-nt difp.itchcs to all our tniiiillcr* at so. “cign courts, anno sne ng tl.e change ii or noniftry, and adding that h.s wish is to rellorc peace to sll Europe. If re port be true, it is Mr. l rx's intention to make peace with France, leaving the Boulogne flotilla as it now is ; and he propole3 to guard against the dangers of its exillance by compelling every* man in this country capable of btaring arms, to learn the uie of them. The whole of our male population of this defaripti..n is to he enrolled, called out occasionally in divilions, and ready on any hidden em ! ergency to take the fielJ. Our troops are arrived from the con tinent.— Forty fail of transports with the troops anived on Saturday in Yar, me)uth loads. What Bonaparte has been doing is the South of Germany, Prufiia teems to be imitating in the North. Tlie tirit defpatchca which have buen received by the new Minillers from the continent are said to announce the seizure of Hanover by the Pruflian government The lalt Hamburgh mail stated that, by a treaty with France, Prullia was to occupy the Electorate prpvilianal till the general peace- This seems, howev er, to have been a mere feint and de ception, for the purpole of procuring the Prussian troop* a more prompt arid easy admilfion into the city of Hanover ami the other towns. No sooner had Count Schulcnburgh announced his ap- P ’nrmeiit as proviiional Governor of Hanover, than he leiztd upon the whole or ttie Electorate in the tame of the Ling of Pruffla to whom it was in fu ture to belong in full sovereignty. Pro clamations were ilined on the sth iuft. announcing the intention of his Pruffla* Majesty to appropriate the German do minions of his Britanic Majesty to hitn fclt ; and directed every constituted au thority, and the body of the people, immediately to take the oaths of allegi ance to the King or Piuffia as their Sovereign ! ! ! in consequence of these proclamations his Britanic Majesty’s arms have been taken down from the Tribunals and Public Offices throughout Hanover; and the love, a! Public Functionaries are prohibited, under the fevereti penalties, from ms’.uiaining any corn ipondence whate-ver with ihe King of Great Bri tain, or with ins Engiifh or Gcrtnaa Mimfters ! ! ! Count Sehuienburgh, also dem*anded of Lord Cathcarc the lurrender to the Prussian government of aii the German recruits diluted for the German Legion, His Lorcihip very properly refuted, and a warm currefpondence is laid to have taken place, during which Lord Cath cart embarked the recruits on board the tianiporis in the Elbe, The German Legion and the British troops were also embarked. It fliould feetn as if the miffioa of Count Haugwitz to Vienna, had been to obtain Bonaparte's l ave for Pruffla to appropriate Hanover to herfeif a perniilflon which, \vc dare lay, ftie ob tained by the ceflion cf Aulpacli and Bayreuth. What becoms now of the hopes of those who thought that Prufiia W3s em ployed ;ii mediating a peace between this country and France. February 1 1. Ttie new Chancellor, lord Er/kine, took his feat in the houle of lords yes terday. a cabinet council was held yesterday at Mr. Fox’s office in Downing Itreet— it fat upwards of two hours, all the ca binet minilters were present but lord Llltnborough, who waited upon Mr.- Fox after it broke off. Messengers, we underiland, were difpatchcd on Sunday evening to Peterlburgh, Vienna, and Berlin. Lord Cathcart’s conducl in refilling the demand made for the surrender of the recruits railed for the German Le gion, was very spirited. Before they were embarked, lome movements uu the part of the Prufiians indicated an inten tion of preventing the embarkation. Lord Cathcart is reported to have de clared directly and diltindtly to count Schulenbourg, that if any movement were made to detach the newly raift’d levy from him, it mud be over hit and every lirisifh foldin ‘ s lady !! ! In tins g al _ lant resolution he was supported by the countenance of the Swedish 211 j Ruffian force, which formed a itrong cordon, together with tlie Britilh troops, iopro tect the embarkation. A letter from Stutgard of the 26th uit. hates, that on the accomplifflaient of Mr. Haugwitz’s million to Pan#, tbe electorate of lianover was to be incorpo rated with the Prussian territories ; iu*re turn for which the king of Prullia was to cede a great part ofhispMLffiona i„ Well phalia, which were to be given a in deimuties to other princes. It j, added, that no doubt is entertained ot tt good ui-derllaiiding between Ruffii aa d France being speedily rectHblilhed, through the mediation of the king of Pruffla. The king of Sweden, lay* thtr lame article, continues to u-fufe lent to the arrangements entered iotc relative to Hanover, February 12. The firit great mcaiure w;,icb, it is said, the new mir.iiters maa to brm - forward, relates to our mrirti.-y tyttenu A great alteration is intended ;> te t :- tcAcd in it, and attempt* are to L,e made to produce a large additioa to out regu'- ur force, report fays, to me amount of 90,000 OiCU. l.rttc.j •-cciredia the city (-om the