Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, April 04, 1806, Image 6

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JjMfi fi* ;s ■ ■ - ~x- w*t - ... • v.AaMO’^r: M 1 iC ELL \NEO U3. W ■ -fi - ii ir KJ*/rr* AN EXTRACT. “ A Bofomftnttlal remain unseen, ‘• Hid from the In v els M iner: ; ‘• No sh irm th< r- •', lb ?ri*nt, 1 vnn, •• Which fancy’i dirini :&nnot enhance. <• The (canty robe, and bosom bare, “ Wi'h'-rthc bud cf virgin (hamc ; “ The (leevelt N ‘mi and s kite,. “ 111 become the virgin’* name ” What Heals tire’ . -h of timid (ha e, ” Steals the fu !‘. of ; _-ity' charms ; “ What >;raa and rr. - .. ty diftmiM, “ Can add no f.nce to beauty N arms. “ 1 ‘oveto foe the maul a .jure, “ By other arts to please, “ I love the linijde neat attire, •• Combining cleg.i-.i- •: with case,” I’AR IT NO. Oh, fad ie the hour,—anil, ah ! lad is each heatt, And fad in the lovclirft profpcA to view, XV hen lovers f < tender reluctantly pait, Auil pen lively fighoutthe lengthen’d a dttu 1 Dear, dear is the kiss ! —ah ! how dear the embrace ; —Their hearts cling together in uni (on freed What tender folicitnde (peaks in each face 1 What impatience again to be happy ! to meet! Behold the fond couple now pan—now u. tiite ! Behold the fond bofont, that labours with love— Behold the emotions that us'd to delight ! Ah ! fee the frveet paflion with angtiiflt improve ! Yet, yet oner, again they take leave of each charm : Time leans on his feythe and furvevs them with pain ; Then flaps hr; old wings : Dove takes the alarm, And parting, they hop* ; •• appy again! EI’ITAI Ha In Guilford Chit cl 3* i, (Eng.) Hr auer pals on, twVr vr...,c vourtinte On i-au biography, and bitter rhyme ; for what 1 am, thn, cumb’rous clay in lures, And what 1 was, is no affair ofyours. EPIGRAM, WHEN Joe was poor, the lad was funk and Irte, Os late he's grown brim full of pride and pc and; You wonder that he don't remember me : Why fi) I—Y on fee he has forgot himft If Tilt Hnil K OR, THE FATAL F.FE GTS OF PRECIPI TATION. A Kingot Perlu had a favo rite Hawk, lining one day on a h nmg | arty with his hawk up o his hand, tin* deer Rant'd ir before him j the king let the hawk fly, and followed it with great t a :ernds, till ac length the deer taken. The cour tiers were all left behind in tht chafe. The king being tfurlty, rode about in qudi of water, till having reached rhe fuoc of a mountain, he <Mcov c rcd fome trickling down in drops from the r ? 1 !t !ool <little cup from his qn ver, and held it to catch the water. Just when the cun was filled, and lie was to drink, the hawk fto .k his pud °ns, and ovtrlec the cup. The king was vexed at the accident, aid again applied the cup to the Hole in the rock. When the cup was replcndhed, and he was lift ing it to his mouth, the hawk clapped his wings again, and tluew it again, at which the king w s lb enraged, that he threw the find with such violence again it the ground, that he ex pired. At this time rhe table-decker came up, and taking a napkin from his budget, wiped the cuu and was going to give t ic kinp water to drink ; the king hud he hail a great inclinat on to nfte the pure water rhat diltilled through tjie rock, but not hav ing patience ro wait for its br ing c<>lle£ted by drops, he order ed* the t..ble decker to no to the top of ihe mountain, and fill the cup at the fountain he ‘d. 1 his attendant having reach ed the top ol the mountain, dii- ‘overed a fc- pent of a prodigi ous magnitude lying dead, with i s head in the fprin:.- ; —and his poifoaous foam mixing with the •■arers, fell in drops through the rock: he then detemded, relat ed the faft to the king, and pre- T need him with a cup of cold wa tt r out or his flaggon. When the king lifted the cup to his lips, the tears of refieftion gushed from his eyes. He then related the adventure of the hawk and made many reflections upon the deftruClive consequence of precipitancy and thou .'htleflnefs, and during the remainder of his life the a-rows of regret were ra-ikiing in his bread. SherifPs Sales. /It tbs Court-house in tkc c : ty of Savannah, cn the fir (l TUES DAY in May next, bet ween the hours of io and 3 o'clock, WILL BE SOLD, ALL thole buildings fituatr on North half part of lot No. Decker’s ward, owned bv rheeftateof Philip Mines, rhe property of Maurice Lelvfif, nov. of Joseph Arnold. Three !o r s being part of a five acre lot for merly the property of J .hn Cur rie. ALSO, The following negroes to wit: Role, about 35 years of age, Sam by occupation a painter j POlll - his wife Iflabella, Cato and Caffar, and a fifty acre lot known by tht No. 8. All >, the houfc in Anson’s Ward, at present oc cupied by the defendant, seized under execution as tht property of Joseph Arnold, surviving Cos. at the in its of Benjamin Buffey lurviving copartner, and Benja min Bulfey junior. Continued from March sales. Conditions Cajh. T. ROBERTSON, see. April 1 61 ■Sheriff s hales. On the fitft 7 uefday m May next, at the Court-house , tn this Ci*y bet ween tie hours of ten and three o'clock, will be sold, ALL that trad of land on Hutch in fords Ifiind, com monly called Bailie’s Puiiu, con taining two hundred acres, more or leis. Seized as the property of James MolTnan, under fun dry executions. Continued from April Tales. Alio, A lot on Bay-lbeet in Savan nah, joining tin* elhce of Doors Containing 60 fret front, and 90 tet depth j with all the bricks on the premiles, a considerable part of which, w s imported fro n Liverpool a few years ALSO, A part of a ior, 16 feet front, by 90 depth, with the improve ments thereon, joining the lame. Seized as the property of James Mod nan, under lundry execu tions. Conditions made known at the day of 1 ale, Told at the riique of the former purchaler, he not having complied with the terms of iale. T. ROBERTSON, s. c. o April 4. 6z. brIEKIEEs brtLro. ON The fir (I Tuesday in May next, will be fold at the Court-house in this city, be tween the hours of 10 and a o’clock. A Mulatto boy named Miles, leized as the piopercy of cue es tate of G urge John lon dec’d. ac the lull o! Joleph T.ongworth and others. I lie pioperty i oimed out by the plaintiff. T. ROBERTSON, s . c . c. Aprii 4 6j CJ7* TAKEN from tuiriy Titling, hurjl , m this city, on Tuesday tajt, three /liver 7 e.i Sfauns, tov: of them marie J hi '7 A the olhir with no mark. The owner may have them by proving proper ty and paying for this advertifen.ent. Ap ply to John Williams, S C. S. Sav. Mutch Ij, 1806. 65 LOST, “ A ROCKET BOOK containing abou a.\. 15 Dollars in Jertiey nocts, and a few ,'ajnTsof no value to any |,u- the owner, by leaving it with the ji: ‘•-r, the .Tail receive a generous rt .'ard. Apr;! 4 (,j IV/1, March Nonce is hereby given. THAT separate proposals will be received at the oliice of the leerc tary for the Depaitment of War, until 12 o’clock at noon of the firil Wednel day of June next, for the lupply of all rations tha’ may be rrquired for the ule of the United States, from the ill day of October I 806, unlit the 30th uay ot September, 1807, both days iucluiive, at the following places viz. 1 Firlt, At Niagara, Daroit, Michili mackinac, Tort Wayne, Cbikage, and at any place or places, where troops are or may be stationed, marched, or recruited within the state of Ohio, and territory of Michigan, arid at any place or place* within the Indiana territory north of the 41st degree of north latitude. Second, At South-Weil, Tel lico, Knoxville, Nalhville, and within the Cherokee nation between Tennessee and Oeorgia, and on the Tennessee river, and on the road between said river and Nafhviile, and at any place or places where troops are or may be Rationed, marched or recruited within the Rates of Kentucky and Tennessee. Third, At the garrison near Vincenes on the river Wabafli, at Fort Maffac, New-Madrid, Chickasaw Blt.fP, Arkau fas Natches, and Fort Adams, and at a ny place or places where troops arc or may be Rationed, marched or recruited in the MiffifGppi territory, except the county of Walhington, and at any place or places in the Indiana territory south of the 41 it degree of north latitude and fitly miles ealt of the Miiliffippi river. Fourth, At St. Louis, St. Charles, Kalkafkia, Kahokia, and at any place or places where troops are or may be Ra tioned, marched or recruited within the territory of Louisiana north of New Ma drid, and at any place or places in the Indiana territory within lilty miles eait ot tlie Miiliffippi river, and south of the 4 lit degree 01 north iatilude, Fort Maf lc excepted. Fifth, At New Orleans, Placquimiues Point Coupee, Oaciieta, Natchitoches, pneloulas, Attakapa, Fort Stoddert, Fort St. Stephens, and at any place or places where troops are or may be Ra tioned, marched or recruited, within the I territory of Orleans, or in the county of Walhington in the Miiliffippi territory, and at any place or places on the weft fide of the Mississippi river below Arkan sas. Separate proposals will also be received as aforefaid for the supply of all rations which may be required for the use of the United States, from the ill day of Janu ary 1807, to the 31st day of December of the fame year, both days iucluiive, within the several days hereinafter men tioned, viz. Sixth, At Fort Wilkinson, Cockfpur Illaud, and at any places where troops are or may be stationed, marched or re cruited, within the Rate of Georgia, and 011 the Indian boundary between Geor gia and the Creek nation. Seventh, At Charleston, Rocky Mount on the head waters of the San tee, and at any place or places where troops arc or may be Rationed, marched or recruited, within the Rates of North Sc South Carolina Eightli, At Norfolk, and at any place or places where troops are or may be Ra tioned, marened or recruited, within the Rate of Virginia. Ninth, At Fort M* ienry, and at a ny place or places, wncie troops are or may be Rationed, marched or recruited, within the Rate ot Maryland and dlßiiCf of Columbia. Tenth, At Fort Mifilm, Carlifle, and at any piaee or places wnere troops arc or may be Rationed, marched or recruit ed, within the Rate of Pennlylvania, ealt ot the Mountains, and within the RaLcs of New Jerlcy, and Delaware. Lleventh, At Pitliburg, and at any place or places, where troops are or may be Rationed, marched or recruited with in the Rate of l’ennfylvama, welt of the mountains. Twelfth, At Fort Jay, Weft Point, Albany, Shenedady, and at any place or places where troops are 01 may be Ration, ed, marched or recruited, within the Rate of New Yoik, Niagara, and its depen dencies excepted. Thirteenth, At Fort Trumbull, Fort Wolcott, and at any place or places where troops arc or may be Rationed, marched or recruited, within the Rate, of Connecticut, Rhode iflaud and Ver mont. Fourteenth, /ft Fort Independence, (Boston harbor,) and at any place- or places, where troops are or may be Ra tioned, marched or recruited, within the Rate of Massachusetts, the town of Springfield, and the uiftriit of Maine ex cepted. Fifteenth, At Port Ur out h, Portland, am) at any place or places, where troops are or may be Rationed, marched or re cruited, within the Rale of New Hamp- Ihire and ibediilrici ot Maine. Sixteenth, Proposals will also be re ceived as aforefaid, for the supply of all rations, which may be required by, the Uuited States, tor the troops which arc or may beftationed, marched or re - entiled, within the town of Springfield 111 the Rate ot Massachusetts, and for the armorers and other persons employed in the United States* armory at that place from the ik day ot January 1807 to the oiit day ot December m the lame year, both days inclusive. A ration to conliß ot one pound and one quarter of beet, or three quarters of a pound ot pork, eighteen ounces of bread or flour, one gill of rum, whis ky or brandy, and at the rate ot two quarts of fait, r cur quarts of vLega - , four pound, of loap, and one pound and a half of candle’, to every hundred rations. The prices of the several component part3 of the ration faall be fpecitied ; but the United Slates ftiall reserve the right of making such altera tions in the pr’ce of the component parts of the ration aforefaid, a* shall make the price of each part thereof bear a juR proportion to the proposed price or the whole ration. The ration3 arc to be furnifhed in such quantities, that there shall at all times, during the term of the proposed contract, be iuffi cicnt for the eonfumption of the troops -it Michiliinackinac, Detroit and Cioka go, for fix months in advance ; arid at each of the other poßs on the Western waters, for at lead three months in ad vance, of good and wholesome provi lio is, if the fame be required. It is al lo to be permitted to all and every of the commandants of fortified places or polls, to call for, at feafons when the fame can be transported, or at any time in case of urgency, such supplies of like provisions in advance, as in the difere tion of the commandant shall be deemed proper. It is tinderftood that the contrador is to be at the txpence and rilk ofiffu ing the fuppiies to the troops, and that all loffe* lultained by the depredations of the enemy, or by means of the troops of the U. S. Iliall be paid by the L T . S. at the price of the articles captured or oeftroyed as aforefaid, on the deposition of two or more persons of creditable charaifers, and the certificate of a com m.ffidned officer, Rating the circumstan ces Ot the loss, and the amount of the’ artides for which compensation Ihci!! be diairned. The privilege is understood to b; re~ fetved to the U. S. of requiring that none of the supplies, which may be fur nilied under any ot the proposed con tiacfs, lhall be issued, until the supplies which have been or may be furnifhed under contracts now in force, have been coniumcd ; and that a supply in advance mat be always required at any of the fixed polts 011 the sea-board, or Indian frontier, not exceeding three months. H. DEARBORN. [s9] Secretary nf V/ar. 3° Dollars nLeward. DINAWAY from the fnbfenber on the 15th February lull, a young nogro wo man named NELLY, Hie is about live feci two or three inches high, thick made, has remarkable thick lips, and black teeth, which are very tar apart, and lisps much when lpeaisir g. She is well known about town, where (lie may be enticed to work ; and is fuppoled to he harbored at times about the Orphan himfe, and Mr. YVilkinfon’s plan tation near Savannah. The above reward will be given to any perlon who will deli 'er her to the jailer in Savannah, or inform the iubfcriber where ti e ma> be taken. T/m. STEPHENS. March 25 5? Sheriff’s bales. WILL BE SOLD, Cn Tuesday the 3 d day of May, lßc6, at the Court-house in fftjferson, between tht oours of ten and two o'clock, the following properly, mortgaged by IVd ham Korns to Robert Cm John Bolton for the payment of a large sum of mon ey, the equity of r edemption having been duty foreclosed, via , LO i’ i\o. lurcy-fix, (46) Do. do. thirty-fix, (36; Do. do. thirty-seven, (37) Bart of lot No, ievenieen, ( 17) And the whole of the front of lot No. lev nteen, (17) being a water lot, with ail the building! ind improve/i.ents thereon. David G. Jones, S. C, C. March 17 3 b bHERIEFG SALE. IVILL be fold on the firft Tuesday in May next, at the Court-house in the etty of Savannah, be tween tbe hou/s of ten ana three o'clock, S following wharf LOT 6 |j , Viz ; Lots No. 19 Sc. 20, taken under execution ac the 1 uic of Andrian Van Sinderan, as the property of Nichol Turn- Dull pointed out by the defend ant.- T. Robertson, s. c. c. March 14 36 SHERIFF’S SALES. On thefirft Tnefday in May next, will beJold at the court-houje in ibis city, between the hours of ten and three o'clock. All that tract of land situate, lying and being within the coun ty of Chatham, containing jog acres be the lame more or Jeis, j bounded northwardly by Savan-j nah river, eaitwardly by lands! of Joiep.i Clay Elq. weftwardly ■ by lands of Montailiet, and I louthwardly by lands of ! and which land hath hitherto’ been known as the Glebe land, j Seized as the property of Win.j Hobkirk, under a foreclolore or Mortgage to the Wardens o‘j Chritt Church. T. ROBER rSON, S. C. C. j Ma r ch 10. ;s t \ < Sheriff’s .Sales Ok the fir J Tuesday in May next, will be fold at tk: Court hope vt this city, between the h.urs 0) jo and 3 o'clock, j >.tiE following negroes fro jMr) ISSABELLA, RACHE L, JIM, BESS aid 1 OLE i, taken under ex ecution to fiirisfy JarriEs Alger, cne property pointed out by defendant. T. ROBERTSON, s c c. April 4 63 SHERIFF’S SALES! ~ ON the firft luesdav in May next, will be field at ibe Court houjc in this city, between the hours of ten and o'clock. ‘ A Li. that trad of in the partition of Cum berland Illanj, being rhe South ernrnolt naif part of Lot No. o, bounding on the welt by lands 10 j° hl! H. Milntoft, north by lands of the efxate of Lynch, east by ihe cm-an and south by lands of the efiate of yen. Green supposed to contain 400 acres,’ be the fame more or less. Seized by virtue of an executi- j n, the fate, vs. eflate ot fus- I c:ce H. Scher,her, dec. pointed out by the Ex’or. f. Robertson, s, c. c. March 11 Lity Sheriff’s Sales. On the fu (l Tuesday in May rext, _ Wii/1. hb S(;LD, at the Cotsrt-hcuje in Savannah, between the hours oj ten and three o'clock, ANrgro Wench, named Chioe, iev : ed on as the property of Doclor John Love, to Ltisfy W iliiam Camo. ALbO, 1 . A Nc ß ro jSoy, named Tom, ■ evied 0.1 as the property of >aonuel M'Cormick, bectaled, .0 idtufy Benjamin AnfJey and Jan es Marihail, pointed oik by che plainuffs i ALIO, A two story HOUSE in El oert ward, levied on as the pro perty of James Gaffney, tofat 's y Charles Tioc- JOHN WILLIAMS, s.c.s. 6,_ Marshal's Sales ; ‘ °n the id TUBS DAT in fprif will be sold, At the Court-house in E'yan Coun ty, t-etween the hours cf eleven and three o'clock, 6 Field NEGROES, Confining of rnen, women and children ; seized and taken in execution, and fold pursuant so a decree of the Circuit Court of tms diftnd, as the efface of the .'ate Samuel Milier deceased, at tne luit of Powell and Hop ton, survivors. * Load:tions Cash. 1 he iaie takes place at the a bove place by consent of panics. B. \\ ALL, m. and, G> o<iv. March 3 — Sheriff's iSales. On the firJl Tuejday in May next. WILL BE SOLD, rit the Court Hcu[e in the City of Savannah, between the hours of ten and three o'clock, \ LL J har of land, with 1 c ‘ie improvements tfrereon , uuute on the Thunderbolt road aoout two or three miles from the ■~Y t> Savannah, containin® 1 57 aCr / s ~ ,ei zeti as the proper ty of Smith, Sons and Anderson, atisry E. Levenfworth and Cos. Continued from April Tales. Conditions— -one half payable at 90 days, a discountable ne e with a good Indorfer—the other half on the firft day of January, 1807, with a bond and mortgage on the properry. T. ROBERTSON, s. c. c. /i P r:i 4- 62. NOTICE. ~~ “ A N N! - 0- for Lieut? ant in the Srft ‘ Kcgm-.ti.-. as :;.e ro ° • ’> u - r A u; c e'.:e:|, v ;;; [2Kc i’ ‘ ’ 1 “ : *‘rr Sa'uTay t !.c -ra ” • Adi,.. witc.L'o r*. ‘.via 1 -S. • . f ’ - • -■ ->y -iticn. ’ erder at M3,, - D.v * }■ lEi Ii b'JNL, Ctiftami S 61 \