Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, April 18, 1806, Image 2

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POSTPONEMENT. fPc the Cemwisi ort'J, appointed fiy ‘be It, !sia:u r e to dxspos’ cj the I'K'iiriONAL (U l<- yi-.JTa of IVnmnson, Baldwin ttr.d Wayne Counties , lave for several rtrtns Postponed the ia.e until tie litb June next , at ‘ubith time not will tom- Vteme. WIL KINSON, THOSE of the firlt diflrft on the 16 h day of June mxt, and continue from day to day, between the hours of ten and three, (Sundays excepted) un* til the a}d inc.ufive. Thole of the ad diftr'nft on the 24th day of June, until the 27th inclusive. Thole of the 3I dirtria on the 2.Bth day of June, until the ad day of July inclusive. Thole of the 4’h difir,& cn the 3d day of July until the 7th inclusive. Tlx If of the sth diftriff on the Bth day of July until the 1 ith inclufive* BALDWIN. Those of the lit dillrift on the rath dav of July until the j6-h inclusive. 1 hole of the ad difhift on the 17th clay ot July until the 24th mdulive. Thole if the 3d diftrift on the 25th day of July until the inclusive. Those of the 4th iliftrict on the 30th dav of July until the 4 h day of Aogufl: inclulive i hose of the sth thllrift on the sth day of August until the I it.- iuci ifw. W A i Those “f tl,” ift difrift on t’ e 131 1 av { Augull umii the a... ui ufive. Thule ot the 2d ciiftrieft on th 22 I day ot August until the a6 h i ‘’ lofiv . ‘i t i of the 3d diflrift on the 27th dav of Augull until tne 30. h inclufive* Terms of Sale* Os the purchalrrs, b< nds for the amount of the purchase mo ney will he required j at lour equalinftalmeirs to be paid in g Id or silver; h ■ firft payments twelve months after and te, 111 ad dr ion to which a mortgage will be required. Moses S?e*r, n UkUOiCK Simms, > Comtri/Jiuaert. I’amie Jack. J Washington, Feb. 17, 52. PRIME RICE LANDS FOR SALE. ALL that valuable trad of LAND fituaud and be in on llie I'.uth fide of the Ala tairatu river, known by Die name of the Lroadiace tra<M, Lee the property of General Lachlan iVl‘lntofh, containing 1755 acres, of which 1 too acres ore prime Tide Swamp of the firll qualitv and very bed pitch of tide ; the balance high (well timbered) PINE LAND, and w. U calculated for a fcttlement Or tctrle nents. This Daft js di vided into three parts, through the upper.noil thud rues a large nav,p.,ale cie k, lead ng to a lamling,on whrh may be ereft td (as the Urea n is r.onfiderable) a Kne Mill, Saw Mill or Grilt Mill. This property is (united immediately oppofue Maj. but lers, Demere’s Island ; and from its local advantages is the molt delirablc rice eltaie in Georgia. Anv perlon who wiihes to purchase may apply to Mr. A LEX \NDER Ml IN, Charles ton; Mr. CHARLES HAR RIS, attorney at law, Savannah ; or Mcflrs. MEIN, MACKAY fcf Cos. merchants there. In all of whole hands a pint may be fee*i, and thole vvho may be de ft rou* to view the premiles, by applying to Mr. M‘klNNO.\, bt. billions llland, tie will shew them me lines, give every other nccefiary information he liavmg resurveyed the traft. f cb.uary 7 46 NOTICE. To the Citizens of Sa vannah, and inhabitants of the Sea-Hlands, White Bluff, Little Ojrechee and Chero kee Hi 1 Diftri&s. The fuh feriber is now ready to re ceive the ‘1 axes, for the year one thousand eight hun dred and five, at his Office, the corner of Broughton tk Lincoln.ft, ect, late Herfon’s house. Office hours, from 9 in the morning until 2 o’clock in the afternoon. Those that do not come forward and pay their tax es by Thursday the 75th day of May next, will h.ive executions issued against them as the law direAs.,.. also, for those taxes unpaid for 1804. PETER DEVEMJX TANARUS, C. C.C. 7 an Collel m o- , i On. e, 7 r Monday, 3 yl, March , iko6. 3 1’s bale. By virtue ci \ ue'.rse „i 1 ,e Gircuh Court, of the Un /e j Sta''*-, f.r and ■ diftriiicf Georg a, tot txe foreclulu t of a tnttgage, will i>e <o‘d at pub! Audi on at the Com t hou cl"tie cu of Savannah, on the ft-It Tuedty i May ncx , tetwee 1 /he hours of ‘ei and /wo, All that va ua’de Tra6t <f Land ffiuato in /he county cf C m : e , Even hunOr-d and tw m/• acies, mure or lcf, known l>y t naini cf Point Pete. ores u vhicn are in a fu e o; cultivation, the proper vcf Ls. Seig-ovr r sq. IthN. WALL, M. 1). G. April 4. 61 <uy bix.Tilf's 8. lex. On the ftfl Tuesday in May next, Will He v.'LiJ, at the C u r t-houfe in Savannah m between the hours J ten and three o'clock, AN go) Wench, named Chloe, kv.rd on as the property o* Dotftor John Love, to latisfy VYi lam Camp. // L. O, A Negro Boy, named Tom levied Oil as .he prep rty of Samuel M'Cormic k, uectaled, to fati fy Benjamin Anflcy am; James Maifhail, po.ntea uu. b the pUinc.ffa AlhO A two dory HOUSE in El bert ward, levied on as the pro perty of James G.ffney, to lac rsiy Charles 1 Dt- John will jams, sc .s April i 6t I‘Ut OalC. OME of /hr imili valuable /rafts of Land upon /ne Altamaha, con/ainfi-g about eleven hu drtd acres of Rice Swamp in /he bell pitch of /idc. 1 his indt is about f,v; miles abuve /hr town of Daden, was, prior to there volutionaiy war, the pioper/y cf the late governor Wright, and has for a fettlemen:, attached immediately to the Swamp, One of the mott beauii lul and molt deva/td iwuaiLns upon /he river. Ferfoas wishing to pu chafe this property will apply to Inward Swar breclt or William Mein, ! (q c. a- Savannah, where apia/ 01 c Line may be seen. (fifober /f; q. EDUCATION, Grateful for th diftingtuflied patronage he liu cx|xr creed fmco his eUablillimet.t m Savannah, Mr Green with deference ms. his trienis and ilie public, that the Ladies Literary fchool, and the Grammar aid Mi- h cmatii al fchoals, arc fil l conduced bv him on tht fame plan, a* a. ilieir com mencement. The course cf the (chords, includes Head ing, Grammar, Elocuti. n and Rhetoric, Writing in ad the ufeful ornamental hands, Aritlime ic. Book keeping, according to se veral fyueins, Geography and ihe use, drawingc'pying of Maps m different pro ject ons, the lenient* if Ailronomv, and tiie ute of tha Globes and Te luriau Hiftorv and Chronology. In the Mathen atical department, the pupil* will be carefully inllruffcd in Algebra Geometry, Trigonometry, Conic Section* and Fluxions, with their application to the bufmels of life and the mveliigat ion effet ence. Sixteen tears experience in hi* profrflion, and a sacred and unremitting attention to the n orals and real improvement cf his pu pil* wi ! l, lie hopes, cuntinuf to him from a liberal and enlightened public, a thare of that favor whtcr. lie has hitherto experienced Pupils admitted without Entrance, till the ill of the ensuing January. .’.A Hakcikq Mastu of eminence will attend the Schools. November s oo FOR ALE, A Cspil t> trait of £O2 t -l acre] of land in the y/j lii ‘lriet of Jla-Jn in county. For funiculars enquire cf tie fruiters of tbit fafer. >"• ? V 57 from the National Intelligencer, ApthW On Monday tbeHoufe of Rrpreicnta r!y a were rxclufively engaged until 5 n’drv k, with doled door* in difcu!ling the propriety of takiDg eff the injanfiion of secretary relative t<j the meafurc! taken on Spanish afFairi, which ifTn ed in taking i,ff the injuaSion of se crecy. The fol!o(ing i the j rurrial of these a it is, it in but a fkdetonr Suclmhowcvtr, as it is it will be read %ith a detp interdl.— We have not time to accompany these poceedinga with say elucidating r marks. ’We fliall merely fay that there appears to have been on this fu’ j and an h rnefl diverfiry of opinion, which rcfalted in rhea lop’ion of meafurcs of a fteife (ompUetton, by a large rr.aj rrity. On the fi .il passage of the bill, the whole votes were 1 30, of which 76 republican votes were in favor of the bill, and 27 republi can end 27 federal (including every fe deral member that voted) againlt it. HOUSE or REPRESENTATIVES Friday, Dec. 6, 1 BOJ. The ! fp<aker laid before the honfe a letter anti communication from the pre sident of ika Uuited Slates which were read. Ordered, That the faiJ letter an 1 -'oai'.i.unic ttton, together with the docu nenta accompanying the reicr rtd to Mt. John Randolph, Mr IVch. son, Mr. John Cotton Sm tit, Mr 4urr f i, Mr- V- 7 a nao’ Sauth Caro 1 t, Mr, B.uwt ana Mr. B owa. F, i'll, lan 3 1806. Mr. Joh R nfof’o, from the com mmiltee to whom were referred the roa sage ho'l ,om u ties ton from the prtfi d<nt of the U 1 e S -us f the 6 h tx December lad, together with the docu ments accompanying the fame, made a rport there m, as folioweth 1 Riport erf the committee to nPom nns re. f.rred the te.eff-g of the Prrjiient of the United Huts, of the 6 th D (ember 18 ‘5. The committee have beheld with jatt indignation -he hollile fpi’it rnaoifciicd by the court of Madrid towards the go vernment of th<. U. S. in withholding the ratification of its convention with us, alihougirfixned by its own inimtler under the <ft f his fov'rrign, unless ! with alterauors of its terms, afFcdiing } claim -of the U. S. which, by the .x j profs conditions cf the inibument itfe-f, I were refervtd for future discussion ; lin piratical dtpredatiot a upon ou fair C'-romerce tn olllincling the naviga tion of ll e Mobile in refuftng to come to any fair and amicable acjuftnuut of the boundaries of LcuiftaDu ; and in a daring violation, by persons acting under die authority o( S?3in, and no doubt, apprtied <>f tier tentiments and views, ol our uadifputed limits which f*ie had fo lemniy r.cogniled by trea’y. To a government having interests dis tirdd from ihofe of its jfeople and disre garding their welfare, here 18 ample cause tot 3 formal declaration of war, on tin part of the U. b. and inch, Cul they obey the impolle of their feelings alont, s tht couife which the committee would rot hefkn'e to recommend 1 but to a government identified with its citi z -'.s, 100 far removed from the power •ul naii ns of the earth for its fafety to ■--e endangered by their bottility, peace muil always be dtfirable, so long as it is compatible with the honor and inteictli of the community- Whilst the U. t>- continue burthened with a debt, which annually abforba two thirds of their revenue, aad duties upon imports constitute the oniy refourct from which that revenue can be railed, without resorting to fytlems of taxation, not more ruinous and opprefiive, than they are uncertain and precarious, t,,c b. tt intcrelb of the union cry aloud for peace. When that debt (hall hare been difeharged, and the resources of the na tion thereby liberated, then may we ra tiorally to rath, even in time ot war, the supplies which our frugal infti tutioi s require, without recurring to the haieful and deftruftive expedient cf li uus ; then, ar.d not till then, may we bid d> ti.i-rce to ‘he world. Ene present ni fi i> p crtharly auspicious tor this iji ji, and defrsble wo.k. Now, ifiver, Ihe ua nal debt is to be paid, by fu. h ni,.a.-, u'. an*ngvm;nts as will accelerate extip&ior by reaping the vich har IvcAof reutrsitty, and thua providing for that diminution of revenue, which ex perierce tea hes us to expect on the ge neral pacification of Europe. Ana the committee indulge a hope, that, in the changed afpeCt of alTairsio that quirtev, Spsiu will find motives for a juit fulfil ment of her ftipnlations with us, and an amicable fetilcrm-nt of limits, upon terms not more beneficial to the U. b than advantageous to herfelf, —ftcuritig toiler an ample bsrri r on the fide ot Mixico. and to us the countries watered by the Milliffippi, and to the eastward of it. But vvhiltt the committee perceive, in the general uproar of Europe, a Itate of things peculiarly favo coleto thepcace able purtuit of our betl iutereils, they are neither Infinfi'le to the indignity, which has been offered on the part of Spain, nor unwilling to repel umiiar oat rage. On the fubjed of felf defence, when the territory ot the U. S. is intui ted, there can be but one opinion whatever diif reuce may exut on the queltion, whether tliat protection which a vcffcl finds in our harbours, fltah be extended to her, by the nation, in the) Indian or Ohintfc few I—annexed:1 —annexed: letter fir va the secretary of w:r w-I'l ex plain why it is not more explicit. Refo ‘ved, Tiiat such number of troop’ not exceeding as the I’refident of the U* S. (hill deetn fuffi cient to protest the f mthern frontier? of the U . S. from Spamfh inroad and insult, and to chaflife the fame, be im mediately raised. The said report was read and ordered to be referred to the consideration of a committee of the whole house on Mon day next. On motion made and seconded, that the house do come to the following re solutions : R fatved, That dollars be appropriated by law for the purpose of defraying any extraordinary riptnces which may be incurred in tlat mtercou fe betwetn the United State’ and foreign rations, to be paid out of any monies in the treasury not otherwiie appropriated, and to be applied under the direction of the president cf the ti nned States, who frail have authority if □ectffary, to borrow the laic sum or any part tr-ereo , in behalf of tie United S at a rate of filtered not exceeding 6 prj centu n per annum, and lha.t cause an ac cou t of the expenditure Uereof, to be lat i b fore Congrels as soon as may be. Rtf lived, Tnat the additional duty of two an! a half per centu ti ad vsLrem be imposed by an act, entitled “ anaft fur tlier to protect the commerce an t fesmen i of the U. S. againtt thebarbaiy powers,"”; be continued for years. j G dercci, That the said ref .lutiors be 1 committed to the committee of the whole i h'iufe, to whom is committed the before mentioned report of the committee on the message and communication from the pre ii.deut et the Un.tea State* of the 6;h oi December lak. Monday, January 6, 1806. The house according to the order of the day, rcfolvcd itfelf iato a committee of the whole house, on the report of tlie committee to whom were referred the tn flhgeaid communication from the prefi tent of the United States of the 6th of December last, and the documents ac companying the fume, as also on the re foiuiious referred to the said committee *f the whole house on Friday last j and after fome time fpeot, therein, Mr. Speak er resumed the chair, and Mr. Gregg reported, that the committee had, ac cording to order, had the said report and refaluiions under consideration, and made fome progress therein, but not having time to go through the fame, had diretted him to move the House for leave 10 fit again. R fdvd, That this House will, to morrow, again refolvc itfelf into a com mittee of the whole House, oh the said report and icfo'utions. Tuesday, January 7. On a motion crude and lccouded, that the House do come to the loliowiug ref olution : Refoived, That any arrangement of lirniiS between the U. S, and Spain, which Ikall secure to her an ample barri er on the fide of Mix co, and to the U. S. the countries watered by the Milfilfip pi, and to the eastward cf it, will meet i tie approbation and lupport of tins House ; ar.d Ordered, That the third refjlution be committed to the commit ee c f trie whole House, to whom ti reieired the report of the committee on th; mfiage and communicaiion from the of the U. S. -of the 6:h Drcenb r Lit, *ud the documents uccompauviug the fame, as also two resolutions referred to the 1 me committee ot the whale Houle 0.. Friday last. The House then, according to order of the day, agaru resolved itfelf into a committe o. tile whole Houle, ou the fa and report aid refolutiejns, and attei tome time spent therein, Mr. Speaker returned the chair, and Mr. Gregg rrport'-d, that the coftiir.iltee had, ac cording to order again had the laid re* uirt anil reiolutions under consideration, aid made a turther progress therein, out not baviug time to go through the fame, had directed him to move the house tor leave to fit again. Resolved, That this house will, to morrow, again rcfolve itfelf into a com mittee of the wole House on the laid report aud resolutions. W£dsssd‘v, the B>h of Januuxt. Ttie huufe according to the order of the cay, again rfefolveJ itfelf into a com mittee of the whole houf , on the re port ol the committee to whom wss re ferred a mdTige and communication fto:ii the prefideut ol the U. S. of tiie 6:h of December lail, aud the docu uunts accompanying the feme, as also on two rciolutions referred to the fame com mittee of the whole house on Friday lail, and one other refolutiou refer) ed to ttie fame committee of the wiiole house on Tuesday lad i and after fome tune spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the chair, and Mr. Gates reported, that the committee had, according to order, again had the laid report and rciolutions under cOiibieration, and made fome pro-j grefs therein, but no: having time to go through the lame, had directed him to move the Louie tor leave to fit again. Ref o. reed, That this house will to mar. row again resolve itfelf into a commit tee of the whole houle, on the laid re port and rciolutions. Ts wxsbay, the §:h of Jauuaiy. The houic, according to trie orJer ot the day, again refoived itfelf into a com in>ttee of tlie wl;ole house, on the report cf ;hr caai.i;tvc w* referred 3 ni| comir urv tti-re from the president of the U. S. of th 6th ofDe cen ter'alt, and the documents accom. panying the fame, as also on two reioiu tiors referred to the fame committee of the whole house, on Friday last, and on one other rcfolotion referred to the fame committee on Tutfday last, and after fome time spent therein, Mr. Speaker relumed the chair and Mr. Gregg re. ported, that the committee had, accar. ding to order, again Lad the said report and resolutions under confederation, and made a further progrefa therein, but not having time to go through the Lme, had direftrd him to move the huufc for le-ve to fit agaia. Refotvel, Tha* this house will, to. morrow, again rt-folre itfelf into a com. mittee of the whole house on the said report and resolutions, 4 FRIDAY, January to; The House, according to the order of the tiay, again resolved itfelf into a com. mittee of the whole House, on the report of the committee to whom was referred a meffsge and communication from the President of the U. S. of the 6th of Dec. last, and the documents accompanying the fume, as also on two resolutions referred to the fame committee of the whole House on Friday last ; and on one other refoiucion referred to the fame committee on Tueiday last ; and after fome time spent therein, Mr. Speaker tefumed the chair, and Mr. fT'Kg, that the committee had according to order, had the said report | and resolutions under consideration, and direded him to report to the House | their to the refolutioa l contained in the report of the commit* tee aforefaid, also their agreement to the firft of the two resolutions referred to them on Friday last with futidry a mendmentej and fu-ther, that the said committee of the whole House not hav j ing time to go through the whole of the j buftneis referred to them, had directed him to move the House for leave to fit again. On the question that the committee of the whole Houle have leave to fit again. Jt prlEd in th; negative. Ordered, That the report of the com. mittee ol the whole house do lie oa the table, Saturday, January 1 r. The Hou t- proceeded to confidcr the report of the committee of the whola ITufe made yesterday, on the report of the committee to whom was referred the meflage and communicatioe from the President of the U. S, on the 6th of December last, and fandry resolutions ol the 3d and 7th iuftanti—where upon, The refutation contained in the report of the committee on the Prefident’* mclfage aforefaid, being read in tue fol. lowing words, to wit ; “ Resolved, That such cumber of troops, not exceeding as the President of the U. S. (hall deem faffi. dent to protect the Southern frontiers of the U. S- from Spanish inroad and insult and to chastise the lame, be immediately raised.” The sjneflion vras taken that the House do agree with the committee of the whole iloufc in their and (agreement to the fame, And resolved in the affirmative—Yea* 72— Nays 53. Toe i'Joafe then proceeded to eon fid. er the amendments reported by the comrrfi’tee of the whole House to the hr! ref elution referred to them on the 3 1 ind.. which refo'urion and amend meat3 being read at the clerk’s table, a* follows I 14 Rejoined, *1 hat dollars be appropriated by law for the purpose of dtlraying any extraordinary txpeuces w.iich may be incurred in the inter ccurfe between the U. S. and foreign nations, to be paid out of any monies in the treasury not otherwise appropria ted, and to b; applied under the direc tion of the pr lident of the If. S. who ihail have authority to borrow the said sum or any part thereof, on behalf of the U. S. at a rate of intered not exceeding hit Rf centum per annum, and (hall cauie an account of the expenditures thereof to be laid befor* congref# as loon as may be,” Amendments. ill. Prefix a preamble in the word* following, to wit; “Whereas in the fcttlement of our differences with Spain, it may be for the interell of the U. S. to procure a ceffi-** of the Spamfh tern, tones eallward of the river M.flilTippi by purchase ; to enable the prclident, in effecting such purchase, to fecur* t > the U. S. the moil advantageous terms.” 2d. Strike out the words, “ any tv. tract dinar y expences which may he in. cur red in the intercourse between tie U. $. jan •’ Joreign nations” and iufert “ the expend which may he incurred in the pur. ebaje of the Sp-anijh territories lying cn the Atlantic ocean and Gulf of hicx'.CQ, and taft ward of the Mi'Tjfippi.” 3d. After the worda “ per annum,” insert “ redeemable at will.” The firlt of the said amendments, t* prefix a preamble to the reiolution be - again read, it was moved and fecou ded to amend the said preamble by pre cccing it with the following words. * France having transferred to the U• S. the sovereignty of Louifiaua, embracing eitenfive but uodrfLed conn tries coutrguous to the Spamih province of New Mexico and Spun retaining the loverciguty of territories os the Atlan tic Oeeac and Gulf of Mexico, detach ed Iruna her other Awencas s>.