Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, April 18, 1806, Image 3

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hn'whofe lofvT pifftiart wader them de* firablc to the U■ R ” And on tbs qaeftion thermion. It was refoiv.-d io the affirmative— Yeas 74. —Nays 57, And th: laid preamble as amended being under consi deration, it was, on a motion made and fee jaded, ordered to ii on the table; .. Monday , J in. TB. The house returned ihe oniideration of the report of the commifee of the whole boufe of Friday lath Whereupon the-moti on was made and the question being put that the fa id report be renm-nitted to tire com mittee of the whole house, it pasf e d in the negative : and then the fecor.d amendni nt reported bv the laid enmavree to thf firfl re /oiution referredto hem, being agatn read as followeth—ftrtke out the words, “nv ex'raLrJrlinarjr expeoces which way be incur red in the tntercourie between the U States and foreign nations” and insert • the ex pence which may be incurred in the purchase / of the Spamih territories lying on*h: Atlan tic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico, and cailward es the MiffifHppi.” The quethon wa3 ther taken that the house do concur with the com-nrtee of the while house in their agreement to the fa:d amend ment, and relolved in the affirmative—Tias 74— Nays 58. The third and luff amendirterr reported by the committee of the w iole house t, -he find Jrft rslolut m, to ir.fert a r ter the words •• per annum,” the wcid* •* redeemable at will” was, on the queliton put thereupon, a g-.eed toby the house. “Tuesday, Jan. 14. Thehetjfe refumth tlie cor.fideratiostcf the report of the committee of the wh ie house •f Monday lass Whereupon, The firft reiViu ion reported by the said committee as amended being ogam read ?, motion was m; dr, and the queti ton being put further to amend the lame by linking out in the firft line thereof the words - for the pur pose of,” at and insert io lieu thereof, the word ‘‘toward,”—it was resolved in the affirmative Yeas 6a—Nays 44 Anothe- m >tioi was made, and the que stion being put, fur 1 her to amend the laid re solution by an it g to me en-. thereof the fol lowing pro- if,.— Provided 111 a- the fam Ihpuiuted to b<> fa id ‘"hall not exceed dollars ” t palled iu ihe eg alive—Yeas 57 —Nays 6: And then the main question being put that thehrufedo agree o t e firft refuiuinn, a jnended to ream as foi oweth s Kcfilvtd. That dollars be ap propria ed b law toward defraying ti e ex jien e which may lie incurred in the purchase of the Span .lit ter itt-i, ivtng m the At an tic Ocean and Gus ,f Mexic and ea ft ward of the M'ffiffippi, to be ,i -iv of am money in the Treasury, not ■ herwrfe appr- pm td hnd heap- -ed under c t direct!, .cf r ne pre- Cleat of the U. S. whothiiih ve authoritv, if necessary, to borrow he laid sum, or any part thereof, in be ha f .f the U. ‘ at a ra*- ■of interefl not exceeding fix per centum per annum, redeem b:e it will ; and ftia.ll c:u r e *.n account to be laid before congress, us soon a i may be. It was refol/ed in the affirmative—Yeas 77 Kays 54. A motion was then made, and the question, being put that the house do come to the fol lowing resolution: Kuolvci, That an exchange of territory be tween the U. S. and Spain is deemed by th s hepfe to be the mod advantage ms m de f settlement of ex iling differences refpec ting limits between theU Sand the cour of Madrid, and thdt any arrangement b - two*n the two g vernmeuts wh en (hal le cu-e to Spain an ample barrier on the fide of Mexicoand to th-U. S. the c untries watt red by the 1 iffifli ipi a-d to the eaftv/ard es it wili meet the appr ba rm of this h ule It was refolvei in the affirmative—Ye.s to—Nays sa. Ordered, That a bill or bills be bro’t in pursuant to the firll rel'oluti'm'agreed to, aid That Mr. Bidwell, Mr. Early, Mr. R. Ne'fim Mr G \V. Campbe I, and Mr. Claiborne, do prepare and bung in the fame. A motion was ‘hen ms de and fecended that a committee be appoin'cd to pre lent t, Ihe president of the U S. the resolution lafi agreed to. on which mo-mn, debate arising, it was Hoved and seconded to postpone the Confide ration thereof uni! Monday next, aud refol e4 in th atiiria Wtdries day, January 13, Ur. UiuttU, f, it he ct remittee appoin ted yefterdav, pi* rented, according to order, a billnaaking proviii u f>r defraying the ex pence which may be incurved in the pur chafe of the Spanilh terrir ries, lying cn the Atlantic ocean and Gulf of Mexico and ealt wardof the MdEffippi, which was reported, read twice, and referred to a committee of the whole house this day. A motion was then made, and the queflion being put, that the injunction of fecrec-, so far as it refpe&j the proceedings of” tins house, on the said bill, be taken off, it pas led in the negative—-Yeas 49 —Nays 78. The house then immediately resolved it fclf into a committee of the whole house on the said bill, and after f me time l'pent theiein, Mr. fpejker relumed the chair, and Mr. Gregg reported, that the commit: ee a.* . J according to order, had the fa and Di. aider eanfideration, and gone through tlit fame, and made feverai amendments 1 lie : , wAjch he dehveiec in a tre clerk’s ‘.able proceeded 1 tonfitier the Lid amendments. Whereupon, The firft amendment to the fir ft fedia*.-, ! Jor filling up he b ank tjcieir,'i the •words “tv m-Uitnt if,” was the quoth .u j put thereupon ag eeu ■ j oy the lioun 1 The second amendment t he Dins fec • to finke out the words “ the thtoence sf'iuch may be meurted h.?he pu ettas'e . f the Spautib territ ries, lying on .he . tlar,- tic ectan a.d Gu sos M xic-, andeaffward •f the Miffiffipp*’ —tana vi infer; iu lieu thereof the wor s■“ any extraordiuaiy e*- per.ces whi h mav be incurred in the inter eourie oetween -he U. 0. and f.ieign na tions,” was, on tie queition put thereupon, agreed to by the Lvufit—Yeas 71 —Nays 57* The last amendment to the fame fe&ion to trike cm at the end t’ ere, f the winds “ as ibon as may be,” and t~ iniert in iieu there of the words *• at or before the next fefi~m • f Congress,” was, en the queition put thereupon dilagreed to by the boute. Ihe amendment t” the fecund leflion to add to ti.e e and thereof the words •* and it #ia,l be lawful for the bmk of tbe United I Spates to lend the wh e or any part of the fa-ne,” was, cn the quefiion pu; thereupon, •greed to by the hr use. The loft amench-ie* tto the fa ; d bill to add to tt>.t er.d thereof anew fetftion, in the worn* fiol.owing j i%c. 3. And is itfarUur enacted, That so much aa may tie neceliary 01 the furplt s 01 the annex on imports ana ton. age,beyond the pevmsaesit approor.ition heret*.fore chargea user, then bv law,! be, and h-.-ebr J* -lelged in: tppropnaed for ‘he payment of f .'”l er “ reimburfment of the principal .a ! fuel, monies aim ybe borrowed in pur fuartce .f this ad,- accrdtng to the terms and conditions on wh'ch ti’e loan nr loans may be efiefted. was, on the qutfiion put thereupon, agretd to by the house, — l ess 74 Na-s 51. Ordered , Thet il.c find bill, with the n mendments, be er.groffifj and read the third tune to morrow. ( To be continued. J NOTICE. A 1-i - T N© man who is acquainted with Mercantile business, foiicus employ ment, as a clerk in a Dry Goods or Grocery ilore. He will come well recommended. A fituatinn in the country wnl be prefera ble. App yat this office. A P"’l 15 65 NOTICE. ALL per.ons indebted by bonds, r < t open accounts, to the lute nl JOHN HE Kli, dec. are in orrr ed shat unlels tbev come forward md xt k /heir refpeci'Vc aatoutiis bj c h • ‘ june r.ex/, they wi'l with. 1 u’ ‘ lie ,1 tic pla-co’ in the ‘icnii of ana /jmey tot colltdlion rhofe ;o ivnnn the said eltaie if ta dtbfedw: case ptefunc ihrir ac counts for payment. FkEDhRI.K HERB, Ad mV. . ‘ >- ‘ ~ 65 j . ‘Mi i .hii u;'s H ©vvard, WILL be ytven for apprehending and lodging in any jail in this Ift ate iij the (üb'eriber cau get. him again, or deliver him lo me, in Bulloch Con.; y, a ueg’o inan, named BEN, he (is 72 or 23 yeaia of age, about five feet vtghi iiichco high, a final! fear of a burn 1 on one of bisehtrks, yellow complexion, | wr’i mailt, bom in the ftatt; of Maryland, from thence he was brought to North j Carobna. there ewaed by rrr j >r Joseph | G. amain brought to this {late about 3 ‘■ ; sen liiice, he is in the habit of faying i mat he is fi e. J, yOHITSOd- 1 Junior. | Mirr ‘> * r >- 59. Five Dollars Reward. AH EN ‘ l l) h.m'e : f un rs night of Ihe 26.i1 March last, Sak, a flout young coon y boro negro, fix ret high of a du k complexion and fur iy countecanct, had on when lie wen off % wiute negro cloth jacket and trow s tis probable he may change his dr- Is, walks very erebt and is much of a beau. As the laid fellow once attempted to get to tiie up count 1 y and wasditap pciuted m his cstptdfau. r s, very probable ie may aim for the Northward.—all perfeus a-e hereby caut mned againll harboring or cairying nn t, ff as the law will be enforced a* sinil iudi persons. The above reward vu.l b paid on de iivering him to t.,e gealer, or Ercaeritk i Herb, 111 hava ;uah, or to the iublt fiber I on Libcity illauu, .clow Tuundcrbolt. GdCJiGli itEKB. April n 62 PUBLIC NOTICE. PUBI uiu* Nt.ce is h reby given, X that *u the expiration ot iixt\ aays f-om /his date, to wit, on ‘ h • 9 hi day of Ap- i 1 next, WILL o JLD t PU.JLIC AUC ! ION, t the Court-hojfe in this Ci y, be veen the hou-s t f 10 and x *..’<;. Ic, ALL that LOT of LAND n Carpenter's Row, containing oG cet in tronf and 150 feet deep j be i.ig the tea! efialc of Aiaph Towet, fold by orde” o; the inferior Court, •or the benefit of the neirs and credi tors. ASA HOXEY, A dm’tor. FpL j X !aw 5< Dollars Reward. RUNAWAY fi*cm the fulfcriberon the 15th February last, a young negro wo man named NLfi.LY.fhe is about five feet twoorthree inches high, thick made, has remarkable thick tips, and black teeth, which are very far apart, and hfps much when fpea 11 g. She s well known about town, where (lie may be enticed to work ; and is j tun Red t > be harbored at times atr at the , Qrpuan house, and Mr. Wilkinson’s plan ! tattoo near r.avannab. The above itward will bo given to any perioti who wilt deti -1 vr wt. he j- be.- m Savannah, or inform 1 the fubfcribtr where fi.e mav be taken. Wm. STEPHENS. March 15 “novice. A GRF.LABLY to an order of the Hon Yi. nra’is the ! tertcr Court of Burke Cou.vy, vVt; ue aold a: the Court house in the v urn £vV synels r ugh on the firft Tues dayJn Vay next, “, he wh* eof the REAL ESTATE of Matthew Clark, deceased, for the beoeiit of the hens at.d Creditors if said dtceafed Terms wiii be made known on the day of fde. BENJAMIN AN- LEY, Ma ch 18 57 Adting Executor CD” TAKEN from -tuieiy Ti/hng hur/i, in this City, on Tuesday l Jl, three fiiVcr Tea Spoons, two of them marked MTA the other nvith no mark. The owner may have them by proving proper ty an-i paying for this advertisement. Ap flyto John Williams, S C. S. Sav. Match 13, 1806. 6j Bonaventure . THIS elegant retreat about 4 mi’es from Savannah, on Waffaw river, is offe-ed on a lease for iix or seven years, fi r the ben efit of the heir, a minor, on terms that will luit thole inclined to possess so valuable a piece of ground, a; well calculated for health as for pieafure ar.d profit. Apply to U’m. STEPHENS,if, . N. TURNBULL, j G '‘ ar<J:an, * August f i \RE PUB LIC A N * SAVANNAH, April 18, 1806. Extras of ale ter from a gentleman reji ding at the MiJJiffipp> territory, Wajh ingten county, to bis friend in this city, under date of January 18, ISO 6. J “ Our county is in high fpiritj all in arms—l have the honor to com mand a horse company, in which there are about forty of the brave injured citi zens of this county, who have lutfereil e very thing from the hands of Spain— we only wait for orders to raise the hand of vengeance againfl their devoted l eads. In Mobile they are making every prepa ration againfl our attack : but they can not escape our vengeance.” MARRIED, On Sundiy Evening’'ft by the Rev. Mr. Bell, at Millhavcr, .N,riven county, Mr. William N. Ham an , ofthe House ofCumramg and Harman, merchant* °c C , l I ty ’ J ‘° Mlfs Lucv daughter of Col. Kurd, Wilkes County. Ncw-Tork, March :cy 1 he United Slates brig Hornet iaiied this iactiiing. Baltimore, yfpril 3. The ship C/hited States arrived below )’• “■ rday, xftei a fh.,rt p ITsge of 28 dayß*rom London; her accounts there fort are 14 or 15 days later than tiiofr heretofore received. Mr Parviance (fun of the coil dor cf thiapert) * ith other pafTengers cam: up last e\tnin iS iu the Annapolis pack.t. The georkman tiarned politely ha>Hlcd us u number of London pape's of dat-s 27, 26, 23 21 and 26th Ftb. and others, irregular aud not so late, i heir contents claim but little mteredi CHARLESTON. April 14. Ft M TBS MfiDITEaRAKEAV. Escir H Oj a tetter from an s/rne> icon cap tain in the Mediterranean, dated jau al, j 806. 44 0 1 n y passage 1 was boarded by five crU'Zers, two Brttilh, two Fteuch, and mn Spaniard ; from at! of whom I rfC tvcd the moil gentlemanly and polite 1 ‘itment. 1 was fiitt boarded by the i/iit, B-itifti frigate ; not a qu-ftion was aiked relative to the origin of the property, bur merely whether the fb;p xml property were ntutral; and the re giitcr, bills of lading and the is voice of ihe cargo were v ith them iufficient evi dence. I conduced from this gentle treatment, they were ignorant of the late decifious of the Britrfh rourtf, and aferibed tny easy escape to rhrir want of j knowledge. I soon after fell in with j the bomb ketch, right out of Gibraltar. 44 It is now atl over with me,” said I ; 44 this fellow baa a leiLn from a different fchool ; he has itudied too deep to let me pass without males tation but the fame questions were made, and the fame treatment lhewn me by the latter as were by the former, ind 1 wae fuffered to proceed with the ieaft hindrance possible. 1 he two French cruisers merely aiked for the evidence of the neutrality es the (hip, and the French consul’s errtifi cate ; and the Spaniard, in a little dirt y felucca, to my great astonishment, came on board bowing and feraping, curving his body into an obtuse angle of at lead 30 degrqt6, and was perfectly fatisfied with the examination of the passport in four languages, and declared there was no document like that; it was fufficient, he said, to convince a Turk. This lame fellow, fevtn years ago, when ali manner of crimes were committed in the . traits with impunity, would raoft likely have taken a man’s teeth out of his head, if he could have found nothing of more value; Since the commence rnent of the French revolution, I have not witnessed so much rdf dt for the A merican flag, as I have this passage, nor can I learn thatof any our vi ffela in this quarter have experienced a different treatment of late.” Port of Savannah, ARRIVED, Ship L uifiana, Pelor, New. York; Brig Georgia, Jocelyn, do. Schr Three billers, Beard, St. Marys ) Sloop Three Friends, Horton, do CLEARED, Ship Favorite, Mackie, Jamaica; Biigßofton, Brock ng, do. Sloop Lucia, Palmer, New-Ycrk; jenne, Beatd, Charleftou. Boflon, Match 29 Storm of Monday Lit—On Monday last, went into Cape Ctd, during the storm, the brig Acer* , Fclger, 27 days from Nanu ; b ig Short Staple, Hodgkins, from Savannah bddgid; br:g Experiment, from the Welt- Indies, and ,wo fchrs item the southward, went on thoie bacn of Cape-Cod at the fame time. Char left on, April J 4. The Ship James arid William, (for merly the Esther, Guintaman, captur ed off this port) has put into Norfolk, in dtftrefa, on her passage from St. Marys for New-York, with a cargo of naval (lores and lumber. DIED, on Tuesday last, after a firm but painfu illr.efs, Lieut. Aiixasbei Cam pbeu. Wyllv in the 34th year of his age, f,n of the late Col Richard Wyily. In justice lo the memory of the deceafea be it said, that his love of country ever ihown confpicious ; —even in his Juvenile days, (thole day* “ thel tried nun'sfnls,") the amor patriae fired his youthful breast. In the relative fi*nation of hufnand, parent and friend, he was ne'er furpau-d—his in corruptiMtj uitegr.ty, the humanity f hi* heart, tsgetfier wit!, every virtue that aiivns the human bre:(l, will pver endear hi; me mcry to thnfe who knew him bell—Pence to thy manes friend Wylly 1 thku haft lef. this finful, for a better ‘.orld: thy faults were few, thy virtues are registered m Hea ven there V I hopej rell in the bofotn of thy God. “ A wits a feather ar.d a chiefs a red, An honest man’s the nobleil work of God.” IHead Quartert, Georgia. Louisville, Bth April, ;86 I THE Commander in chief, with deep regret, has to announce, the death of Major General JrlMhS JACKSON, who commanded the fir ft division of mi litia, and was one of the Senators, of this ft ate, in the Congrcis of the United States. This unfortunate intellig.-nce was con veyed to him on the 7th inst. by a letter, dated the 17th of last month, from the general’s Colleague, the hon. Abraham Bald win, in the following words;— “ The diftreffiug talk, which my let “ ters have so long led you to txjiedf, *’ is at length enforced upon me, of an “ noiincing to you the death of my be “ loved and much refpetfed Colleague “ Genera! Jackson. I have been with “ him at) night, and closed his eyes just “ at the dawning of the day. 41 It is now more than twenty years 44 fiuce we have been intimately aftbeia -44 ted in the duties of public life. A 44 part of the duty which I feel to be left 44 to me is, to declare, that in sterling 4 integrity, and honest devotion to ; üb -44 lie good I have never found his iupe “ jior ” Death has bereaved the state of a Ge nera! and a Statesman, who was no less valient in the field, than eminent in the cabinet. During our revolutionary war in the days of peril, be exerted his utmtft pcwcis in defence of his country’s rights, End performed adfs of berotfm— and in her councils both at home arid a btosd be advanced and supported the in ter* ft of the Hate with stern iutegruy, uuda(ftted peifeverance, pcrfpicuity of mind ar.d flow cf etuqueuce So great were his public virtues (hat, from an early part of his life, he held the firft and moll d'.ftiuguifhed appointments, both civil and military, in the gift of his state. Tuattcft the loss Georgia ha sustain ed by the death of her beloved generat and patriotic and able statesman, who yielded up his last breath from home and in the service of his country, and to rjinnifeft the estimation in which his worth and ferviccs are held by a grateful peo ple, the commander in chief ORDERS, /.il officers in military commifiion be longing to this Itate, and requtfta the citii officers thereof, and the citizens in general to wear crape round the left arm for the space ot fix weeks, to commence ou the lit day ot May next. By order of the Commander in thief, GEORGE R. CL.iTTON, Sec’ry. UNION SOCIETr. THE Members of the Union So cstv, are desired to convene at the City-Hall, on Wedncfjay, the 23J inst. precifeiy at nine o’clock, in the foitnoou, to tranfadi the uiuai bufinefg of the day, and celebrate the annvvti fary— A sermon will be preached before tbe Society at 12 o’clock, by the Rev. Mr. Belt, in the new Prefbytcrisn Church, St. James’s square. PETER S. LAFFITTE, Ste'ry. April u. 64. WANTED, from ijo to 200 bales COTTON, on freight, to fill up the Ship Eliza, Capt. R. M‘K n zie, to fail on or before the firll ot next mouth. Said Cotton wilt be taken at the going freights. Apply to TAYLOR U SCARBROUGH. April it. 6t 04 Norice isheieby piven, THAT Council will on Monday the 2iff inst proceed to the appointment of an Ass (Tor for one year, with the salary of five hundred dollars, in putfuance of the above Ordinance- Application* fur the appointment will Ie received at the iuhicnber’b office. By order of Council, l. M. WiLLbON. C. C. April 1 I 64 rnmmiw mmmi MAYOR'S court, FEBRUARY and March TERMS, i*)4 7 HE following percent bring drawn or Jurors to serve in the Mayor's C urt, leb’uary Term, to <wit, LJjtVARD U OAVIiiS, James Ohver, George Buchanan, William M*.in, GeorgeEnoe, Ebenexer Stark, William A. Mo* re, Iler.jamm Maurice. Ar.dthe fallowingperlons being drawn as Juro.s to ierve for March term, John Jack lon, Hubert Greer, James Bilbo, Nathaniel Lewis, David Leion j and being duly sum moned, aid make default. It is ordered. That the defaulters he fined in the sum of ten dollars each, uniefs an ex cuie on oath be filed with the clerk on or before the firft day of next court, and that this order be publ filed in the Gazettes of this city twice luccei&vely And it is fur her ordered, That execu tions do iflue agamft all dtfiulting jurors, who have not filed their excuse agree.,U y to the order of court for the recovery of the tinea incurred by them rtfj.tfliv* ly. F.XtraS from ti:t minutes- WILLIAM BLOGG, C. M C. April 18 67 TO RENT, THE Brick Fire Proof STORE, hte’y occupied by the fublcriber as a Count ing Houle. JOt. HABERSHAM, Much il 6. A. SCRIBNER & C6e Next door to Dr. Bertbelot, nd nearly op* polite to the P 11 Office, have just iked, Pk. K the b“ig GEORGIA from New* V ork, in addition to their former ff ck, A FRESH SUFPLV OF Ladies kid, Morocco and Leather flip, pern. Miles do. do. flipper*, Gentlemen’s fine fltoes and pumps, &c Sic. Atl warranted to be of the full quality. I-IQUID BRACKING of the hrff quali ty. and genet ady every article in th. ir line, which they flatter themlelves will give fatis. sass ion as to the quality and puce. April 18 <Ol NO, ICE. AN Eh’Sion, fanffioned by Maj tr Doyle . will be held at the Market Houle, on Monday the aßih tnff. for Lieutenant and Knsi#n, in the second Company tit Battal ion, Chatham Regiment— SHEFTALL SHEFTALL & JOHN POOLER, Elrr’s. v 1 1 preside. A. PEMBI.R 1 ON, Cam. April 18. 67. s3* TFIE SUBSCF Jlil RS, the want of punffuality in tli* ■ greater number cf thole for whom they have been toiling, afliduoufly for several years palt, find thimlelves embaraffed by demands ttiey cannot answer. They are tlicrefor* compelled tocall iu tins manner up .n ail thole indebted to them, to par the whole, a pari, or liquidate the fame by the firfl day of ju.v next ; after that date every unliquida ted book debt to the commencement of th pretent year, will be placed m the hand* of an attorney lor colleffiou. Kolluck & Parker. April ,8 6y. EDUCATION. jV/TKS. CANTOR, returns her thanks to dVAttie public for their generaiis patronaye. which flic will endeavor to merit, by fedu!- uus and unremitted attention to the impi, ve ment of her pupils. She continues to teach Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Marking and pam Needle Work. She will recnv? a few more fcholar.-aad can alf„ art ommo d-.te young Ladies with board,ng aud lodg ing. The lituation of her residence, from Its amneis, is extremely pleafiant, and well adapted to a School. It is at the f.uth comer Barnard llieet opposite to Mrs. Buinch’* April iB. 6? . y HE SUBSCRI SEK, HAS removed to the Wharf and Store# belonging to Mrs. Hunter, formerly occupied by Meffr* Hunter & Minis, where he continue* to tranfaff the I 1 aciorage and Commission Business. Joseph Habersham. March 28. 69 WANTED, AN OVERSEER, a fit gte man well ae quaintel with Rice planting, wh* tail bring good recommendations of his hon. rftv, f ibrnty and abill'ie* Apply to ihe iubferiber at Cotton Ham, Bryan County. JOHN H. MOREL. March li TO LF.T, THE WHARF AND STORF.S f’ORMERLY oceupi-d by Mtlfrs. VVilfon R Knox, and nt prelent by Mr. Andrew Knox. Their produffive and convenient si tuation is in well known, as to require no further explanation. For terms enquire of li. Wayne. Ntmeniltr 1 j q TO LET, THE east Tenrmen* of the Subfcribftrs* Fire Proof Brick BUILDING, on tlio Bay, lately occupied by Mr. Joseph Rice. Immediate polfefcon can be given. Apply t 0 R. & J BOLTON. March i9 NOTICE. perf ns having demines againffc the lubfcribars, either ai c partners or ind.viduals, will pleafc present them for pavment, at their countinr-houfe, without delay. Mein, Mackay &. Cos. Sav. March 28 60 1 ound by a Nug.o, Two miles out of town, on Saturday v ning last. Three Bank Bills. Tlit owner may have them by provirgthfc, paying fi r tins advertifemer.t and re warding ill* Negro for hi* h .nefiy. CHARLES COPE. Aprf 6, I O iT, A Urge ronvenerit DWELLING HOUSE, and Well fitted up STORE in a central situation, either separately or together. Terms will b made very reaf'ioaUrv Apply to the priuterß, February 18 lor'Sale. THE house at present occu . pied us the Republican Printing Office ■, Lumber or the labour of a Carpenter will he received in payment. For particulars ap ply to EDW. L. DAVIES. N0v.17 a 4 . t s. LOST, A POCKET BOOK containing about 15 Dollar* in Jersey notes, and a few papers of no value to any but the owner, by leaving it with the printer, the finder that! receive a generous reward. April 4 6j Notice, THE COPARTNERSHIP of MERRITT & WHEELER IS tbit day and Halved Ljr mutual cou* lent. Sylvanus Merritt, George VV. Wheeler. april i 61