Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, April 22, 1806, Image 3

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RE PUB Li C A A SAVANNAH, Apr l 22, ISO 6. REVOLUTION IN HARTFORD. IT is worthy of note, that the city of Hartford, (late of ConnedJcut, has heretofore been reprcfented in her City Council, by meu whose principles were federal—we now fee the face of politics reversed in that city. It is a notorious fa&, that the under named gentlemen have long since tfpoufed those principles which lead to freedom and good order- This ftrideof Republicaniftn far exceed* our moft sanguine expeditions. We may (hortly exped a llatement of their state eledion—and, we 11 > uld not be surprised if it terminates i.i favor of a Republican representation. Perhaps, there is no date in the union, in which there is more electioneering squibs play* ed off than in Connedicut—the papers are generally crowded with them a month previous to the eledion—incivi duals lose no time in securing votes for their party. Long has Connedicut flood in the foremolt racks of fideralifm ; long has (lie boailed of her afeendenev over republicaniftn—her leaders have boldly asserted, that the fun of federal ifm continues to shine more brilliant; but, we think its bril'ianry will soon fade—it has arrived at its rfieredian—it begins to fet—federalifm fejms to tot ter—we difeover fnmething that makes it tremble to its foundation. The editor of the Connedicut Cou rant, endeavors to palliate tor this flride of n, by faying, that “ Fe dera'ijls had rather life ,m elt’Rion th ;n he at the trouble of going meeting, there being more than Jixty federal freemen be. longing to the city , who no te not prrf nt It's natural fora partv, when over come, to extricate themfdves on the moll favorable terms—we, however, do not think it confident to suppose that ,l Jixty federal freemen,” would have con tented themfdves at home on the day of an eledion in the city of Hittford ; a day of an eleftion, in confiJered in that place a holy-day—they ?re generally ve* ry aftive on fu :h occcfi ins. HAi TFORD, April *. At the annua! meeting; n r the Freemen of this City, on Monday 1 -ft. die following Gen tlemen were ch< fen to the oiuces perfixeti to them names : Clerk. —'William Wh :r man, Esq. Aldermen, — f'mathan I):i ‘. John OoJd, Lu ther Savage. He rv ,: >,m iv, Ffq-s. Clmmcn Counii . Daniel Olcort Zebnlon Seymour, | r'ep'r Fratt, Samuel Kilbnrn, Nathaniel Fatten, Eliflia B•’ cock, Jullin Lyman, John Waif n, Timothy Bar: ard, Elisha Shepard, Millet Fifli, David Green leaf, F.fq-S. Sherjf j—Ebenezer Moore, Oliver Terry. THE papers by lull ev-ning's mail are totally unn.trrefting. It uatjl.itea. under date of IVafhing’Of, April 5. that Cong< efs would adjourn in abaut two weeks . The change in the Britilh mmiffry is complete, and promise. to he highly fv. neficial, not onlv to England, but to the world At a mrnii gos the members of the Cabinet, after a lull difeufiion of the question of Peace or War, it was utmni moufly decided in ftvor of the former-- The foreign umb-ff.dors have marly all Leen recalled, and are to be replaced by men of pacific views and coneiliatory dis positions. Mr Thomas Erfktne, ft nto the newiy appointed Lord Chancellor, is appointed to fupenrede Mr. Merry as ambassador to the United S ates, Mr. Erfkme has been tn this country, and married ala ‘y of Philadelph 1!, who is, iI we mtifake not, a niece of col Cadwalla tier, of this p ace. Indt pendent, *hcre fore, of his attachment to the cause of liberty, his acquaintance and connection in this country may attach him in lonic degree to its intrreft. With a ministry thus disposed, there is no doubt they will fptedily reilorc Peace. a more difficult talk ft ill re mains—to alleviate the diftn ff. of the people. Some idea of the rxtent. ol thele diftrefie# may be formed from the following <xiraft from Cobhet ‘t paper —who, tho* so notorto fly addifted to lying, tells truths ” Asconntfted with the department of finance (fays he) -e mull remember the ilate of the poor. Upwards of six Millions a year arc new railed the parishes to be dealt out in aid o’ those means by which the laborer tb faius his bread ; aid of persons receiv ing this aid, ibtte are upwards < t ;< million! a 11, the 1; b irers h>v i1 ■ faml-.s, are now /aupets ! ! Ti, 3 is t new itiae of thi g ; a state if thin t i which has been pronvcd hy the F tv ivg and Taxing syst tm, pulhtd to an cxiiaue. Is there • cue who “ill s 'tiy, that this ‘* a mod drp'orrh’ ft-.te ; ’f th’.nvs which has rendenrd aH the !a borers, hi ving families, paupers ? The t'lain fad is, that a man with a wife, and four children that are unable to woik cannot now. out of his labor, pc ffibiy provide them and himfelf with the means ofiiving. ’do not mean that he cannot live comfortabl for to such men have long ‘go bid farewell; but 1 affirt and am ready tb prove, that he cannot provide them, without parifli aid, with a fufuciency of food not to fatitfy their cravings, but to fuflain life. Will even Old R <(e, wal : owing in the luxury of eighte- nil uifand a year, drawn from the public purse, lay that nothing ought to be done to alleviate these fufferings ? There are hundreds of thousands ol the people of England who never taste any food but bread and vegetables, and who f atcely ever know what it is to have a fu’l meal even of these I” —Freni on True A ietter from capt. Ring, of the Ve nus, dated Flulhing roads, December 47, fays, “ That on his outward passage he f:ll in with a wreck, from which he took three men, who informed him that (he was called the Pandora, Grafton,! beloiging to 3ollon, bound to the Cape of Good Hope, and fome port in India, and had been out five days, when fhc upset. She was entirely new. Six men were drowned at the time of upfet ing j the captain, two officers, and three men, left her the next day in the fmali boat, and it is likely were loft. It is remarkable of Lord Nelson and Mr. Pitt, who have died within so (hurt a time of each other, that the one was | the only commander in chief of a British fi et who ever fell in aftion, and the oth er the only prime minister who ever died in office, fiuce the conflitution has had its preGut form. It 13 also worthy of observation, that Marquis Cornwallis, Governor General of India, is the only one who died wtiile holding that elevated fit nation. London paftr. A Lock, on a moft ingenious con ftruHion, has been invented by Mr. Stari/hury, of Golden square, and may now be had of ail the ironmongers. The great qualities are, that it is applicable to fattening? of every defeription, and cannot be picked j and, from its extreme fimpbeity and perfedt security, it is like ly to fupercede the complicated plans at present in use. if. Philadelphia, March 31. Between the horns of three and 4 o’- clock. on Sunday morning last, the coun j ting house of Daniel W. C>x\ ftq. on !t- e south fide of Walnut jult above j Fourth llreet, was difeover and on fire and, not ithltanding the nftial alacrity |of the citizens, and the spirited and me ! ritoiious exertions of the engine and 1 hole com panics, entirely destroyed. The building on the well occupied by Mr. Rhoad’s Ihared a flmiliar fate, and that of Mrs. Malone, was confi jerably inju red. O i the east fide a work shop be longing to Mr- Hance, a liable and a back bu ldtng attached to the house, of , dward Burd, Esq. on Fourth llrect, were alfomucn damaged. We are hap py to add no lives were 1011, although many exposed themfclves ia perilous litu ations, tor the pu.-pofe of checking that rlerncnt which is cor.fidercd a worthy iluve but a hard mailer. April 3. Report fays, that Mr. David Msffit, flip, rcargo of the Hup Harriot, arrived at Nrwralllc, from the City of St. Do mingo. brings information that the A mertcan vtlfels at La Guiia. were em bargoed on the 6 h ult. and would be detained until the event of Miranda’s ex pedition was known. Charleston. April ig. Extra# of a letter from Walhington, tuned the 6th mftant. “D fpatches were received yefferday from Mr. Munroe, dated a few davs la ter than th fe before received, which Hate that he had made official visits to Mr Fox, was mull cordially received, and affired that the disputes between his government and ours fhnuld be the fvff bulinefs on which the new mintllry would engage ; he further adds, that he s confidant of a speedy adjuftme-nt of ail ifferences between that country and this.” Extract of a letter to a gentleman in Rich mond, from Us correfpondtht in France, dated Ps ‘is, Janu.ry 17. “ A total change is about to take 1 place in the administration of the finan ces of this country— by the new arrange ment, the importation of tobacco, bv rivate individuals, will be entirely pro hibited. 1 mention this for the infor mation of such of your friends as may be in the habit of flapping to this coun. try.” NINTH CONGRESS. HO USE of REPRESENTATIVES. IVednefday, April 2. Fit. jf. Randolph ffated that an un .'erltanding had taken place between the nimtlcr of the public treasury, as to the payment of claims of American citizens, generally called Bordeaux embargo claims (the payment of which had heretofore t en ftifptndid) hy which it was agreed ih it payment (hould be made at the treasury of the United States. Under extiling provisions, ibis authority did not atch to th- treasury. He had, therefore, been ’ t-v ’ lr.’ttfe of wayD and means, to present a lil to give this power. He according ly offered a bill supplementary to the ad m kmg provision for the payment of claims, of certain citizens of the H j States on the government of Fiance, which was referred to a committee of the whole. Mr. Farntim reported from the com mittee appointed to enquire into such measures as it is expedient to adopt for the complete arming of the militia of the Hinted States, giving a very interesting detail of the extent to which the mili tia are at present armed, by which it ap. pears that there are in the hands of the militia 250,000 fire arms, and 120,000 in the public magazines of the Hinted States. The report recommends an additional appropriation of 61,000 dol lars toward the matiufafture of arms ; which was fubfcquently introduced in the military appropriation bill. The house took up the unfiniffied bu siness of yeftercay, being the report of the committee of the whole, agreeing to the following resolution offered by Mr. sh. Randolph. 3d. Resolved, That provision ought to be made, by law, to render an officer, in the armv or navy of the united States, incapable of holding any civil office un der the H S. Mr. Fisl moved to postpone this re solution indefinitely. This motion was supported by Mcffrs. Fish, Elmer, and Cook ; and oppoled by Mcffrs. J- day , J. Randolph , aud J. C. Smith ; When the question was taken by yeas and nays, and the motion disagreed to— Teas 4.3 —Nays 72. The question was then taken by yeas and rays, on concurring with the com mittee of the whole in their agreement to the resolution, and paffi-d in the affirma tive ; 7*eas 94 ; Nays 2 1. Mr. y. Randolph, from the commit tee of ways and means, submitted a bill fupp'emcntary to the adt making provi sion for the redemption of the whole of the public debt, with an accompanying letter from the secretary of the treasury ; which was referred to a committee of the whole house on Monday. Port of Savannah. ARRIVED, Brig Hope, Copp, Ncw- York ; Eliza St. Mary, Starr, do. Schr. Ham b er, Pitcher, do. Ann Sc Harriott, Whip ple, Havannah ; ‘ dive, Rhode', St. Atiguf tine ; Sloop Sally, N)e, New-York. CLEARED, Br.g I.ovely-Lafs, Moore, Ne-v-York; Canton, Wheeler, do. Sloop Luc , Stanton, do. Laurel, BaiTett, do. Head Quarters, Georgia. L uisville, Btlt April, Br 6 THE Commander in chief, with deep regrei, has to announce, the death of M.jur General J IMtS JACKSJN, who command’ and the fit ft dtvilion of mi litia, and was one of the Senators, of this flat e, in the Cong refs of the United States. This unfortunate intelligjncr was con veyed to him on the 7th inst. by a loiter, dated the 1 7th of last month, from the general’s Colleague, the lion. Abtahatn Baldwin, in the following words “ The diftrefiing talk, which my let “ ters have so long led you to txpeft, “ is at length enforced upon me, ot an “ noun ing to you the death of my be “ loved and much refpefted Colleague “ General Jackson. I have been wirh “ him all night, arid elofed his eyes just “ at the dawning of the day. “ It is now more than twenty years “ since wc have bten intimately aflocia “ ted in the duties of public life. A “ part of the duty which I feel to he left “ to me is, to declare, that in ftcrling “ integrity, and honest devotion to pub “ lie good 1 have itever found his lupe “ tior.” Death has bereaved the state of a Ge neral and a Statesman, who was no less valient in the field, than eminent in the cabinet. During our revolutionary war in the days 0} peril, he exerted his utanoft powers in defence of his country’s rights, and performed afts of heroifm— and in her councils both at home and a btoad he advanced and supported the in tercfl of the state with Item integrity, undaunted perseverance, perspicuity of mind and flow of eloquence. So great were his public virtues that, from an early part of his life, he held the firll and molt dillingiufhed appointments, both civil and military, in the gift of his state. Toatteft thelofs Georgia has fullain ed by the death of her beloved general and patriotic and able statesman, who yielded up his last breath from home and in the service of his country, and to manifeft the estimation in which his worth and services are held by a grateful peo ple, the commander in chief ORDERS, a'l officers in military commission be longing to this state, and requests the civil officers thereof, and the citizens in general to wear crape round the left arm for the space of fix weeks, to commence on the ill day of May next. By order of the Commander in chief, GEORGE R. CLAYTON, Sec’ry. UNION SOCIETY. THE Member* of the Union So ciety, are desired to convene at the City-Hall, on Wediicfdav, the 23d inst precisely at nine o’clock, in the forenoon, so tranfaft the usual bulinefs of the day, and celebrate the ahniverfary—A ferrnon will be preached before the Society at 12 o’clock, by the Rev. Mr. Bcif, in the new Prcfbytcrian Church, St. James’s square. {& ’ FRY, THE members of >his Cor; will ca l on either ot lire lu fer bars, f r their tick ets of a 1 million, so ‘h- ir anniver ary dinnet. J. N. BR VILSFORD, ) CHALKS PuFK, > Stewarbs. John d-lewes. > April 22 -5 WANTED, from 150 to 200 bales COTTON, on (reighi, to fill up the Ship Eliza, Capt. R. MTven zie, to fail on or before the firlt of next month. Said Cotton will be taken at the going freights. Apply to taylor & scarbrough. April 11. 6t NO 1 ICE. AN E’eflton, functioned by Major Doyle, will be held at the Market House, on Monday ihe 28th inlt for Lieutenant and Ensicv, in the fecund Company ift BattaJ ion, Chatham Regiment. SHEFTAI.L SHEFTALL & JOHN POOLER, ElqrV. will prefnie. A. PEMBERTON, Capt April 18. 67. THE FIRM OF ROBERTS & CLARK, IS dissolved by the death of the former; the business is Hill carried on by the lubferiber, Joseph Mill, Smith f?’ Bourke's wharf. WHO HAS JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALK, The cargo of the schooner ANN y HARRIOT, Whipple, malter from the Havannah.—Coniilling of 53 Hhds. Molasses 7 do. Sugar 20 Bbls. Prime Green Coffee ON HAND, 10 Hhds. 4th proof Jamaica Rum 12 do. N. E. do. 10* Bbls. Rice. April 22. 69 FOR SALh, Thirty prime Africans, chiefly large abte bodied men.—App yto J. Hill Clark. April 22 68 ts. FOR BOSTON, • jXTjhfy The Schooner ann yHAkRiET > C. Whipple, mailer, Will fail immediately, having the princi pal part of her cargo engaged, for freight of 5 bags of Cotton, or paflage—apply to the mailer on board, at Smith & Bourke’s wharf, —or to J. Mill Clark. April 12 68. J.~B. DUMOUTET, ‘Jeweller, From the city of Philadel phia,—Next door to mu. Geo. F-Noe, on the Bay. Respectfully inform* the La'iea and Gentlemen of Savan nah, that he has with him an elegant af. lortment in his own Hue, acd watch ma ker’s line, with Silver Table Spoons Defil-rt do —Tea do. Sugar Tonga, &c. Also, Coral Beasts, Elegant White & Black Feathers I’iain and Ornamented Combe, of the newelt fafhion, Fans, Spangled Shoe Bows, Elegant ScifTors, with liUer Cases, Likewifc—Cotton Stockings, Ladies fiik Gloves, Parasols, heft quality, Madrafs Handkerchiefs—and a variety of other DRT GOODS. Early application will be necefTary, as he intends to leave this place in a few days. April 22 68 AUCTION. ON Monday the i6:h June next, will be fold in the 1 own of Milledcevixle, a number of LO I S in the laid town not to exceed twenty five, agreeable to the terms of form er sale. John Herbert, A. M. Devereaux, Howell Cobb, Henry Carieton, Davis Grctham. Com.wjjtoners. April 1 2. 68 Jaw, Prime jNorthward DU 1- T E i<, In k gs, for fair by the fuhfcr-bcr. A. PE.VIBER l ON. February 21 50 JUST RECEIVED^ 30 Cafht Brown STOUT, 12 Do. Burton ALE of a Supeiior Quality, AI so, 10 W:ds N.E. Rum 4 Pipes lirandy, For sate by Kobe ts Clark. March 28 fio SEED RICE. FOR SALE 1 few Band red bulheli of Gold and White St"-rl lUCE of a„ ex cellent quality, bem£ the product of new sronnd trom choice feed. Apply to Ebenezer Stark. •ry t 8 AUCTION. f'-MOKXOir It, 2 id p. evi l beJold befite the i>ubscrt, et's Au Elion Sure, WITHOUT RESERVE And owing to ib; fut.n i of the Con t, Sales will pof lively commence at MINL O'CLOCK, mo Bags Grecu Coffee, the primeft import ed here, in lots of 5 bags 6 puncheons Jamaica Hum, jih proof fS’- } *- :o Puncheons N. EqUum, 4 Pipes Brandy, j 1 Barrels Richmond luperfine flour, ill chop 4 1 Baucis iuperfnre pilot bread, 20 do. navy do. 50 Hall barrels J CRACKERS, jo Kegs } 12 Boxes Soap, ti Boxes cand es, 4 Pipes Ten. rifle Wine, 4 Chelts SoUchong tea, 6 Bedheads, 6 Bags black pepper, to Boxes Clarat, Uc. Ike. ALSO, 1 Negro carpenter, 1 do. bricklayer, tVirh feverai other negroes if time will admit. S. IL_STArkHOUSE, Ak3r. education! MRS. CANTOR, returns her thanks ttt the public for their generous patronage, which Ihe will endeavor to merit, by fctlul ous and unremitted attention to the improve ment of her pnpils. She continues to leacll Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Marking and p ain Needle Work. She will receive a lew more feholars—and can also accommo date young Ladies with boarding audladg ing. The lunation of her telnience, from its airinefj, is extremely plealant, at and well adapted to a School. It is at the south corner Barnard llreet oppofue to Mrs. Bui cell’s April 18. 67. TTIL SU BSC U 1 HAS removed to the Wharf and Store* belonging to Mrs. Hunter, formerly occupied by Meffri, Hunter <3c Minis, whet* he continues to tranlaA the Faciorage and Commission Business. Joseph Habersham. March 28. 60 TO R E id 7. STORES Nos. 7 and 10, in the Ex change. For terms apply at ny office THOMAS PPTT, Sec’ry- < November 29 ts of, ‘ WANTED, ~ A N OVERSEER, a (ingle man well ac XX qaaintecl with Rite plaining, wh® can bring good recommendations of his hon* city, lulmety and abilities. Apply to t h lublcriber at Cotton Ham, Bryan County. JOHN H. MOREL* March u 65 TO LETT ‘ THE WHARF AND STORES I FORMERLY occupied by Mell'rs. Wilfiiti R Knox, and nt prelent by Mr. Andrew Knox. Thei prodm'iiVe and convenient li. tuation is so well known, as to require not further explanation. For terms enquire ol K. Wayne. November f 1 q 1 u iTe r, ‘ THE call Tenement of the Subfcribers* Fire Proof Buck BUILDING, on tile Bay, lately occupied by Mr. Joseph Rice. Immediate pofltflion can be given. Apply to R- & J. BOLTON. March ift NO 1 ICE. \I.I. persons having demands againr the fublcribers, eiilieras copartners of individuals, will pleale present them so payment, at their counting.houfe, without delay. Mein, Mackay & Cos. Snv. March 28 60 Found oy a Ncjrro, Two miles out of town, on Saturday cv# nttig last. Three Bank Bills, The owner may have them by proving tF Bills, paying fi r this advertifeuient and” re wurdiiig the Negro for his honelly. CHARLES COPE. April 8 6 a uTHT AI’OCKET BOOK containing about 15 Dollars in Jersey notes, and a few paper* of no value to any but the owner, by leaving it with the printer, the finder Hull receive a generou* reward. Apnl 4 6* N'y 1 iLfc.. AYOUNB man who is acquainted with Mercantile bufincis, ihlicits employ* ment, as a clerk in a Ury Goods or Grocery itore. He will come well recommended. A litaation in the country will lie prefer** hie. Apply at this office. Aprdij Kjr SA Lh, A Capital trad of 101 i -2 acres of land in the ytb dijlnd oj Hald'Win county. For particulari enquire of the printer t of tbi4 paper. Jan. *] ts 37 CibOKCiln. | tiy Ciianes riDeuie* (L. 5 ) Welle, of the court C. A iert e:hv. J of ordinary fur the county of M‘lntofh, in the Hate afore, said. WHEREAS Mr. HAMPDEN M‘lN FOSIi applies for let ters u administration on the ef’.aie and dtecis of Mr. George M‘lntofh, iate of Chatham cour./y, deceased, as nearefi of kin. Theie arc therefore to cite and admornfh all arid singular ■he Icmdrcd and creditors of the said deccafed to tile tneir objections (if any they have) in my office on or be’ the aSP.h day of April, next, ©therwife xtfers will be granted hnn. Given under my hand and leal this third day of Marrh 1806, an ‘ in the 30th year ot A i.erican Id.