Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, April 22, 1806, Image 4

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MISCELLANEOUS. “odiTto sympathy. —; —— - • Sympathy, l doit thy name , ” Pertn Pindak’ Daughter of Truthl to nice >rl ong, ’l h. fire and energy of song, ‘I htiljieakini; i-uit, the artier. Tirule, *1 ne tY fling ht**Aft uukiiov/** to guile* W’-mi fi* urn's l>Aiiutr* oVr the Waving, And p” vers rcii.tlet* at cnilivi Sure if a charm on earih there be, Tiia < harm, enchanting nymph 1 L found in thee. TANARUS),. form, vriih winning graces drefi.'d, ‘l hy vit/nig eye'., hy/ovl imprfls I, ‘1 by brew, with rultic garlands crown and. Thy voice, with mt/fic in the found, In ft reams of 1 weet perltiafion flawing. C nviftion from the at ems growing, The senses charm, control the mind, AnJ, with a potent spell, the heart in rapture bind. Pure child of nature ‘ round th ceU The virtues and the graces dwell ; Thy filler, Liberty, is tin re, And there the infant Lovers repair. And, a i the lame benignant power Warms rolling worlds, tha 1 spreads a flower ho, while 1 nt taut) cl mgs to thcr, pn illy eliafte bofutn rellifuiUmity. To thee my heart its tribute pours, from ibee, fwcet nymph! one boon irh pi ores, Within that heart With truth to live, And all thy art'els fervor gi it. Th tU every real charm p In fling, The lage’s pride, tlie poet s blelling, Depriv’d of thee delight is o’er, And .if ‘shell pie litres c m cncViut no more- E P l G R A M. SYLVIA her gambling nephew chides, With many a fliarp ami pithy lenience ; The grace el's youth her cure derides, Yet fee ms to promise her repentance •< When you,” dear aunt, *• relimpiilh man, Extiept me to abandon gaining,” The cuncious matron lhakes her fan, ••Go, rogue, I find you’re pall reclaiming ” Hm\. “vaarmr*,. mi a a *wsnssut ti Ulrv n IVAk JJiritkTiasuT, Mar.h I, 1806. Notice .( hereby given. rpHAT separate proposals will he 1 received at the office of the fecre tai y for the Department of War, until 12 o'clock at noon of the firft Wednes day of June next, for the supply of all ra tons that may be required for the ule of the United States, from the lit day of Odoher 1806, until the 30th day of September, 1807, both day# inciuflve, at the following places viz* First, At Niagara, Detroit, Michih maeltinac, Fort Wayne, Chikage, and at any place or places, where troop# ate or tnay be ft: atoned, marched, or recruited within the Rate of Oni >, and tcinto y at Michigan, and at any place or placer within the Indiana territory north of the 4 1 ft degree <>f north latitude. Second, At South-Weft Paint, Tel In o, Knoxville, Nuftiville, aid with: , the Ulierokee nation between Teniicllcc and Georgia, and on the Tenntffce rivet and on the road between said liver am Flafliville, and at any place or place vvhtrc troops are or may be Uatitxied marched or recruited within the ftatc of Kentucky and Tenncftee. Third, At the garrifoti near Vincencs outlie river Wabash, at Fort M'fTac K< w Madrid, Chickasaw Bluffs, Arkati Ins atches, and l*ort Adams, and at a ny place or placet where troeps are or may be flattened, marched or recruited jn the Mifllftippi territory, except the county of Wa(hington anti at any place or places in the luJftaua territory south of the 4 tit decree of north latitude and ♦if y mile# eatt of the Milliffippi river. Fourth, At St. 1 ouia, St. Charles, lv lkafki t, K thokia, and at any place or places where troops are or may be Ra tioned, mat ched or recruited within t lie l r.itory of Lotliftana north of New Ma d''ld, and at nay place or p : tces in the Indiana territory within fiuv miles ealt O’ ‘hf MifltfTippi riv,r, and south ot it. 41st give on north latitude, Foil Mai f. , rx cpled. Id;m. At New Oilcans, PLcquimin Pen * C lapne, Oacheta, N. ICiutocb Appc ouf.i#, Atlakapa, Fort Stodde Fort St Stephen#, aid at any p'-w ----or places where troops arc or may be ft.’ tinned, marc’ c 1 or recruited, witliin tl territory ot Orleiius, or in the county 1 \V„filing ton to the Miffufippi territory and at any p ceor places on the w fi ‘eof the MiiEllippi river below Arka. la#. Separate propofal# will alio be receive as aforefatd tor the lupply of all ration which innv be required tor the ule ot th; JLntcii States, tron the til day of Janu „,y 1807, to the 31st day of December c t the ‘ante year, both days indutive, xviUnti the lcveral day# hereinafter tnen t ,0.11 viz. Sx and, At Fort Wilkinson, Coekfpur Itln. t dat any places where troops j,rr nJT he stationed, marched or re criuted,- within the ftatc of Georgia, anc 01 >h. liidi ui bouinlary between Geo.— g,a md nt Creek natioi. Sc. ih At C’i-i-letlnn, Rock’ Mou on ti e hea of the Sa„ tcc, amt at *’•} or place* where I -oops arr or may be ftutioned, ma died r recruited, within the ttates cf North e South Carolina Eighth, At Norfolk, and at anyplace places where troop# are or may be ft..- march'd or recruited, within the ate of Virgfi’i*. Ninth, At Fort -M*Henry, and at a y place or places, where troops are or ■ y he ftationrd, marched or rtonntcJ, dhin the llate of Maryland and district .f Columbia. Tenth, At Fort Miffiin, Carliilt, and it any place or place# w itre troops arc >r may be stationed, marched or recruit d, the state of I’cnnfylvaaia, call li the Mountains, and within the ttates if New J rfey, and Delaware. Eleventh, At Fittiburg, and at any dace or places, where troops are or may be stationed, marched or recruited with in the state of Pcnnfylvania, weft of the mountain#. Twelfth, At Fort Jay, Weft Point, ilbany, Shent£lady, and at any place or places where troops are or may be ilation ed, rnarclied or recruited, within the state of New York, Niagara, and its depen denciei’ xcrpttd. Thirteenth, At Fort Trumbull, Fort Wolcott, and at any place or places where troops are or may be stationed, marched or recruited, within the state, of Connecticut, Rhode liland and Ver mont. Fourteenth, At Fort Independence, (Boston harbor,) and at any place or places, where troops are or may be Ra tioned, marched or recruited, within the state of Maliachufetts, the town of Springfield, and the diftridt of Maine ex cepted. Fifteenth, At Portsmouth, Portland, and at any place or places, where troops are or may b, Rationed, marched ‘or re cruited, within the state of New Hamp flure and the diftritl of Maine. Sixteenth, Propofuls will aifo be re ceived as aforeiaid, for the supply of all rations, which may be required by the United Slates, for the troops which are or may bcitationed, marched or re cruited, within the town of Springfield in the state of MaffachufctU, and for the armorer# and other persons employed in the United States’ armory at that place from the ill day of January 1807 to the full day of December in the fame year, both days inclusive. A ration to coniilt of one pound and one quarter ot beef, or three quarters of a pound of poik, eighteen ouncts of bread or flour, one gill of mm, whis ky or brandy, and at the rate of two quarts of fait, four quart# of vinegar four pounds of soap, and one pound and a half of candles, to every hundred rations. The prices of the fcvcral component parts of the ration (hall be fpculicd ; but the United Slates (hall rcierve the right of making fitch altera tions in the price of the component paitaof the ration aforefaid, as {hall make the price of each part thereof bear a just proportion to the proposed price ot the whole ration. The rations .rc to be fiirniftv-J in such quantities, hat there (hall at all times, during the term of the- proposed coin rad, be lufli ient for tiie conlumption of the troops it Michilimackinac, Detroit and Chika ;o, for fix months in advance ; and at each of the other’pofts on the Weftem waters, for at ltaft three months in ad ance, of good and wholesome provi uous, if the fame be required. It is al o to he pel mined to all and every of the commandants of fortified places or polls, to call for, at featons when the .aine cxn be tranfportrd, or at any time m case of urgency, such fupplie# of like provisions in advance, as in the difere. ion of the commandant ftiali be deemed proper. It is understood that the contrador is to be at the txpence and riilc of issu ing the fupplics to the troops, and that all loftes hiftatncd by the depredations of the enemy, or by means of the troops of the U. S. iitall be paid by the U. S. at the price of the articles captured or oellroyed as afore laid, on the depoiitiou of two or in ire persons ot creuitable characters, and the certificate of a com miflioned officer, Rating the circutnftan ees of the lots, and the amount of the articles for which compensation ffiall >e claimed. The privilege is understood to be re .ivcd to the U. S. ot requiring that one of the fupplics, wkidi may be fur 'bed under any of the proposed con -ct., (hall be ilfued, until the lupplies v itch fiavt been or may be funulhed ider contracts now in force, have been nltuncd ; and that a supply in advance ay be always required at any of the vift polls on the (is hoard, or Indian oulur, not exceeding three months. 11. DEARBORN. [f9 J SiCTttury of War. ” lan7sTnu7 MOCOA, Coffee I’reih Ilyfon 5c Gunpower Teas allad 0:1, Biscuit i, Euglifli and \mencan Cheese Pepper and Ginger in bags Shewing Tobacco Brandy in pipes, Negro Pipes Prime Jamaica Sugar Martinique Coffee, Emptv Demijohas Kegs ol Gunpowder, ‘Fongues . iams and Beef, and an allirtment of Sr.iUOSARt\ iVhich will be fold for nv moxhv at Very rt.:u;:J print. ALSO, Avery ar’ e/e w the GROCER) and LIQUOR LIRE. E.t>icv ij Hannan. March 14. ros r PONSMENT. Pe the Commiss'cners, appointee. t>\ :he I to dEpose t tu FlidCf IONAL >UK VET* of IV.lkinsoii , Baldwin and Wayne Ctundes, have for several > casern Eostpmed the ba e until the iGtb June next , at which time tve vend com mence. WILKINSON. THOSE of the firft dlftritf on the 16’h day of June next, and continue from day to day, between the hours of ten and three, (Sundays excepted j un til the ajd inclusive. Thole of the id diflrift on the Z4th day of June, until the 27th inclusive. Those of the 3d diflridi: on the 28th day of June, until the 2d day of july inclusive. Those of the 4th diffrid on the 3d day of July until the 7th inclulive. Those of the sth diflridl on the Bth day of July until the 1 ith inclusive. BALDWIN. Those of the iff diftrufl on the <2th day of July until the 16th inclusive. Those of the 2d diftrift on the 17 h day of July until the 24th inclusive. Those of the 3d diftrift on the 25th day of July until the 29th inclusive. Those of the 4th diftrift on the 30th day of July until the 4ih day of Aii.. uft inclusive Those of the sth diftrift on the sth day of Au L ult until the j 2tli inclusive. WAYNE. Those of the ill d:ftrift on the i jth day of Augult until the 21 ft inclusive. Those of the 2d diftrift on the 22d dav of Augult until the 26th inclusive. Those of the 3d did rift on the 27th day of August uruil the 30th inclusive. Terms of Sale . Os the purchalers, bonds for the amount of the purchase mo ney will be required j at four equal inftaliaents to be paid in gold or filver;he firft payments twelve months after date. In ad dition to which a mortgage will be required. Moses Speer, “J Reddick StMMS, > Commiffionert. Patric Jack. j Washington, Feb. 17, 52. PRIME RICE LANDS FOR SALE. ALL that valuable traft of LAND situated and be ing on the f< u.h fide of the Ala tamalaa river, known by the name of the Broadiace trad, late the property of General Lachlan M'lntofh, containing 755 acres, of which i too acres are prime Tide Swamp of the full quality and very best pitch of tide ; the balance high (well timbered) PINF LAND, and well calculated for a settlement or lettlements. This tract is di vided into three parts, through the uppermolt third runs a large nivigable crerk, to a ‘anding, on which may be erect ed (as the tlream is ronfiderable) a Rice Mill, Saw Mill or Grist Mill. This property is situated immediately oppolire Maj. But lers, Demere’s liland and fro u its local advantages is the molt desirable rice eltate in Georgia. Anv perton wi,o wishes tu purchase may apply to Mr. A LFXANDER MEIN, Charles. ton j Mr. CHARLES HAR RIS, attorney at law, Savannah j >r Messrs. MEIN, MACKAY id Cos. merchants there. In all nf whole hands a plat may be to, and thole who may be de sirous to view the premises, bv applying to Mr. M‘KINNON, St. Simons Ifiand, he will shew .hem the lines, and give evert other neceflary information he having resurveyed the trad. February 7 46 •SlierifPs ooles. On the firjl diiejday in ’May next. WILL BE SOLD, At the Court House in the City of Savannah, between the hours - of ten and three o'clock , ALL that traft of land, with the improvements ther on, situate on the Thunderbolt load about two or three miles from the City of Savannah, containing 57 acres —seized as the proper ty of Smith, Sons and Anderson, to fatisfy E. Levenfworth and Cos. Continued from April Tales. Conditions—one half payable at 90 days, a discountable note with a good Indorier—the other half on the firft day of January, 1807, with a bond and mortgage on the propertv. T. ROBERTSON, s. c. c. April 4. 62. Eight Dollars Reward, WILL be given for apprehending; and lodging in any jail in this state so the fubferiber can get him again, or deliver him to me, in Bulloch county, a negro man, named BEN, be is 22 or 23 years of age, about five feet eight inches high, a final! fear of a burn on one of his cheeks, yellow compltxion, well made, born in the state of Maryland, from thence he was hrought to North Carolina, there owned by major Joseph Gramam, brought to this state about 3 years since, he is in the habit of faying that he is free. SAMI. JOHNSON, Junior. Marrh 2s. 59. NoncE;- - ALL persons indebted by bonds, no/es or open accounts, to the erta ts of JOHN HERB, dec. are in orn.t I that unless they ccrae forward nd fettle /heir refpeftive amounts by ne 20th of June next, they will with, us difcrimina/ on be placed in the #nds of an aUnrney for collection— rnufe to whom the Lid estate if in debted will please ptelent their ac coun s for payment. FREDERICK HERB, AdmV. Arril 15. 65 MAYOR’S Co6k TANARUS, FEBRUARY and March TERMS, 1806 THE following persons being drawn as ‘Jurors Is serve in the Mayor’s C'jurt, February Term, to wit, Ip IJWARD L. 1j A VIES, James Oliver, George Buchanan, William Mein, George Enoe, Ebsnezer Stark, William A- Moore, Benjamin Maurice. And the following persons being drawn as Jurors to lerve for March term, John Jack ion, Robert Greer, James Bilbo, Nathaniel Lewis, David Leion ; and being duly fum nioned, did make default. It is ordered, That the defaulters be fined in the sum of ten dollars each, unless an ex. cufe on oath be filed with the clerk on or before the firft day of next court, and that this order be pubfifhed in the Gaaeites of this city twice fuccclliveiy. And it is further ordered, That execu tions do lfl'ue against all defaulting jurors, who have not filed their excuse agreeab y to the order of court for the recovery of the lilies incurred by them refpeflively. Extract from the minutes. WILLIAMBLOGG.C. M C. April 18 67 30 Dollars Reward. r) V NAWAY from the lubfcriber on the t. 15th February lafl, a )oung negro wo man named NELLY, the is about live feet two or three inches hit'll, thick made, has remarkable thick lip-, and black teeth, which are very far apart, and lisps much when fpeakii g. She is well known about town, where (lie may be enticed to werk ; and is supposed to be harbored at times about the Orphan house, and Mr. Wilkini’onts plan tation near Savannah. The above reward will be given to any perlon who will deli ! ver her to the jailer m Savannah, or inform the lubfcriber where die mav be taken. IVm. STEPHENS. March 25 59 ~ JVO7ICE. A GHEEABLY to an order of the Hon •o jL orable the Inferior Court of Burke County, Will be Sold at the Court-house in the town of Waynetborough, on the firft Tues day in May next, The whole of the REAL ESTATE oi Matthew Clark, deccafed, for tlie benefit of the heirs and creditors of faid 1 deccafed. Terms will be made known on the day of sale, BENJAMIN ANSLEY, March 1# 57 Acting Executor ZdT TAKEN from Stulcly Tilling hurf}, in this city, on Tuesday laj}, three diver Tea Spoons, two of them marked PITA, the other with no mark. The 1 r wner may have them by proving proper. i and faying for this advertifenent. At \ fly to John Williams, S C. S. Sav. Match 13, 1806. 65 Eevaventure. THIS elegant retreat about 4 miles from Savannah, on WaiF.w river, is nflered on a L-afc t\>r fix or seven years, for the ben efit of the heir, a minor, on terms that wd ! fit it those inclined to pcffefs so valuable a j piece of croui.d, as well calculated for health •as for tdeafure and profit. A; pv to Mm. STEPHENS, ).f , A'. TURNBUI.L, y Cuardtans. Aug :ll 9 * ALMANAC’S FOR. Sale tit this 7 fa. Apt i 15 NOTICE. To the Citizens of Sa vannah, and inhabitants of the Sea-IHands, White Biuff, Little Ogechee and Chero kee fii I Diftricls. The fub feriber is now ready to re ceive the Taxes, for the year one th oufand eight hun dred and five, at his Office, he coiner of Broughton cc Lincoln-H; ect, late Kerfon’s house. Office hours, from 9 in 1 the morning until 2 o’clock in the afternoon. Those that do not come forward and pay their tax es bv Thurlciay the 15th day of May next, will have executions iflued against them as the law directs.... also, for those taxes unpaid for 1804 PE I Ell DEVSAUX. T. C. C. C: T,tx CoUtclor’s Office , ? < Monday, 31//, March, 1806. y 1 Marshal’s Sale. By vir.ue of a decree of Lie Circuit Court, of the Umfed States, for the district of Grorgia, for the furcclofure of a mrtgage, w ill be lold at public Auction at the Court house in the city of Savannah, 011 the firft Tuesday ici May nex', between the hours of tea md .'wo, All that va : uaole Traft of Laud situate in the county of Camden, contain ng seven humlnd and twenty acres, more or less, known by th 2 name of Point Peter-—-acres o which are in a state of cultivation, the property of Jas. Sesgrove Esq. BEN. WALL, M. D. G. April 4. f.l. City Sheriff’s Mules. On the fr(i Tuesday in May next, WILL i)E S >! JJ, at the Court~houfe in Savannah, between the hours of ten and three o'clock, A Negro Wench, named Chl-oe, levied on as the property of Doftor John Love, to fatisfy William Camp. ALSO, A Negro Boy, named Tom, levied on as the property of Samuel M‘Cormick, tiectaled, to fatisfy Benjamin Anfiey and James Marlhaii, pointed ouc by the plaintiffs ALSO, A two itory HOUSE in El bert ward, levied on as the pro perty of James G ifney, to lac isfy Charles Tiot- JOEIN WILLIAMS, s.c.s, April 1 61 for date. ONE of the tnoft valuable /ratSfs of Land upon the Altamaha, cor./aining about eleven hundred acres of Rice Swamp in the belt pitch of ride. This tivdf is about five miles above /he town of Darien, was, prior to the re volutionary war, /he pr,oper/y of the •ate governor Wrigln, and has for a settlement, attached immediately to the Swamp, one of the moit beauti ful and inch elevated li/uations upon /he river. Persons wishing /o puichafe this properly will apply to Edward Swar breck or Wiliiam Mein, Efqrs. a/ Savannah, where a pla/ of /he Land may be seen. October 25. /f; q . EDUCATION, Grateful for.the diitinguiihed patronage he lias • xperienccd fiuce his ettablitliment iu Savannah, Mr Green with deference informs his friends and the public, that the Ladies Literarv l’chool, and the Grammar and Math ematical schools, arellill conduced by Vim on the fame extensive plan, as at their com mencement. The course of the ichoo'.s, include* Read* in-, Grammar, Elocution and Rhetoric, W riling in all the ufeful ornamental hands, Arithmc ic, Hook keeping, according to ie vcral fy items, Geography and the use, drawing copying of Maps in dilferent pro jections, the • lements of Astronomy, and the use of th 4 Globes and Te luriau iliftcry and Chronology. In the Mathematical department, the pupils wid be carefully mftrurfed in Algebra Geometry, Trigonometry, Conic Sections and Flux a is, with their application to the business of life and the inveitigation of lci ence. Sixteen years experience in his tirofeffion, and a sacred and unremitting attention t<* the morals and real improvement of his pu pils will, he hopes, continue to him from a liberal and enlightened public, a (hare of that favor which he has hitherto experienced Pupils admitted without Entrance, till the tit of the ensuing January. . .A Dyncing Master of eminence will attend the Schools. November 5 20 TO RENT, THE Brick Fire Proof 5-TORE, lauiy occupicd by the fubfcrit eras a Coca - I 1 ing-Houfe. jOi. HABERSHAM. March s8 * O .