Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, April 29, 1806, Image 1

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Vol. IV. N0.61.J CONDITiONi 4 or THB GEORGIA REPUBLICAN. The Republican is publidied ever Tueitlay and Friday, on a royal Iheet ol 1 food quality. The terms of fubfcrtption 3't sn dol -I.a*s per ann-.fn. ..o.:e haif to he paid at the time of l'ublcribi.ij, and ttie bahiner at tli •apiration ol the year....a id all p -rs wil fee continued until ordered to the reverie. TERMS! OR ADrERTISIXJ. Advertilsments intoned at 50 cents pe £q-]ire the hrtt intention, and 25 for each con tiuuation . ..V liberal allowance made to the! nr ho wild u udveriile by the year. For Sale ar this Office, A variety of BLANKS among which are, Toreiynand Goading ManittfU, Ir.erchaiitj Entries, I. i'piOr do. V 1 is o r Exchange, do. oFLading, Or/, es Hale; Powers of Attorney. Checks, Apprentices Indentures, Deeds of Conveyance, B -ndr.; M rtes of Han*, Writs for the Superior, Inferior & Mayor s Courts, Mayor’s Court Executions ?; Stlpboenas, Notices to creditors of Infolveht deb tors Military iummonles, Sc Executions, &c* CjT Cards, Handbills Me &c Printed at a jbj't Notice on renfonable firms. FOR BOSTO <, t -JTE'N-* The Schooner ANN if HARRIET, wC. Whipple, matter, Will tail immediately, having the princi pal part of her cargo engaged, for freight of 5:0 bags of Cotton, or paflagr—apply tt> the matter on board, at Smith St .Fc.U’-kds wharf, —or to J iiil* Clark, April 22 Go* For Sale, Freight, or Char ter. , ~.PA]i}~Y The-substantial and faft. fid kJK ‘ i'd bug I. AR, To ’ ’.'ACotfcv maser, butthe.i —A],SO, andu-A hom j aid br g, 10,000 BRICKS, f-jr file —For particulars apply to the capt. on board or to A* Sc S. Richards, -Anril 15 ttt 65J CAry’s .chart Wanted on Ch irrt ? or Frcigh , A VESSEL of aCu 1 A 200 ions, for a Ger W ■.■dsrtT-.t man port. A pply to A. G. Oemrer &c Cos. March <4 § 6 g-v DoiLtr; iie vjrJ, T") UN'A'V.W from th* lobfcriber on the XV 15th Februar, lift, a youi wo if. an NELLY, (he -s ahou* live Fee* two or three incites high, tb’ck made, lias remark ible thick lips, andb'ack which are very far apart, and lif. s much when fpeakmg. She is well known ihrj: town, •where (he may he enticed tn w rk ; end *s supposed to be harb red at times ao><ut the Orphan hotife, and dr. \V s.’s plan tation near Savannah. The above reward will be to anv perl on .vh > will deli *.• her to the j uler in Savannah, or inform Vhtf fuofcr'ber where she m ■ he rake i. IV,n. STEPHENS. March ij , 59 NOTICE . A GREF.ABLV to a-.i order of the Hon Jt Jo. ora-.- e the Inferior Court of Burke “County, Will be Sold at the Court houle i the town of VVaynefborough, on the firft Tucf day in May nex r , ‘i'he whole of the K ‘ Ai. ESTATE of Matthew CDrk, d.-ceased, f - benefit of the hei i and creditors if fait 1 deceased. Terms will be made known on •he day of sale. BENJAMIN ANSLEY, March iS 57 Ailing Executor T. M. Wood bridge. lias just received bv the sloop Polly, Captain Noiris, from Caudaloti"e, Bo Ihdt, p’tme retail,rg MOLASSES ” 13 ditto ditto ditto SUGAR. ‘JOCO lb. pr me Green COFFEE April I tfg NOTICE. AYC’JXC man who is ac(ptstr:*ed v. ith Me-cmtile bufinef , 1 licit* employ* men*, as ? cierk In a Dry Goods cr Gr- eery ft'-re. He will come well rec -mmended. A fruition in the country will be prefera ble. App yat this office. April 15 65 NUI 1 C E. ALL persons indebted by bonds, notes or op-n accounts, to tie ctiatc of jOrlN HERB, dec. are ir.- fn’-med that uniels they ccme ferw ard nd fettle fheir refpeclive amounts tv the lo’h of June next, they wi.l with. *uf difciminaEon oc ptz ed in the hands of an aif >rney so r col! c£tior riiofe to whom the said elta e it in debted vll o’eafe piefcnt their ac ccun* 5 *?• piv'-'-n*-. FREDERICK HERB, A dtr.V. Aj r* ts. 65 ‘ Georgia Rf - -nhlt-pcm X JlCIj JL %'y c. • §LiL KJt J. CL AI o z_ SAVANNAH: PR NT El) TY EVER ITT M . .N, ON THE 11 AYE Administrator’s SALES. Lgretahly to at order cf the Jus tices 0/ the Inferior Court of the Count} of Chatham, WILL ISE S JLI), At the Lourt-house m the City of Savannah, on TUE DAT toe ; 6th dm of Mu next, Sole to j contmvtce it 10 o'clock, the f 0 p.\ Lotting Property, Pe ng of the j real and personal estate late J-’sepb Clav a whajnF lo r 150 f\ front, with cue* v. 1 upiovenen'ts thereon, ad; .. t , ! i g Mr. Bjlto.’.s. too feet Iron; or. t K ** •: • ar Yamacraw wu.h shc rears thereon, irtuav and ••. ** Vlr. Boko sand M vharves, which w.ii b . a in'o Lots :o uccom o .> -halers. A Hott c and L tea the fivnrsorty he residence or L Clay, adjoining V!r. 1 etMus A House and Lor fronting he South Common and adjoin .ng Mr. William T/ V;ifons. A Lot on Farm-itreec with he valuable urproveni ms then on, nov/ occupied By Mrs. Clay - Al rhe remaining Lo r s anc Lands Ling on the weft (Lie of Fa m-fbeet, iruudim ifi lj>\ pounus to Mufb rove’s creek ; eJe vv:il be divided to acconi* -noUaie purchasers. Ail part of r!a■ r ?ty val uable Plantation ,<l r met ol Land caiifu \ I - 1 \ y honir n ;rth of the Vu^-c-i •. a. id /irid ! ‘.vcftv,;uu of The property lak ’ ‘0 1 art'd, containing about ••> Do terr , of v-j : icl pf oar j id< n inlan 1 fwatrip, - nainder prime Cion on Lam.’. 1 Fhis pianta ion has a front of) more than a mile < n S ■ iver, and ires iTinHd’atuy a iove the c iiy. *-11 the rt n; f the V'ile Royal rracf, • ’.ua ring a •out ico ai .es and lying on the MiguiLi roid mar the city, which will be laid out into final! Lots. Another valuable Plaatatior :nd tradt of Land called Spring field, adjoining Vaie Rosal 01 •me loutii, lying on both Tides o ; iVlufgrovt*s creek, containing acres, of winch 250 a me Swamp, the remainder go < -otton Land. This property s compoled of 45 and 5 atn i-ois, a plan of which will bi prepared, and such cf them as ire connefted will be fold to gether, anu the remainder iepa ately, .5 Farm Lots of 50 acres each in the Township of Savannah. 4 Lots, being a part of the Fair Lawn tradt, formerly Coi. Wylly’s, viz : No. n, 71 acres, ! 3> 57 acres, No. 3, 46 acres, and No. ai, 10 acres. 2 Lots at Thunderbolt, No. 7 and 14. 2 Lots on Tybee Ilhnd, No. 5 and 27. 1 Lot at Montgomery, No. 14, 99 feet fronton Vernon riv er. 440 feet deep, and two back Lots of two acres each. 3 adjoining Villiage Lon at Acton, 150 acres, near Haner’s bridge* o 103 acres rood Cotton Land opp 1 site Montgomery, between Verr.on and Ogechee river. A valuable Plantation and tr_<f: of Land about 10 miks from Savannah, on the Louis ville read, containing 1550 acres of which 400 are Riu* Swamp. 300 aerta P.nt Land near M cote; ib. 2’jO acre* about 7 miks a hovf* St*ar-r>?‘.M nc river formerly occupied by J- Jen kuiSi l U E S D A Y, Aran. 29, iSc6. Lands m Ffhujghr.r;! Coun . T >'’ • 594 acres in one hi'dv, nc: Gc u river, about 2. miles from Sav.if,nali, Granted 1 various runes fro .-. 1764 to 1774 250 Acres pine land adjoining id'-- aoove, ard lands of Michael M iciniufj, fcemerly R. M’Cor- I .ruck’s, ’ ‘c .Acres pine land near Ken , > 1 • - .y s. to Acres formerly BcnnTts, “oo Acres formerly Gold -1 -s, joining R. Scruggs ar.d I :1 Bcvil. Ar. undivided half of 300 a tci. joining the above, granted) to U. (j? 1. Goldwire. 1300 Acres pine ].rid reai; I uckalee King, formerly Her* riots. IN GLYNN COUNTY. 500 acres J .and granted r Joleph Wright. cod acres granted to Tofenf Raynes. IN LIBERTY COyNTY. 1700 acres i nd, in four ad toinmg tradVs, former v Jamet- Andrews and Grev Elliotts, granted 1764 and 1769. 550 acres in two a.!joinin: tracts, granted to Roie/t anc Matthew Smallwood, 17)4. In MACINTOSH CQJNTY 2Co acres Land, formerl*. William Fox. 250 acres at Beard’s Bluff o the Aiatamaha. 97 NEGROES. And immediately rnereafter at Vale Royal and Springfield ail ihc other personal pi open on those places, consisting of Stock & J Plantation U tecsi-s, & . &c. 1 CONDITIONS. F 1 the r: a! payable the j iruary, 1807 one third the fi>fi January, 180 b and the remaining third lirl January, 1800, with int-rest o* he two last inflalments. Tin whole to. be secured by bends and mortgage. For th** perfbnal property one third Cafii, the rtmannier c-r ie fir It J .nuary neicr, lecan-t’ Oy notes with approved indor* ters. WILLIAM WALLACE, 1 HGM A S CLJMM iN G, JObhl Ii SI ILFS, Adminilirators. Sav. March 3. 53 Sheriff's Sales. On tie f.*f. Tuefdny in May vert, at tit Court bm-e in Chs City between the Lou s oj ten anc, three o’clock, WILL BE SOLD, ALL that prrt of the L O'l and improvement? on whu I Job i". Bulks now resider, 01 the f u h fide of Broughton llrer oppoficethe market-fqnare, seiz ed bv Jno. i*. Puuineil one of the Confiables for Chathan County, as the prepertv t f Ifaar Fell, to Satisfy lundiy execution? pointed our. by the defendant, ard returned to me as the Law diredls. T. ROBERTSON, s. c. c. April 4 62. SHERIFFS SALES. ON TANARUS! e fir ft Tuesday in May ricxr, wiil be iold at the Court-! oufe in this city, be t",t-n the hours ot 10 and 7 o’< lock. A Mulatto bov named Mil::, seized as the {nopertv of the rs ta.e of G orge johnfon dec’d. at th- fu;t of Joleph Longwortb and otners “The property . oirred ou r by the plaintiff. T. ROBERTSON, s. c. r. April 4 63 SHERIFF’S SALES: IP ILL be sold on theft;} Tuesday it: Max next, at the Court-house in tie city cf Savannah, Lemur: the hours of ten and 3 o'clock, ALL that lot of land in Jay kill, Tithing Darby ward, in the ciry of Savannah, containing 60 feet north front on the bay, and 90 ftrt deep sooth on :: Jane, with the improvements thi re.Hi, at present occupied by Edward! ■Srebbins, and others—bounded! weft by estate of Robert Bolton, formerly [Vlountaigm’s 1 ‘t,! east by ell ate .Edward Harden, ft-ized and to be fold under rfu f reclofure of a mortgage, David Johnllon vs Robert \\ oodhoule. Alio, a tra6t of lard, contain-', ing 45 acres, be the fame cvie or kls, situated in the county of Chatham, about two miles fro ~ this city, on the road leading ro Great Ogechee bridge, boundei lou h by lands of Dr. Terard, cor h on land at prcilnt occu pied by Jacob ‘J'niek, f n. weft uyafvtamp, call by Ends un known, seized and ro I-4- Juki to Lusty Kx’ors of Herb againti Ro ber t Wood hoc fe. Also, one negro mm named* Silly, and his wife Belinda and our children, levied on us rhi rroperty of George Mclutofh, lec’d to fatisfy 1 JamiJtcn and larrridge, tin propeity pointed >ut -by the <Me (Gan As atfiomey. T. RO3L R rSON, see. Ao*-il Si (, j Alienif s ►'i.iit-s On the fJI Tut ft y m May next, at the Ccvrt-bcuff, n tits Cry, between the boa sos ten at,a j three o’clock, WILL BE SOLD, ‘TYKAT Lor of land in Yam j| acraw, kn wn i>v No. 1 j eized under inniliy vvecurions, s the property of Robert Greer, md pointed out by the defend anr. Continued from h pril files. T. ROBER I'SON, s. c c. April 4. f j. biieriffN bans. WILL BE. SOLD, On ’j ties day tic 3 J day cf May, \?c r s, 1 at t l[ c Qouri druse in jtffcrssm , between the hours cf tea and Ivj’i o’ clock, the following property, mortgaged by IVth tin m Norm to Robtrt o febn Ballon Jar tic payment of a large turn c( man- 1 ry, tic equity of redemption having b t~> , duly foreclosed,.vir , LO !’ No. forty-fix, (46) Do, do. tlnri y- fix, (36) Do. do. rhirty-feven, (37) Harr of lot No. feventten, (171 And the whole of rhr font of lot No. fevnreei), (ty) filing a water lot, with all the building; 1 ind improveu -nts theieo.i. David G. ‘Jar.cs, S. C. C. March 17 Sltnfj s Safes. On the fit Jl Tuesday in May Text, will Le fold in the Town cf fef ferfon , between ts. e hours oj ter. and three o’cloth, ALL that lor and improve ments fituare in the Town of ot. Mary’-, part of lot No. 4 and on which Capt. Beard ai pretent resides. Levied on a the property of Eleazer Water* man, to iadsfy a judgment ob tained againfi him by Franci; Mufiauk, j"nr. Conditions Casi). D. G. JONES, s. c. c i n t. Mans, Apri l 2 bj. ‘] ii F. bt i< iVi vji F I TT” V'i ‘ T •*> PT K/T7NTFQ I ISthifdsy ( i/T<,lvt4 liy rr.ut'ja! cos- j feet. Al! pe;F . buvjgg rfcai <l* v/ii'• J pifaie reticei tlicn to ti e fuhknb f ?k fr] ailjulfment; end oil indtb'ed, are to ic- j ittd to prepare for Davi-i'-utJ Tln-y will attend at tiieir Comptinj* house for t>, aiijultmcril of their accoanta. JAMES HUNTER. ISAAC MINIS. I March ; x s^* HVhcls Number 370. MARSHAL’S SAU-S. A ILL /’•* SOLA? on Tuesday the ill and y of May next, at /It Court-hou-e in Savannah, be tzv.en the hours of ten and three 0’ elm k, 7be following properfv, tn ken :n execution as he p.opi-rry of Smkh, Sons and Anderson, at :he Tuit of ff omas and James I Sw -re's. | Unexp’rrd l-nfe of LOT No. Lrathcoate 1 yihirg, Dei ker Waid, Savannah, wuii the buiL tiings and in.provenKms theie on, f n. so, i 1 e buildings and tinexpired Aea!e ol lot No. 9, Carpenter J ytiting, i.'.u kt r ward. ALSO, Ore 5© acre Jot on the Thun ik’fint ioad, three mil s fiorn Savannah, with the builmngs ar.ii improvtuieiit;; , n f o Acres laid ccijoirinj SiuMi’- wirhin a mile ot Li.-ius vil■ e, Ri;i h. y Lorufort, 44 balf lots in ill- I’ownfhip of Washington, W..fiungi, m county. 2,fco Acres land on Town r, ‘ k, Hancock ci'unrv. ‘3° Acres land in Wafnirg ton uuunty. ALSO, The negroes, Molly, Char lotte, 1 .?zett, 1 I ,2en, Billy, Har iv, Bob, Joltph, Nancy and Quako. bi n. Walt., M . n. o. Aprils c.j Ma rjhat ■ Sal s. j ON the ff f ufacy in flay i ext w.l! be sold al tec co\/1- hou/e, in b avahnab, r | L URGES, levied on J JL H as the j’ operty of Dr. bairmel M Cornack dec. by vn iue of ftveral executions un tamed in the Circuit-Cornr. 3 Negroes, Isaac, Stbmah and P-iity, levied on as sh? prr-peity of W:n. 1 lobkirk, at the but of John Miller. 5 Negroes, Stephen, Monday, Ben, I artar, and Sun, levied on las the property of Joel W alker, cc. by virrue of an execution obtained bv Charles Robe.ts. B. WALL, m. o. c. _ 63. mi 1 i riTT r sT“7lEs7 On tkfjl 7 htfday in A:ay next, wdl be fold at the court-houje in this city, between lie hours oj ten and three o'clock. All that tr. dt of I, no fi'mne, k ing and being within the coun ty o’ Chatham, containing 300 air (a be ‘he h.nie more or less, 1) undid noir!-warilly by Savan nah river, ealtv. ardiy by lands of Joieph Clay i sq. weilwairily fiy lar.ds cf MontailJrt, and fouthwardly by lands of- and which land liath hitherto bee n known as the GT be land. Seized as die property of Win. 1 lobkirk, under a foreciolore of Mortgage ro the Wardens of Chrifi Church, Tt ROBERTSON, S. C. C. March 10. tS 1 tve Dollars Reward. ABbEN7 I D himfclfon the niyht of flic 26th March lafl, oim, a (tout young country bern neg-o, fx feet high of a da k cotnplexioti and fur* iy, liad on w hen he went tt a white negro cloth jacket and troiv f- rs, it :s probable lie may change lob ’ Irefs, v.alka very erttt and is much of v. 1 beeu. A the laid fellow once attempt) t I 1. i*et to the up country and wasdikp !’. luted in his “xpedtat -i, ■ry pr<>ba!. !it ni ay aim for tbe Northward 1 persona are hereby cautionnl ar-. I harboring or carrying him of! . ‘law w.i! be c, Creed h j •> The aLove reward will le [.id :’Bering him to the j/oaler, or P ’* 1 Hert , ill .‘iavaoiiah, or to tCi ! ‘on Liberty Iflend, h duw T. (r j.oli (, Ai t . j it <*■ IV