Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, May 02, 1806, Image 3

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♦.at bcw iU m1*??3 '. •’ T2Ji RE PUBLICA A SAVANNAH, May 2, 18ct>. Yesterday between the hours of ri and 11 o’clock, the cry of fire re-echoed through the dreets of this city. The ci tizens repaired to the place which proved to be a boiifc iu the Market square, at prefetit unoccupied by a family, but there is a shoo on the lower floor—it appears that the Gre orig inated 011 the roof of the house. We art|happy to date, that the fire did but very little damage—its force was loon extinguifheft by the adfivity of the citi. leas—had it conquered, there is no doubt theconf.q iencei would have proved fa tal to that part of the city. Conjecture, who is ever busy on such, wiffi.s to attribute it to fomc evil peifon, but, we 3re of opinion, that it was occasioned by she from the adja cent chimney. Yeflerdav, being the tirlt of May, the v°’ imueer corps of tins city ee.ebrated their Anniverfury ifter the usual exercifts of the day, they repaired to tne different pla ces alugr.ed them, to partake of a repafl pre pared for the cccafion. The follow ir,g are the To alts drank , y the CHATHAM KAM GEItS, under the command of capt. ‘Jeknfcix. lit. The immortal memory of St. Tamma ny, whole yth. Annivertary we now com memorate as a company. . The United .States of America—the fait exilting Republic - may Ihe cultivate peace with all nations and send to none. j. The Prelident of tlie United States. 4. The Coiigieis of the United States. 5. The memory of the immortal Walh ifigton—the laviour and father of his coun try. and. The fate of Georgia, increale to her agriculture and commerce. j. The Governor of the State, jj. The Array of the U. States, tj. The Navy cf the U. States. 10. The Volunteer Corpsof the U. States —the r0..0y lupporters of their country-. it. Ihe memory of major General Jack foil —.he Ifateiinan, patriot ami soldier. 12. ihe menioiy of Brigadier general Tattnall. 13. The_ memory of our late commander and fellow soldier capt. Young, and captain Robertion of the Chatham Artillery. 14. The fa:r of Georgia—may their at tracting lnvdes never impede our f rwardnig when called upon for national protection. 15. An honorable and advantageous ifTue to our foreign r.egociations id. The Love of Liberty and the Liber ty of Love. 17. A lalltng Peace to the Powers of Eu rope. VOLUNTEERS. Py Gen. Mitchell. Emulation—may its spirit influence and increale the number of the Volunteer Corps, as it huej improved their dtlcipline. By Capt. Johndon after Gen. Mitchell had retired. Brigadier Gen. Mitchell. By Lieu. Montmollin—Valor without tim erity, and friendfhip without hvpocticv By Eni'gu Anlley—Gratitude to rur friends and generosity to our enemies. On this occasion, nought but brotherly love ar.d friendflnp beamed on every counte nance—the pride of a soldier was complete ly exemptifiedon this occasion—the day was defied with honor to the officers and privates We have not been able to obtain the toads drank by the other corps, but we Baal endeavor to procure them for our next. Female Asylum. —We underltand, that an Sunday next,thcie will be two Charity Sermons preached before this benevolent institution—one in the Lutheran Church by the Rev. Mr. Ref, the other in the Eaptifl Church, by the Rev. Mr. Hol combe.l It is unnectffary for us t de lineate the many virtues which (hint con spicuous in this Society—itiiwell known to every inhabitant of this community that the founders of this institution are females —it is nene other than an asylum lor female orphans —the basis of which, are centered 011 principles which eradiate from hearts ovetflowing with gratitude (or the destitute female—it is a door open for the reception of those who need the foftenng hand of a pilot to guide them to the port ofviitue. We might enlarge upoa thin fubjecl, but) it is to tally unneceflary—this, we are of opinion, js fufficient to recommend it to those who tr.ay feel difpafcd to aid such an inesti mable undertaking an undertaking which refleeft* much honor on the Ladies of this City and kg vicinity. Counts me ay 1 on. asylum, for female orphans. This CompaHionate institution, is un der the immediate care, and nurtured by the fofterinj hands of Ladira, in and about this city ; Its happy elfefta, have been, and are daily felt, by the o v jrhts that are benetred by the zeal fliewn on the occasion. To aid the lunds, luirable difeourfes will be delivered next Sunday, J.y the R;v. Mr. Holcombe at the Bap rift Church, and the iGv. Mr. B ft at she Lutheran Church ;at the dco.s of each, and r''uo,: J will thankfully be re ce . and —Tiiis Compafftonate aid will be ttrirtlf applied .3 the r.cmane pur. i te ’ T*c f-*r : Diftrcfs, Ws ‘ f —who n.a-iuoers m a :v iuHitutinn that is tunned tor their p r ofcCtion, and which u'waiiuj, and loudly’ call* lor t'eueru support. Moral*, religion, policy and all the divine attribute!juilif” an appeal to tin well difjofed of ail denominations. It i .1 compassionate mercy to the fair and weaker lex—and as is well observed, i: *ike tho Ctw of heaven, “ Twice blefferi it hteffeth tbrj tuba give, and bletfsib those who receive?” I C >f>t- Sayre, fiom Havanneth, informs, tb it . r Ma Jays previous to his leawng tbut port, the captain of a vessel, which bad ai ms:. ‘Jamaica, Rated that jtt/1 before be filled a Brtfjb packet had arri \ ved ■with accounts of the DEATH of K-ng of Great Bii l it. A number of Utters, from ref pc ft i ■ ble houses at Havanneth, received in this * idy, com muniC iti the jlin.e intelligence, Chartettonpap Capt. Dove inform?, that accounts of the landing ot general Miranda on the Spanish Main, were received at St. Domingo several dayoetu.e lie failed. ib. FEDERAL PIETY. A republican, riding, a few days ago, in the county of Worcelter, on Sunday, wan attacked by one of fifteen tything man of a certain toiva, The traveller after a critical examination was fuffered to pass on. Immediately after, i,e was accosted by a iecond tything tuun, who appeared fixed in his determination to confine the delinquent until Monday. Tins petty officer paid no attention to a (latement that “ a lick child at home re quired its father’s prcfeuct.” He was inexorable. At length the traveller had \ receurfe to stratagem. He told the of I fleer in a low but confidential tone, that “he was lent out from the B illon Fe deral Committee upon an electioneering plan for Governor Strong, that it was j ahfolutely neceflary, in order to ensure j the deitlica of Mr. Strong that he (houhl carry certain intelligence to Northampton as (oon as poffinle.” This (lory operated like magic upon our fede ral tylhing-maii. Hip distorted muscles relumed their native comp'aeency -- He pocketed fiis oath, feratclied hi nodded assent, and away rode Pil-Gar iiek, admiring federal piety and exuding iu the fucctla of his stratagem. Rep. Spy We arc anxious for a developement of tile course which Mr. Fox will purfu. . in his new lit nation, which is a very t trying one. He cannot desert his old 1 principles, or decline efforts to carry his i protelfiona into effeift, without difgra- i cing himfelf; and he cannot at empt J to put his profellions into practice with- ! out rifquing his it.ition as prime minister. The quellion of union bet ecu England and Ireland, is again agitated, as weft in private clicks a in pnbhc ; in the de bate in the house of commons, on the 3d of February, an Irish member inti mated, that an effort would be made to repeal the union act ; and, in noticing this remark, Mr. Fox laid—he agreed with the Irish member in his sentiments refpettmg the union, that “ that inea lure was the moll difgtaceful to the go vernment of the country that ever wa„ carried or propofed”—This wa3 enough to excite the feelings and the hopes ol the enemies of the union, and mo doubt the minut.r’s frucerity wi,l be put to the test. In like manner, the Catholics will renew their claims for the cxcrctfe of the elective francfnl'e, and the diff.nters will call for a repeal of the tell ati. All thefc circumltances render the situation of Mr. Fox peculiarly delicate—he has the alternative, to support his former principles at the rifquc of office, or a bandon them with the infs of character— we hope he may extricate himfelf with honor from this dilemma.— Aurora. Singular Bet —On Monday week (Plough day) a bet of 3/. was decided iu the Castle yard, York, England, be tween Thomas Flodgfon and Samuel Whitehead, both debtors ; it was, which of their, was to appear as the molt lar and original charadkr. The former was decorated wita a ten guinea bank note on his waiflcoat bread, a number of live guinea notes down the trim, and on botti licics of his coat bread—with guinea notes on his fli iulders and arms of his coat j round his hat band wire a great number of five guinea notes, and near the top of the hat crown was fixed a purfc of gold which went round the fame. On his back a paper with the word* “JOHN BULL.”—Whitehead appeared in a woman’s dress on one ft ir, with a fi k docking, a neat flipper, and that fide of his face painted. The other fide of his face an l body represented a n?gro, with a man’s dress, and anew boot and fpnr. The wager was given in favor of Hodcfon, whose bills amount ed to Syj guineas, independant or the gold. We are extremely sorry the Ur F of the money cannot be converted (as it certainly ought) to the use of his iawjui creditors. Load, paper. Some Doll makers are considerably a larraed at the numerous elopements which have recently taken place from the nur fe ~r and bonding f.heitl They are ap "pichenfive of being ’really out of employ, since the little M'ffs seem determined to manufacture their ow. ha its l ib. MAHRIED, —0:i the * c th inf:, by the Rev. Mr. Bel, Mr. J Hv CarvoH;:/.*, hant to M uHvaiiiar Pbtsa.t. DlET)—Trtth's c*ry f v . r - ft Iderdjr on the t sa D t ’ M’Gxrte,'. Pu/f of Si -Vcuinah. ARRIVED, >bip Columbia, Spiv.get Jamaica; Brig Topic, Arnold. Bof.on; Schi I hom: s, Le ircon, Phiadelphia ; Do piun 1 iienune New-York ; Edward, .Vltifqjetto Shvre CLEARED, Ship Stifati, Gh T.ltvg Am llerdam; Brig Georgia, Jr-celjne, NswYoil Hope, C pji, do. Hrilmg State;, N. Yorl v ' ar 11 n ;c] ie ; Scttr. Haidah i. Anna Duke\ Newt-York j Sloop Packet, Daughada), 10. htfUESDsL AN annual meeting of the Tra{le e „ , s rt 1 quelled, at tlie plantation, at 10 ofiTock ti ■■ morrow. Friday, May 2, 1806. ~TO THE PUBLId ‘. 1 TO a man ot any feelings, to a man who! , I principal happinel's has ever confuted, it j I not being thought unworthy of iho publn ! elleem, nothing on earth can be more - \ variance with his opinions than t-> be rclue j tantly compelled, to repel in this manner tin > unfounded and malicious afperllnn ti.t- 1 in. j el, wanton and unprovoked intuits offer. 1 ■ h ; m in the Patriot of tail mnnday by Mr. “fume Hely, —a few lincsinferted On Tuel'day in rli i. paper informed the public, legal Heps ha been retorted to, on account of the fall, scandalous and libellous charges made agauii me.—a llatement was then promised, am ! while in the performance of this ilinv, I pro - eed to a detail which defies me exafpeiated ’efforts, f iuvetcraie malignity, I mull entrea the puinic indulgence for my very unwilling intrulion. It was my misfortune to I ear if and to get sequamted tvilli Mr. Hely on my arr.vui 11. h nnah , wnetuer any advantages have lefuued to the Patriot from the I'uhfequen arrangement, is not my province to determine Adifcernng public will judge forthemfelves. I proceed to the invciligaiion of the libei. Mr. Hely would, without an aii'ertton, 111 1 finuate that a difference exillmg a Jeo d.ll biik only (his exprelEonj in p litical opinions, was :he caule of and the motive tor our fep .ration : While I moll folemuly, and in the face of heaven aver, that poetical opini ons of any kind had no reference to, nor weie they directly or indirectly connefteu with the caule of the 1 feel a detail may bejuilly inmojtcujes expeft ed, but however invidious ibe charge, 1 iion fi'-ier it at prfent, a duty to be lilent ; ]>refer ring mdecition on feme minds, as 1$ me, for a tunc, to the perhaps irreparable confequen cts to ethers fan aftu and public disclosure. I ill il therefore only ilaie, that on Friday 1 It, 1 had realon to ctn.fider my fell’ affronted I oy Ivlr. He y, tn that part of Ins houle whence i I condufled the paper and w here l received j pul'us cal mg on me relative thereto. I withdrew and in his prelence took my books and papers to make out my accounts, .1 tbkl h tn my tuture interference with the paper would be trom the houle were I boarded •and lodged It could not be luppoled, that finding (he oflfie without order, regularity, : b >,>ks or accounts, I Ihould exp de mylelf to j the hazard of 1 -fl .g the fruits of four months j c.mttant a.,d afiiau us aitention by a fooldh I lui render of my only vouchers for tne funn 1 due to me 1 The man who gave bread to, who fupport led ivlr. iiely, who moretl ~n once extricated | mm from difficulties, by JmallJums, was gen erouily and nu.uanely rewaru u by that gen tleman. a bill was preferred againlt him for tailing away his books, the vouhcis for his property. That the Grand Jury have added j an this bill, with that difcermnctit character iflic of freeman, no man can douin. Fortu iiaieiy perhaps for Mr. Hely, their Conllitu ti nal I.ll.horny could not be extended far liter than to tejedl the Bill. As 10 orangemen, informers, Iriflt patriots and the fuoliih parade of Mr iiely’s alUllant on the occ - lion, my reipeci for a generous public, to whom 1 fed lo much indented, can alone prevent me from qualify mg it in a man ner it dele. ves. I’roofs incontrovertible, communicated to teveral oi -he moll refpeitahle itizen* oi -avannah, prove to a demonliration the 11b fu;dity of the imputation, the phifical an poffihility of any thing of die kind having exitted. A civil ailion for damages ag mil Mr. Hely will no doubt, oy the unavoidable dela-, enable himto kiiiii (his elegant eayref Jion) my proofs, and bring f-ivvaru tne con vincii g ones he has prom-fed A tew lines will U’ lulEcient to crumble his tinsel parade on the I pint “f 76. Able de fender of the undoubted rights ol America, his athletic fame, the power 01 his great mind were equ .1 to the contelt by himleit a How unform ate lor toe world he - was ot then in being—but ib- g pardon tor the digression, it was imp line to forget what he would have and .in U-ii he exdied. A decided friend to the rigm i- ot man, he mull certainly know in what conlin, it not, he will, I hope afl"w me to inform him of my tenets on that print. Ii i> my pride, it is my boast, openly to corifeis anu declare that I am not a Jac bin, one of thole vile monllers who, to a rlwer pi iva'e purpoles, who traitors totheir native g vernment, who, thinking infurreftion in all tales the molt Holv of duties, who, neid er proper ty, charafter or lienor at itake, would wil lmgly plunge all nations in the world into ; confuli >n, toeifefl v. ha : , a lalucar,, a tieceila rv reform, n, that would be the 101 l thing th ut : n of, the grar nration oi then inordinate ambition and third tor powci is the mam fpri- g of the pre'e ided patriotil'm of tb -I • would be reformers Foiftlled ‘-f an independence, acquired by jrerfeverafice and ndtilTy, my choice is t.. Ipend mvJife in obedience to the laws and leave eve y individu t- in the lull enjoy-meiii of his religi ..'A and political principles, a. Icnhed by t*.e 1 ..It: f mail, to which Mr. Helyfiys I am in enemy. An aci ount i.uri signed and approved by Mr. He ; y, will prove to ademoiiUiation, that I have been c mr-; • lin that jra].er, his butchers, his baker! hi* ike’s bills havt been fame times paid bv his il or and (for lo he calls me in a certain afif ivit) Euytor. 1 ids •’ -.Tt be on filled wai a very ungenerou, impufition on my part. Mr Hely allures the public he wTB in fu lire be less credulous Poor 1 nlan aierT man lid be bu’ rellefl on tin tendency the iiilal 1 j:e confequencus of hi libel and lubleAjuem conduct, lie would lar ent the probability 01 not having it long in his power to employ himfeif or any wdy e-e. The judgment rp tainiti againlt him oy Mr Ilobby ol Atiguua for a libel is not yet entirely difeharged l.arge sums are due t me, a few tril'ea pill haps to others, two flits will he this day .n ----iliiuted againlt liirn b-me noief- he’ retrace, luthe Patriot he alfertnor.* m .de 01 Monday and when ?t: le in-ms are ilnchargec I much question v.-tf'iier he will agan- hav it in his p 1 v- r to b< . rne even an siver | The disagreeable tan: is at s i end it fn -h b ; returned u.ifeli. impi rioufly ce:jv j m my defence. Toe la us -,f the c -Try I hv* 1 ••orn oh di nee to, h ive, are- id iffail ur 11: n my recouiiu isiienL: ■'.'i ■ ; - ‘ nwe argued a c iiiciy .1-. 1-1 -* .. srr.ey -. hi* . xiAAcra.- j. 1 j.i., . .J.d.ia.. -> r ay : ! -ti rc tin mblic, ... v u-aie cf \vb"fe patro ., ge I may ore day irdivniual y st anhlimble audidate NICHOLAS MADCETT. May 2, l?cs. P S. Cliance *hr;w the Patriot *f yeftetday n my vviv, v hca thr ul.ove Intel font opre!‘i A pfiuial thereof convinced me tow equal Mi. li is to the editorial part i'i he huin els, i c:r tiiify faults .ire to Se tourai n the mlidc of the publication , \t the ali’ei u w i* doubted, I ap-pea! lo the paper N. M. JlgiiJ fer: 9 Grotfild. Lv uisvilie, Bth April, ißc6. • THE Commander in chief, with deep j egret, lias to announce, the death of j Major General jfnMbS JACKS X, | ho commanded the fill! diviliou of r.n- I ilia, and was one of the Senators, of this .ate, in the Coiguis of Hie United ’ nates. 1 his unfortunate intellig nice was con I •eyed to him ou the 7th inlt. by a letter, j uted the 171)1 of fill month, fiom the j eneral’s Colleague, the lion. Abraham >uldwin, in the following wind* “ The (Mr fling t. Ik, which my ht ters have lo long led you to expidt, is at length enforetd upon rne, ol an I ‘ nouncing to you the death of my be ] ‘ loved and much rtfpeded Colit ague “ General Jackson. I have been with hun all night, and clofid Ins c)ts jufl “ at the dawning of the day. “ 11 It is now more than twenty year* ‘* since we have been intimately afiocia “ ted in the duties of public life. A “ part of the duly which I feel to be left “ to me is, to declare, that in Haling “ integrity, and honed devotion to pub* “ lie good 1 have never found Ill's fupe “ rior.” Death hashtreaved the state of a Ge neral and a Statefinan, who was no less valient in the field, than eminent in the cabinet. During our revolutionary war in the days of peril, he exerted his utmost powers in defence ot his country’s rights, and performed ads of heroifm— and in her councils both at home and a htoad he advanced and tupporled the in t ere ft of the Hate with Hern integrity, I undaunted peifcveranee, perfpicuiiy of mind and flaw of eloquence. So great ) were his public virtues that, from an early part of his life, he held the firfl and moll diflinguifhed appointments, both civil and military, in the gift of his Hate. 1 o attefl the lots Georgia has Fu (lain - ed by the death of her beloved general and patriotic and able Itaieeman, who yielded up his fill breath trom home and in the fcrvice of iu* country, and to manifctl the efl tn iiion in which his worth and Itrvtces are held by a grateful poj olc, the commander iu chief ORDERS, a'! officers iu mi itary commiffi in be longing to this U ate, and rtqutlfs the civil officers thereof, and the ciii/. -ns in general to wear crape round the left arm for the (pace of fix weeks, to commence on the IA day of May next. By or der ofthe Corn man dm in chief, GEORGhR. CLAYTON, Sec’ry. ,J- -- ; -'IAII. ‘■STS’ I -‘T. Atvnaw : 1 THE FIRM OF ROBEK 1 S & CLARK, X S diflolved by the dr.aih ol the former; M. the bulincla 1:1 if ill carried on by the lubfcribcr, Joseph Hill Claik, Smith rdf Bmi'he’s aubarf. WHO HAS JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE, ’]'he cargo of the lehooner ANN <A HARRIOT, Whipple, matter trorn me Havannah.—Confining ot 53 Hhds. Moitffis 7 do. tnigar 2Q Bbia Prime Green Coffee ON HAND, 10 Hhds. 4HI proof Jamaica Rum 12 do. N. E. do. to* Bbfi. Rice. Ap A 2-i. 68 KC> .sAi. , ‘ r_ prime AfHfCANS, thieii / i fargv able bodied men.—App yto j. 11 ill O lark. April 68 if K C u ). laolroil, HAVE received on cuidignmcnt from PH IE A DEL PHI A, Loal and Lump* S ug*r of ihe iirid. quality, ])Ui uj> in Harr* Is ; Which they oiier for * 5 6t i>’j. To i,f T7 A large convenient DWELLING HOUSE, ami well fitted up SPORE in 11 central situation, either leparatcly or together, Terms will be made very rcafnuaLlr. Apply to Cht printers. February 1!^ ,SliuriH’ ii :les, WILL 11 h SOLI) on thr fsrjl Torsi! iy in ‘June next, nt the (lourt-heufe be tween th hours of ten and three o’clock. A cruft of Jurul containing *ie bnqtired arid thirty acres, ‘a trv. ‘‘ v v rnoc or lcs (old i -rvev) jon. pare of j che Orphan fi- rtinn, i well tirnheied With k and a j onfi era ble K‘r° T i o the culcureof cot ~u .Aio ifioris, having the a;. j . good navigation r o 1 * A evied on as the prop E nanuei Kcngill, dt tor . Ad Ward l- f ‘ V-' >, pt inlCu oat fit- cR: -tR -r, : v\ .\\ ■ M . i ’ • A > I Bay ley & Harman, No. 6, INI HEEXCHiYNGE, H IVE received bv the late -arrivals a ?•- neral and rxtenlive alTorur.cnt of AR TICLES, in tbeir line, Ibe whole of whirl* ait’ warranted cf the belt quality, and will be iold at rer'ui ed prices for readv 11101 r\ <-r (lute only.— l’lamen and ntheia wifi ne I'upjibed by lending th ir orders on the ttm* above mentioned. Geoigii Hams & Bacon (lion.e cured ) and warranted to keeptiuough the year Large pickled and fmoaked Tongu-s., & beef from the Ncw-Yo k ma-k.t ‘lew v 'ork corn'd Beet iu half buntlt> Si. by the bugle piece 801d.,a Siiufages, li (ton S..linou oil’ retail Douhh G ifter, Chcthire, North Wilt- Ihi. ami .American CLcctc Loudon bottled Bri w n Su nt, F.d.enhu g ale, -nd Butiih Cider Fine iparkiing Chau paignc and Claret Wines let) Pine ; ppte Cheefc Li udou Bottled Port, in quart A p Bot 1 .cs Ten cates oid Claret Wine of out r each | O il Madeira Wire in 130 th: 1 Do, in quaitci calks anii on ir ail Aionugnae and Maliuh.y Woe* Every delcripln i < ; Orifiuh 111 bottles and in lock cat. s, ad itid in each, Engl 111 mid Amciicau K and i)y,ri y .Sc Cher v Brandy Ilricil iiuiis, PrclcrVes in caies afforteJ Orange & Ltmon Slnub Role Lavender, Oiai.gc flow, anil Honey w.tiers Olives, Capers, Anchoives, Pickles of ail k.nds Mufmoon kelctiup Chen ijut, St Imperial i'iftt ftucc Soy, illeuice oi anciiorvea Pepper Sauce, Sallad Oil Tame Sait, YVine Ditto3 London and Durham Milliard, Ready made London Mutlarel, Split PcXo. Pealed l arky chocolate tis luperior qualiiy Crakers and butter builcuu in keg*, Mne a Coffee, line it)lor, and young Hjton Tea* Andjujl Lun .idJiom New Tori, Small Laitys ot Hyluu Tea, vtiy tiip:-, nor qualitit* By n Spi ing arrival, GoJfroid’s iupenor begat* in wnule aui halt boxes Battle powder in canisters Rifle 00. 111 keg* and Cannon do. in do* Snot ot all li/aS (Jet C afignnent, 50 Ciifks Biowu Scout. April 1<) 7rt NOW LANDING AND FOR sale, 30 Bis. fupcifiue flour, q lipesgin, 6 Hhds. Whilkey, 20 Boxes yellow leap, AM) ON 1 I WO, 20 Hhds aud 30 bbfi. prune lugar -30 Bags belt green coffee, 10 Puncheons 4th proof Jam. Rum, a LSO, A few boxes coaife arid line lr.!h linen, and biowu ilollaud, A general supply of U i\t)C B. K i B.S ANDREW KNOX. Bar. Gibbons’s IV has J. Aptil 25. qw. Gy. nPHE Trustees of the Presbyterian Chureh X give notice, that all note. 1 , for Few rent which remain unpaid, on the toih of Mrsy next, will he put m lu.t agreeably to a Ktlo. luuuu [railed the 21il if March. Bi-NJ. IvlAUltlCE, \ F l. ILYidING, > TruAet*. JOHN HUN I LK, ) April My. jt. 70. TO LF.T, THE WHARF AND STOKES TT’ORMIiRLY occupied by Mellra. Wilfad T b. Knox, and at preleut by Mr. Aiulnrv/’ Knox. ‘Tin.-, iiroduilive ar,d convenient ti ination is f' well known, to requirt: no luitlier explanation. For term:, enquire of K. YVdjjtc. November I 1 9 A N Ele&ion will held at the THE A* I\. THE, **ii the jd ufl ( i Mii)T iext, i tv Lidign ill tin* 1(1 l Htipuny (vh'.i-tiipni Hpgimem, in he room <*4 Sttjihen IL Clark j j, r urited —J >h Lov, and Adam ! jG.'qii. wit* iuprrintfiid I iiil tii oT'/rr u/Moj. Dtyle, y. PETIIIiONIL, Capt. April 25. oy Sf T KI tF’ > SALE S. ON the firfl Tuesday in ‘June next, TV 11. f. BE SO I A), at the Cnur t house in ihir ivy, between the hours of to and 3 o’clock. A. man named Jack, taken under txecurion as the property of Mordscai [VI ‘1_.e.1 n, to iatiafy Smith and Murry, pointed out bv Ur* piaintdi. Also, A r.rpro mail named Backus, taken under execution as ib<: property of Wiiiiam ILriiani, 1 unfle I'.mcry executions, poiti* **, t d out by tne tivfer.itunt. 1 4iiL - J.; J ’ -J (; ;N J s. c. r. ; -- it* - ‘• i l ‘ V.