Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, May 09, 1806, Image 2

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a ccT'/r; f. v > ■ ,u. < V 1 ‘1 FLOUKB- ten defers X and a half per bar re!, v of Bread mail He, i* -r cen>j I.nif I 614 cents l.oaf $’K x ox. I lit). *• Os wh’ch all Bakers and Seller* of Bread arc to take due md na-ticulur notice. I- CUYLER. City Treaturcr. Nit ICC, THE fubfenbe/, lotre ‘ime since being,on ht&rc'.ur.t from the I urban nation came up with a JOHN IR VINE (as he called himfelf) who had in his pofledion anew negro fel low ; from the countenance and con version of Irvme, when interrogated from whence he had come, the man ner in which he made reply, together with other circunifiances of his con-’ duff confirmed she fubfcribor in the be. lief /ti-t Ihc negro had been stolen. He therefore demanded of Irvine ii, v/hr way he had come to the pofleF; fion of the ntgrr j to which he rc. turned an rvahvc anlv/cr. Ihe tub* fcfiber told him he had goed rc.fon n believe the negro had been flolcn and was determided to /alee /he ne gro from him and nave him zdvertied and in iafc no pmfon claimed n.n wi’hin eighteen months would cil return or fell hito. jA This is thcieforc to notify a!! )f'.‘ so ns whom it do'h or may column. That /he luhlcribcr has in h:s pnljcs. fi ,n /befaid tew negro; he is about feet eight inches high, aged he /ween twenty five and tmity years— no marks Other than or. his hack, which appear to have luftlred undci*the Cov.lkm ; Ipcaks little or no Englilh fays he catne from Carolina, but does not know whether from Nor/h 01 •S’ u'h, he indiftmdfly communicates (when asked in whaf way the man came by him) that he took him up in /he road, w hen on his way to fith on lorn- river or creek nearby. His own - er or owners aic thctelore requested j to piovethe proper/y of the negre j pay charges and / ke him away: Wm. Neely. Camden Coun/y on S/ Mary’s River. o tirpiSm 7- JOHN BOLTuN, sur t Cjmdsm 1 ve. > Superior 1 WILLIAM NORRIS, J Court, j \fnrcb 7 erm, 18 s6. UHON the petition of Johnj Bc'ron, furvivino copart ii r of Robert Id: John liolcon praying the foreclofure of the E- j qniry of Redemption tin he fol- j lowing jiremifes, mortgaged to) the laid Robert & John liolfor. j for the sum of eleven hundred; and lorry fix dollars, payable the firth of January ißoa, and ailo for the further sum of ele ven hundred and forty fix dol lars and inter tft payable the fifth of November 1802, to wit, the following lots and parts ot lots in the town of St. Mary’s.— All that wharf lot containing 150 feet on St. Mary’s llrret ami running 150 feet welt to Jud son’s water lot, and from Sr. Ma ry’s Itieet to the river ioo feet and along the river 100 feet.— The fame being the front of lot No. four in the plan of said town—Alio | art of laid lor No. four beginning at Ready llrett tunning welt on the St. Main’s llreel to JuJfor ’a lot & on Ready llreet 200 feet north to Divine Young’s lot or line & >SO weft on said Young’s line to Ju fi n’s lot with the building: and improvements (hereon.— Also lot No. (13) fortv three confining four acres then oc cupied by Peter W. Green, with the buildings rncl improvements thereon, and on motion of Mr Stitts attorney for the petitioner, h is or a etc a by the codftr that the principal intercit and cofls upon the laid mortgaged j retiaks be paid into court with in twelve months from this date *.nd unldV the fame be io pan! the equity ot redemption Hull thenceforth be forecloted and ei ther proceedings take place pur suant to the sid* of alfembly in luc!) cale made and provided : And u it crdcred ir p.rl. ancc est he laid ad that ths rule be publilhcd in one of tlu I public gazt tms oi this state a; j ic-lt or.eC io every rnotuh until he time appointed for paymen., r lVryed on the mortgager or his >erial agent cr attorney at J sk lix months previous torlit-i n: the laid money ic ordered re paid into court as ufoitlaid- L* trail ft cry la u ibisotb. Alu. ib, ICO6. ISAAC i R^U'S, . /. c. t. c; :a.mi n to. ninth congress. HO USE or REPR EsE.\ 7ATIVLS. Friday, April 18. Tire house again ref rived itfelfinlo a committee of the whole on the bill f-.p ----phmeotary to the slt fixing the naval jx ace dlublifiiment. “ Much difeuffion took place on the details of this bill, and particularly on augmenting the number of officers be yond the number fixed by the aft of ißot. Various motions were made to reject the parts ot the bill having this effeft, as we!! as to make an appropria tion sot building frigates to replace the Philadelphia and General Greene ; all of which were disagreed to—-whea the bill was read a third time. Mr. Chandler spoke in favor of, and MefTrs. J. Clay and ‘J- Randtfph again!! its passage, which was carried —Vea6 58 Nays 28. Saturday, April I (j. The honfe eanfidered the rncffjge of the Senate, to amend the bill to c arry in to efledt the treaty with the Chtckafaw tribe of Indians, by bribing out vhofe fe id ion 3 wliich authorife a resort to mili tary force to expel pu ious attempting to fettle on certain lands -,in the Mississippi territory, without having received titles to the iaine from the United States—and having disagreed to the amendment puff ed by the Senate—. Yeas 53 —Nays 35 resolved to adhere to their disagreement thereto. A feort time after a message was re ceived from the Senate ftatiwg that they had relolvcd to adhere to their amend ment. The bill is coafcquently loft. The house went into a committee of ihe whole on the bill authorifing the set tlement of the accounts of William Ea ton. I This bill provides for the settlement | of these accounts by the accounting of- I ficcrs of the treaf'ut y, under the duedtioa i of the fecretaty of (late, j After much difeuffion the commit ; tee rof, and the bill was ordered to a j third reading on Monday. AfRIL 21. The mod important measures adopt j cd this day were j The passage of a bill lor continuing j until the end of the next fiffion the Me jditerrancan fund, d,/tonnetied from the j repeal of the fait tax, the Senate having [adhered ta their disagreement to the last F’bjcdt of the bill. j I’he passage of the naval peace dia | blifemeut bill. j The passage of a bill for the tetnpora {iy relief of Harriet Caramalli, allowing j him 2,400 dollars. | Ihe paffagi of the bill for the pay ment of all the witntlfes summoned on the trial of judge Chafe—the house of Representatives having receded from ‘their amendment. The indefinite postponement of the i report of the committee of enoviiry on j ithe official conduit of Gideon Grc 7 , l’oft Mailer General But that ku line is, which cxJ-.-J ; . t attention, mingled with, perhap , l . ,- n ing warmth, was the prtfentaiion by !r. Quincy of two memorial: , one Sa mutl G. Ogden, the other from William Smith, of the city ofNew-Yo k. 1 he memorials arc very long, and give a minute detail of the circutnftances al leged to have attended the expedition of Miranda ; acknowledge the participa tion of the memoriaiit!9 in the cuter prize ; and declare it to have been tticir impression that the expedition \va3 coun tenanced by the implied fanilion of the president and lecretary of state. The memorialills further complain of the un just and illegal proceedings of the circuit court ot Ntw-Yoik. The memorials are couched in language uncon monly a crimonious, and alcribe to the public a gentn unworthy end impure motives. After the reading of these memorials an intert fling debate ensued, whose length forbids its insertion iu this day’s paper. We ffinll only, at present, at tempt a brief (ketch, referring its full detail for a future paper. Mr. Lyon repiobatcd the style and | contents of the petition, and moved that the petitionees iliould have leave to with draw their petition. Mr. lliltiiimt, of New-York, in- veightd in terms of tlrong indignation, ngainft the nature and teudancy of the attempt. He pronounced it unprece dented, while a prosecution was car am ju due, tor the accused to come forward, and attempt to wrcll their case from a legal irih unal ; declared his total dilbclicf of the charges criminating the executive, and spoke with the greaidl emphatis of the enormiiy of the effort ol men thus htuated to uidemiuate fulpieion with re gard to the m< lives of the executive go vernmeut, and laid it was ridiculous to imagine tha* any legiflitive enquiry could be made on the very lall day ot the fe*. lion. Nr. Quincy rose to explain. He said j he deemed it his duty to prelent the me* ; mortals, dilclaimed all intention to call a ’ cenfurr on the adminillration ; but he j thought, coniidering the fails alledged hy the memorialills, it was pioper to make an enquiry ; and added that from circumiianccs known by gentlemen on the door, the executive had been advised ot the fitting out of the Leander time e nough to have ■prevented her fading- Mr. Quincy was followed by MelTrs. S i.tile, and Rhea ofTenneifee, who dc* j lltvcrcd opininn* nearly the fame with ■ tii; ot Mr. Williams, ?>fr. ffatlfim then rose, ‘• . pronoun ced the memorial! a liffue of fcluhooda snd calumnies bofely intended to defame the government, and denied that the ex ecutive had pofteffed the iuformatiou da ted by Mr. Quincy. After a tew remarks from Meflrs. Mumfoid, Mailers, and Bidweil, Mr. Early offered the following refolutton. Refulvea, T’hat the charges contained in the memorials of S. G. Ogden and William Smith are, in the opinion of ‘ this house, unfupnorted by any ! which in the lead degree criminates the I executive government of tins country— ! that the said memorials appear to have j been preiented at a time and under cir- j cumftances insidiously calculated to excite 1 unjust suspicions in the minds of the good j people of this nation again!! the existing administration of the general government —and that it would be highly improper hi this house to take any Hep which might influence or prejudice a cause now depending in a legal tribunal of the U. S.—therefore, Resolved, that said memo rials be by the desk of this house retur- ned to those from whom they came. Mr. Clark required the previous question, which was taken by Y r eas and Nays, as follows : “ fhatl the main ques tion be now pu.”—Yeas 74— Nays 13. The question was then taken by yeas and nays on the fcvrral members of the resolution as divided by dailies— On agreeing to the Ift member, tlie Yeas were 75 —Nays 8. 2d Yeas 70 —Nays 13* 3d— Yeas 84 —No Nays. iall—— Yeat 71 —Nays 14. We ffiall not retrain from exprefling our fatisfaftion at the completely abor tive iflue of this miserable attempt, view ed either relatively to time or substance, to impair the confidence of the peop'e in the purity of the motives and the fair nefß et the conduit of the executive, and particularly of the president and secretary of llate. Tlie objedt was undoubtedly to sow suspicion, to fcattcr misrepresen tation, to call a cloud over the fair fame of men whose names and fcrvlees have be come identified with republican princi ples. But the poison has been met by its antidote, and the blow menaced at them has recoiled with double, with o veiwhclming force 01 the heads ol its authors. The attempt has extorted from the Reprefentativts of the people a vote of confidence, alrnoft unparraiied in the annals of legifiativc bodies—a vote of fcvaMy to thirteen. A LIST OF ACTS pa fid at the fir ft jejhn of the NINTH CON GRESS. 1. An ad! making an additional ap propriation for the naval service, during the year one thousand eight hundred and five. 2. Ad ad! fupplcmentary to the “ ad! making provifiou for the payment of claims of citizens of the U. S. on the government of France, the payment of which has been assumed by the U. S by virtue of the convention of the thir- I titth April, one thousand eight hundred j 1 three, between the U. S. and the French republic.” 3. An ad! to provide for light houfee in Long 1 (land lound, and to declare Roxbury, in the state of Maffachufctts, to lie a port of delivery. 4. An ad! making an additional ap propriation to supply the deficiency in tbe appropriation tor the naval service, curing the year one thousand eight hun dred and five. 3. An ad! making provision for de fraying any extraordinary expences at tending the intercourse between the U. S. and foreign nations. 6. An ad making a further appropri ation for the iuppurt of the library. 7. An ad for the relief of the gover nor, secretary, and judges of the late ter ritory of the U. S. north well of the river Ohio. 8. An ad to repeal, in part, the foyrth section of an ad, intituled “An adt to authorife a grant of lands to the French inhabitants of Galtiopoiis, and for other purposes therein mentioned.” 9 An ad authorifing the laic of a tract of laud in the town of Cincinnati, and state of Ohio. 10. An adt to suspend commercial in tercourse between the f/nited States, and certa.u parts of the illand of St- Domingo. it. An ad extending the powers of the surveyor general to the territory of Louiiiana, and for other purposes. 12. An ad for alt-ring the time for holding the circuit couit in the diflritt of North Carolina, and for abolilhing the July teim of the Kentucky ciiind court. 13 an adt declaring the consent of Congress to an ad of the state ot Penn fylvania, intituled “an act to rmpowtr the board of wardens for the port of Philadelphia to collet! a certain duty on tonnage, for the purposes therein men tioned.” 14- An ad to extend jurifdidion in certain cales to state judges and state courts. 15. An aft declaring the town of Jerley,inthe date of Mew-Jerfev, to be a port of delivery, and for erecting a light houie on Wood Island, or Fletch er’s neck., in the ilate of Madadiu fetts. t 6. An aft to regulate the laying out and makiug a road from Cumberland, in the date of Maryland to the date of Ohio. 17. An tS to incorporate the trus- i tees of the Presbyterian congregation lof George Town, and lor other pur- j pvfes*_ | i3. An ac! declaring the consent ot i Cuugrefa to an act of the ft t e c f Scath i Carolina, palled on the 2t ft s** of De- \ cember, la the ytar 1804, 0 far as the i fame relates to authorifinv the city j Council 0. Charleffon, to impose and col led! a duty on tonnage of vcffds from foreign ports. 19 An ad for the relief of Peter Landau co. an ?.d relating to bonds given by Marshals 21. An enrolled resolve exprtflive of [ the sense entertained by Congress, of the ! disi n terefted and benevolent attentions j H'anifefted by his Danlfh majesty’s con -1 ful residing at Tripoli, tIJ captain Bain j bridge, his officers and crew, during their captivity in Tripoli -22. An ad for establishing rules and j articles for the government of the -armies of the U. S. 23. An af! to provide for persons who were difablcd by known wounds re ceived in the revolutionary war. 24. An aft to regulate and fix the compenfslions of the officers ot the Sen ate and house of Representatives. 23. An ad dirt-ding the secretary of j the treasury, to cause the coast of N. C- I between Cape Hateras and Cape Fear, to j be ftirveyed. 26. An ad regulating the currency of foreign coins in the U. S. 27. An ad to authorife the secretary of War to lffue laud warrants, and for other purposes. 28. An ad for the relief of Gilbert C. Russel. 29. An ad to suspend the sale of cer tain lands in the state ol Ohio, and the Indiana Territory. 30. An ad authorifing a detachment for the militia of the U. States. 31. An ad making appropriations for the fuppivt of of government for the year one thousand eight hundred trid I fix. 32. An ad to prohibit the impota lion of certain goods, wares, and ner chandize. 33. An ad making appropriation! for the fupportof the military eilablifhnent of the U. S. for the year one thousand eight hundred and fix. 34. An ad fupplcmentary to the ad, entitu'ed “ an ad to extend jurifdidion in certain cases to the territorial cours.” 35. An ad supplementary to thead, for the payment of claims of citizens of the United States, on the governmen: of France. 36. An ad to authorife the state of Tenntffec to ifftie grants and perfed ti tles to certain lands therein defenbed, and to fettle the claims to the vicant and unappropriated lands withii the fame. 37. An ad to repeal so much of any iad or ads a authorife the rece : pt of evidences of the public debt in payment fer lands of the f/.iited Slates and for other purpofee relative to the public debt. 38. An aft for eftab'.ifhing trading houses wiih the Indian tribefi. 39 All aft making appropriations for carrying into tffeft certain Indian trea ties. 40. An sft making appropriations for the support of the navy of the United States, during the year one thouiand eight hundred and fix. 41. An aft for ercfting certain light houses in the (late of Massachusetts ; for building a beacon or piere at Bridge port, in the ilate of Connefticut, and for fixing buys in Panaptico found, in the tlate of N- Carolina. 42. Jin aft making further appropri ation towards compleating the fc.-uth wing of the capitol, at the city of Wafh ingten. 43. An aft further to alter and e ftablilh certain poll-roads, and for other purpofe*. 44. An aft to regelate and fix the compenfalion of clerks, and for other purposes. gy. An aft to provide for the adjust ment of titles of lands in the town of De troit ami territory of Michigan, and lor other purpoft*. 46. An aft making provision for the compensation of witaelse9 who attended the trial of the impeachment of judge Chafe. 47. An aft supplementary to the aft, entitled “ an aft for afeertaining and ad julli.ig the titles and claims to land within the territory of Oilcans and the diftrift of Louiuana.” 48. An aft for fortifying the ports and harbors of the United States, and for building gun boat*. 49. An aft to amend in the cases therein mentioned, the “ sft to regulate the collection of duties on imports 3cd tonnage. ” 50. An aft in addition to an aft, inti tuled “ an aft regulating the grants of ‘and and providing for the dilpofai of the lands of the United Sixtes, south of the Rate of Tennessee.” 51. xn aft regulating the claims to land in the Indiana territory, and Hate of Ohio. 52. xn aft in addition to an aft fapple mentary to an aft providing for a naval peace citablifhmrat. NEW.YORK, April 16. Onr corrtfpondent at the city cf Walhicgtoti, has forwarded to 11s, for publication in the Mercantile Advertiler, the SPEECH of the hnn. G. G. Mum xorp, in the house of repreferiativts ot the United States, on the 14th March, on the lubjeCt of Brititli fpoliatior.a. “ Mr. C'rtirmin —lt is with great ■ t'.iiiiJence 1 rife to fptak on th ; * qncs- I lot. Itn : merchant, u.iscv .".orrird to .peak in a public oufy. But, 11’, wien I fee the ceareft i..t--ett3 ot r. 17 | country tinjuftiy attacked by a forrq n j r,4iion, 1 tnuft brg the indulgence of this coinmitue while I express mv fentimente on the serious afpedi of our foreign re lations. Sir, juo not with to ex'enuatc thecondudof any nation. I hare no predc'idion for one foreign nation more then another. I iliall endeavor to speak the language of an independent Ameri can. Sir, I had indulged a hope that the ninth congress of the United States, had aflcmbled u> deliberate on the morr.eti tiious affairs of their country, as Ameri cana ; but, fir, it gives me pain, and 1 rrgret extremely to fee gentlemen so far forget the interests of their own country lin defending the pretended rights of o thers. That there should be a difference of opinion refpeding their own regular tions, was to be expeded : but when your lawful commerce ia attacked, by what the honorable gentleman from Vir ginia so emphatically terms “ the Levia. than of the ocean and attacked too i contrary to their own acknowledged } principles, as laid down in the concs t pondence between your late worthy j miniller, Mr. King, and the British min uter, lord Hawkdbury, I beg leave to call on the clerk to read that part of the B lion memorial which relates to that correspondence. £i ne clerk read the article.") This is 110 fidion, fir ; it is a mere matter of fad. After all this, I mull confefs 1 am affonifhed to find gentlemen in an American congress palliating the ixpreffment of our lcamen and the in cileriminats condemnation of our vcffela and cargoes. Are we prepared to pre ierit an humble aidreis to his raoft gra cious inajefly on the throne, praying he would Youchl afe to take us into his holy keeping, pardon our former tranfgres— lions, and accept of us as leige iubi.ds who have erred from the right way ? No, Sir; wc arc not coionifts, we arc an independent nation. Y our ads and laws iptak of thirty years independence ; I wife we could 1 or.qocr our prejudice* as easily as we did our enemies. Shall we never get rid of the idea of colonift* and dependants on Great Britain ? I fnall now commence ray obfervatiom on our unfortunate fellow citizens in Britife bondage j and, in answer to the honorable gentleman from Maryland, whom I very much refped, do frankly acknowledge that amongl! ail the peti tions presented to you, by the merchants of the United States, taere is not one word about our impressed featnen, Sa lem and another port excepted. But, fir, I beg leave to inform this committee-, and that honorable gentleman, that be fore we enter our vt ffJs at the cutlora house, we are called upon to witness the recording of this talc of human woe be fore a notary public, Rating all the fea< itnprcli’ed during the voyege. This is immediately tranunitted to the secreta ry of ilate, fur the correftnefs of which, 1 refer you to the document from inat department now on your table. Sir, is it decorous, 16 it candid, is it Liberal, is it refpeftful to, to impute luch unworthy motives to the merchant* as wc heard expressed on this floor ? they are men, hr ; and I believe candor wiif allow them their share of fenlibility, and that they fympathife for fuff.ring human ity as much a# a planter, a farmer, a law. yer, or any ether clnfs of the community. Sir, 1 feel as much as any man for the bufferings of this meritorious class of ci tizens, having been an eye witnefj to the barbarous treatment inflicted by tp e cers of the British government, o[l oni , of them. lie was iafhed to a f - a ffold on the gunwale of a boat, and w hipp-ti ihip to fliip, until he had reC eiv and five hundred Ufh:. ! ! What was the coufeqwnce ? He expired next mor ning—What was his crime ? H* had been imprelUd into their C ru e l bondage, and had endeavored to regain his liberty ( V C i,e a,l<cd ’ wnal 13 the remedy for this outrage ? There is but cne , f ir . de. ™ a “ d for the p3 (l, an d _ rc moke 7 our flag P ro *eft your citi z-n5 > at lead on the high fens, the com* n ‘° 1 road of all nations. Your merchants can insure their property a gainst this “ Leviathan of the ocean,” but there is no alternative for the poor faiior—he is inevitably doomed to cruel slivery. I now come to fpcak of foreign na tions. We are told that the American merchants cover Gpanifn property. This may be the case : I believe it. But it is to a very limited amount. The Span ifn merchants have little capital at present to dil'pofe of. Their government owes them coulidcrable sums of money, and the paper currency of that government is at such a difeount (I believe from 40 to 50 per cent.) that they are not able to extend their commerce, if they were ever so much disposed to do so. Refprfting the French merchants, a great proportion of them in France are bankrupts in consequence of heavy tp.x es, contributions, forced loans, and all the impositions of imperial ingenuity. That country depends not on commerce for ber revenue ; she collefts one hun dred and twenty millions of dollars per annum, of which twenty millions only are levied upon commerce, being et ten per sent, on the whole revenue. Their merchants have it cot in their power t< extend their bufinef* for w-ntof a capi tal, which is a fnft that will be acknow ledged by all commercial men. They are by no means the favorites of (lie em peror ; he grants them no indulgences, of which the late trac.faclions at the na tional bat k are a futneteut’