Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, May 30, 1806, Image 4

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MIbCFLLAMLGU % I untie T r Shop of Me n't. VER.- L IL If TRI.CHEE. •< WHV, T.iemtn,” fa and a f-ii cu ( ,r\er, t u e other day—“ why do you li it k. i-p m ;re #,arkling toys in tour (V .o >” LGitie li .xes, you m an, 1 fuj> p f , ca’iin ; 01 j ngiiug goods, as our j >o"n:yin.-o p Jjirilf.'s ur.n them.—— “ Why, poetry, to be sure, is pieaiant I-a ling i but ” liut to teli th, t-u’.h, ma’am, only a fmail pre portion o: our molt fakablc rnj mi drfrrve9 that t Tie “ May be so ; but you Ike fume f! on* of the tender aoi pathetic ?” R ,;>r f—n the heart, 1 prkumc —IV Cos: Frtt c h he. But you must excul )o n if he ta k hke a clown —he is rut f e Hiil inaot -nt wiih-.i. VVhen lie v. lies. ‘ til in a h i ry... tor he does i. O’ y when ih c il mei.ti .tied to him He hijov rb-atd us now, and be ;hi fornetiili r, which he wi! soon fi. a.iill. or leave in the mid le, ’tia futh a talk to him. H • hau thrown the paper (biwi already with.ut title or u *• W'tn alt i t imp rfrdiiotis, you rr.::y t ;icc it, if ) (JU picaiC, for better or vvorU. f 1 :jy GA*.3 O W H in ftin'l I t'lat fair or. (id, Whole lirarr no fickle f>n Inc*u I. lows 1 V. h i chH'ls s not liti” onct fix'd mind, N r 1 o-i'ii the h pe.nei i ini< btflows : \V 1 1. whom nfltltion far outweighs The p ide of weulili, llie jioray of pow’r. The dull formality cf pra .e A.I varying vvuh the varied hour. Wli 1 a'l eq i.v -cation Ones, A • I will .ut one jir. fellin’ make; V 1 -i. id I’ fancy never runs (, Ic.i.e-i winch a l attachment b.cak. In , who in even mood is f. mid, Aid k- e lli-ns dillrafled palfion— Nil etc ; que ’e fi b-u and, Th .t love u itarv’d, to be in folhion. Elio, who in adverse fr-tu e (till l' U like cmoti ms in hci lire 0, V. ce vi s hi r swain, c >me when he will, And • ve him lier lie 1,1 to icll: Wh i, whether joys or so: row - life, With all her te Jcrntfs difp ay j La 1 .and those arms. r. lum: th. 1. eyes, M ith wh.cii ilie rup’ h.m fi.ft away. Who if fu.gueand car • ditrel's Hit ipintt audcor.n l. h'u mind, \V ith u 1 abated ehr 1 fainefs Will give him giee 1 mgs, frank and kind. ’I <ll me but here tins girl 1 found, ( uch girls on cat:lt there sure abide,) A J mine to he- fu'elh.Vl be bound, Nor will I feci, a fate b.fide. WitJ her, alone, or miilll the throng, Contlanr I'll be, nor ever rove ; With her, and only her, prolong The lof;e!l bland.lhmcnta of love. To her, all forrosvs to impart, I’d flv, (t'orlh.- can solace give,) 1. Uv aI my thoughts within her lie art, Tl.ett iv.'. i i nr u ut it while 1 live. I < t/ti th. If jljn Slag 5 ine. 11 The pi:!p : t 1 Mu'! tied ck'.owle lOM,l O M, while :he wrld f'U I Hand, •’ The m ‘ Ivi it nt and . fl’ Pu and ■ u i>-d, * ~0,, a... wr.., of virtu-s r udV.” CO U felt. THE pu’pit is one o’ t .< fi f.i ~1 v lit v.ionr, whi- h i pi .1. n circu!;i iig i: Pt.iCc 1 i tarib, a>.d go T ivi'l to men ‘ *• l'hc vic'uteJ law t:;tre fp aks < :t is tliuniici“ 1 lielo itrjinsa’ !w et ?s an,:el’ use, t‘it pjipd wlnlprrs pc Cc,” ano proclur.ns he uor's o’ life cru n .1. Trere r<u:hs, n l.itivc to God and oerfeivcs, tie develo ps <1 and 1 nprclJcd tipo.l 1 ole who ac die i*atr o wtdon, and watch a: titc pods of i t =i doors. Thd l .bbi h rot onlv prompts the f.o.hfol to decorum and t lea 1- li.'icl', bor d.ituVs in or.ration in t. eir irumls, them to re cognize the beauty of holineis, a:. J to an a ner.Jmrnt o. their charuder. “It reclaims the vs 4rider, r, a.tJ binds the bro ken h:arc.” A.n aitrn >nre at the f nflua rv 1 > b orfi 1 1 n various views : It unites !oc t ty, pol Ih.s anr t'Pri.s t c uiJe an! nieuinvt tel. ,\c rvetv periodical alTctn b . I-; f rhe nleivts togcher t”’-• to Ize he tiurh< en the £.O p-l, aie appri'oil 01” their a j 1 Ittcv, ar.c earn tiiat there 1 1 o otner re i u leration ol thf l wit offences, tlin to hve a ki 1 r r.c .v o' 1 1 lienee—a li eof Hr- , u-: .-.n-l lubf. -n. ! he pci. t, too, has a pecti* ar advanrage t.f t very o>her nerhoJ, in conveying inftruc i..n. The txercifes of devotion ,e j erforme i by foUrmnuy ; i •v'-reas our commonreading and 1 ui'y mode of improvement, * fefukorv ; perhaps amidst a fa il J’ of children, or lurrounde <y friends who withdraw our ar trition by converfition, failies >f liiMiior or fotne domtftic evr>- rarions. But if we po with 1 ht ideas into the church, di verted of the concerns of the vorld, and our attention fi.ivt. J ‘ith gravity upon the iolemn u’les of tlevo ion, our thoughts and iff"st;ons b ton e dilated a 10ye the petty things of time, .md animated with things heav enly and divine. Periodical dilcourfes have a happy cilia in fitting the mind wo; i:. A pulpit orator iir; h-rtsbly engages (iie attention. I he voice cf cne man, the L nrc of a concourfc of peo ple, wiii make deep impression upon the heart, when, if a num ber were conveifing, it woula h ive little cfFctft. “ M s theme divine, “ H is office lacrej .. liis criJ ai: ixls clear ; “ Much imprelc’d * Himfel ,as conlcious us sa” f-1 ’ ‘ A ail anxious, manly,that th fi- 1 “ May lave Kelij-ion. Affeflionate m Lick *• Ail tender in adjrefi —is hej •• The nn ffeuger of grace to guilty men.” /\n.i in an afleuibly of thit kind, too, ht lixes his attention to the Ipeaker, from the idea tha odiers do, and endeavors to c mpiehcnd tlie whole of the fer ra a, from the kudab'e pride of dd faming to return home with ks, in Ur udlion than his neighbor the la :,c principle happily reigns m the minds o.’ children; they, run the fame ambitious views, treifuie up in their breads as ” fi'-h of the difcourle as their unexpanded capai tries will admit >f, aid are ambitious and de lighted in relating what they have heard. To apprise otirfdves of the ex celience of the chriftian sabbath, and ot vlte tjfefulnefs of the facrei talk, let tis look into focieiies; uta'k the direful effeits of intem perance, liberlinenef, and depta v.ty, attenuate upon the neglcCi •and this iolemn inltnution ; on th - oner ary, lock to thole places \vfnc the pulpit is lap, oried IV.tre teiigion prevails ...then ac recognize the f.*renity of orde urbanity of manners, entt priz tr.dultry and pafrioufin. RHEUMATISM. A fjiei ific cure 1 r he * tutihu has bten ci mtnunic r.ed t>v a gentle nan ‘on ‘he coalt o: Gotnea; Whi h is to rub th; . tie Jed par: wit” a mixture of ; a y eune an.; Jlrong Jpints 1 nc tubbing mutt be continued !•> re tine, and repeated nil the 111 re is effected. Probably the i A retican ted pepper might an | wer w.icre toe u.her is nut at tamable. consu viption. Coviplney to eradicate this iforder, 1 will nor pofuively lav he following remedy is capable of doing j but 1 will venture to affirm, that by u tem'c ate n:cdc of living , (.ivoidmg jpuituous li quors wholly ;) wearing jHr.nei iicxc to the ikin, and taking ev every morning half a pint of tn.\, nuked with ihe exprtfiVd jultae of Gwen that bound, the complaint will not only be re vived, but the individual lhali procure to himfclf a length of days beyond its mildtll orm could give room to hope or. 1 cm <i ylelf, fir, a l.ving vitneis of the beneficial tlTc&s >f lh;s agreeable, end thuugh nnocenc, yet powerful applica ■on. l our weeks life of the joarbouiut aid m ,k relieved (he at: sot my bread ; gave me to ‘reitr.e deep, long a,.d free* hvngthtnrd and harmonilcd mv o cr, an.l r-'ltored me to n bet er lhtc of heJth than 1 had enjoyed lor many years. GIiOBGIA. 1 By l. s ex cilen.v JOHN’ MIL- L.l U oh., G nvtrnor and com mande: m chief of the a r my and n.vy of uiis ttate, and of the Militia thereof. A T> elaMution . tl / HFKEaj, the Lfgifla \V ,u f c ut this tUte, at trie 1 .lit iclfio , pali’ad a rcioiuti n, rtquelling that -n ex..a leifion thereof titould be Called, as loon as convenient, after noti hcatiun, ot a fuuhcr acqu.fiuon of territiry from th; C.ettc Indi ans, fhouid be leccived. And Whereas, I have, this day, rtce.vrd official informati on, that the co..v\niion. conclu ded on the 14 h of Woven her lafi, between the United ‘•tales and the Lretk Nut.onuf lnd.ans for certain laucs on the Fork o; the Ocut e and O mulg e ri vers, has been duly ratified.— l live thought p oper, u d;r, j .'.no by v uue of ;ne powers in i .e v.-tlcC, b, the eighth fed ion, > ih. ie ond ar.icle of tne con ll.uu.on cj> Hate, to ifluc this my ptoclamation fur conve mny, the Ciereral Affnrbly, at he Sia c lloule, in Louisville, n tv orst'ay tiir ninth day of iune nt >;t —anfi I do, therefore, nen-by tojuin and require the nrunii'i of the fevtral 11 em >rrs, o the refpeilive branches thereof, at the place, and on ihe day, above rn iKiontd. Given under my hand. and die Great Seal of the fla e, at the hta e-Houle in Lou lsviLLe, this 12th clay of Iviay, i.i the ytar of our Lord, one ihoufand eight liLiidred and fix, and of tli Independence ot the United Stat.s of Aincika, the thir tieth. JOHN MIL.LSDGE. By the Governor, JIor: Makburv, Secretary of the Staie , [76J sheriff’s sales. ON the fir ft Tuesday in June next, util be fold at the Court- Houje tn ibis city, between the hours 01 l n a .and At ee o’clock. W.LL bh SOLO, ALL >hole buddings fituatr >ti North hdf part o: lot No. Decker’s ward, owned h> hecliateof Philip Mines, the >ro t nty of Maurice Leli ti, nov. t> Juleph Arnoi.l, i uree luis icing , ar: or a five a re Jot for ti il/ tiiC property of J Jin Cur rie. /i L.ttO, i he following n.-groes to wit h <. ie, about years of age, Sam >y occupacio 1 a pa/nte. ; Forn ey, his wife lffibella, Cato and s-aelar, and a firty acre lot known lytheWo g. Alf>, ihehoufe n n’s vVaru, at present oc upiecl bv tr.e dctendinr, Itized nnd r execution as the property o’ Jolepn Amo!!, furvivin;.’ Cos. ac ‘in- lmta of il njim.n Bufiey iurviving ciKiartner, and Benja tmn bulley junior. Continued trom fvlav faies. Condi’it ns Cr/h. T. ROBERTSON, *. c. c. April 1 6| Sheriil's Sales. At the Court-hciCt in the city of Savant.ah, cn .toe fir jl ‘1 UES DAY July next, between t‘.e hours of 10 and j o'clock, ‘"pHl’ following tiegroes viz : Z dock, Betty, aid her tvioch Idien, Philip and Edmond leized by virtue of a foreclofure of Mortgage, as the property of John Barnard, jun. to latisfy J. I’. Willamfon, T. ROBFRTSON, s. c. c. May 6. 72. ■Sheriff’s Aales, On t be Jir ft Tuesday in June next, will be fold at the Lourt i.cufe in this city, between the bouts cf 10 and 3 o'clock, 1 HE following negroes (to wit) ISSABELLA, RACHEL, LAWRENCE, JIM, BESS and POLLY, taken under ex ecution to latisfy James Alger, :ne property pointed out by the defendant. Continued from Mav Lies. T. ROBERTSON,' s c c. May 16 75 SALES. p C'J iiefitft T't'ttt iv in fuienext, IS IT, I, BE SOLD, at the Court-lraft in this], lily, between the hours cf 10 and 3 * A1 loci. A Negro man named Jack, -aken Under exrcution as tne property of Mo deeai M‘Lean, co latisfy Smith and Murry, pointed out bv the plaintiff. ALSO, A negro man named Bachus, caken under execution as the property of William Barnard, under sundry executions, poin ted cut by the defendant. T. ROBERTSON, s.c. c. Mav 2 71. kherifi’s Salts. IF ILL Bth sOtD at the court heufe in the city cf Savannah , cn the fuft Tuesday in June next, between the hours efi ten and three o’c’oik. ONE hundred and fifty acres LAND, in Camden coun ty, on tne south fide of Great Media river, bounded North Weft by Said river, N. E. cl Roles Creek and John White-! heat s land, S. VV. by Montfcrts! lands, and all other lid.s va-ant.j All mole two lots of land in the town of Riceboro’, Liberty Coun y, known by the numbers I 2 and 7 in the plan of fil’d town One undivided moity tv half part ot 1000 acres of LAND on Great batilla river, in the coun y of Camden, granted original ly to Jane Barnard. Alfa. Twenty-nine acres on skida way back river Taken under execution to fatisfy trie aflignees of Matthew ‘.hearer, fiurviving c partner of Alexander Watt, & Cos. Pointed out by the de fendant. T. ROBERTSON, s c c. M-iy 6. Sheriff Sales, WII.L BE SOLD oh ihe firjl Tuesday in June next, at the Ceurt-houfe, br Iwicti the hours of ten and three o'clod. A 11 act ot fiaiul containing our hundred and thirty • acres, oc he fame rro t or lets (old r ve•/) joining the south part of ihe Orphan house plantation, well timbered with pme, and a confide.-abie proportion adapted m tiie culture of cotton and pro - vifiofis, having the advantage of 1 goucl navigation to this city. Levied on as the property of Emanuel Kengiii, at the iuit o ! Edward Lewis, pointed out by the defendant, H. W. WILLIAMS, us c c. Ma * 71 SHERIFF’S SALES, ll ILL be sold on Tuesday the third any of June next, at the Loud-bouse in Savannah, be two tve hours of ten and t-Wj o'clock. ALL that part of a lot of land 0.1 the Cay containing fix y lecc in front and ninety feet in depth, being the eaiterii part or Lot No. tnree Jtkyl Tyihing Darby Ward in the city of Sa~ van nab, fold as the property of Gcur t c Er.oe, of Savannah tay tor, to f.itisfv a mortgage there on to Wm. Crawford, aulv foie- C luted. T. ROBERTSON, s. c c, aftil 29. - c . Sherilh Sales. AT the Court the City of Savannah, on the firit Tuesday in June next, will be fold, between the hours of Ten and ‘1 hree o’clock, one undi vided moity ofaTraft of land, containing by original fiurvev, One Thou/and acres,(mute, lying, and being on Savannah uver, in the county of Effingham, oppo site Purisburgh, bordered “bv lande formerly Pattons and Lew ises. The find trafl cordiftino of River iw fc mp, abound w ith tine Cyprufs. Seized and taken under execution, as the proper ty of Bartholomew Waldbergct dec‘d, to latisfy a Judgment obtained by Aaron and John Cunningham.—Pointed by the Executor of Waldberger. T. Robertson, sc. c. AprjJ 2J 70. i SHERIFF’ SCALES, WILL BE SOLD, ON Tuesday the third day cf Ju>e next, at the Court- bous ii Savannah, between the hours ./ Itn and two o'clock. A LL that part of a lot cf land on the bay contain ing 60 fee: in front ar.d nir.ty feet in depth, being the easter., Jiart cf Jot no. three Jekvl, Ty thir.g Darby Ward in the city cf .Savannah, fold as the property of George Enoe, of Savannah, Taylor, to fatisfy a mortgage therton to Wm. Crawford, du ly foreclofied. T. ROBERTSON, s. c. c. May 6. 72 ShenfTs Sales, j Postponed. WILL BE SOLD, On Tuesday the 3 d day of June iScS, ct tie Court-house in J fer son, between the hours of ten and two o’cloch, the f Mowing froferly, reengaged by It'll- Ham Norris to Robert & John Bolton jer the pay ment of .2 large sum of mon ey, the equity of real nipt;on having been duh foreclosed, viz . Lu ! No. forty-fix, (46) Do. do, thirty-fix, (36) Do. do. tliiriy-ltven, (37) Part of lot No. feventecn, (17) And thewhole of the front of lot No. fievnteen, (17) being a wdter lor, with ail the buildings ir.d improvements thereon. David G. Jones, S. C, C. March 17 58 POSTPONED. Sheriffs Safes. On tic fir fi Tuesday in June next, will be fold in the Town of Jefi fierfon, between the hours of ten and three o'clock, mi LL that lot and improve f\ ments situate in the Town of ot. MaryL, part of lot No. 4 and on which Capt. Beard £t present resides. Levied on as the properly of Eleazer Water man, to fa.isfy a judgment ob tained againfl him by Francis Mulfiault, junr. Conditions Cafli. D. G. JONEiS, s. c. e. St Marys, May 13 74. Sheriff’s iS'ales. On the fit fi Tuesday in July next, at the Court-heufi, in this City, between the hours of ten ar.d three o’clccl, will be soli . A half lot with a small dwel lit g house and kitchen thneon, m- Ward, levied on as the property of Donald M’Cafkdl, to fiat s y a judgment ifined ouc of ihe Mayor’s Court, at the fiuit of Wm, WiiKie. ALIQ, A Negro Boy, named Anto ny. levied on as the property of Dodtor Samuel M'Cormick, to lat.sfiy several executions. Conditions Casi. JOHN W ILLIAMo, s. c. s. May 19 76 I or Sale. ONE of rhe oioft valuable trafls of I-hki upon the Altamaha, roi/unirg aliout eleven hundred acres of Rice Swamp in ihe belt pitch of rde. This trvrt is tvi'oui five miles above xhe town of Daiien, was, prior tn the re volutionary war, tne j.iOper/y of the late goveinor Wright, and'has far * leulemet.t, attached immediately to the Swamp, cne cf the molt biauti tu! and molt cieva/ed fi/uatiins upoa tiie river. Pert ms wifining to ptrehafs this property wi.l apply to Edward Swar litedt or William Mein, Efqrs. Savannah, where a plat of rhe Laud may be fern. (kt.iber >5. /fi o. Geossia, p Bv Jnhn* G. _L. S. p Ntidlinger, clerk 1 -G. NiTdLisger. juf, the court of ordinary for the county cf Effingham, in the date of Georgia. V[ 7HEREAS David B. Mitch- V eii applies for le/ters -cf ad mit. litrmon on the effa/e and cfftdfs j of William L. Hall, late of Effing ham County, decealcd, as Attorney lor certain Credifois of /he said deceafid. Tbefe are theiefore to cite and admonish all ar.d finguiar /he kindled and Creditors of the said de' eaftd to file tnetr ebjediiof.s (*f c.n 7 they be) in nay ofTiice, on or before •'he ill day cr June r.rx/, cth:;wife e/-,ers •will be gtan/eo h'm. Juen under my hand and f;a! /Iris fourteenth day nf April, icc6, aid in /he thirtieth year of /.niertcan Independence, April 19 JO