Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, June 13, 1806, Image 1

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Vol. IV. No. 74 J CONDITIONS OF THE GEORGIA REPUBLICAN. The Republican is published every Tuesday and Friday, on a royal ilieet ot a good quality. The terras offubfcription are six noi.- I. per half to be paid at the , liare of fubicnbinjj, and the balance at the i expiration of the year...and all papers will kc continued until ordered to the reverie. TERMS OF ADVERTISING. Advertisements inserted at 50 cents per square the firil insertion, aid 25 for each continuation—A liberal allowance made to tliofe who wiih to advertise by the year. For sale at tUis Office. A ’variety of BL ANKS among which are, Foreign ami Coalling Mamfeila Merchants Entries J. ditto Bills of Exchange. Do. of Lading Do. of Sale; Lowers of Attorney Checks Apprentices Indentures Deeds ot Conveyance Bonds; Notes of Hands Writs for the Superior, Inferior Sc Mayor’s Courts Mayor’s Court Executions Sc Subpoenas N ttices to creditors of Infilvent debtors Millitary Su.nmonles and Execu'iOns, See. O’ Cards, Handbills , Ac. A. • Printed at a Jhurt notice on reafonab.t terms. For I,! V,y KPOOL, , -Ji'i'ES The regular trading ship V;3-T DI.iPA I'CH, JAn Holland, majlsr, Will commence loading as icon a; ker prefer.! cargo is ou., and will havt immediate difpa’ eh two thirds of her freight being already engaged ; for the remainder or passage, apply oa board at Telfair's wharf, or to Bt ni-unin Maurice, Who has landing from f. id drip. 7000 bushels Liverpool ground Sait 100 crates well afDrted Crockery Ware 100 kegs White lead 15 tens Coals May 20 76 Wanted oa Charter or Freight, A V eflel of about 2co J'-yflx Ntous, fr.r a German port.— Apply to A. G. Oemler, L? Cos. March 14 56 OZNABUUGS. £ THE Subscribers hrve received or consignment, a f •••rr bT-s FLAXEN and TOW OZNABTRGS, wliich they will fell iow for Cash or approved notes. Tay'or & Scarbrough. May 27 6t 79 ’ To LEI, - TWO STORES, ___ _ ADJOINING the one occupied by Vti* Samuel XI. Stackhotife, near the Ex change 5 they are m a molt excellent Hand forhulinefs. Pc fieflion can be given imme diately. Apply to Jeremiah Cuyler, or Frederick .Shaffer. May 24 77 EDUCATION. Cl RATEFUL for the distinguished pat- X ronage he has experienced his efiabhflirnent in Savannah, Mr. Green with deference informs his friends and th; pub lie, that the J,adies Literary fchool, and the Grammar and Mathematical schools, are ftdt contrasted by him on the fame extenlive plan, as at their commencement. The cottrfe of the fehools, incUides Read ing-, Grammar, Elocution, and Rhetoric, Writing in ah the ufefu! ommenta! hands, Arithmetic, Brvk keeping, according to le veral systems, Geography and the us , d'•aw ing f t’- rng of Maps, in difterent pr< j-ctions, the elements t-f Astronomy, and theiufe of the Globes and Tellurian Hiliory and Chronolo l-i the Mathematical department, the pu pils will be carefti ly mftruflcd in Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry,Conic Sections ami Fluxions, with their application to the buft ncfs of life and the inveltig..tlon r,f i'cience Sixteen years in his profeilion, ard a l'acred and unremitting attention to the morals and real improvement of Ins pu pils will, he hopes, continue to h-m from a iiber il and enlightened p'lblic, a fli .re of that favor which *ie has hitherto experienced. Pupils admitted without entrance, till the Ift of the enluing January. * e * A Dancing Master of eminence will attend the fchoo.s. November 5 20 SHERIFF’S SALES. #,V the jirji Tuti'lay i.i July next , IVII. L BE SOLD, at the Court.houfe in this ei'.y, leleveen the hours of JO and 3 est lock. A negro man named Bachus, taken under execution as the p'cceirv of William Barnard; under sundry executions, poin led cut by the defendant. T. ROBERTSON, s.c. c. May jo 8 1 • Georgia Republican. SAVANNAH; PRINTED BY EVERITT id M‘LEAN, ON THE BAY”. Bavley & Harman, Mo. 6, IN THE EXCHANGE, HAL received by the late arrivals age. neial and exenliye alfortment of AH TICLES, in their line, .lie whole of which < are warranted of the bell quality, and will be 1 lold at ttiuced prices fur ready money or ’ produce only.—Planters and others will be 1 applied ly lending their orders on the terms above me ttioue . ; Georgia Hams & Bacon (home cured) and warranted to keep through the yea: Large pickled and fmoaked Tongues, & beef from the New-Yovk market New-Ytrk corn’d Beet in half barrels & by the single piece Boloua Sauf/.ges, Bolton Salmon on rttsil Doubk Ciotter, Chefh’re, North Wilt ih re a..d American Checle I.ondou bottled Brown Stout, Edcnburg an , and British Cider Fine sparkling Cha.upaigne and Claret Wines 100 Fine apple Cheefc London Bottled Port, in quart & pint Bottles Tea cates old Claret Wine of one dozen! each Old Madeira Wine in Bottles Do. in quarter calks and on retail Erontignac and Maiiniey Wines iivery defeription of Cordials in bottles and in lock cases, ail uted in each E tiffin'll and American Rafpbcrry dherry Brandy Dried fruits, Preserves in cases assorted t inge & L.mon Shrub Rose, Lavender, Orange flower, and Hout-y wa’eia Olives, Capers, Anchoives,_ Pm ides of ail kinds viuthrooi, ketchup Cher* que, Quins, & Irnpeiial Fifli sauce Soy, * lfeuee ot anchoives Pepper Sauce, flue Sailad Oil Table Salt, Wine Bitters London and Durham Milliard, Ready made London Mullard, Split Peas, Pearled barky Chocolate of fuptrior quality Crackers and butter buifeuit in keg3, Moc a Coffee, fine Hyfon and young Hyfon Teas And jujl Landed from New Tori, Small Cattys of Hyfon Tea, very flip, rior qualities By a Spring arrival, Godfroid’s superior Scgars in whole and I half boxes Battle powder in canisters R.fle Jo. in kegs and Cannon do. in do. SlTot of all sizes ON CONSIGNMENT, 50 Calks Brown Stou. April 29 70 >.-iivi Ut:L VV i LLI A iVi 5, H S removed’o the (lore lately oc enpied by M.ff s. H. Kneeland Sc Cos. ind lorir.erly by hiinfeif, on Morel's <vuarf, where he will coutinue the GROCERY BUSINESS, kpr ll 15 69 THE FIRM OF HUmEli & MINIS , IS this day dissolved by mutual con sent. All persons having demands will please render them to the fubferibers for adjuitment ; and all indebted, are so iicited to prepare for immediate pay ment. They will attend at their Comp, ting house as usual, for the adjuflincur of their accounts. JAMES HUNTER, ISAAC MINIS- March 13 59 30 Dollars Reward. R ANA WAY from the fubferiber on thr 15th February last, a young negro v.r man named NEI.J.Y, 11 ie is about y *eet tv or three inches high, thick made, has remm kable thick lips, and black teeth, which arc vert far apart, and lispsmuch when.(peaking. She is well known about cor a, where (lit may be enticedto work ; and is supposed t be harbored at times about the Orphan Houle ml Mr. Wilkin lon’s plantation near Savan nah. The above rewaid will be given to a ny perlon who will deliver her to the jailer in Sa anr.ah, or inform the fubfenber where the may be taken. Wm. Stephens. March 25 59 BONA VENTURE. THIS elejrant retreat shout four miles from Savannah, on Wa flaw-river, is offered on a ltafe for fix or fevtn years, for the benefit of the heir, 3 mi nor, on terms that will suit those incli ned to pc ffLfs so valuable a piece of ground, as well calculated for health as for plcafure and proft. Apply to Wm. STEP BENS, ? _ A, TURNBULL, £ Ouardians. August 9 6 ASSIZE for June, IKO6. THE price of FLOUR being nine dollars per barrel, Bread must weigh, VIZ. >2 r-t cents I.oaf I 61-4 cents Loaf alb. 5 oz. I rib. 2 j-2 07.. Os which all Rakers ar.d Sellers of Bread are to take due and particular notice. y CUrlaEii) Lily Treasurer. F R 1 D A Y, June 13, 1806. RICE LANDS For sale. ALL that valuable trail of LAND ,fimated and be ing on the south fide of the Ala .amafia river, known by the name of the ‘Broadface trait, Ltc the property of General Lachlan M*lntolh, containing *755 acres, of which 1100 acres are prime Tide Swamp of tbe firlt quality and verv belt: pitch of tide ; the balance high (well timbered) PINE LAND, and well calculated for a fettlemeru or lettlements. Tilts trait is di vided into three parts, through, the uppermolt third runs a iargt navigable creek, 1 leading to a Lnding, on which mar be ereft ed (as the stream is considerable) a Rice Mill, Saw Mill or Grist Vliil. This property is situated immediately oppofire Msj. But lers, Demere’s Ifiana ; and from os local advantages is the moll dcfirable rice eltate in Georgia, Anv person who willies tc uurchafe may apply to Mr. A LEXANDER MF.IN, Charles on; Mr. CHARLES HAR RIS, attorney at bw, Savannah ; •r Miffs. MEIN, MACK AY •7* Cos. merchants there. In ail t w >ole hands a plat may be -eu, and thole who may be de mos to view the premilrs, b\ ‘• p i y i rg to Mr iVl ‘KINNON, l. turnons lil.ind, he wdi fhew tern t.,e lines, and give evtry her ncc'-fiaiy infon.ation hv raving refurveyeci the tr ft. Februaiy 7 46 SHERIFF’S SALE. J ,f~\N the Tetf ay in July \JP next, at the C urt house . ,e town of Brunfw ck, Glynn oonty, between t e hours of en and three o’clock, WIl L BE SUED. ALL that tract ot land on Cow-penn Crtek, v,litre Moles Burnett n-.\v rcfiJcs, containing seven hundred acres, more oi less ALSO, Fourteen NEGKOE.s,cor.filt ing of men, women and children lei zed and taken under execu tions as the property of Mules Burnett, efq. Condit ions of Sale Cask, Wm, Payne, s. c. c. May 16 77 MARSHAL’S SAI ES, On the fir/L Tuesday it. July next, wilt be sold at the (.cur.-house , in the city of Savannah. ALL the nth , title claim nd interefl. of Juts Oliver, i fcj. to thole wo fettlenv nts or Mirations on Hum ul n’s Is* id, oppofi e to Savannah, ontainirg 4c6 i 2 acres, thr h ;le untlei good oanis, and it A the fir It quality tide iwarrp A L S G, 23 NI GKUES, levied on as the property o i Janes Oliver. Elq to la i-.fy a judment o'o -a.ned by Wm. Boyd. BEN. WALL, m. and. c. May 30 79 SHERIFF’S BALEo'. At the Court house in the cily of Savannah, on the firft TUES DAY tn July next, between the hours often and three o’ ilocr. THE following negroes VIZ. Zedock, Betty, and hei two children, Philip and Eld nond, leized by virtue of a fore- Jofure of mortgage, as the pro perty of John Birnard, jun. to ;atisfy J. P. Wllliamfon. T ROBERT SON, s.c.c. May 6 72 WAN FED, A Negro Gl! to attend a fmal! child a. this o/Hce. MARSHAL’S SALES. WILL kc fold on Tuesday the if day of July ne::t, at the Court hsuse in the city of Savannah, bet ween the hours of 10 and 2 o'clock. ALL those 5 NEGROES, VIZ. Minty,Georqe, Pa trick and Johc, Oliver, (Patrick and John), being children o N mcy. Sold as the property of S rsith, Sons and Anderlbn, at the suit of Thomas and James Swords, BEN WAI ,L, mug May jo Ho lineriff’s Sales On the firfl Tuesday in July next, •;will be fold at the Court hou e in this city , between th: hours of ten and three o'clock. ALL that five acre lot known by the No. 26, at die eait end of this city to iatisfy Everitt &| M’Lean, and pointed out by the defendant. T. ROBERTSON, s. 0. c. May 27 79 Kip lit Dollars Reward. WILL be given for apprehending and lodging in any jail in the hate so the fubferiber can get him again, or deliver him to tne, in Burke county, a negro man, named BFN, In is 22 or 23 years of age, about five feel eight inches high, a small fear of a horn on one of his cheeks, yellow complexion well made, born in the Itate of Maryland, from thence he was brought to North Carolina, there owned by nwjor Jofept* Gramam, brought to this date about 3 years since, he is in the habit of faying that he is free. Needham Cock. d\larrf 25. 59 NOTICE. ALL persons indebted by bonds, notes or open accounts, to the cflate of JOHN HERB, dec. are tufjr med that unless they come forward and fettle their refpetiive amounts by the 20th of June next, they will without diferimination be placed in the hands of an attorney for collection—those to whom the Lid < state is indebted will p'cafe present t heir accounts for pay meat. FREDERICK HF.RB, Adm’r. April 15 65 THE SUBSCRIBER, HAS removed to the Wharf and Store belonging to Mrs. Hunter, formerly occupied by Mtllrs. Hunter & Minis, where he continues totrani'aft the FACTORAGE and COMMISSION BUSINESS. Joseph Habersham. March 28 CITY SHERIFF’S SALE. On the firfl Tueflay in July next, I WILL BE SOLD, at the Cr.urt-louJ'c in Savannah, between the hours if /< ti and three o’clock. A NIiCKO WKNCH named Cnmfort, lx. levied on t.: the |,vo|,i-t> of \V. ,i I Freeman, to fatisi'y Frederick Shader b Co s Williams, see May 12 77 TO RENT, 7 '’HE Brick l ire Proof STORE, lately occupied by the fubi'eriber as, a Cour ting houle. Jos. Habersham. March 28 SHERIFF’S SALES. AT the Court-houle in the citv of Savannah, on the firfl To el day in July next, vviil he fold between the hours of ten and three o’clock. ONE undivided rroiety of a tract of LAND, contain ing by original survey, cm thou /and acres, filtrate, lying and lie ing on Savannah river/ in the county of Effingham, oppofiti Purifburgh, bordered by lands formerly Pattons and Lev,; es The said tract confiding of Hi ver fwarrp, abound with fin. Cyprus. Seized and taken un- der execution as tlie property ot Bartholomew Waldberger, deed’ to iatisfy a judgment obtained by | Aaron anti John Cunning!, am—- Pointed out by the executor o’ Waldberger. T. Robertson, s. c. s. May 30 Hi. [Whole Number 355. POSTPONEMENT. If E the Commissioners, rs foisted by tie Legist a'ure to dispose of the ER ACTIO NHL a Uh /Lj *S of Wilkinson , Baldwin ana ;V a\ tie c tin ties, have far fever al reafens poll potted the ‘fats until tbs 1 6lb ‘june. next at which time we will commence, WILKINSON. THOSE of the fi ft diftrift on the 1 6th day of J.- m-xt and continue bom day to <j;>y between the hours of ten ami three, (Sundays excepted) until the 23d inclufivc. Tliofe of the 2J and iff rift on the 24th day of June, until the iy ri inclulive. Thcfe of the 3d diftrift on she xSth day of June, until the j i*ay of July inclusive. Thole of the 4th di'l.ift on ! the 3 1 uay of July until the 7 h ! inclusive. 1 hole of the diflrift: on ihe BJi day of July until the utli inciiifive. Baldwin, 1 bole of the Ift diflriffc or u£ 2;h dry ci July until the tbth i/iclulive. ‘i us the 2d dirt rift on the ‘/ h day of July uutii the 2 }di u.clufive. 1 bole of the 3d diftrift 0:1 die ,andS l b day of July until the 29-.11 icnlufive. i hole of the 4 ? h difiriT on die 30th day i f j ,{y until the 4 b day of Augull i.jcltilive. WaYNE. I hose of the id uillridt on die ijdi day of Au. uti until the 2111 inclusive. 1 hole of the 3d diftridl on the 27<-b day of Augult until the 30th inciufive. VERMS OF SALE. O, the pui chal rs, bonds for the amount o, the purchase mo. ney will be required ; at four tqual inflalments to be paid in gold or silver ; t e fjdt ~„y_ ■nents twelve months alter date In addition to which a mormaoe will be reqtnred. Moshs Speer. > Reddick hi m ms, j- C ‘minis doners. Patrick Jack, j Wufhington, Feb. 17, y Sheriffs Sal cs t WILL BP. HOLD on thefrjl Tuesday in Jtdy next, at the Cuutl-houfc, b,r lat een tie Lour: of mi am/ three o’clock. j\ tract oi lun.i lonian nig four hundred and rhuty acres, be the fame mo e or lti3 (old 1 -rveyj joining the fouili pan of the Orphan lioufe plantation, well timbered with pine, and a confiherable proportion adapted o the culture of cotton and | m vilions, having the advantage of a good navigation to this city. Levied on as the prop-rry of Emanuel Rengill, at the suit of Edward Lewis, pointed out by the defendant. H. W, WILL! A M3, us c c. May 30 hi SHERI EE’s SALES. * WILL be. sold on Tuesday tie firfl day of ‘July next , at ike Comt bouse in Savannah, be tween the hours of ten and two o'clock. A Negro Woman, named I\. Thurlday, leiztd under execution as the property of Catharine Gordon, at the suit of Andrew M‘Cred t & Co- point ed out fry toe plaintilPs attorney. Also, The Ifiand of QlTaba, Eized under execution at the suit of Mary Lord, against the execu tors of John Morel, ferrr. de ctaled, pointed out by the plain (ifFs attorney. f. Robertson, s C c i Ma y jo. in