Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, June 13, 1806, Image 3

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D- PIAIRT>, Major General, Conmnder ii Chief. Home Pofham, Commodore, comm. Hiding his M j.jly's Nava! Fiji ces. From the Doyhjloion Correspondent. b'rUni Miner —A certain an cknc fariily of Phi!ad Jphia, have been in the practice of giv ing out a medicine for prevent ing the hydrophobia or and gmui rujs, perhaps for more than haif a cen ury past : I have examined the medicine when frefn, and attended to its -ppli caiion ; and it is certainly eli campane root and nothing eife, except, when a little dry, a finall quantity of gum-arabic wtls mixed with it, for which cherry-tree gum nuy h: used as a fubd.tute. Ihe di red urns a-, to simmer fljvvly about a lar 6 e tabic i'poonful of the me dicine lent, in a pnc of milk, ! untii rerh me half is vv cited ; ! then hra*n an I drink it i*j [he i n'orninp,, fatUm , and not to eat j L.-r tour or five hours a'ter; i Th : s dole is to be repeated a giteably to the order of n--. ■ uums for three luccelTive morn ings, and omitting three, u uii nne and *ys are taken—the patient to avoid get ing wet cr bint much e- ;{ . ofed to the heat of the ftm, tit ab(fain from high fcafuri ei diet and hard exercise, and it col live, to take a dose of salts —-the above quanti y is for a grown perlon, and ibould be varied occasionally. i have known the elacam pane root employed in leveral c.iics of human iubjefts, and al io given ro aimed every kind oi tame animal that had been bitten, Without a lirmic inilanct /• ,- , w_> or >4,lure oi luccefs. Amono 1 “ nu nerous instances of its use I Oidi mention but one ; anum b-r of f'vine being confLed in a per, to fatten, on; of them was bn cert by a dog, certainly mad, it began woh d,n fym oros, anti births rest. The owner being civ uious of giving the eiecam pAiuj a fuli rria , on drenching him, received a wound in his hand.- The infe&ed hog was re moved to another pen, where he cir.d mad; wiii it the reit of iht i- * ‘• 1 n/ine and ilie Lold exyen. to vvi*ofn c i Iwon net vv <xs given, remained well. . j 1 ’ any curious enquirer fliould v,i,n to know the manner o c o jcration of the means pfopofed, ** sln o without any lenfible es ■- ard yet producing a lVcu i ‘gainft the hydrophobia— 1 cu •bd*y c-mtefs complete igno laiwe on thv mysterious fubjedt ; liCitritr do I k. .ow in what man tier the dread o water an ! other violent fymp oms of die d.(order are produced in the fvft m, from tti-e bite of an iofeded ob- J- oi ; nor yet the real on why, having one had the fmail-pox, or ocing vaccinate 1, is a f u!l se curity ag.i; ft a fume infedli in, A.s not any of the procefles pro pc fed in ivg car pra&ice, can he tuljy n co.nm •■ ded tr m ex P riment, as affo;d:ng ftcurity againtt this dreadful rra!a J y, I, therefore, hop; it will not be dee med improper, (havioj been l r tquern..j rt qut fled) that 1 have tak. n tms method lo promo e the the of a ii.nple means win .fi iii.s been Hiuhonfed by extensive experience, and, by .hofewho have uled it, (uppoled to be in fallible. John Watson. Kf>wraMi T ti’ t. m Picked Up T N’ Coofawhatchie. about tl e middle oflaft Amonch, a pr< m.liary note, made by Jolhu i freeman and Win. Harper, in favor of Sol ‘■mon Grcce, for fixiyfi/e dollars; which the ner may have by applying at this office anti pa irg f;r this advertisemen t. May >6. 75. TO REN T. STORES Nos- 7 end 10, in the F-te change. For terms apply at tny office THOMAS PITT, Su'ry. Not ember 2 9 ts g SUGARS A fVw hegfheads prime SUGARS Tor file, wt 60 da’ s f°r approved paper, LEVY ABRAHAMS. J ur - e 3 80 RE PUBLICAN S4V 1, June 13, ISO 6. . The SPEECH of Mr. EPPES. whicfl will bo found in this day’s paper, I contains sentiments worthy the attentiori of every non v.-!io is net so calous a3 to j rcfule hooeil merit its jail due. Such] has been the c’.alhing about the TWO MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, appro priated for the purpose of purehaling hom Spain her poffcllions ealt of tlie Mississippi, merely for the ungenerous and aiabohcai intention of deluding the Ame rican people, and cafling a flar upon the Lxecutiv; of ihe United Stales, that rna ry have been led to believe that the mo ney was actually intended as a tribute to Bonaparte, Miltuken men ! If you cre dit every federal misrepresentation, soon will you have a very contemp'.ous opin ion of the American government and it 3 rulers ; but, you, like thoufauds who have gc u: before you, will e’er long dis cover the dclufion, and abandon that par ty vvhefe ;;m was to lead you astray. Do they advance any proof to substantiate their aflbrtions ( If they did, they would carry the appearance of platifibiiiiy—we challenge them to do it—they dwel t mueh upon the ftcrel fittings ot Con gi els ; they are now devulged ; and what is the secret l Read Mr. IL’s. fpecch ; he gives us abundant informa tion on this Head which may be relied on—-he, like a faithful representative, well knowing his duty to his condituents, is the fame in secret as lie is ia public, fearing not the censure of his opponents. Visitor —lt appears by the small num tier of fobferibers obtained to this work that its appearance mull be dispensed with for the present ; we fusil, however. I hue the ft-cond number to-morrow : after which, if we have no more names added to cut fuhfcription lift, we fliall relinquilh the undertaking. Mrs- Elizabeth Carter. This venerable ornament of literature, and moll refpedtable member of society, 1 lofed her amiafile and meritorious life on WVmefJay lull, at her lodgings in Clar ges-ftreet, Piceadiily ; (he was in the 89th year of h er age. JMr understand- 1 mg and fchoiallic at.a nmeats, if site list! been ol the other sex, would have quali. fird her for a diltiuguiftied station in the world ; and her purity of morals and re ligious principles would have disposed her to execute its duties with unimpeac’n td integrity, £>.it liaa a (Irong turn to wards poetry, but in a!! tier ccmpofition she endeavoured to make poetry fubfer. vient to the i derefte of virtue. Fler firft po.tical tffafion that appeared n print, was we believe, the beantilul Odi to Wtflom, which was originally intro.!ti cedtothe public in the celebrated novt of Ctunffa. She afterwards prefeuted a volume of poems to the world, all of which are characterized by sentiment, tenderness, delicacy, moral energy, pin lofophic elevation, and fervid piety. This lady wrote two papers in The Rambler ; one On Religion and fupo Ei li m, and the other entitled The Vuy ,ge of lie, which appeared so uniform with the style and fcritimen'. sos the work it. general, that they might be taken for the productions of the reverend autiio of that admirable work. The work, however, for which fiic is rr.r.fl diftinguif.ied, i- a Irani]nion ot E s clAus, winch has joltly placed her upon a rank with the firit (choiars of the a -e. Her introdtiftlon and notes to this wo k display pure taftc, deep erudition, aula phiiofophic power of refl-iflion, conge n;a! wit ii that of the original audior, whom Ihe has, with so much elegance anti preciiioii, introduced into Brittffi li terature. But Mrs. Carter pofT flVd all the fi.ft er virtues, as well as the talents and a tamments that adorn the human charae ter ; she was as ardent to promote the iritrrefts of humanity, as to cultivate those of learning, and a riefire to spread tf.e ot a phiLfophy which, in addition to the dictates of reli—.on, might reconcile man to the evil irifepe rable from tiis condition, was her princi pal inducement fur giving a translation of EpiSctus. Mrs. Carter was rfteemed by a very large circle of friends, and those friends were of the molt amiable and valuable . defeription ; among the chief of whom is the veneiable Bilhep of London, at whose house she was always one of the meft honoured guests, and whose virtues file held ia the highest refpedt. (London paper.) Alex n Jtiu, May 16. Arrived on Sunday evening, the brig .-fftive, capt. Pi.a k, from Barhado-s ExlraS from a Journal on board the hri Attivr, in Car ‘./!; JJ .y , ar.d on her pas s ige homcnveit and idc. one, 1 itrllig ‘re t was br u.’ 1 of f>n j Ipan.fli frigates hiving par ii, there so vjter, Heine on their way down to th< | ’ iraccas coalt, to oppole, it was f<i;d, the operati‘ ns of gen. Miranda, pri! iq—Two liea ‘V do sos war *'eie dii;iatch.'d from Califle B.v, tore inforce the Britifti cru z :• on that cos ft April 20 An ntral arrived with tin intelligence ok having bten (poke by four large French fwgstes, to the call j u.-ard of the iflmd, and so near to it, that I before he 101 lli ‘ht of them, he made the iyh lands ot B trbadoes quite pi on. Ad miral roehcrane immediately difpatchcd three trigates and a heavy ft sop ot war in feareh of them. yfpril 24 — j> neutral from Alexandria arrived in the Bay, who informs, that lie was boarded by the said f.iur French frigates, in the latitude of L'deada, and that they pretended to him to hr Englillt men, they were ileering well, under e.i fy fail. That in a few.houu after !m s ing fight of them, lie fell in with the Canada 74. and two frigate., who imme diately croudcd all fail after them. yfpril 27. A packet boat arrived I from Dominica with lome private oil patches to the governor ; various con- I jeftures were put on them ; but it war I chit fly believed they contained inforrna- | tion of an expedition fitting cut at Gu • daloupe, and that 7000 t oops were .11 readiness ior embarkation; that ordc-s had been ilfued lor baking an uuufua! quantity of bi tad ; and no doubt n mained but that men of war were ex peel rl, of which the above mentiored four frigates tvere ‘.he fore runners. ‘J I e Woolverine Hoop of war was difpattl;. J immediately express to England. ‘F!.'- fame boat brings the news of the French frigates having made their escape one into point Fctre, and three into the Saints, where they were closely blocka ded ; and as the Saints produce no fveth water, they would soon be under the iu cefiity of giving themfdves up for the want of that necelTary article. Tiie Saints are llrongly fortdied, a* 1 secure from attack, but is entirely depeuUaut on rain or Guadaloupe lor wafer. By the lad pa-ke* Trim England, news • was rece’v d,' w ;..t r vder. hadbeen given to rcieaic a! ! imp-eflld Awericrn seamen. A dmira'i Coibrcnt’s orders v.ere to im .'refs no American f> aman t lir.l had pro per protections, During our Hay in Car •ifi-j B ly, Lveral very hot imprrfsmaits took place, but the Americans were not meddled with ctir nvolefled. Fde; ton jit c. May 21. Capt Britt, of t.e f.h-ouner Nancy Whitmell, who a rivtd 1 re on Saturday aft, from F arigala te. an from Crack cd Island, where he ton .1 for fait in - torms, that on the ?r ; u l l >n hit. 22. 50 N. long. 73 40 VV at 4 P M. w: s boarded by alinsli Fr ;. h piciroon pri vateer, mouiuinr on gun, ::r.-J about isq men, who, after fi iug f.v ral shot ■ hrougli his fails, ordered Fm on hoard the privateer with Ins papers, in the mean time the privateer’s men were phni den ig the N • y W 1 itmell, of almoll every tiling tney coidu !iy ilicir Jiar.d, on. Thty broak open a hogshead ol, and to->k as much as they could carry off, a quantity of c ff.e, all the faiior s clot.ies, pillage 1 Vie captain’s desk of a knife and 4 dollars, and even robbed him of the few 1 cceffaries which lie had kid up for his family’s use, lie sides beating him with the trumpet while on aoatc the privateer, nd calling birr, and his countrymen a set of robbers and and and rascals. II IRR/rH), near tins ci'y on thr Bth i:;fl by the R-.-v. Mr Holcombe, -dr. Jamls Rise, to Mrs. Sophia Meservev. in this city, on the 10‘h by the R v Mr. B ft, Mr Jim. s Fa bian, to M. j. Mar i h-p Freem.'/n, u.ith of t.iis city. T/.KIN ,DdlH\ f. 1 k'-.j ‘r D plantation, ? f~ jj_ ‘ *'VLBO li’ much cut of ■ Ihe owner may have her bv proving property, and v<g { this advertifemen'’- lu-ie 12 K 4 tt. : c )! I w . A CLER K ->f the City Cm- ci! vu'E IJU be appointed 0., Monday tlie [ 19 h instant, in room i I j .m. ? f,f, V-. i!!fon, reli -n and —Candidate* for tiia* appointment, v.i ! find th-r.- names to try offix, in the mean li.r.c. jo!in Y. Noel, Twie 13 Mayor. OLD RAGS, ’ ,l ’ ‘-f-i'D rereived a ,r s - VV I*ooll ;i nji.’., i.i ilie, c.ty, there beinft ci'l f'jr th^m. Moses S'ldtril!, o. p. Mav NO i ICE. “ . A 1.1. p-rfo is have n 7 demand . a -air I O tlie i:lk of M.s ,V„ jare: Moil, ri - eeafea, r-:- requeued to fha them in nro- I pei v arte Fed. and those win are iriGcJjitd to maiif; payment to Henry Ilo'Jrq iin, Bcncdidt Botirq^jin, Exerutort. Jfj 80 FDR CHARLESTON” JL’T’dc'’’ The Schooner U : . :fi Mp EXl>i: li f M F.NT, *-? ’L-T * Alls n M‘Lean, it.abler. For freight or pnjfugt apply to the n.ajler on board, or to ik.con Cc Malone. Jur.: G. 81 AUC I'IGIv I TO MORROH', the 13 A ! ‘!. rt 1 ! Pckok m the foreno. n, u ill te f!d ai iPayne's wharf, th rem , ining Slwi /’ i iiuiiiiid Kclvrt CONS IST /EG OF 2000!b. (-Iu IJ-.AI) joco b. Sheet copper nails, &c. 4 Niw Iron Lolikl butts o ikiks Canvas \ suit of Sails for a l>. \ nine inch Cable I'vvo small Anchors A quantity of old ri.'gi.i ,! Ihrou !s, &c. A lirue fllorrmen? of Blocks A quantity of Crar.e and h -o 1 Irons A quaority of Marline, housi.n?,! ik., A. few l ogrheads Sunir 2 or 15 M. 6'nip p(. k iVlahop u/v and K ’npin./ vnnbi 1 UKFJrjSF / Tlie balance of the it if’ oi I the Here cccupitd bv T. cV R, Nt-we I. V. i.h a vari* ty of ot’ cr /Irt'chs. S. 11. STACKHOUSE, Aiu'll. j ui’- 13 P M y FHtnr J. %. • Ww t • ‘ft ) Have men. 1 1 />• tie it is patch Jeoin HVI RPOOL, u.i t offer for Sale, 47 Crates well assorted LKOCKI'RY WaE, viz. Plates of all lizci, Dlfiies, Cuff- - & Tta P..r Wash hand bafons and Ewers I’ureens, Cups and S on ra Bov.-les, Pitcher-, &•*. Sic. 20 Crates of Porter B.,;t!cs. By the IPlar.i.m /rum j,E F. RPOO] 50 Sets 2 Veils, .'.eh Jsya family ilifeon I ' - fer, writs u 1 v - Rev. Mr. Jay of Bail), in i'. inion t. UA 1 HAl’fD, Mufcovado Sugar . jn. iih.l. Loaf Sugar in La;; . Is Slone Lime pr. hf ; y 3° Adminiltra tors’i; Sal os. BY Virtue of an cnUr c VifY jrm the f! nwablt the jujlkts if the Inferior Court /or tl Card:, of Cctnaon. at ft. f.h , s, ON -.icnd.iv 2fnh July nexq in th- town of Sc. Mary WILL BE SOU), 1 kfl, r.'.’l and rcrfinil propertv of } ; nrs V j et; ol Cain ic;n Cjunt*.', nia. incr, eie ccal.'d, C v-if ii.iig of A VALU iBUi trail o'i i.\. land with i.-nurevemt nr aojo' I‘oint Belre ( Lntauot ivi fit 11 a red on Ct’.mia i 1 ii ver containin : r I'-out thtee lain- j irt and aert soil ti j . c of which is r ime, ,ud oi ih, :i; !l quality rouoe. land. IA., rill (; a. ,; i; ]c .l a. i fy of lot no. cm.r.T.i ,p sett in tunc and cxtentiiiio dovu. ‘o J >v/ v/st. r mark, | - p {> much of a water lot franc i., the town of St. Mary’s, rhe improvements theieon, tr • •- I • r y 7 CJ liter Wifi) one icl ow. ‘I lie above property is inn ;; 1 cd lobe lold for the benefit <1 he creditors, and heirs of the’ eftatc- Conditions v.'ll b* rnad known on rhe cLy of laie THOMAS K 7 MG, > . , AIICHIBAI.O CJ.AUK. S A ’ u:r ° r May JO j (J M 113 id A! Vs S ALEbT* Y/ILL EE BOLD on the f, ft Tuts iuy in “July next, nr. th•: C.itrt-teoufe in ‘ : rooni.ii>, be. t:vcn lie Lours of 11 an i 1 •t 1 / 0 clock. A N unexpi'ed lease of Lot li L ‘O, Wih-nirgton Ty- Hsg, Da by Ward, tl th budui'ijrs thcreod, tiie property j nns Mr, John G irdlncr. ALSO, j An up.oxpired !cfe oflot no ; 3, Il ‘ii.hcoat 7’ythirip Decker v/ard, v/.iere Mr ?>rrni.h rth les ALSO, Eleven NEGROES, VIZ Nancy, Rutrir.k, J >hn, Oliver Rett r, George, Mi dy, Mo Charlotte, Lixettc, and li, < c r. Ihe ab;;ve leized and t.u.en n execution as the pro; *rty of Smidi, Sons a-id Aiideifoii, te satisfy a judgment ol r med fv t'homas and James Sviords o‘. Ncw-Yo k. BLN. VvALL,m n g j j May 30 b, J T r, ? ne p.s > LLYht .. ‘ • <?■ / ntn Er ’ re. J I.VMg dl E uk' c -.vt sirs. ’ > r c’ in. pil;„ti apply on board or jit u c store off ik j. yl>y. t r SI V on boat and. j,coo huffi-i Com 50 F I .: FP-mr 3o>> lbs* Virginia Hams, j ‘June to S3 I ‘ : . HEN r ED, I f ”* I HE s* ltlA EF I,o'i ,a> and j %- ini'iinv; mcr , bc!o. -mg to the I • i!..u* 01 John Ii oi'-.l ; polhffion will be . q !Vt 'i oh tic 1. It tay of Aup 11ft i,xt ! og. 1 > • Will L- ixcii cd by ither of t ;• ii'.bi übcis till the f.cmid ivcik iu June. J du) C, W.ll'amfop, W - L. Bullo h. Executors. osv. May 20 h(, Ac i 1 niniT ; land, /. anety >, ii b.iij f ntr ililt }’ antes. f~S LOCkS {mall j|.(t laig (< i-.l in >!vt. t and f.latci! ware F • t 111 !. .m pr. J l7 j i.r Vi-I OriuililoKH ; Cologne IF.ll Stones A quantity of inferior Cotton E gging Si Ms'..-r water rir. hamper or ju r I .\ quantity ot Iron wedges 1 Stone jogs and jars D i!,vh ml fiugU’ barrel Guns, and Ot! cr (— I-ar I ■(* inv ay I -\y terms by CURTIS BOL'iON. M J 3 6u 79. A, Scribner , & 1 Cos. . *■ • - - - - ■ - Li !.>,.i'-m their I li. i i'-a and the pul. ic in general, tint re< dby the hull arrivals’ from New-York, A Crwpietc fur tine fit of F-. Jl - ; o AND o 1v T S , 0/ //■/'JlrJt qn .'Vuh a vr.-iciy of other a nicies, which ithey Ul’ r low forccfli, at their ih,re on ;<fe Buy. opp. ii.e ,!:e E:;ci : l ic r.ixt: ‘” 11 A • ■ I’. r' ’ ~ , 0 ■ .. ior n term ok t c.'ir*?. A II k i.r-m abate pr-iT.ffion given, { t'C T VAR I) (, I.utn fu-\ all \ ■■ >V<rly ot it pi. ;-d l,y j Ii ■■■’, Bnviiiei A Smuh at Va. ir.n'traw. . i. .1 peUm dtfirons of purfuirg the ’ : anning b\.‘j. • Is, i.s rri.eiit ami c. ,ri• lete i ■ ‘ i ■ 1 1 great adv ” comfort; jie acc u-mo. itioi-a tor a i private I ru’ly, Iu rent v-y i— apply I"> BAY LIU St ii’ RM N, j jur.e 10 82] i\o. 6- Exchange. IRD of COM II >loM li.Rb of PILOT.A (JR Savannah, Ju e 4, iHci. I j C-.nfi <p-n-■(• (.f K.veral J)e.lona a, 2. i.r illegally as 1M i- , OnAred, Tint th- Secretn-y do pul.Mli • 1 1 ‘ l , a pnfffis ii ranch-, s <>r Uirulici'i • tro-n this board. HxtraS f r • the Minutes i HD:.I \S PI 1 C, Secretary t.. 1 ht-. nrderof ti.,- 1 ... n | j 1 ft - ..o.i 1. notice, lhat ihe I'. l; v . . r .- I. .s oid_,, me duly authorized to afl as Pilot’ , VI; ii ti t: N it: age, ) ,1 tr: . crr.nton, ) VV.; a it.,,11 ,n, . Branch Pilots. 1i ; -It I*. 1 11,-.ln’ n, f ‘I 1 ms i'■ ■ .•-• li,, U cl. I- I Wall, Brandi Pi.ot. Wtil-;.-n Wall, aauiig under him. J ’lo. ‘. i r, ;• • :■ ( >1 ■ 1 . ndcrlon, f |dm Bi- ,1 by, } J .Iu: ;iu„, ~ a Certificate P.lots, j hr. id'-ort, ( Tliumas Osh-irre. 1 ‘lO rlaS PI I TANARUS, Secretary. Ma > 9 7 1 •Sher itf’s S ile , O:t tbe fn it 7 ucsday in July , l Y.r/, iv ll be fold at the Court \ l)fjLt f e in this city, between the i Bow's of 10 and 3 o'clock , I ME following in-groes (ro j vit) )SSAIELL.V, H AC HI L, I LAWRENCE, JIM, UEbS I and POLLY, taken under rx jectrion to latisf/ JamES Alger, I I hr properly pointed out by the j d< fen-'ant. | ( -omip.ued from May fid 1 . ROBERTbJN, see. May 30 81 i O” P f i ‘• 1 haviig i, thiit pof j I limn a teme Deer, not their own will oblige-the owner by giving information j heicolfothe Primers. May G. VV; - ‘-■ >N HIK E. A NhCAV) WOMAN vho is a Coo!,-, j 1 1 W: -t and ln r <-r.- Ot,.- v. ii, , 1 j'dijraiT -r, I ill rnoive ilhi-al i / , and ue v- •ftit . a cd. tii.jui.-e at diis us. e . May tG j T/UiE NOTICE, j \T in nine month* from the date hereof, application will be !to the the juilices of t!:e It. tti r !iCmiit, fir the county of Bulloch, f r cave to fill a.I that trait of, C(J(t . It Ti ng 475 acre* more or iefs. lying m , e k ... tet, of E. a . ai.J Jiui.i- .11, „nc j ant b log part of the dlate of Wtn, . Slater d.c’d. VVm, SI iter, adi./r. 1 May fi. , a * 9 n *