Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, June 13, 1806, Image 4

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MISCELLANEOUS. Sm ■- vJ x .mm w'-w- ■ -w.-\ mmo tkOM 7 /: oiuiNCf tovnir Ruvzlilan. *►— 4* EM HR 10 S.UTVMN. •TIS Spring, the op’ning ot the year, AVI ten tjrafs, and leave", an;! bloo’ $ appear When infe/ls, birds, and btafli revive, And all crea’ion teems to thrive ‘J o renovate primeval blit , And try what Saturr’i power is:— lie {ports the lambkin o’er the lawn— Jlcie wfcliovs, deep, the swinish tsrua. ; llere 1 reps the horse, the verdant mead, And him the I porting ca! > . lucceed ; There bounds, rough bellowing, thro’ the wood, Ihe Its*ttly bull, then feel s the flood, To cool Id . heated Ides, or again, Beyond the lire am, his wanted plain ; While thro’the woids thf prowling trilies, A id rv’ry head. Spring’s life imbibes: In air ihe I ather’d mates betray Th’ ’•upulfive force of genial May : N< i lels ihe mead and frtlit yards fl.ov/ t\ iiat wealth from Naurt I iree can grow— 'J I re tlineves the cmhryon fruit, jinctrt That loon will rrow n the clol “g )ear. Tin* tg’r burst of Nature reigns To re-ni.peopl*- al, the p am , And give tlic | ‘ip ed lams their food— >Og- and is hUtuTt— (it ii so gcod. CURE FOR IRENS. A William Chsholrne, of England, I .as putioihc'd a r i zc count of Ins i ting cured of a Win of a large fizr and lot g ■ fiantiing, l>v i c application oil halt uni Water winch lud Item I'c ! t.l cog-.-tner a lew n mutes, a ,U anh wni’ h he ba hco it ten or twelve times a day for t n davs—on the venth, he ob -1 ived a I . ail chic laigefiom tlv: Vv'en, ad, by a gentle pi effort, the whole concerns were dilchar* gtd. i nis UK ll ItCOiVilllCliilb to others, hoping th-v may not bed.koura. td oy the Engih ot tine it tA sto o c*a*e, which is lometiitits tin cc or fom months. AG R I C U LTU R A L. From “ Bordhy’a Husbandry.” Port lef tJrejb for a year. A Mr. Po'iltney, of Piulade* [hi., and iifd oi b >ard a lh ip ci war at the I Lv.-.una, and ate < i boil o fulh poik, winch appear ed as if jll kill and. He wu; tout it was killed and pur up a yeti before, at La Vfoij. Crmz. and he bones were taken our, ;.n v. .!*. u: ny fui , t r ii ts weic c vcied w.'h 6j an:lh biown (*> led ik hit'.,) If was then packc in b. for ti>t officeis. They ihevve i nun lo ne in bags, when they were covered wuh ird oclin whiv.ii i w allied off with waaii water previous o booing it. 1 prelume -ny other pure, impal j).it)le, dpet tally dry altnnpem tl y, wii anlvv.ras well. Aoni? cl is h> far pari .ke ol allum, as to lliew i; ex idtd, like a white iiintml —Such ili tve ii non the ba.,ks ot the Chcfapeak. But and es ‘pani h brown contain al lu ? Ext ait/• u: the Alefallanecus IwlMpJtl i H BY IVILUaiM MAI thews. M XIMS asd THOUGHTS. From ’h. vail va itty of pi in cites o wo lh p, an.i otfi es 01, : .eid . rth in doctrine, iupj ic-ii >n, and prats —a v.i ri.\ 100, lecu.s to pro to, c'aci! n itiu co.nlort n, the ..nds ol lb many ihoulands ol individuals, in all loeicues, ecu tr.t’s, ar.d ages ol men—o.u g.e.vt and mutt i mportant triuh it ay he gathered, a.*d laid up in our Odoms, v 2. J hat it is not merely the fen tiiiicr.f, or cxprtfnoii cmploved by , or and intii .*i beings, such as wc arc, that can make us the acceptable wo lh pers ol the Di vine ; but the dcvo.ion ol the iicait iileit, an.i the realitt ot our having tha Being before us, as the object ot our woilhip, or .chous notice. We e it p Bible for any hu tiuhc creature to obum a true fi'i.Tiple of a- ,le Caa.* ancr, which belongs to the char after 01 God j a.od of *hai efien uai agreen erd, and pertest union -•f tx.ellency, fubfilting in that dTemial glorious charafter; it is highly probable that there is no language, mode, cr txpreflion of devotion among men. or even celeftul fpirirs, which could appear, at futh a moment wor hy or worthily adapted to what we t rnrij the lei vice of luch a Be ng : On the conrrary, ic may ap pear moft certain, that the Jer vice, so ca led, which may claim ne molt obvious diltinftion so propiiity of adoption, would be found to be the moil Client awe and the molt simple re j vt rence, in the of the mind j Even luch a reverence as refrains 1 from venturing into any voice or expreffmn at all. Hence it may appear, that in he divine mind there is no choice >r preference given to modes of worth ip j at icait, where toe sui t ere love of God khtm'df, pre ie:ves the infirmity ot men (rom injuring, or willingly to inju e, j on • ano her in tin. important *nd i awful bufmefs. I lcnce alto may it be conful ered as lupremely rernaikaole, 1 hat the mercy and benigmey 01 he ILn.g worth ped, or proiei !ic J to be woilhiped, is u.ti.n.ely ;*x cmied over all tite variety 01 Ji" : ctre 1 Jinmty , in which wc nc ccil.ndy appiu L.V. h him. A moil important kffon, this trt tntlruction to us, and a mo.* | unpo.r.ant law or charity and Oro heily kindnels to ad th.,li who in every p a.e cad on th name of the Lord, the common bather and preserver or a*l uc pendant creatures ! Marjhai s tales. ON tbit firjt Eutfday in JnL next , will be su'd at the court hoitfe , in Savage ib t ALL t! at Pi ntation con taining 3CO acres, called Douglafg near Point lfoter, in Camden county, Georgia. ALSO, Seven Negroes, vz. Boson, J a It, Nancy, Jenny,Sally, Han nah and her child ; levied as he property of Thon as 11. Mil ter, to latisfy a judgment of denja nin and Joseph Stionr, ibtamed againlt J *\lacieod an.. 1 iiler. Lot No. 8, second Tything Anion Ward, containing forty five acres, adjoining lands o* Gen. M'lntofo and the Htare of cii ick, about three m les fro r Savannah ; levied on as the pro perty James Hobkik, to fatisfy a judgmrnt •brained by Johr Miiler, against Wm. and James l lobkirk. One city Lot in Green Ward No- 6, with the improvements containing 60 feet front and 90 feet in depth ; levied on as the property of Thus. R mike, Hq. dcceafed, to iat.sfy fevcral exe cutions. Two Negroes Charles and Rachel—A 10, tundry articles of Placed Waie, Jewelry, &c. A!lo H ukholl and Kitchen Kurn. >ure, lev ed on as the pioperty o; Jule, h, to taiisty and tx - iu io.i in favor of John il*il Ihe lh). k n f rade of Abra ;a n Wvodfide, confuting oi D*y G ods, Hardware and Cur le ry, to fati-h an execution ob •card by Will. Woodfi le. One Negro man, the property of George Ra Bon, to faas.y le veial executions. B. WALL, m. f>. g. May 31 _ So SHERIFF’S SALE. if ILI. Rb. SO. Dat tbs court bouts in the city cf Savannah, cn tin firjt Tuesday in Ju.’y next, Id ween tbs hours cf ten unu tlree c'c'oUt, ONE Negro Man, named John, leized and to be fol uiielcr and by virtue of an exe cuticn, M’Leod and Miller vs. John J. Johnston, H. W. WILLIAMS, do.s.c.c. May jo. Sl JOHN BOLTuN, :ur 1 Cmjcek vs. > Superior WILLIAM KORRIS, J Court, March ‘7 erm , 1 i 6. UPON the pet.tion of John Bolron, surviving copart n.r of Robert tc John Bolton praying the foreJofure of the E quiryof Redemption on the fol lowing premifis, morigaged to the said Robert & John Bolron for the sum of eleven hundred and forty fix dollars, payable the fifth of January 1802, and alio for the further sum of ele ven hundred and forty fix dol lars ana intcreft payable the fifth of N jvemDer 1802, to wit, he following lots and parts of ots in the town of St. Mary’s.— All that wharf lot containing 50 feet on St. Maiy’s street and running 150 feet welt to Jud ton’s water lot, and from St. Ma rv’s sheer to the river 100 feet and along the river 100 feet,— The fame being the fiont of lot No. four in the ulan of said town—Aifo part of lai 1 lot No. four beginning at Ready Itrect running weft on the St. j Mary’s street to Ju ‘lot ’s lot & jon Ready ftrtet 200 fe<-t north 0 Divine I oung’s lot or ii ic 6c jo wcPon laid Young’s line to JuJlon’s iot with the buildings and improvements thereon.— Alio lot No. (43) forty three containing four a’ res then oc cupied by Peter W. Green, with the buildings and improvements thereon, and on motion of Mr nti'ts attorney for the petitioner, it is ordirca by the court j that the principal interefl: and coils upon the said mortgaged premilcs be piid into court wuh n iweivr months from this date .nd uinrls tne ftme be so paid die equity of redemption lhall thenceforth brforeclofed and o chcr pnsi.ef dings rake place pur f'jant to the ..ft of alfembiy in lucu c.ife made and provided : And it is further ordered in purl anceof the fait! aft that th ; s rule be published in one of the of this (late at lea It once in every month until the time appointed for payment, orferved on the mortgager or his special agent or auorney at ‘tall fix months previous *o the time the laid money is ordered robe paid into court as aforeiaid- E'trait from the mm ites this nth Marrh , 1806. ISAAC ( REIVS, c. s. c. c.c\ I am 12in bo. i\ouce , THE fubfer ber, iume fime since s e;tiJ;,un his retur.i fro.u the Indian lotion came up with a JOHN Itl VINE (s he called hunfe.t) wh;* cad in his pofledion anew negro fel. uw ; from the couinenance and con. vetlation of Itvine, when inrerrogaed bom whence he had come, the man in which he made rep y, together with o her cinuniftances of his con- Ju& confirmed the lubfcnber in the be. ief that the negro had been Bolen He therefore demanded ot Irvine in what way he had come to the pofid *on of the negro ; to which he re turned an evalive answer. Thefub cnber told hun he had good reaf >n 0 believe the negro had been ftolcn and was determided to take the ne gro fiom him and have him advertised and in tale no petlon claimed him vithin eighteen months would eithei eturn or te l ruin. This is thciefore to notify all per ons whom it uo nor may concern. I'nat the lublcriber has 111 his polics. fion the said new negro ; he is about tive sett ei s ht inches high, aged be tween twenty five and rnit/y— no marks o.her than <.r. his hack, which appear to have luff red under tne cJowikin ; speaks little or no Fnglilh *ays he came irom Carolina, but dees not know whether from Nor/h ci bouth, he indiituidty communicates (when asked in what way the man came by him) that he took him up ir. the road, when on his way to fith on u*m.‘ river or creek nearby. His own er 01 owners aie therefore requeued to prove the property 01 the negic pay charges and fake him away. Win. aNeely. Camden County on St. Maty’s Ktver. Sept, to. nmHm 7. NOTICE. VLI. peril,ns having demands againr the lublcribers, either as copartsers or individuals, will please prelent them to payment, at thetr counting-hcule, without telay. Mein, Mackay 5c Cos. Sar. March 2 3 to SUPERIOR COURT, Clotbcm County, 7 In EQUITY. 5 ON the petition of John Mead (fating that being pcfTeffed of foveral notes of hand and eviden ctsof debt, belonging to the late Ambrose Gordon decoded, as fpecified in the Schedule, hereto annexed, and that the lame have loft ; aid that copies cf the fame as near as the petitioner can re colleft ate now lodged in the and rk’s office, together with an affidavit that the fame have been been loft by accident; tx praying tne benefit intended by the fix'h feftion of the judicial aft of 1799, and other circumstantial proof being aifo laid before the court, It is ordered , that the said and evidences of debt, beeftablifned as direfteu by the said lixch lection of the judicial aft, on the laid John Mead pub iifiling a notice for th * ipace of fix months in one public gazettes of this citv,„unieis cause f” dt be shewn to the court with in the said fix months, or other matter lhail appear to the court against: the fame. SCHEDULE. ONE drawn ly Alexander Jobnjlon, dated 7 th May 1804. payable ,st ‘June 1804, for 44 id dollars and 47 cents. One drawn by Green R. Duke dated 13/*/ June, 18 02, ■payable 30 days af ter date, for 18 1 dollars 53 1-4 cents. Ons dr awn hy Lemuel Ko .- iock , dated 6ik dugufi, 1 ,ioo. pay * able to days after date, for 187 dollars 50 cues. One drawn by Hugh Magee, daied yd May, 1004, payable 60 days after date , for si aollars 97 cents. One drawn by Charles Linder green dated y,d May, 1805, payable 30 days after date, tor ;00 dollars , One draivn by Nathan Beal for too dollars, but to whom payable ldo not recoliett, left by Charles Goodwin, esq. for collection. A receipt signed by sir Teonas Ben sail of England for 100 pound* sterling, to Miss Ann Davies, ■with several receipts on the bac '■ for the interest . Tiue excraft from t records. J. BULLOCH, Cue. Jan. 31. iaw 6m 45. t l or iale. ONE of rhe moft valuable .rafts of Land upon the Al’amaha, con/iining about eleven hund*ed acres of Rice Swamp in /he best pitch of tide. This tiviSt is about five miles above /he town of Darien, was, prior lo the re voiutionary war, /he property ot the ate governor Wright, and has for a (ettiemeiu, attached immediately to the Swamp, one of the beauti mi and moit elevated ii/itations upon /he river. Persons wilhing to put chafe this property will apply to Edward Svvar Oreck or William Mein, Efqrs. at Savannah, where a piu/ of ;hc Lane may be seen. /f: q. Snenif’s bales. On the fit ft Tuesday in ju ‘y next, at the Court-bcufe , in ibis City, between the hours cf ten ana three o'clock, w.ll be sold. A half lot with a small dwel ling house and kitchen thereon, in Ward, levied on as the property of Donald M’Cafkril, to fatisfy a judgment ifioeil out of the Mayor’s Court, at the iuic of Wm. WilKie. ALtO, A Negro Boy, narred Anto ny. levied on as the property of Doftor Samuel M'Cormick, to lat.sfy ftverai executions. Ltnattions Cafu. JTHN WILLIAMS, s. c. s. May 19 76 TO BE 60LD, At the Plantation of Mrs. Mar garet Moll, deceased, on Mon day the 14 th July next, be tween the hours of t c n and two o’ clock of same day, ABOUT one hundred heed of Stock Cattle, Two or rhree Mares & Colts, Some Houlehold and Kitchen Furniture, belonging co the dlate ot Mrs. Margaret Moll, deceased. Ccndit:ons of sale Cassi. Henry Eourquin, £enedifi Bsu r q uin, £ ;iecutors. June j go T'S * y TV T T -l ■ L - 1 > A j -J I—j *- 1 ’ V i rl Ll ii TVX -A. 1 H ASjujl received ly the Jhip DirpAT-v, J’int Litcrpool, an cxltntdi addi tion to bis former afforttnent cj GOODS, Consisting of SUPERFINE Blue, black, bottle and brown CLOTHS auo KER \SEYMERES, manufactured light for the furruaer season Silk, Cotton and thread Hosiery Silk, Cotton and cambric gloves ani mits 7 8 and 4-4. Irish linens Apron checks, table cloths Diapers, ihectings and bedtitks Black and white plain and check cotton Cambrics and Ginghams Common and open worked lappet ar.d plain and spotted Cambric Fine fprijjed and plain book and crane Muslins and Mufiin Handkerchif/t Plain and ttriped black silk Florentines Plain and colored Marfeiiles Thickfetts, Corduroys and Velveteens Borabazetts and Bombazines Modes Cambric, fiik and Muslin Hhdkfs. Romal and printed ditto A great variety of laces and edgings Drab, striped and mixed nankeens Nankeenetts, Mimonetts Cotton Kerfeymeres and Florentines Fu(lianas jeans Cotton ihirtings Dimities, Calitnancoes and Durants Cotton ar.d iiik Umbrellas and Parafo’.S Silk Br aces Cambric (Snrt Buttons T reads, Tapes, &c. Gentleinen’s and Youth’s fme black and drab hats Servant’s gi< zed ditto Together with a quantity of Tow and Flaxen Ozaaburgs and Ticklcnburs. Also, A Complete assortment of A A k DVV A REd CU F L. ER Y, AMONG WHICH A RE, Saws of every defeription Carpenter’s Plants and plane Irons Urawing Knives, Hinges Hammers, broad and narrow axes Lath and fliinglintr hatchets Adzes, files, compan.:s Braces with huts, Gimb'cts Wood Screws, afT.,rtea Iron Squares, Kales Cut c-rads, ft acks lion rimmed Knob /.ocks Cupboard, ft’runk, Chcft, Stock snd Pad Locks Bolts, Tuikcy Oil Stones Socket and Firmer Chificis 3c Gouge* Smith’s Vices Sledge and hand hammers Gun locks ar.d guu worms Powder folks Patent and common broad boes Grut-btng d*U Spades and faovels Cooper’s axes, adzes Frows and ioioter iron* Corn and coffee mills Carry combs, common ar.d patenC Chaffing difnes Fluted and common grid irons Tying pans Copper and iron tinned tea kettles Skillets, iron pots and camp opens Sad irons, Steelyards Block tin coffee Biggins Goffer and Waffle irons’ cork ferews Snuffers and fnuffer Rands Tea trays and bread balkeU Self adding Extir.guiffiers Morocco pocket books Crop and Cabriole whips Spectacles and ideei upright Speftaclfl cases Spoon3 and soup ladles Buttons and button moulds * Silver and pinchback thimbles Knitting needles Mixed pins Brass cocks and cloak pins A variety of ft'urtoife, Ivory - and Flora Combs Knives and Forks, carvers Oyitcvand butcher's km.ei Butcher’s Heels, pen knives Raizors and Scissors Bar iead and ffiot 8 by 10, 9by 11 and io by 12 wiudow glals White Lead, Yellow Ochre, and Span ish brown Paint brushes ALSO, 10 Crates CROCKERY WARE. All of which are offered for sale, unu sually low. . May 27 6t. 78 FIVE DOLLARS REWARD. RAN AW AY from the fuDfcriber, rn Wednesday -.he 28th tilt. a negro v jman named RACHEL, about 30 years of age, of 2 middle iie, yellow complexion, country born, remarkably fetilible, and speaks very boldly. It is prooablc said re 3ro may be harboured in /owr>, ag3infi which all persons are caution ed : Captains of velfe's and others are likewise cautioned againff csiry ing her off. The above reward will be paid to aoy person lodging her m Savannah goal, crdeliverme her to GEORGE NUNGAZER. White Bluff. June 3 80 WANTED, VN O\'EH.SEEK, a ftrjie man well ac quainted u i'h Rice planting, wh* can bring good recommendations ot his hoi*, eftv, sobriety and ab’lfies. Apply to the lubicnoer at Cotton Brvan County. JOHN Hi SiOitEL. Mar:'a 1