Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, June 24, 1806, Image 4

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MISCELLANEOUS. SONNET From th: Span ft of Crrv inlts, EY MR. F YE. MOTHER, with watchful eye you ftnvc My freedom to rcltrain ; But now, unless 1 guird mjfclfi, Tour guard will be but vain : It lias been, and reason’s voice Confirms the ancient lay, Kor will confinement’a rigid hand JEnflaine the wilh to Stay. Love, once oppress’d, will soon cncrcafe, And strength superior gain ; *Tv/cre better far, believe my voice, To give my will the run ; Fj r h r, who will not guard herfflf, No other guar’d you’ll fin J ; Cunning and fear be found ‘i’o chain the active amid. Tiio’ death Ihmfelf Ihouid liar my way, His menace I’d ilifc tin ; Then learn that till I guard rryfelf Your guard will (liii ie Vuin. Tii- raptur'd h art which once h&B ft!t i\ fenie oi love’s dr light, Tires the Moth’s uiijK lulls wing, To ii and the Tapei’s li^ht- IS. t'ijufiiid guards, a thousand cares, Will i,c’cr the viid rJliuin, Tor if i do not gmrd myiclf, All other guard* arc vain. Such is tb; all-co’itroling scree Cil Love’s ref .Ufa itornl, It gives to Beauty’s faireil lliapo 1 he due Cliuneia’s form. To wjx the melting bread it turns, Flame o’er the check is fprtad, With hands ol wool Ute ope,. the door, Ou lelt the foot 11 p, Head. Then try no mure with fiuitlcfs care My withes to uili,lin, For if Ido not gun J iiivjilf, 2 our £uarj wui b hut vain. Fkom on,. Four Folio. MISCELLANY. £Wc h vt; alt catly appriz 1 oui renders that by the kindnrf, oi a ffitratl, lolicituous that fo r, igi channels of information liiOulJ hi explored, we rr pi I*L iV I'CiVIVC and W: li CO.'HlUC te, 1 L tucli Journal, publish ed uc Ear s, , muled “ L t De ink Phuo opbqut, et Vo ittque.” l.o a its inflrii live p grs w. have taken the follow nig Pol Hat t if li'dsii tnjon, deiiiic.ucd in colors e quaLy gl wing and accurate by a gre c malt r.—l or tins brilliant sketcii,* we are in debted io bo Kanes, a literary char ad tr of cek bruy. Wt liave, to conrinue die mtta jiiiir, wa.ked thro’ a whole ga lery ol portrays of ‘Fasb ill Jon, lomc li milled by mas tcis in the Engl:lii, the French, and the American lchoois, but we do not remember to hive been more ltru..k with an\ rel'emblancc then with the following.] ro A TR-IT./ II \IS U!KG TO .V. To warnoi6 alone does it be long to mark the pl*. e that Walhtngton Hull occupy a mon, renowned captains.... His fuciciles appeared to hive more oi Li they than iplendor j ju g ment governed more than tn thufuim in hts manner of com ir,a.:dirg a id of ro abating. lu the n.tdil of all ti,e ciifor cVrs of ca, and of all txccs iVs ink-parable fro a civil war, humanity took rctuge under his tent, and was never lepulled from it. In triumph, in atlvtr fitv, he was always tranquil as wildom, simple as virtue. The tender etbecuons had thnr habi tations in tnc bottom of his hear;, even in thole n oments when the interelf of the eaule in w inch he fought kerned iu lbme n ealure to Unftion the la.vs of ven..rance, • lie original ;s aifatted in a very ct.gar.t cenf ilaiioit, pubdsbca in ISO 4, m Paris, Toe rr.o lons of a magnam n;us loul atcuieve and maintain revolutions more infallibly than nophics and vi<f.tori-s. The es teem inspired oy the charade 1 if the American General, con cnbu ed more eff. ctjaily ina. h. aru sto me independence oi his country. As soon as the treaty of peace •vas signed, he rtfigned to tht Erngrcis ail the powers with wiiich he lud been invelied. Againit his brwilde.-ed compat riots he would not employ any other arms than those of periua lion. Had he been governed oy vulgar and leifiih a nbition, ie m:‘/n; have crushed the no- Lj becih y or ail the divided fac tions, and when no conlhtutioi. t-Xiiled to oppose a barrier to au dacious cnierpnze, he would have leizetl ou supreme power, ociore the laws I.a itguiuied us exuicdu and eftajl.!h_d its li mua —Hut thele laws were pro v iiteJ by hiiiilelf with inflexion p itinacity. Wnui an iniupc* i4o>e barrier had been creeled a,mi.rut lire ulurpatiou of ainui i. ha accented, in 1 o nphance of the ftce voice ol his teliow cu..zeiis, the honor of governing them during a peuou of cigiu yta.s. Wi.en uthority vvaslus ecpublc 01 arbr.rary txerafe, he dimmed it ; he would not ton- Lnt to iilkime it, until it wa* icu within legal bounds; in collect ng the traits wmclicoiw poie if, we are aimoit lnouceu to doubt whether it has appeared m our age j we almost believe ch-tt we nave found a lent life of one oi thole dluitrious men whole portraits have oeen io w- ii eeducated by i'iutci .h. ll.s admimllratioa wa , a home, mild and firm ; abroad, nobie and prudent. He always rtlpciled tiie ulages of other na tions, as he wilhed that they •iiouid refpetl the rights oi ths iiiitiican peo !e, i nus, in al 1 s iicouenmona, the heroic fim piicity of the president of tfu U utea States, wrtnout vaunt.n oltentciuation or erniging lervii < y, treated with the majclty oi king*. in his admin uration, look not for these projects which he prekne age ticnoimnates grand, and whidi he wouid navt omiJcred only rath. H,s cuii cpt ons wcie ra.Jier p*uderu -hail bold i lie did not attract ad miration ; but lie invariably in jured citeem, whether in th, leidor 111 the ilnate, in the bus tle of bulinels or in loiitude. Waiinngtonpo(lellcd not those bold and impofii'g features o; character which Itrike vulgui minds ; in his ideas he d.(play ed mere of order and perlpicui tv, than of vigor and elevation, lie particularly poiiclLd, in a luperior degree, that tranqu.lity, winch although generally con iidered vuk ar, is ncvertiiekis rare, that quality not ids uletu in the govtrninent of Hates th m in tf.e conduCt of life, which im parts more of tra:.q ility tiiaii mipulfe to the loui, and mere ol nonor than glory to thole who policls it, or to thole w :;o feel its efieds ; it is to good feme that 1 allude ; good kmc, whole ancient rules iu.e tuea to much icori.ed by grid'-, and which it is tunc to rcinllate in ad its rights and _j re.ogattves. Audacity ddlroys, gemous creaies, good icnfe j clcrves and brings to peifeißion. On depends tiie glory of empires ; but good icnfe alone can inlure their re pose and duiation, Wafhir.gton was born to an i: heritance which he had nobly inc-eased, like the heroes of an cier.t Rome, in the midll ol agricultural labors.—Altho’ an enemy to vain pomp, he wilhed chat republican manners ihould be environed by foir.e dignities. None of his compat iots cherilh ed a more ardent love of iibeity j none deprecated ir.ore the iruu opitiions of demagogues His mind the IrienJ of order, conftanviy fiiunned ail excels. He dared not to inl’uit the expe rience ot ages ; he wilhed nei ther to change nor to ucitroy e*| very th a* once ; in th's res uedt hi i; -iied to the doftrin of t'.e le„ illators of antiqjity. Like them, Wafhingcon go ‘cxned rather by the Lntimen:. uid .'.ffeciions than by nrundatt i. laws } like them he wa tirnplc, although he was leatc n the pinnacle of honor; lik. -hem he ftill great in tin tna-ies of retirement. He cepted power only to eitao! fi public ptolperity j he would nt consent to relume it, w'hen h law thxt America was Lapp and had no further need ol 1 . Icvotion of his fervifes. H wjlh and, iike other cit-zu.s, tran quilly to enjoy thatfeiicity wh cr. ne had imparted io a great peo pie.—But it was in vain mat h< abandoned the helm; the firh name in America was alwa ; • hat of IFujb.n; ton. 1 ON r \NES. Sheriff ■ S m , U ILL JjF, SOLD on be fir[l Tuesday in July next, nt the Court-kouje b tiveen. tie lours of ien anti three o’ clod . A iraCi 01 land eon ai ui:.. ’our hundred and thirty acres jbe the fame mo e or less (old I -rvc;) joining thr iouth part es the Orphan hnrfTe piantation, well timbered with pine, and a confulcrable proportion adapted to the culture of cotton and pro vihons, having the advantage of .1 good navigation to this city. Levied on as rhe property o. E nanuel Rengill, at tr.e iuic of Edward Lewis, pointed out by the deAndant. ii. . Wll .LI A Mi, dsc c. M<v 30 Sr MarfJjaf s biases. Ori the ft it lu Iduy m Job next ail oe sold .:t lbs court POUjiy t)l £K■■ fp y Liu tiut Plantation con / jL <imng 300 acres, called Hoindaf , ncai Point Peter, in Camden county, Georgia. ALbO, ° Seven Negroes, viz, Bcfon, L k, Nancy, jenny,Sa!ly, Han lih and (htr child; levied as he property of i ho r as H. Mil cr, to latisfv a judgment of ilcnjamin and Joseph Strong, obtained againit ALcleod ano Miller. Lot No. 8, second Tything, Ward, containing forty live acres, adjjining lands of Gen. MTntofli and the eifate of Eirick, about three miles from Savannah ; levied on as the pro perty James Hobkirk, to fatisfy judgment obtained by John fVliile., againit Wm, and James Hobkirk. One city Lot in Green Ward No- 6, the improvements ontaming 60 feet front and 90 eet in depth ; levied on as the property of 1 h ;s. Baurk-, Esq. decealed, to ladsfy fcveral exe cutions. Iwo Nei roes Chailes and hcl—.Ado, tundry articles o dialed Ware, Jewelry, &c. Alfe 1 II ulehold ana Kitcitcn Furn 1 - mre, lev ed on as the property ot Joseph R.ce, to lattafy and exe >■ utio 1 in favor ot John Hill. Ihe (lock in ‘rade of Abra ham W uodtide, confiding of Dry Goo fs, Hardware and Cut- Icrry, ro farisfv an execution ob tained by Wm. Woodfidc. One Negro man. the property of George Radlon, to latisfy le veral executions. B. WALL, m. n. c. May 3 1 So SHFTHFF’S SALE. IFILL A’A SOLD at the court bcufe in the city of Savannah, cn the fir ft Tuesday in July next, let ween the hours of ten and three o'clock, ONE Negro Man, named John, lazed and to be fold unuer and by virtue of an exe cucion, M‘Leod and Miller vs. John J. Johnlton, H. W. WILLIAMS, oc.s.c.c. May 30. 81 Wanted ON HIKE. A NEGRO WOMAN who is a Cook, al Wiiiier and Ironer.—Ore \ Ith a good charaeier, w ill receive liberal wa es, anti ue well treated, enquire ~t Maj ii SUPERIOR COURT, ‘bothm County, f In EQUITY. 5 ON the petitionof John Meat Hting that being poflefied c< yeral notes of hand and cviden sof debt, belonging to the late mibrofe Gordon deccafed, ar uecified in the Schedule heretc untxed, and that the lame havt lt ; and that copies of the farm near as the petitioner can re .•Ileft are now lodged in tht 1 rk’s office, together with ai tfidavic that the fame have beti •eenloit by accident; be praying ie benefit inttnded by the hxth edtion of the judicial aft o 799, and other circ’jmftar.tia; roof being alio laid before tht ourt, It ts ordered, that tht tic notes and tvidcnces of debt, eeftabiifhed as uiredtrd ty tht ad lixth lection of the judicial :t, on the bud John Mead pub •ihing a notice tor the ipaez cl x months in one of the public .azettes cf this city, unlels cauk tii be fhcw.i to the court with i the laid fix months, or othe; natter fhail appear to the court lgainlt the fame. hXHEDULE. ONE drawn ey Alexander, dated qth May e 3 04 payable \st June i?C4, for 448 dollars and 47 cents. One draw,, oy Green R. Duke dated ; ji/o June, 1802, payable 30 days af tr date, for 1 3 1 delta’s 53 5-4 \ tents. One dr own ky Lemuel Kot j lock, dated 6: t Augufl, : Bco, pay able 10 days after date, for 1 ’>y dodars 50 cents. C;:e drawn ty thigh Magee, dated yd May, ICO4 , payable 60 days after dale, lor dollars 97 cents. One drawn by Charles Ltndergreen, dated gd May, 1805, payable 30 days after date, for 100 dollars, U:ie drawn by Nathan Beal for 100 dollats, but to whom payable i do ret recollect, left by Chat les Goodwin, esq. for collection. A receipt signed by sir T'.omas Eon sail of England for 100 pounds storting, to Miss Ar.n Davies, ‘'•with several receipts cn the back for the interest. True extract from the records. j. BULLOCH, Clk. J*n. 31. law 6m 45. t or oj!c. ONE of .’he tnoft valuable /rafts of Land upon /lie Altamaha, cot./aining tx>ut eleven hundred acres of Rice Swamp in /he bell pitch of ride. This trs>ft is about five miles above /hr town of Darien, was, prior /a the re vo’utionary war, the property ot the j ate governor Wright, and has for a - attached immediately to the Swamp, one of the mo ft beaud iui and molt eleva/ed li/uations unon /he river. Per(oas tvifixing to pu:chafe this property wiT apply to liidward Svvar • week or William Mein, Rfqrs. *t Savannah, where a pku cf /he Land may be fee Oftober tj. t(i q. Siiei ttf’s bales. On ihefitfl Tuesday in July next, at the Ccurt'bcufiy in this City, between the hours of ten ana three o’clock, will be sold-. A half lot with a final! dwel ling house and kitchen thereon, in Ward, levied on as thr property of Donald M s Cafkill, to fatisfy a judgment blued out jf the Mayor’s Court, at the fait of Wm. \Ydixie. ALtO, A Negro Boy, named Anto ny, levied on as the property o- Doctor Samuel YECormick, to iatisty several executions. Cot. Jit ions Cujh. JOHN ‘A ILL! A MS, s. c. s. May 19 76 TO BE oOLD, At the Plantation of Alt s. Mar gar it Moll, deieased, on Men day the lath July next, be tween tie hnrs cf ten and two o'clock cf same day, /\ BOU f coo hundred head ff’K of Stock Cattle, Two or three Mares & Colts, Some HouleholJ and Kitchen Purniture, belonging to the ell ate cf Mrs. Margaret Moll, decealed. Conditions of lale Caih. Henry Sour quin, Bene dill Be u r quirt, fc- Xvcut.'rs. J une 3 So v> \ i r>j r - • v L/i S-4 i. If Ba.T. 1 5 1 oiSjuf! rccti’Orei iy tic J. ip DiSPAT •. u , J'tm I.tvidfocL, an extenJ.M lion to kit former affurttnent of GO-JDS, Consisting cf SLPERFiNja Blue, black, bottle and brown CLOTHS jul- KLR. SET MERES, mauuf afturea fur the furr.msr Lafon Oilk, Cotton and thread Hosiery oi.k, Cotton and cambric gloves and mils 7-8 and 4.4 Irish linens - pron checks, table cloths ; Diapers, fheetinga and bedticks | Black and white plain arid check cottoa I Cambrics and Ginghams ’ Common and open worked lappet and ] plain and spotted Cambric Muflinji j Fine fprijed and plain Dock and crape i _ Mullins and MuPin Handkerchiefs ! P ain and striped black silk Florentines j Pi&in and colored Marfeilks ; 1 hickfetts, Corduroys and Vciveteena j Bombazetts and Bombazines I Modes ’ Cambric, silk and Muflio Hhdkfs. 1 Romai and printed ditto A great variety cf Lees and edgings i Diab, llrip.d and mixed nankeens • Ndnktenetts, Mirronetts j Cotton Kerfeyr.,sres and Florentines ! t udianas Jeans i Cotton fiiirdti-<3 ’ . _ j Litr.iUes, Calimancces and Durants i Cotton and La Umbrellas and Farafois -Silk Braces Cambric flirt Buttor,i| Threads, Tapes, 4c. Gentkinen's and Youth’s fine black and drab lists ! Servant’s 1 ditto Together with a quantity of Tow and Flaxen Gznaburgs and Ticklcnburs. Also, A Complete assortment of hardware & cu llery, AMONG WHICH AP.I j Saws of every defeription Carjienter’s Pianes and piaot Irons | 1 (rawing Kcives, Hinges | Hammers, bicad and narrow fixes j Lath and ihunglirig hatchets | Adzes, files, cc-mpaffes \ Braces with bitts, Girnblcts 1 Wood Screws, assorted ! Hon Squares, Rules 11.ut Brans, Jt acks j Iron rimmed Knob Zocks i Cupboard, Ti unk, Che it, Stock and { Pad Z.ocks • J10.t3, Tuikey Gil Stones Socket and Firmer Clulitlo it Gouges Smith’s Vices Sledge and hand htTnmeis Gun locks and gun worms Powder flasks Patent and common bread hots Grubbing ditta Spades and (hovels Cooper’s axes, adzes Prows Bin] jointer irons i Corn and coif c mills Curry combs, common and patent Chaffing d'.ihes Fiuted and common grid irons Frying pans Copper and iron tinned teakettles Skillets, iron pots and camp opens | Sad irons, Steelyards Block tin coffee Biggins \ GciLr aid Waffle irons’ cork ferewa Sunders and (buffer hands Tea trays and bread baskets Seil adting Extinguishers Morocco pocket bocks Crop and Cnbiiole whips Spectacles and lteel upright Spectacle cases Spoons end soup ladles Buttons and button moulds Silver and pinchbeck thimbles Knitting needles Mixed pins Brass cocks and cloak pins A variety of Tortohe, Ivory’ and Horn Combs Knives and Forks, carvers Oyilerand butcher’s knives Butcher’s itee’.s, pen knives P.aizors and Scissors Bar lead and (hot 8 by so, 9by is and io by 12 window glass White Lead, Yellow Ochre, and Span idi brown Paint brufhea ALSO, IO Crates CROCKERY WARE. All ot which are offered for sale, unu , fuaily low. May 27 6t- 78 wanted, A N OVERSEER, a Sny'e man well ae -0.,}l quamted with Hice planting, who tan bring good recommendations of his lion s lty, i'obriety and abilities. Apply to tho I'ubfcriber at Cotton Ham, Brvan County. JOHN If.’ MOREL. March 55 x S’licrifF’s Jales, On the fir ii Tuesday in July next, will be fold at the Ccm t hotije in this city, between the hours of 10 ar.d 3 o’clock, THE following negroes (to wit) ISABELLA, RACHEL, LAWRENCE, JIM, BESS and POLLY, taken under ex ecution to latisfy Jarr.ts Alger, die property pointed out by the defendant. C 0 from May ft.les.’ 1 . kOBtKISON, sec. May 50 St