Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, June 27, 1806, Image 3

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IE PUBLICAN. SAVANNAH, June 27, 1806 THE expedition of Miianda, 3nd the reparations for his departure from the urt of New-York, have occasioned much pquiry among the American people ; arious conji&ures have been made upon ,his singular tranfadion. When the fir it liagiftrate of a country is charged of sane, tioning fuoh an expedition, it is natural that it should aroufethe curiosity of the people ; that the memorials of Smith nd Ogden tended to implicate the Prefi dent,l&c: is evident ; that fucb impli cation is abase calumny, there is no doubt. Artful and ddigning men ■ave long been endeavouring to blall the ur fame of the officers of government; ■at, when a large majority of the people e in favor of their proceedings, what a 'ails the flanderof these disappointed few? we boa! of no nobility—God forbid we ever lhou!d.j A ernment is our choice—and may we ever keep the helm of which,out of the hands cf such men as would opprefa the poor. The debates, m Congress upon the Memorials of Smith & Ogden, w ill be found in this days paper; we trull they wil 1 be perused with auention by evciy candiu reader—they through much light up’ a the fuljedt of Miranda. The following Communication, r ---trafted from the Political Obfer-vatory, is well adapted to the prefeat day. The Anniverfsry ot that glorious event which gave to these United States, a free and independent Handing among the nations of the is fail approaching, f.e publicans ! cn the annual return of this day, it behoves you to bear in grateful remembrance the toils of the Patriot and Soldier o! ’76 —it was him who obtain ed us the privilege—it is to him we are indebted for the blefliegs of liberty— there are yet feme among us who faced the foe in the “ hour that tried men’s fouls”—vvhefe hearts, on the return of this Anuiverfary, mull sparkle with en thusiasm. COMMUNICATION. “ In all nations, famous for the great ness and duration of the r power, whole customs have been handed down to us by fciftory, certain days were feta part for the celebration of particular events. The day on which a v.dtory was gained or a tbreatning danger averted, at its annual return, was we ! comed by thepeo pie with joy and consecrated by them to ifelbvity and to demonllrations of their gratitude to the Gods. At such times the actions of their heroes were recount ed, and their brtalls glowed with an en thufiallic desire to immitate them t the calamity which cnce impended, is recoh ledted, and ti.ey are convinced tlist tven in the mofr dc r perate iituations it is folly to yield to despair above all, that the celclirial spirit which once actuated the citizens—that love ot country and of glory which impelled their forefathers to cclions heroic and godlike, is revived in their bt calls and prtferved from ex tinction. “ Among the Hebrews, the ordinance of the psfFover was inducted to com memcrate their deliverance from Egyp tian bondage. The day cn which they palled from slavery to freedom was made the firft. of their year, and it was enjoin ed in their religious code that it fltould be obfer/ed with lblcn.nity to the latell generation. Among the Greeks and Romans fead3 and games alrnolt with eut number were obierved, all of which were inltitufed to preserve the remem brance of fome important event—toicel ebrate the virtues of fome patriotic hero or to keep alive ar.d invigorate the spirit of patriolifm and love of glory. To their influence may be aferibed the ele ration of those nations to the height of powei which they obtained and which they poffefled through such a number of ages. “ as this is a free country, and as its freedom will expire when that spirit ot patriotism which was the cause of its birth, and which Ihould be considered more precious than the perpetual fire which burned in the temple of Vela, fliall cease to exist, the greatell exertion* fliould be made for its preservation. a proper observance of the auniverfaries of American independence would contribute greatly to that erd. At such times let the people be aflembled—let an orator whole attachment to liberty is ardent and whose bosom glows with the facrcd flame of’76, addrels them—let him transport them in imagination to those “ times which tried men’s fouls”—let him ex plain the realms which impelled us to war, painting in glowing colors the bles fing* of liberty, and exposing iu their native Icathlomcnels, the curies of igno niaioua finery—let biro relate the glo rioui deeds of our heroes, descant upon their patnotifm and virtue, and hold them up as models for imitation to the riling generation—lit him fire their minds with enthusiasm by displaying the allurements of fame which will.follow, and is 3 noble—a fufficient reward for toiling in the (ervice of their country.— By such means the love of liberty will be preserved, heroes and statesmen created, and the country advanced to the height of glory and power. _ “ The near approach of the next an niversary induced the writing of this communication.—That it will have the effect intended—that it will cause a more general celebration of that day than has been witnefied for several years pall, is the ardent wiffi of one whole principal object is the good of his country. Timoleom.” There can be no stronger Droof of the fitnefs of the decided measures adopted by the Isft CongreU in regard to Great 1 Britain, than the consequences they are j found to produce. They are such as j the friends of this policy had predicted* Our lad accounts from London aflert j that the decided Hand which we have ta ! ken, has produced a very coi.fiderable im predion upon the adminiltration and peo ipie of Great Britain., ! We ask no ftror.ger proof of this sen sation than the naiffim of Mr. Etskine. He i the firlt miuiltcr extraordinary that the Bbufu Cabinet have ever lent to this country. This fad is at once a proof of the anxiety of Great Britain to have her differences with us quickly and amicably fettled, and it is an carnell of the fuceefs of the isegociation. Richmond Enquirer. Mr. PARK 9, I was in the Gallery of the Rena e when the Honorable Mr. Bacon (after a great deal of op position and quibbling from the federal party) took me prefiTn jiiitl chair, at the requejl of that honorable body. I could not I out exult in tny own mind at ! he though progressive j Triumph of principle. But a few ‘years ago and this venerable | *rid inflkxable republican, Hood ! alone in the Unate of this ILce; and was dtfignated.conteTiptive !y designated, by the federatifts, as a “ foliiery r.ay,” in cn,u branch of the legillature ; but the lcene is now reversed, he is not only in the majority , but t ai led to preside in that reipeftable oody. On federaliftn ! iiow art hou fallen ! fallen ! We do not, however, with to exult too much over a fallen enemy; yet, we Ihould be ungrateful to the tupreme dilpolerof events, were we not to rejoice, that we have Heaped, 11 as the bird f r cm the inare cf the fowler, that the Ata re is broken and we have ejealed .” Deinocrat. From late publications , we find th .t a great quantity of counterfeit dollars mult be in circulation in Georgia, and from experience we find it is a faH —the pub lic, therefore, will do well to look /harp. /lug. Chron. Extrabl of a letter Iron a gentle man in Louisville, to his friend in this city, dated 1 14. tnfl. V We h.ui an eled'on yester day for a Major General and a Senator. Votes as foiluws—for Mitchell 52, Wood 26—for Senator, Miiiec'ge, 4/, Barnet 24, Telfair 13 —nothing else of conlequence has or will be done; all they appear anxious for is to get hold or the land. 1 hope we ihall adjourn on Wednesday next. “ The bank petition palled the Senate as follows—Refuivcd that the collection of the tax be fufpenfed until the ilt. January next —the lower houie have dila gr.ed to the amendment, of course it was loft. You will ob lerve that it was the opinion of both branches that a rcfolut on could not fupercede a law, which was the reafoo 1 believe why the lower house d.fagreed to <t. The Senate were of this opin ion a!fo, but they thought they would not have time to pass a law, therefore thought it best to do it by resolution which if con curred in, it rests fatufied till the next felDon.” Alufeum. TO RE A! T. STORES Nos. 7 and io, in the Ex change. For terms apply at my office. THOMAS PITT, Sec'ry. November a 9 if ALMANAC’S FOR Sals at tbit office. JAMES LANGLOIS, LADIES at A Gentlemen's, HAIR. DRESSER, and WIG MA KER, MOST Refpeftfully informs his friends and the public at large 5 that he has moved to the houl’e adjoining Mr. Roberts, opposite Mr. John Dillon’s llore, near the market lquare, where he will attend to the commands of th Me who may honor him with their cultom, with punctu ality. The price of cutting hair 12 12 Do. Shaving 6 1-4 Do. Drefling 12 1-2 June 27 87 SHERIFF’S SALES. ON the firjl Tuesday in July next, will be fold at the Court- Hauje in this city , between the hours of ten and three o'clotk. WILL BE SOLD, ALL thole buildings situate on North half part of lot No. Decker’s ward, owned by theeftateof Philip Mines, the property of Maurice Lehiff, now of Joi’eph Arnold. Tnree lots being part of a five acre Jot for merly the property of John Cur rie. dLS'O, A Negro man named Cas far, and a fifty acre lot known by the No. 8. Also, the houte in Anson’s Ward, at present oc cupied by the defendant, f'eized nnder execution as the property of Joseph Arnold, surviving Cos. at the iuits of Benjamin Buffey surviving copartner, and Benja min Bulfey junior. Continued from May Tales. Conditiins Cajh. T. ROBERTSON, s. c. c. May 30 81 tost AGOT.D SLEEVE BUTTON,marked A. S. The finder rray receive more han'the value of the Button by leaving in with the Printers hereof [May 6 71 SHERIFF’S SALES. ON the firfl Tuesday in July next, IVILT. BE SOLD, at thse Court-house in this city, between the hours of 10 and 3 o'clock. A negro man named Bach us, taken under execution as the property of William Bernard, under sundry executions, poin ted our by the defendant. T ROBERTSON, s.c. c. Mat, 70 Bt. iV O tIC E. AIL persons h?ving any demands a gain It the Corporation of the City of Savannah, will present the fame to Coun cil for payment, on Monday, the 30th inkant. By orte ot Council. J. T. BOLLF.3, C. C. June 20. 85. Notice, THE fubfcr.bcr, fome time fincc being,on his return from the Indian na ion came up with a JOHN IR VINE (as he called htmlelf) who had in hispoffcffion a neat negro fel low ; from the countenance and con. verfation of Irvne, when interrogated from whence he bad come, the man ner in which he male rep jr, together with other circumstances of his con duct confirmed Me fun'll iber m the be. ief /hat /he negro had been flolen. — He therefore demanded ot Irvine in what way he had come to the pollcl* lion of the negro ; to which he re. turned an evasive answer. Thefub criber told him he hd good reason to believe the n-gro had been stolen and was determided to Zaire /he ne gro from him and have him advertiled and in tale no pet (on claimed him within eighteen months would either return or fell him. This is therefore to notify all per lons whom it doih or may concern. That /he lublcriber has in his poiies. lion /he said new negro ; he is about five feet eight inches high, aged be tween twenty five and Znit/v years— no ma.its other than or. his back, which appear to have (uff.rcd under the Gowfkia ; (peaks little or no Englilh lays he came from Carolina, but does not knew whe’her (rom Nor/h or i’t.uth, he indiltm&ly communicates (when afkcd in wha t way the man came by him) that he took him up in /he toad, when on his way to filh on fame river or creek nearby. Hisown er ot owners aie therefore requeued to prove the proper/y of the negro pay charges and /ake him away; Win. Neely, Camden County on S/. Mary’s River. Sept, 20, iaaudoi 7, NOW LANDING, And for tale, cn board the brig ELIZA, from PHILADELPHIA , 6 Pipes Logouc BRANDY 4 Hhds. WHISKEY 3 Pipes F. V. GIN 20 Half barrels FLOUR 9 Kegs BUTTER Andrew Knox. June 24 4t 6 8j Watch the i\UNa\VaY ! j Twenty Dollars Reward. Mils CLARLsA, my fervam fiave, made a move, together wuh all her apparel, furniture arid baggage, on Saturday night, the 23d inlt, from my house ro lome other place unknown to me it is laid file is in company wirh the amiable Mil's Affy, the property of Mr. Duke. No doubr these ladies will introduce themicives as free, being very drefly and remarkably ieniible for their fat in color, though their complexions arc 01 the ye llow fit* cast: they will anlwcr any queftioo that may be put to them with a Irnilc, and at tht i fame time with boldne's, The laid Clarisa is well known in Savannah, file is about 30 years of age, five feet two in ches high, I caution all perfo is trom harboring her. Captains of vefiels are forbid carrying hei oft, under no Ids penalty than the law dire&s. The above reward wi h all realonahle expenles, will be paid to any person lecuring hcrin any jail in this date, lo ilftri can obtain her again. JANE KANE. June 23 6 MierilV's Aales. On the fitji 1 uefday in July next, between tbc bouts oj 10 and 3 o'clock oj that day, •will be sola in the to wn of Jefferson, ALL that LO i and improve ments, fmiaied in the town o St. Mary’s, known by the num ber (25) containing one hun dred teet in front, and four hun dred feet in depth; seized as the property of Lewis Levy, to farisfy the amount due on a mortgage, winch has been duly foreciofcd in favor of John Mil ler. Conditions ca h D. G J JNE3, see. May 3/ 85 TO LET, For a term ot Years. AN D immediate pnfleffion given, the TAN YARD, Garden See. with all its improvements, lately occupi ed by McflVe, Bowmer & Smith at Ya macraw. To a person desirous of purfumg the Tanning bufinefi), its recent and complete repair will affind great advantages, there are comfortable accommodations for a private family, the rent very low—apply to BAYLEi Sc HARM .N, June 10 82J Ho 6 ■ Exchange ffjf THE SUBSC r IBb RS, the want of punctuality in the greater number of those for whom ti.ey have been toiling, aflidnoutly for feverai years palt, find themlelves cnibaraffed by demands they cannot answer. They arc therefi >re compelled to call in tins manner ujkii all thole indebted to them, to pay the whole, a part, or liquidate the. fame by the firtt day of Juy next; after that date every unliquida ted book debt to the commencement ol the prelent year, will be placed in the hands of an attorney tor collection. Kollock& Parker. April 18 76. ‘File Copai rnerlhip of JOHN HUNTER & Cos. Expired on the firft inkant, by mutual agreement. The lutinen will be continued by JOHN HUNTER, Who has on hand, a general assortment of articles in the Ship Chandlery and Groce ry Line, Which he will fell on rcafonable terms, for good payments, Sav. June 17 6t 84 30 Dollars Reward, R AKA tV AY from the fubferiber on the 15th Ketiruary lait, ayoung negro wom an named NELI.Y, li e is about 5 feet tw or three inches high, thick made, lias remarka ble thick lips, and black teeth, which are ve ry far apart, andlifp* much when speaking. She is well known about town, where the may be enticed to work; and is luppofed to be harbored at times about the Orphan Houle and Mr, Wdkmfon’s plantation near Savan nah. The above reward wi tbe givn to any person who will deliver her to the J;u. e r m Savannah, or inform the fubferiber where ill; may be taken. Wm. Stephens. March *5 fi9 . AUCTION. THIS DAT at 11 o'clock, will be sold belore tie subscribers Auc tion St ere, positively without reserve, 1009 Pieces hue India INbnkiens 12 Chests frejfh Hylon Tea 10 Kegi Butter I Wire Safe 10 Boxes Snap 6 Boxes Candles ; 10 Ba.-s Black Pepper 10 Bags Coffee lo Bd'ei's | SUG 1 Pipe 4th proof Cognkc Brandy 2 H hds Jam. Rurn 2 Boxes Coiton Car Is 12 Barrels S. E. Flour 10 Barrels middling bread 2 Ca;t s Sa Idles 1 Calc Muflinets 1 Case Mullins A parcel of h ulehold furniture. ALSO, A pair elegant Black Horses. ON To Marrow, The 28th instant, at the ftorc of Jacob Idler £s? Cos. | 300 Buftiels Corn 500 Bulhels Oats 10 Chests Hyfon Tea See: 6. H. Stackhouse, AiEt’iv June 27 87 JOHN BOLTON, sun. n Cahoot 1 / Superior WILLIAM NORRIS, J Court, March ‘ lcrm , 18. 6. UPON the petition of John Bolton, surviving copart n r of Robert &c Jonn Bolton praying the foreclofure of the E qciryof Redemption on the ,‘ol -1 >wing premises, mortgaged to the said Robert & John Bolton for the furn of eleven hundred Mid forty fix dollars, payable the iitih of January 1802, and ido for the further firm of ele ven hundred and (orty fix dr.l- Irs ;ro interest payable the i fifth 0! November 1802, o wit, | the following tots arm purs of | lots in the town of St. Mary’s.— Ad that wharf 1;t containing 50 feet on St. Many’s Itrcet and running 150 Ret welt to Jud lon’s water lot, and from St. Ma ry’s ftreer to the river 100 feet an i along the riv-r 100 seer The fame being the front of lot No. four in the plan of said town —AKb part of laid loc No. four beginning at Ready (treet running will on the St. Mary’s llreet to Ju Ifo* ’s lo f Sc on Ready Itreet 200 fe. t north to Divine Young’s lou r ln c & 1 50 werton laid Young’s line to Judlon’s lot win the buildings and improvements thereon.— Also lot No. (43) forty three containing four acres then oc cupied by Peter W. Green, w\h the buildings and improvements rhereon, and on motion of Mr- Stires attorney for tht petitioner, It is ordered by the court that the principal interest and colts upon the said mortgaged premiles be paid into court w-th j'n twelve months from this date | and unkfs the fame be so paid j the equity of redemption fluff | thenceforth be foreclofed and o- I ther proceedings take place pur luant to the aft pf alfembly in luch case made and provided : And it is further ordered ia purl nance of the said aft that this rule be published in one of the public gazettes of this flare at teaft once in every month until .the time appointed for payment, or served on the mortgager or his special agent or attorney at least fix months previous io the time the laid money is ordered to be paid into court as aforclaid* Extra A from the min utes this bib, March, ißos, ISAAC CREWS, c.t, t. c.ct 1 arm 2 m 60. Wanted ON HIKE. A NEGRO WOMAN who is a Cook, XX. w a flier and—One with a good cha.after, will nerve liberal wag -:,, ar.d be well treated. Enquire at this cilice. May 16 OLD KAGS, be thankfully rec i--ed at the VV POOR-HOUSE, in this city, tlaerjj being great call for them. Moses Shefull, o. i>. Maj if *-