Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, July 04, 1806, Image 3

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much as possible, the unavoida ble miseries attending a ltate o: war. It has beta laid, that a rrong the civilized rations o! Europe, the ancient horrors of that Rate have been much di min shed ! but the compelling men by chains, and fa mine, to fight againlt their friends and relations, is anew mode of barbarity which your nation alone had the honor of inventing; and the (ending A* merican prisoners of war to A frica and Afu, remote from alt j probability of exchange, atnl! where they can icarce hope ever to hear from their families, even if the unwholefomen-fs of the climate does not put a speedy ev.d to their lives, is a manner of treating captives that you jus tify by no other precedent or cullom, excepc that of the black savages of Guinea. We are your lord fh'. p’s moll obe d/ent humble servants. “ B. Franklin, S. Dean. *’ Lord Viscount Stcrnsont.” To the above letter the fob lowing reply was made ; “ The King’s Ambassador re ceives no letcers from rebels, ex cept when they come to aik mercy. 0 IN COUNCIL, City of Savannah, 30 th June, 1806 THE Committee of Finance, to whom it was refered to examine the Treasurer’s account, and to report fpeciaiiy thereon, report as follows : Si A lb ME NT Os Monies received and paid away by Jeremiah Cuyler, as City Treasurer, from the 1 ‘jib June, 1805, to the 28 th June, 1806, in * . dufi-ve. OFFICERS SALARIES. D. C. To Cafli paid the City Clerk, his salary, iiationary attached to his olfhe, and aftrevv for-the city feai, 459 °sa Fa’d the City Treasurer his salary, iiationary for his office and books, 643 75 Pud the City Marihal his falaey, 350 00 Pa and the Meffiengcr his fall’ ~f, 150 co Paid the keeper of the C'.nvt-houfe, ‘ So 00 P iid the keeper of the City Mall, 4.0 00 Paid the keeper of the Grave Yard, and for work to the fame, J 93 75 CITY GUARD. Paid G. R. Duke, adju tant, for superintending the guard, 229 121-; Paid S. Mordicai for keeping the Guard Houle and furnilhiug wood and candles. 278 50 Paid the Drummer and Fffier. jo 00 ENGINES. Paid for repairing En gines, Engine Houses, cisterns, ladders, hooks and for fire caps, buckets, trumpets, lanterns and for new ladders and hooks 1330 37J Paid the Clerk of the board of Fire Mailers Salary and iiationary for his office. 133 05 Paid the messenger to the beard of ’/ire Mailers for fatary and wood 62 941-4 Paid Engine No. 3, be ing the fit It at a fire agree able to a city ordinance. 30 oo PUMPS and WELLS. Paid for repairing Pumps and Welis, Contr.oflors fa ary and for new pumps and wells. unn 621-2 S I REETS. Paid the City Scavenger f r keeping the flreets it lanes clean, for curing down weeds, lovelbng iiveets <se for work done in the Market fqu-re. 1613 50 TREES. Pa. and for work to the trees, and for repairing Puils and Turnpikes. 184 75 LAMPS. ’Paid the Contractors sa lary for light and wick, and for a balance clue the former con raftor. 1970 50 Paid for Oil 3176 50 Paid for repairing lamps and pells. 370 75 SMALL POX. Paid for Hefipitai rent 131 25 Paid the Health officer for naedicin* and attendance. 133 62 COURT-HOUSE. Paid fur repairs, ai’erati ens, i3 removing records. 341 8712 ’fG ZiNE. Paid for repairs, llore rent for Powder and guarding. 243 00 JAIL. Paid for repairs and finifh ing rooms. 1233 68 Paid jailer, deputy jailer and Phificiar.s falaiies 1916 16 Paid for MattrafTes and blankets 117 00 Paid for burying prisoners 13 OQ Paid the Marlhai for hogs carried there to be fold. 81 24 Exchange. Paid for keeping the dock in order. 91 63 Paid for nineteen Cures in the Exchange &for titles. 2984 00 Boaad or Health. Paid the Health officer for services during the quaran tine. 200 00 Paid the cierk to the board hisfalary and liationary. 59 25 p„id the meffienger his sa lary. 60 00 ‘-.r ‘n *•Q l vs • ** Paid for Negro badges 52 861-4 Paid for tranfcribir.g city Ordinances & Lr drawing titles to city lots. ‘ 2S 121-2 Paid lor repairs to the city hall. 8 00 Paid for keeping regifler of mortality. 86 75 Paid the city recorder and city clerk lor extra services 100 00 Paid for tongs, ihovel and flove 28 75 Paid for repairing city hurll. 24 00 Paid for repairs to the bu rying ground. 30 75 Paid j.Stouffor surveying docks. 4 00 Paid for wood, candles ne gro hire, &c. &e. 57 85 Paid the city Affieffor in part us his account 100 00 Ballanceiu the Treasurers hatidsthis2Bth June, 1806. 4.11 591-2 22,601 691-2 CREDIT. By Caih Received for fines of the Superior Court, and city fines. 959 561-4 Received for badges 482 50 Received for stall rent. 1125 00 Received for extra market fees. 55 621-2 Received for Oil (unfit for city use.) 108 00 Received from the city re corder colleiSted by him for .fines and Hall rent. 160 00 Received for Hogs lold. 62 99 Received from the infe rior court out of the county funds in part for the jail. 2000 00 Received for duties on sales at audlion. 749 -171-2 Received for I.icences. 4500 00 Received for Ground rent. 12,094 813-4 Ballance'in the Treasu rers hands this 17 th. June, 1806. 303 721-2 22,601 691-2 ERRORS EXCEPTED. J.IUTIER, c. t. THE committee of Finance in com pliance with the. resolution of council of the i6th inst. Report that they have examined the loregoing accounts and find the feme corredl, and Rqurtl the fame to he publish ‘d JOHN P. WILLIAMSON,> Comm j JAMES MARSHALL, ( committet ’ IVhereupon i. is Osuerrd, That the feme be pub ilhtd in the Gazettes of this city. Mutt aft from t.ic Minutes, JOB T. BOLLES, c c. June 30* 89 1 \ w >L< !L, Scvtinnab, 3c th June, 1806. A BILL, TO be entitled an Ordinance to amend “An Oidinaoce for “ ercdbng and affixing Lamps “ in the ftreers and public pia “ ces of she city of Savannah. “ so the pturpole of Lighting “ the fame by night”—pafled 14th November nHoj, was read the third time. Ordered, That the laid bill do pais into an Ordinance, co be entitled an ordinance to amen., an ordinance for eredt ng and af fixing Lamps in the ilreets and public places of the city of Sa vannah, for the purpose of 1 iog the lame by night, palled 14th November, 1803 That the fame be signed by the Mayor, and published in the gazettes of the City. F Kir aft from the minutes. JOB T. BOjI.LES, C.C. AN ORDINANCE, TO amend an ordinance en titled “ an ordinance for ered ing and affixing Lamps in the ftrects and public places of the city of Savannah, for the pur pose of lighting the fame by night,” pafihd the 14th of No vember, one thousand eight hun dred ano three. BE it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of iavannah, in Council assembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from 6c after the palling of this ordi nance, if any negr >, or perlon of color, being a Have, ihall re ceive or purchase any oil, wick, iamp.'or other aitide wf atfoever, which may be used or intended o be used in or about the public lamps, or lamps ereded at pri vate expense and lighted by the city, he or (he so offending, Ihall be punished with th rty nine laihes on the bare back, at the public market place, in mar ket time, unlels the owner or owneis of such (lave or slaves. fb iij, before such punifhmenc be nflided, pay such fine as may be awarded, r.ut exceeding thir y dol ‘ars. IN COUNCIL, Savanna's, ysth Jane, i3o C. ‘fjLJ&ffc PASSfiU, JOHN Y. NOEL, Tjfjfi Mayor. -'SATS-1- TST*” tT-A.—i -rTT'-nf-, viw-n RE r UB LiC A N. SAVANNAH, July 4 1806. WE are told an Oration will be delivered this day at one o’clock, in the Prclbyterian { Church, by a young gentleman of this City,] a Student at law. It is exported tfe- Volunteer Corps, as well as Citizens generally, will give their attendance. COMMUNICATION. CITIZENS or savannah! On Monday next you will be called on to elert yftoper perl’on's to reprelent you in the City Council. It is a matter of deep regret that tlie Republican candidates are not more advan tageoully fome wards there are two or three relpedlable ones in oppolition... in others fome lei's popular Oppose the moll meritorious federaliils that car. be feltiSed by their party. These circumstances mull ope- ! rate against the democratic interoil Re publicans, you are too careless, too negligent ; whilst you fee your political opponents making use cf every po(Hole means to fill the legillature of your city with men of their own choke, a number of the moll refpedlrtble Republican ci tizens—citizens cllcemcd by all parties are to tally unconcerned, regafdlels of the coni'equen ces of being governed by an entire arillociatical: board.—Permit me to conjure you to step for- | ward and evince to your fellow-citizens that j you still hold in veneration those principles by which our worthies of’76 were principles that bough: at the price of blood-lhed & devolution,thegloriousindependenceof which you now boast, and in the enjoyment of which you are the happitil people on earth. Do not, Republicans, oppose each other ; where there is one democratic ctiadidate, a good man, let not another of equal worth rival him, so as to di vide their interests and permit a fed to creep in between them. Without arrangements dif feient from thole already made, I am really fearful this will be the case. A VOTER. 1 THE CHOPS. A gentleman who ha> lately returned from a tour through the upptr and middle parts cl this Hate, informs, that there is the faired prospect of rich and abundant crops this season, that has been for many years pad... The corn looks beautiful in every county that he pallid through, and the cotton plants bore the appear ance of health and vigor, and if the season Ihould continue equall) favorable as heretofore, the planters may flattir theinfelves with an unusual abundance of this valuable article... We underliand that the rains which have laded so long and heavy in Richmond and the lower parts of the date, greatly endanger the prof perts which were flatteritc before; but we are gladtolearn that the lealoh has not been so wet in other parts of Georgia. [Augurta Chron. We learn by the brig Resolution, from Trinidad, that a few days before file failed Ad miral Cochrane dispatched his foil in the Ja son frigate, with the f lying l-'ifh tender, to cruise for Miranda off the coast of Barcelona and Cairac-s, and to give him assurance that every assistance in the power of the Britilh squadron should be given to forward the suc cess of his enterpriie. The Flying Fifti had returned to Trini dad, and the Lilly sloop of war had been lent to replace her. No intelligence by the tender had tranfpireu ; but the prompt failing ot the Lilly gave rife to much speculative opinion.... No account had reached Trinidad of the cap ture of Miranda’s two schooners. A report prevaikd that the armourers employed at Cumana by the Spanilh govern ment had been apprehended and executed on a charge of having rendered unfit for service the muskets that had been entrulltd to them to re pair. [N. York paper.] From several parts of this state we have accounts of the ravages committed by a worm, generally called the armv worm. We have heard of many fields of wheat, rye and corn, which have been almost totally cut down by this dellrudlive worm. Lexington (ICen.) paper. A correspondent having obffrved the publication of an experiment to Hop the pro gress of caterpillars, by means of plaifter of Paris, submits to the public the following fart, which occured within his own knowl edge a bout thirty years ago. A v.heat field at the mouth of Patuxent river was attacked by fiich quantities of caterpillars, just, when in full head, that alter a few days few heads remainded un injured in fome degree; when it was observed that the caterpillars daily left and returned to the field. This regular marching and counter marching suggested an attempt to defiroy them on tlieir passage to and fro, by marking them with beaters in a finall trench cut round the field,about afpade in depth, and a, broad as a narrow lpade at top, but rather wider at bot tom, in order to retain them longer in the trench. It appeared evident that if the above experiment had been made ori the firft attack o.‘ the caterpillars, very confiderxble damage mult have been prevented, as such numbers were quickly destroyed as to insert the air similar to carrion. No bad efferts are recollected to have attended the putrid state of the air. Nearly about the fame time, a timothy mtdow, just heading, was attacked, and was immediately mowed. Telegraph. —“ Fort of Savannah, AAP..IVED —Sc’nr. Agenora, Bennett, Bal timore; Experiment M’Lean, CharlelTon CLEARED—Schr. Hope, Harvey, Chirles- NFW YORK, June iy. 1 We have bet n favored by * i reipedable hint i t this citv with the .follow ing letter, recei ved at Liverpool Irani Elfineur* “ Ljirter.'y nth of dtwl. <l We rake the liberty to ad vile you, thac under date of the 2 ad n't. an ordinance was pas sed, directing, that unlels A trie rican Ihips, as will as others from America, were provided with b JJs of health from that countrv, signed either by the D n i lli, Ruffian, Prufllan or - Vwedifh conl’ul, that would ■c firtijtet io quaiantine s and although they mav liave tleii/e ----red in Furofie, yet it is expended, that they ihould bring with than jucb American bill of health However, in cale of their not having inch bill of health, they Right io provide theinfelves with one ironi the !afl port 0 f difeharge, attested ei her by the Dmilh or Ruflian consul. We iiad ycllerday an Anrtrican from L’.fbon, who, lor want of such uteft, a. et with much difficul ty.” Lxiratl of a Utter fro-n a gentle via,’, in Ling ton , Jamaica, da ted tr,e 15 th of May , to bis friend in Philadelphia. i c< Jni iy, I ihmk, venture to !av for your intormationy and hat of your iifu-ance offices, hat it > opinion Brftilhcrui zr.ts will bring in tor aajudica ion all American v.effds found coming iro.r the ports of St IJ> min go not unuer the authority of France, as in an iilicic trace, contrary to the laws .f the LJni ted States ; and, in that, I Ihould liipp de the courts of ad mralty will make fhorc wo.lto. a.” June 17. Bv the bug Wi.liam, captain Warner, wl.ich arrived at this rtort 1. fl: t vening from Liverpool, the editor of the Mercantile Ad vertiser has betn favored with G>Ldon papers 10 the 3d, of Vlay. two days later than any pr< vioufly received ; but no e vent of magnitude having o:- urred on the European conti nent in the intermediate fbarc Detween our so river and prefen advices from that quarter, the), papers aie alinott Without ihte relt. /Sheriff’s Sales. On the firfl Tuesday in Augufl next, between the hours of io and 3 o'clock, WILL BE SOLD, A Horse and fome household furniture, levied on as ihe pro perty of George Horlback, to latisfy several executions. Also, a negro boy, named An tony, levied on as the property of Doctor Samuel M’Cormick, former faie noc complied with. A negro wench named Miro, levied on as the property of doc tor John Love, to iatisfy several executions, at the !ui e of Wil li im Shaw, former laic not com plied with. A negro wench named Com fort, levied on as the property of I lmoihy Freeman, Continued from July fa It-. Also, a Gold Witch, chain and feai, levied on as the proper ty of John Courtney, to latisfy Jolcph Meiggs. A negro wench and her child, levied o<* as the property of J ahn Pooler, Efqr. Condi'ions Cafij. JOHN WILLIAMS, s c s July 4 80 30 Doiiars Reward. RANAIVAY from tbs fubforiber on th e i<;th February lait, Ryour.g negro wo m .ll named NELLY, Ihe is ahum sleet two or >hree niche- high, thick rude, ha-. rtr:.x tku :ne thick lip,, an A black teeth, which are ve ry far apar', and Lips much wh-n if.raking. She is well known about town, whe e lhc may be enticed to work; arid i-, luppcfed to >e harbored at t::.: . about the Orphan II ot.le vml Mr. VVilkiul ji.’u plantation near Sa van lah. Tim above re a-aril v,i Ibo given to uny jerfon who will d-liver her to the ,'a.ler in .avannah.or inf.jrm the fibfi.r.ber where tlie nay be taken. Win, Stephens. March 33 • lor L! v u. R POOL, j sigi The gi.yd ip j'N?;V 2i ’■> *'.trail ck K!iza, vC,, IfOLLdND, F.xpeCted to he (Jifpatchcii in the courfc of three Wa ks. For fiei r >hc of Cottou or tor pillage, plcafe sppiy to K. 1. Folton. ReC. iii-d for sale by said Ship, 40 crates CROc'KERY WARE 5-10 b tithe Is Ground Salt Bottled Porter DM HAMD, Brown aLGARS. J u, y 4 $9 THE SL T !j oCRIBER, HIVING taken -he It re lately occupied L’ J - J. Wyliy, oilers for Lie an *t'- lonment of BOOTS and SHOES; ON MODERATE TERMS. BEING about to leave the ltate, he has a util oil I. and Mr. Francis Tu l ? to trai.Uct 6u lmeU tot him Juung his fihfence. Daniel woods. B [| y 4 31 89 ; ~To7T~Z T A pcifons haying demands against the a V ell ate of Lopcr, Esq. | t;e 0 p l.ihngham county, dtCcuicd, are requelp-d t-. rmder m their accounts legally ;u-elieri, and all thole indebted, sre d.-iiied ro make luecdv pajiliem. . 1 . 1 Lisa I.oje st el G 1.0 ‘cr, Qualified Executors.’ J u| y 4 6w g>9 GEORGIA. ) By Edward White, 1.1-• ] £clerk of the Court olOr b : w it, White. V.inaiy tor the county of Chatham, and ilatc alorclaid. Jhi 1‘- RE A John Womack liatli V V made application for letters of adiiuniltration on ettate and est cels 0 f Frederick Womack, late of the city of Savannah, butcher, dec. as nearelt of kin, Tliele are therefore to cite and admoit dh idl and lingular the kindred ond cre nitors of the dectaftd, to file tlieir ob j.d ons, (if any tiny have) in my office, on or before the 4th day ot August next, otherwtfe letters of adminiltratiou will be granted him. Given under my hand and fell this 4th . ay of July, 1806, and 111 tine 3 1 if year of American Independence. So, SI lEßlbE’a SrtLES. - ON the fir ji Tuesday in Augtift next, it ill be foil at the Court llouje in this city , between the hours of ten and three o’clock. A NEGRO WOMEN, na* med Sarah, taken under excuurion a iha property of ) hn Pooler, at the suit 01 hioj;- gt-rt and Man.sficld. T. ROBERTSON, s . c. c. Juiy 4 by marshal’s sales, On the firfl Tuesday in August next, will oe sold at the Court* leusr, in the city of Savannah , negroes, George and Hager, an unexpired lease of loc no. 10. Wilmington Ty* thing Darby ward, wirb the buildings thereon, adjoining Mr. John Gardiner. Ailo an unex pired lease of lot no. j, Heaih coat Tything Decker ward, vhere Mrs. Smith icfides, levied on as the properry of Smith, Sons and Anderlon, at the fuic of I homas arid James Swords. b. wall, m. and o. July 4 80 Murjhat s Sales. ON the fa ft ‘lue/day in Au gust next, will be sold at the v court-boufe, in Savannah, ALL that Plantation con taining 3CO acres, called Douglass, near Point Peter, ia Cumden county, Georgia. ALSO, Seven Negroes, viz. Bofon* lark, Nancy, jeni!y,Sally, Han nah and her child j levied as the properry us Thomas H. Mil ler, to latisfy a judgment of Benjamin and Jufeph Strong, obtained againlt Macleod and Miiler. Two Negroes Charles and Rachel—Aifo, lundry articles of Plated Ware, Jewelry, &c. Also Houfehotd and Kitchen Furni ture, levied oh as the property of 1 Jolcph Rice, to fatisfy an exe cution in favor of John Hill. The flock in Hdde of Abra ham Woudfide, confining of Dry Goods, Hardware and Cut lery, ro facisfy an execution ob tained by Wrn. Woodfidc. B. WALL, M. o. July t\. 80 w an Fed, IK S-yo Girl tc attend a fmxll chib! F.cq at Uti-. idtiC. 2tt)