Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, July 08, 1806, Image 2

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I iic vidoty <i iitr ■- I ki the fr f e.i it Camden, are ev.i mentiwnetl as tw o of me moll j mvjrunt events of the revolu tion. At Saratov b.’'he fupe i .os gene: aifhip -if Gai es, a glo rious and bl .0 Uefs v:ttory was gained over the enemy, com mand tl by Burgoyne i at Cam dm, owin; T to the cowardice ol h:a miutia, he wfia unfortunately defeated by Cornwallis. Ihe r,umcr ms and important ben l iits however, which flowed fro n this happy vifto.y, amply compen land tor .tire paitul evils whicli followed thi-i dilahrous defeat. No one exploit atchieved during the late war, not eVeil the fplen did vi‘lory pained by the com mander in chief at Trenton, or that of Green at the Eutams, can be compared with the con ven tion o Saratoga? eitntr a ref- j pedis the brilliancy of the action : itleli, or its beneficial confe- 1 quenecs to America. Having, | by his e-xpenen ed tic II in mili- j tary tactics, and t,is protound knowledge in the itratagems ol j war, completely encomp.tfi and fhei army o’ Bur c oyne, becon'peil and! hi n to lurrcnder up. n fuel, j terms as he th /tight proper t , grant. —From me rdpcCtive fi luati n o. the tw j armies, ac the time ch.s ■ onvcntion v/as negpei- i aimg, It was expected that Ciielt j terms of lurrcnder woo'd be huilh and degrading j bjt o the contrary, -ftivj were I’uch mild e; o.s, us only the generos ity *.f Gat s CO'jM off:i, or tot honor ol the Brit.fn general ( would permit him to accept. Infl ad of adding mortific •-4 elO ft J to de ! e t*, and mluit to iis or tune, with a nob ends of loul fcaice ever paralleled; lie cx pielfed a lympa diene lonow a. the humiliating condition of his antagouilf, ri-ltraincd his owuj lokiicra from beholding die en emy, wnen piling their arms, a'ti permitted them to march’ out ol their camp with the ho;i-| o sos wai. Such moderation ; and inch generous conduct, at j lmli a crilis, when victory wasj in Ins gi alp, when success was abot t to i rown lus plans wnh the i-urt-sof glory, when the foil-, ide of fortune was flowin’ in upon hi n, rxcite the hi.-lint admit anon, and demand tin. mod unfeigned appl.itife. bur cels too o.ten n aius the fold.r. giddy, cruel and overb armg :t.c! leads him to th ; co nmiflioti o ad o s unwoithy of hinnclf anti unw.ithy o the caul'e tor wnich heconteuds. Not lo e.ith res pect, to geneial Cates, for he was govrr. e , tliroUglKiut h;s whole h c, by die pmniples of prod'll e, moderation and -- But, i may oe atked, w. .. wee the import.*-, t bene fits reluEmg from ihe hinen ler of B argo; ne ? Were w; to an fw. r this q .diion, in one word, \vv might lay, dir, were mnu merablt ■, tne iubjed, htw-yer, requires a moie particular in vetti: -ion.—During die cam } aignsoi ‘75 iir >d ‘7'', until this fortunate event, almott every engagement the Americans had fought with the enemy proved umuccefs'ul, aim It all die ir ci ties and leaport towns were ta ken or dtflrov eel by them, and th repeated frowns of fortune, cufi a melancholy damp upon their lpirits. Ihe lurrcnder of B iigoyne and h saraiy, compo led of levcn ttioul md of the en emy’s bravdt troops, was a tranla-Cti. n calculated to revive their del;.ooding ho, cs, convin ced them ct tfic probability ol eventually provmg luetcisfu:, and encouraged them to conti nue t. c:r ttmggic for iudepeo cence. W n.e i the convcnuou o Saratoga vv.o> ptibliJy known, it ocx aliened univerUl jov tlirou. hoot the continent. It not o iv exittlirjced the tiefpon duig hopes ot Atpcrica, but at lo gained her ihe Eicnch alli ance, winch proved afterwards of the uibioli important e to he Cauic ; and itfuiiher blade J the almott expiring hopes of the Bri tilh mmuiry as to fubduu.g A rxct.ez. Had .-t Birgay .: ban ; compelled t i furren-kr b/ the L- | pirior roilitaiy talc-nts of Genera! j Gates, America would probably ft ill have been a dependant colony ol Great B: team; her independence? would have beta facrificed upon the altar ot tyran ny ; and those heroes who fought her battles, who offered uj> their fortunes in her caufr, who rilked their fives in de fence of her liberty, and who arc now hailed as the saviors of tl*cir country, would have been branded by the igno minioui epithets oi rebels, aid punifiied !3 traitore to thei- king. The peculiar lituationof the parlies belli ;erent at that ; crisis, warrants this inference If so, bow great n.ud be the debt of gratitude, which America own tu the deceased General Gatls ? ‘l'he An-.ericans, as a national people, caruot Le accuied of ingrciitude ; bat yet we alledge, that t' re are fume individuals, who have en deavoured to Lla km th •’ unsullied fur face of his rrputatiou, to cast a foul flig ma upoa lus honour, and to depreciate i bis great krftices—that there are many [ who have forgotten the great, import | ant, and blood lefts viilory of Saratogo, : and only remembered the unfortunate defeat at CaruJcr. What then, It us [crquire, were the circunnftances attend Tig this defeat ; what was the conduit of Gath upon that occalion ; and what are those facta which have ®cca hi/Oed tins torrent ami invrdtiv'c ? It ts true, G a- Gatss was defeated at Ca:n ----i den ; but does it therefore foil uv, a a | rice firry conhquentc, that this oefi at j was occafiontd by his rr.ifconduid ? By Ino m. cns Owing to hi, late victory, the aiinie of the people were railed to the L'gheft pitch of expedtation, on his I'du.ig the command of the southern ar my. Their difappoiritment, oil his (it ft ?t, n\a confequcntly more severely felt But a moment’s impartial atten tion to t!ic circumfta'ices attending th s i”ifortunate dilslttr, will demouftrate in.w improperly, iiow unjustly the hern of Saratogo has been accused of unmih tai y conduit. The troops which lie c >ntir -nded at Camden, were mollty Vir ginian and North. Carolina militia j there were very few continentals among them. As hrs army waj lttperior in nnnit).r3 to that of the enemy, he wa in aed from that, ausJ other parcutly favourable circa alliances, to liflt an en gagcnierit. Accoulingly, he choose an advamngeoui ground, drew up his men in an cx elleut pofruon, and gave fuila bit- orders for concluding the battle; at theli. lt onset, however, nay ev.-n be i n e the tneiiiy had tired lirlt round, I the militia were seized wi .h a sud ltn [ panic, tirrev/ do\Vn tneir aims aud fled in [diimay. This Slight of the militia oc leatianed difarder among the continen tab, and gen. Gsth wa comp-. 11. *, as the only mode of preventing a overthrow, to order a retreat. j -a this view of the defeat at ‘ ianvicn u name oi Heaven, where ought sure to fall—upm the fhouhlers experienced gen. Gates, or up >u th ot nis cowardly rnilitia ? Molt undoubt edly the latter. Yet ‘ this is the tuai and front ot his offending.’ Allowing that Gates was defeated, not from his own imprudence, but from the cowardice of his troops, yet is it a thing so very surprising, that a soldier fhouhl be de featta ? Was not Walhington, the de nn-god ot your idotitiy, no” oniy on-.-e, but frequently defeated? It Wsfhir.gton was l .h times unfortunate, and not c“ veil tcrjvred, why fhauld posterity damn the character of Crs tor this one and only misfortune f it we arc to gtve en tire credence, on the one hand, to the pujn lived ielations ot foreign luftoriaps/ a we arc to yield up our opinion merely upon the talie acculations of public or privatecnetnies ; if such arc to be the giounds oh which wc are to rell our judgment, then would the character of igc-n. O’ i.-.-i be datuned indte.t ; but if, !ou the other hand, we arc to believe the ! unprejudiced relations of living authors ; ! *f vv - are to lea l the fair pages of Aine : tican history, or it we are to confide in tiic verbal tcllunony of those officers who shared with him the dangers of that day, to far from condemning fas conduct as criminal, we- mutt commend it as highly piailc worthy. r tom the preceding views of the mi litary career of our hero, evliat. opinion oujjtit his country men to entertain of his character as a general ? How-cver great the abilities of Gates, as a general, might have been, yet his fubordiuate ttation u ider the commander in chief, renders h;s aAtons less known, ‘and Icfs j tpieadiu. The example of Alexander j the Great and Parmenio, warrants this ol lervation. This example is not quot ed with a view to undervalue the merits ct \\ * filing km, but merely to ihew the re don w iy the exploits of G iles are not more konyn, and more celebrated. Yet no one, it lie is in the leait acquainted wito his uitions, can doubt, but that his military tiients were great; that his ftiinus was well calculated to form the general, and that his experience render ed trim worthy of the command he held under \\ alhiugton. Had fortune cast tne lot of Gates in the fame mould with that of Csefar and Bonaparte, his talents might have rendered him, perhaps, equal ly celebrated as a coi quer.or But the phere ot his aitior.s was confined with n narrow limits, and his ambition led him to conquer, not for fetf-aggrandixe. nient, but tor the good of lus country. In performing the part of a soldier, which hu pat nothin induced him to ad upon the ilage of American revolution, he fhewtd lumfe.t, upon every occalion, as delervuig ot that confidence, vrhieh was placed har. by h : s enu-.try men. ( To be Continued.) PROM ENGLAND. The following articles are copied from j London Evening papers of the 3 : May, received at C'narlcfton, via Nev. Y ork. LONDON, May 3. The alarm caused by a report of a meditated attack upon Portugal by the French, has entirely fubiided. TANARUS Hortuguefe Envoy, yelterday, fenfc an r tice into the City, stating? ‘ that from all the accounts he had received that day from Lifo >u, there was not the least cause tor alarm. Several letters from Lifts.,ll of the 16th ult. mention, that a rumour of an attack upon Portugal, by the Spaniards, was in circulation, bu: no credit was attached to it. We learn by letters of the 2d of A pril, fron Gibraltar, that Mr; Cart- had gone- on board the Pompee, Sir SUnej Smith, to re conveyed back to .Algiers, the diff- re ces between tlit Dky and this country having been ac commoda ed. This niorning v;e received the Ley den Gazette, ot the 29th ult contain ing the Paris r.e-.vs up 10 the 2jth. The Hamburgh nail, due on WcdneiJay, al so arrived th morning, with letters and papers to the z6t!i ult. Tlit-ir coutents arc of great importance. All tiiv ac counts from tliefe several fourcts agree in ftaung, that the difference between France and Austria has been fettled Phis rcfult, according to lome-has been fleck dby the furrendcr ot Catturo to tin: French. Others date, that France has been fatisfied with a passage by Pon teba and Trieste. The Hamburgh ed itor, however, doubts the truth of this intelligence.—The French troops have, in confeqneuce, rtconimenced their march for Rhine, and the Ruffian prilon.-rs are returning home. A Ikir inifh to<ik place 0:1 ue 22 i, near Ratz*. ourg, between a lmaH corps of Swedilh cavalry, and a detachment of Pruflia i infantry, in which the fottn -r weic de leated, an forced to relreat,, with me iofs of feverai kiued anu wounded. LuBuCK, April 23, To-day, at noon, a ik rmilh took place at Scrdorf, betw < n iVlolin ana Ratba.. v-tw f a trrad corps of Sweedilh c vaJ.-y and a detachment 01 Pruifia. Infantry she .Swe.'cs were summoned by .- pi .Hi jit. to retire, width thev r ufliifr the iat er attacked them Th. S we-t-s being .0 weak to make t-fift r .... rrtreated to a 1 eminence, tv tit 1 e th . uma.-n again attacked them aud hirer 1 them \o rt- -cat en.irely. In .1,18 (k rmilh Uv.ral were kitied and wounded on both fiLs L< me, March 24.. The garrison of Gue,a amounts to ’ fix tho mi men, aid appears to be well p,. uiaiied. It is b.fieged by twenty lour*.. uTii.’ men, and fired upon from iruc n mortars and howitzers, and thirty twenty ioarp.jU'.iders, Marlhal Malfe | ,1. is a. K -:z -i, opposite Mellila, where ■ a coi i.dcai .e um her of transports are | collected tor *h.. ejnvtyancc of the French army to Sicily. Mar.h 29 The kvjra! ieeret couflftories that hit holi ids iat ely held, anti the prayert lie nas pv it ‘he etfigh altar of St. Peter a Paul, in the Vatican, prove t. .ordinary events arc in contemp ~on. It is generally believeei here, ihat Pus VII will rtlign, and Cardinal Feleh be ra.led to the Papai 1 dignity, w.lO will remove his feat to A -1 viugnon ; in w hich cale the Hate of the I chu ch wi'.i ie incorporated with the kingdom cl Italy. Pbtbrsburgh, Match 29. The Ruluxn troops which had march ed into Germany, as well those assembled in the South, as those in the North of that country, are ail at this niomeul up on tneir return to their country. The corps of the army of Moravia, which was the tirit that rtpailed the Ruffr -t fron tier, has already, in the greater part, returned to their old station.—The Im perial guard, and other corps of the gar rison ot Petcriburgh, have alio returned. P.istis, /tp'il 24 The projeß of the law tor the new or ganization e>f tne Ba :k of France, pre- I Luted on tne io a of this tnontn by government to the leg.llative body, was ! the day bcfoie yeftercay m tluet aflc.ubiy, by a majority of xct6 to 70. SHERIFF’S SAELS. On the Jirji Tuesday in A**uft next, wtll le Jcld at the Court bou e, tt: ibis city, between the hairs of 10 and 3 o'clock, ALL that Lot ot land in tne city of Savannah, known by the number five, third tything Rey nolds ward, containing 60 feet in width, and 90 feet in depth, with the improvements thereon, by virtue of a foreclolure oi mortgage, given by the heirs and representatives of John Haupt deceased to Chriflina Dasher. A negro man named Dick taken under execution to I'jtisfv John G omett, pointed out bv the plaintiff. T. Uobcrtfon, see , J u b’ 7 9 1 T’ tJ T 7 i Tt T~’ , I 1 A-L.FI i BY PER MISSION. i rHE Lad ics and Gentlemen of Sa- I vannah, are molt >-efDe£tfii’!v in nrmed, that OX WEDNESDAY EVENING the gth infant, there will : be an EXHIBITION of the moil ‘.Vonderfu! Curiosities that ever were vitneffcd in the United States of Ameri ca, called the PHANTASMAGORIA, cr a trof/Dr.Rfui DitriAr of OP l iCAg ILLUH 3N5; Which introduce the phantoms or apparitions of'the di-ad or abfer.t, in a view more completely illusive than has ver been witnessed ; as the objects fair ly originate in the air, and unloid them felvts unuer various forms and fixes, such as imagination alone has hitherto paint ed them occasionally, afluming a figure nd molt perfect resemblance of the he roes and other billinguifhed chara/.terft of pall and preftnt timc3. This Spcttreol ogy proltffes to expose the practices of artful impellers and exorciits, and to open the eyes ot those who itill fofler an absurd belief in Giiaofls and Disembodied spirits. The Phantasmagoria to form and estkilh the folloai'ing phantoms : The aErial progrelfion of old Father Time ; the King of Terrors, in differ ent ffiipcs ; Femidc Spirits, Death in d'ffcrent forms and ugfnefs ; Death fuatching from below a young lady, her mother deploring her fate ; the battle of two Ghoalts ; the Devil beating the drum with one hand, aud playing a horn with the other , a flying Bat, with her natural motion ; the Oath of the Witch is, this is a superb piece, a Magician tx ercifing his power by refeuing an inno cent viclira from the grave ; a Lawyer having made a compact with the Devil, r icen in chains toilowing the latter ; the head of a wicked man surrounded by serpents ; the disfigured appearance oi Touffciint, the modter in the dungeon where he expired ; a fkelclon, the ex orc-.1l in a pcliion ; the elopement of Piu io with Proserpine, a French Monk car lying (iff a young tr.aid in 3 bundle of .traw ; John Bui! ; the irfideof the baf’ tile ; t e dungeon where the celebrated Lafayette was confined ; a Mermaid ; country ieat, the inn, rain-boiv, itorm ; wo Frigates, in a cairn ; a number ot ;uriou3 charicatures ; alio o! annimiils and other obj .As too tedious to men tion. European L har afters. Prince Eugene and piincei Stepania, son and daughter to the Einprels of France ; the King of Spain ind family, in their royal carnage ; Piinccof Peace : the Review 01 Bonaparte's troops, they are seen defiling and drtffed in different customs, with the mufie at their head ; marriage of Bonaparte ; the bulls of ihe unfortunate Louis XVI : the queen and daughter ; the ever fit:mortal admi ral Nsifon. Characters dear to all true | A mei icans ! ! 1 THS BUST OF kits EXCELLENCY Gen. George Walhington. Hl3 EXCELLENCY Thomas jeiferlbn, Piefidcnt o ! the United Statex. TH. E IMMORTAL Benj am in Franklin. The whole to conclude with a or and dis- O play of Artificial Chinese FIRE WORKS- A Flovvc’- • a Garden ornamented ; St. Peter’s Church of Rome; the fa mous temple of Solomon ; a Masonic emblem ; the emblem of agriculture, &e. CdT ‘Y iciets may le had of Messrs. Seymour o’ Woalhopter, Days of Exhibition, Mondays, IVed nesdays and Fridays. The performance will begin at haij ptijl ftven o'clock. Admittance one dollar. No people of color admitted for the i prefect. ■Hv 3 90 THE bUBocRiBER, HA\ IXG taken the ff.jre latelv occupied hy J & J- VVyliy, otters for Idle an af lortment of 1500 TS and SHOES, ON MODERATE TERMS. BEING about to leave the hate, he has aurhoriH Mr. Francis i'ufts to tranlact bu linens tVi lnr.i dunng his DANIEL WOODS. J ul r 4 3 £ 89 30 Dollars Reward. RAN A WAY from the fubferiber or the isth February last, wom an named NEL.I- i , ihe is auout 5 feet two or tliiee inches high, thick made, ha ; reraarka ble thick lips, and black teeth, which aie ve r.- far apart, and lisps much when ip aking. Sue is well known about town, where Ihe may he enticed to work ; and is ftippofed to be harbor; and at times about the Orphan Jlo.ife and Mr. Wilkiufon’s p!anta*ion war Savan nan. ,he auove reward \vi ibe given to any pc *1 on who will deliver her to the j irer in Savanna.i, —r inijtni the iublerijer w here die :na* be taken. Vi in. Stephens. March *5 - 69 I WAVI i : * X X Apprentice to the PA,tin* B t f\, fi iefs, veil be taken at this otti 1 lad of about 16, that can bring -ecoaimcudation, none o ner need ap ilv. July S JAMES M. WILLbON, - HAVING refignedhis OiTice as Clerk the City Council, refpectfu.iy informs hi friends and the public geneiaily, ti*at Ce til! continue* his Office of NOTARY PUBLIC, Wheie Instruments of Writing of ever description v. iff be drawn in a fuperur iiyle, and at a liiurt notice, for a very modera'e compensation. July t y yo STOLEN or RUNAWAY the fubferiber, a Ne , gro Gi!, named MARY, about fifteen years of age, well grown, black complexion, piea fing countenance, large breads for her age, clcaihed with a cal ico cc at and white wrapper, buc had others, has a n,o:her at Mr. Rodmans, in Suvann h. A Reward of FtVE DOL LARS will be paid for her de livery tome or injai!; Twenty Dollars on convidtion of her ha mg harbored by a white peifo -, 1 and ten ii by a negro. Captains of vtAelsare hereby cautioned a ramll carrving her out of this ; slate. ROBERT JORDAN; July 8 90 For LIVERPOOL, , The good Ship Sarahtk Ediza, _ HOLLAND, Expedtcd to be diipatchcd in the course of three weeks. For freight of Cotton or for passage, please apply to K. & I. Bolton. Receive!far sale by said Sh-p , 40 crates CROCKERY WARE 500 bufhcls Ground Salt Bottled Porter ON HAND, Brown SUGARS July 4 41 £9 IN COUNCIL Savannah, 3 olh ‘June, 18c#- t\ bill, TO be entitled an Ordinance o amend “An Oidinance for c ‘ erecting and affixing Lamps ‘ in rhe fireets and public pia -1 ces of ihe city ot Savannah, c< fur rhe purpose of Lighting S( ihe lame by night”—-paffed 14th Nov-mbtr iSoj, was read cne third time, Ordered, i'hat the laid bii] do pals into an Ordinance, to be entitled an ordinance to amend an ordinance for eredEng and af | fixing Lamps in the Erects and public places of the dry of Sa vannah, for the purpose of light ing the fame by night, palled 14th November, 1803, Tnat the fame be signed by he Mayor, and published in the gazettes of the City. [strati from the minutes. JOB . EOLLEb*, C.C. AN ORDINANCE, 1 O amend an ordinance en* titled so ordinance for eredf*. ing and affixing Lamps in the Itreets and public pieces of the city of Savannah, for rhe pur pole of lighting die lame by night/’ pal Ted the 14th of.No vember, one thousand eight hun dred ano three. BE it ordained by the Mayor and Alder men of the citv cf Savannah t in Council assembled, and it is hereby ordained by tie authority of the same, That from Se alter the puffing of this ordi nance, if any negro, or person of color, being a Have, ihail re ceive or purchase any oil, wick, other article whatsoever, which tray be iked or intended :o be uled in or about the public lamps, or lamps erected at pri vate expense and lighted by the city, he or fne so offending, lliai! be punilhed with thirty nine ialhes on the bare back, ac the public market place, in mar ket time, unleL the owner or owners of such ILve cr Caves, thad, be.'ore inch ptmiltiment br mhiCted, pay fucta line at niav oe awarded, r ot exceeding thir 7 dollars. IN COUNCIL, Savannah, 3 cth June, 1 Srtf. 3-rJ zp< fA:su>, - JOHN Y. NOLL, M.rier. ATTtS r, JOL T. 801 LES. c c