Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, July 08, 1806, Image 3

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RE PUBLICAN SAVANNAH, July 3, 1806. ■B2HWOUWV!ii ‘-.'HTT - ■ —-■ . -T-7-r- VisTru.iv being the day appointed for Foiling an Election lor Aldermen, to represent tbi* city in Council, tie Polls were ope ned in the different Wards, according to law—on rouruing the votes for the different candidates, it appeared that the following Gentlemen were duly elected: Por Oglethorpe Ward, John Pettibone I’ranklin, John Cumming Decker, F. T. Flemming Heathcote, Oliver Strrges Dai by, j. P. illiainfon Percival, Eenjamin Ansley Reynolds, S, H. Stackhoufe Anson, john Y. Noel j \V arren, Edw. Harden Waihington, \i m. D ivies Green & Columbia, T. . Rodman Liberty & Elbert, Chriftiau Gugle. Friday last being the fourth day of July, the thirty-firffi Aauiverfary of American Independence was clebratcd by the different vo lunteer corps with th*ir usual warmth A patri otifui. At one o’clock an oration was delivered •at die Prelbytcriaa Church, by Air. Stewart ; aid but for one fatal accident, which is com municated by an officer the Artillery, in the following words, the whole day had been | spent in feftivity and rejoicing : “ About 5 o’clock in the afternoon, jvhilfl : if ring to one of the toasts, Air. Jacob Fo:, one ( ts their corps, acting at that time as Gamer to j the field piece neglciff id to fpange properly 1 a.:J left fame wad or. fire in tie piece ; putting j in the cartridge it caught about half way the j vnextinguilhed wad, whilst he was ramming it ! home, and went o f, the fpunge {Faff iirried iff one arm and one hand, and broke the remain ing arm in three different places. Young Maltar Robert Greer was palling very impru dently about ten steps in front of the field piece at the time; the fpunge {Faff took film on the left fide and came out in front, carrying away with it his heart and tome of his entrails ? he feil and expired without a groan. Several of the mod eminent P-hyficians were immediately called into the alfiilance of Mr. Fox ; they at once amputated his right arm n*ar the shoulder, a consultation was then had to save, if pofiible the other, which was so much broken:—they, alter mature deliberation, found it ueceilary to amputate the other near the shoulder about twelve o’clock lafl night...we yet fear that notwithhanding every profeflional aid that may he afforded him, he cannot survive long, ur.lefs the weather should prove more favorable. Air. Fox is a young man about twenty-three years of age and resides in this county several miles from Savannah. Mailer Greer was a fine promising youth’ and on that very day had attained his 16th year, he was a clerk in the Couiitiiig-houi'e of Capt. James Jolinfon, and the only surviving son of Robert Greer, one among the ot Jell mem bers in the company. Wnile we ly.-qiaihife moll sincerely with his aged and diftrelTed pa rents, we cannot but express our surprise that more frequent accidents have not occurred on military parades. The crouds of people that lurround companies in their exercise and evolu tions is such as greatly to incommode them.” ON the following day, .waller Greer, was interred with military honors, by the Artillery, accompanied by a large concourse of people, who fympathifed with the mourning relatives cf the deceased. Behold the uncertainty of life ! This youth was the pride of his parents; he was a comfort to their declining years ; he bid fair to be a good member of fqciety ; but, alas! he was snatched from time to eternity, in the twinkling of an eye. •How delusive is hope! O how transient the Hay Os the sunbeam that gilds our terrellial feene ! How Ihort is the pleasure of man’s brightest day And the arrow of death, Oh how piercingly keen !’ F.clipn of the Sun , —Yeftercfty (fays th? Holton Palladium of Tueftlay lull) there was a total eclipse of the Sun, as j v™ predicted by our aftronorners. The j Iky was without a cloud, and many (lan; | were viable ; hut the rays of the Sun flint beyond the circle of the moon, and any thing could be seen in the streets as v. ell as brighteft inocnli.jht night. N. 7. paper. Natch.z, May 6. Inter/JUng to travellers. —We are in fermed, from a fouree entitled to every ertdit, that several of the Alcaides in the territory between this and Orleans, oc cupied by the fuLjtd-; of the king of Spain, have lately polled up notices for bidding all persons from travelling through their diftr;ct3, ualefs provided with a peffport from the governor of the territory irom whence they came. Nassau, (s. p.) May 27. ! The brig Betfcy, capt. Sliver, belong, b'g to Benjamin and James Ropes, of Salem, on her passage from thence to the llavanna, was cast away on Abaci reef, the 20th iuft. Ot her cargo the follow-j ing has been saved, but conliderably da- j mag:d ; 2950 pieces Nankeeus, 2 7001 fair lhoc3 ; 100 buses candles, 40 pie- I Cc# coloured fattins, 120 pair boots,! t.*tccn firkins butter, fails, rigging, an 1 chors, cables, S’;, which with the cap tain a ;d r-re w of the Betfcy have arrived : her.- in the •*recking Y.ffoia Carpenter’s R v-nge and 8.-tfey. fui i0 Arrived, fchr’s Xucy, Buel, f N.’.v.Orleans ; and Three Friends, S. i.-x Philadelpbi. vOn th<* 2} t.M’ay, captain Buel fp ’ice, (ts the private v if I of war Duae ot Atholl, captain Underwood, ; had 110 captures. ! PROVIDENCE, (R 1.) June 14 On the afternoon of Sunday lad, we I were visited by a tiemenduom I orm - Hie nimble glance of the croft. ; cut lightning, followed immediately by the loud reverberating peals of than ■cr, denoted the near approaches of that alarming visitant. In lire town of Re boboth, Mrs. Martha Paine, wife of Mr. Jonathan Paine, was in an iniiant chang ed to a corfpe, and a man stunned, but not materially injured. At Cumberland, I young girl of tue name of Morris, was nllo k.i ed. At Pawtuket, an horse was killed by a Bath, and a man stunned, cho afterwards recovered. In North Providence, two instances tranfpind ; in one. confide table damage was done to oweiii hi ufc, when the family were jiK.videtitiady abient; and, in the other, a tree, cotitigious to a dwtlling home, was much mjuied. No .est; than fix in. dances can be enumerated where the deftruetive fluid has committed its rava ges. Nature, on the close of the day, prcUated one of thofc lpetfacles of fub omit/, which mocks the rivalry of the pencil. The Sun, clear and serene, was (hi nmg on one part of the hemisphere, while the murmurs of the retreating thun der were heard from another, and a mag nificent how on the skirt of the cloud expanded its radiance -Vl.nit, bright and cool, ilv* landfi.'a/e laugh’d around.” NEW YORK, June i5. General Miranda Juecefsful —The fol iowing letter appeared m the Political and Commercial Gazette of ilayti, of me 22 i ult. Genera! Kirkland is one f the commandos under Miranda. I I infilled for the Commercial Advertiftt. Ssu i h-Ameaica, Exl.aS of a letter from Gen. h ila nil, dated from Cttmuna, the iC/tii oj April, to his Huylian friend. My Dear friend— Vent, viJi, vlei, f came, I i'aw, 1 conquered, was the notto ot Csefar. Bonaparte has lately ipphed it to inmfelt; it has now become mine, thanks to the genius who preiides vvr liberty and independence. To my great regret, I cannot permit myfelf to enter into the deteils which I a-_i proaiifed you, lefpebting the celeri ty of our operations, on account of the rapidity of evenis winch ! uuy us on ; and the favorable opportun ty which re quires haile to take advantage of the terror which such fucc-. Ilfs i p est Let it lutncc to you, for a mon.eui, to know, that the iflaad of Santa Marge retti and Oumana, arc in our pi-{ft Uni. ; and at the /;-:• ■ ‘.i:at I uu wiiu.ij to you, the army is filing off ior Cai ; accas. At every flep we take, cur army is incrcafed by these iliuitrious u ifortu nates, who think tha: they behold, in the Genera lift) mo Mi.anda, anew Wadi ingtoii, who came to re-establish them in the premise date ot liberty, which the barbarity of the .Spaniards had raviflic.i from them. There is not ti.e shadow ot a doubt but that new luccefles wih ciown so holy an enterprizc. The Gcneialiflimo desires to he re membered by you. Hit tirtt aid-de camp who you will knew, joins with his com mander and royftlr in wifhiug you every kind of profoerity. Werequeft yon instantly to communicate our progress to his majeity the emperor of Ilayti. Tell him that the fi (t intel ligence which we lhall h.ave the honor to give liim wili be from Caraccas. Forget us not, my dear friend, and believe that as long as I live, I fhail feel for you the hinccrett affection. Via L'lndependence ! lahherty ! The Gen. KIRKLAND. ABNER WEB3, HAS received by the brig CANTON, FROM NEW-YORK, A COMl'LrrE AS SOAI.MENT OF THE MOST FAHIOXABLE Boot?, .Shoes and .Shpoei--, WARP ANTED OP TIIP FIRST QUALITIES. Winch lie offVs for fal o at very reduced prices, .it I;: 4 ; store, corfier of .St. Julian and Whitaker .V teets, July 8 93 Executive Dlpartuent, G o. Luisvi'le, I'&tb ‘June, i306. I hole persons wiiohav- drav/n lots of land in rhe counties o r R.ddtvin, Wilkirfon and Wayne, .. and have not ohrainfri grants f O’ them, ate NOTIFIED, that in h lots as the Trealury flul. not have received full payment f or, on the firft day of heptem b.r ntxr, will nor, after that da v , be glinted in the nannes of the nuifons who drew them ; bur will, aoreeabiy to an 2ft, (pufll-d rhe itth of D cen.ber, isoj) supplementary to the levtrai laws for making distribution o’ Tie Ends in the aforefaid coun* -its, “ revert ro< ?nd become 6 thep;operry of the llate, and r bes i.! in like-manner as frac “ tiohfil pan of surveys.” GEu. R. CLAYTON, Stc'ry. July $ 4 c 50. Lift of Letters :L. A. C.ip: Br. • e;L HAm -0111. Alexr. Arnold, .or.j, Robt. Armstrong, t-.o i : . Tho*. Armstrong, 3. I:.-.: ‘’ -as, 2 Wn. Ar.nftrong, 3. T-. •. J. .1... . Clis. P. Andrews Mrs. May:lij Horn, Capt. Jno. Aduras, M’’. ILribei Milton Amos, S. ■ Ir-. Rebecca Hobbs, Chs. Aultin, ilirrin, ja, cfq. 15. Amos Hill, Johua Bails, Joo. !:• idricks, 2 Jno. li. Barnes, Mrs :.’.,.:a’th Holmes O’oed Bowles, Henry Harden, :i Capt. D. Booth, J ul.. - Haile, 2 Mrs. Mary Brotver, I.lrs. Wm. Heyward, Capt. Jno. Bartheluew R Maddon, J.'Cob Blocker, Sullingtou liaddon, Capt. Wm. Brown, Capt. Chs. liardy, Capt.'Jno. Babbidge, Sylvanus Hauh, Wm. Barnard, Joleph Higgins, Stephen Blount, Hut.-.-r & Mini* Dr. N. Bayard, 3. David Polock, 2 Nicholas Barry. Wm. Hogg, Jlio. Bowmer, Henry H al, Brooks dt Dunning, 2 Abner Howard, M. Burke, Sylvanus Hammond, Geo. Boulton, Rebecca Hutfou, Abner Burd, Wm. Hall. Capt. Wm. H. Buell, 1. & J. Jno. Birks, Peter Jacklon, David Barton, Henry iiigrovillee, Itichd. Birtwhiftle, Alexr. Jeffrey, John Baillce, Drury Jones, I Mrs. Baillie, Alex, johnitoon Mils Baillie, John John, 2 Jno. Branfby, 2 David G. Jones, Chriltopher Bull, Alexr. Johnion, 7 John Bue, Lewis Johnion, 3 Richd. Bland, Mrs. Fanny Jobfon, Sami. Brownjohn, -1. John Johulton, Capt. Aaron Barlow, Mil's B!i:.a Jockfon, Jno. Brody, Capt Leonard Jarvis, Abm. Block, Thos. Jows. Wm. Byrd, K. Capt.Wm.Bowman, 2 Mathew Keely Eliza Bull, Jin-. Ktainy 2 John Beck, Sami.King, Thunder- W:n- Ballard, bolt J. Sc J. Beggs, Jas. King J. D. Betcluel. Ricnd. Keating Capt. D. Beck, Jas. Kirk Ely S. Boftwick, Sedi Keen Capt. Js. Baird, 2 Capt. Kimball Geo. H. Burrough, Maj. Jno. King -1 T.liza Bullin, Francis Kennedy Joleph Bevan. Davis Kennedy C. Mrs. Sarah K- g Rev. Joseph Clay, 3 Capt. G M. Ker It'aac B. Chovin, ... Jno. Carroll, Darlr. A. C W. Love Angelhart Cruse, Mil's Mary I.eader Moles Clark, Loving and Seaver 3 Mrs. oartha H. Cook Yv'tn. j.acy Lemeal Clark Tbs. Liddy Davis Coan, Mrs. Jane Leake 2 Mary Ann Corker, Richd. U. Thos Currell, i.lij. Lee 2 Mrs. Camp, joleph Longworth Mrs Cooly, jno. Lelatlier 2 Capt, Croford, Capt. Benjn. Larcom Edw. Conner, Jno. Talbird Jenr. J. G. Cox, I.a.v Ik Wilcox Edw. Conn, Danl. Lewis Capt. Thos. Cheat, Jno. Lungwel) Eliza Camfield, Robt. Love Jno. Cuthbert, Wm. Limbeit Mary Clark, Richd. Lewis Timothy Coffin, M. Alex. Currie, Monytrds Mariedo- Boujn. Chears, novirdo Colin Campbell, May & Hills Mr. Campbell, Js. Mai n it 3 Js. Caven, Horn Mitchell Dr, criwlord, Jacob McCollock Wnu Crawford, Wm. Mead Eliza Cooper, Wm. Martin Nicholas Corbin, 2 Capt. Mafiey Rev. Henry Cunning- Mils Ami McC'onky ham, Maicomb Macken- Wm. H. Carroll, t\re Jno. Cook, John ivliimo Jacob Curies, Stephen Millar Lewis Cooper, Edw. MaJon Jno. Clark, Hannah McCormick Wm. C. Campbell, 2 Jno. McKay A. Claudius, Jno. McKrca Js. Cavennagh, Woodford Mabry 2 Alexr. Curry, Mr. Miller, Mark I). Clark, Capt. Robt. Moore Wm. Cook, 2 Wm. Mills Nathan Cary, 2 V t. JVW-'arlane D. Mead & Jenkins Dennis & Williams 2 Joan .Mead 4 Davidson and Scott a Roger McCarthy Geo, H. Davidios, ‘i Enakim ivlorfe Capt. Jofiaii Daven- Alexr. Mil'herfon port, Mr. S Mai tain Wm. Duberly, Jno H Mcintolh Gideon Dupont, C. vburme Miller 2 Wm. Doig, Js. Mumford 2 Jno. Dailey, Mi. Reuben Moss George Damdfon, Job itlaton Capt. James Drum- Ma-liew Mantor 2 mond, Chs. McArtltur Miss Maty Dougiaii, Mrs. i uza Mumford John Davies, McCuitum <sc ‘l orry Joseph Davis, Jelfee Ma tin Henry i— .-r, Cliriftopl.t ElcKin- Wm. Jt-1.. Davies, ■ Wm. Dorai,, Thos. i .on Geo. B. a. neion, L. Cc i. -.ait 5 Wuittr Dougliurty. Geo. mu -a el E. Sylvanus w.ritt Wm. Eb it. 2 Dei m -ay Edw. Ellis, Jno. Marihvil Thos. Ellis, Stepnen I. Maxwell M:s. Catherine Elliot, Jus. Hennery i-, v lit, W tl. -- - can Capt Jos. Ernet, Mils C. toarine Mcln- M*'s. Hebbuner Engu- i-no ared, Jr.n L. itiruff Dr. Js.Ewell. N iiuk -nan 2 F. Alexr. .ac-t.ithur Stephen Files, J- M. Maxwell Js. Forrest, 2 ll .my . cCay Sami. Eicklin, J’- Moore Benjn. R. Fowler, Win. Mufgrave Henry Filher, Geo. .Made Capt. J. Fowler, Ceo. icCall M'm. G. Fitch, 2 Capt. Henry i off” tt, Dr. J-.. i„ ,\; Call Mr. Cader 1 airchild, Mils C.": t Mitiliell Jonathan Foifom, .wachin U Mclntoib 3 Thomas Fowkr, ‘J’hos.H. Miller John J orfyth, 3 Js. Meridith 2 Ebenczer l-ang, Geo. Manlon Dr. Wm. Fowler, Ehza McKinzia Timothy Freeman, 2 Js. Mickell John F. Field, W in. McNtlh Mrs. T. Flint, Henry Myres 2 li. Capt. D. McNiel Jno. I. Gray, Mr. Mat lhall Jno. Gind.-at, Rules Moore A. Gindrat, 2 N. D. Garrafon, 2 Capt. Thomas Nelson Mi. A. Gordon, Leond. Nobles Danl. Grant T. & K. Newall 2 Mr. A. F. Gregorie, Jno. Geo. NcilLnger H. BatnabusNye Jas. Humfrys, 0. Amos Medley-, Jno. P. Oates Win. Hewitt, P. Rachael Hamilton, Geo. t. James Humphreyt, Geo. Pitcher U. Cos. 2 Rebecca Hutfon, I.emuel Pitcher Geo. Hathaway, Mary W. Parker 1 Proiper Hubart, Major T. Polhill Sarah Houston, M'm Powers Mohinan Houiton, Ureal Peck Js. Hillman, 2 Win. S. Picket ‘I hos. Hilton, Ebenezr. Paiker Ilaac Hardy, Jno. D. I'oulieu J r. Hei ilo! : horsy I Win. I’rowft ‘ ...n. . hud i 4 ■ Arthur Patterson ’ • h Suuap Anthony Poggi I .-not Ann Sleigh Mil's Jane 1.. 1’ oil till Jno, Shirk . Jeremiah Phiian V\ m. Sawyer Wrm Pier foil 2 Tilman Snetd Win. Pinder hdw J. Starr ’ I’ m. A. Porter Mils Slifaaaa P Sr.ead I Timothy Pierce mis. Harriot Steele Eliza Pomeroy Mils Maty Spencer Maria Pierce. T. O. Nichol Turnbull 2 Edw. Quin An.dw. Turnbull s R. Edw. Torcy Emanuel Rengill 2 Jacob Thiews Am. Reynolds Roht. Tbomplon ! Roe & Davis 5 Matterjofepli Turner*’ 1 David Rcbertfon Darby Torpcy j Jno. D. Royers J lira M. 11 Pvig* j’J'hos. Roads j. Thompson j Azaia Ross Geo. m. Troup Amos Rois 2 Wm. (’. Tobey 2 , Capt. Thos. Rhodes Capt. js.Tibbit* 0 ‘ | Jeliee Rice Kv.hotl Thomplon \ I John Rodman Ja.ob Taylor I Milly Roberts \V illiam | | Macaijah Rice jno. Tcbiau jThos. Rigley Fiedk. ’tcbi au i John Reid \\\ j Hezeckiah Roberts 2 Geo. W. Wheeler 2 i lsevi Rigging 2 Geo. W alker ti ! j Mr. Robain Mr. J{. Wilton Johnson, Robinson & Cant. Win. Wile ( Cos. Joel Wuiftcout Jas. R iblVni Mtfs .Sarn! 1 Wingate 2 ji J. Roberts Win U iggin* V Capt. Ci.s. Rockwell Stephen Wile r Thos. Robertson l)r. P. Ward 3 S. Goo. Wr.ig 4 ,Th is. Spalding S Leighton W ilton Mr . Stewart joleph Wiikinlon Js. .'..-ranton Edwtl. Warren C..p, 1 imothyStrreteS jno. Winn ; Set .iwiit 2 Campbell Wylly ! Mr. Jno. Sigh Rent. Willion 1 Clis. m. Shade Wm. Wilkie Mrs. Sliearman Martha Wylly Jus. Symington Capt. Stephen V ..u- ; Pelog Swilt diftgtou Jno. C. iielfield Martha Wiilfon ’ Danl. Smith Furman White t i !i Spalding 3 job. White I Zoeth Sin ai man W. Wallace 3 1 Jno. Scrive, jno. Williams Sylvelte: strong Abner Wcyman £ I , air. Samuel Capt. George Webber j (Seth StrcMefrTd ‘Jims. Wooten Capt. Allan Stewart Stwart Wallace Abner Stubs joleph Watkins Soh.i, it Smith Mary Woodruff i Sohu Smith Riclid. Wheatley Thomas o.nhh Mils Salty Wilhnan Sarah Steward jas. waller is. C. W. Stewart Mil’s Mary Young 2 : Dav.d Storer 2 FI. wamberiie Win. Sione Philip Young 2 raary Shaw jefl’e weight J.dw. Swarbreck jane williams Martha Stephens joleph weliher Anios Scudder Jrr. ‘williams I I redk. Schubert m. & j. walker \ Geo. Streete Chrillian weinholts j Sweet & Williams 2 Harden white Eiip. 1 homas Steele .Sarah wileman 2 ! Mailer Jno. Joyner Thoi. wilder Kay S.tnds Horace wiilcox. JdKENCH LL’.l I'JLKS. j A. J... J Mr. Allard 1 Banori Lafond 3 j 1 ouffaim JBorel 1 Behic La; .20 2 j C. M. Louis Charles Caile. De Monudet ;; ‘ D. O. Diibiiiiron 1 Messrs. Ohvier 2 Ducqueny ] p. Dutreuil 1 Smite Poirier 1 F’. tleonore Pinard . 1 Flotard ] j<. Falconet 1 juan Ranea 1 11. T. Louis lluguenet J Matielte Tardieu 1 PHILIP BOX, r. m. POST OFFICE, Savannah junc so. yo. IN COUNCIL, City of Savannah, 30/A June, ißofi il ft Cotniriiitce oi Finance, 10 E whom it was referred to examine the TrcalurtTs account, and to report fpcciaiiy tiu-reon, report as follows : S I t\ t kmln r Os Homes received and pail away ty Jeremiah Cuylcr, .is City Treasurer. I from the 17th Juste, ISOS, to the tith June, 1806, in clusive. OFFICLKb .-SALARIES. D. C. To Cassi paid the City Clerk, his ikiary, ftaiionary attached to his .ifi e, and u tcrew for the city seal, Paid tlae City Trestfurer lus f.F-.ry, ilationuiy tor liis office and hooks, 643 77 Paid the City Marliial Ins I’alary, 00 Paid the MctTcnger his lalary, jj o q 9 Paid the keeper of the Cmirt-honfe, 80 00 i'aid the i.eeper of the Ci;y Hall, 00 I’aid the ke’ per of the Grave Yard, -. fur work to the fam , 103 75 CUT GUARD. Paid G. K. II ike, adju tant, 1 01 iiijn rintendiiig the guard, 12^121-2 Paid S. Mordicai for ia ;>in g the G iar l t{-:.ule and furniliiir.g wood and candles. 278 50 1' tire Drunmier anil Filer. go 00 ENGINES. P id for repairing En gines, Engine Hcul’es, ci-tems, ladders, iiooks and ior fire c; ps, buckets, fi'impi- i.lanteri sand tor I w lad let . and hi ‘ 1 530 37) Paid tlie Ck-rk of the board of F ire Multi r.. Salary and Itationary fn his office. 105 Paid the r a ffienger to the board ot Fire Maltcrs for salary and wood Ct 64 ,- 4 Paid Engine No. 3, br ii g the nilt at a ar, sigree a \r to a city ordu-a-. ot 30 00 PUMPS and Wi.LJ Paid for rtf.aitu.g Pomps a.d Wefts, Contiafton lap.ry and idr new pumps and wells. 2:79 621-. S I REFTu Paid the Gity Scavenger l- r ketpii.g it-e it'te-.. fk lanrs clean, f-.r cut-ing down w ’ ed*. le—tli r g {trie’s & t->r wor . -J. e in the Market In - t- TX EEs. Paid for v.o-: ’ * *r. *<t, and lor re;,, .ring Poilu and 1 urnpi.:<v 18* -5 I LAHPS. F ->d th • Cuu. aft. rs fa lav, fur light and a-ick, a I fra balance due the Former con raitor. Ui7o s o Pi: i for Oil 50 I'.nd for repairing lamps a-. and p dls 3-0 -- SMALL POX Paid for Hr.jpittd rent 131 -j I’aid the Health officer for medirii.e and attendance. 135 6e cuL .lf.iiOU ii. iP-iid f-r repairs, alterati ons, & removing records, 3 1 8-j* M . GAIT MR ‘ Paid for repairs. Bore rent for Powder -and guarding. 2-1* 00 J AIL. Faid for repairs and finiih ing rooms. io S3 65 Raid jailer, deputy jailer airi Pbificiai j j.-.lpries Jylc Fiid for MattralFes and blankets 117 00 Paid for burying prisoners 18 00 Pai . :h: J.'H 11,.,1 i, , bogs carried there to be ioldi 81 2 5 Excu an ut. F iiJ for keeping the clock in order. 9t F3 Paid for nineteen {bares in the Exchange kfor titl.-s. 29b-t 00 Board or Hkalth. , Paul the Ftealth offic ■: for lei v ices during tin qua:an ti ne. POO 00 Paid Tie fieri, to the board hr. i.d ay and il iticma -c S9 2 5 Paid the niellenger Jiis la 1-try. co 00 Paid for infpefling Previes :iO 00 Ini-iukntal ExvtMES. paid lor Printing 355 J;)) 2 Paid far Negro badges 32 86J- + l aid ior tra.ilcr;bi;-e city ordi: ..nces Cc. lor cJi.icviop titles to city lots. 28 121-2 Paid for repairs to the city hall. 8 OO Paid for keeping register of mortality. 86 75 Paid the city recorder and city clerk for extra services 100 00 Paid for toligs, fiiovel and {love 28 75 Paid for repairing city luirll. 24 00 Paid for repairs to the bu rying ground. 30 73 Paid J. Stout for furveyiug docks. 4 00 Paid for wood, candles ne gro hire, Ac. &c. 57 8;> Paid the city AlieiTor in part of his account 100 00 Baiiance in the Treaftirers hands tins2Bth June, i 806. 431 591-2 22,301 C9l-2 CREDIT By Caih Received for fines of tire Superior Court, and city fines. 959 361-4 Received for badges 482 50 Received for itall rent. 1125 00 Received for extra market fees. 55 621-2 Received for Oil (unfit for city ule.) 108 00 Received from the city re corder colledled by him for fines and Itall rent. 160 CO Received for Hogs fold. 62 93 Received from the infe rior court out of tlie county Hindi m part ior the jail. 2000 00 Received for duties on laics at auction. 749 471-2 Received for Licences. 4500 09 Received for Gtournl rent. 12,094 812-F liallancr in theTreafu rers hands this 17 th. June, 1805. 303 721-2 £2,601 691-2 r.RRoKS rxcEPTED. J.LUrLER, c. T. THE committee of Finance in com* pliance ‘.villi the refoimiou of council of the i6:h inft,—Report that they have examined the foregoing- accounts and find the faint e-orredf, and request the fume to I t- ptiblvfiicd. JOHN P. WILLIAMSON, J ~ JAMES MARSHALL, J Committee. IV hereupon 1 it Ordered, That the fame be pub ifhed in the ‘ft z.-ties of this city. ExtraS from t/e Minut e. ■JOB T. Bu: LSS, c. c. June 30* 8 <) SHF UiFF’s sAt-f ■- If II. Z, lil 1 . oOLl? ot ibh firft •1 uesday in A<j>u/t hrxt t at .he on t-hottfe , hetweai lue uouts if 10 arul j o'clock. Ai raft o; land containing f’>ur huiiiir.ti anil thirty a. ■u, ue the lame in ire <>r iels ( iu luivey) joining the 1 utii ,iari ol tile Oi [liian ii ult pian taiion, well iitnbcred wi.n tmiA ind a conlideraolc jioition adap ed to the tuitiire ot cotton and jjiuvifio is, having the advania,."- of a good navigation tv this ci. . Levied on as me property ms 1 .- riariucl Rtngill, at ihe fun < . Edward Lewis, pointed ou: 0/ the defendant. t'cjtpontd from ’July ales’ li. W'. Williams, uscc July 7 90 THE hUBhCKIBEK, HAS removed to the Whalf and Sim i belonging so Mrs. Hunter, formerly ccupied try MeflV*. Hunter fie Minis, whr e in- continues totranfaiff the FACTORAGE and COMMISSION BUSINESS. Joseph Haoersham. March to OLD RAGS, JTTILL be thankfully rec ived at the VV ROOK HOUSE, in this city, tner being great call ior them. Atones Slieitail, o. p. May 27 7 9