Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, July 15, 1806, Image 2

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AUCTION. •TQ-ihOUkOM’ t‘/f i bit injl. at to o’clock, H'JI.L BIL SOI f), before the fubfcrtbers Auflion tto>e, Without Heiervc. f ) Pipe* Cognise Diaody 4 Qr. Calk’ Madeira Wine IO llhila. Pi inie Sugar IS Barrels do. 10 Barrels I •oaf Sugar I 2 Boxc* Claret 2 Hhd* do. 4 UulU Hyfoa and Young Hyfon Tea 20 I'excs Soap 12 Barrel* Navy JVtad 4 Kegs Manufactured Tobacco With a parcel <jf Dry Ciootis. S. 11. Sti ckhoule, AuftV. J l y *s ____ __ 9 * TREASURY DTPARTMENT of raK UNITED STATES, June it, ISO 6. Whereas the comum fioners cf the linking Ku %d,xt a meeting htl ! on 2 Brb day Os AfJl il, iUa>6, did re Jolvc, that the fu/n remaining to complete t.’.e rxjjtnJiuirc o* the annual approbation of EIGHT MILLIONS OF DOLLARs, fhotiH among odief pnrpofes be applied to the rei T.bdhrment of the NAVY SIX PER ( ENT. STOCK, created in pursuance of an aft of Congrels, palled on the 30th dry of June, 1798, and to the rei nburfement of the FiVE AND HALF PER CENT. STOCK, created in purluance of an aft of Congress, palfed on the 3J day of March, *795* This is therefore to give no tice, thar the principal of the fail! NAVY SIX PEl< CKN I'. STOCK, vvith the inrerelt due thereon, will, on furrcndcr of the certificates, be paid on the iP day oI Odtober next enluing the date hereof, to the refpeftive ftockholdcrs or their lawful re prtfenutives or attornics t ? o)y c undiluted an I authorized, ei ther at the Treasury or at the j l-oan Office, as the case may be, where credits have been given for the a nount of flock, rdpetilivi ly held by them: and that tht principal of the HVE AND HALF PER CENT. STOCK, with the iruerelt due theaeon, will in like manner, and at the fame places, be paid on the ill day of January, to the refpeftive ftockhoideis, or their lawful repreßnutivcs ot attornies duly condituted and authorized. It is further made known, for the information of the parties concerned, that no transfers o‘ the NAVY SIX PER CEN r . STOCK, either from or to the books of the Treafuty, or from or to die books of a Commis fioner of Loans, will be allow ed after the ill day of September enluing. And the intcreft on all certificates of laid flocks, which Hull r.o: have been iur rendered, in purluance of this notification, will cede and de termine, on the day preceding the day hereby fixed tor tnc ic imburfement thereof ALISEKT GALLATIN, SttrtUiry oj the ‘] rtajury* July 15 93 IS3O ‘TO RENT, TlltC Drick Fire Proof STOKE, lately occupied b) tlie lublcriber ;n a Coun ting huutr. Jos. Habersham. Match a! ASSIZE for ‘fuly, iHo6.‘ nr HE price of FLOUU ntr.e dollar A per barrel, Bread nuift weigh, VIZ. i> >■ cents Lonf I 6 1-4 cents l.oaf aib. 5 ox. I tlb. 2i- oz. Os \ h’ch all Hikers at and Sellers of Bread n< to lute due 2141 Particular notice. j. CUVLER, Ctiy Trtuturtr. WANTED. AN’ Apprentice to the Printing Bu fii els, viU be taken -t thi office ; a lad of about 16, that can bring good ircoinmcnslation, none other ueed ap ply, July 8 OLD RAGS/ WII.T. be thankfully tec -Ived at the i’UOK HOl.'F., m tins city, tuir being great call for them. Muses ShcTtall, o. r. w*,’ a? 79 RALEIGH, (N. C.) June 30 The Circuit Court of the U. States for this diflrift dol’d-or? Wednesday last, after trying all; the caules prepared for a tear ing. 1 he trials of Abraham Collins and Allen Twitty, charged with having counrcrfeited bank notes were continued upon tueir affi davits, (fating the abfcnce of material witnefles. After ob taining the continuances, tht rounfel for the prisoners moved the court for an order author ing Ibme Justice of tne Peace ;n the county of Lincoln, near he residence of the prisoners, to ake bail for their appearance at the next term j but this the fudge refufed j and cblerved, that the combination in the tel ony appeared to be so exter.five and the prisoners at the bar so influential and hardy, that nv_ ijuftice in that county was to be ,rutted with the performance of Rich a duty—that whatever his confidence in the in egricy of Ibme of them might be, ne con fidcred them all under the influ ence of fear or favor. The! counsel then propcled that Judge Macay or Judge Locke, lhouib be so authoriled ; and to this proposition the court assented. It was next moved that the court lhould fix the sums which the prisoner and their sureties were to be bound ■, and it was immediately declared by the court, that Collins (whole prop erty had been at a former court afeeruined) lhould be bound in Idle lum of 10,000 dollars, and j his sureties in the like turn. But las Twitty’s ellate was unknown 10 the court, it became necelfa ry to have an enquiry upon oath; the result of winch was lo vague vibrating between ten and twen ty thouland dollars, that the court enquired to what amount the prisoner could procure bail with case; and being informed that lie could procuie it to the amount of 20,000 dollars with the utmoll tale, that sum was fixed on for Twitty alio, and the like sum for Ins luittics Upon this enquiry fomc argument .1- rose. The counlel lor the de fendant contended that the a mount of a man’s ellate was the limit for the court in taking re cognizance of bail; and that all beyond that limit was unconsti tutional and opprdfive. The Attorney for the United States, on the contrary, contended, that the court was not lb reitrifted, but that it was proper to enquire even into the circumltanccs of the prisoner’s relations; and that the praftice in the tlace did not furn:flia more common case than to take a recognizance for look of a man not worth a fhiiling. The Judge held an enquiry into the circumftanccs of the prisoner’s relations improper ; but laid, that the meaning of the words “ excejjive tad,” as uled .n the conilitution, was such as would have the clfect of detain ing a man in cuttody lor a bai lable (‘IK nee —that not the pn : loner’s ellate only* but his ca pabiktv to procure bail, lhould be confidered —diat loine men, polfeffc.i of large ellates, but o! notonoufly bad etiarafters, would not find sureties to a Imall amount ; while otheis, of lien Jcr fortunes, could, either by their character or influence, command friends for almolt a* ny sum—that such bail, there fore, as the prisoner could con veniently procure, was not ex cefiive, though the lum lhould overreach his ellate. And he remarked fa-ther, that lhould the pielent information prove incorreft, and the prisoner feci nimlclt opprtfled, he might, at any time, obtain an habeas cor pus, and find relief. Mdfrs. Haywood, A. Hen derson, E. Jones and Cameron, are count'd for the prisoners ; lo that if the ability of counsel can avail them, no expectation can be entertained of their con viftton. George W. Swinney has been called before the examining court at Richmond, on the charge of po for? ng his great uncle, the venerable George Wythe, and a servant boy. He was unanimously remanded to jail for further trial before the diflrift court, to be held in Sep tember next. From the ( Peterjiurg) Republican. The federal party affefted to be lurprifed at the manly and dignified deportment of the re publicans in the legislature of Mafiachufetrs, in the recent con ceited election for governor of that Hare. It is the peculiar proper ty of base and corrupt minds to fufpeft the purity and integrity of every other benign society. We need not travel very far back in th hiflory of our own tunes, to difover a clue to tnis wonder ami amazement mani fefled in the federal ti ibe. Act ing on prmc.pies the mofl un generous and unhumanly, in ISOO weDeheld this party, with a zeal ;nd perseverance, which would have reflefted credit on a go/d cause, obstinately fup porring Mr. Burr as a prefijent of the United States, in opposi tion to that unequivocal expref lion of the putiic will, which pronounced Tlo.nas Jefferlbn, to be the mau oj the people. In this ever memoiabie triumph of truth and rcal'on over the infid uous wiles and ciabolical mach inations of faftim, was laid the foundation of tiat suspicion and dillrull, which lave since char afttrifed the fedraiiils. —Guilty of a breach of tvery rule tend ing to support political honesty, we have since ft in thtfemen in variably l'ufpcft the purity o! the intentions of heir opponents ami endeavoring thwart every measure recoin minded fe r the public good. And whence has originated this lufpicion, as criminal as it is illlibcral ? in vah we solicit, in vain we beg them to afllgn rea sons for their conduft. To what then are we to attribute their perverf'enefs ? Can we for a moment iippole their objeft is the public happir.efs and prof pericy ? Wecannot.—The max im laid down in the preceding paragraph, affords the only de finition of their conduft, o! which it is (ufeeptibie. Federal opposition to the will of the people, has been evinced on a more recent occalion, at tended with circumstances the molt odious and debasing. We allude to their conduft in the legislature of Maflachuferts, when, ir, order to have a lieute nant governor of their own kid ney they disfranchifed SIXTY TWO towns, which had given republican majorities, thus af fording another evidence of their opposition ;o the public will, and their total disregard or the means by which they accom pliflied their enJs. Let us now enquire how have the republicans acted, in theii various relations with the fede ral patty. Under the present adminillration, \vc behoiu hun dreds of federalills enjoying the fruits ot office, while they arc aftive in traducing the very men, to whom they are part y indebted for tneir daily bread— Federalills have even been ap pointed to office by Mr. Jeffer ibn, becaule he conceived them capable of dil charging the uu ties attached to their appoint ment, and at the fame time .aithful to the constitution. To extend the fubjeft a liccle further, mark, the republicans in the present legislature of Mafla chul'etts.—What a latire on fe deral uprigbtnefs ! Weil may the faftion be confounded at this display of magnanimity. When it was ascertained that Mr. Strong w_s the people’s choice, se republicans, taking advan tage of their vail majority, dis franchifed no to.v ns, robbed the people ot r.o votes, to lecar: the leleftion of their favorite Candi date; but with a unanimitf. 1 which will rdLft immortal |-.oi !or on the cause, proclaimed Q (leb Strong govercor of the flae ‘of MalTachufetts. Federalills, refl.-fton these things—humb'e ; yourselves in fackdpth and aih es —and Jin no more. NEW ORLEANS, Mav 28. Letters have been received i'rom ILa kafkia and Fort St. Louis, which men tion the arrival of Lieutenant Z. M. Pike, from the Northern boundary of j the United States. It apj(||. j that lieut. Pike was dispatched with a mand of more than 30 men, in the month of April or May, 1805, from Fori St. Louis, to explore the main branch of the Miflififrpi river and other purposes j hia orders and inltrufiions were to ai'certain particularly the lati tude and longitude of the various places on the river, and one great objtft was to difeover an illicit trade supposed to be carried ca between the Britilh traders of the north weft company with the In dians, within the United States. The letters state that lieutenant Pike found British traders several hun dred miles within our lines, trading with the Indians, that he collected for goods to the amount of upwards of 28,000 dollars—that the Inaians weie ilimulated by thole traders to commit depredations on him an 1 bs party —that he had several fkirmi(h3 with them, in which he loft five or of his men, aud always made them retreat. This infor mation comes so well authenticated that it may be relied upon. BRIDGE-TOWN, (Bar) May 3 t. By the American iehooner Federal, from Wilmington, arrived here on Wed nesday last. the following particulars aie obtained of the French squadron Under Admiral Guiliomy : On the 23d inli. the Federal fell in with the American fhsp Exchange, from the Brazils, bound . to Sagg-llarboui, the mailer of which J informed, tiiat he had spoke, about ttie end of April or Ift of May, a French j fquadrou confiding of seven fail of the j hue and one frigate, in lat. 12, 00. S. I long. 35, 00, W. fleering, whtn he lift them, S. S. W. The mui’ter of the Exchange was on board a line of a battle (hip, commanded by Jerome Bonaparte, who gave him a letter for his wife, now in Baltimore. He (hewed the Ameri can the tract of the Iquadton pricked off on a chart, from which it appeared, that twenty-two hours previous to the Exchange falling in with them, they had iteered N. N. W. ; the American therefore thinks they were bound to the northward. From the foregoing information, our bell informed naval oiHcers here, con clude that the enemy’s squadron were cru ling for our Indiameu aud South Sea Whalers. The enemy at Guadaloupe, ir.idious and daring, has recently been praclifing a ruse tieguine against the unfortunate but gallant inhabitants of Dominica, in which, happily, they have however been completely fruftrated. On the 2itl itrft. his majdly’s Hoop Dominica, lying off Roseau, tlie officers (except ttie matter) being all on shore, the crew nsuthiied, and carried her into Basset, rre, Gauda loupe. General Erneuf, availing him felf of the poffefiion of this veffcl to practice a flratagem to annoy our fit ip ping at Dominica, manned her with 00 men, and equipping a r.ationnl lehooner and four row boats, dispatched them ear ly the next day, on an expedition under Gen. Hugtuneau, to Jeftroy the town and fhipping at Roseau. The Wasp (loop of war, with the Duke of M rntrole Packet, lying there at the time, the enemy upon their apptaaance difcqver ing these vjlfels, abandoned tluir rnter prife, and endeavored to escape : but being inllantly puriued, the Wasp soon came up with the Dominica, and recap tured her, (the enemy pievioufly de stroying his row-boats) —and the Packet after an hour’s running fight, took the fcliooner. This account is obtained here by the Lord Lavingtoa mail boat, from Anti gua, ana Dominica, wiiieh failed from ihe former for the latter bland on the 2 1 ft ieft. in company with his M?j sty’s Ihip Northumberland, aud on the pal fage fell in with a frigate, winch, upon heaving light made a signal to the North umberland, that induced her 10 alter her coutfe to the N. E. with ail lads set, when they fcpaited. In audition to the foregoing, we are favored with the following particulars under date ol rhe 25th inst. from au au thentic and highly refpeftable channel: “ The Dominica is again in our pof fcffloH. Ou the third inonnng auer her dilappearanee, ihe repaired dole into ilofe-u Bay, under English colours, in company with a heavy fclio ,uer, a6 a prize, both full of men, fuidters aud iai lors, from Gaudaloupe, wiui uirectioa from the General cctnmandmg there, to ; u se every effort to clesr the Roadftcad :of the v-'.uible sugar (h'p whi.ti are at i preteut in it ; hut fortunately they were j defeated in them intentions by the unc::- j peded presence of the Packet, aud her convey, a gun-brig. The iatier veiici immediately gave chafe, and being af litted by to cue other cruisers, they hap pily kio-cedcd in ie-capiuiing the luica, and no doubt her coolort liured the hin.i fate, as ihe was feed warmly engaged by the Packet, at twilight in the evening, - -i lcvfsl stc.i of w r at hand. • TH-r pOf JJer# r< port, ‘ha’ r..c n tinkers are all in rra'd at Gaudnlo'.'r. . nd that tbry are imaccia'e y to he f nc to one of our iilands. “ Since writing th- above the pack -t ! hs returned, after capturing the ffii io-.’ er, which futlair.ed an obWnate engage ment for three quarters of an hour * Several are killed on the part af the ene my, hut no loss on our fide ; the piiffuet* amonat to upwards of 150, and, I mi derftand, a great many oiHcers ; hut a", the mail boat is getting under way, 1 have not time for further particulars. “ We have also re-captured a Hoop, prize to the fchopnsr, by volunteers from the Ihore.” June 3. f Rear admiral the hon. fir Alex. Coch ran, K. B. arrived here on SutiJay night fio.n Antigua and Dominica, on board his Majesty’s fliip Northumberland, which haa undergone a thorough- repair of the damages fuiiained in the victory elf St. Dorningo. The enemy’s febooner Imperial Mon*. . Point, Enfiga de Vaiffeau, engaged in the late delign against the (hipping at Dominica, (mentioned in our last) was brought in hate on Sunday by the Cy. gnet (loop of war ; on board cf which * arrived the commander of this bucanier ii g enterprise, whole name we t and now find to be Hortoi e, and"his * rank adjutant-gcncaal of Guadaloupe. Ividit of rtc prisoners taken ou ihe above occalion have affo arrived here ; but we underllaud that tome of them embarking on board of the king’s schooners, to be brought here, roic upon the crew with an intent of taking the lehooner, but by the gallantry of her coininzn er the pri for.ers were overcome and (ccured, not however until feme loss was lutlained on cur part, and the lieutenant of the fchr. severely wounded, whiehobliged iiim to put into Anti -ua. A French brig, of ftr ng-force, from Cayenne, according to the report of ff v eral American vu'L-is anivgd here, is cru.ling to windward, and has boarded them from within 100 to t 80 mils of the land. She is dated to mount 16 long brais 9’s, aud carry 120 men. His ma jclly’s (hips Ethalion add Cygnet have gene to iea in coniequenceof th s information, we hope one or the other [ o them may be fu..cets:ul in falling i'a ! with her. There is forr.e report in town of the ar rival ot a small French squadron at P •, t< Rico, and it is added, that the atimiral has dispatched the Canada and a f igate or two to look after them ; if any inch report has been received spoil authentic grounds, we are confident the vigilances of the admiral will not let them remain long unlocked after. June 7. The enemy seems spin to threaten ut with tome naval exploit in these leas ; or, as we are more inclined to imagine, to afford our brave seamen another oppor tunity of and 1 fcomfitting his m tritinie plans. A French line of battle (hip has appeared iu our neighborhood, and was seen by the Etahon frigate on the 4th inliant, within light of the ilbnd. -Without giva ing rlired chafe to her, Ihe endeavored to A. cut the Ethalion off the land, upon her hauling round the North point ; but, un able to effedt it, at fix in the evenin’ Ihe bore up for Martinique, with all poiuble lail let. This vcffel - s supposed, by our belt informed naval officers, to be the Regulus, which the enemy has had tta tioned for fome time on the coast of Afri ca ; but from the accultcmed triumpffis of our navy, others imagine that it may be fome more fortunate Ihip which has t feaped from the defeated squadron ad miral Guiliomy, who with Jerome Bona parte, mty have fallen into our hands off the coast of Brazils, where they were lately spoke. She was fern on Thursday last by a neutral arrived here this mora ing, elofe in with Point Salines. LANDING, From the schooner Columbia , jujl arrived Jiom St. Vinunts, 10 puncheons 3d proof RUM 26 ditto prime iccailinH Molafles A fm iil quantity of Coffee & Su-rar, FOB SALE Y TAYLOR & SC AR It ROUGH. JTfirJjN, Said SCHOONER, a ‘lF w>launch well tailing vtflcl, iSi3eS'-viil take Freight tor Ncw- Yorlc, it application be made iu the courfeof to day or to-morrow. July it 4t 91 FINE FLAVORED Mcchoi COFFEE, ‘ Superior to any other kind, at \fy per lb, ALSO THE Stock in Trade, OF the fu’tYcrkers, at the mnft reduced prices, \vhu 1 et !e and retail. I’r Vt-e fani* 1 es will find their mtereit in applying £or Groceries, Wines & Liquors, L VYLEY & H \RMAN. No. 6, Exchange. JIII7 11 9 l —■-■--■■■- ■ * ■ - ABNF.R WE SB, HAS RECEIVED BT THE B*IG CANTON, FROM NEVV-YOEK, A COMPLETE AS SORTMENT OF rut MOST FAU 10 ALE Boots, dhoes and Clipper I', 1 ', warranted or ras first qualities. Wliich lid oilers £pr idle e: v *ry reduced prices, **t hi* co*ner o: St* ar.4 v'i Ki.u..rr S .Tcct>. * cly 00 i *. • *