Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, July 22, 1806, Image 4

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MISCELLANEOUS. aiimrTsirp* itj z%mrjxmTs z*:+wzz-*.'u3am THERE arc very few, who rc-ligi oufly live through “ the day,’’ a* th< there were to be no mo.ciiiW : and who at all times are prepared to q lit the preient ftigc of exigence, to appear before the tribunal of their Hod ; Ail i there arc ?.s ftw, who thil Joy are PieErAT ing for what t.'-morroeu may pro duce. There are few, aifo, who are so happily conflitutcd, by education and r< fL-rtioti, as to rife superior to me mowss cf DisAr’Poisi msnt, and the SMILES of FOUTUNE and LEVITY } wlio iurn c2ci. varied feent of human life, of nature, and of art, into moral u cfulntU. Columbian Ccntint! • T 0 D.IT AND TO MORROW. TO-ilay the fun with clmi'llefs ray, Beams joy and h -, j)pinefs around ; To m irrow winds tempeftuom play. And fle.t adorn the frozen ground. Such ij the doom to men affign’d Such are the changtn of the mind. To d-y the genial z-.pliyrs br-athe, The fragrance of the opening year; To morrow fees the barren heath, And vegitation disappear. Si his the fate of human kind, Such are the changes of the- mind, To-day the fun of pleasure finite*, Youth joy and beauty deck the feenes; The magic wan of Hope beguiles, And not a dark cloud intervenes. Such is the view to youth affign’d j Such the dclufiona of the in nd. To morrow difappointm.-nt lowers, Cares canker gnaws the aching bread, R grit eech palling moment fours, Or sorrow rears h.-r go gon crest Su:h is th- doom to man aflign’d ; Such are the chtngei of the mind. To-day deceitful fortune wear*, The gladd’ning f.nilc oi joy and peace ; W . fetk not for row’s h dden fnarcs, Tint soon may bid our pleafurcs ceaf: ; Our profpeft* fair, and unconiia’d, Yield sweet contentment to the mind. To morrow wears another face ; And dmk’ning clouds obfeure the view ; In vain the pfl. feenes we retrace, Or strive the future to pursue i But dreary are the th nights afligt/J, To occupy the gloomy mind. To-day then let us all prepare, For what the morrow may produce ; To-morrow be our chieftft care, To put each hour to proper use ; Move in the fplure by Heaven defignM, And regulate the wandering mind. Refiedio is on tbs greater part cf fa) entjl, tba:i of filial a fifed ion . IT has be-*n remarked by a celebrated mirer, that it is ea fjer to one father to maintain ten children, than it is for ten clu! Iren to maintain one father. Indetd this is rot univcrfally true ; mi.ft willingly it is ac knowledged that there have been many instances of filial duty .ti.d attachment ; many instances ol children who have cheer uiiy supported their aged and he)p- Jels parents, even by their own labour. in a general view, however, hha! gratitude hears r.o proportion to parental love. The love ol patents towards their off pritig is lo intense, that they think nothing t o much to do or to fuffer lor their lakes ; whole \turs of toil, in feeding and clothing them, they endure with chcc'tulnefs. But when, by rcafon of poverty and old ace, parents become chargeable to their children, they usually feel the full weight of lucli a burden ; and lometimcs by loots, if not by words and ac tions, they betray an opinion, that it is h afi time lor the old folks to die. This being the natural state and course of things in this world, mttead of repining at ir, wc should endeavor to cure onrlelvcs of that fooitfti desire to Ipin rut life to an undue length. There is a period, when it is proper that we lliould feel an entire willigncfs to retire ami make room (or others; a period 1 when death is not erdv neo ff ry, but desirable. Ant! indeed nothing tan be more irrational, than to wish to outlive one’s ufe fulnefs, and even to live beyond the wifhcs of one’s neared con nections. In two conditions es pecially, men fome times live too long, even in the opinion of their own children. The firft is the condition of poverty, when they become chargeable and burthenforne. The other is the condition of great wealth, when their children are in haste to take poffciiion of their estates, and are apt to grow unealy, if the period of enj tying their legacies be deferred beyond their reafon ibis expectations. Gripus, who, s already rich, * c rises eariy, fit l up late, eats the bread of care *,” us-s every effort to add to a he-.p, that is but too larue, might refpit! his avarice a little, if he would confider that he is Lying before his children, a llrong temp:at on of wishing him oik >f th ir way. On the ohei hand, children, who have the care of aged helpless piren's, iiould lighten the burthen, by remembering that t K ey alio rr, y be old aid helpless, and may rhemlelves need from their ch i dren, the like kind offices. Peo ple frequently find he lame iiieafure inc.ed to them, in o'd iye, which tiiey themfulveg hac. i.eted out to their aged parent? The following anecdote has , good moral, and was declaied to be a faft. While a man of con fklerable property was employ ed in scooping out a wooden dish, he was aficed by his lutlc b..-y that (hood near him, what ie made it for. “1 am mak mg ir, he replied, for your grandfather, he is old, and fia vers so, that your mother lay:- he mull leave the table, and ta by himfelf in a wooden difli.’’ “ We 1, then, said (he little boy 1 suppose, father, that I too rnuft make a wooden di!h foi ; you to eat in when you grow old.” Such, it was said, was the force of this firnpie, pun gent remark, on the mind of the father, that he laid afule his work, and never affuined it a gain. ‘nuunmioiu*. ••**£. U. u aChA-dUmma <S fier i(I s .bales. On the firfi TucfJay in August next, between the hoars of io and 3 o'clock, WILL BE SOLD, A Horfc and fome household furniture, levied on as the pro perty of George Horlback, tc latisfy feveril executions. AIL, a negro boy, named An tony, levied on as the property of Doftor Samuel M’Cormick. fornaer sale not complied with, A negro wench named Miro, levied on as the property of doc tor John Love, to fatisiy feverx) executions, at the iui e of Wil liam Shaw, former sale not com plied with. A negro wench named Cum fort, levied on as the property of Timothy Freeman, Continued frem July lale, A negro wench and her child, levied on as the property of John Pooler, Fdqr. Conditions, Cafij in thirty min utes after bid off, cr re-fold. JOHN WILLIAMS, sc s July 4 So NOTICE. \\J7 IIF REAS a certain tratft \\ of land of four hundred and thirty acres,joining the Or phan Houle Plantation, is adver tiled for lale by the Deputy Shc rift’of Chatham County, levied on as the property of Emanuel Rengill. Now this is to cau tion ail persons agai. lt purcha sing the laid trad, as Emanuel Rengill owns but one undivided fifth part of laid land, (in right of his wife. NOBLE JONES. Frederica, May 17 92 WAN FED, A Negro Girl to Attend a fir.iit child} Enquire At tkit Alice. M 97 *o ’ 0. • 1 Ad ninirtrator’s o a*leu | f On Monday th; 2y h Au-jujl ■ < 1/JI.L i BZ HOLD, at PUBLIC AUC TION, at th; fore oj the Jubfcrtler, ir. the Mai Lt /quart, O UNDRY Lrnclea of HLukhold and Kitchen Furniture ciomc iiandfome Priat# a , One old Suikey ; one Cart Three Horita, Dur Cowa - Three Caivee, three Yearling* One pair fine larj’e Ox n Several volumes of Rocks A.:d fome clear. Cotton, beinft part of the personal e.tate cf Thomas Smith, deceased. By ‘jrder cf the Adminijlrators. Levy Auct’r. July 14 92 JOHN BOLTON, sup.. Camdiu nr. J. Superior WILLIAM NORRIS, ) Court, March lerm, 1806. UPON the petition of John Bolron, surviving copart n<r of Robert & John Bolton praying the foreclofure of the E qnicyof Redemption on the foi - lowo.g premises, mortgaged to di said Robert & John Bolton for the (urn of eleven hundred 1 id forty fix dollars, payable the fifth of January 1802, and I 1j so for the further sum of ele ven hundred and forty fix dol i 1:s ana imereft payable the fifth of N ivember 1802, to wit, •he following lots and parts of ots in the town of St. Mary’s.— Ad tiiat v, harf lot containing 50 feet 0:1 St. Mary’s street and running 150 feet weft to Jud :on’s water lot, and from St. Ma ry’s street to the river 100 feet and along the river 100 feet.— The fame being the front of lot No. four in the plan of said town. —Also part of said lot No, four beginning at Ready street running weft on the Sr. Vlary’s street to Judlor’s Jo: & <n Ready street 200 feet north o Divine Young’s lot or line be 50 weft on said Young’s line to jujfon’s lot with the buildings -nd improvements thereon.— ilio lot No. (43) forty three or.raining four acres then oc upied by Peter W. Green, with or buildings and improvements hereon, and on motion of Mr- Mut:s attorney for the petitioner, It is ordered by the court -hat the principal interest and :olts upon the said mortgaged rennics be paid into court wich n twelve months from this date aid unkfs the fame be so paid the equity of redemption flu 11 thenceforth be foreclosed and o ther proceedings take place pur suant to the a>£t of aflembly in such case made and provided : /Jnd ii is further ordered in purluance of the said aft that: this rule be publifned in one of the public gazettes of this state ac least once in every month until die time appointed for payment, orferved on the mortgager or his lpecial agent or at least fix months previous to the time the said money is ordered to be paid into court as aforefaid* Extrafl from the min utes this 6tb. March, 1806, ISAAC CREITS, c. t. c. iamnm 60. POSTPONEMENT. THE followin ‘ sale which was to . ha e taken place on Monday the 14 th iff. t s pod pone J to Wed nesday the 3 3d ind. when it will take place. to be: sold, At the Plantation of Mrs. Mar garet Moll , deceased, cn H ed nefday the iff inst. next, be tween the hours of ten ar.d two o'clock of same day, ABOUT one hundred head of Stock Cattle, fwo or three Mares & Coirs, Some Household and Kitchen Furniture, belonging to the estate of Mrs. Margaret Moll, deccafed. Condifons of sale Cadi. Henry Bourquin, Beneu \cl Bourq uln, E xecutors. July 18 93 ALMANAC’S l*or Ale at tiut Office. :V irn-i:.p ever frr.s • } io this country, to t .-.saver to-pen i • fome n ••'rcution for rcccmocdtiug 1 J a --i:r.cei hef-str, thr. tv.-.r r., M c Clio a COFF Ez, Superior to any other Hud, at iftj per lb. ALSO THE Stock in Trade, OF the fubferibers, at the moft reduced prices, wholefak- and retail. Private fami lies will find their interelt m applying for Groceries, Wines Sc Liquors. BAYLEY & H ARMAN. No. 6, Exchange. July it (j 1 TREASURY DEPARTMENT OF THE UNITED STATES, June 21, 1806. WHEREAS die Comofis fioners of the .Sinking Fund, at a meeting held on the 28th day of April, ißcs, didre folve, that the sum remaining to complete the expenditure of the annual aonrooriation of EIGHT MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, ffioulfi among oilier purposes be applied to the reiniburiement o! the NAVY SIX PER CENT. Si OCK, created in purfuauce of an act of Congreis, paiTed on the 30th day of June, 1798, and to the reimbursement of the FIVE AND HALF PER CENT. STOCK, created in puriuance of an adt of Congress, patted on the 3d day of March, *795. This is therefore to give no tice, that the principal of the said NAVY SIX PER CENT. Si'OClv, with the interest due thereon, will, on surrender of the certificates, be paid on the lit day of October next ensuing the date hereof, to the respective stockholders or theft lawful re presentatives or attornies duly constituted and authorized, ei ther at the Treaiury or at the Loan Office, as the case may 1 be, where credits have been given for the amount of flock, rcfpe&ively held by them: and that the principal of the FIVE AND HALF PER CENT. STOCK, with the interest due thereon, will in like manner, and at the fame places, be paid on the iftday of January, 1807, to tr.e n lpeclive stockholders, or their lawful repreftntatives or Atomies duly coniututed and authorized. It is further made known, for the information cf the parties concerned, that no transfers of the NAVY SIX PER CEN' r . I OCK, either from or to the dooks of the Freafury, or from or to the books of a Commis of Loans, will be allow ed after the iftday of September ensuing. And the interest on all ceirificates of (aid ftotks, which fhail not have been sur rendered, in puriuance of this notification, will cease and de termine, on the day preceding the day hereby fixed for the re imburse men 11 her eo f ALBERT GALLATIN, Secretary of the Trtaf. y • July 1,5 93 tb3o Marjhafs Sales. ON the fifft fir-[day in Au gust next, will be sold at the court-boufe, in Savannah, ALL that Plantation con taining 300 acres, called Douglass, near Point Peter, in Camden count-’, Georgia. ALSO, Seven Negroes, viz. Eofon, JaCK, Nancy, Jenny,Saiiy, Han nah and her child ; levied as the property of Thomas H. Mil ler, to fatisfy a judgment oi Benjamin and Joseph Strong, obtained again ft Macleod an: Miller. Two Negroes Charles and Racliel—Alio, sundry articles Plated Ware, Jewelry, £ec. Allb Household and Kitchen Furni ture, levied on as the property of Joirph Rice, to fatisfy an exe cution in favor of John Hill. ‘I he (lock in trade cf Abra ham Woodside, confiding of Dry Goods, Hardware and Cut lery, to fatisfy an execution ob tained by Win. Wooufide. B. WALL, m. r>, c. May 31. gj to yre j’CL.J.iG :A. hy his Ex dice f JOHN MM - LEDGE, Governor and C - maikier tn Chief of the rr r; y and Navy of this State id of L £ Militia thereof. A PROCLAMATION; TY7HEREAS in and by an aft passed the iith cf February, 1799, entitled “An aft to regulate the General E ieftior.s in this state, and to ap point the time of the meeting of the General Assembly,” it is a meng other things declared— “ That all writs of eieftior.s ca fill vacancies that may happen for members of the General Aft fembly of this state, or House of Reprefenratives of the United States, fhcll be directed to the Juftires of the Inferior Courts of the refpeftive counties, who are required to give public notice thereof, and cause the fame to be held in manner and form as herein before pointed out, agree ably to such writ.” And whereas , a vacancy hs:T happened in the Haufe of Re presentatives of the U. iS'cates, }yy red on of the refignacion of the honorable Joseph Bryan, who was ekfted and commissioned ro ierve as a member tiierein, for this state, until the fourth day of March next. I have therefore thought proper to iilue this or Prod amation, hereby I: wifyifl'Cr direfting and ordering the JufL ces of the Inferior Courts of the refpeftive counties in this ftsrr, to confider the lame as a general writ of election for fitting the a forefaid vacancy. And I do hereby charge and require the said Just ices to give due notice, that an election for the purpefe aforefaid, w.ii be held in the ref* peccive counties, on Monday the firft day of ‘September next. .And 1 do hereby (urther require that luch returns of fair! election, .as the aforefaid act points our, be made to the Executive Depart ment within the time prelcribed. Given under my hand and the great seal of the slate, at the slate house in Louisville, this twenty eighth day of June, in the year of our Lord, cr.e thousand eight hundred and six, aud of the In dependence of the United Stales of America, the thirtieth. JOHN MILLEDGE.- By the Governor* Hop. : Marbury, Secretary of the State: Notice, THE fubferiber, tome time fines being,on his return from the Indian r,a ioa came up wuh a JOHN IR VINE (as he called himfelf) who had m his poftemon anew negro feL low ; from the countenance and yerfation of Irvine, when interrogated irorn whence he had come, the iaan n;r in which he made reply, together with other arcumftances of his~ con cuss confirmed the fubfcnber in the bee lief /hat /he negro had been stolen. lie therefore demanded or Irvine in what v.'zy he had come to the pofld fion of the negro j to which he re” iumrd an evalive answer. Thefub enber told hun he had good reafon** to believe the r.rgro had been {tolen and was dcteroiided to /ake /ne ne gro from him 2nd have him advertiled j and in case no person claimed him i within eighteen months v/Culd either i return or fell him. | Thi*, is therefore to notify all per* . sons whom it doth or may concern. That /he lubicriber has m his poflcs. ticn /he said new negro ; he is about five feet eight inches high, aged be tween twenty five and. rtiii/v yeirs—* no marks other than cr. back, which appear to have ft:;T red under the Cowfkin ; (peaks little cr no English .ays he czrr.c [rom Larolina, but docs nut know whether Iroir. Ner/fi cr soutr, he indiitinhily communicates when aAea in way the man came by him) that he took him up ia /tie road, when on his way to nill on ome river or creek nearby. His own er or owners a:e therefore requetied to prove the property of the negro j pay charges and r.kc him away; I Vm. eely. Camden Coun/v on b/. Mary’s River. Sept, Q; i-.mikm 7. WANTED, A 0> SRSEf.It, .'e ru t-cI! J. x. quamt-d t. • h Ri.-e pi;. -.tin-, -• i: * bril S SOc-i rr. . .'.r r. dat.rot cfLte. ev-T. l-Jbivrrjr s-i x.hiStc. Apptr to the x: Cos ;■"> Biyan CocrMy. ~ . H.‘ MOKLI-. I Ax*rcu jtj 1