Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, July 25, 1806, Image 1

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Vol. IV. Nc 85. J CONDITIONS or the GEORGIA REPUBLICAN. The Republic*.?* is published ever; Tuesday and Friday, on a royal Iheet of a goo t quality. / The terms offublcription are six rsu lahs p-*r annum.. -one halt to be paid at the time of fufcfcribing, and the balance at the expiration of the year-.and all papers win b: continued until ordered to the reverie. terms of advertising. Advertisements inferred at 50 cents per flume the Hr It infcrtion, and r j for e.,cl. continuation —A liberal allowance made tt, ttioie who wuh to advertile by tiie year. For ftrilo 3t this Office. J ‘j.rL-ly of BLANKS a-ivr.g which an, Foreign and Goa,'mg jVfa.nfeiti Fif civante Enrrit* J.:quor ditto pills of Exchange Ending Do. ,-,f Sale , Powers of Attorney Checks Apprentices Indentures Deeds oi Conveyance Bonds; Notes of Hands V,’rits for the Superior, Inferior &. Mayor's Courts Mayor’s Court Executions So Subpoenas Notices to creditors of Ir.folvent debtors Milliury Summonses and Executions, &c. dj* Cards, Handbills, &c- Etc- FrigttJ at a Jlort nulice on rcafonabte terms; For LIVERPOOL, , ,tTI>V The regular trading fiiip IH-cAtCh, JUn Holland, mofier, VVili commence loading as loon as her present cargo is out, and will have immediate dtlputch two thirds ot her freight being already engaged ; for the remainder or pttfog--, apply on board at Telfair’s wharf, or to Benjamin Maurice. Who has landing from /nil /Up. 7OCO bufaels Liverpool ground Salt 100 crates well afibrted Crockery Ware 100 kegs White lead 15 tons Coals May 20 76 MARSHAL’S SALES, On the firfl ‘Tuesday in Augufi next, will be sold at the Court • bous;;, in the city oj Savannah, tqpVvO nrgrucs, Gc- r ge and Hizen, an unexpired icrfe of Hr no. io. Wilmington Tv thing Darby ward, with the buildings thereon, adjoining Mr. John Gardiner. Alio an unex pired leaf? of lot no. 3, Heath coat Tything Decker ward, where Mrs. Smith resides, levied on as the property oi Smith, Sons and Anderson, at the suit of Thomas and James S words. B. WALL, m. and. o. July 4 So Eipl. it Dollars Reward. ILL be given for apprehending V V an( l lodging in any jail in this flcte to the fubferiber can get liim again, or deliver him to me, in Burke county, a negro man, named BEN, he is 22 or 23 years of age, about five sett * ght inches high, a fniall fear of a burn on one of his cheeks, yellow complexion well made, bom in the D ate of Maryland, from thence he was brought to North Carolina, there owned, by major Joseph C amain, brought to this (late about 3 yeti., since, he is in the habit of Lying that he is free. Needham Cock, March 25. 59 NOTICE. A 1.1, nerfons having demands againfl the eibte of Eoper, Esq Hie of Effingham county, deceased, are rcqnefted to rfr ier in their accounts legally attelted, and S.V tho ! t iiidvb-td, are sto fired to make lpeedv payment. Asa Leper, Abel G. l.o] er, Qualified Executors. July 4 6w 85 SHERIFF’S SALES. ON the firJl Tuesday in Augnft next, Vi ill be fold at the Lout l- Jicuft in this city, between the hours of ten and three o'clock. A NEGRO WOMEN, ra r ed Sarah, taken under execution as the property of John Pooler, at the foie of Bog- C ert and Mansfield. T. ROBERTSON, s. c. c. J uiy 4 19 GEORGIA REPUBLICAN. 9TOLEN or RUNAWAY i'T'ROM the fubferiber, a Ne- JJ’ gro Gi!, MARY, about iijrcen years of age, well grown, blank, complexion, plea 'i:)g countenance, laruc breads for her age, cloa lied with a cal ico coat and white wrapper, but nad others, has a mother a: Mr. Rodmans, in Savannah. A Reward of FIVE DOL LARS wdl be paid for her de .very tome or in jail; Twenty Dollars on conviction of her be ta ;h 1 • bored by a whir’ perib 5, and ten it by a negro. Captains of vedeisare b-'etby cautioned a gaiolt carrying her out of this ROBERT JORDAN. July S 90 FOR Fivi V A i' t. b A !. f., A TRACT of very valuable Cotton and . rovifion LAND, contain nw nearly three thoufsnd acres, belting i„g t 0 tbc ellate of Richard R. Ask, situated 011 die -bland or Dawiuikie, Ui rettly oppoiite Savannah bar, and dis taut only 5 or 3 miles* from Tybea Light irloufc. — Fhtfe lands are inferior tu none in the Rate —the prefect crop oea bout 430 acres of Cotton, and coo acre? of Provibon will fully prove The and raft is divided into tour Plan tations, and will be fold together or se parately, ail of which are well fettled, waving every neceifary building- for a Cotton Plantation, moll of them have been erected fuice the hurricane, and oi die belt materials. On Newbury is a convenient and comfortable two itory dwelling horde, kitchen and vs alb house, entirely nctv. The buildings on Salt Pond are a little inferior, and in excel lent repair. Mary-Field and the ridge, have been lately fettled andliave over ’ leer's houses, See: | Terms, one third cnlh, the other two i thirds in one and two years, the purch: fer giving bond and mortgage or tin pr., pet ty, with perfsnal fecunty, if required The overseer at Newbury, will (]|, w i] l( j Lands and divifiou lines. For further particulars, apply to MARY FRASER. CCT Prov.fions, Plantation Tools, &c. may be had with the plantations, at a fair valuation Beaufort, S. C■ j'u y 15 02 Notice is tier coy Given That the Coparnerftnp carried on here by Wiilia n Dixon, James Die fm and George Penny, Under the firm of James Dickson. &Cos expired, by its own limitation, on the iff intlant; thole who Itave auy demands * j gaiull the concern will pleafeprcfent them, and those indebted, are requclted tc make payment to Janies Dickion, who is atuhorifed to fettle the affairs of the concern. William Dixon, James Dickson, George Penny. In future the buiinefe will be contimi- William Dikon & James Dickioii under the firm of James Dickson, 6c Cos. Jne 30 S3 THE FI KM OF HUNTER & MINIS , J*S this titty <i:{To!vrd by mutual con feut. All persons having demands will pler.fe rendu them to the fuhfcribere for adjullment ; and all indebted, are so licited to prepare For immediate pay ment. Phcy will attend at their Comp t;ng house as usual, lar the aljultmcnt of their accounts. JAMES HUNTER, ISAAC MINIS- March 13 39 h O NAVE mu RE ! THIS elegant retreat, about four mnes .rom , avannah, on \\ afTaw river, is ofh 1- I on n lease for fix or seven years, for the benefit of :h e heir, ami ,lor on t;r 'n that will suit those inch iitd t 1 jo. fs so vnluabl a piece of ground, as well calculated for health as for pleasure rtnd profit. Apply to IVm. SYLPH BUS, 1 _ ‘ . A. TURNBULL, 5 Guardians. c . ‘TAKE NO-/JCE, r r lIAT in nine months from the date lieieof, tpjfliCation will be made to tic lion, thejuftices of the Inferior Court, Lr the county of Bulloch, for , leave 10 fell alt that traft of land, con taining 475 acres more or lefa, lying in tie cr unties of Bryan and Bulloch, thc faii,- Leingpurtof the eila'.e of Wm Slater dcc'd. Wm. Slater, ad mV* t May *. SAVANNAH : PRINTED BY EVERITT if M-LEAN, ON THE BAY. F R I D A Y, July 25, 1806. Bavley G? Harman, No. 6, IN THE EXCHANGE. HAVE received by tlicl&te arrivals a ce ntral and exeentive aflbrtmeiit of Alt 1 lech's in tiieir line, the whole ... which are warranted of the boil quality, and will bo fold at i t duct'd prices lor ready money or pro.:,ice only.—Planters and others vei br fuppli-u by lending their orders on the terms above ir.ciitio.ic . Georgia Hams & Bacon (home cured) and warranted to keep through the year Large pickled nnd fmoaked Tongues, 3: beef from the New-York market New-York corn’d Beef iu half barrels dc by the Angle piece Bolona Sausages, Ballon Salmon on retail Double Glofter, ciu'.hhe, North Wilt- j ill ire and American Cacefe London bottled Brt ‘.vti Stout, Edenhurg ale, and Bri.ilh tlulir Fine fparklir.g Champa: gne aul Claret Wines 100 Pine apple Cheese London Battled Port, iu quart k pint Bottles Ten calcs old Claret Wine of one dozen each Old Madeira Wine in Bottles Do. in quarter casks and on retail Uontignac and Maliniey Wines Every defeription of Cordials in bottles and in lock caLs, allotted in each English and American R-fpberry Cherry Brandy Dried fruits, Preserves in cases affotted Orange 3c Lemon Shrub Role, Lavender, Orange flower, and Honey wa.ers Olives, Capers, Anchoives, Pitkles of all kinds I Mufiiroon ketchup Cheroque, Qums, Sc Imperial Fifii sauce Soy, ellence of a .choives Pepper Bauce, fu.e Sallad Oil Table Sait, Wine Litters London and Durham Milliard, Ready made London Muitard, Split Peas, Pearled barley Chocolate of fuptrior quality Crrckers and butter buifeuit in kegs, Mocna Coffee, fine Hyfon nnd young Flvfon Teas And juji Landed from New Tori, Small 6'attys of Hyfon Tea, veiy fupe, j rior qualities ; By a Spring arrival, Godfroid’s fupe nor Scgam m whole aod half boxes Battle powder in canisters Rifle 10. in kegs and Cannon do. in do. Shot of all fixes ON CONSIGNMENT, 50 Casks Brown Stout. April 29 70 W3tti 1 1 ile iv L 1 is AVVA I. Twenty Dollars Reward, Mils CLARHA, my lervant Have, toadt- a move, together ./) h ail lier apparel, furniture and bagyage, n Vaiurday night, the 2ad in It from mv house to 10./.e .'.her pi cc unknown to • f. it ;s said she uin company | with he amtalrle “- iis Afty, the propert) o ; Mr. Duke. No uoubr these ladies ‘vti! irtre ’uct ‘iienifelYes ar. free, beirg. very irdiy and remarkably icnfiblc or their fa:m color, though their ■ omplex ens areo the caft: they will anftvtr any qveflion that may be put to hem v.dth a smile, and at tiie fame time wi h holdnels. The find Clarisa is well known in Savannah, she is about 30 years of age, five feet tv/o in ches high, I caution ail perfo. s from harboring her. Captains of veficis are forbid carrying bet elf, under no leis penalty than the law directs. The above reward with ail realonable exoenfes, will be paid to any person fecurmg her in any jaii in this Bate, so that I can obtain her again. JANE KANE. June 23 1 (j LtiTT For a term of Years. AN 1) immcdiste pofTnfilon given, the TAN YARD, G. rden 3cc, ’ with all its improvements,. Isii-ly oietipi, -d by McfTrs, Bowruer & Smith at Ya ma'iravv. To a person desirous r.f pursuing the Tanning business, its recent and compb u -epair will afford great advantages, tlitrc are comfortable accommodations for a orivate family, the rent very low—apply o BAYLEY & HARMAN, June U 82] Nr. 0. Exchange Adminiftrators’s Sales. 3T Virtue of an order ohtaired from the Honorable the JuJliecs of the 1/erior Court j„r the County of Camden, at St. Ain n’t, ON Monday the 28th July next in the town of St. Mary’s, WILL BE SOLD, THE rrul and perional property of James Vincent, late t-r Camden County, mariner, dc-i ceased, Confiiling of A VALUABLE tra<sl of j £~\, land with improvements! a Jjo.ning Point Petre plantation and situated on Cumberl tnd ri ver containing about thtee hun dred acres cl land, eighty acres of which is prime, and of the firfi quality cotton land. ALSO, all that divided ami ty of lot no. containing feet tn front and extending down .0 low water mark, being iu ouch of a water lot future ir Ihe town of St. Mary’s, with, the improvements thereon, toge ‘her with one negro fellow. 1 hr above property is intend ed to be lold for the benefit c>; ■he creditors, and htirs of tin ellate • Conditions will be mad known on the dav of llile. THOMAS ICING, > . , , AHC Hilt AED CLARK. J Adm or *‘ May 30 79 _ SH l RIF i’ ’s S A Li? S. WILL BE SOLD on the frfl Tuesday in Augufi next, at the Court-house , between the hours if 10 and 3 o'clock . A Traill of land containing J A. four hundred and thirty acres, fie j lie lame mure or Ids ( Id i'urvey) joining the fnuth part of the Orphan House plan ration, well timbered with pine, and a confidcrable portion adap ted to the culture of cot .on and piovifions, having the advantage of a good navigation rc> this city. Levied on as the property of E manuel Rtngill, at tiie fuu oi Edward 1 ,ewis, pointed ouc b, die defendant. PoftportedJio>n July Sales’ 11. W. Williams, uscc July 7 90 30 Dollars Reward. P ANA WAY from the fubferiber on the 11,111 February lalt, a young negro won: un named NELLY, the r. about 5 Act two o, three it dies high, chick made, liar, lcmail.a b!c th.ick bps, and black teeth, which arc vc n farapai., and lisps ri,uch when l'ptal ini*. She is well known about town, v. here Hit may be enticed to wotk; and is luppofed to bt harbored at times about the Orphan I,'ini', and Mr. Wilkmfun’s plantation near Savi n ri: h. The above re ward wid be given to .iw peifm who wib deliver her tn the Jai'cr ir. Savant ali, m inform tbs i'ubtiiiber v. he.eii.c may be taken. Win. Stephens. f'arcb i>s -59 BOARD of LOME; IS.HO TI ERS of IMLOTAGH. Savannah, ffunc 4., ißcr. | I- Ccnfcqucnce of lcvcrul pcrlom ug illegally as Fil ,is, Ordered, ’1 hut the Secretary do j.i hhlh moi.ilily the r.amtsof iutli Pilo":, i.s j.i.ftli, Hrai.cliec <-r Certificates from this board. T.klurtl jt orn the Mir.U'.cs. 1 HUM AS PI 1 i , Secretary to the on>r 1,1 the Boa.iJ, ido hereby give notice, that j. e fi,J ( , v ,ng pertbir, o: ij, are dui/ amticrued to af; t Pilots, Thorn*/ Nonage, J Ilham <J;iy, > James Scranton, ) , IViliiarr. I’.uyiton, Branch Fnote, Klijrh Broughton, C ‘i'll- rr,.- Alworthy, H'.cha ci Wall, I’rercli i'i'ot. VVillu.n Wall, 1 ‘mg uiuitr him. Jolm Miior, \ I’ete.r Cafir, f Hcuben Andcrfon, f J./ n liras&b>, ) , John Jrennii, “, “ r “ * **-*U John Ilia hi, L ‘1 hoi. ;S O ■ -r y THOMAS PITT, Sarj. May 9 NO I ICE. V!.T, nerfons having demands a gain r iOe 1 .lull . :hera, c .eras I:oprr nears iir 111.’ H* rats. Will pi case prcfer.t them so ! payment, at lUir counting.houfe, -..ithout delay. Mein, Mackay tc Cos. Srv. Mn-Hi 2* [[Whole Number 39^. SHERIFF’S SAELS. On the fir ft Tuesday in Augufi next, will be fold at tbs Court houle, vi this ci‘y, between the L urs of 10 and 3 o'click. ALL that Lot of 1 and m me 1 ity of Savannah, known by the nismb- r five, third tythii.g Jicy. nolds ward, contain ng 6j fa-t in width, and 90 feet tn depth, vdfh the improvt mans thereon, levied on by virtue of an cxc cuiton iiftifd again it I lioiiiii Dowall and Wife, reprcllnta tives of John 11 iupt, dectafed ac die suit of Christina D ,flier. A iiegro man named Dick taken under execution to 1 msfy John Gromett, p anted out by the plaintiff. T. Uobertldn, see SHERIFF’S SaLE S. dl the Court-house in the city of Savannah, on the fir ft TUES DAY in Auguji next, between; the hours of ten and three o’clock. X'-’M IE i fib-wing negroes V JZ. Zcdohk, Betty, and her .wo children, Philip and Eo'- ooiu!, Icizeil by virtue of a fore lolure of mortgage, as the pro . ‘try of John B rn&rd, jun, tu* RLsfy J. P. WJIJia Tfon. T ROBERTSON, s. c, c. May 6 SHERIFF'S SALES. OR the Isl Tuesday in Align/ „ ex t. n ill BE POEiJ, at tbi Cotirt-hovfc in tbit <‘ty, hclWi’cn the huuti if io and j (J i t(jC}i • A negro man named taken under execution as tiie pio[ e:ty of William Barnard, under sundry cxecuiions, [loin icd out by die defendant. Sold at the rifque of the for mer purchaser: \ . ROBERTSON, s.c. c; May 30 89, A dministrator’s Sales. fVILI. be fold on Tuesday ti c fe cund day of September next, at the C <ur( home in the city of Savannah, between the lours of io and i o’clock, .% LI. that luf known by the liL No. 8 Fourth Tything, Reynolds Vvard, Savannah, wnh die buildings and improvements diereon, being >he real eftatc of he late Li cia Murray dec'd. ‘old under and by virtue of an order of the Inftuor Court of Chatham County, for the bene fit of the heirs and creditors o£ laid t (tare, John Wjnu, Adm'r: Cllar l fcs VVinn, Adm'r, June 30 88 SI IF RIFF’s SALKS. IF ILL be sold on the firfl Tues day in /.lugnft next, at the Court-house in Savannah, be | tucin the hears of ten and ivjo c'llock, ‘1 he I (land cf Qflaba, ftized under execution at the lure of Ivifcty Loid, again It the fxecu tors of John fvlorel, len’r. de ter,ltd, pointed cut by the pkin tift’s attornev. T. UOI3ERTSON, cc. May 30. Byi | .LORGiA. ) By Edward White I [ s clerk of the Court of Or T.(liv'd.lV!. :.Y. idinary for iLt court) -;f Chatham, (late afore bid. \KJ l '*' l £A,< * J ohn Womack hath V V rr -de implication for letters cf ; drniriiß on estate aid effefts of Frederick Womack, late u s the city of S?var,nab, i c her, dec. as oeatell of kin. Thcfe a-c therefore to cite at and ad in on >'•’> ll and ficgular the kindred ond cre ditors of the deccafcd, to file their ob_ • f.tions, (if any they have) in n y office, on or before the 4,11 Jay of At, nil o. xt, otbeiwife letter* of adminiftrati’ :i will be grafted him. Ur.-ri under my hand rnd feat this 4‘b day of July, i! of., and in the 31st yen at American fed pendente, ‘