Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, July 25, 1806, Image 3

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so faolifli jeslouues divide them. To ftb-rr all will profp.r,, each Bind languilh. 15. The territorial covefjjincnts—The ga’dena in which icpuhlicao principles vrifi be Cultivated and brought to pir fcftion. 16. The fair of our country—Their f wiles the reward of merit, their Lorn the pu&UUment of ignominy. May they fee! their power and make a right use of it. VOLUNTEERS. Captains Lewis and Clarke, Gn the retiring of the Utah of Depart ments—The Heads of Departments— May their couoiels and their meafurcs continue to be diredted to the best iu- 1 tereft3 of our country. OT the songs interspersed among the toalls, was the following, Bug by Mr. Wu/,being a Stanzas originally fang at an entertainment given by George IV. Jervirg, efq. in London, to celebrate the •annivertary of the installation of | ‘I homm Jeffersos as PrcUdeot of the ’ United .S'ales of America, the 4th < of March, ib’o6 i UN* —“ To an Anacreon in Heaven ” V.V,! met, lello-.v freemen! let’s cheerfully greet, The return of this day with a copious libation; Fer freedom this day, in her fav’rite retreat. Mu:. Jr’- p.trio: Hi -u foil chief of 0ur....i0n! A chief in whole mind, Republicans and, Fair pnh.i.y, honor and wlfdom combin’d, I ei, our wine fpurkie higti, while joy- ‘ fully give, ‘•* he : .:i 01 r Sachem, a..d lanr may he ii-.e! *■- htoal o.icerd rag’d wild o’er tise earth, Alabama and rapine with hicod ting’d tin, OCCiil —-• ts ale, JtiTerfonripening fagefyfteras for birth, Fes rid the peaceful, legiuiiate p..;b to promotion! j With realV.n his guide, At Vv r a:l:ingti U dde, H:s .rtue and tarertfs foil often were tried; . Now he’s chiet in corair.a'au, let the universe 1 fee How happy 1 tjat.on of freemen can he! T.',:iie Europe's proud chiefs wield the sword or the pen, £y force, or by fraud to acquire new pof fellions, •vr rulers (peak “ peace and good will unto all men,” And their practice accords with their cordial yrofeiiions. But ihould foreign foes, Their ran'-or dilclofe, And by diicord or arms dare diflurb our repoie, iet our chief give the word, and he fafely may truil, That thole jealous diflurbers i V..U fcon bite the dull.” $s :h ardor would prove to ac insolent foe, Who menac'd the rights of a cigmn’d nation, That treedom’s brave ions, by a word.and a blow ? •i 1 rtr.p l civil difeord, or foreign invasion, -Hitt though. danger ccafe, i L-t onrvigur iutruile, And our arms, from a hedge round the olive of, Those arms, always bright, fossil convince foe and friend That the rights we enjoy, we know hew to and. .etui. ‘Vi'iv JeHY: h'-.;’s geniusfuhlimely control 1 he cr.-ptngs of envy, the frenzy of fa&ion; A” !.:s lidding let u..ion uttuneeach free l’o 1, A l .l god-like philanthropy Curing uito action. Thus biellin and bkft, By his country careft, • Sweet peace fhuli for ever illuminate hi* brtad ; Admiring nis Virtues, again let ns give, •• Ihe health ol our Sachem, and long may lie liva !'* At ait early hour the geateft part of the company rose from tabic. During the whole sane the grrauft urbanity, harmony, decorum and conviviality feigned. Unlike the facie day thirty years £ncc, it was on Friday, wit Stunt a cloud. After a fpel! of very warm weather, ctv.rig to a heavy fall of tmn and a change in the direction of the wind, the mercury iui.k fiom ninety to fusty degrees, and the air affutned the moll de lightful temperature, thus augmenting the phafure of those who joined in the fcftivities o; t!ie day. A nniverfal fenti jr.ent peivaded every, of the un rivalled bappinefs of the United States; snd that for the great.ft part of this feiicity they were indebted to . he fubiime stt in at msd: u an independent nation. May 1 his fen, mient be immortal! May it be perp, uated by each returning sonic . .ry being as poiiticaiiy uadoudu as thus. BALTIMORE, July 7. This rr.or.lihg, the cerrnu ny of b’.es fi -g tad laying the tirft corner-stone of t\e C-athwiic Cathedral Church, to be tretted in this ci.y, was performed ac cording to the mca prelciibed in the Roman Pontifical, in presence of a valt coricourfe ol citizens. At hjifpsft eight o’clock in the mor ning, the R'Ut Reverend Bilhop Car roll, in his Epifcopai robes, with cro* * r and mine, preced'd by a proceOion of twenty priests ar.d junior ecclcliailics, the pi icft3 with furpiicts and Itoiei, and the others iu iurpliceE, proceeded iron. the weft front up the intended cave oi the church, to the large wooden crot. prerti.filly p.’anttd on the Ipot, wh-r. the high or principal altar is to (land ; , and the bilhop having there recited the 1 part ot the office appropriated to aonlecration ot that lpot, the procetiion . returned in the fame order to the weft font, si;.! hit fled the firlt foundation iioue, on the south weft corner oi tht proposed tiud-icg, fpri. l-img it w. i< . the bitiled water, whillt the attending 1 repeated the rzCi h plalm—•• Ini t'Js the Lord Beiid U-t n .us /’ See.— ti:eo kneeling, i.e began the litsny, wa cortvifttfed tt the e;.i a; m ;. y ,,:t a ° cs Lmg LLiTcd, and placed u ‘ lB P r “ Per fitiiation, the prccdti n ,i.r,. wed round the entire four cations of tl.e churtt, rtpeafino the 501 h psalm, whiiit t..e following, Ipriiikled them 1 wit * hiuie i water, and invoked at three I ‘•‘T’i!/ ° lw ’hons, the blefling 0 f Ahniyh !ty God upon the undertaking. On re- I lunimg to the place where the Rone was ; rie “y mn of invocation of the Ho ly Ghc-ft, “ f r eni Creator Spiritns,” was intoned and sung to the end ; and the ceremony concluded with a prayer, re peatiug the aiTiftance and direction of the lame Divine Spmt. The bilhop made a ftort addref* to the ipe'.ators, re minding them of the ardujuj undertak wg, which was begun for the glory of U°d* bie promotion of true reii gion and flncere piety ; encouraged tnem to imitate the zeal of their prede ccilbri in erecting Temples ro the Divi nity, by which they had contributed to perpetUEie the fairh of Jelus Chrilt, a midst all the adverlities and dorms, with which it had been alfaiied ; and parti cu.arly admonifiied them to make them folve, wormy of the favor ot heaven, hr imitating the v : rtuea of ttioi'e who left behind tnem fucli pr ofs of their iu.ceri- atißchment to the dotlrin-.i of vlieir heavenly teacher. In jukiyc to the immense conecurfe of fpret.Vtois, it mull be added, that ii.ey eov, Uidlca cl't'itiiaiYcs with tie gren-rlt ord-i ad piopriety. ftci. was formed in ti e fjundaticn ftor.e, tor rvcuving a copper plate, with .1 Latin l.iicriptiOD, thus tracllatcd ; t The firft ft one of the Cathedral Church, To be eluded for the honor of Almighty God, Under the title of JJiSUS tX MARY, Was placed the 7th d:.y of July, 1806, Alkant, (N Y.) June 30. oretniujo inui Reiu-IJart on-gate Wliters. j half a Mite firm tne Albany Ferry. j ihtic waici'ts, upon fcvcral trials i,\ ’ the moil eminen; piiyficuns in Albany, j appear 10 pcffcld ail the proprieti. ■> „i> j I diliiuguifhiHg qualities of the julliy ■.-<> I iebratoi Flariownate Waters in ‘ E-.* ,iand. J hey contain purgative faits. a ! frnall quantity of earth, cat bonic un.l a zoticgafs, with a large proportion or tuiphuiateii bydrogene, The llarrowgate Springs in England are much reiuiied u>, aud are found cini ’ ii-iitiy ui'Jul in many eruption* ’ fach as the itch, those utifiag- ft om { ur . feiti, fe-t ’d head, lalt-iTjcum, and even the h procy. Alio, iu complaints of the j ttoKiach and bov.-ch, wiiethcr arifiug j from indi/eftion or other caulcs ; hyno condriatt pflettions, obihnate coftivcncls piles, uc. any hbe been found to irive , great rcuef ; they Ed fair to relieve .v,s •ny rhf umat c lifted. 10 ns, and been | uie ul in tprains and paralitic weakii.-lfes. j Fhey ‘irove an escs,;ent vcrmiiuge, and | nave rdtored tne loft appetite and debili -1 ted habit oody. Many of our citizens have already experienced great benefit f* r -*r* tneir me ; bet all ohilir.ate com— pl.ints, and those of long Handing; a yhyiieian Ihould be consulted as to the quantity 10 be t;ken, and the la-mier they should he u! -d In conlequßxCe of the fsvorahie opin ion of the facu.ty in Albany, the fpiiag has been iecured from by lock sod key ; ‘therefore, real invalids may rely on getting the waters perfcdly pure ;rom thefeuatain ; and giddy boys, end 1 uvii as go orny to idle away an hour and gratify curiofny, will not be permitted to ciiturb and waste .he water as they have heretofore done. ftuc.h invalids as do net reside in Alba ny or near the Spring, may be accommo dated .with lodgings and dieting at the Greuibufti Jftotel, and ocher Lioufes in the neighborhood of the Spring. TRIBUTE OF THANKS. Johv Koneal’OT, jun. belong ing to tne brock bridge tribe of Indians, takes this method pub licly l announce his molt grateful ackno’.viedgeiYieucs to the gentlr meri oi George-Town, who have io kintiiv lei.eved him from the pecuniaj y embaralfmcnc in which ne had u,fortunately, perhaps indilcicatly been involved. IE: gj tdly owns this relief, a a continued evidence that the chain of fr;endlhip which has so long held together the interests and the good will of the people of the United Si act s, and rhe chief’ and warriors of the be ode bridge rations of Indians, is neitrer i-t.paircd nor rutty : and ne :s Ihortiy to return home to m3 cou .try arm men Js, he will, arrived there among them, tee, ta ti u iols of Jury than a pica • u e to cultivate the;r sentiments A gutitude and esteem, in the minds ot his brethren. it having been the enlightened policy of the United biates and particularly of the Hate of Penn sylvania, to cultivate a good ndcrltantiing with the Indian na io’ v by extending to the young run of t .e mod mdutntial fami lies among the n the benefits of education : it is to this circum daice that he is indebud for a V- , ,1 0) o!erabl- (hare of civi’izw! e.ttica and ufc of their f acu!;;c*s che r o'ii which otherwise mi;ft lave lain dormant in the rude quarry of nstu'e. Among the officers of the exe utive governmenr, yvJio have been nlealed ro imtice him with complacency, fine? his cominppo ns place he is proud 10 own his obligations to the revered father of h’s people and their Indian neighbors, the Prefiuenc or toe Unit-ci States, and the Secietary ’1 War. But this acknowle'.'g me:it is not made without bin.;.? July ienfible of the merits of fjtners. He has received many impr rtant favors and diftingudii ed civilities, from many ether gentlemen, both of public and private charahlert, whole names were too numerous to mention hete, even if he had liberty to do i u With a fin cere wifia that the iun of peace and profperitv may long combine to Ihine dear on theic hated, and that the horizon of plenty may r’wayj encircle the a rear national W :gwam of Ame rican libeity, he bids ihe people of Walhington an ahe it ionite farewell. JOHiv KOLk.-iPOT, Ju n . City of fyafoviptor., -Jutie 30, i 006 —- Newbern, June 21. Ihe fallowing is a copy of a paper which w,*s found c: rk- and up in a bottle, which was pick ed up near Cape, on the 23d of May lalt. The ~r i h snal v,as lent to roe • l >eci vtcry o. btate, of the tttates. C a board the Tetret floot) oj war. Eat. 10, 1. mg, 74, I arn an American, bom sz Bodon, aged i6 ycais, failed from New-York on Hoard th ■ brig Lyon, Nov. 24, 1805, No thing oci cr.ed worthy of re noari<, i or 14 d?,ys we 101 l fight of the Hook, when at 6 o'clock in the evening were brought to by the above vtfleh and after unde;going eve*y fpe ci-s of inlult, niylcir and others namely, Fredeiick Folter, Simon Aiogo, and A iron Stupes, all native Americans, wete ordeted on board, which we refilled, and on so doing were beaten and kicked into the boar, were then dirown into irms for 10 day 3, after which time, was brought on deck, and interrogated if we would enrer into ins majesty’s urv re, with the alternative of a good (logging, and to i;vc on bread and water, until we Ihould oir.piy v.'ith the-.r imperious mandav .s; after a lhort coumi .o. ’ >n atm nglt us, we agreed co iLer, ,v i 1 embrace the firft op po tun *.ui occurred .0 free cun iv .. Accordingly, wc lignih.d out wiilingneis to be Ccine lire ools of the slaves of his Britan x majesty. ’1 ;s irr> ipoffible to fay any more, as my watch on deck is called ; i rnuft therefore conclude, hoping that lorn: 1 fit dual mode of redres sing the grievances cf Aroenc-n Tars, will lie thought of, anti P jc in execution by our govern ment. JOHN JOHNSTON. ABNER WEBB, HAS received ey thz erig CANTON, PR0 2.1 Ni W-70RK, A COMPLETE AL- SyRTJdRI.r Ol THE MObT IA II ION ABLE Eliots and -Slipper?, VTARRANTED OP THE FIRST QIJALITi/g. V/hich iie offers for I*ile ut very redut c'l prices, at liis store, corner oi 3t. Julian a. J Whitaker iitreeu, July H f ~n o r 1 c E. \f of land of four hundred and thirty acres, joining tne Or phan House Plantation, is adver ciled fur faie by the Deputy -She riff of Chatham County, levied on r.s che property of Emanuel Rengiii. Now tills is to cau tion a’l persons agaiuft purdia ling the said trad, as Emanuie Rengill owns but one undivided fifth jiart of laid land, (in right of his wife. NOELE JONES. Frederica, May 17 g 1 alma77ac^ ’ For ulc it this Ofuce. REPUBLICAN. SAVANNAH, July v, 1806. ivs*’ -'it*--.w - ■ *. 1 .injut ■ Hk Exc‘llcacjr JOHN’ VfU.l iO JE, .-• . rivsd in Town, uu V-.... i.* i'.ni ti'.. 1 feat of Govornmeur Rhods-Isi.ani*— There ate thirty town3 in Kh,?i!e*lftand, the largcft ol which contained 7614, anil the fmalieft 501 loule, in iß'3o. The following i* the population of the twelve laigeit towns, viz Providence, 7614 foul*, Newport, 6739, Glouoefter, 40.19, Sruih Kiogfton, 3438, Smi htield, 3120. ; North Kinpftou, 2794, Tiverton, 2717, Warwick, 2531, Scituate, 2523, Lxe | t'r. 247 6, Taller, 2457,11111 Gov.n'iy, J U3- [ B son Csruhe!. j THE SEASON. Though the Spring was cold, dry, and backward, the baton 13 now unulusily pn mTu.g ; and die terth appears load. ,1 with her l.vft pioducts The givfs ij well set and .heavy ; and foifie excellent crops wees lall week cm on the uplands, and got in iu fine: order. Indian corn look-; blight ami vigorous , and m s not -.ppvar to have all ... ed by the fro IN. The (mail grain ft amir thick, and promn • labor tu the rtapt r. I'lie potatoes anti olhrr vegetables an remarkably thrifty. The tiees are well loaded with fruit ; and are untouched by the worm in those orchards tne trees o which the farmer bad the precaution to tar the lall feafous—Where ibis was neglected, the tries, in many p'aces, are flapped tumoft bare. Nothing but tome drenching rains appear nectffjry jo niure a great plenty for man mid Ivalt, the tnfuing fc.lon. f Ibid . ■swutjrvntT’tArcsgi'jsit r .-cnj DIEU—On the c'Jd mil. afttr a lingering il’nel-. which he bore with bo.'o i;i. c firmuei*. Mr. Thomas Pakott, agsil c i yvars. ■ ■ -a—- | ■ S .rtJjV For: of Savannah, CLEARED, Brig Laura, Ftarr, Ne.v-Yoi’,., Hope, Copp, do. Schooner i.auiel, Tiiac, lit. AugulUne ; Experiment, iviM.i.m, Cljaiiefton , tliuop Margaret, Murfetr, Natisa, Baylcy oc Harman, Excu ,\n<3 t, No. 0, HAVE jujl received from, a chiet l- 1. ul of Q OMO AK El 5 JWf, Tongu - ?, Biu'oii an J Corned IL-es, in liU ha> ...p. th I.SO # ‘..i1l jnil 1 ‘oft Wines Spices of till Pickles About eooHjs. I’ngliHi Chcefo, —Will he I old Li )/ cf. ly tie Vi hale t^ueeio, Cordials, Sweet Wines, Frclh Limes, belli Sallad Oil. Ihe whole of v. luch ere now riTcr ed to C'OlT'des. at the moll reduced jui ces. N. I}. Private family and fliip (lores fuppiied with inch as may i jit. them, at lower rates, than .;au Le had in town, until the liovk is fold. J ! y 2 5 96. A O t J o ti.. A I.L perf ms hiving demands ajrainit the XJI ellate r>f Koftert Hudfoii, late ot Sen vei! <:u.:tjr, deceased, are requtU - ’ 1 to rendei them properly authenticated, at .! ‘hnl* , n . ilebted art folicitetl to jnahs immediate pay raent to fames tiudfon, f.x’r. ■lb -5~ yj FOR SALii7“ Low for CASH or NEGROES, rGTV/O valuable trafts of J. COTTON and RICE LaND, in Lincon county Ca rolina, bordering „„ the efface tis Ferer Eorcher and r. r i<!iolas V A I:.;-, and Also, bordering . i the elf a.te of Abraham Strcb harr, the Imall tradT containing (wo hundred tj fifty.feur acres. The other containing four-hun dred and ninety acre'. For terms apply ro Win. Barton in davanriih, or John Remond in South Caroliiia. BEN. CHEW, July 25 95. 31 Adinimltfator s Bales. Cn Eiondiy the 2yh Augift <r- ’’ ILL BE SOLD, at FUR LI A AUC f ION, at the /lore of th: J::'.f in the Mae k l far are,of QUKDItY srbeien Hcitf.liald tad j._JI Kitchen l uriiimre ilia haii.iiorm: Fuats On; old SulGy ; one Ctrl TlireeHoriis, iour Cows Tlncc Cslvt'. three Yatlirigs One pair fine large Ox. a Oevefal o( ilooks Aml tome deer; Cotton, I,'i- v part of the personal ellate ot ‘J’homas diniih, < - ;cal< C. Hi order of t’.e Aelrr.ioiJJrator Levy Abralauio, Auct’r. Juf 14 <J2 WAN I LL), A Ne ‘ro Gi l >. atter and a small child Zi\a ..ik *: .ki* *. M>/ 20 id V *)i: 1 Ci L, S'>"’ anerh, T -■'2 1 , 1806. I r.esoivuD, That an election tci -an A War* nw, to repref-nt Reynolds Ward, (the for mer tile ‘lion being declared Blend) vtill ba held a tire Filature on I riday the V* of Au f ‘.’.ft, ard t!:at John Bacon, 1. 1.. Read and John, or any two of them, are ap p.'-:oted tncL.'.jjcri, t> fuperiuteud the laid a lection, JsxlraS f> cm ‘!> ■ Jl* muter. JUB T. BOLLES, c. c, July 2\ 93 / ’ H,V !S /I 7’ L ACE, A PERSON v-’ho has been ri any years ott a COl'l'iiN PL/.NTA IT(,N m the Weft* lutv.-r, and is uel: c. quainied with the man— Jl.einv't ot Negri e;. who would take char ;* ot a Cot;on I‘aiu .tion For information, apply to ihu priutci&ol thin ptg er. J’-')’ J - V - ‘ ‘ it* i\ ( > 1 1C .fa, v\ f I PERS.iNS having any demand* /'V .y -11,1: he Board of Fire JViaftcia.* del, ell vo brin p them 111 r payment on ur uct ‘ie iii niduv the b.h mlljiit. By Order of the lien and, THOMAS PITT, Chrk. .Jnfyj* <jp ci i v~s 8 alks, “ U;j tire firjl Tuesday ;;i Sep - ‘t'mb-tr next, WILL CL SOLD, it the Ccurt l:u. t in .7 e tit) f fvannab teiUKen the bzttrs of Uv (* 7 U l iCl'.K.y A NLGRO BOY n.irr.f'i Captain, Ipvie on as the propel/ oi iVir.l. Manila Miller, Conditior.s, rash JOHN VVILIJ Vi.Vl.3, s. c. s. July 22. 174 FRESH SUFIhNFiNE FLOUR, JUST landed from t! e brig SALLY fmt,% Piiil .idelphia, and for ‘ ale by JUII.J HUNTEK. July 18 rt 03 i o 7777 i“ ‘"T’HF. ltrick Five Proof STORE, lataly . occupied by the iubicriber 3.1a Coun ting lic.ale, Jos. Habersham, March id 60 A SCRIBNER. Ce Cu. | Y E.3PECTFUI I.Y inform their f.icrdn. Xv and the public in general, that rlu - y have received per the late arrivals hem IS. Yorl., a complete assortment of BOOTS, SI 10ES and SLIP IT RS, AII warranted to be of the Util quality which they oner at reduced piice,. .’ the*; (tore <ni Ihe Bay, oppoC.e the Exchange. Julv re „ fv i : tk t.. ’ J'”*HE fT.bfcvibtr ia about leaving lit •X (It a.!’ c .uut w Ihe abient tor t'omr time in* appointed Mr. WILLIAM t.CA 1< BROUGH, Jun. Ins lawful attorns; daring,, hiss abience. WILLIAM TAYLOR. July 15 £_ _ oi E n H 1 /\/. -j (J HJii E A H sFiive iervifable boy, ttccuftcmed to i't. huile (i.ivae lir ale ipn tl tiint.—- All ~ A young feilc-v/, ; ccuitoined to 1 >r. and l. r a length of 11 r.t tit.ployed iu Ui> Candle manutuctory—Apply at tin* white for inform - .ti n. July 18 Fif l'Y ti AkK Eld . UPf RI-'IN it / LiiUR., RECEIVED per litt. Agonora, and. tvtll be fold by ‘Jacob iiofj-man. July r* gy] Jeiferlbn-Strset- IV'tuts a Situation, IN a Store or Counting-.'lonfe, A your.g mao, who can produce good r*. coniniendatioiis. A line addreffetl to Z, O and lei- with tlie printers will be duly r.utiir. dtd to. J|y ,15 iy j, iIE jUlibD .luhil, T J A.j removed to the Wharf and Store* i•. belonging to Mrs. Hunter, formerly ..copied by Mcififl. tiutiter &. .111113, where he continue) tot ran latt the FACTORAGE end COMMISSION BUSINESS. Joseph Xiaucrshain. March 28 60 (Mierflt's bales. On the f.rfl Tue/day in Auj.ufb nest, between the hours of 10 and 3 v clock, WILL BE SOLD, A Horse cr.d fome houfeholT furniture, levied on as the pro p-rty of George IJSerlback, to iicisry fever,il executions. Alfa, a negro boy, name 1 An tony, levied 0:1 as the property of Doctor Sam.'.irl M’Cormick. for . file not complied .with, A lA'gro wench named Miro, , levied on as the property t of doc tor j >. : Love, to latisfy several executions, at the lui e of Wil liam Sha . 7, former idle not com plied v. ith. A negro wench narmd Curr iorr, levied on as ci.c property of l irrothy Freeman, Continued ‘rom July fule, A i.egro v/tncii and her chi!.!, It vud o< as the property of J-La Fooler, Efqr. Cot ■it io r - .t, Ca/b in thirty ruin *• utej etiltr bid off, or refold. JOHN WILLIAMS, sej July 4 80