Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, July 25, 1806, Image 4

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MIiCL£LLANi‘:oU3. 126 M Tilt tOLITICAt Colu.ut, ./* (unit, may y. u bf bicit Willi ii,.i e t'al peace, and re 11, Fnm ail your fact by sea and land, And t m m independence Hand. M:y that great powtr who gate yon birth Pief:re your freedem while on earth, And tn kc your riling millions know Tne way* of virtue they ihould go. May knowledge fill your ruler*’ irinh, V nile Tirtue with that knowledge join* , 14 y th:y t>e wife a* are / iifave m fro.a impending war. Peace is a plant of heavenly birth, Put fclo vj and blofl rru here on earth, L,e: hearts and hand* together j in, To IhidJ frutn Laim its f. uit div.i * Union and pear* will make us strong, Let peace forever b: our for.g ; l. t us be fi lends without a foe, atod/oiui a paradise U.luvv. May all the ftatesjoin in this long, I k.rts, h irids and voices all be one ; And sou id ibis theme through laud and fra, We’re isutr:x*NT, uiut and ma*. Stiil happy ‘t> returning yearn, Wuilt pence Pilules oui j iytul cars, O i may wc never chaoge the long, Ti.l tune (lull ceafc to move along. Wiieu thiity ycirs hnve p-xfs'd nvray, With j ts w.’il cc.ebialc the day, Wi.ich to the war and declared u tree, While h-zvi.ii approve* oui juoiiee, li'ejtmureiu-id, Junt i3,j6. Irom tie Political Cbseriatory. “ GOD, 1 tha ,k thee I am not as other men/’ cried the ar roga it and led righteous j.hari hr, as he went up io the temple to pray. The conduff of this pharifr e has b.-en uiuvet 1 ally condemned ty nil who coukls ch*lilianicy, *nd, indeed, it delervcs our re p obitiun. Bur, my friends, ii wc ihuuld lit icily examine our oah hearts, flwu il we not ft id th. fell-righteous Iptric there? sh mid we compare ou: own conduct with ii 3, couid we a void bluthmg at their fi nilaricy ? \V ;iat is the language of thris ti. of o\c denomination, to tn.,lc of another ? It is pracli call’ i hi*, “ Hand by, lor we *. mure holy than you/’ The close communionilt cannot jam in fellow Ih p with 0.-,e wi o dif f .is iro nmm in a f.w non-es- Jenual ar.icles of faith, even though he has realoij to behove him a true child ts G and. Trus, undoubtedly, procecun fro n a Ip ru ot ariogance anu pride. It is with humility— That would teach hhn, noc to lot lus “ judgment above that of all the earth, nor condemn, as faltho and, what agrees not with, his own particular apprehcidion.*’ Rcalbn would in'orm him, chd lie regard is dictates, that the i a:,d imbecility of Uu.ran nature is such, that uun is incai able of fathoming the deep defigna of the Alm ghTt, or exploring, unrxpofcd to er ror, the abt;uf: lubjeds of c he el igy. It would teacli him, al io, that he, hitnfclf is as 1 able to err as otheis, and that lie is b. in duty to all” cia e \vi:h, •nd afiill in the chrifiun race, everyone whom Clr:jl calleth, however he may differ from Inmfelf in a few speculative opi nions concerning the externals of religion and the txicrt of the a lot.einenc. The grand cbjrdt of ail true c f, rllians is the fame, to vrutfoever deno nination thev may belong. And why Ihould they, who are expeilants of a voili of jicrtecf p.-ace and never tiding tclicity, beyond the g ave, be eu.bto led lxrre with c. a. and contentions on whch ihc.r future happinel* coe* rot depend i The firs of ig- mance are only wintked at. J/rorsof the I'.earc are ciimi tia| —not thole of the undemand ing, * s wgant feif £oncctitd| if no; Ic.f-rigutc jus, . ■vho is pofuivcly cons lent in the redituJe of his own tenets, and condemns all ot Iters as ab fo!u*cly falfe and erroneous. The itenerant tnthufiaff, who travels as be lays, o.ily for th good of fouls, and the promo tion of the Redeemer*: Kingdom, denounces the eftablilhed rnm iftsr* of the Gafpel, as hypo cr tes and old formalifts, who are only seeking the fleece no; careing for the ll rk.—lie fays, “ They preach f.nooth things onto you, tot rightly dividing the word of truth--they make the people to bcl.eve in a lie — the Lord n ith not lenc them. — Hearken tinro me—l h :ve a cal from Heaven to deflate God's w,ll—l am not ,bilged to itudy two or three days bcl ore 1 can preach, but am ready t ipeak, i. anv time, and the Lord a flit Is me with his spirit. I Ihun not to declare the whole coutucl of the Mojt flgb i and cxpoic the liypocriiies of formalifts ; therefore do they speak evil o me—so ti’ey j erfecuted Cbriji and his apofties—l glory in tn rols, and am willing alio to luffcr perfrcu ion.” This, tny readers, is not tx iggenti in ■, for in this trannei jo they, nor unfrcquently, de claim in the tars of their audi nce : out whether they are then icluatcd by a spirit of pu~c b ne volcrsce and humil.ty, or nor, 1 ihtll leave for the cand.d Cos de eide. Eut rh;s spirit of ccnforious als and pride is not confined to ti y particular ledt icy. I’ropK cl ill profeflions and denomina ii ms are too apt to think them feives better than their neigh bors v hence they are beared ci vaunt of their own goou deed;, while they condemn, even the virtuous aft oos of ouei*, as pro ceeding from tale and mercena ry motives. It is this unhappy spirit whic! so much ditlurbs the peace an i happiness of chriltian lJ.ic.y — Those very people, who ar - commanded to live in biothei ly love, and to pity each othei mfirmiths, are continua ly em broiled in tome dispute or other , i'holi: concerning religious te nets are frequently carried to the moll turbulent height, and th parties are lcen to give Iwoi, to the molt malignant and r - vengeful pafTior.—Hence lo often hear, not only in piivau circles, but from the pulpit and the press, the moil virulent ano ibniive language, on those vay lubjeds, which, of all others, a dim molt deliberate dis cullion and calm investigation i'hcle, J think, are incorurover table facts —Let hi n, who reads, make application as conlaeno may dictate—and let us ail rc lieC'c, how apt we are, to con demn others for th.fe very things, of which we, ourl Ives, are guilty. Vi.fc.vM. DUuLILsG. A captiin tn the Englilh ar my. in aniwer to a pc 1 lon irotn whom he ha 1 receive! a cna 1- lenpe, v, io:e as follows : “ I have two objections to this duel matter. Ihe one is lilt 1 inould hurt you •, an 1 tile other is, lelt you IhouiU hurt me 1 do no: lee any good ir would do me to put a bullet through anv pr.r: of your body. 1 couid make no use ot you when dead, fr any culinary purpose, as j would a rabbit ora tuikey. j am no cann bal to feed on th t tlelh of men. VVny then, Ihoot down a human crcacjre of wnich 1 could make no use. A buffa lo would be better meat. Eor tho’ your 11 elli might be delicate and tender; yet it wants tha. tirmneis and co.ififtencv wme h takes and reta ns lair. At any rate it would not be fit for long l'ca voyages. You might makt a good barbecue, it is true, be ng of the nature of a racoon, oi an opollj r. ; but jveople are not in the habit of barbecuing any thing human now. As to youi hide, it i6 not worth taking off,! being l’r t*e better than that of c ;ear old colt. As ro myfelf, I lo not rruen iike to flaud in the way of any rhaig harmful. 1 un under apprchenlio is you might hie me- Thac being the case, I tnir k it molt advifeable to ltay a: a dillance. If you want to try your pistols take tome object, a tree, or a barn lour, auout my birnentions. li vou hit chat, fend me word, and l Ihi'| atknowl dge, that if 1 had >een in the fame place, you might aifo have hie me. CONSUMPTION. Completely to eralicate this iifijrdcr, I will not pofuivcly fay ‘he following remedy is capable > r dom.j j but 1 will venture to affirm rh it by a temperate mode oj Lvi g (avowing so intous liquors ziu </.i> ,) wearing flannel next to I ht ik.ii, and taking every morn ug lia.f a pint of New Milk, luxe I with the exprefled juice if green Hoarhound, the com dame will not oniy be rel tved out the individual lliall procure co In Heir a length of days be y >nd wh it irs mi deit form could give roo n to hope fur. lam nyfclf, fir, a living witness o! ‘he b i.cficial eff. its of this a grceable, .oid innocent jet pow; rful appl cation. Four ule of the and Vliik iel eved the pains of my bread ; gave me to b eathe deep long and free, flrengthened and harmon fed rny voice, ana rt- Uoiel me to a OAter Hate or .c-A.h than I had enjoyed for u <ny years. JOHN BOLTON, sur. 1 C* vs. I. Superior .VILLIAM NORRIS, j Court, y/drtb 1 enn, id:-6. UPON tile pet.tion of John floi on, iurviving copirt i i of Robert 6c John Bolton irayhu t!,e foreclofure of the E -jjityof Redemption on ihc fol .owing premiks, mortgaged to h: fa id Robert be John Boltoi. r the sum of eleven hundred and forty fix dollars, pavaole the ith of January IHO2, and lo for the fur her sum of ele n hundre 1 and forty fix dol us no lneielt payable the irui o N ive.nbcr 1802, 10 wit, tie following lots and p:rts of or- in the town of St. Mary’s.— i.l i!iat wharf lot containing jo feet on St. Mary’s (free: and running 1 50 feet wed to Jud ;o I’s water lot, and from St. Mn -v’sflreet to the river 100 feet md along the river ico fe.^t.— The fame bung the front of lot No four in the plan of said r own. Abo part of laid lot No. four beginning at Ready Ireet running weft: on the St. vi.irv’s ftrtec to Ju Tor’s lot be >n Ready iireec 200 feet north o Divine Young’s lot or line 6l 50 weff on laid Young’s line to Ju Mon’s lot wuh the building md improvements thereon.— Alto lot No. (43) forty three ontaining four acres then oc cupied by Feier VV. Green, with tac buildings and improvements .hereon, and on motion of Mr otites attorney to: the petitioner, Jt is ordered by the court hat the principal interest and v-oits upon the laid mortgaged premites be piid into court with n twelve months from this datt ;nd tinlefs the fame be lo paid clie equity of redemption lhall thenceforth be forecloled and o ther proceedings take place pur luant to the abt of assembly in such case made and provided : And it is further ordered in purluancc of the said ad that th s rule be pubfifhed in one of the public gazetces of this ftace a: lead once in every month until the time appointed for payment, orferved on the mortgager or his lpecial agent or attorney j at leall fix months previous 10 the time the laid money is ordercu co be paid into court as aforelaid- Estrafl from the min utes tbisotb . March, 1 SO6. IS iIAC i RE ,Vi, t. 4, 4. 4-4’, lamum to. FIXE FLAVORED Mochoa COFFEE, Su'trijr to any other kind, at 1/9 per lb. ALSO THE Stock in Trade, OF the sub eribers, at the moll reduced orices, whoiefale and retail. Private fami lies will find their interest in applying for Groceries, Wmes & Liquors. BAYLLY & HARMAN. No. 6, Exchange. July ii 91 TREASURY DEPARTMENT OF THE UNITED STATES, June 21, ISO 6. W p HERE AS the Commii fioners of the Jinking Fund, at a meeting held on the aßth day of April, 1806, did re foive, that the Turn remainino to complete the exptnditure ot the annual appropriation of EIGHT MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, should among other purposes br applied to the rei 1 burfement of the NAVY SIX PER CENT, j STOCK, created in pursuance of an act of Congress, paflrd on the 30th diy of June, J 798, and ro me reinr.buriement of the FIVE AND HALF PER CENT. STGCK, created in pursuance of an ad of Conarefs, passed on the ji day of March, ‘79 S- This i3 therefore to give no rice, that the principal of the said NAVY SIX PEK CENT. S LOCK, with the inrereit due thereon, will, on surrender of the j certificates, be paid on the sfi day of Odtober next enluing the dare hereof, to the relpective ftocltholders or their lawful re prelentatives or attornies duly copflkuced and authorized, ei ther at the Treasury cr at tne Loan Office, as the case may be, where credits have beta given for the a nount of flock, rTpeclivtly held by them: and that the principal of Ihe FIVE AND HALF PER CENT. STOCK, with the interefl due thereon, will in like manner, and at the fame places, be paid on the isl day of January, 1807, :o the rtfp'e<Rive stockholders, or their lawful reprelentatives or t ornies duly confluuted and authorized. It is further made known, for the informa ion of the parties concerned, that no transfers ot the NAVY SIX PER CEN'L ■*! OCK, eittv r from or to the dooks of the Treasury, or from or to the books of a Commis firmer of Loans, will be allow ed after the Ift day of September enfulng. And the interest on all ce'fificates of said flocks, which (hull not have been sur rendered, in pursuance of this notification, will ceale and de termine, 0.1 the day preceding the day hereby fixed for the :e ----imburfement thereof ALBERT GALLATIN, Stertiary of iht Trtafury. July 15 93 1530 MarJhaC s Saks, ON the ft-ft T uefday in Au - gust next , will be sold at the court-house, in Savannah, ALL that Plantation con taining 300 3cres, called Douglass, near Point Peter, in Camden countv, AILO, Seven Negroes, viz. Bcfon,. Jack, Nancy, Jenny,Sally, Han nah and her child ; levied 2s the property of Thomas H. Mil ler, to fatisfy a judgment o’ Benjamin and Joseph Scronp;, obtained again!: Macleod anu Miiler. Two Negroes Charles and Rachel—Alio, Sundry articles o! Plated Ware, Jewelry, ike. Alio Household and Kitchen Furni ture, on as the property of Joieph Rice, to iatisfy an exe cution in favor of Jonn Hill. The flock in *rade of Abra ham Wood fide, cor.fiftins of Dry Goo as, Hard ware and Cut lery, to fatisfy an execution cb tained by Win. Wood fide. B. WALL, n. c. j May 3 t. io j EG RG LA. dy b>t F.x'etlen<y JOHN Mii- LEDGE, Governor and Com mander in Chief of the A’ r > y £? Navy of this State & cj tie Militia thereof. . A PROCLAMATION.- WHEREAS in and by an act passed the nth of February, 1799, entitled “An adt to regulite the General E leftions in this Hate, and ro ap point the time of the meeting of the General Assembly,” it is a mong other things declared— “ That all writs of elections to fill vacancies thac may happen for members of the General* Af- V fembly of this flare, or Houle of Representatives of the United oUtes, flirll be diredfed to the Joftices of the Inferior Courts of the refpt&ive counties, who are required to give public thereof, and cause the fame to be held in manner and form as herein before pointed our, agree ably to such writ.” /Ind whereas, a vacancy hath happened in the Haufe of Re presentatives of the U. Jtates, by realen of the rtfignarion of the lion or able Joseph Fry an, who was eledied and commissioned to lerve as a member therein, for this date, until the fourth day of March next. I have therefore though: proper to i(Tue this my Proclamation, hereby notifying* dire&ing and ordering the fufii ces of the Inferior Courts of the-, refpeftive counties in this ftatr* 0 confider the lame as a general -vrit of election for filling the 2- forefaid vacancy. And I do hereby charge anu require the Lid Justices ro give due notice, that an election for the purpose aforefaid, will be held in the ref pectrve counties, on Monday the fir It day of Sep tern her next. And. 1 do hereby further require thac such returns of said election, as the aforefaid act points cur, ber made to the Executive Depart ment wi-.hin the time preferibed. Given under my hand and the great seal of the state, at the stole house in Louisville, this twenty e ghtb day of June, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eiz-ht hundred and six, aud of the In dependence of the United States ot Americ ?, the thirtieth. JOHN MILLEDGE.- Ey the Governor- Hgr : Mar stray, (92.1W4.) Secretary of the Mates ‘Nellie, (HE subscriber, lorn-: time finee being,on his return from the Indian narion came up with a JOHN IR VINE {ss he called himfeli) v.-n* had in his pofleffion anew neg:o fe!.i lovr ; front the countenance and con verfaticn of Irvine, when interrogated from whence he had come, the man ner in which he made reply, together with ether crrcuniftances of his con- 1 duf.l confirmed me subscriber in the be.; iff /hat /he negro had been fiolen.— He therefore demanded of Irvine irs whir way he had come to the pofiel lion of the negro ; to which he re” turned an evaiive answer. The fub* criber told him he had goed rcafou’ to believe the negro had been itolen and was determined to /ab: /he ne gro from him and have him advertised and in iafe no pcrlon claimed him within eighteen months would either return or tell him. This is therefore to notify *ll per’ Tons whom it doth or may concern. That /he tubteriber has in his ft on /he said rev negro} he is abcut five feet eight inches high, aged be tween twenty five and rnh/y no marks other than cn his back, j which apptar to have fuff, red under the Cowlkin ; fpeeks i-.ttie or no English [ fays be cinr.c front Carolina, but does | nor know whether from North cr • d’euth, he indiiJir.dlly communicates when a Iked in via/ way the mart came by him) that he took him up ia /he road, when cn his way to filh cn 1 ome river or creek nearby. His own - [er or owners ate therefore requeued jto prove the proper/y of the negro ( pay charges and /ske Kina away; Wm. Neely. Camden Ccutty on Sf. Mary’s River. so. nmißoi 7. . NOTICE. TXZ (V-iUribir ecir.g at , j eivt tu-* r;nfcw raor.:>.. ; is ir.r,i,*e4 [Jnn Hunter a:.d John l■. r ; ■, h‘ ! .itarmes, aurinj fcij ?•> • Beach. Jaly 1*