Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, July 29, 1806, Image 1

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Vo!. IV. No. 87.] > CONDITIONS OF THE n GEORGIA REPUBLICAN. The Ueptiblt cax is pub’.iflied even ‘“tTniftlay and Friday, on a royal tihect of: good quality. The terms of fwbfcrtption are six bl- Aj, kr> per half to be paid at the time of fubfcribinc. and t'ie balance at the Vexp./ration of the year, and ail pip;r- vviil . fee „oi> tinned. until ordered to the reverie. TERMS OF ADVERTISING. Atlvertilcments mferteil at 50 cents pet square the fir It inlet tian, ami 25 for ei-li ■ c mtinuation— \ liberal allowance made to . tiu fe who will: u> suivsrtil'e by the year. For sale at ciiid Office. A -t’ ?rh ‘y of BL /INKS am: eg wL. j art, •r-. * aiii C•> “ • -‘la.nteUj chants Entries ■ iquoi ditto X. ilia •■. Ifixchaoje of I,ading lb:.-, of *. -It , Powers of Attorney Oiiec'as A; pretit’ces Indenture* Deeds .1! Cor.v-._nce /. ink; llores of Hands Writs for the Sunenor, Inferior & Mayor.. Courts Mayor's Court Executions & Subpoenas Notice# s o ert litora of Inlblvent debtor s ‘tMillit.ivy ‘?unm -nt'es and JEtti-uticos, &c. Cj* Card’, Han.iLiL, lift, oc’ Prhud at a Jh.rt ndiee on reafonai e • ms. } cr FffVEK POOL, , - w W Tli 2 regular trading fiiip X'.fcJ dispatch, , blna!: N.fft 7 Am Holland, majler, •rr >J C( . e ioulti'. as ios: 1 ?. kcr'pKfm c*ar*o out, wil, have £bl f f J frei-ht hang cri ffl ed f ’ _„% V. fixity Gli .;olftl at rematnner or paiw -> *T i c Telfair’s wharf, or to Beoj mstii Maurice, Who has lmdi"g frnm’ pid B if. iodo bullieis L’vetpool g>t’ -' a,t log craieswfUaffuited Crockery Aire 100 White itad 15 tons Coal* May 20 7 1J MARSHALS SALuibvj, A-, fJ f “f y R c t 7/1 ch- ■* r 1? A 110'1.3‘l I W *:d v ■■ r* *“* * *•• \ f O j react, will be said cd the Court- j hmtsfy in the city of Savannah; j i •WO negroes, Georye and J Ilazen, ..a unexp ; red least cl tor no. 10. Wilmington ‘iy- Vip; Dari)/ war,;!, with the ■ uikaiih.-fS thceon, adjoining Mr. Joan Aito an unex ii. eu iraic or lor no. j, Heath cou.t Tydung Decker ward, i/hc.e Mrs. Smith iclidcF, lt.viccl on as the proper y of limit I', “torpt and AtiG?rion, at me Du jf 1 hotnas and James Swords. B. WALL, M. o c. July 4 do Fffiit Dollars Reward. T ’LL I: given for apprehending If y and 10-’jjing ir. any jail ia lh:r flute fa the fubl'eriber can gtf him B',a:n, or deliver him to rr -. i- Buike County, a negro min, nara . i. B Elf, he is iz or 23 years of age, about five feet eight inches high, a ime ‘l fear of.a burn on one of his checks, y How eompiezion licit made, botn in the flute of Maryland, f.otn tiic-nce he was brought ra North ( iina, there owned by major Jr ph ffrani3m, brought to this kale hliaut 3 t in, he iu in the habit of laying tfiat he is free. Needham Cock. Marsh 25. S's NOi icLv. •> j L jierfcn” hiving demand > : ■'.* lifirte of Jolhiia, J.rmcr, I 1 ■” ir.%- of j*. yjm county,dccialed, are rt-qiif!ted to •tndt rin their accounts leiy-by itteutU, arj a’u,bolt indebted, arc defhed to make ipeedy pa rnent. Asa Layer , Aid G. Leper, Qualified Executors. July 4 8 9 SHERIFi’ i SALES, ON the fr-ft Luesdss AuguH re and, ‘•.■ ill he iold at tic Court- Houle in this city, between the l.urs oj ten and td ee o etotn, A NEGRO WOMEN, ca Sarbh, t-ktn under; execution a* the property of Jchn Pot ,r , t-c Lit cl Bog pert and Rlunidc'd, V. RwSERTi’ \% s. c, c._ Juy 4 -3 1 /f hi . 1 /j % tESI 4’ ‘i. A ■V-—cj, ‘'■p.T-i “ -yr -y,—*. -ux~ -nr •-'■'•vi 1 * fi 5L{ [,'? If H-_;y is k ii t\ & H f; i • Vi i) j..l 5 g ) p] i': $ N . \ ‘■ V t OAw <J I\\jr IA XtiEi jT l 4j UAwILjI AiS •. 5 TOL EN or RUNAW A Y ROM the fobferibsr, a N;-- JC gf'T Girl, named MARY, about fdteen yea is of npe, well agown, black, complexion, plea a.og countenance, brealL lor her axe, cloa hed with -1 Cal ico coat and white wrapper, but aid others, has a mother .it Mr. Rodmans, in Sevann h. A Reward of FIVE DDL t_.ARS t ;li he paid (or her de hvery to ino or in ja!; i wenty Dollars on CM' iV ßtiOi> of her be ■ag lurbore •; by a white perfoo, an ‘ ten - 1 oyane ro. Captains A VAT ;.t- lierrby cintioned i •Adi Ue. lying her out of this it .us. ROBERT JORD AN. July 8 go ; Uli ‘ dVAI £1 15 rt L t-, A TRACT of very valujtiie Coiior. jCjL f-od rovifion LAiu>, contain nearly three thuufiiid aue-s, beloii;;-j •n; to the t-rste of Kichard II• Asu. iituated on the ifliud o. lhawfulkiO. di rectly oppolice Scvanaali bar, u* di taut only ‘j ur 1 miles from Tybee Tight iToufe.— I'lisCe lauds are inferior 10 none ;r* the State—the prelect crop of a- Oou: 430 -teres of Cotton, and 200 acres of i’iovifion will iu l iy this. The 1 rait is divided into four Plan ■atlonß, r::t! will he lold togvliitr or le paratcly, ai! of which arc wsii fettled, caving evtry nceefiary bud ling ior .■ Cotton Plantation, molt ot them .w> been eredted fiaee the hurricane, and oi Ihe betl matenals. On Newbury is i cm vcaif ot ?td comf.mable two {lory j dwelling houle, kitchen and wuih houie ! entirely new The building* on t> ! Pond me a little interior, aud inexc.l lent repair. M*ry.Field and the ridg, have been lately icttled and have over leer’s hoi.aia Sees Teaiii, one third calh, the other tw. tliird. ione and two years, die puicli’ fer givbc bond and mortgage of the pr j p*rtv, , :‘!i perfonai security, it required } ‘The avevfccr at Ncwbttry, will (li \v t!v 1 Lauda and diviftou lines. For furth ■ particulars, apply to MART FRASER Cj Prov'.lions, Plantation Tools, scc may be had wi;n the piautaiior.s, at. fair vcluc.tioi: Bsett*forty S. C, j iy 15 92 Ne>Ace is Hereby Given, That the Cajmrner:. 151 cirri: 1 on here by j Wuiia it Dix ri, D ck fon and Gs r x Penny, Under the fi-rnoi James Dicki is, dcCo I expired, by iiJ own ILnitatioi;, on the :i : ; i.uiuiC; thole wlio have any demands a gain ft the concern wifi pieaieprdent them, and those indebted, are rtquefted to make payment to janes Dick lon, who h au.horifed to lcttle the affairs of the concern. VCiUiam Dixon, James Dickson, Georpe Penny. Ir, future the bufinef?. will be continu ed by WilhaiTi Dixon &: James Dickfoi under the firm of James DiCLsOti, If. Go. June 30 S8 , •1 HM FI KM OF Us MIN if T ‘.•> this dr.y diiLlved by muti.i: re J_ sent. v'UL peifonß having demanf will please render th-m to the i übf-rribet fur aej'jltn: i rit ; and all indebted, are i ; licitcd to prepare for immediate pay ment. They will attend at tbeir Coiki> ling hoafe as lifual, far the acjuiElnieiit of their accounts. JAJIFiS HUNTER, ; ISAAC MINIS- Marsh 13 39 LO . v /IP’A AT J R ! TiII3 elegant retreat, shout four rr.ilis from Favnnnah, on Vaff-iw river, is ofF.-rrd on a lcafe for fix or seven y-:ars, for tic benefit of the heir, s mi nor, cp. terms that v-iil suit those incli ned to piftifs so valuabl a piece of ground, as well cpr.ulatcd for,health as :cr’ pleasure and crofit. Afphito /r,,i. STEPHENS, -f „ A, TURN LULL, l D'm.rcuar.s. August c. LAKE .NOTICE, ingiine month* from the date hereof, application will be made 10 the hen. the juftiic-s of the Inlerior Coat, for the eo.i. :y of Bulloch, for leave to fei! all that t<a& of land, con tain,ng 1575 acres aso! 1 ; or let’s, lying ir. the counties of Bryan and Bulloch, the fame t- : ng part of the eftattc of VVm Slater dtc’tlf Vvrn. 5>h ter, adui’r, “h r ( t u SAVANNAH: PRINTED BY E7ERITT U M‘LEAN, ON TIIE BAY. T U E S D A Y. Jqi.v zq, ISO 6. bay ley 6? Ka mi in, No. 6, IN Tills liiCHAXGE, TyA VE i‘cce iv ed Ivy iim bieavri \n\ s a gc. nerai am) c* Eve l.iortn viu of Aii i ICLES, in till-.*- 1 1,a*, 1 \vii T u * 0 r .vhioh \rt wavrar.tetl Die .x: • hh\ , and will be fold at reduced • t.:, i r ready money or product only.—l . and o fuppliedby fending; tluir osiers on the terms abe ve men tione . Georgia Hams& Ba'-oi (iiome cur:d) nod warranted to k ep throuiru toe year I. urge pickled and fino Tongues, 1 k Deaf from the Iv.v-YoA market j New-York corn’d Beef : half barrels 8: i Ly the lingle piece Bolcna Sausages, Bo ft on Salmon on retai Double Gloftcr, Chelhin Nortli Wilt fhire and American Checl'c J. bottled IJiuwii flout, Edtrsburg ale, and Biiiiih Ciier Fine fparitk'ng Champaigae and Claret Wines too Pine apple Cbeefe ‘London Bottled Fort, in quart & pint Bottle* Fm cafe* old Claret Wine of one dozen each OM Madeira Wine in Bo'tlr3 Do. in quarter cjfka and on retail Trontignac and Halinfey Wines Every defeription of Cordials in bonier and in lock cases, allotted in each Englii'h and American Raspberry Cherry Brandy Dried fruits, Prefervea in cases assorted Orange & Lemon Shrub Rose, Lavender, Orange flower, aud Honey water* Olives, Capers, Anchoives, Pickles of ail kinds Mulhroon ketchup Cheroque, Quiss, 5c Imperial Fiflt sauce •oy, < ifence of inchoives “ropt r Sauce, one Saliad Oil Fable Salt, Vine Bincrs f.ondon and Dirham Milliard, Ready rr.rde Landon Mustard, plit Peas, Peatled barley ‘hocolate of fujerior quality Crackers and butter buifcuii ia kegs, toe a Coffee, tne idyfon s; • young Hvfon Teas And just Lav ed >tom SJsav Tori, Small Cattys of iiyton Tea, very fupe rior qualiiie* By a Spring arrival, Godfroid’s superior Scgprs in vvfio’.c arid half boxes Battle powder in canifte* Rifle do. ir. kti-s and Jannoo do. in do. Shot of al. fives ON CONSIGNMENT, 50 Cades Brown Stout,. April 29 i -o Watch Fie ii U k A\VA Y. I Twenty Dollar s Reword. j Mils CLARI-SAj, rr.y fer van t (lave, made a together with all her apparel, furniture and baggage, cn i’aiirday night, rhe 23 d inti frorn aiy heufe to lome erher place finknown tu • e ; it is laid she jsjin company with the amiable [Gifs Affy, fi:e rroperry o ( Mr. Dike. No doub rhefe ladies will introduce herrifelves as free, being vrr-,’ it fly and remarkably ler.fible for heir satin color, though their nmf.iexions are ot the ye llow h rail; th'-y vtill anfwt-r any jueftion thar nay be put to eta with a Imile, and ;;t t!ie me time v/ith eoldueis. ‘* he fa’d Ciarisa is well known ■ havanna... she is ’ about -50 * w years of age, five feet two in dies high. I caution all perform from harboring her Captains of vcffels are forbid carrying her ufi, under no Ids penalty iron the law dires3;s. The above reward with ail reasonable expenses, will be paid to any pnfon fe curing htr in r;y jail in this Rate, lo iliac 1 car, obtain her agiin. JANE DANE. June 23 T Q LET, For a term of: Yctts. * - A ND imrr'.ffiial; pcfiTlTion ! the TAN YAP. D, Carder, s:c. j with all its improvements, lately 01 ;;pi. j edby M< (Tre, B jwrutr sc. o.T.ilh at Y; maerz-.v. To a person desirous of pnrfuing r lie I Tanning bufinefi, its recent and cov.pitte j repair will zIT id great sdvaiitagtr, j are comfortable accommod;:lions fur n j private family, the rent v !n.v—apply { to BAY LEY * IKMAN V: tj June it fesj ■ * ‘in “ F r-.m the Intelligencer, The federal prims have f r fume time teemed with reproach- ■ es againii the a dm! mil ration on a topic \vt* r l fv..ed to excite the national fenfibiliiy. ‘The wrorys •tnd inlults of fore : nn rari(>ns i who, in the plenitude of ththj • power, l.iwiesdy trample on ou comment. :l rights, have even been a fa ; th r oJ luo•••• of indig nation. lio long as t!d:fe led ings were dot Ted to the perpe trators of ti.e clones, or to thole who diredly or invi.effiy veun tnanec them, they may be von I nle ered, it is thr -iefire no !t!s than she intercil )t the American people t v re main at peace the wlioij world j but when outrages ;u| offered to their undilpuied right when their honor is wounded, am their property pillage ! by th iiceiiled free*hooters of the c cean, it would bniiay a danger its inferfib hty, a fat.d J-;thaij •;.y, net boldly to avow the ler timtnts they entertain of r'icf whoinjuie them, a nui ;v exprefii.m of their feelinr f.rves to keep the public m,j in a Hate of exciteiiient and vlj gilence, whtli t>ould enable i. with ltrfs difficulty and more if. ♦ed, to resort to rncafui es ofl.i imflile complexion, wh'.*m*vD accumulated wrongs fii lil leaf , 11s no < iir r airernafive j and Ip manifilEng this flute of rm i ru fs for the worfl even s, poo ‘ erfei'y leads to avert the t: ml fitv of fucii a retort. it arir likewise, the gov.rnnrtnt wijl; 1 the means of uiging vitl> i tffed its dema-ds for redieis anV. \ reparation. But when this spirit, inficad of bein<: jufdy dueded r-gairdf our cr.eatii s, is, ‘.hi .•;• 11 the prejudices of putty feelings or per ion a i m ‘ -vtd .u ’, t:;.jufih tuned cn th fe who a.hw.nifler i the national concerns, it earn:or Ibe too le vert ly reprobate :, j may be, in a degree, venial, so: the different parties that fiibfdl among us to carry their p >|i:i - Til feuds to considerable length . and in tf.e ardent wilh s o prof irate their ab” : f.trits, to cor,filt er the ends they purine, as jolli fying rhtr ufeof equivocal meaut calculated to effect ih-m, iui even futh eon duel is e!:fclaime< fy rr.oraiity, however its (urpi tude w y be mitigated by the feelings nhnoft infi-parttble from party, Kut when any man, or let of men, through morim pui< fy pe/ionai, can ronu it-|>!act the rights of their fellow ri.izeus trample upon, and the national charadler wound and by the L>?.fe outrar/.s of fr-reign power, and,] at the very moment thty know] that 1 heir government is er.g-g ----(ed in pur-uing die li ft mear .; iccordiDg ro its befit f, in its •power, for obtaining rechefs, raise a iotuler clair or agairifl ii than agair If tin fe who injure and iriftdr vs, our minds art; natural ly bn! hi Miondiiiie nr at the jix ! treme dtpiavity to v/iiic't nuldi j reeled p-afdoi, Jead those v/lx-ifc j hi(d est boafis is the tuitr. of ir-.- j fun with which they arc endowed. | Hew can redrtfs be obtained b R riirv A t: jr ■ ■■- c.f iff ; govcar.iTit ur f-.u uoricd bv pub- ’ ic opinion: What ffia! we Ly of those, xA.ofe f iiemutic j jexertipns c. lifled, not < n th-t 1 • fid*: of their ov/ii go-vernn; but virtually on that of tire gov ernment whole wrongs ? r e die I ,ubpofts r f our comp!o.nt ? In .1 (period of war, it i treason to laid an cr.cmy. Is the crime of! j a lighter hue, whose dirt-fl rrn- j dcin.y it i-to ti anPa:c a peace- !_V> r hole Number U)6. | itd n idon into a (l it* 01 war * unit t vci y man of common lon fe j’ !■ 1 •’ -.hat wrongs I’.r.iedr.fiNi jnaturally, cu’cctTariiy lead to this J r. rule. ft might not. compere ”. iih the language c f decorum |fo Ililfi tnoft* men trait,-', who ipuriue this ccut fc o r conduct, j bur the eye vs juffice can Icarcc- My t on.tempi, its their, in any o ; i tier lip hr, 1 et not tiir-fe remarks be underffood. They arc not irr tended to inculcate the duty < f an unqualified . i pio.iui ofths measures of the vovi rturenr with .1 to our foreign relations, I rr of an .'.bUioeru e from j.o ./ig bel.’ie ti e pud lie a full txpo urc off - :s, J going mo a ; rcc dilcudion cl i',c corrcElncls rs 1 lie rncalu r vs pursued. This, !o fai from being - erniciou f will, m a government like ours, ■*o invariably attende 1 wi:h ri.e uppirft efiedts Tbnfe, who 1 hoifuiit r the govi rnmnif, a vari* mas the fi'rutinirin;) eye of. gir. y is upon them, ready to ex -10I; their omlii ms and errors, ■vis! be incited to a fa.thfni ami dif h tigt of duty 5 and, . 1 many occafio is, ufdu! hma ■vili be suggested, and impoi mt inloiinatiun thus lai-j be :ore them, which they would noC ,'th< i wife poll 13. Rut ilich cou.l r of ccn.lud is as difikren . as day iig u fro u and irkmffs, from ‘bat of win :h vve comp’a n. The on.- vr in Ii ‘.te,riefits foun ded in tru 11, in reprt! T.tations (cm .tied on 1 t-ffs, in difeoffions, untioj.-.ti'! by p ifunal rancour, low itoalurv, an ! party t ia: ie v ’ - - 1 iencc. !he i.ihci'm ihecfui | in<n:> Oi .*.! il.t'l;’ TO'/cjJ, ,t. [lions, iu tile bb-a il me cf ‘l in gnage 1 enca h tne dignity of a gcitutman, in the tlu iption of the Lid A; iTioiivts, in an habi tual di ic t aid of u tich, ru'd in dur.icd inert.p;s to degrade r!;.* • ovciruiicnt in me ifiin ntion of he foieign world. The calum niatoi aruLilly EalculaMs on pro ducing a qualified belief of his (landers at a (, however delpii able t icy may appear here* Want flioulj we lay of the k-i ger on board of a snip, v/ho during the rage of n fiorm, fitoui I, from p< ili'nal animosity, ff-rew the captain overboard, and-expole the whole crew, com posed, for the greater part of hdpiefs women and children, to he ungovernable fury of the c lemenrs? Wood r.nt our cha r y lead ns at firfb thought to pronounce him a madman or a ,g’ 1 ; and if compelled by a more ut liberate examination to dif i obe him of jjiis mantle, would not our ftt lings of zbhorrencr* f.r fut h a monster in depravity Nile to the higkefl pitch? And < t this case is, as far ns it aeifedlly analogous to that un ,‘.er consideration 5 v/hile the latter in aggravation, tranfeends -he former, as much as the in ■<ref!s of millions excee' , s tln.c of a Itcail number of individu als. j Tl x(” remarks arc applicable ! icr.aalh to ti e whole circle of lour foreign relations. No !:i errs are used for or J .'<• fieri p< friendfh’p with foreign ewers —that art not v-hinr em !i; •>*;< ed. No man, i.ow bv djf ; i.'i'-viflit'.l for his t dents v y ! revered fur L.viriv- s, i, an ; pointed to a r reign embaiiy, 1 w/jicut heron-big the viiftiir* of rV.'er! cr.’ No jfntbii‘s at c-.-t hit < ‘i which is nor‘s*y i: !!: eprt Nn•<*•'! ; ro o’ j .f; c . ! ted, is nor. con-ironed, j vVtre we v, rie-lit what v. j dr.:. . V rr.v -• the ptibbe prints, we I fhoubf ire ■ o thmi: t ■*-.!’ the ■t oblic ; & n fro nr e Pith*