Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, July 29, 1806, Image 2

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t’c down to th lowest organ , I O l tj .<'v ‘ . ■ ere t.i;,c.f<7 irj-- ri>oii J I v > ‘ ii v. k ‘..c i :< ‘i weak, n.tin ei* o< ii*c r o trim unify. In further r?ra'''s we fr y-t • hr, if is ro", however, C'• i• j )’ ■/. fr to go mo-e into t: !, f.X'Opt 0 2 <* fi 2 e point. ■ - iri!'':"nc? o r forri n power :v h-en exhibited in a'-ts i. flagrant Lhi"fh flops . ‘ •>/.*> have fin-d on and caj/u ---r l cur v. fled*, murdered one < f cur cirzens, menaced our to r.s an , imprelTni our laiincn. Ki !in • in pi you triumph before our rnoll important Cos n.nercial deputy they hv/e blocked up our trade an i bid a lawl.* £ defi ance to cv'rr;, principle o. jaflice and hu nanny. Why is not the! force of the caiion railed foil) to avenge thele wrongs, to chaflife thole those that commit Vheii) ? This ii the cry of fcdcr ?.U(U from one end of the conti nent to the other. It is in vain tnu v.e are told that the legifla lure of the urno i I) s not piaceu i.i the (1 fpofltion of the povern fn nt foi h a fore- ; me legifla turc i* declared to be the hum ble too! of the executive, and the v.'aut of fi.c.h a force is repnf.n teii as the lin ot the excutive. 1 ins is !ue topic to which we flfkihe attentiunof the public. 16 :t thro due tint the ouns* fion ro provide viiac is deemed a:j i aqu ae naval force is to be t'> rhe .( 0 r ilie executive ? 1 ... um may, wuh p!;:u ---( n v urge uus charge; bur ic. hbc.ui. i anno’ give car to i v .tin. ut : >rfciung their refpedt lor the tx< cuiive members of their govern cut, ‘lliac the il.f plus of John /d2 ns, w(r y,j ; flj f, ft m his flu ‘y and “mb;, flu uil con sider t e i'tr ;i■.lent of t:;e United Stares lUc f-iurec of all power is c%. iiemdy natural j but it wou’d ,bc a lie oil th’- . reed proh ffr i 1/ the 17 nJs of i horrus Jt tier s ‘a, who has made republican p maples his study and guide, ->r u>> nent to confidcr tile oudhon * a question that is de j > u'.rnt exclolively on the Cori i refs of die United States. The president may recommend the i b.tblilh icnt or increa.i- of <i ravy ; but it teds alone witn C'ongtefs to decide whether I'uch dbibliihicent fliall be nude—the number ol vefitis that /hall be bunt, ana the fun of money which Hull be appded to their fuppoa. Sudi is the theory of the government; anJ lot h t ught to be its pr attic* , Sin h is m truth its pia&ice. If there irer was, a nun clothed with high and commanding powers, gtvmg him a v.tll influence over publa: opinion, and by mean* ot it, mi the councils of the coun try, who has nude it rJigioufly a pan o! his uty not to ltep o ver t.ic lines aliigued him by th conll tu;i( n arid the laws, taat man is Ihomas Jclf ilon, u nviv be confidently uihnned that h* has in no i dance of any co. • fcqu.iKe tretuhed upon the powers >f other dcpartn.Ci'Ks, ji l e . r tnneable on tiiiti tcoic, it is -oc having h> Itudioufiy avoid ed mil interference with the pow ers ot the oth.r branches of the -vemnutu, as to iwvc fceliu trd to excrcife fume powers v.. ch he might have affutnea without the iealt ufisrpaiion. i he f.*ct is that from the era t f cue ado 4 tion of else conflict!- uett, , lot from an ec.hwr date, if has icon a matter of co.illat.i • nfpu e, whether i: is the t.j* in-ci it of the U. 3. to efublifh “ navy. Ihn omentons ques t on renv-ns to this fay und'.ci ded. far it is ab'urd to Cuiill tier or call the few vdlds w\ hive at prelent u.i the cci *n b\ uits naii.c. On t!us point various opinions l ave been aud Hill ate entertain ci. A huge clais of cur citi z .-: s arc aitogether eppufed to the C.tacio.a oi aiiy naval torce tinder a y utaJtn.atto.i whate ver. A voth r chf? ae the friend* if an e'lidcn: but coiffi f.r J.I- vl ps at ti- j k-n towards it pren, A | diT- 5 elc r s are lo far to create a naval force as (hail be ;e r-fla-y to pier cl our por:< ’i<j harbors ; while a fourth elafs, looking eventually to a : ref;e<frabltr eftabbfhoien*, be •ie/e i: wife and prudent gradu al!” to increase our present force. I• is extremely problems ical whether the firft class of c tiz*nj da no: conflitute a majority ofj the people of the United States. the aw r ui example: of E.i ran (iefor •* them, i. is net fu-pri fing that they ft el a l.vely zver fion to taking any liepi towards th'd-- great eftablilhrwnts which have led her r o me brink of ru in. They believe that a navy under any modification is a plus* tic inftruimem in rh“ hand? of the executive, enabling him at any mo men; to involve !.ii country in w3’ the fid.6l, cf which on the gem rs! prolperitv and liber-! ty they have re don to dread.- They confider it the Lund poli cy o the United State* to dl.ui ntlh rather than increase our points of collifltn with fereigi powers, They viev. it as a outre of vift augmer.n jg ex jeoce, and of an appetiie lb v<j* ■v ous as to fkvallow up the vliolc refourecs of the country Ehcy believe confcVncioufl,, f* far from administering to he* solid strength and real rflory fa nation, it is a gigantic mill one on i’B growth. For the uth of this convi&ion they sp iral to the hillory of tijcir own nation, and call upon any man c fliew aiy odv*r, iha 1 : with th* iii of a naval eflab'.fit nenc, bts n en f) rapidly i.-j wealth and lltength j Ihe huflility of this cl * ( i oi I ciizrns to a navy under any oniifi utiort, derives (trvngch, /o }.i- as rditts to the present ap* pica-i;,n of means for ks eftahlilh iiHnr, froin the luftrao* s oi tht ; e:otid class- of citizrn*, wh ) ron lider all luch meafur-s as at this, tifie prenatur.-. Os the third chls, .1 large portion think vci. hive pone far enough, and that, iriftead of int re flng oor frig u . or building flops of the In-, u is moft polkicroerctft land birteiies arid Duild a large no über o’ gun btja's. ‘I he other portion of this clals are, i - is ir .e, in favo, of aug nenting the pu nber o‘ our ships, but no. ar piefcn tt anv confidcrable extent. It is only those who cocnpofe the fourth clals that think it were repulariy tn ugh gradually, to augment oor pieient naval force. What pro portion, in point of number*, tdis cl. is bears to the ethers, it is easy to d“terrnin*. The:e arc, however, leveral circumstances that favor ihe belief that lo far f ro n being a majority, it com prizes compara-ively but a pa t of the whole community. I . is may be inferred fro m the acts of tiic legiflatiire, who, in iteaJ oi devising any plan for thr regular formation and increase of an tvy, have only credited the extihng fojce as temporary expe dient agrinri; prefiing dangers, and from the conftanc difpnfuion ‘r.a ufcft and by them to redu> rather than to aug r.ent the tflab- I sh ment. It hasonly beendurin*: a p riod of W2rfare cr ierious colli'ion with fo.tign pcwe r s that the eflablifhmt at has rifenj accordingly as l.jonast.ielecaufcs have ceased, tl.e eftabliflnicnt and appropriation of’.monies have been reduced. i: too be re ime itbered that this is not th-.* peculiar p .key U the republi cans. lc has likewise bet n that at 1! e fcdctaliits, whose examples .Ir: republicans have perilled. It was under th- adminillration of l J refi lent A iaims,in;he year iSoi. tltac the peace eftablilhn'.ent was formed, by which i. was pro vided, that the P cfl lent night fell all the public vt lie Is except mg ti-.irteeii fpecified frigates, tha: cf Uicfe fix oniy fnould b ttepc iu conftanc fur vice, not iccv:ng, i.oAcvcr, attached to cncr.r more than rwo-thirds ot ;hrir full complimsn: cf c(fleers and lca nen. The ’nfrten'e deduc/k froir , ’his fta'emett, at, 1. That the creation of £ nowerf’ul n?vy is a qu-ftion ftiJl fuk judice , rit decided by the na tion or thei reprefentaLives. 2. That is not a political question in vhich all the fedcral ifts are of ctc opinion, and all i the republicans of another—But j 3. That is a question in which j honed: men and all parties entert in a diverflty ol opinion. If his ftigment be in any wife correct, th: eproaches cast upon the exccucite on this topic are equally purrrily and unfounded. If blame attaches any where, it is not to th’ Government Lu to ihe nabon ;the public opinion is | the culprir, which becorr.'S the ch.vj.lrous ipirit of fcderaliim to place und:r the ban of the empire. FOR SALE, Low for CiSH or NEGROES, valuable tnfts of COTTON and RICE LAND, in Lincon county Ca rolina, bordering on the eilate of Peter Porcher and Nicholas Winkler, and Also, bordering tn the et!ate of Abraham Stiob hart, the final I trad containing two hundred C? fifty-four acres. The other containing four-hun dred and ninety acres. For errrs apply to Win. Barton in Savannah, or John Remond in South-Carolin.i. BEN. CHEW. July 2{ 95. 3t NOTICE. WHEREAS a certain trafl of land of four hundred arid thirty a<: r es,joining the Or phan House Plantation, is adver tised for fa!e by the Deputy She riff of Cliathari Cointy, 1 vied on as the property of Emanuel Rengi *. Now this is to cau tion ad persons agai .ft purcha sing the laid tratff, as Emanuie Ren 6 iil owns but one undivided filth part of said land, (in right of his wife. NOBLE JONES. Frelrica, May 17 ljz SHEKIfKs SALiib. WILL RE SOLD on ihe f.rji Tuesday in ti tgufl next, at the Ccirt-boufibetween tbt Lours of to and $ o'clock, fi Traft cf land containing four hundred and thirty aucs, be the lame more or lifs (old iurvey) joining tlie south pat: of th; Orphan H mfe plan cation, well tkmbcrcd with pinr, and a confidn able portion adap t'd to thecul.ure of cotton and piovifions, htving the advantage of a good natigatto.) to this city. Levied on as the property *f E -iia,.uel Rcngill, at the suit of Edward Lewis, pointed ou; by ihe defendant. PoJlpoKidfront July Salts’ H. W. Williams, t> s c c July y 90 SHERIFF’S SAELS. On the firjl Tuesday in Atgufl next, will be fold at the Court bone, in this d.y, htivetn the b urs of to and 3 o'clock. ALL that Lot of land in tne city of S lvannah, known by the iymb r five, third tything Rey nolds warJ, con.aining 60 feet in width, and 90 feet in depth, wi.h the improvements thereon, cv.ed on by virtue of an ex - cuMun iflued agiinft Thomas Dowall an ! Wife, rrp r ef nra ttves cf John Haupt, deccafed at cite fui: of Chrifttna Dalher. A negro man named Dick caken under execution to fitisfy John Gromett, pointed out by the plaintiff. T. KobcrLlbn, see July 7 g ASbIZE tor July, r l' , ttE. j.ncJ of FLOUR being nice doll J; * per biiul, iu.A, VIZ. i- ceu:- Loxf I C 1.4 centj Loaf *.t>. 5 oz. I lib. : •-* 02. Os wliicli z,, Il.ker* nod Sillers cf Breed zre to tik* de tod pirticuiir notice. J. MBRSH.IL, City Tiealurer. Wan Ft UT A Sfejot) U.ri t* ettesd a fnU s’h.lid r.n4c’ ; .-v ctxVl* iflt;.- JJav * in pro'll ..S J\uiim<ind lrmther. ON THE SYSTEM OF GREAT-SUIT AIN. “ The r.n-dtj% SyjLm r,j Finr.nct long remain a monumert of u ondcr, act so rr.nch on occo’ikl of the extent to vjhirb it kat Iren car ruth, as cj the folly of bi Her ini in it.” l'aine on .he Dec’ir.e oru\ Fa’l r{ the Eng hC; S) ftcx cf Finance. THE national debt of Great Britain, has reached iuc!i a (late of accutnuiatior and ccrrplrsrty, E 5 s’aoil like ir.fini j itfelf, to defy the ordinary powers of calculation. When ar. eitiorate it of the continually encreaGng debt o. Grea'-Bntain, the interest of this debt and the charges of the Sinking Fun;’, the annual exerfs of expenditure, the annual loans obtained to make up the chrfcit of revenue, the trillions which are facrifi=ed to support the fplcndor of royal magnia ctnee and the extraordinary experetr caused by th.* continual w?rs in which Great-Britain is engaged 7.1 h the ca tioas of Europe ; it cannot be cot.cealed that she is fdtf Epprosching that awful Rate <f bankruptcy, to v’h'cli all her tr.eafuees tnevhably tend. The Englilh Syllem of Finance betrays so nuny! fyrrptomn of dtcay, that it is impofiibie j not to believe t u e nation is othtbe eve ol I bankruptcy ; it has already rea< lied a ; Rate of decrepitude, which ts the harb;n gerof approaching diffoluticn. But it if difficult to augur the death of an indivi i dual, and rr.tich more so, the dsfloUrion of a gove. nir.ent, with any degree of j certainty. As even under the troth dreaj ful fymploms ot disease, a man may support life beyond the expt&aiiorm of the m. ft fkilful phyCcian ; so may * goversrntnt, which daily tends to ruin, endure far beyond the calculation of ate enemies, far beyocj the hopes of ice friends. On th- present complicated and iia portanl fuljedl, l feel asyfelf compelled in fotre meafurc, to exceed the limitt v.hich 1 at firll proposed, for this efTay. The situation cf Great-Britain a to agriculture and commerce, ii* so important and ia so blended with its Sytiem of Finance, that I am constrained to make fotre fe w obfervatior.a on it. Tbs fubjeft is so interesting to every mind, that 1 need make no apology for the t'igreiScn, For the fake of pr.-lerrir.g fame degree of method, I will firft et quire, what is the firft situation of Great. Britain as to agriculture? Nxt to a;id laftljr as to her Finance ? I Agriculture ia Great ‘Britain is l .t little attended to. The poor, honest, in duftrious peafar.t is esteemed atnon.'lt the noli, infignincant of his ntajefty’s fu! jefis. The number of acres contained tn Great Britain, is eftiraated at tbcut 49 916 000, of which about oac fourth i6 in cultivation, ad the rest in woods, park**, pleasure grounds, See. The total net produce of lands in Great Britain is about £"0. 000,000 of which the land-1 lord takes /42 ; ooo,oco ; the govern, ment in taxes and tythes 3,000,000, and the iadigent, hard-lofouting pesunt* ry, only. Thus the farmer gets about one fourth of the produce of land he cultivates, and thus Great- Britain yearly importsprov.’fions, though three fourths of the kingdom feaain uncultivated. Next as to commerce. The ftatemtnt which was laid before the Eritith House of Commons by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, July xvb, 1804, contaiue the following information—The official value of Briti/h mnu.’afluret exported from Great-Britain, was ou an average of fix years, ending 5.11 January 1804, 834,420. The official value of foreign merchandiae exported from Greai- Britaia, was ou an average of fix jeara, ending sth January The sum to be r ifed in Great Britain, to answer the current txpeuces of the year 1804, amounted to 498,451, ! mo ft double the value of Britijh manufa&ures and foreign merth ndife, x ported f ‘om that kingdom in the fame year. 1 make this impcieci ftatemtnt of the agrieu’.tu al end ccmmercial fiiua tuation of Great-Britain, because it ia in many refpebts the moft interesting cation in the world, and because fui h a ilatemeut will throw Be: light oa the iubjtd of this cllay. I will now, agreeably to the method which 1 propohd, uke s fiiort view of the Englilh System of Finance From the statement laid btfore the Britiffi House of Commons by the Chaocellor of the Exchequer, July 24th, 1804 which was before alluded to, i: appears that the total amount of the public funded debt, on the ill February 1804, was £583,008,578; that the sum annually applicable lo the icducfi nos the debt of, ia pu.fuance to the leveral adls relating thereto, is about t, 6,851, Cjt, about one third part ot the unredeemed debt, cx' in 1804, 1 *ut the interest of the public debt and charges c.f the Sinking Fund, A;c. on the sth of January, 1804, amounted to £24110475, mire than three time, the amount of the sum iutiual'y applied to the reduefiou of the debt ; that the current cxpcactt of the year 18c :. amounted aa before Hated, to £7l 49b, 451, c sum tnoc than three tic.e. ttc amount ot all tne exports from G'ret- Br tain, ot her owu aracuGhurc, which we law u.ijfr the rnriu oi eo-amcrcf, was at £*3,8:9,420. Thai the total set produc, of the permstt. ij* ia .he j car cidirg sth ja; narr, A,;. Am .... i: r-f.A ‘ f ;br ;.—r. ’ -.rrk- up .he deficit r e*- - . * j the above rrrMW” : ‘ ‘/ eXOetiCesrif the v * >• l’ Wired cf £1 a-scc.r r r.. crr ,3*t for G ent-Britain .o ti e of £2,500,000, &c. In addition to this flf.ctxi in the year ISO 4, br*'*’ - har ’ of ti e Exchequer, I will “>• ‘ ‘ n ‘ ’ remarks v.hich Mr. Paint: mat-• >’ he fneaka of the Financial S ! ‘•* m Gtext-Uritain. treaiife r * “ in th - year ‘ofi. The author it.. -* t v, g . time taxea .-mounted t<> co— biy mere then the go ! d End filter was the cu*r n. coin of th: con • -y There is a certain vrh’ch ey t. tween the power cr levying tax the quantity of gold rad ltlver c ’ • • in ary country, provided there circulation ol paper moil : > 11 u 1 Mr. l'aine, *• before paper _*"• V ‘” J introduced into GrCat-Briutn, 1 - barn the Third’; time, t-.r f exceeded 4,coo.oocftevliog; t • .u j cf com tn the kingdom, v ‘ l 4 time £16,000,000. Eeforeh.-i -ofi - tioii of paper tueney mto F- < , * s never exceed-d /22 oco cq.’t he * -i and filvr-r of untry w- h.r* -t £92,000,000 ” 1 tt s t ; never exceed one four h : t I i and fi.lver which supp 1 ’ *r ‘he .. .1 [of any country, provided > , paorr currency. Should vv : tlr’s standard (r ( ” iexec: n na r ion, we (liourd pr h - the taxe* imposed by .or ■ i lea ft and u'.le the void sir..: ‘ 1 ; kingdom. How this lo • fr, but bv attributing “ Syftetn of Fioance, wlr.r adopted in Engl, ud and ■’.nd c.*’.f'quer.t abuse of ;At ‘eac are n-w pai •. (- n bask note# or in goverr -n. (for bank ootes, the paper; this anay he lev-eel amount. There i. no :nr * of Lank notes which r ‘ conlequ r.tly there no power of payin'.’ tares. T'*"v !>•. weight which bears wn ‘ ll; poorer claftcs of p- op: in En This explains to us, why g-7 aiiEually impofea at: xof fihe... oil erery man, wouisr and ( * : : kingdom, aai of one bondrsd dofi’. eve;y family. Such is the picture Great B staia exhibits as to he mercc, her agticultu'e her .> v(’ Finance, and her •' p* taxation. The fy .1 cm o f finance w! ; eh h a adopted by Great Britain, msy i.c ed in ftveral and ft.rtnl lights, . rtfting to the enq'iiring mind. B numerate all its evils would be in; o’ within the limits of a fhorl uTay. 1 - content mylcif with pointing out - : more conlptciouß than the rest. First. Ttrc Financial fyltem of O Britain, tends to create :-.n • lup, acmerous class of idle and r men, who live *ri fplendour whhou d the purfu ts of industry . cajoy the luxuries of life without i,• - viug their fuppott from ggriennu. . manufeCturos or the art3 ; they !rv- , u the exigencies aud distresses **i mest j tirey form a baud of gr civ f.e curators, who prey upon the v;Uia or to citty. 3 idly. In Great Britain, th ru h'-* been bro’t about a forced and uiv.atu union between the government and c banking system. To my mind the u uett on between governments and > , isnotlefs odious tbfcii the well s . n union of church and ftite. A r ~*t may aA ia three d'ifcreni cha.aAc s a as bank of deposit, as a bank t cificouat, and as a banker to governtmn The benefits refulttng from a banL, v k-n it acts ia the two firft capacities, rc tin. qneitiouable. It is in :t kift tharactu” of a banker to government, that us ope rations ire u-oit :o De dreaded. Tara iu3uipiciou uni-'c difpl-ys itfelf by a continual and iiulitnii-ed increase of piper money ; that is, bank notes, navy and exchequer Lnila, etc. ae it England. Th.* myftmous coouectioa blent*.the govern. meat aud the brnk in one raids Tt:s fat.e of the one becomes the t. ’. cf the other; in ill ‘natters of credit .By t tlie fame ; the bank paper bt goverciacat-paper, u,j uo i*ot,. n:. ijaner ever caa retain anr vab.g grdly. Lctujco'ti ‘.he acctl* ‘ velocity with which t nation increases. There hr.s Deeu di and accurately applied, ty M *• in uii treatiic on the Englilh iy ot : ‘ Finance, a common rs: iu, wh h ■ certain arirhmeticahy tne amour.. re national debt at the end c.f every . war. It i< in tfi. ie us of or It upon t'2icb preceding m'.er, th: a S, i2, tS, 27, 40, pnlyß™ tfik ratio to tht hit fix vv . 4 at he t ra- of v.r;ting his treatise, Mr. Faoe 1. un: the following reful : Fn-ft Table. Abotinr al TANARUS). r \ 1 2I .O O GC.v> > j 3 sg.OCO.OC I ** ! 3 4*>oao,cc.v I 4 7*000,000 I 5 I’ S.occ cco M | <5 162,00c.0c0 The refait of which firft table exactly corresponds with the ccccunt vise , by Austn bm tn, tn h's chij'trr cr. pub c j credit, of ihe expeace of each wc.r aiiuj led to. Ia a fccond ttb'c Air Paine cA• |cu r.tes wlrat be tie txpearc vd tfre 6 ctxt wars, after the ‘:a'u or a; > h:s pae phlrt aad the i.-cre-if* of tk v... . a,.; t- it", t