Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, July 29, 1806, Image 4

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?.i t ‘"LLLANEOU L /yf? •-irfrr*-/- -••♦i*.- it’ll” Frtr, th BO'S rUN MAGAZINE t i. i. g r. \V •> .:■ li r<. tj i-.aTt Yi fe .ful (. -h, A’A drf-v, ih the out: ck, and the c ‘d, Esnirinj Rsif'*’’ I if’ -1 c'i -r r o’ cjr, A'd “1° ih. l .n*’ Jr-’ ij to Nature’& Cad.” ‘ieeihtm n u-*r Sen-ling from the tlnonc, To r i>e the aig'ii it t i parting f u ul; To t:.lte the homr from a .lyrig groan, Ar:J (re: the .run.. i,rn terroiA dur-. t.i.i.l J t Hut f.iprrllition dirr. th” nr."i'll fisrrit, AnJ jn the dyin; pillow plants a thorn ; J :'.l; tl.e whole foul with horror St aJright, And leaves its oiijcft h: pelt satul toiioi-v.. Who can divulge the ft.rets cf the tomb ! i e f iol, the wit'-;, thu coward, or ti c brave ? No loolVin’d spirit eve* dare presume To a I ih fc-;ie that at* beyond the grave. While mortals ponder on the troubling tUouglit, Vah.l) • vpciting what the*- dread to find; iliufivehope,that of: l.av t < iilandr. caught. Thu. v/hifjierß comfort to the an,xi*u> maud : “ Tar, far remov’d from ail the busy clan, “ And l/<n-d from all i.i-fordid Car a below, Tile great, the fall : t cept;;.!- it ♦ i •!a Iwret oi hvion to the child 1 Woe. j •’ Then v.l iUouT uaVcf* m>t til fear I 1 e i to di ? •* V/i.y in. if 1 they thudder i.t u parting I.uatli “ And v.-lijrft. uhl Pity Ihew v er 1 tear ful eye,’ •’ When f.g’ . a-.1l Ibrro a t are etitinsl in death ?” “ I is the (bother'f thr f ul’? leibair, “ The futeft fi luce to ib< fans of grief ; “ The *w■ pilgrim’ feeka a fnelter there, “ And find, a certain and a long reii es ”* T. V. JOHN BOLTON, syR C* <"•* vs. > .1.1/ :rwr WILLIAM F.ORkIS, ) Gout, Mart b I erm, 18 j 6. TT TPON the petition of John Be 1 on, (urvivino (opart ntr of Robert & Join “lien prayin -be eGolure oi the I, quirt .if k- i.’trip*ion on the r ol I .mg pre.’ s, moronged to the fa id Robert 6c John bo] ton lor the sum of eleven hundred and forty fix dollars, |'aya’ ! * the fifth of January lboz, and alio for the further sum of ele ven hundreo and forty fix el and 1j > ano inrcrclt payable the] fifth of November liioa, to \vic,j the following lots and |> rrs ot lors in the town of St. Mary’s.— AU that wharf lot containing] 50 f-ec on St. Man’s iireet and running 150 uct weft to Jud loo’s water lot, and from Sr. Ma ry’s fit reef to the river io > ic-tc an 1 along (he river 100 feet The fame being the front of lot No. four in the [dan o r laid town. —Al!b part of fit 1 lot No. foe - 1 -i■ t : r - fir t runtfng w• . * 0 ... F . fi •• . s•. c.. - ■ ‘1 ’s )o f & on R •ndy l!r ct %• to ft c 1101 h to i-fivi e Y lung’s ioue line cv 150 wefi oil laid You : ’s line ( Ju .1 u’s lot wi h the bu ffing and improvements t i con.- Alto lot iv> fi-rtv thie* ct r uiiuiig tour acres tiirn o tjni dlv, > . Green, w : rh tiie builui.igs rod improveovnus t:.ere;n, aad on rrouon of Mr fid cs attoaie? tor tne petitioner, it is irdoreu by the cour. that the principal-interelf and cods upon the laid mortgaged p'cmius hep rid into court wnh ;n twelve luondis from this date and unltl's t!:e fame be lo paid t. * e equity of redemption tnenceforth be foreclolcd and o ther proceedings take place pur- I'uanc to tiie act if allembly in such calc made and provided : /In.l it is further ordered in purfuanceof the fa:> 1 ad that tfvs Tuic be publifaed in one of th public gazettes of this flare a: Jesi} once in every month until the ti ik* appointed for payment, orferved cn the mortgager or h:s f, vcirl a. at or attorney at l.ud foe livi.irhs previous to the ti rie lid money is ordered to be pri: into court as aforeiaid* £ .trail from the r::.n utts this 1 lb. M.’-rb . ISO 6. ISAAC CASH'S, e. t. c. lamiau bo. ('Hit r L -ot ‘.u Mcchoa COFrHE, Superior to an* other kind, a! 1/9 per lb. ALSO THIi Stock in Trade, OF ilit fuLfcriberi, it the n ‘1 reduced price*, wholefaleand retail. I’i vate (ami sts wn) find their imereti 1a applying f.r Groceries, Wines & Liquors, b.AYLEY & HARMAN. No. 6, Exchange. Ju’y ii 91 TREAS UR Y DEP A RTMENT OF THE \ UMFLD STATES, June 1 1, ifo6. ! T?7HERF.AS the Com ■ is i V y lionets of the linking I Furr !, at a meeting held on the j j 111 day o( April, i!lo6, did re solve, that the luti remaining to complete the expenditure o’ the appropriation U EIGHT J MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, j fliouM among other pomoli-s b< applied to the reiaiburlernen.: o the NAVY SIX PER CENT > L OCK, createrl in pursuance f an a t oi Congrels, pdf and >n the j:th cDy of June, 1798 ai;d 1 o tin: reimburiemeut of th j FIVE AND HALF PER ( ENT. STOCK, created fi pur;nance of an adt of Conerrfs, pafied on the 3d da/ cf March, */95 This is therefore to :v- no tice, that ‘hr pr r.'ioal rr the Lid NAVY IX RE : • FiS f Si OCK, with the inte tfi’ ifi ■ tlirrrcn, wifi*, on *uire dir of t.” cenifi c.tes, be pa:vi on the i sl lav oi Odlober r.ext ensuing ‘hr l dare to the r ! .;ed've i'. heir i ir prefentatives c. attorni.'S d l '? cor,. 1 ti ed an * au-honied, e.- ih/r at th-* i ‘Cafrty or at the •■an ’Office, as the case may be, who cie.ii's have been given fi>i the a .omit of fi .ck, r-fpedlv'ly ield by them: and rh 1 th principal of iln* MVF, AND :! *LF PER CENT. >i OC K, with the interest ciii thereon, w ; !l in like manner, and at the fame places, be pai on die ill day of January, 1807, co the rtfpedive ftotkholdtrs, ar the ir lawful reprelentativcs o -t'ornies duly confluuted and authorized. Jt is further made known,fioi the information cf the parties concerned, that no transfers o‘ the NAVY SIX PER CRN \ 1* I OCK, either from or to the dooks of the Treasury, or from or to the books ot a Commis fioner of 1..0.1:1s, will be allow ed a r ter the Ift day of September ;r: lu :g. Aik! the i mere It on j ail certificates of <uu! llocit;,’ whi. h fiuli r.ot have been fur ire. dereti, in puriuance of this ino *■ * ifi-io will cease and de-1 teraimc, or. the day preceding he day hereby d\ and for the rc -11. b i If it nr the e. t ALiiEET GALLATIN, Seuetury of’ the Trt Jury. .Tilly .<> wi . 30 M it/has's GN *j. ltt'/Jay in Au gulb w tl sc sold at the ; biu/s, in Savannah, A L.‘. ttuc Piainaaou con raining jeo acres, called DouglaL, near Point Peter, in C i iuJeti county, Georgia. ALSO, Seven Negroes, viz. Boson, fa. k, Nancy, Jenny,Silly, lian nah aid htr child ; levied as the prrpercy of Fhon as H. Mil der, to i.iusfy ct judg vent o ! Ben;v.nin and jofeph Stro u, obtained a.,amlt Mi cl cod anG Mtiler. Two Negroes Charles and Rachel—Aiio, fun dry articles of Placed Ware, Jewelry, &c. And FI ufchokl and Kitchen Furni ture, levied on as the property of Joseph Rice, to l'atisvy an exe cution in favor of Jonn Hill. The dock in r radr of Abra ham Wood fide, confiding of Dtj Go o :s - , Hardware i.d Cut lery, to fab-fir an execution oh tiinedby Wm. Wood fide. B. WALL, m. r>, . Moy 3 1. GEORGIA. f By bis Rxredentj JOHN MIL■ I LEDGE, Ocvernor aid Co m inder Chief of th* A’ rp Ly Navy of this Hate Ld tj Ui Milttia ttereof. A PROCLAMATION; TT 7 HE REAS in and by an y V adt pafifed t : e 11th cf Fcoruary, 1799, entiled “Ar net to reguli’e the Genera! E ledtior.s in this state, and to ap point the time of the rr ecting o the Gmerai Assembly,” it is a rr.cng other things declared “ I hat all writs of elections to fill vacancies that may happen lor members of the General As sembly of this Rate, or Houle j of Reprelentativcs of the United •States, fhjll be di e6ted to the Indices of the Inferior Courts or the reipedtive counties, who art required to give public thereof, and cause the fame to be held in manner and form ar n rein before pointed out, agree ably t;: such writ.” /Ivd whereas, a vacancy hath happened in the Haufe of Re , refentatives of the U. States, by realm r,f the re fig nation of the lonorab’e Joseph Bryan, who was elected and comrr.iffioned to lerve as a member therein, foi fins line, until the fourth day of March next. I have therefore L ught proper to ifiue this my Proidannation, hereby notifying, direding and ordering the Jufii cesofthe nor Courts cf ;h; etpedive counties in this fca.e, o confider the fame as a genera writ of election for filling ts e a lore aid vacancy. And I do lereby charge and require the • fid Jufiices to give due notice efut an e.ection for the purpofc iforefaid, will tie held in the res pective counties, on Monday the li <t day of September next. And i do hereby further'require luch returns of Lid election, as .he afori Lid act points our, be made ro the Executive Depart men within the tune prclcnbed. Given un er my hand and the great seat of tie state, at be state house m 1 uutsvt le, this nee tty c'gbth day f Jut e, in tie > ea> of our I. c~d, cite •b'-usani tight hundred eh J she, and of the In dependence cf thi Unite *. States of A.neric i , lie i/Ariutb. JOHN MILLEDGE. By the G iv.rtiur- Hor : Marbury, Secretary of the state. Notice, THE fubferiber, tome time being, on his return from the Indiar nation <a:r.e up wdh & JOHN IR I VINE (as he called himlelt) wfur ’ had in his poffeilion anew negro fd. . *v ; from the ci-uatenance and con. veul s's Irvine, when interroKa’cc trorn whence f e had come, the ri3ii •;rin which he nade rep’y, togethei vi h other circuinttattces 01 his con duel continued Me übicriber in’he hr. • ief Me m iro had been ttolen. — He therefore demanded of li viee in whir way he had come to the pollel an of the negro j to which he it turned an evaltve anfwcr. Tiiefub- eriber to and him he lu.! good rcafon*- 10 believe the negro had been lioier “.d was determiet and to /ake /he ne p ,i . him nd r ave him advertilrd and in es..< o- ‘t l m claimed hia> >v.thin eighteen u wculd eiitie; return :-r (t.i fn;;:. i . 1 > t$ ihe.etorc to nrrify ell prr* Tons whom it doth or ma> cc.ncern. That rht lubkribrr has o h s polks. •i<>n riclaid rew l egro; he is b u :ive tee eqht inches aged be /weeo wenxy five and iiiry ye-trs— no mams o her than rr. his back, which appear to have loft red u der th vJo(kui; ipc<.<s h;:!e cr ro Knglilr .-v ne c tt me tre-m Carolina, but doe* not k:uiv whether from Norfii (. i Oouth, he coamiunicau hen hiked in wr.-7 way the man came by rvm) that he took him uo n rlie ro id, when on his way to fiLh oi. omeriveror creek nearby. His own er ot eweera are theretcrc requeltrd 10 prove Ihe property of tie ne £ rt jay charges ar.d r ke him away; Wm. Neely. Catuden Cou.;/y cn Sr. Mary’s River. Sepr, :o. ismtPra 7. /’ NOTICE. THE fvi.tcriber bt tag about to irnv • thi tlaie tor a f.r months, in? appoin'rai John Hunter and John Event:, bin lawful attonuts, ai abfenee. Adam 94 31 ’ -r . ‘ \ J C* ! 1 I: JyJ J UJ sIjO, “Old c r-ying f e Mens ts ti. U-: id ‘states in tot folio Mug Pojt Reeds, will he received t.i tbr G-reral Pcjl OJfce. units the firjl day of An jut text, in club ve. IN GEORGIA. From Savannah, by Eber.ezer ■k Jackfor.b: rough to Augufia, once a week, LEAVE, Savannah, every Friday at 8 o’eiock a. m. and arrive at Au-f rufta cn Sunday at 3 ?. M. LEAVE, Augufia every Tuesday at A. M. AND ARRIVE, At Savannah, on Thursday at 3 o’clock, t*. m. from AugufL by vVay. clborough Lou s villc to Savannah once a week, LEAVE ! Augufia every Thursday, a; 2 p. M, and arrive at LcuiiviSic on Friday by 10 a. m. LEAVE Lout!vi’!e on Friday am am, AND ARRIVE A i’ Savannah on Sunday a: * p.m { LEAVE * j Savannah every Monday at f I A. M< AND ARR.VE AT Louisville on Wedr.efJdy by| 9 A. M. LEAVE LouifvtHe fa oe dry at 10 a m AND A R RIV EA T Augufia on Thursday by 10 j A. M. i FROM Savannah by Bryan Courr houle, Midway Church, fiice ■ Through, M’lntoiii Cos it .-house, 1’ irien, Fredcnca, jeekyi Iflandj and Dungeonift to Saint MaryT! a week. j LEAVE Savannah, every Monday ac| 3 o’clock A. M. i AND ARRIVE | At Saint Mary’s every Thurs-i day at 10 o’cio k a. m. LEAVE • j Saint Mary’s every Thursday J It 2 P. M. ARRIVE AT Savannah, .he next Sunday at 6 P. M. FROM Jeckyl IQand to Brunfv.ic!; once a week. LEAVE Jeckyl Island every Thursday at 3 a. m AND ARRIVE A F Brunfwtck lame U.;y by jc o’clock A. M LEAVE 8.-unfwick Line day at 2 p. u. AND ARRIVE AT See Kyi Urnc day by 6 o’clock j r. M. NOTES. | i. The T jfl-mafter grnersi vwy rx- | pedite the ain>l aad r.hcr the timrb ct i arrivil and departure at Buy time dui!E.j i the continuation of the contracts, he! pievioufly ilipuiating ;-.n adequate com- j pcofati-'n for ?.nv .xtr* expetiie that may * be occaiioned thereby. ; Fifteen mir-Uti’s fliad be sllowed for opening and closing the mai's at all .ifioes v litre uo particular time ia ipeti fisd. For erery thirty mintiteg delay (unaroidabie accidents exerptec) in ar rii -j after the time preferred in any contrail, the contraitor mail forfeit one dollar ; and if the delay continue until the departure of any depending mail, whereby the mails dcitined fur such tie— [.ending inaii iofe a trip, an additionu! | forteitnre ot five dollars fliall be inesr. red. 4.. Newspapers a3 well as letters are to be ft lit in the mail ; in’ if ary prr fon, making propvUiS, deli res to carry ‘ iieivipapc r s, other thole eonrtytd > in the mail, for hij own emolument, lie mutt Hale in his propolr.U, fer v.lißt sum ! he will carry it with that emolument, and : for vnit sum without that emolument. 5. S'.ould any, D'akiirj pro-j petal;. cK-hre an alteration of the tuner j of arrival and departure sbove fpecified,! he mull Hate in liii propofrls, theal-r J etiotis dvfired, et! the difference they ; will make r n the terms of his contra**. 6. Pei tons making propol.ilo, are d.f -1 red to ti-te their prices by the -ear. — Those who ccntiaA will •♦.• th e li.ii: pay quiurly, in the meeths cf Fetru*- i j ry, M:-, .‘iiigull, ard hiuvt.T.h#r, or. ‘ mouth a\er tile txpoi.ic... v. quar ter. No otli*r than a fr-e white peiiviii lii£*l oe cn'p -ay -.0 Cw.nvrv i*-.a rr i 0 V’-r— ♦--£ jir-p f- h-'r.J. toi.v'.-v the n ail In she fc 7er 3 n . 1 tie c, he s denied to Kate A iw • - tire pofa’s. t;. The Foft-*vificr general reu ■•. r i i.o til.ahlf .be right cf declaring any .oai: ct at an end whenever three fail ures happ.n, which amount to a iefs of a trip each. 10 The contracts for tliefe routes arc to be in operation ca ttte ifi day ot October next, and to continue in Lrc for two ycaio, from that time. Gideon Granger, POST.MASTBit CSNERaL. General Pofi-Ql/lce, IValdington-City, April 26. - /% 1’ art Inferior v.ourL began Yl and field .it Savannah for cn.; county of Chatham, on VVednefday the 7th a- cf July, 1806. PR FV£NT nOMORS* rDvV ARi.. TELFAIR, j NO. H MOREL, ARCHD. S. BULIOCH> i Ordered, tine the following defi.uui: g jtttors be fined in the lam of twrnty dollars each, un--* itt's th y rr.ake lufbcienc cxcuU? on oath, ; n i file th- L.r.e in the’ rierk’s office, of this Cv.urr, with in thirty days. Sa npfon Neyle, Wrr. Port, [Matthew Biyler, David Hic.ll r, ! Thomas F int, James Odiver, j .\bra, am Abra'nons, J. Court n-y, Jnh Litlibridge, VYiiliam [ vv iiilLn, Jonathan Meigs, J as. 1 Luth'bert, lLac Fell. J. x rail from tti Minnies. J. iaL_LOC. U, Clk, Sava ,nah, July at, ißc 6. Chambers, 1 3th July, 1 fio6. PKESiiHr THiilß HONORS. EDWARD TELFAIR, j NO. IT. iVI. 11\ h. L, JAMEA’ ALGER. >; 1 die j unices the of hifc~ |;i :.r C run or the county of Chao lum, and in virtue of a Procla T j iaanoi.i of fits excellency the Go ! vernor lo directed. | a ii? cicdtoi Sor the county of j Chatham, are hereby notified | na: a poli Vv.a ...e opened at tiitj ! Court boufe, to the of Sz i vennsb, at 10 o c..otk, on Nlon— day the h it day of September i next, togwe ‘heir votes ro fup ,-tv’ the var an y o: a member in Houie of Representatives cf 1.1 in the room eftue Hon. j deph Bryan refty 0- cd, to u-e died: until the 4th day c- March ntxr, of which ail officers concerned *- li take due ao.ict. £ n from the Minutes, y j. b JLLQCH, Cix. July 22 94, Executive Devaktment, Geo. L'ji-t, vihe, i July i 806. (JRDESEU, J HA 1 the fefond Monday in Auguit next, fee aduined for the hearing and detejoiinins icoorrovernes relative to iota ofc band, drawn in the late Land I LoUt for which grunt* have > been with-hckl 00 account of j their being two or more persons ‘of cite lame name in the fame [County, and not detlcrsstcd, on i the books appertaining to the ‘drawing of the Lid Lottery, so that it can be thereby af cream ed to which of them the land of right belongs—All perfors con cerned, are therefore requeued to attend zt this deparirr.e,.r, on ‘ha: day, prepared to fubft-n ----rute their lefpetVive claims. Arfiits'ii, Cr. R. Ci * yton. Secretary, ■7"-> J - 3* 94- TO BE SOLD 7 foAr .icrrsn of t'x MO.trnt.J A LOT in Ogle'.. orpj ward, near /~\ ti.c river :r.d suj lirti.g Mr. Fool. • c.T .vharf lot, with a iron'! improvement thvrcon. It ij a corner lot frosting isq ’ ttei on a fires'., £■. 80 ou a i. -a. •j* The ! owner would be c-liin.j ta> barter;’ Lr ! New Me^rses. “r..:::lr a! (.’As Office, I 7*l H, . j J _ __ j\U , ULE. ! \ ; t ‘ : .di egairft the ii k . 1’ riior, -,t of Seri j i r.-t requeSr.: t; rentier • !•: .n : •_•••/ r nt: : u cd, aoa t .cio ia . t. fa . .. ..<5 .e iturr-i.ate pay. j irsv.t t, James Hucifon, f::*r. ! J®-. ALMANAC’S ] Ter sale at this O-Tice.