Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, August 01, 1806, Image 3

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Britain, either error, or f:om the ;nifr”p reienia tion of parties among ourle.ves, ref use to acknowledge our in disputable rights. ic be rec illefled that m luch anjevenc the act palfei by Congrels is the firß leading step in a system of measures well calculated to awaken her from her dGufive dreamsj and that it w.ia exotellr adopted as a mealure •qiuliy fitted for producing a chaxge ot her conduct, or for handing as a part us our permanent lyiteai a, ccm.merci.n regulation. NOTICE. The following Ptrfcuu having been drawn and fm n:aoned, to ierve xs J'lrors at the Mayor’s Court, on the 4th TV.ei day i.i this month, did oa that day make defaulr, viz : ‘Thernnt Mertdcnkail, jun, John Ccurt - VUilam Burfidet, George 3. i-.banat:, Sheidcn C. Dunning, George Buffett, R'r.hunl F. IVi'thjn.i, H,xdiith Reynolds, Jrln -‘ftiderfin, F. >■ diman. vVI-eivoordvsd, that they he fmed ia the him of tea dollars each, wn-els they siic.v good and fufficient car le nr excui'e, on oa:h, before the fi.ft day of the ne 1. c.-urt, to be u:ld on the lou: h Tuesday in Augutt next. ED. L. DAVIS, c. m. c. July 29 96 at OGITk Fa jb, be thankfully rvc-ived at the Vp POOR-HOUSE, tn this city, titer being gnat cull for tuem. Moses SUeftail, c. ?. Mw ay 79 w auls a Btiualion, IN a Store or Cousting-f'leufe, A tua.i, who can produce good r*- sommetidattons.— A line addrcfTed to 2.0. and iefe with the printers will be duly *ttcu tied to. July 18 yj. NOTICE, LI- PERSONS having any demands JLjL again 1 tilt- Board of Fire Alalter-, are dt: red to bring them in for payment au ct it. tore Monday the .Rh infract. liy Qu!er of the Board, THOMAS PITT, Clerk. Jylv 22 94 N r.'OE rpH£ Sub'cr' is about leaving the A gate will be nbfent for feme time : t:tu V. poi: . -It. WILLIAM SiiA M- Li.OUGH, j tut. h.L lawful attorney, during h.i übfknce. WILLIAM TAYLOR. Jalv 15 at 91 30 yoJlnrs Reward. ■jjA ANAVVAY from the fubferiber ot tbs If 1 b February iaft, a young negro w ona an uric a N LLL'Y, fli- is about 5 feet two or three inches high, thick made, has ret..- ha ke rh ‘ k lips, and biack teeth, whTn a.** ve ry i*r apart, and lifpt much when fp.-akinc. bite is well known about town, where ihe may be enticed to work; s.mi is Cut posed to k Laibaiei a; turns ..bout u\s Orphan liouie and i'fr. Wilkml'tin's jilanHtiou ;;err Savar,- The above reward wi lbe given to on*’ perfrn who will dsiivtr Per to the Jailer in a*v*iniiih, or inform the fubfermer where lhc se takun. Wm, Stephms, r ” arch -5 10 HIRE young fellow, Eccuftorntd to horse, L u*. for a length of time employed <n the Ca and- lanufaftory—Apply at this OikuC ior llifi.r.tation. Jtt'y 18. 95 GEORGIA. ) By Edward White j_ /-. i’.J p clerk of the Court ol Or Ed jj'-J.iVhite- diiuary for the couutyof CLa'.uanu, and state afore said. ‘% y T ‘■'lEaE .’ S John Womack hath y y made cpplication ior ictters of adniUiL.atioti on cilatc aid effidla 0 f Frederick Womack, late of the city of Savannah, butcher, dec as oeardt of kin. are therefore to cite and aoaion iilt ah un i Angular the kindred ond cre ditors cf the decesfcd, to file their ob. jsclions, (ii any they have j in my office, cu or before tiie 4th day of Augutt next, otberwile letteia oi admiaiilratioii will ie granted him. . G ; ven under mv hand and seal this 4th day of Ju’ y, i8o6 : and in tiie 31st year oi American ludepcudcßce. £9, EOaRl) us COM vIISSION LRi of PIL JTAGE, Savannah, June 4, 1801. T* Confsquence of levsral perfoiu aci *g >ll y: !1 v as Rtlots, C *er,S, T-iat the Secrcta.y do pubhfi, mouthiy th names of such Pilots, as . K.. -i U,iti:;ca.<i from this bo:d. B'ttraS jioni the Hinnies . THOMAS PITT, Secretary ,',mcuy to the order <r ;hs i:-.ard, Ido’ nunc', that tbs llowin; persons only, are duty authenred to *sl Pcuts, I h mas Nottage, ) Ilham Liav, f Jp-r,et Ssrancon, J , , D , V. . :ar: Roy .. „, Pilots. _ Elijah Brougbtcn, C j li'.aiii Aiwor.hy, J) Itichird VVili, Branch ILIot. \Vtliutm Wal', aAmg ndci him. John Major, 1 P!r CeiV.r, Hsubau Anderfoo, f John Braasby, J ~ u John, , e f ut. J-na D xon, C T k .m,i Osbrnii. J) Tiia.viAo h, ty J nw*?** , tw,vrssaiery t!fr ■ r-vr’—r-iin: REPUBLICAN. 3AV INN AH, August i, 1806. *-i‘i 4 *o -) t —tk- j COMMUNICATION. THE period is fail approaching when ne elect'Or for a Reprefsntativs, in the Congress of the United States, occalioned by the re iignation of Mr. Joseph Uryan, will take pi c;, and ns GKORGE M. TROUP has been annranced to the cuiuens of Georgia a canduL; lor the refdue sf Mr. Bryans tinit, the writer of these linss offumes the liberty of asldreC.'.g h:a fellow citizens ou this subj. |t is afaik which comes withut of cur .-ecolleflien, that at a ve ry early period of life Mr. Troup was regu- 1 •xr’.y cleflsd 11 reprefsnt us in the Legitla- I tu.e of Gsorgit, in that dignified, imjiortnnt * and rt"!;.tnfiU:e station bis ccnduA was firm and utilkaken and cor efp.ouded with his prctefllons, so well fatitfied were ids "nfti tueats that at the ensuing annua! cieclion h e was deekred a member of the Af.embly by a very large majority •—Amid If the pr-ideal heat n. It * flailed tUeUaufe during the coti timisnce ,f ras appointment, ue was always cairn, hi.; det.rrr.ined, collefiej at.d It.depeti- d --'.it, :>e dtfre.yarded the frowns of n s 0,.*- j ‘ ,-i.t;, ar.d never courted the .r fmi;s, he k.u .<■ r.o inter*it Bat that of his fellcw ti te..?,* ’ e afle.l tl st opeti ami diguitieti 1 4 rt wh 1 a I flatter mvfrlt 1. * i.-fu.-d their 1;s ----pr.A, Let us citizens, bear ia mind thf.t T.e was on* of the yonr.gefl men that ever repreien l<:i us, aTo keep in view that he *.s acted consonant with the principles o : honor and integrity and if we do this we will net be unmiudfe! of the ftrongclana \ liich he jnilly has on ns for out fullVagcs. We are found s io fujiport him became hti general on* el evidences titw Ihe is o*e es our be. 11 f.-iencis, wt ate obligated to chfiith b:s cleclton, as by us he was in ft placed into pubhc life, let *1 then firmly unite and exert -mrfelves in his behalf, Ue will pro*# a 1. i’liftil fnsnd to Georgia and to her rights. PHOCIOW. Cii Wed’tcfdey evtcing, •*. mod drca l ful and melancholy infUnee of ebrietr, occurred at the top of A atoat’s lane, ;—A irsn in a date of fui h extreme intoxication, as to vender hi a incapable of motion, had kin himfdf down near a hogftf, wuere, horrible to relate, iome of those ennsivorous euionts actual: 4 / -'.t-tepted to oevour him, si and i. luceecued in iaceratinjz fome of uis bo:y before he wsa refeued from their devouring jaws He was itnmed; alt y coa.’tved to the infirmary, and ! kopce are entertained ot his recovery. ! BuudsE p jper. Lai wrek a laboring men, named E. Wiight, at Aiph'ngton, Exeter, knock ed at the do'.-r ot Mrs. Rowe, an aye . widow, belt-re her u'.ual bor of rising, and ruffled an flairs, where he found a hlundcrbuts ’.vhicti was kept there, ’i nk he fciz.’d, cud darting tov/ardc tlie bed side of Mrs. it. fractured her leu.i with it, r.r.d drea irully iaceratt'd iter head and arms. The maid imrueUutely ran down and gave the alarm, when the msm w secured, w!:o apppyved to be evidently deranged ; lor he deslared he w# com milioned by a luprrior ?;n 4 :r to destroy ail old women in the tov/i,, as j peace could never take place till that was uc compiifiicd—'l'iie coro-.ier’s inquest, r : fitting kviral hour*, returcea a vcrdiA “wilful murder” coma it ted by the hands or R. Wright, fuppoied iunatis.— ilt. CauMTsarsiT hank noth—Several Munterfcits of the Trenton 15v..k, hr.rt lau-ly been diicovered to be ,i. circulation. .t;evrrai one and three dollar notes h .ve been detected in this 1 ity. Yesterday we saw oae of five dollars... They do not appear tube imprefied with a plate, but, upon elide i l, will : be found to be de'r.tvitcd by :i h rir pencil.. The naoiel of !!>.• Smith, Preu-.b-nt, aid Pearson Hunt, Gatin'r, are e„ -uted ~>n giuat aukwardntfß. The wiiole face of tl.s notes ate of'a heavier and blacker itnpiefiiou then the genuine 01. es. Pais. P*p. IMPROVEMENT. An entirely new sunxed, and much im proved carriage, was yellerday completed, f. r I the ruu.AoSi.raiA nos* c mpaxt ; it built under the dirediou of a committee of the Alio.-lotion by puuk mason, of this city I combining many important sdvan* .gc* foi the I preierv ikon and management of Hose (Richer to unattained) with elegance of deiign and j complete v, ork.t-nnfliip, it 1:0: only reflects; ci edit on this “ Giiginnllnftitutioii,” but! is well deserving of imitation in this, or our lifter cities, fr.outd fimuiar valuable apparatus for the extinguifliment of fire, be introduced among them. la. Thq fqnadron notv in this harbour, under . tie command of ( .j tain Cos, will lul the fit ft fair wind, except Gun-Boats Nos. a, 3, and 3, 4 ur 4 - temain here, under tne command o! Li -ut. C stium. (Charleston paper.) A V -r from P.o > 4 jx oft; 44 l.ft of May, j. . !.■ 4 u i.eimels ;* brtlk. r tbari it has been .*<•■ 4 ;. ..a cou: t;y is low, and likely to tcritmue l'o.” is. A paper fl ~ that the vilefl fpe j cies of ca iiau. a :u. >'ou in that city ; . attempts had t:• :i n.aai to fix gambling ta blet the lir- eti, a..d . .ek theitt by the ut'e cf loaued mulkets ai:d t hiols. is. OBLS.AN3 LEGinLATURE. Tn the House of Rep 4 .-(entatives of the terri tory of Orleans, on Tuesday morning, the ‘j.'th May, Itlr. Mahot lcated, that he ihould aik for Lave of abfsnce fro-n and after Mon ti - -.he <;th inflant, that he had waited with g ■ t ansiety for the election of a Ratable member to Congress, ar.d he was happy to fi: and that the tv. , branches of the legislature ! I. oh made Cos judict.ns a choice, that .he lot.. e.* ,s ‘ lei tA.t -..'.U.-T.kan t* *- an 9v je? of;! orl loth .... . ••'■d i.idevd l ..ii u..e us !.ir piinuipu.l object, i.i nomination to .1 ieut in this lluufe. Hebe! Id with h.-rror, tha wretch: .i situation to which many, nay, mod of the irood citizens of this country would be reduced if j there was not for.’” immediate, , arlv and defi j nitivetlepstvkca by the general; uyernment to qoiet the mi ids f tht people on the fubje&of their laud claim,—v. e had now chof u a cha rade-. w ho had a p, ili wc knowledge of almost every foot of tie country, a*alhitlie ntaiuiers cuifoms and lentimemt of the p • :ple, a, well as the mode of acquire i~ the inc;; lent grounds of title to lar.Js, under the a..c:Yr,t govern ment s, both of France and Spain, irho in molt cases were very ct certain forn’r.ii ties wbiib are now required by the Amiri, .in govetur eiit ; to cj.rel.-is trere they that in feme purtj of the em utry, estates have b -cn fucceliively inhabited for huh a c>. -.uiry, anu the title papem never, completed oc the lands pa tented. Ho was of opinion therefore, that lion-: el's woa hi pet adopt ion e other more ef jfefrua! • .1. .■: ‘l': iubje-c, ;be indu- Iccd fr>m aienfe i.i to grant patent, in : all caft# foi all imaii grant* tha: wen* made agreeably to ancie .: ut'uage prior to the dual ratification of fi - •?..;> b.ttre n I-'r..i:oe and tie. United St.ites. cur country woulh then cei't tc murmur, - people submit to ..i lawr with cheerfuluc l a in. Niiv Imtr.ted Hati. —ln cor, of the very i. rcat complaints of fate id I the bid tpuality ot Huts, it lias induc ed l\lr. Htire, of No 71 Strand, who has traded ti.rre these twenty yea:'#, to tr_, the experiment of mixing Moles Fin with Beaver, and v liich he fcunci to aniwer his tnoft arder.t txpedatims, not omy for their durability, which, on tri al will he found to wear out near two j inch hats at are made in the usual way,, the hi ole Fur making’ the fame much j li.itr, and of a coarler texenre than the various coarse Furs that are ufuaHy made use of ,0 th.c manufacturing of hats ; u other good qu lilies, the Fur wil; not cone off, which Uui been so much Couipßieed of of late, r.b well *1 their :akiug.a meft b:autiiui biack which will .etain its color. Loud. pep. j Ilav. Mr. H. a gentleman cf fingtiler huiut-r j and brother to ano . . p er, r-I tiled to ease and indepcnJwu- ..t ti.u RcClor I cl ,in the county oj{ 11. at. Being a jm- [ tier of the peace, he tvas frequently mazed’ wiiii lctii.c idle t.illcj'.mccs a.:..; .... vp: mlirbit— ant, of the place. Not bcm. v,oiling to be hi then in upon such frivolo'.* domulaints) when appu atiott was made to ;iim for redrth, ot fume ini .rmary injury, his cultoin was to dil'mifs them, with faying, “he veuH feud for I them when he ....d leiiuic to a'.ieiici to their ibulinefa.” The lirii rainy day that next haj j peued, he took .e to lend lor the partit-*. and j received tile:; uctnij in the porch of the door, jwhi. c ju't pr led l:.e:tcr lor himfelf and hi, <clerk, vhid: t... complainants w;e o’oli-psl to livm.i exposed to the inclement flcy all the while | uncuve; and, to . y , roper refpeft 10 die kii’o's jultice of the u<.. . . 0 I A./ti'.efe means he soon entirely cured the count:y folks m the i. ghbourhood, of liti {gk ions. His biunt van::. :of enfgr | ctnp v. holelome truiiis as a cierrymau, c,as i J 1 eir.u. ..:bie ... ■ pecnli .a I y ji. the coniinihion |oi the pea .e. iUininy a, .ir was preaching on moral duties;: tinne words ; —“ Render timjefoi c unto all thc-.r due.”—ln explainir. r ! it text, he obiei red, that there were, duties, which a man once to liiu j-li : .J well as to o thers. “ And,” added he, “ v;aeji they are mt attended to, I revet have a -ood opitron of that mao. “ , : tins rer.fon.’l he j.rocaeded, turning to aju'.: .rular part of tlju church, “ I. never have had a good opimoa ol you, John i rott, you ,n.<i Me tjude inteep, hx to.inths .i-u, and .lave utver cal.ciA lor the money.” (London paper.) j C.tiA.i'-ssTON, July v.j. • The Britilh fliips tlte City of London, and Hero, from Jamaica, arc captured by a e. :i h privateer, and carried into St. Male. ’1 ‘he err goes of tlte two vcfTels are fined to be 810 hhds. sugar, 100 hhd 50 tierces, dOO bags Punento, 000 bags ginger. Nxw-Vobx, July 12. Arrived, fuip Brutus, Pendergall, in H dayr ficjtt Naritz. June lft, jucked tin the crew of the fltip Two Suns, Ruca, of an 1 ■ un Salen, bound to Nantz, out .1 days, who inul ftrutlt or. a funktu rock, wi'ile Handing in for a , dor, about two hours pro .do t to r.ur picking them up, and went down imnndtatcly, tl. • crew fcarceh having time to gel i.ito their b 0:.,, I del litute of every thing; ihe was ‘ tadeil with | 1 coffee and nutmegs. June 10th, t.'.t. 47, L , , long. ‘M. , was brought to cun f> .trued i,y a : Gurnefcy privateer, uud treated puii:tly : tfci y said they were cruising for PrulEan*, .'.nd had ; taken fome rich prizes from Rio de la iMota. i Spoke and saw lev.-! as Fiji ing ‘ boon 1 on the grand bank; they generally coir,],! oik 1 of ve ry bad luck. June 30th, la,, -it, !o r.;r. ji, ‘ B'J, spoke the fchr. Kunice, Aph . 01 dolro from the Isle of Uhe fur B.dton, Jli d..y out j in want us provisions, water .nd i.’en; re.’ .i I with t.vo men and pr. .i!io:is. ‘ll y„ 1 ... - : ol the ihip Two *jm, v. re the it.;n put ... 1 j board the schooner. July 14 ..Arri ved, Trip Elsr.ahcth, Alniy, ,1 150 days from Loltdoii it y. ih dit d-v .j. , . jin lit. 40. had HU palftiiee, :p- .hi:! by .he Jiri t'lh ihip ObfiTvat ur, he curable ‘..-erg's L. .• j fton, commander, just out of Halifax. urrnm,t> . .'-rr-tr-e ~a< :wa • ,:uu • TO GARD NLI'S A MAN comirg well r:comr.',ended w,l a. X. hear ot a good a.iu .iiuit fit,.: on, as a ciiuiiisr , by applyn., ut u.i. Office. Aug .ft t. jt. 1, ■ SlitrifTs Sales, JVIL L BP. SOLD, at the Court *, in the town of Brunf■ wick, Giyr.n County on the it c i tie [day it September next, be tween lot lours oj ten and three o'clock, CsNE fix'h o f Ca*e Wrights 9 point, fctz.-.l untl taken under execu.ion hs the fiopt ty ofE. B* Hopkins to latisty * judgement in favor of John Bol ton, the above properly po'nted out by the planciffh a ton.ey. Conditi:tv o ale Ca.b. Wm. FAYN s. g. c. Ju y 25. 77 SiKrih hs S.JcSi \IP'ILL BE SOL L\ u /■C it■ I Ihufe, in t'e tew:: op h: 10.(■ | ivirk, Glyrn Courty. on the Jirjl lues day in September tuxt, between ice hours cf ten end three 0 ctOiK, r-p t ! h. to lowing proper*'.’, A IWO HU N DR r. D AND Kri’ Y of LAND, near the H i!K* Jo b’v,amp, with the improve ments ihereoo, le'Zed and tabc.n untier exe-uficn as the pre j er. j of Jclipih Coujjtr, to f'.us y lundry execttiioi-3. Cos “id- tiers */’ fa ( a fj . m , PAi NK, 3 c c, 35 ■ 97. SHI RI FT • .\l , hr ILL BE SOLD , at tiv Conn. lioi'fty ill £L t, ti. \C‘>l * Us, • %vi t k , G vno Lup u'Vj cy the fra . ms day :n Sr semi er next. the tears cf t::t and tvics 0 iloxa, / WFE d-w K Bay Horse, eight; V.A years old, femed and ta ken, under exetution the pro i ~yy ‘•*; j Lies Wiia, to ,-is y a Ijudgmen; in favou- of th-: r : - .Uimibatms ot iMvid [vUn.;;* j decealptl. Cord!’ions cf faf, Cajb, • * 1 e\\ INE-, ts Gc. JuJy i 4 ,. c )•}• St ih.NlFP’s SA t.KS. j IVILL BE son) on the f,f J it uesday hi SepSt’hbei next, at [ the Court-horss it} this c:i v, be~ i tween the hours oj ten n.dihre * j o'clock, THRfiE negroes, to wit, Co **a and her two children Sarah and 1 oar undivided property, ■‘Ren under funrlr/ reeoitio- 3 a .ainft T'honna u-iiiL ami ity here Jouidan. ALSO, John ami i;;s w .-* Catherine, T/gcther With then” ciiiiircii, Charlotte, Juliet and tinny, ta iO:n uiMcr execution, i'.u .in Lewis vs Lmanuei Jccm.Jd, pointed ouc by iht dtitnuunti A.'.aOi.;, ihe houit: and hsu.'i buiidin ‘ adjoining on lot no. on farm drat r, nearly op polite ui, II Spencers, and ocandeJ bv V/ n p ar i,_. v -a.esi 11, ‘G u c;tCi.'i tIG. it.hgluitof ii a*- h Jacobs vs- William Vrdr:,.’ ALSO, 1.,0’ - no. r /< ,u) Tyicf-nei! Pything Darby j arc, with the 1 Gprove.T.r'iiis tiieroari, -.r .;> ;Js ,vi!i i'ldJy ;; g t erg due B r rb e ycaf* i3O. Ly hVh- M JA, ; ouued uW by th.- ■ defer, daut. ttdh vs HENRY W. :L,’.l/. s . c. c. j JuJv 2 0 (.7 dyILL BE toO/.JJ t on the Jaft i a it , J ...,y lit Oaa übt) ,t -f, t‘t ‘t 4 Con 1 1 -ho use in tl is t j> y } />,>. i tween the hours oj ten ‘rid thro: j odd Oi k, ‘’L'j'Jli r..7jrofs, v'iz. Sylvia, JL J crmc y> * f-C-or ;:.c Sultey, f'-Lt-'d find to h e fold ii , , r . „ I Iby virtue ofssii e, e* o:i-.n nun- i 1 ‘ 1 011 iitt rtf’- /■•* : 1 1 Per- ! . ‘V * v>. 1 ; poll ys Jvmgs and i ( onditems Qnfij j LL W, WiLLfAiMs, u see j Joly Q<j j Cl 1 Y .Srihiilhbhs j,.*,LI'IS, Grille Jed i'u'.td.) in Hep ; te:n/er ne> , ‘• A/ i \.L MM SOLD, ;at tne ( irt ho it c in the city . i J . J \itav inn/th between the hours of h i laud 3 o'clock, j A Nr-GRO BOY named .Ca :>v, ttc ■ a . tf-.e propel y !i t Mrs Mif!iia h.. Her. Corduions, cash* ’ JOij >• 1’ 94 lid COUvCiL, Savannah, 71/ '*21, Ri SOLVED, That c;i tl, it,.,11 for an A !i.r nisn, to rejift f--; r Rejfit,!il, V.'anl, ,tl. iutt us:- cit'd ion beir-g declatctl ifleg.l) will lr h-ld at the Filature 011 Friday ri,. jft of A - next, and that John 1,-con, J. Ji. R-'.daid John Shelman, or any two of them, ai-i p ; pointed m . to luperinteiid the 1-T e- Icotion. E'xirail fr r >'” the A’ intit t. JOB T. BOLLES, c. c. Ju T -/ fil. ‘jO ALMANAC’S I’*r Cle -t tk. : * ©.lice. r^AK c n J.'.SA 1 es. c. iv ibcjif/l ~j Uc.'d yin ,jy anbgT next, IVILL BE SOLD, at tht Ccurt tikse in tb* aiv of r ‘ •’ in rut un, VsHARF lot and fioreg, JL lJ/ u *y u Ci, i ;i W i> r.Jdlrs. and C;x!<—Loi num- V.. . . O Ull iinn u\ji iu u 4 oi nuii> her l x and one qtia;:r of I.C vi mber twenty eight. fold unocr an execution in the fx (. irrnu Coin t, Geofoia Piftridt, 1:1 Favour tt, George Lcckie vs. lid's, Wuliior ,Cook and Par*; her. t BE N. WALL, ii q o July 30 97 Sti .UlFh' i>.\LES. ‘./ILL BE BOLD ok tb.? firft Xatsdnjin Akgujt nxt, a c the i ouri-binfe, between t.t hours off to end 3 o'clock, / \N E fifth part of a Traft of V. P Ind con'aininp yiO ■teres, be me liitt* mure or lels ( hi tnrvey) joining rh,* f ur (i jp-'.rr of rlie thpnan H, use plan | urion, well tinbered with pin#*, j and a conlLeratde portico adan ;td to r h :■ cni r ure of con c n aud j ■!*’ viEo’s, ! aving the advantage ; a i nav .• o> to this city. 1 1 eve !onasti e ; roperry of E | rtranuel Rtngii!, at the ’ suit of 1 1 dwin Lew.:;, pointed ouc by the def nuar. Bojtdcv df: on July fa ley. IL V’/. Williams, fisec J 7 <;u . 1 iFI’V B/ililihLS SU Pit RIJN L l LOUR, TANARUS% iV *}■• i*’ ii’u ‘Oner A renora, anl vsMii b* iold l#/ firxb Jinfjman. I“'y 8 9.]’ Jelfcrfon-Stisst, ABNER WEBB, r *fi IvF.ll r -tht hi , canton, >■ ■ mow suv-mu, a, ,1- * 0 * 1 till’ Olf I ilk. 140 ST if AIitUNAAU). *'’ 1 ‘ sr S L *!< ii i ’> KTST ! ■ * ‘auii or j ifk riRST quautui. Vt’in I. ’ir iiii.rj for l.i• at very reducttl p> ■■■•• .'t his llore, e> raer of St. Julian and Whifrlf r Streets. July K yj A 0C !\ !it ‘ j'.lt". o£ (J>j. ■ i> ts. T'.CI H’l.l.Y inform their mid *1 - J>rtb!ic 111 general, that tl.ry y . re .ejvcil il.e Ule tirivals from N. I li'ii, a conijiltt. ‘..'lull 111. ,11 of &J'J IS, SH JE.j and SLIE tj • 1 i A- AV ), All warranted to he of the I,nft quality r • J limy 1 lit. at h diced prior,, at th,.r -I ‘<• a'’ ilay, opjiofne die cixchsn^c. July <:l wanted, /. pUc*. ‘.n the cspacity of a lervant s o a’ • •;’ Jjvu'lcnian travel!’ %to ray of tli | Mon her 1 •. f irjuire tit tins office. ; _ ,i" ! y -iy _ it (> 6. ‘i'HJC HUM oy IiUN/LR MINIS , I o Ime day liilTolved liy inutual con i ’ f ’ ‘ l,l pct*otiß liaeinjr demands £ | “iii j.U .fe rend 1 r them to the j ‘/it ; nod all indebted, are fo ‘ ‘icittd t” prep;or. for iminc.ilate p.iyQ, 1 rne,.r. They will attend at their Cotup i iimr bu'ifc as ufunl, fur the ai!jufttneut r ” j of their accuuuts, ’ty j JAMES HUNTEK, )n w 0 i O 1 ICE. A !*•<’ ,n r 1 dr in-ri'k rrair.n tl.* 1 - - ... tit*:- it Wl-iia f.opir, Kfij. lute of I t.||.ii;:n. . iv. ire reque.'tbd Ir* Ii A,..‘tr in rh. 1r c . -.n . (#;■ ,i!y v •Itcil, red • j *"}■••! .ndvirted, Hi* t -I cd :.) r.:a!. ;i..,dy ’ 1 j payment. , ! Lifer, ‘ A'e! G. Loper , Q_ualificJ rixecutora. | J li! y 4 6w 8y and AIN. NOS ICE, ” l i j'i ‘1 ‘ in nine months from the date 1 | hereof, app.i;:atiou will be made , i vo li e lion. tlicjultn:c of the Inferior Court, for the county of Bulloch, for Lave to lull ad that trail of land, con t ;nr \-jr a. res more or left, lyu.o in ‘ t !>e couutie* of liryno aid Bulloch, ‘.he > fame pert ot the dlalc of VVai. Blu'.cr dsc’d. Wm. Sl iter, achn’m Vty C. iju* yz NullCti. *Jj f- -ttril r.t bein£ about to leave Wiif - i >i u lew nhjtnLtb, has a{>[> intrJl J’ 1 1 r,t r ami J Uii Ever ut, bis iawlul . -> e , f bis abfe^ce. Adam Beach. U>y 18 94 3 t A C J SIZE for July, i‘!os. r | ‘ 1 ‘- 1 • price off CO UK lie in j n;r.e il ‘| 4 r A per ‘.arrel, Bread mutt weigh, VIK. 11 i- cent:. Loaf | 6r .4 cer.ta Loaf / 5 1 *'h. 2 , Dir. •? ’ 1 ; tr and h<ri!* r of brsatff a.e to t.Te i!ut ■nd par'icular iv-tice. j ■ j 'L'i To IJ.iL, City I’u.ujiry^