Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, August 05, 1806, Image 1

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Vol. IV. No. 89.3 CONDITIONS OF THE GEORGIA REPUBLICAN. The Republican is publifheJ every TuefJ.iy and Friday, oil a royal lheet of a good quality. The terms ofi'ubfcription are six dol iAtts per annun... one half to be paid at the time of futfenbing, and the balance at the expiration of the year...and all papers will •ortinued until ordered to the reveife. TERMS OF ADVERTISING. A IvertifemeiV.s inserted at 50 cents per Square the nr It inl'artion, aid 25 for each eontiuu ttinn—A liberal allowance made to nfcrfe who with to advertise by the year. For vile at this Office. A variety of BLANKS umong which are, ai.d C uft.ia£ ati.kru£~aji -V. Ivit’vchautd ISn:*k s ditto Ei sos Ex ha. gs I'i .j. of Lading Do. of sale ; Powers of Attorney Checks Apprentices I identures Umlsc* Crrwevnnce B uuls ; Notes of Hands Writs for He Superior, Inferior ft Mayp: t Courts Mayor’s Court Executions Sc Subp-cr.r.3 K’dices to Creditois of Inf >*vent debtors Bliliitary''u nmonfes and Executions, &c. Ci? Cart A, Handbills, &C. L c Printed at a Jhsrt notice on rcafondn: t st ms. i-vssir t vatwstsi ussamacm SHERIFF’S SALE)’. At the Court house, in the city of Savttn ■? tb , on the firjl TUES DAY in Augull next, bit with the lours of ten and three o’ date. rip HE foil -wing negroes V !Z. ZsJock, B tty, ai'u her two chiL.rcn, Philip ana Ed* mond, feiztd by virtue of a fore ciofure oi. mortgage, as the pro perty of John Barnard, jun to latisfy j. P. Williamion. T ROBERTSON, s. c. c. May 6 “89 Stii- Kit r ’ > Oi-iLES. ON the if Tuesday in Augufl next, wilt A A SOLD, at the CovttKuuf in ibis J city, between the kounoj ia and : o’clock. A negro man named Bachus, taken under execution as the property of Wi'ham Barnaic, under I’ondry execo ions, poin ted out by the defendant. Sold at the r.fque of the for- ( liter unrenafer. T. ROBERTSON, s.c. c. May 30 tfy. Chambers, i$ :i Jui>, 1806. PRESENT THEIR H NOR3. EDWARD TELFAIR, JNO'. H. MOREL, JAMES A LASER. BY chejullices the of Infe rior Cou'tol the county of Chat ham, and in virtue of a Procla- U)n. ion of his rxt eilency the Go veinor io'direCtcd. The eic&o.'S ofthecounty of Chatham, are i-mby notified that a poll wul be opened at the Court hauie, in he cly c! Sa vannah, at to o’uock, on Mon day the firlt day of September r.-Xt, tog ve their votes to fop ply the v' o a member ir the House of Representatives ol the Uni ed States in the roo . of the tv on. j -hph Bryan re If ti ed, to ta/.e tfteil undl the 4th dw> o : '4*r(. h next, of which a. crime.'s concerned wdl take due BOOCc. . Extr ft from the Minutes. |. b JCLOCH, Clk. July 22 94> TO BE SOLD, (ON jS CkßDi T or SIX MONTHS J A LOT in Oglethorpe ward, r*si the .-iVcr en l adjoining Mr, Poo: c-’o whaiflot, wi.h a br.all irnprovenH nt thereon. It La corner lot fronting IOC fin < n a Urtct, &Koone lane. Co* 11. owner ula be wniiiig to barter it so: b>cvr Negroes. F.nqu'.r at this Ju'y 11, ISO 6. AO TICE. ALL nerlhns having demand* against efthte of Robert Hudson, late of Ser vencounty, deceased, are requeued to render then: properly authenticated, and hose in dad i are foUcitcd to mxnt immediate pay a.twuta Jame; Hudson, ex’r. iff. £ GT? T A ji V) k ■ ,H) fl’ ijT> T “jf AT\ T -HiOlitrlllL Jill* IT Ul3l,i^/;UN, Bayley & Hannan, No.<s, IN THE EXCHANGE, T T AVE received by the lste arrivals age jlJl neral and exeenlive ailortment of AR TICLES, in their line, the w hole of which arc warranted of the bell quality, and will be fold at reduced prices for ready money oi produce only.—Planters and otners will bi supplied by feuding tii-ir orders on the terms above mentio, w . Georgia Hams & Bacon (home cured) and warranted to keep tiirouga the year Large pickled and fmoaked Tongur3, Sc beef from ihe NewYoik market New- York corn’d Beef in half barrels Sc by the /Ingle piece Batons SauUgcs, Billon Salmon on retail Double Glod"*r, Chelhire, North Wilt ”*'*• ihire and Arne ic. n Checle I .tmdou bottled -Br.iwi) Stout, Edenbunr ale, and Brttilh Cider Fine if jrkling Champeigae a.M OLret Wine* rOO Vine apple Cheese Londofi Bottled Pert., in quart & pint Bottles Ten cafe* old Clai -t Wine of one dozen eich Old Madeira Wine in Bottles Do. ij quarter calks and on retd and MaUniey Wines Every iieitripnon of Cordials in bottles iid in lockcafis, aiTiited in each Engllhand American K-upbcrry Cheijy Brandy DrteJ fruits, Prcfervea in caret allotted Orange oc. Is non Shrub Rofcj Lavender, Orange dower, and Honiy waters O.ivte, Capers, Anchoivea, Pic’Jei of all kinds Munronn ketchup Cheoq ’.e, Qu:ns, & Imperial Fish fauct Soy edeuce of anchoivea Pefier Sauce, fine Sallad Oil Tae Salt, Wine Bitters Lojdou and Durham Nlufi'rd, Rtjdjr made London Multard, Spit Peas, Pearled barley Ciitolatc of superior quility and butter buifeuil ia kege, ML a Coffee, fine Hjlon end young ITyfon Tess Anri I'jJl Landed from JDw Tori, Snail Catty 3of Ilyion Tea, very fttpc ricr qualities Ft? * Spring arrival, GadfroidL superior Segaia to wheis and halfjboxes Battle powder in caniffcra Idific Jo. in kega and Cannon do. in do. Shot tis !! sizes ON CONSIGN MEAT, 50 Culka Browu Stout. April 29 70 ijuy cy oc 11 ir:;i t; 1 , ErcHjiiiGs, No. 6. HAVE juji received from Neva'York, a choice pat cel of bMOAKED Beef, T< n ;U.B, Bacon a-id Corned Beef, in hair barrels. ALSO—Madeira and Pore Wine* Spices of ali forts, Pickles About jeoibs. English Ci.ccfe, —Will be told at if 9 d. by the whole Chcefe, Cordials, Sweet Wines, Frcfil Lir.t.:, !n.fh A-Ud Oil. Ih; whole of vim h are now offer ed to ciolv iulcs, at me molt reduced pri ce*. N. B- Private family and flrp ftou fupplie.i with iueii qna> titiib may I11: rbcnr, at lower tales, h n .u bt had in town, u iisl the flock E fo.d. J u 'y z ; 9 5 - ‘i o wl r, For a term ot Years. /\ ND immediate prfit (lion given jfX. the TAN YARD, Garden &■_ with ail its improvements, lately occupi dby Mcffrs, ftowmei & Smith at Yu rcacraw. To a person dtfirou3 of purfmng tlu Tanning buGntfs, iis recent and templet, repair will afford gvent advantages, there re comfortable accommodations for a private family, tbe rent very low—apply io BAY LEY & HARMaN, lone to 02] /Vo. 6. Exchange M-IbKIFF’S SALES. IVILL EE SOLD , at the Ccu t- Hiufc, in tbe town rs Bruni v) (.k, G yon County, in the firil Tuesday in %t\temier next between tbe hours o f un ana three o’ Lock, Day Horse, eigl \_) ycars old, le.zed and ;a ten under exeru.i -n as ’be pro perty of James Mirs, to lausfy judgment in favour of che ad nimltratars of David Manet* Jeccai'ed. Conditions of fale t Cafo. Wm. PAYNE, s. c. c. July 5- * ~97‘ SAVANNAH; PRINTED BY EVER ITT I'.f‘LEAN, ON THE BAY. T U’ E S D A Y, Aug’j-t 5, 1806. MQNT-VIELF, The residence of t'>. iwe Gc vtrnot Had. FOR S ‘ La, THAT VALU ART. P PI INT AT ION. CONSISribg OF 2627 acres <u Savanna! River, in Burke Cou i v ; and, 767 o the opposite fide, in bk'uth-Carolina.— The value of the Tmc . suds, cn th > fide, and the rich low ■grounds on ih other fide of the uv;., leaders tlu whole, a VALUABLE ESTATE. The advantages of an elevated fitiritioc, the citabliihmeu/ of a ferry cm it I.illy uled, and witb tire command of lands of evtiy quality, upon a uavigabie riv. 1, are so w. K known as to need no ether def. ription. Terms of payment and ‘ the price, will be easy. Fur particulrrs, apply in Augusta to Thomas Flournoy, It q. of Seaborn Jones Esq. at his feat in Sc rive a Conn ty, to Major Bu 11, near the premiffes, a.<d in Savannah, to WILLIAM STEPHENS. JYy a9 ts 96 C OILE (,t h. Ltidi UO. T 100 aertj of VaHi.)i)!t LAND, in Giynn County, is cfi.ret FOR SALE, :oni poled id valuao.'i Rice, Cotton and Pro*i/i n Land, in one body, and in which is included a iich parcel of Meadow Land, capable oi ‘.he higheftcultivation. r i he titles to these lands are e’esr, and the lands have been lately iclu. vi.ycu by Mr. M‘Kinnon, wita accurate re narks, Ihewsng its boundarieu, situ. iitu u a navigable crceic, eud oilier auvan cages. These lands arc direflt and, by law, to be fold for the bentlit ot the Bethelda College, or Orphan llculc Lilate. l’or a great part of the purchase mon ! ey an extensive credit will be given ; and I .he other pay r. cut made cafy. Apply'j :u Judge STEPHENS, the PreJident if the Board t.f Trtitlees, Dr. DAR NER, Mr. BA EACH GIBBONS. or the lubi.r.l er, or Coinnrtttu of ‘i t si tees, from t iller of ulivin, pciiicuiars will be made known. W. B BUI LOTH. Ur If not fold before ‘he kit 7’u.f lay .n November, iiic ntiovi v. ..1 bt of crea t-./r 1 .le at Auction, F"y 2 9 u6__ i O J 5.0 iJ i tyP j j it. -.j or T he valu b!-.- Fiani ,tio:* ifick Yard and appurttnauceb, k.iovrn neietotore as the OLE RE LAND. The whole body of laud is wi bin three miles of this ciiy, in ,lie An nil.. 10ill, ami fronting iS.ivaiiiiufi riv.r, and cuuLiii. on aciu.d luivey, better than three 1 u Hud ai r 8, mure or IcL* For it par a. e Farms to, or as fettle nitnmof trgh loiid. ii.rth.iL, who polf.fii .ice growl ia on Hu ctiii.l li’s lfLnd, ant. ci. p lie. to toe G die i.suu, the bovi is ceria illy a dcth'aD.e |iuiciialc. It is w. i kiiuw.i, a valuable bed Achy, in on the mi l, and that br.k avc been bu.ll. on iht fp t, and brou. h ii> mokei to advantage. A- he. 1. mi has again revetted to tin cl.u.ih, an peiluiib are can i nr.l fiou, lesj.alltng ihcicon, or connrntting any eprcciatioiio 1 11 toe wood laud, am tlwh wi.o arc in p. fietiion nl a. y pan the. cot, >y kyie ur otbcrwile, are a . .ti.d to .y no rent hut to the V, aicc.'s ol v h.iit Church. if no j urchafer cfT.-rs, between this and the hi it T tie-f- A.y 01 K..vcn.n. i-, nu I property v/hi be divided into 1 ts, and offcied at public auction, ior ilie benefit ot the church. W. STEPHENS, N. TERN BULL, Church V/cn dens V- l -9 bXI CUT OIL >A\ ES. ION the Jirft Tues Jay in October next, uiH be sold at the Court hovje of the oly 0) Savannah, putfuant to cr. order Jor that purpose obtained j< om the /ton., the liijcitor Court tj the county of Chut ham. ALL that Island or trad of laud, generally known arid called plj A A SIDES, in the ccuntyafordaid, containing about two hundred and iixiy. icriS of planting COTd ON LAND, il l a body of Maifh a; joining thereto, liiuatid betwetn Lev, iC and 6ki.uav.ay llland, being part ot the real tkate of ,acob Waloburger cectaied, together with the building* thetecn, and the up ptrtcnanct* thereto belonging ‘iurnifc o be made known on the day of f*ic. John Milledge, ExcT.ofthttlaD f Jac.aU Wald* lurger. July 3? -* s FOR PRIVATE SALE, A TRACT of very valu b!e Cm.on X *aiul I lovifiun LAND, contain, mg ucarlV thrtc tiunifauJ acnr, be!-.. ■ - , ug to the 1 date of Richard R. Ash, liiusted on the lilmidofD •• ft:-’ ie, cj. rtfily oppohte Savannah i tr, end ,!U ----raiit only 5 or ‘ miles iron: i /’ ‘e l.iglu tioufe,— i’hefe lands are iuftk . tc iioint in the llatc—the piel'eut crou o ( a o nit 470 acres of Cotton, and 2ho .... us of Provilion w:.i fidiy ptvv ■ t’i's. Phc TrsA is divided niv> tour Plan, •atluin, aud w : fi be fold ie, :b.r or i:- paiattiy, nil ft which are wed Rtth having t vety w i.iil.try bn i .1..; i„r 1 Cotton PiM.lntiou, moll *'7 them have bicn erected fiuct the hurricane, id of the bell mafri.iU, On JV.whmy is convenient and comfortable tv... il 1 y dwelling h use, kitchen nod wafti liouf.-, entirely n-w- Tile buildings on Pait Pond are a little inferior, and in esed int repair. Mary. Field and the ri ~ h ive been lately fettled and hive over feer’v h,iußs, &ej Terms, one third cafii, the other twi thirds in one and two years, the pun h fe- giving bond and m .rtgage of ,h • pr p*'ty, well piifoiial f.curtly, ts r q ire ( lie ove'Rerat Newbury, wilt ll\ w and Lauds ana diviho.i hues. For fuitfu particuLro, apply to MART FRASER. C3* Prov fl int, Puntaii.m To R, £■:: may be had with the plantations, at iarr val ration Beaufort, 3. C. fuy 15 92 MARSHAL’S SALES, On the fir ft Tuesday in Alikin next , will be sold at the Cbm ■ bouse) i>t toe city of ■M\ it,nab | NvvO nrgr.e;;, George ;r llizeu, n unt-xi-i red let It tit lor no. ;o. VVilmrigioa T,- Darby warn, vvtih lijr h ui!J:n'j.s thereon, aJjreoidg Mr. John Gar.Jiticr. an u:;tx j ired Dale ot lot r.o, 3, ILa h ything Decker ward, •'here Mrs. Smith icfichsjluviec an as Hie property or Sn.iLa, Sorts mnl Arieierfon, at tin- iui’ ot Thomas and J on; r, Swords. F. WALL,, m. 0. o. July 4 bo IN AN ill A SHU TTIijN, As ;jn Overseer, A PERSON who ia well arqti.iin l\- ted ‘."i h die cnl.urc of t. mon •1.1 Ri-s, a..J u.idtrlLml* the n:,u.agc. m-nt of (H-p, 1. 8, H r ha* <r od recom mendati ms tm l /bnety rml houelly. Aline ciiriled t 1 i . M. and iclt bi his oifi re will be duly attcudeu to. July 19 9*_ __ MAiE'M vLN and. r LES. ON the /a ft Ttiwd.y Sep: cm Let next, IP ILL BEHOLD, rt n. Court house in the city ij .V.- uunn ab, it WHARF lor and fiore.s o.c.Uji ed by M. 11.. v W,.idord r; i Loch- —Lot nu < her two and ilorcx, h Ji lot ntiiie “kt fix Aid one cjuan rr of I um|)er iwenty Soli mder an execution in the hx Circuit r (J |iir, (JeoHiia Dillra, it favour of G f.r.o: L< <.kie vs. rldls, Willifora, Loot; and Far kcr. BLN. W/. LL, n o g .J u] y .3° 97 Sr Fa KIFL’s BALT SC 17 ILL BE SOIN) on tie frjt Tuesday in Augufl no at, at tie Court-house, between the bvu/s cf 10 cud 3 o'clock, s~ 't ;\E fifth part cl a Trail <>f 7 land combining *l3O acres, he the fame more or ids ( id i. r\; y) joining the fouili part oi th ; Oiphan H ,u{'e plan ration, well timbered with pinr, and a confidera {, ;ii adaj - ed to th? culture >J cot'on a.uJ d/oviiions, having the advaniaut if a good navigation ro this <it*. Levied on as the property <3: E mariuel L ngiil, at i!w fa.t of hdwin Lewis, pom ted cut by the defendant. poftbCried f1 om jt-y Nier. 11, \v. Williams, sue Julv 7 90 “ tTiamawvg ‘a Fr file stUki* OLic, [Nsoii NoMßrn 395, ‘ 1 E:HEP’S SALES, j” II ■ • ’ sell t-n the f>/i Tittf* I ‘7- ‘ h v J’ .nt He j Fo . t house in Scrjui/'nb, be~ ■f ,£ ‘ iue hours cf icu c. .f utca c clock. \ Hte Id.ind of Q.Tab.v L/;.fd . nadcr e*t.;eutit..n .a no 1 it of j ’ ‘’i.v, vi?.'. N t e tx.-c:u j :urs • .!’> -r; t- •1, r . d e . l i f, | oiijifo out tij plain -1 Tilt s attt•!:;fv, . I‘ s R LBL. NT SOM, c I j Y Bvri j /tvV. R?Ff’s SAItCS. ’ °” ihs Keut. y in Aaguji reset, will e e Jold . t the Court he-r's, m fits ri.y, bttiveai tie h.urs of 10 and 3 o'deck. ALL that Lot of j,u,d in me ti:y of Savann h, known By the o nb r five, third eye i g Kry t>U-. ward, o n in ng f rrC 1 ‘ v: ‘Ffi and 90 icet in te.eii, idi the 1 nprov( n :,ts chtcrconl ev.eil on By vr u- of aiio*- ion i/iu.J ag.r./iil f hoinas > .wail and Wac, ,f. „ ta . ‘■ Fl Ji hn H ! r, ,i. ( ,j: j aC it’ lull <! Cm dLna I /.tlhe -. 7I negro nun named L)ir fc •i<‘- n under ex.xutiun to Dtitfy jam Gio nett, p-.inted out b : / ■he j i.iimuT L Lobertfon, see J"'d 7 A il.1.1: 11 il .'..j 1 a,-’.; ‘; ; Jcr.i 7f/f 1 J k , /, /v „ . .?■,,,/• ,1 , • a p. ‘"ii. c> 1 uejoay tie fc cv'id c.:', of hep.emLr tiert, ot the Cturt house in the city of Savannah, between the boms of jo and 2 o'clock, iy LL thar Jot krovtn by the ii. No. 8 F'-uidi Tythirg, I fix mfids Ward, Sava inah, wufi die buiiiJii.'gs and nnprovnoents ihi reon, L'.-nig ih“ r; aJ rlt c of he iaie 1.1 eia Murray ctx'ci. •ah! under and by virtue t f an order of the I.dnior C urt of Cliadum Cw'iinty, lur ti.e bene fit of die lieirs and creJitura cf Lid ellate, John Wink, Ad,Nr; Char i ts Winn, mim'r, June .50 ‘gH ~SLIIiI<JM'”s 7L l. fit. SOLD on the firfl Tuesday i n September ~xp at the C. urt l ouse it: ih s at., be t . c tt l■. t heurs of tcii ur.d three o'iluk, ; I LiL K negroes, to wit, Cc ia ;-nd htr two children,h uid i .1.11, undivided property, •then under funijiy exe utions . a.idt i nomas iViids and Ru xi t Jouidan, ALSO, John and his wile C^tlicrine, 0.-'.her who their thildun, ri >;ir, jci v -.vj a * . ft firu tindtr execution, lciwi.i r * Lev. is vs Fruanutl Rcngid, pointed out by the defuij*n.t. ALSO, T he house and hnall building adjoin.i.g on lot no. o 1 fa .11 •irett, n.-riy opposite Wm. li. >p neers, and oa tipied l y Win. Parker, taken under ixsiunou at the suit of Ralph Jacobs \t. William Barker, ALO, Let r,o. 1 (one) Tyrccnell Tyuhirig Darby ward, with the improvement* thereon, ur !o ; nun has will fiti.Ty tie r- x-s ’'.jc lortiie year t 6 : 4 by Wd- L am M lis, po.nttd out By tue elti.dam. Conditions C fb. If-MUY \y. WILLIAMS, r. i c. c. July 29 97 ASSIZK for Augufl, 1800. r T~’ Hit price of FLOUR being Ter. th 3 Ji. j.t’ ‘v-r.-ui bread mull 1 V 5 .... an ctma !.<:• f I 61 4 cci..* I.uf •lb. 2 oz.j j lib . 1 1. Os wh'di i.ll hFr et, *.-.J Sellers <0 u, x £ l.r tu tnl e 1)’ e: ” ‘Mrticuiar notice. f MARSHAL, City Tttafurcr