Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, August 05, 1806, Image 2

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. •£ ; i LOURy LIJ per Aptnors;, inci “1 I- Jacob Hoff man. ( ‘Jlift ■ 8 93] Jefferfon-Strret. JOHN BOLTON, svi. 1 Cxunsu V s. > Superior j WILLIAM KOKRIS, J Court, J b/iarcb i er>n, 1006* V T PON the petition of Johin Bclron, furvivirig copart j m of Robert & John Bolton! pray in ; the foreclosure of the E ooiryof Redemption on the fol lowing premises, mortgaged to tht laid Roberta John xtoltor fur the furn of elcvrn hundred and forty f:x dollars, payable tht ‘j filch of January ib'cz, anc i ado for the further sum of e!e- ( ▼<m hundred anti forty fix dol lars ;nn inter est payable the fifth of November 1802, to wit, the following lots and parts of lors in the town 01 St. Mary 5 ?,-- • iii| tout wharf iot COtnuintf.t * 5 f.-er on St. Ma y’s Itreetbnd 1 ftMfiii.g IJO 1 cl v*lL ’-.i Vi )'s water i< , and from St. Ma y’s ffreer to the river 190 feet j an.l along tin river 100 feet.— j ‘! he in me being the front of lo’ No. four in the plan of laid! town. —Al(o pair cf fail lot j No. four beginning at Ready flreet nuining wdt cn the St. ! Mery’s Itrect to JuJfor ‘s Jot h eti Ready flrtec 200 feet north to Divine Young’s lot or line &. 15 .) weft 1.0 la;u Young’s line to Judson’s lot with the building 1 and improvements thrieon.— Alib lot No. (43) forty three containing four acres then oc cupied by i'eter VV. (been, writ the buildings and improve, enrs thereon, and on motion c f Mr- St.res attorney for the petitioner, Uis onlerid by the court that the principal interelf and colls upon the laid mortgaged premtfes be paid into court v. ith in twelve months from this date and uniefs the 1 ’■me be so ’>aii t the equity of redemption Lull thencetortta be foreclofed and o ther proceed’ngs rake place pur fua.-.r to the adl of aflfeinUy in l’uc!’- c alc made and provided ; And Uis further ordered in pui l'uance of the lud afl that ths nfto be publiflied in one of the public gazettes of this Rate at leult once in every month until the time appointed for payment, orferved on the mortgager or hi* special agent or attorney at Jeaft lix months previous 10 the time the laid morey is ordered to ue paid into court a: aforciaid- Extract from tht nun tit a this bth. March, iHo6 ISAAC CREII'S, e. t. e. c . ei tamtam Cos. Notice, THE (übfcriber, forne iinv* fiicc I't ’ * • ,<rri his rctur.i froai th- India! radon < nine tip with a JOHN IR VINT (as he culled hitnlelt) whu bad in bn potVeilton anew ncgio fel low ; from the countenance and con. vrtfation of Irvine, when inreimgvod from whence he had cone, thr man n?r in vhich he made rtV.y, toj;* the; v uli other cirannftatices of his cc?tr duct confirmed/he tabfcriher in the be. lie! ihat /ne negro had been tioleu.— H* , -r... - •• ‘ ‘ ‘ h. whs/ way he had come to thu pnfl c/_ lion cf the negro ; to which lie te turned an evaiive antwer. Thcfub’ critier to and him he had good reafon* to believe the negro baJ been ltolcn and was determined to /ak; <nc tit gto ucm him and have him advertiteo and in u.c no pc.lon claimed him within eighteen months wemu citiiei return or fell him. This is therefore to notify all per font whom it doth or may c iticern. That /he (uheriber has in his pcile;, lion /he laid new j be is about five feet eight inches aged be /ween twenty hire and *iir/y <to marks other than cn his back, which appear ro have sass red under th Cowlkin ffesk* little or no English far* he came from Carolina, but docs not know whether horn i'lor/n 01 di^uth,he indittG&ly communicate vihe ialked in wha/ w*y the mtn came by him) that he took him up in /he toad, v'tie .on his w.y to h h or o.n river or creek nearby. Hia own er or cwi.ers aie therefore requeued o j.rove the proDer/y of the negre py /barges anJ/-ke him sway. Win. Neely. Camden County on Mary's w.ver. Spt, 10. uaiiSas ;. f>R THE KZfUitUCAM. THE LIMNER, No. XXVI. 1t- -i-.*-*!. beit*-‘ mVb’ouit; | M.iij e'rCt La pudeur <jui m’attatke ; V fui. la belltfquimettiit ’ :s f .urfuiceile quife vsehe. j Efautj- may pleafi a* a toy, ’.od~ J E t Via chattily wake;. J iovea fire ; ’ The bli r . we so quickly enjoy, A; quickly w a Clift to aduiir*. I HOR ‘NCE proraifcd hie counHymon, | when about to leave them, to relurd with } the verdure of the grovre, and the hloom ! of tl.e Sowers ; but protracted h> ab sence until winter tad a ‘am difrobea tile grove of iti garn.itLrc, and the.flj.ver of its bloom. The Limner has been long absent, it is true, but having made no pron.ileof a lpeedier return, has not, like the Lcfbian poet been guilty of violating j a moral obligation. i Since my l..ft paper waa ifTurd from the prefa, I have, on different oocafions, had to congratulate myfelf on the many! peculiar advantage# wnitli an auouymoua writer enjoy a, above the author who pre- ! •ix.s lii rum to the work of intellect. Tiave tacitly heard rny lucubrations con i dernned by the fp'.cnctic and virulent, un ) til I had mentally ref-jiv.-; no longer to | retail my opinion: lor the bencht of the 1 woi'd ; when my hopes her;) sud : den'iy revived, by the rhetoric of an able ! defender, who had dlfceroin nt enough , to dt.ccvcr my beauties ; and fullicicnt i p . erolity to forgive my Uelebts. j My litem.-e tor forue Urn: part, has ’ given birth to a variety ot cu.jcCturea : ’ *;.-:e have b.-cn ot opinion, mat the , J ,:n Tier had quitted this tranlLy ! ! .e t for the infinitude ot space, v.'hiie have concluded, that he was tmployed in ] iulpectiug tbe conduct and purfutta of It bote who ccoiiitute ttie world, in ord.r to obtain a tretn tupply of n;u.e-ial to proceed with hu woilc. The moraliit need not long look around, in order to ■ find a folly to fatyrixe, or e vice to con demn. Would that he could pluck from the feeds of virtue, implanted by ihe baud ot iiifirudlipn into the youthtiu breatt, tne | dcflruying weeds of lolly ai as jihtynle to (lop the progreia oi their growth !—The mind, like the body re quitcs occafioiel recreation, and fietu tor a time from to. Rome exertion its wafting energies are invigorated ; and it returns u> its elaborate purluits with rencwea ardor. l rom my former obferva’i ns, relative to the lair, they have mod aiiuicdiy con cluded, that 1 uui tenlible of their merits ana alive to their attractions; but let them by no mean luppo c, that 1 can dis cover u > detect in ttieir appearance, or degeneracy in ibcir conduct. 1 Have fpokcu ot tnc courage ol an Arria, and a Portia ; c-t the all ctiou of Agiipina ; cl the magi n.imty end foreliglit ot a Margaret sand it 1 was inclined to difptay my historical iniuiintuou 1 might here relate, that Goroiva, the Dutciiei. < t Mercia, who lived eiuiing the clays of the Saxon heptarchy, though renowned for continence, and tamed for virtues, undeterred by hxual delicacy, and dis robed of every lpecies ot apparel exposed herfclt in tlie itreeta of Coventry, to gratify the capricioua humor of her hus band—and to save from havoc and iie v.illation thousands of her fpecics. Delicacy is a ftxud virtue, which foims one ot the molt fascinating beau tics in the female charadter : and though tins virtue was puddled by Goruiva in an eminent degree, lhe liill overcame the timorous apprehensions of (hame, when iCtnated by the maguaniaious spirit of ph antluopy. 1 might proceed to in lorm them of the lupciior urbanity, and terri likable iinccrity of Calphumia’s dm polition, and of ti>e purity and chafe nets of the unfortunate Lucrece ; but the laiihiul archives of hiltory which re cord thtii (units likcwile exn.bit to the mtntal t e beauty i veiling in voluptuous gratification, sod totaly enicileU in the giilph of impurity. I uttom amne has given man the pri vclrge of puifiling licentious eijoyawnts without a forfeiture of character ; and when s’c irfeff on the sisgic influence winch captivating beauty cooirnaJ v . r iu.ff.a:.jr or men, we can very ; can y account for the imprudence of a thought lets youth, who plunges into vice through the enticements oi harlot. Wcaietold tha the philosopher So ctatts delighted in the couverfe of the abandoned Afpafis ; and the Emperor Alimachus had the di.loiute Eiize ranic t , among the Goddeffus. Policies* nad a temple eroded in honor of the demirep Selicia. and Mark Anthony idigned a wo Id for the voluptuous embraces ol the loole C copa.ra. That society the mem bers ot which are remarkable for incon tinencc mutl confcqm ntly be computed ot vicious pei foils belonging to cadi lex, j and it will ccutinue to prevail until the \ en vu part i'te in native dignity, mine it to piefrrve their original puritv. U omen must become virtuous ia older to make ;cen to. The sneient warriors were generaity uiuiticc. to licentious pur- Gits during their rctireacot from the Genes of warfare, because the arms of degraded beauty were il-etchcJ forth r.a. y to carets th-ru ; and the licentious nefaof the peuple occatianed the down- Ull Os the greatc'.l Hates amonj, t ie dif fereid nations o; o!d. Lucias, a Gre cian poc,lamented the degenerate man nas of tiis countrymen, and declared chattily to be a rsn, and uncommon vir tue. la the prefc-nt age, the channels ■ f proliitutiou cvetfiow vi.ii the hapless cumbers oi those ciebafed wretches who oellitute of virtue, delight in msking o .kc; giitity Uke thcantclHS. juc Od ; fervation*, .v1.1.h : ; a fa Lqr.rrt quit 1 her, L imii id ref* to the iair, may ae i count for tl•’ in-.reafe ■ degraded fe ma ! -a, who r.. he vice a tra <e, an 5 fee-’ upon the 1 an:y crumb, purcaifed with the wile v/t-gci of public proititution. i a;a no diLiple f.otn the fchocl of P.a to, and 2 willd :Lim the unf.cling rpa thyofthe Cynic. I comm:!irate the frailties of n.y fellow bting3, and with the tender intcreft cf a friend will I couutti, and purfuade them. M. Id t n a Paris Paper. TO THE BRITISH NATION. A pamphlet has Ncdy ap peared from one of your prefles, lad to be writieo urider the far.ilion of y< ur miniltry, and wijic:;, front the notice taken of it, in the Journals devoted to y.ur Acminiftration, malt at I least be countenanced by them. 1 Far be it from me to i npute f'. a whoh nation, the infamy which attaches to die author and sup porters of this work. Mankind arefclaom Corrupt and proßi gate in great makes. A way-i war:, ftiort-fiqhtc .;, perfidious’ polity TOrtV diigrace a Cabinet to i pof and of ate v indiviauals, but 1 are indeed are the examples of whole Nations giving w-.y ro tne ciebaung mflutnee of k.fifh tlifuonoraJic, and dil^racelu; mot! ves. The hiflory of ihe political re htionsot ail Nations bad taught us, that interested confiderauons too o ctn entered .nto tne ciiicus :io 5 ol Cabinets, and decided :h“ fate ot Empires. Still there nad been always preferv.d fume regard for thole moral principles wmeh ought to form the basis of tht iiuercourfe 0: nations —ar.d amidst ail the flruggles of ambi tion or avarice, evesy sovereign have hitherto endeavored to cloak his oefigr.s under rh: fpe •’oas appearance of juftHie.— Hence modern history fearcelv lurnißies us an exdmple of a war, which has not been preceded by manifeftoes, in which the jußice of a war on the part of the af laiiant has br-en attempted to be lupported. It was relerved for! yjur ministry in the beginning | it the ipth Century to offer the tirft example of 3 fhameiefs a vowalof a contempt for juitice, ana ot a Lktermination to regu late its coni.uet not by a regard either to i.s own rights or the rights ot neutral nations, but by the litriple mealure of its suppo sed, i.s miag nary, and I believe it will prov., r>s falaciouß inter elts. Ti e moft bitter afperfnns of your enemies have been mild, . o npared to the infamous con feffions of your friends. No nation had conceived against vour miniflry opinions so unfa vorable. No foe had aferiked to them, fen aments so unprin cipled as this ministerial agent ; dared to avow. Leaving nr m‘enable g'-Qund the queition of right, knowing, as he well did, that neutrals had aliCddy submitted ro more than he could maintain on this point, lie enters into a cool and infa mous calculation of inter. (1, and; treats of the iighrs and priviicdg j es ut neutrals and independent; nations, a-, he would in a lpeeu-; latmn of Sugar or Coffee—. $ a | mere quell ion of expediency, in: which the amount to be- an ed was to be cooiy weighed! the quantity to be hazard, and or! loit It is oon the ground of expidtney alone, that one can meet this at: ocious enemy be caule he lias not dc’ med to n vc o c Ub a tingle argument to prev that Great C, i.a,n had a right to extend her principles agair.ft the neutral trafic. beting out there fore upon the bafiJ, that it is a mere queition ot plunder and profit which your government is now agitating, vou will itill fur-j hr ire co throw a few ideas into, the fcaie, to ihow that plunder! may beoa one fide of the bi-j iance and trai profit on the oth-> er. The only argument cf any moment advanced to snow that it is the inrereit of Great Britain to ihake off the (hackles ot ju fticc, public faith iad nurah y, 1 f-j, that the neutral: (that is th ! A-.n-:rear.- ;Jv tjj.y ato ,g are 4 inten Ui) bring the produce „ -j r nen.y’s Cclor.ies to marker I so much cheaper, that th y uh- 1 daf ii the Weft India rr,crciun*s of Great-Bntain, and thus ruin the Planters of their CarEee IR inds. Thus then, it is to pie ferve the Caribec IRunds from deftruftion, that Great-Brirain would force America into a war. And have your Ministry so soon forgotten, the distress which pre- 1 vailed in the Caribce IRands last year, when the American trade was for one moment suspended i Is it poffibje to supply your Ul ands with the neceflaries of life, wirhout the aid of the U. States r There is not an lfland in thj Weft-Indies but depreciates the idea of a war with tiic United h'taies. But a vrar wuh the U nited States will not be the con lequcnce, you fay ar.d you found you rh: Ives on the extended anal defencdUs native if their c - j mne —on the r vitijiine civjtons j —and on the fiate lJ their r v ve- j r.ue (*.). As to tac fir ft, kt me ! ai. a. e ti a you Jiitic or the American chnraetd-, aid very lir.le of their temper co wards Great Britain, if you lup pof: the property they have at ,I'eacxpofed to your rapaeftt wdi deter them from aflening 1 their right?. They know well that before your cruisers can git ad vices of the war, a large part of their veffds will beat itome, and you vail had from this moment they will be extremely ctirefui how they begin new enterprzes ilut the people of America too, that they have offenfivt as well as dcfcnilvc means, and the experience of an eight years f,*r with you has taugne them, -pat n a con.eft of mere plunder if pu chule to resort to it, rhey h|vc the advantage of you, with ail your 700 ftups of war. 1 th r.c* war of >773, poor, miftralie, unprovided, with only 15,000 leamen, they woo'd ftr ke a dxp j blow at your comineree, coui.. Nuppiy tnemfeives with ali the articles of foreign produce at a cheapei rate than you had then yourfelves, what could they now do, wuh an increased Capita! 5 ••ones g?eater than at that pinna, with So,coo feamei., with a Jd.aU hut excellent 111 • me, and wu.r -nc capacity to equip : o Bin e of the line in one ye..; for ihe deienct of their lea conn. Recollect ihai the American coalt is nut uie coast of blockades (2'), mar lor 6 months ic js noc possible to watch their harbour?, and thm during that period the r iiaiu Teamen, accullomed to ilml. dangers/would K\k ,hc:r inti, to their ports. Let ic be read- too Ciiu*. your Ginnuiuu pofl’dlions which pio u.e you more than one million j> r an num, would not again be in vain I attacked by them. Seven m>i | oons of people rich, provided with every article necessary to t war, united under one Govern nenr, ;ue noc to be compared wir.M ones. 500,000 poor ulu iiijij, divided betweeii loyalty and ItOeity, and totally unprovided with Ihe implements o! var. MalL-huiccti a one can bring into tne field in three day?: 56.000 due/ I ned Militia, ar oed and equipped, and capable of anding fervjce not like the \c : nteers of Sr. Jirr.e’s, but hardy ‘ v eorranry, • ccuilomcd to la oour and hardftiips, such rrr n rs cne Duke of Northumbetl.tmi i-.w at Bunl.c shill,and such he ■ ots as furr.mnded Bu goyue at Saratoga. New- Lnglainl count? at prelent 100,000 men atflualiy bearing arms. But we are Lid to devided i We are so, as to internal politics Jvot as to refill ?nre to foreigi VllultS WC fiaVe but GHC ie.ltl mtnt.-'Mr. Je&eri'on bears the national sword, and if it be once drawn in defence of our com rights, his internal po i rical enemies will be the find to top pore him.—Betides a mam who fnoulJ notice our internal divisions as an obkacie to a con tw.c Vr ...1 Gr;t-d,"ua;nj knows : v thing o : our intend pcktie’ lH ‘ fnould knew, that th? ma |:ority who iuppbrt Ms. jeffer -1 on, have always been v. - ilently anti-Briramc. Ic is t 1 c party oppoied to Mr. Jefferfon who are the moll largelr con cerned in trade, who will be the molt affuded by these ineafurcs, -v ho have already called loudlr upon the Government to redrcN their injuries, and who are ready to (lake their lives and fortunes i ;n support of their national rights. We arc then united on this qucftion, and Great-Britain will soon fee, that a nation who as % feeble Colonies dared ( alone for three years) to brave her powers, will not long htneare to avengs , thejr injured rights against a go vernment, who in edfence of ry sacred principle, Ihouid o penly attack them; But it is laid we have not much revenue. —To be furs we are not so burdened and crushed with ?’ss as the people of Grcrr* j Britain ; but a nation is not rich In proportion to her revenues* ; -ut in proportion to her capacity I ‘t> raile them. us examine jour comparative strength. Firit | (jreaoßritain has 14.000,000 of fubjccts. We have 7.000,000 of citizens. Her national debt is 2,200,000,000 gui sis 80,000.000 or ;n other v/o* ds hers is 14. times .grater than ours ih proportion :o numbers. Her exports arc about double the amount of ours, th ibgh ours arc as great as hers were at the beginnig of our war •vuh her. We have more than :alf the mrnocr of tons of (hip* uing that she has and more than half the number of seamen. Our j ‘ordinary revenue is about fo,- jooo,0(;0 and her ordi tary revenue ;is about 704000,000 do. In | othfcr words neither her revenue— xpoits, Hupping nor any thing •die is in as great a ratio to her debt as ours is to bur debt. Wa ire therefore richer. We have no direct tax nor an/ excift of any nature lbever. L,et us tax our* fdves (and we fliauid doit cheer fully, to preserve our rights) as muchas thelJritifh taxthcmlclves ind we can support a -war again'fc ler tor naif a century. We can ake Canida, Nova Scotia and tarve her Weft India Islands. AN AMERICAN. (r) Th? Eoglifh C overnmcßt hss ia the fsme trur.aer, ever calculated upon re ducing France by mear.s other intehine divifiano end the exhiuttion of her r-Tenue, In March 1795, Lor Auciuand de= dared in the Iloafe of Lords, that the eomniittee of public fdfeiy in France had exp .-tided more in two months than the whole atnoiint of the National Jjitv or England ! From this hit Lordihip bo U y concluded, chat it \v&i utterly im pjfi'l* for Fra nee to hold'out but a lingle ycat longer againfl the powerful arms (ht ia tilt JLovg Purfc} of England. Ia ihs lame spirit of conquering the world by cumulation. Sit Francis D’iVfcßNois has pualilhed far these ten years past, tinderthe faoCfionof the British govern ment ten lucceiive Pamphlets to prov* arithmetically, that France nmft periih the year alter—o/ her Finances. (The Arg US.) (t) V/c apprehend the author may be miittakm h- re : the American cost may be easily dlockaded as any other, by a Preciimation, (Idem, ) | T,/IKE NOTICE, ; “i'H.'vT in nine months from the caf | heieur, application will fce made i to tbs hon. the justices of the Inferior ! Court, fur the county of Bulloch, for (leave to fell all that trsdt of land, ecn taiainer 475 acres more or left, lying i* the counties of Bryan and Bulloch, the fame being part of the estate of Wrn. Slater dtc’d. Win. Slater. admVo May 6. yra* , y 2 Sheriffs Sales, WILL BE SOLD, t tht Court- LLufiy in tbc ioiu.i of E’xnf voick, Giynn C maty on the \H C 1 ittjd.y in September next, b;- tret on the lours of ten and tout o'clock, ONE sixth of Cate Wrights point, fcizcl and ti'cen undercoecu ion as the property of E. L. Hopkins to latisfy a judgement in favor of John E cl to , the above property pointed ou: by the piancifrs attorney. Conditions cf Sale C&.v, \V;-i. PAYN *, sl s. . July e£. 57