Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, August 05, 1806, Image 4

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miscellaneous. *asf - if. “skr. uSsJi :ms . aa . er.~ am n. Tfi£ TIMES. Come liTen and laugh et :he tiroes., Since folly was never so ripe ; For ev’ry one laughs at thole rhymes, Which give* bits own follies a wipe. We live in a kind of difguffe, We Bitter, we live and protest, While each of us craftily tries, Oj the other to fallen the jit. The maid when, firft lhe i woed, Returns every sigh vitn thfdain ; And while by her lover pro fried, Can laugh at his folly and p..a. But when from her innocence won, And doom’d for her virtue to mourn ; When flic finds hcrfclf 101 l and undone, lie can la ugh at the fool in hi. turn ! The fools at law do contend, Do law, h at each others diili-cfj**; j. while the dire f lit do td< Jfrad, Ne’er think thtir fortunes glow Ids. Till tired by tedious expenf-, And Hill to compound they nre loath ? But they fuid when reilored t i ti.eir sense, I That the lawyers a:e laughing at both. And fincc then wc find, ’tin the fafhi.a, For one fool ir- laugh at Ins brother, Let us try with a gm’rous companion, To corredt nut Condemn one another. We all h ive fonie follies to hide, Which known would dilhonor the bell, Aud life vv.hcn it’s thoroughly tried, Will f:em but a bubble and jest. Jixtratl from Carr's Northern Summer. A, a frfi in England always iru.inda ais of a feafl, I will just vivc abriel’ lkcu h of a Euftian <*.inncr, which is feidom later than 3 o’clock : upon a fide boar'i in the drawing roo n is ai %vayi j iacetl a table file.! with fi!h, meats, and fan! „>rs ialtcd, jiicklcd, at and i nouked, bread and Latter, and liq “irsy thtie n;v nothings are mere running foot men ot the dinner, which is in the foil rwing order : a cold dilh generally ot llurgcon or fame other fish, precedes, followed by loup, & ‘.umber oi made diflies a piofufton of roc ft; and boiled meats, among!! which the Ult imo l i-i t is ditiinouilhable, and abundance of excellent vegeta bles j then paftiy, and a ddert t>( very line melons, and four flavoriefu wall fruit: the table is •covered with a variety oi wines, and beer and a!c. Jhe mailer ol ihe houie or a coo’ carves, and of ecry dilh arc hi ided round to the gudls. One of the ntolt gratifying thm s that l always law upon the üb;e was a large vale of ice broken into ltnall pieces, with w. ieh the pudl cools liis wine and beer, in the yard every Ruffian fccuie has two large cellars, one warm for winter, the other filled with ice for the him ner. Tne soup ttnd coffee, and chocolate art ir :q irntly iced. One day at dinner, i U bv a loved Rujjhn lady, that is, born in Kuilia, but oi German parents •, the c.v ia mcioti will lave me a remark cuibairafling to galhrury. and which 1 with to avoid, ichped ing the beauty of the proper ivuf lin women, at Irait oi thole whom 1 liiw. ‘This accomphlh* ed woman, tn my own language s puic as ever it fell from an English lady’s lips, requested jonne laic } upon my preicntmg it lhe laid, “ Whenever you give 1 tit, never fail to /mile ; it is a lupirtticious culture in Kuliia” Ajsxile is in this country conli dered as a charm againlt poison. Heavens 1 sorely they have not to learn that “ A man may lmlle, may finite, ami be a villain.” Tin/ have a beautiful proverbial expreflion : •• banter, Cut never make the cheek uJ.” Nature f*as less to do with climate than library golTips fup pole, at lealt I tnoeght lo when I committed the following blun der i “ You never law my Sop Irinka betorc,” laid Madame -poiutir.g to a hnc iiule girl at table, about ten year3 oi hge, “ H.e is your daughter , 1 presume r” “ Madame L s laughter !” exclaimed a gentle men, “ surely that cannot be, she is more like your fifer.” The faft was, the child was nei ther daughter nor filter, but a little visitor. The result was, that tiie principal part of Ma dame L ’s enchanting con versation dinner was with drawn from me, and addrelfed to irsc gentleman whose error was tire n.oft fortunate. After a lew gJaffes of delicious wines, tii mpagne included, the hdy rife-, and the company retires to toficc in the drawing room. The rooms of relpedtuble houses are never papered, but where tne sides are ndc covered with fiik cr cotton, Colortd in a L i liant and beauiuui n'anner to relemble papering, I.i this act the natives are uncommonly talteful and r -pid. * t M -Mppmiwk; tusati tiuß NOTICE* l '’s"'l!iS lublcr;S.:ri cilice is kept in Rar- J. nurd ftrect, adj oining Ink d-.velling ; where he will be fnuid from nine o'clock in f ti.t until balfpaU one. J . fl dRitiALL, City Trcil/urer. July 19 jt. 9b. 30 Dollars Tcvvaid } 3 AN AW AY fro-n the lubferiber o: tlie \ 1 ,ih February lull, ay u .g negro worn an . aine.i NELLY, the is ulv.ut 5 1 et two or • liree inches high thick made, has remarka ble thtek lips, and black teeth, winch r..a- ve ry far apart, and hips much w.ieu She is well known about town, neve ih may te enticed to wot k; aril is luppolen 1 ■ bo iuuboietl at times about the O pi a.i Ilnm'k and .Vir. Wdkmfon’s plantation near Savan ivali. The an. ve reward wil be given to any peif .-.i who wih deliver hci to tt.e Jai erm sav ‘tiiiah, or iuiorm the lubferiber where lhe may be taken. Wm. Stephens. March a 5 - w 60 Dollars Reward / STOL EN or KU N AWA Y TJ'SvOM the fubferiber, a Ne j_’ gro Giri, named MARY, about fifteen years of age, well grown, black complexion, piea fing countenance, large breasts for her age, cloaihed with a cal- ; co and white wrapper, bur had others, has a mother at Mr. Rodnaans, in Savannah. A. Howard of TEN DOL LARS will be paid lor her de livery to me or in jail ; Thirty Dollars on conviction of her be ing harbored by a white person, u twenty if by a negro. Captains of vdieisare hereby cautioned a ■ -iiUt carrying her out of this it ate. ROBERT JORD \N, k July 8 c > SHERIhF’ - ...S ) V the fird id vin August r.e •/, tt.ii/ be Jol t at the Conrt- ILufe in ibis ctty,b t.iejn the hours of t;n n ,and lb ee c'liak. A NEGRO’ WOMbN, na mod Sarah, t..k.en under exec 11 ton as the property ol }v h i Cooler, at the suit ol Bog gert and Mansfield. T. ROBERTSON, s . c. c. July 4 89 Eheritf s Yales. On the ii ‘7 Ur/day in Augttft next, i liven the hours of 10 and 3 o'clock, BE SOLD, A llorfe and home houleholJ furniture, levied on as the pro p-tty of George Holdback, to liiusfy executions. Alfa, a negro boy, named An tony, on as the property ot Doctor Samuel M’Cormick. former sale not complied with, A negro wench named Miro, levied on as the property of doc tor John Love, to latis'y ieveral executions, at the iui e of Wil liam Shaw, former falc not com plied with* A negro wench named Com fort, levied on as the pro; ertv ol l imothy Freeman, Continued from July sale. A r.egro wench and her child, levied on as the property of John Fooler, Efqr. Conditions, Caffs in thirty min utes after bid cjf, cr re -ic'd . JOHN WILLIAMS, sc 1 , July 4 l* 1 PROPOSALS, FOR. carrying the Alai's of th> United States on the following Post Roads , will be received at tbr General Pojl-Ojfice, until tie firJi day of Auguit next , in cluhve. IN GEORGIA. From Savannah, by Ebenezer 3c Jackfonborough to Augusta, once a week, LEAVE, Savannah, every Friday at 8 o’clock a. M. and arrive at Au gusta on Sundav at 3 p. M. LEAVE, Augusta every Tuesday at 3 A- M. AND ARRIVE, At Savannah, on Thursday at 3 o’clock, p. m. from Augusta by Wayncfborough and Louis ville to Savannah once a week, LEAVE Augusta every Thursday, at 2 p. m, and arrive at Louisville on Friday by 10 a m. LEAVE Louilvi’le on Friday at it a.m, AND ARRIVE AT Savannah on Sunday at 6 p.m LEAVE Savannah every Monday at 8 A. M. AND ARRIVE AT Louisville on Wednesday by 9 A. M. LEAVE Loui vftle !a uedy at to a. m AND ARRIVE AT Augusta on Thursday by ic A. M. FROM Savannah by Bryan Court houie, Midway Church, Rice ■>■ rough, M’lntoih Court-houie, Darien, Frederica, Jeckyl island r.ud Dungeonill to Saint Mary’s once a week. LEAVE Savannah, every Monday it S o’clock A. M. ANDARRIVE At Saint Mary’s every Thurs day at 10 OVIO k a m. LEAVE Saint Mary’s every Thursday at 2 p. m. ARRIVE AT Savannah, die next Sunday at 0 p. M. FROM Jeckyl Island to Brunswick once a week. LEAVE Jeckyl Island ivcry Thursday j it 3 A. M j ‘ AND ARRIVE AT Brunlvick. fame day by 10 o’clock A. M LEAVE Brunswick fame day at a P. M. AND ARRIVE AT ftr xyl lame day by 6 o’clock I*. M. k ■ ■■ NOTES. I. The P;>ft-mnfler general rray e peflitc the :ia ‘s and alter the time* of arrival an j departure at any time daring the continuation of the con trails, he prcvii.nfly itpubtnrr aa adequate com panfj for any nt ra expenle that may be occasioned til t. by. i. Fiftetii mu.u es shall he allowed I for opening aud doling the mails at all j ■ slices where uo particular tune w tpeci ■ ued. 3. For every thirty minutes delay (unavoidable accidents excepted J ia ar riving after the time preferibed in any eontraCl, the contractor lhaii forfeit on j ooiiai ; and if the delay continue until the departure of any depending mail, whereby the mails dcitined for such de pending mail lole a trip, an additional fortcii.ure of five collais Hull be incur red. 4. Newspapers ej .veil as letters are to be sent in the mail ; end if any per son, making prop dais, to carrv newspapers, other than those conveyed in the mail, for Lis own emolument, he mull llate in his prepofais, for what turn he will carry it with that emolument, and for what sum without that emolument. 5. Should any petfon, making pro potals, desire an alteration of the times of arrival and departure above fpccitied, he mull llate ia his proposals, the alter ations defined, aud the difference they will make in the terms of his contraA. 6. Perlons making proposals, are cefi red to Hate the r prices by the year.— Those who centra A will receive their pay quarterly, in the tn inths of Februa ry, May, August, aud November, cue month attcr the expiration of each quir ter. 7. No other than a free white person , Stall be employed to canrey the mail. 8. Where the prepofer inter,,to J convey the mail in the body of a fiage ( cariiage, he is desired to Late it ia bis { propofais. 9. Tt.e Pod-mailer general rtfervrs to himfelf the light of declaring any contract at an end whenevar three fail, ures happen, which amount to a loss of a trip each. 10 The contrnAi for thefc routes are o be in operation on the id day of October next, and to continue i> force for two years, from that time. Gideoa Granger, POST-MASTER GENERAL. General Pod Office, IVafhington-City , April 26. GEORGIA. By his Excellency JOHN MIL LE.DGE, Governor and Com mander in Chief of the Army (ft Navy of this State (ft of the Militia thereof. A PROCLAMATION.- T T 7 HERE AS in and by an yfy aft; palled the nth of Febiuary, 1799, entitled “An a£t to regulue the General E ledtions in this state, and to ap point the time of the meeting of the General Assembly,” it is a- \ mong other things declared “ That all writs of debt ions to fill vacancies that may happen for members of the General Ai lernbly of this state, or Houft* of Representatives of the United Ycates, shall be diieftcd to the Justices of the Inferior Courts ol the refpedive tounties, who are required to give public thereof, and catife the fame to be held in manner and form as herein before pointed cur, agree ably to such writ.” And whereas, a vacancy hath happened in the Haufe of Re prefencatives of the U. States, by reason of the refignat on of the honorable Jofepn Bryan, who w.;s cledted and comn ifiioned to lerve as a member therein, ; foi this state, until the fourth day of March next- I have therefore thought proper to idue this my Proclamation, hereby notifying, dir eel ing and ordering the jufti- j ces of the Inferior Courts of *he relpeftive counties in this Irate, to con Oder the fame as a gecera; writ of election for filling the a forefaid vacancy. And I do hereby charge and require the laid Justices to give due notice that an election for the pu/pofc aforefaid, will be held in ths* r. f pective counties, on Monday the fit ft day of Sept ember next. And I do hereby further ire quit t cTc luch returns of laid election, as the aforefaid act points but, bt made ro the Executive Depart mcnc within the time preferibed. Given under my hand and th: great seal of the state, at the state house in Louisville , this twenty eighth day of June, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and six, aud of the in - dependence of the United States of A,ner,a, the thirtuth. JO FIN MILLi-DGE. By the Governor- * Hor : M.ißburv, ; (92. itt’4.) Secretary if the Hate. i Marjhal's Sales, ON the fir ft Tuifday in Au gust next, wif he sold at the court-boufe, in Savannah, ALL thc Plantation’ con taining joo acres, called Uouglafs, near Point Peter, in Camden county, Georgia. ALSO, Seven Negroes, viz, Bofbn. Jack, Naticy, Jenny,Sally, Han nah and her child ; levied as the property of Thomas H. Mil ler, to fatisfy a judgmen? o! Benjamin and Joseph Strong, obtained againlt Maclcod and Miller. Two Negroes Charles and Rachel—A Mo, (undry articles oi Placed Ware, Jewelry, &c. Alio H •ufehoid and Kitchen Furni rure, levied on as the property of Joteph Rice, to latisfy ( cn exe cution in favor of John Hill. The fcock in trade of Abra ham Woodside, confining o’ Dry Goods, Hardware and Cut lery, ro fatisfv an execution ob tained by Wm. Woodside. B. WALL, m. n.c. May i l. b 8 TlXf flavored ! Mcchoa COFFEE, Superior It any oiler kind, at 1/9 per tt. ALSO THE . Stock in Trade, OF the fubferibers, at the moft reduea®. prices, wholesale and retail. Privete famU lies will find their intereil m applvmg for Groceries, Wines Cc Liquors* BAYLEY & HARMAN. N T o. 6, Exchange. July 1 r 91 Notice is Hereby Given, That the Coparnerihip carried on her* b f William Dixon, James Dick** ion and George Penny, * Under the firmof James Diciiok, &C expired, by its own limitation, on the i£k ir.ltant; those who have any demands a gainst the concern will pleafeprefent them* and those indebted, are rtqutftsd to make payment to James Dickion, who is au. honied to fettle the affairs of the, concern. William Dixon, jaines Dickson, George Penny. In future the btifmefe v/i!l be contin* led b- William Dixon 5c James Dickion I under the firm of James Dickson, Sc Cos. June 30 83 {TREASURY DEPARTMENT * OF THE UNITED STATES, June aI, ißos. TT7HEREAS the Commis \ V Loners of the linking Fond, at a meeting held on the iSch day of April, 1806, did re solve, that the sum remaining to expenditure of the annual appropriation of EIGHT MILLIONS OF DOLLA RS, Eould among other purposes be applied to the reimburlemenc of ch; NAVY SIX PER CENT. STOCK, created in pursuance of-an act of Cong rest, pafifed or, the 30th day of June, 1798, and ;o the reimbui fe nenc of the FIVE AND HALF PER CENT, STOCK, created in puriuance of an ait of Cuntrrefs, paFed on the 3d day of March, ihia 11 therefore to give no* ice, than the pr.ncipal of th laid NAVY SIX PER CENT. SIOCK, with the interest due thereon, will, on surrender of the certificates, be paid on the ift day of October next enluing the date hereof, tr> the refpediv® itoci* holders or their lawful re prefentativts or attornies duly corlliant'd and authorized, ei ;htr at the Treasury or ac th* Loan Office, as the case may be, where credits have been given for the amount of stock, r, fpecbvcly held by them : and that the principal of the FIVE AND HALF PER CENT.* h 1 OCX, with the interest due thereon, will in like manner, and at the fame places, be paid on ihe jft day of January, 1807, to tne refpedive stockholders, or their lawful representatives or attornies duly constituted and authorized. it is further made known, for the information of the parties concerned, that no transfers of rhe NAVY SIX PER CEN T \ dIOC K, eitht r from or to th® dooks of the Treasury, or from or to the books of a Commis sioner of Loans, will be allow ed after the ift day ol September ensuing. And the incereft oa all certificates of (aid flocks, which (hall not have been sur rendered, in pursuance of thia notification, will cease and de termine, on the day preceding the day hereby fixed for the re imburfcrr.ent thereof ALBERT GALLATIN, Secretary es the Trtofury. .My >5 93 ts 3 o LON A VENTURE ! THIS Hegzr.t retreat, about four mile* frotn Savannah, on Wailiw river is offered on a lease for fix. or f e v e years, for the bench? of the heir, a mi i or, on tenr3 that veill fait those incli ned to polTefs so valuabl a jieee of grourc, t well calculated for health at for pl-afore and modt. Appiv to IVm. STEPHENS, 1 “ A\ TURXBtJLL, S Gki*rd‘aß -9 f WAN riTL A Kirt attesd a Oral I ohi’d at taia o%;e. Mays*