Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, August 08, 1806, Image 3

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LON DOM, May and —is T!ie Earl of St. Vincent, ■with the fleet tin i: r his command, t*** Issi v-'feli on Sunday 1-Ul, ff fireil. Admiral Harrey, wth five fail of the line and frigates, is cruiiing ori Cape Fini itcrre, for the purpose of intercepting lome of the foiiil iquadrons which the enemy is known to kare a-lea. Ti; di(hatches received on Tucfday, from JnJba, ftatetfct a definitive treaty pflato --; 1 been Ugtted with Sc ndii, l<i ’ t.iit there 1* ry’ v rexioß to expect trie ftjfcmiffioa of Hoi kar. . , , . a . The. French p r ne, taken by Sir j UijLworth, has arrived off Scilly, under ju ry rrftSt*- She was i.i couiiJarable danger of | fouoderin.T dorins- her pafl'age, and wss obliged JT ;<J throw :.;r iewer deck gun, overboard. The Lively arrived on Thursday at Plym outh, with difpatchc, for lord Coilingwood, and inv.ught home geneval Sir J. Craig and fwte injfp Medina. The Lively left lord C-A fc IsgWV.STttuimg off Cadiz a fortr..;H* ago, at r, c h time he uot been joined by Admi y * ‘ considerable reinforcement of French pi ha, it appears, arrived at Senegal, for ~ > pu-pole, a, is lupptfed, of making an at ty.ipt againil Goree. Advic- has been rec -ivrd, that the fqnadroa •which failed from Cadiz U the 7th of March, eonfifliag cf four large Vigate and a brig, were lull of troops, and Actnalled for feveu moutht. They are fupp.ifod to be bound for the Id- of fra:i ce. > I : pyarr Hr.tilh frigate i.a, r.l -ady captured the li g. T* f ench have i.iw ti J madrons at fee.; namely that under Jerorti<• ’.(parte and Ad. miralGwilUtur.e,conlif.<<|’ o: theV. --so of fa tuns, r >udroyant 8-1, Majestic JEole S ,’gt‘tueuz, C.dior and Patriot of, 1 i inns, 4 art ■>. corvette, which failed from Bretl on the I4th cf£fc:cmber—knothb* hptadro'i, coinprifiug Lx fail of the line, which iailtd Ironi ffrelt in Joann:y, not Cnee heart if. fourth, the Regu iatut, 80, President fly befit, of 40, and furred* leante, which failed from L’Oriciit Srh Novem ber, znd were to the loath ward of the line on the 26th January. Fifth the fyauron of frigates l which failed from L’Orie it the 27th Match; and iaftly, the iquadrou of frigates which failed fc ora Cadiz the 7th March. Independent of the Channel and Cadiz fleets, ■there Brethren. fguudrons at sea in efieft oftiie enemy s Betti—viz. eigut lad of the line under the orders of Sir J. Warren, Si fail with Ad miral Harvey, and fix with Admiral Sterling. The perr.nflion given by the Government of Vrenna lor 40,000 French troops to pass through the into Dalmatia, is faidin the French papers to have been announced to the I'.ulfirn Amboffudor at Vienna. Dilpatchea have been rtneived.frr-’n our min- Lter at Conltantmciple, which completely con- Ir-.lifit she French rumour of 1 eoolneft be tweei: Rufiia a..d the Port*.'—The neutrality cf the Porte i stated to have beta guaranteed l y Rufila.aad the r.iTurance that, if any atcempt be made by the French armies to I’cnetrate the Ctloman Suites on whatever grot-us or pre text, the Grand li.-nior promillei to give a free j’-idige tn t!ie Remans through any part ot his dominions —Some changes nave lately beta made in the Turki'.h Cabinvt, cakrUted to en cvnrage thitdifpoition. letter from an Officer tir locrd the L'-n . and r., Port Praia Bur, St. j April 6, iSo6. } “ Oar fleet have arrived here to water, af- I ter she capture of the French Admiral JLinois’s flog fliip Marengo ana the Belle Petrie, but as we find water only for the necelfary confump f tion ot the day we have orders to Tail to the 1 Western Ule, to take ia the neceflary supplies Cur late espture was accidental—tie French Admiral fell ia with, and almost raj on board si in the night of the 12th of March; and fup jpofmg ue to be an East ladia convey, did *ot perceive his m:fluke till the Loruian, which [ was well to windward with the frigates came ■with every fail fst', alongfifs of the ‘ Marengo before dawn of light, on the 13th, and poured is broadside into her before ihe found her er ror ; otherwise ihe muS have escaped from her great luperiority in failing. Linois appears to be a well bred officer—he is but iiightly woun ded—He bad numbers of Lafcars and Indian marines on board which we have diflributed through eur squadron.” May 12. The Lords in Council have come to a ref lation to recommend to his Majesty, to take ff the embargo on Hatnbro’ and Olden burgh veifels. This measure has not yet gone through the neceflary formalities, but no do bt, in a day er two, thcfe channels for trade will again be •pened. The Ifon. Mr. Ezrdly Mr. Edward Hol land, and three ladies, detained in France fmee the commencement of the’ war, landed a few days ago at Fowey. The Dutch government has lately made fain- severe regulations for preventing persons iot domieihated in Hodand from taking ad vantage of their occaiional reiidence in the ports •f the republic to fend packets or letters to | in country. The luted account from the channel fleet same down on \v edntlday luff, when they were lc;t off Brest, by the Mary schooner, cupt. Weft ( lake, arrived in the Mounts Bay. The several .sruizing Iquadrons which have been detached Jfrom (he main body have reduced it to flx fail - <s! the hne and four frigates. The Mary was 1 clofeiu with tut harbour of Bred, on Tues day, that several ‘hot from the b_tteries flew •ver her. Capt. Weftiake could plainly count h Lul of the line in the outer harbour, but “ in u ve:y disorderly date.” A French frigate (la 1 opaze, it is supposed) was fortunate enough et in, a few days ago, though chaced by she ...petu.'ux and another snip. June ii, Low Melville's case continues to oc cupy!;;: whole attention of the Lords, • T, ’V’ & OQ with clofsd doors, .j* ckven or twelve o'clock at night. Much warn (’route is, it is said fiicwn * , tuefedifcuffbns. Besides the lauguage that haj puffed between two etnineot law Lords, * Noble Vifccunt and another Matqyi* ere reported to have uiVd expref fbng toeaeh cthr which rendered it ne ,cefiary to retire imtnedialdy for the pur. poCe of explanation ; but we are happy ij fey the iaterpofi ion of friends is ttated . to have prevented the matter from pro ceeding to any extremity. It is further n ported, that the quellioi Jus been put to the judges, as to hay far the iil ot parliament icgulatiug the tnanner of drawing the money from the bank, violated by Lord Melville ; nuu that the opinions are tavoraLlo to the Noble Lord, It is not yet known whan judgment will be given. There are fymptoni, we think, of a fpiitting between the Foxites xnd the Sydmouth party. Mr. Bund, who be lung to that parly, hat rcligned the cfhcr f Judge Advocate, bccaule, it is laid, Se ra# required to isake fis* rcpajts to a ?.fiNt?.ry Board, Mai of ir..t<J. r t!i m 1 s? his did, directly hie klajerty. We fee no poo ; rcafon f i departlng'froni the cuiloryi which hae been ohferred of late years. But what is thia Military Board? Where is it? What members comoofe it ? W: hea-ed indeed i a great deal before ihe prefenf rninitters came into power, of a Military Board or Council to b: attached to the Comman der in Chief. They were supposed to tnukc it a j’ne qua r.on —Tl.ry acquired, . and juflly nr opinion, no imal; degree of by ;the pertinacity wih which they were believed to !uv. ‘inCaed on that point. But r.o sooner did they : get into power than the <t:hj ft f emed to 1 b; entirely drjppcJ, and the Military | Board or Council to be no long ir thou a!, t ! of. J PHILADELPHIA, Ju’y ?j. Particulars rtfperdng the French end Britfh fret; off St. Ti-om.u, On tsuiday the Mit of July, Cnptain mtcrion, being i a the harbor of St. l>ad been rumored for j fume day past, that the French fl.,et u idcr a i- each Admiral, Jerome Bona pirir r min aiding one of the ships, in tfn :rd ‘o H'Smy the R.-itifh M.rchant *ei>( -on : M\.ng 0 t i.f.j r 20Q foil, then ar r.'.-d ut Jor to,a, in order to colleft the 2 sliest erv v tvj pTTCCCCci to f.aiopej which occasioned crnildera hlc c:aun ;n the jfliad. shout iz o’clock, a large Clip horc in fight, and another followed—ft they continued following till fix fail of the line were in fi rht, ail’d one trigate ; they in palling (hewed no colours, except one wuh a tri-coloured flag at her fore topinsfi head, they 1? 1 a!i fail let; att Enghfh frigate followed them dole on t..cir heeh, and foot) after four British fail of the line followed them, aud as they raffed, fhewid their colours—nji being afhemed of them. The French went throu h the fail ■ Reck, pr.ffage, and ftpod to the north- I ward, the Britilh fleet hove too, not for j r.ny diiafter having happened to the Brit ifli fleet at before tmrutoned, hut to wait for the two frigatrt, that had not joined tiiern ; the Look-out British fri gate kept up with the French fleet, and was tone time within gun (hot.—-The French fi-et were lying with their head* to tli’. no thword, the Britilh fleet with their’* to the iouthward. Ihe French confided rs four of 84 guns, and two of 7 j-guct, and one large frig a e—the Britifa of time cf 74 gun#, and cus of 64 guns, arid three lrigatrs ; they \ve:e about three leagues apart when the Governor M‘Kean left them ; 1 file vss overhawled by the French fl-et, and diimiffedf about 7 p. m. and left the ‘ Lucy, ci Wilmington, lying too to be overhauled after leveral shot being fired at her from the French Admiral'i ship. Admiral Cochrane has thus far fuccced ed in driving this fleet off, and preferv mg Tortola, and a valuable fleet of rncr ebautmen. *— -"mt&sr—— BURLINGTON. (Ve -mont) Jsly 9. J We are indebted to an obliging norrelTpon den’, for the following account of an event f toe mou tragical nature, which occurred at Cavaan lit Connefticur, on Tucfday tht -6th u timo. “ Ajvouny man by the name of Jf ;iac Baldwik, had been for feme time partially ceratjgell. On Wednesday the astb, he pur chafed alarg* two bladed knife ar.d a quan t.ty of Uudanum, ansi let out from Latch field for Canaan, where he lodged at on* Dr. Root!,. The doctor u seams lives near A house in which a febool was taught by a Miss Steel*. Immediately after her fchoo] was at night, Baldwin went to the fchooliiotifa, where he found this young lady writing at hertab e alone —seized her by the bair, and wjth the knife he had porchafed for the purjrife, cut her throat in the moll Blocking manner, took ofl'on ear, and in Ififled two dp and dangerous wounds in lur shoulder. As flie flruggled to efcnpe from hint, he threk her upon tie floor, jumped upon her, and itabbed her in the back in ten or and flersnt places. Twice he plunged his blnde lb detp that it perforated her iungi.—Her fhrleks alarmed Dr- Root, who went to her affiiiauce and found her weltering in blood. Baldwin fled <0 the woods and drank his laudanum, bat it had not tht desired effect He was taken about mid.ight, and is now lodged in jail. His delirium wiii probably fereen him from pumfhment, but we are informed there is a itrong concatenation of circumffances to [irovc a deliberate intention, and as venom ous niiL.ce as tl.e colrfefl \i .a. 1:a ctiu.c. engen der. It is ftid that several years iince he became acquainted with Miss Steele, and adrireflcd her, bui flie declined his attention, that he lately heard file w as soon to be mar riedto another, and that this circumstance I is supposed to have wound him up to luch I a height ts desperation and ruiEun cruelty. The y ting 1 lady ltili survives, but the prol peft of Iter recovery is by no means flatter ing. She lays, that when he entered the houle and advanced towards her, he said, fl bn -.e we cannot live together, Eliza, vve will die together” For leveral days previ ous to hi, committing the crime, Baldwin was much more rational than he had been, ior fever a! mondis : tut ir. a d.fperate mo ment he has ruthlelhly cut off a rcfpedtable and amiable young lady from all her prof pecis of happinefa m tins life, and probab.y life ilfelf. SHERIFF’S SALES. ON the \Jt Tuesday ia Sep'r. next, wilt BE SOLI), at the Coutt-houfe in (hit city, between the hours of \o and % o'clock. 3 A negro man named Bachus, :aken under execution as the property of William Barnard, -mder lundry execution;, poin ted cur by the defendant. Sold 2t the rifqcc of the for mer purchaser. T. ROBERTSON, s. c. c. My 3° 89. j wts. :.Fi:'sy!.iJXLMSaj.w'ii i, jasl 1 gsg' j REPUBLIC AN. j SAVANNAH, August 8, 1806. ; .woo. ‘--erizaE.awussattatiziissaHii£i j The means taken by the federalifls in Con nedicjt ta pteferve their afcer.dencr, are Inch as cannot fail of exciting the deteflatron of every man v.hofe lireaft is warmed by humci.ity, cr who feels indignant at the war.ton and malig nant appreffion of innocence. They are such as no party will use whole principles are founded on the broad te’is of truth and civil equality More forcibly than language they demonstrate, that who use them are senlible, that fair means j ‘• ill not preserve them from that inglorious ob- U'-urity into which their bretheren in iniquity ’ have fallen before them. 1 It is a truth, which we do not wish to derr, as it furniflivs at leaf! one argument in favor of lepublicar.iiitt, that :i majority of die rich men i-i New-Euglaud are federal. Thcle men pof. lefft-j a large ihare of influence over tliofe who depend upon the labor of their lianas for lub fiftence. It is folly to suppose tliat this in i’ fluence is everted for any other than felfifh jair pofes. In Conueiflictit, it is exerted to Centroul j the votes ofnhofe who are called freemen by the eonflitution, so that the present rulers nuy Ibe continued in power. If any one dil'covers j a spirit of independence—if, possessing the i!.ig jii’.ty of a freeman, he presumes to think and ad> 1 for hnnfelf, or to cenlure the conduift cf thofc j whom fortune, truly a blind and capricious god j defs, Lis placed above him, he is lure to feel 1 the efluff of their vengence ; and, if a combina ■ ’ tion of malignant cunning, abandoned villiany tht* <it d*fj>vrtxtamai have fßfllCieiU •power,hi? itctitiia to he ruined. ) These rentaks were occasioned by reading an i account of the treatment of Mr. Osborn, editor 1 c.i the “ Witness.” This gentleman is a repub lican, the federalift therefore hate him : he is a man of talents, tliey therefore fear him; lie has prelumed to exercile those talcuts in tic I ca _ufe of liberty—they have therefore deter mined to Jtilroy him, or to deprive hi. party ot the benefit cf hi. services. for this purpose ; he has been accused of pubiifhing a libel, been triad by a federal court, and fined a larger luni | than he -*.:i able to pay. In confequencc of I tilts inability he was committed to prison Mu treatement there lias been in the highefl degree opprtflive and inhuman. Though the j law confiders him merely as a debtor, he has ! been confined with two criminals, one of whom i hat been, and the other is to be, tried for life, in (a. iinall damp cell with only one crevice to ad jrrit the air, or through which he may be seen |by hit friends. And though this treatement ! has had * fcafible tiffed upon his health—thou -h |a committee of the republicans in the town where he is confined, have remonstrated to thii goaler, requelled of him that he may be allow-) ed the liberty of the gaol and tendered fufficiJ cut bail that such privileges fhailnct beabufedl yet he, direded by his mailers, hat 1 efufod ] and even tlie privilege of attending publid worlliip, which was earnestly foficited° by the] pr foner, was denied him, the’ an ir.tiabitant of* the pious slate of Connedicut. We are happy to find that this treatment ha. notdeprelfedthe spirits of fdr. Ofborn,nor sha ken his independence. Li! e a genuine disciple , jof liberty, he remains unm ived by t.he threats ! land oppreflions of the petty tyrants ofConnec-i j ticut. He doles an account of the treatement j ihe has received with the following paragraph j Whatever pretences the (heriff may make ; I I aw convinced there is a double defigtt in his | conduct—to interrupt my editorial labors, and to walte my health and spirits by extreme rigor. But if God gives me tolerable health the/ ihall be disappointed ; if not, the ltt dalh offfiy pen Ihall bt employ ad in recording the bypocrify & villainy of J unto, who have too long perverted the feelings and irapofed on the credulity of a virtuoua people.” W l alp'.le Olffervatory. Britain la unquelfiouably the mot Hr* country of federalifls; they love ih t British conflituLen, that flupendoua fab ric of human invention ; they love fSritifh common law, and they lcve the British treaty. How liiliculoua would it be for sons, who had profeffed rever ence for their mother while living, to meet on the anniversary of her death to recount all the inffances of her hafly tem per and imprudence and ail the incidents of her last sickness aud death, and then fv/ing their hats and huzza, bccuufe the old lacy was dead. Ia it lela ridiculous for Royalists and federalifls to meet 0:1 theannavarfary of independence arid to read publicly the history of British cp prvfilona in this country and to call king George “ a tyrant, unfit to be the ruler of a free people !” Can federalifls v.ifh to recall to view the burning of Fairfield and the Jersey prison (hip ? They have cogent rcafons for sealing the 4th of ju* ly from Republicans ; their all ia at fbke : the charter of Chailca 11. is in danger I IVitnfr. A letter from Martinique, to a gentleman in Norfolk, dated June 26 ti:, fays— “ American and French pro duce— (indeed, F m.ty fay, every article of import)—low, while the produce of this island is com. paratively high. Sugar 6 to 7 dollars p-r cw'. 5 Molasses 30 cents per gallon. A cargo of good Ciarcr, from New-York, fold here yesterday sz 21 dollars i hogfhead,and at 4 dollars per Fiour is on the decline, 9 dollars in barter is the price this day. 6'hingles 7 dollars hi. Corn 3 dollars 50 cents per bb!s.” Ex troll of a letter from a gentleman in Londen to his friend in Philadelphia. “ The Evangelical Magazine ia undoubtedly the moft popular magazine# pt t pubhlhH. Twenty thouland aie printed every month, at Gd ftei ling a number. Seme of the number, have to undergo a second edition, and that for January left a third. The profit# of this work are devoted to the wiaowa of evangelical mini sters, among whom, since ics commencement, between 3 and 40001. have been dntnbuted. A great t-fte prevail# for religiou# reading# and the precious Gospel i#fpreading into every comer of the Country. A ntiffionary spirit re markably prevails; and a converted Jew prea che# to lu# countrymen ev batutdiv, the uu- I fvtrchzbb richet of Caxar.” !... AUCTION. 02* Tuejday next, tht 12 h inf. rr-rt a r toz.r> at my AuSioo Store mariei.fquare, A rRACr Ol FOUR KfNDRKtJ AN O - A 1 nett ackr* or i.and, lituate in Ihe ;,d diffncfl Wavr.e Couniy, Attached to which is nn etce'ient hii|| Sire ; the wa-ec course cm nyrmy into the Ala.’tma ha river. A Plata may be seen on applicati on to I-liVT ABRAHAMS, xv.c-Pm. Atlgllft H, yy 00 Tons SIVEEDS IRON , A SSOIITKD of round, iqttare, and flat ■C m. bars of-various nementions. lull if. cevod by the Blip Abeon*. c ,„ f . S hav.-, from Cope rib agon, and wifi be fold i,v 1,-v ----or Imall quantities, at a low price if fid toon, for ready money cr town noits at uo-i dates: R. ft I. BOLTON. _ so ft 99 . BENj. & CIiAS. BROOKS, Have * w w Per B>i s Geor gia and Schooner REMi‘Z— ’TA AC a nd, fom N Tort 20 iEixes Candies 53 1.0 Soap do Kt r.s Dutch powder 5 Pipes braruiy 2 do. Gin no Half Flour so Bb!s Mai 11 a Wine 9 Chests H, foil Tea i 8 Hhds. and 24 bbls, sugar ,1 Hhds. and /g do, loaf do. 20 Bbls, Piiot bread 20 Kegs Crackers, 21 hich m addition to their formerff"tply of Groceries and Dry G cods, they c.jfa for jalc on tern t favorable topu, chafer.. August 8 3 t 95 AdrmniftratiH’s Saks. ON Saturday lbs 2 \fi StviGvbcr r.cKty will be fold at Authcn, in the Town cf St. Marys, cr. the j rtmi es, A DWELLING HOUSE no tv occupied by Mrs. Knight in the “J own aforcfaid, situated on Wheeler Street. ALSO, Sundry articles, of House hokl furniture, la'.e the property of Capt. Peter Knight deccalVd. on a credit of 2 and 4 months, payable in fmal.l approved notes, JOHN ROSS, Aaminijlr tutor . Aufiti'l t 59. no nee. TTY HOSE who have clairrs 1 agaitift thf* Estate of Peter Knight deceased ; will please render them without delay } and chafe indebted, are requeued to maKe payment to JOHN ROSS, Admi.d/trator. St. Marys, Augujt i 99 J le’ rew Congregation. AN election of officers for the f’e bretv Congregation, will he held on Mon day the 18th inst. between the hour* of \2 A. M. and 2 p. m. DAVID LEION, p. u. c. Augult 5. 3t ,;K ~ notice? A LL prfon3 having dernaniD agtiii/l the eitnri of Joftr.ia. I.Ojitr, Esq. lit* of Effingham county, tleceafcd, art requeued to render in their accounts legally atitl'.ed, and ail those ind*ltd, are dclirtdto males !,,*edy yajnjnt. Asa Leper, Abel G. Lopcr, Qualified Executor*. July 4 6w h* THE FIRM OF RUNT Eli Cf MINIS, I S thi* clay dilTcilrecl by mutinl cob fent. All perfotiß having demand* will please render them to the fubfcribetß (or adjustment ; and all indebted, are so licited to prepare for inntnrUiate pay ment. They will attend at their Comp ring house as usual, far the arijuftment of their accounts. JAMES HUNTER, ISAAC MINIS- March 13 59 SHHUFFs SAfc.LS. On the frfl Tuesday in Stptr next, will l e jold at the Court bou, r e, in ibis city,.between the hours of 10 and 3 o'clock. ALL that Lot of land in th<. city of Savannah, known by the number five, third tything Rey nolds ward, containing 60 see r in width, and 90 feet in depth, with the improvements thereon, lev.ed on by virtue of an exe cution blued ami rut Thomas Do wall and W ife, reoreFnca tives of John Ilaupt, (ieceafcd at the Hi: of Chrifhna Dasher. A negro man named Dick taken under execution to 1 itistiy John Gromett, pointed out by the plaintiff. T. Kobcrtfon, 5 c c l July 7 y (J* ,y , . .it. ‘ ‘A. (ICAy T-T \ f P • S m nuK".months tioni tfic \ r hereof, ppplicatifti! wiii be truce to the Bon. tlicjuflices of ‘he Fmcri. - Court, for tlio county of Buiioch, fn It sve to fell *ll that traft of land, eon taming 475 acres more or lef*, Jyfnir in •be cc tuitics of Bryan and Bulloch, the fame being part of the eflste 0 f Wm Slater dic’d. W in. Shter, adm’r* r ” 9 :n * 72 NOT I C R. PROPOSALS will be rccr-rej for pull. , JT “ l ) “ ,J ’be U'c. Js in ami amu the Civ, until Saturday next, *i ~ \ L beriom, dclirous of cor .. ,' n £ “'r'be lame, will fond tbeir t.i„- I,OL to die City Ctrtk's Office, m trie m i an time. JOHN I*: V] I BONE, ) \ C. GUGKI,, ( ComiaS c . T. VV UODMAN. ) 1 Auguff 5 ,3 ABNER WI.UB, | IAS 1-CtlVlD BT Hl* tlO CAFnl.Nfj ■ k ri'OM NVV.-V.IRK, A COMrLkTXV jo.i-mxihx cr : Ei. mbit ritmjNaus i.oots, Shoes aiul Slipper.- winutiiu o, inc nr.f r quatmitf. Which h* oiler, for Lie at very rc-du.r£ pricei, at hit llore, corner ol ft. Julian uuft Wldtatcr Str.cea. July UJ A. SCI! IBN E R &ToJ~ 1 i F-31'ELl ITTf.J.Y inf um their fnencla -IA and the publu i yr,.,v*l, that they hvi:rtceive.d yci if.e late arrivals lrcm ti. York, acoropLie xf.ortnicnt of BOOTS, SHOES and SLIP PERS, AH warranted to be of the be!) quality which they otter at reduced p i. ,*, at their Itorc on the Bay, ojipofite tlm Exehangu. July ia JOHN BOLTON, ,us. 1 _ vs ‘ > Siperittr WILLI AM NO REIS, \ Cox,:, Ma rcb ? erm , tlio 6. T T E ( )N T the pet tion of folia I_/ Rolron, hirvivirjg copart nil of Robert & John, Bokon praying the fore Jolure of the E quityof Redemption on lhe fol lowing p. re a. if. s, mortgaged to the fat J Rohm & John Bolter for the sum of eleven hundn L and forty fix dollars, payable the fifth of January ißoi, and alio for the further A>m of tie yen hundred and forty fix dol lars ann intcrell payable the fifth of November rfica, to wir 7 the following lots and parts of lot s in the town of St. Mary's.—* t- i tuac wharf lot containing 50 Fet on Sr. Mary’s street and running 150 feet weft to Jud ion s water lot, and from .St. Ma ry sfl reef to tire liver 100 leec and along the river ico feet.— The fame being die front of loc No four in the plan of faicl town.—Also part of laid lot No. four beginning at Ready flreet turning weft on the St. Mary’s ftrtet to Ju Tot’s lot de on Ready street aoo fee t north co Divine Young’s lot or line 6c 150 weft on said Young’s line to JuJfon’s lot with the building* iitui improvements thereon.— Mfo lot No. (43) forty three containing four acre 9 then oc cupied by. Retcr w. Green, with die buildings and improvement* thereon, and on motion of Mr. attorney fi> the petitioner, II is ordered by the court that the principal ituercfl: and colts upon the laid mortgaged premiles be ;>tid into court with in twelve months from this date and unit’is die fame be io paid the equity of redemption lhail thenceforth be foreclofed and o ther proceedings take plat ? pur suant ro the aft of affcmbly in iuch case made and provided : And it is fut iier ordered in purl iance of rhe laid act that thia rule be pubiifhcd in o;.c of tjie public gazettes of tins Hate at lead once in every month until the time appointed for payment, orferved on the mortgager or h a special agent or attorney at icaft fix months previous to the time trie said money is ordered to L e paid into court as aforelaid* Extract from the min utes this toib, Mci'ch, rBo6, IS/AC CREWS, t.t. c. cr. 1 ami no 60. A SIZE for Auguji, 1806. ‘"P 11 ■- j-r eof FLOUR !*:..* Tn dlh r * •*- j,c- bar: I read mol*, we M, VIZ. la 1-1 cent* I. el I 614 c*uti I.oaf *it>. 2 ot-i j , oz. Ol which z‘ Faker, ard E!>jc ol Xitai arc to take fie an 1 par’.ict ~r n.;i, jf. MARSHAL, City Tteafurw ALMANAC'S F-Hde it*.!.'* 01£.;,