Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, September 09, 1806, Image 3

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COLUMBIA. SMELT, 10D TROUP, - 19 WILKES. SMELT, 2°l TROUP, . Si HARRIS, 5 JEFFERSON. TROUP, 155 SMELT, 7 HARRIS, 2 „ | From Burke County, we have rot boor. ; able to procure an exact Rate of the pell; but . we underiband from good authority, that Coi. Troup, had a majority of 42 votes. Melancholy —By the arrival of the brig; Eudyrnion, capt. Suicr, 16 days from La Guira, we are informed, that a part cf the crews of Miranda's Schoon ers, taken fame time since by the Span iards—viz Captains Donohue and Gar diner, Meffts. Lippincott, Ledlie, Paul George, Kiikland, a Pdliffi gentleman, and one Smith, a butcher, of N. Vork, were ah hung, ant! their bends set on poles,'a few days befoie the Etffiymion f led, and the other part oft! e crew 48 in number were cunth-raoed to the mines for ten years. The fame accounts lay, that Miranda had received a rein- j forctment of to fail, and gone againfi the Citiraccas ; but that no fears were! scurtained by the Spanish government.! Fhi.&JelpLia paper, slug. 23. ! I •Gratitude is cue - om nt in to man fori •fev.’ices rendered ta didrels ; and j as i< is the duty of every man to affilC bis Chow creatures to the extent of his 1 ■sibihty. fj it become th..m to ocluiow- ( led e kin Inefs received—We, therefor* vrhol-r r rimes are hereunto affixed, return i our thanks 10 Cbrifiooher lihi f,t, cpt. j a Jilt. Plckirman , lupcrcarg) ot tin. br u j'-iLph from 1 h-iaoii, for their bu rr.f.->c and biendly n’timion to u> while ; . -1 dtftreff.d lLuari*:..- in a leaky (hip. Ca;--/-n Whipo’-c pcrc. wig a flop at a 1 t nfidcrablc diliftiicv, Ran colours hying wi h the Uni a anv , had the human.ty to I.y by for the Thomas Clvdkl y, of F.i • Upwa, from four A- M r<> hve P. M on Tueldr.v, An guil 26 h. ‘lbe infbnt lie difeovered our dirtreffed Situation, i.t i&ahifefted t.ary dr lire to relieve uh j came in his boat on board, and. affined us at the pumps, when we were uimoft exhnufled, by i .-clT.iuly labour tic;, although with out in ccSV, to keep to.: dii.p free. J.n tne gam v.c had 101 l n?.ty of our fails, c u bad not ltrengtii fufficient to ben: more, which cap an Wffi-agk perceiving *’ jvrec ‘t is people to .. new main top 11:,. Si c. cud behaved throughout in the luuii gentlemanly and humane ai-iria■ J ‘ MES RE viJHAW. JOHN Z iNE, WII.LI AM C. HALL, SI ÜBBiNS FlTlllH, JO El ■ GE< RGE, CILBER r. CbcrUJUa Sept.. 4, 1 Scfi- Wi are happy to mention that 2 sub 1 fcripiion to a very hantlfome amount was raifcd in a few hours yclterc'ay raoriii.o;. lair the pcrp.-fc of providing hands, fu.’.!., proviiiouE, Jtc. v.hi b have been rm on boar.! the j. teecuc ter, cap.. Payne, to l.ui .;i a'.eoi.ite'y, lor the highly rceiitorioua anJ buvane purpote of affor ding relief and to any Clip wrecked Vi (Iris thni they tray fall -n wtb ca this coaJt. “I he Cutter failed this morning. Chav often paper, Sept. 4. We learn frnm the agent who arrive’ from Haiif x, where be had been ca ad vocatc for the owners, of the fiiip Her ltimeu captured Lit June within fig lit of the Hook, by t!m Leandcr, capt. Whit by, and fen in for adjudication ; til t on the 25th jv’.y tl> y came to trial, and 01 the 2d /. ugi’h the judge pronounced hit decree, which vvas that the vessel and the whole of the cargo, not even the cap talr'i adv.nittre excepted, and condemned She was owned by Kobeit G Thrift, Lfq and c.atrs of this city, and was from Lima, wit > a cargo wethin this irurk-'t between two and three hundred thoufarid tlo!!i The principal ground of con tl-.nnaticn is laid to be ttie unircujhmrd trade, N. Tx Evening Pojl, 1. letter. <’ r.n Haddington, dated the :oi 1-nit (fays a London paper of June ■2O) relate* the following reinai liable in it wee of ficep-walking ; —“ A young ficy cf flira place, with fome of hi •fcl.ocl fell- ’vi, having frequently difeo'v rtd an ovr on the top *>i our old church jl • ole, ai-f.'-tot doubting of its having a ft- •: ‘ y. emoted, by climbing rhe v- .! jit.- c. .- time, to ret at it, but h ; s attempt pro” <d frustleis, r l; 2 i.v. preffion, l. . .vt*c , of such a precious prize “brim-, yet at ‘.ainable, continuing to\ adiua*e t>>i3 boy’s mind, even in the r ’fl pr.rfnrr-.d fitxp, he ruse through the night lu-ndei the Gotifc edifice, carried i,lt the favorite o! jc ’t of his molt earnell defi- ‘, returned fry r, 1 ? window through vh:.’ it appeared he bad tallied, placed the 1. ‘ up<n tie/bar, and went to bed. in the 1 nor i-tp !e recodtfted a pleafant dr-arr. of . wo .ojerful adven ture, and aliogtt.'icr ifionilhtd, as Well asov.ri ;.-d, to Had jt readied, in t ic t ifeovery of the oval's .'•elt I —. Loy c - , nut exceed ten year.i cf age.’’ A I. eerpoo! paper of July q, ■ f“T r ' — “it 1; e bsli r- pendtr 5t 1 acet t:g tic be. atton of certain fees and holy. i . • lie C’ffi.'jtn House, all tl i red Utter c- i in the ccilandcr, czccj - tire • K :h IL-vs at ■ - (z. . ’ r f k: “ aaa Ctri id., u Dav. wilt L-* daßai j" 1 -” ._ j j V, c are concerted to date, that l y the . 1 recent arrivals, poliuvc inlcrmation is re- j ’ etived or die prevalence, in certain Wert- i India islands, of an tvnfual degree of j | beknefs, \v T e have been particularly in- j | formed that is tl.e case with St. Jngo de j | Cuba, and Port au Prince.— Phil. pap. j j Thornwalfon, the celebrated sculptor, j at Rome, is fiuiihing a (latute of Libeu ty, 22 feet high, for the United States of America. U will be the full piece of the arts lent from Italy to the new world. Louden paper - HUDSON, (N.Y.) August 12. Patent Cahxom.— A tew days pail ha3bn exhibited in this city, a piece of j iron ordnance, of 3olbs. caliber, made, i on anenti-e new conliru&ion, by Capt. ! Salmon Hunt, at his forge in Cannan, j Connecticut. Tie niece is made of con- j cave pieces of iron, welded on a centre- j piece, forming a foiid mats, and bored j out to the cahb.T required, so as to make the grain of th: iron run round the piece inrtcad of in a borifoulal direction, by j which the gun is much stronger than | thole made in the former method. This ! r.nd a m ’c to it at home, he has tried, ! and found to he of excellent proof, and ; be intends preferring them to the le ! gitlature of Connedlicut for their appio : b: tion. with a view to ftipp’y the militia j cf teat Hate with pieces of this con. ft rue ; lion, inltead of thole in common uic.— ! They will cc It considerably less than ’ brsU, arc much better hy being fecitre from l.urlting by the circular lonn of I their mar, u fact me. Cori 0/ Savannah. CLEARED...Brig Caroline, Smith, St. Croix. The Brig Georgia, has arrived at New- York, in 8 cayr, from tnis port. The Ship Eliza, of New-York, rut SO days from this port for Liverpool, was spoke in lat. -13, <S, long. 80. Wit MINOTON, Augufc 3ft. We have witn-uTed the moil violent and deilruetive storm of wind and rain ever before known here. On Thursday evening lull the gale commenced at N. K and increaf'ed by de grees until Friday about 10 A. m. it then be came a peifeft hurricane and blew with the ntmoft : on Saturday at day light the wind began to veer, and at about 7 a. m. set tied at S.W. and continued until 12 or 1 o'clock, when it deemed to abate, but did not subside until between 5 and 6in the afternoon. The tide rose to a height heretofore unknown; the wharves are much damaged; the loss in dry goods, fait, sugar, rice, lumber, &c. is beyond conception, and cannot be afeertained. \Vhen the wind ihifted to S. W. it seemed to threaten universal diiftruttion, the gable ends of three brick houses were vvaflied or blown down ; many wooden buildings were considerably wrecked and fame unfimfhed ones entirely de molished. Mr. Iftssc Baldwin wa killed by the falling of an old burnt wall, and we hear that several n? ” r v’ have been killed and drowned on plantat-ons in our vicinity. As j far as we have been able to obtain information, j the crops of corn,peas, rice, &c. are almost en i tirely deftreyed. The falling of trees and breaking up of bridges having fafpended the communication between the town & country, and the stage not having arrived, we are una ble to give an account of the extensive and diftrefiing lofies inevitable throughout the dis trict, and we fear the whole flute. The following veiTels were driven from their anchorage and iafts, and have gone alhore ; Ihe Matilda, with the loss of her mafls, which w ent by the board the inllant Ihe (truck ; (hip Cape-Fear, Bernard ; brig Matilda, J-lunter ; brig Folly ; owned by Mr. Howell, of Rhode Bland ; brig Sufaunah, of Charleflon ; brig Sally, of Troy; schooner Regulator, M’llhen ny ; fchr. Liberty, Rar.dlet, of New-Ycrk ; and a fchr. belonging to Nev.-River. The.brig Ifiram, Church, of Hallovvell, from Eerbice, with a cargo of Sugar and Coffee bound home, is afhorc on the beach near dgep inlet; and the schooner Two Sifters of New- River, lies on the beach near Barren Inlet. .* rmithville the damages were severe. The wharves are completely destroyed and chimnies and fences blown down. ‘i he ship Commerce, of Nev.-York, brig Ranger, and schooner Clarissa ai.J Eliza of Norwich, with outward bound cargoes, are on it:are. Two Pettiaugurs stove : all the frnall craft, and pleasure boats are at a raft distance on the land. The Revenue Cutter Governor Wil liams, of Newbern, employed on the survey of the coast, by cutting her malls and flinging her guns and heaving them out toaflift her anchors, rode out the gale. No lives were loft. The gale commenced at Smithvllle on Thursday at N. E and iucreafed all Friday— between ID and \‘J o’clock on Friday night it Ihifted l'uddenly to S. W. and blew a hurricane until 10 o’clock ; it then Ihifted to Weft. The tide was higher than ever was known lince the year fi’J or l>:3, when New-Inlet broke : the lea .was uncommonly agitated. The brig Polly, of——, forty days from Ja n:-ica,in bajlaft, with a pilot ori board, was feea at anchor off the Bar on Thursday w ith her top.nafts down.—Great apnrehenOoiu are en tertained for lier iafely. Ca2Lhstoi:, Sept. 2. The Venus, capt, Waffon, waa upset in the late gate ; lias loft both her malls, ; nd is olhenvife in a diftreiTcd filuatiou, •Jcr pallet;;era and crew are very much hr; .1. The day after the gale captain Yv't.lf tt felt i: 1 with the Hoop Nancy, Staple, frnra Baltimore, for this port, witu a cargo of and flutir. The Nan cy had ca .iei av ay h.r malts and hai her decks torn up. Capt Ha,well left at L'-ndon, the fiiip i Hirriilton Moore, M’Cobb ; and brig Unanimity, Wihon, for this port, failed from the Downs in company with the ihip Sufaunah for New York. July 12, fiiip Liberty, Singleton, from St. Bete.fburg for Philadelphia: The Honduras fleet of iS (hips, failed f re- gl.iti on the firlt of August, underc li re/ : f •: brake (Ron cf war Left there trig Eliza, Hatch; schooner Ruby, filutv. , -,r.d uliooi e- Hepzah, J rdsn, to tail ir ij Ida s- Oit the Hivinitalaw an engarement -ctr.ccn two frigates and a bpai.ilt ’ ;■* % •.It';* iffixil a UW U.>v. -'c v. 1 ; aiK Ur y mh.iuws-, . rw’ . ; i- c; j i ships v, treiccn t<y. L,l- ■i\ • i* ‘l'. J j t 1., therefore I'.:*; feel that the •p -. .lib <.•:■ ; J Sane day (poke ‘.he Lor. , I for Baltimore, which had left the H su j ‘he <Uv before: they inform-rt, that the 1 Snnniih (hip carried rS guns, and had a nil ! lion of doiiirs on board. The win i ben-g I fr ni the W. the had not been -<■ yet j the gun boafs were therefore lent out to I pro e-'f her. Captain S. was In; rderl byonc ! of the fricates who ordered him c;'.’ ihec ait, i that the Havaima was blockade ;. Simi.xr orders had been given to every veifel the fell in with. The (loop Nancy leg her mag m the !v gale, and was towed into port ysllcvday by one of the pilot boats. September ?. The brig Ann capt. Cory, under jury-muds, anchored olf Fort Pinckney lull evening : Cap tain C. informs us that he took the late gale on j the 21(1 ult. to the eastward of the Hole-in-the 1 Wall; it blew from S. E. and was tremen ! doufly fdvere; bis ved'el was thrown on her 1 beam-ends, in which lituation (he lay two hours, j and her mads were lwept by the board—the j cargo is probably damaged. On the out I’ -1- ] of the Gulf, capt. Cory law the wreck; of three difmafted flips, 1 probably a part of the Jamaica j Ueet. The brig Venus, Waffon, from New-York, was coming up last evening under jnry-ma;- Since our iad we have eonverfed with the mate of the Britidi (hip, one of thg Jamaica fleet, which we mentioned in our paper of yes terday, as having arrived at quarantine in the Pocotaligo Packet—he informs us that the nr- 1 count which we publilhed yefterdav, dating the loi's of one half of the Jamaica fleet, was correct ; the fiiip to which he belonged was the Exeter of London, with 2 valuable cargo cf su gar and rum ; and he thinks there cannot be a doubt that the Packet would have brought her to this port, had they not been fallen in with by the Britidi (loop of war (Inane, captain Creicuter, with a convoy from the Bay of Honduras, who destroyed the Exeter, to nre vent her falling into the hands of an cm try, ,k took out the people. Captain Stit ••, ni the Pocotaligo Packet pledged iii.ufeif to tie com mander of the (loop of war, that if he found himfelf unable to get her into port, he “.vculd himfeif deftrey her ; but captain Creighter, al though he beh ived in the mod poiit and gen tleman-like manner', observed that as he con ceived it to be his duty,he mud dcllroy hv. Could the (hip have been gr-t into port v. i, lit damage, liie would probably have been wm .j tIO.OOOI. Ship Two Friends, IJvingfton, tisy* from j this port for I.ondon, wasfpoken July 10. j Ship Independence, Walker, from :iiis por: ] for Greenock, was spoken July 3, ir lat. 40, ‘ ■l4, long. (JO, 32, out ) 1 days. Brig Polly, Robinson, from Portland, for this ] port, was lpoken August 20, on Cape Henry. T he Ceres, , from this port, was left at Point Petre on the Old July,jud airived. The Eliza, Swift, for this port, c'.elrtu at Ballon on the 1 Gth ult. September 4. . Extras from tie log Bo* oj the j : .:p Phomas Chalk-tty, Ren/haw, }r-m Pit laihlphta Jot St. Thomas,’ put into ihu prrt 10 dilirefs. Aogud 10—Sailed from Phikde’phin ; (2.’. loft the lmali bo.ver, cable, and anchor—Kith wa* obliged to cut away me bed iu.wir ca h v. :th 30 fathoms, to prelervc the ;bip from mr.- niug alhore, and put to sea the 2(i;—dip un king much water, infornuch that we were o bliged to keep both pumps inceiTantly going— -22d strong gales and cloudy ; difeovered seve ral pieces of Iheathing from 15 to 20 feet in length, coming off from the bottom—23d split the main-top-laii—24th (hipped great quanti ties of water ; the lesic gaming cotifl.L-r. i ‘. took olf the lower dec't.hatches, -..r.,1 ti,u ;:i • water above the bilge of the ground tier of wins, bore up ior the neared po;;h four.d the: larboard pump rent, the leak dill gaining, and the crew very much i-shaude-:.—.Septem ber 2'. split the sore-top-mast (’ y-fiii s main top-ga.ilant-lail and royal biown from the holr rope—blowing a tremendous gale h orn N. XV. ship making much water —carried away tin: fptit-lail-yard ; law a leak under the l. but could do nothing with it—iept. 3, law Cape Romain, and got a pilot—the Bill continues at lour ieet, although the pumps are incehantly going—At ten at night, arrivea rl the City of Clia.rle(ton, with fix feet of water in the ltold. August 16, in lat. 33, 51, long. 7 !, 30, capt. I Renfhaw spoke brig foleph, Whipple, 10 day- j from Bolton for Honduras—.Vugaft 20, in lat. SSf, SI, long. 78,25, spoke brig 3 011 .h-Ca rolina —blowing a galeot wtl.d, could learn no particulars. Capt. Shove, of the brig Lucinda, ol New port, Rhode-Ifland, arrived at thi, port y Iter day in acoalting veflel from Sant ; ‘ n ve: si went ashore between the ifiands of Great a.-.d Little Murfee, near Cape Romani, on the even ing of the 27ib uit. Flu-Lucinda .... from Jamaica bound to Wilmingto.i, and ha 1 a pilot on board when the late gale cavr.e on, in width J flie was difmaftedaud driven to lea. Ih- vtr- j fel, which wa. in ballast, will be loft, but the ; specie ou board was laved. The Brig Bufy.of 16 guns, v, hi!” cor ; j two spar ships from New-lii u,.l vick, c .. : Ift ir.ft. ailioit distance to windv. ard est Barb -.- ! does, fell in with a French frigate. he com mander of the Bid) immedi: t. !y made f g'i a!.’ Ito the fuips to make tlu-ir ye. i .dl: r i ! that they paid no attention, he run a'.c.’.A li- 1 land again renewed his • : n-J . 1.0. t j I down on the frigate, which he -allamiy ••!); t- [ | ged for three quarters of . 1 1.0i.r trt ! . ’ j the force of ihe frigate 1 0 *sr super < , hauled j j off. The fri; ate Jii not atf ; I j aclion, bat contented herfelt with r.aliiig pri— > l zes of the fmps, the malic . el by Jon.*- X unaccountable perverl Is, r■ n.r uttfn.pted ro make tlu-ir efcap". ) iie iiu.y !.. . f.nte ari ived at Barbad*e—She has on 1 .... killed, leven wounded. The 1 -gate .ad 1. 1 niiz’s got fafe into Martinique. Ixtradl from the Log-800l c the is.” l .'.a..! -,. ton, Charles Jewett, ni.liter, from .3 am an. Bland of .it. Doming-;. July id—Arrived, i .boo:. er Trial, Arnold, j nvafter, from B'aitiinoie, bound to ‘ ..ah , I prize to tho privateer (cf. •ran r N ipol-o i, . oin i 1 nanded by Jr.o. Maria, belonging 10 Santo lA mi. ; f.— “at in of h.f.iciou of being ’ oond to ’ a Brigand port —corui ..nued fttli Augu.f. August 1 sailed, ti e: brig R .i, 1 ept.i'i Clap, of New-York; Hat in on the I one sus picion, by the fume privateer, but acquit.ed. A'juuft 2—The P.ritifll frigate h I ‘guard, j capt. Bolton, ran on a i.-es i-t tb-- i'.ay of ,3am na, and received forre darn-ige ; hut continued to blockade the port with her beats. On the 3d, re-captured the f ot-b> at wilt, < t B un more, captured in -be Bauiai. .'.>y a I-'rench ]irivateer belonging to Cuba, on full i tion of beingbour and to a Brigand port —caota a ar.d supercargo on board. On the approach JT the burg - ti e prize niaCer, with the i op!eof j th* privat -er,made the r uicape in t;. .. bo.t, | t*ki: z with tin 1 . -1. • Lh'oner’s ; . it .- frigate in” -.e.batily rnaeo. a ‘ • ; Li t o::*-'or.t.i ~-.-1 to cr.tii .1. the Jlay, j wi h levers! fnlits of the frip *e. O.i the :h, the barge 1 detained two Dau.ik vi f;> and a> 1. j >.r ra;. Captain i< 1 , p.’nr. uost ni J gas, i ■ t, and seven lt , one j eonmianding in uer.'iti on board the pile: -bo.-. , j die expedition commenced their hr. 1 at I; .U p..- 7 ii the morning, oil the town and privateer, which wis as warmly returned (long lhot) tu.d terminated in the lofsoftwo 1. Hied in the fti gate launce, and vvitiiout ti'.e luf, of either kil led - ; wounded on the part of the French, -t half pait 10 a. m. On the lOtli, the tender in chafe of a small l'r; nch boat, ran on a reef and was totally loft, veiled and cargo—On the fame day the frigate brought to and detained the American h; ig Hope, of Providence, from the city of Santo Doming o, until the 17th, when flic pel mitt-:;', her and a Daniih (loop to go into pol e. Du ring the time cf the frigate lying before the Bay, an embargo was laid by the “commandant oj Samatia. _ ( SOib. at sea—-in lat. 29, ]4, long. 7G, 30, w. fa'.v two fail under jury mails, vvluch appeared : to he iv.u- drips, fleering xv. N. vc. On Monday night last, ill 14 fathom water, I papt. Jewett encountered a very heevj gale, I which Udcvi lor 10 hours. For -I hours it was - as violent as he ever felt. In lat. 32, 30, dong. 74, in the Gulph, capt. Dove encountered the late gale, and received conliderable damage. Sailed in company vr ; th lehr. Aihido, Whitehead, tor New-York, part- 1 ed the fecund day. Captain Barnett left in the Gambia, flip El eanor, Davidi'or., to (ail 111 September—capt, Marllon v. ..s in the Gambia, his veli'e I unlit to proceed to lea with—Sehr. Mary, Campbell, (ailed on the 22d jM; y, for V.lO de la Plata— B”ig , De Eorrell, and fiiip Margaret, for the fame place, on the 27 th. ‘e’x.s® DIED, iti this ruy, cn ..‘buffi.'} lad, Mr. ‘John //. It'll 11s lI ■ lcll a truly (’•ilvtiiuig latr.i'v {••. 1 the want r f.”. 11 is conibitied in ahusbauJ End a fatlier. Difii, lit Lis feat in P'<-Jrcy M. ii .'. South-Carol ;a, on tr:. -4,; 1 id., ~f | lingcii::;* itinefa, i.i 1110 yc • r .ft i„ I age, Cel. Christ i \n Si ; r, Chief hn I gi ccr to tli Stale of S utli-C.,, oiiu,-. | He war. an < Bn. r oi u, ait . 1: t ruor- ; nvstion, and had served with great ap pUnf-: in the ti-vulbern Stair:;, as an E.i giu'.er, tUiiiiuv our rcvoluliona-y oeiiclL . . .7 -i.i** . , . *.:**.*l*M*S*£& .. • | .* Cj” A complrte !. it ( f t \,r ! 'i rStf 1; I*? Nuvv-VGik Lotui), | r,v ybef cn :;t 11::3 CHI <■■ :X.Tr... T --V2L'"~’ e...:,v . ? ar f\ cr j /’ [j i v XJ a J l IX. ‘TVrr, fcl'n-r-iiig J>. fa. ’-in r J>ir.'.r at ‘be -S. hit wlsyc-;-s C’l.urt ; M, iln.-W Sheerer, Will am Ptrl cr, 1i: nr-s I lint, /'■ 11 1 v M‘--r; lie I liL’encßcr Stalk, are t’.MitieJ, rd ed that . . 1 ed in the lam of•'!>•• Did • e?i-afelx the* file j |.r -j er evetife■ cn On*h. in the Clerks Office ! before the. tirft 1 , f tiie mxt G. tut. I LID/’ AKU L. DAVITS G M C. Rep'embcr qoy. Cr O A L j COUNCIL wi-. cn Monday the j IIP: ant pr: cved :< c .. u GG.kI.KU, toil J -lea vacs icy a.-.d ~v ti::- dc t!i of Capt. jV*IMI am Pi ndkii. plie.iiimtp t>r: ,0 :ts<;• mu : ‘"-ii lie letL at n y ofnee, in the iru-nn time. JOB T. EOI.LiIS, C. C. Eeptemhcr 9 .. ft ! Oil >. ILK. * HOilF. two to “ pi. i'f'.ir.tly fitnar- j i 1. tti LOTS, in tin city m,;-! ’ nuh, in Hioi’.gliton Un it, No. 2 and 3, 1 Anfun Wart’, nearly Dfq-c-fite to the til; tenet of ivir. ] [. .S.aekhoufc. A L S 0, j Two i.OT s cr-iii -ining Acres eacli,- in A nfc.. VV rd, No,. 2 lituati in tilt: nciglibotltocnf of tim J’iatitatiou of i (.ierv a-c Mil! n. l'f'j. s i-! I)'.”;; v.-ry val - ; | liable cn act ount of their 1 .eingj near tv* I tint city of ‘Sav.-in ...b. j The molt est ~ and ir-.cif lutable titles : for {aid Lots, deduced Irani tic original , pran'.ce, will be executed *■> tin- pr.r.j . It.-.I- v, in .1 a\t ry ex?ct.five and !-. crl credit v::b !;-■ rrai.tid for the p; y.-ner.i | of the comi le.ation money. for tliej particular terms r.nd conditions r,f !■ ajip’iy in Ssv aw. h, to either ol the 1 - * 1 l. libers. G I R( E wc : DRUFF, JOHN LaWSON. j S'tptetTa ,tr 6. 3m. top, ♦ _ ____ . a t.w 5 a t •> r a f | r i. ii .• i/ i u .-> >t j 1 i • f'? I.'-* £ 1 Tuefd ty in Otic her, v:/.i, ivn 1, BE I,OLD. at the Om l-lhufe in toe City cf Sa j *7* -* *>:!<! bv T yAii 1 ’ of thtr Wh’,r f f,”c 4 j S ‘.r".’ , boun' J erf f'.r.’ *.var ; ; 7 i /lcfi' 1 - Caii; a <./1 \ -■ 1 !>v [<; ,;i r . ’.V ;yn>: 3 t iiirl: | wit ’ ■ -i-K !:!'{) OV-'!l)( ntf. j iii Fr.tnltiiiJ ‘AicA 6n feet in a .id <;■’ Cut in dep and. to:! No. ‘.7, W Jhington Vv.u-J, v/hIH •Ill* i:t proYcmcnr? ; or. ft.urtii o ; i ;> lor fiotitin:.’ -lit i-’- at p r rf’ n j occupiod by A’ n M ’C ur.inv, i J Dicker Ward ; 2GOO aues Land | on B.ack Cre; k.uubot fi 1 ounty ;; <>r.t: uridiV'dv’d inoictv oC e -t j v::i ]?:m if aft in Scriv-ri coon-: tv. i°j ’• -2 at rs on tit- Alar -j [L ill j, I'oh! uni r i-x- U'i'.n t.b ained ov z/i if ilj'on againil Henry Putnam, IJNN. WALL, m 1 o September 6. 4 >y. 7 HP. - IMZK, iNTENDIN'j • - ‘ubfcm fora few - .-l ha* apt; ‘ ‘. . “ a1; L- )ivi*, and Hiu'AVi. f kV I :. 1, . ah. j■ 1-. Atomic , tiur ig lo* eAonct SAMUEL 11. {/BACK HOUSE. August 19 401. I'■xA• t. Up ■.> . ft. ’] ,9 Co-J < f Ora; arv ! ‘ 3 !/l in at. : :hv Cco, tn i,• ‘ i jh-.m-t.n.n cn oi.; ,i- lit ,: • ... \ _ui!,enc .-. i and fix, P>'\ mt tielr Hcvo’ S, James Si-: a grove, a iiomas Kino, Jo.hv Ll<-yd, and Vv iLMAM Johnson, j £ , j vL:Ncs o{ the la J Court. WHI/’.PC'AS it is flatdd to the cou c tJut a iminiflracion has U>ccn gramt i in chc year eijji j teen hundred and two, to Atex ! and uLr PPetit, on ihc il -. c < .1 es ! feirscif ip ill. cut * hotupytef t'cccii* eti, and that the laid admiiitilra .ol end ami continues to re-* hde out of the Ha t cf Gcuria ii O • {and has neuer caine forward to Kale ins accouiic ns the L\v di i ert-, it is tlierefare ordained, that tiie laid APxandsr MAh, he anti appear before tins Court ui ti;c iitll mouday-i i January next, rt* sh w enufe (:f eny he has) why die said letters cl /Idminiiti at o:i ijiG.ikf not idc it yoked ; unu that tins orccr be jitibiillied in tine i,i the Oa;ibites e,( this Hart, once a •do: di iioni the date hen n, Uutil | tlv.: uc.etint: of th.:, cou r. j i-xtiact iio:d the inmures of 1 lid Court, Au 6 uit die sth, 1 ■ do 6. I IS .tAt (AILIfS. c c o. c. c -1 ty 6. lam oj.oy, . Ril IA SA Lali 1. ON We ftr/f TtuyP'av in Ofol/er YU\i, iJ'JLL Eh, s'JLO, c.t 1 tic Lourt 1 hire in Savannah, ■ ft Id cnrupirf i ieafe of Lot hE. 4Ms. i.o, W iliiurpton Ty ; vhiny, D.u hy Wart!, V v;th the bud. -a.* ihi-reon, Rdjoininfr Mr ’joCi Gaidb.eri an unrxpired. JiCde in Lo. No J, Heath/oatc ■j £ yuhi/y, Decker ‘/ard where J Aii.x. Smith rtTide.s j nlfo :w 1 Nr -* Iproes. I .“vied on as ?hc pro p*“iy o> h fflttJ, Sons and Andsrfun, a r ‘h luii t,i ‘j i.vihiis and “Jams I j or i!j, 1 LT.,\\ WALL, m. n, e. j l p:ember 5 4 cg. I “J . A /. JVoodbridge , ! 7p l ioPF,CThTILLY informs hid j .K L friend;;, and the public, that he 1 Bill continues tl c 1 l\iSlo7\nre cb* 9 Commission ic> Business, “■ d1 id the Ezcttsvon, tvhere he ‘if-s L'e rad convenient llorcs for the re j ception of any kind of Good* or Pro , dure, r f . t may be ii.trufi rd to hiscliargf. Liix-r. 1 advat; .:e in Cxlh, will he mads ; t.n goods fcen g depoliud for public or . private sale. HE HAS ON HAND. 2D Panclicons old Jamaica RUM |lO ditto ditto St. Croix ditto j %0 Bags tint! to tierces Green Coffee , Pip"? and qr. enfiej old French Erandy J Finyrr in bo:, (head* and barrels Vviiidowr and Soup in Loy.e* Cotion Bappoijr, Irilh 1.-nena MnnT'nr,,, &c. Sec. /. I v.ldcli ;ntides v/iil he fold low. Cj’ Two conven'ent HOUSES to I-cr. Sept 2 law if zj.o "j A S( RIBNER & Cos. Y.J'AVKjuft receive*! per the Schr. HUL * *L>Ai I ANNA,fro:n i.\?/-VuKK,a frelh. i'm'iy of BOOTS, SHOES and SLIP FIRS, (or A SUFRItIOR quality) 7 Yi. : c b, toother with tb*ir fonM-r flo ’ . m?*.>" their aifcwrinent srcojju to none i.i tbi city. All of v.v.ich they offer a? reduced prices ?r* their ltore, nearly opposite the JU'chanj •, the one lately occupied by Ofedeftt’ and lin ker. u i. T 6 LI-iT, ’l'i IF, Shop former]y occopieo I>v f.T - F. chair maker’* She it i* ao rxcelifnt in the.*s'.c sq jirc-fcr term* tnq tire of MAitV I.EWDTIM, | September 5. 40 *i : Paints, Oils Sc Brufhcs. ‘'p UK fnhf rdl>er on f&!e a *• A of the s-.bove articles, which vr !*. Id lav/ for cash, or or a short rrodit. > who are \ \ their p?.yr.iei.t . JOHN HUNTER. Aujpj!l *i 4H OKI T'l !Jfl 1 1 ’• vp *'■•• f'.-'tc n r 1 VPP| •, . iitttinei , ‘ ‘.••‘i • , ! . I.av •'}yi, Wm. J,. jct or ii. i Sill E 5 Jt.aCMIAH CUYL-.K. ij tt