Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, September 12, 1806, Image 3

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been ailuul'y ok alt. to the I>\ ; i a if ’ fcoD.o- the iu -j;ct or’ u- : cha.-: ‘ in the. Con&itutioa of the Er. piie, v : .eh Eonr-.parte i; known to lave rnrdiuicd fjr fome ti ne. These chit (cs . j to the extent of fiiffolvin ’ the Go- ..inn Empire altogether. The pvefrtit Im perial Family are to be merely Empc.-oru ot Auft'.ia, without any auth r.-Lty over, or any connection with the other Suites that now compote fh<j Germanic B Hy. Tliefe however, with the ex.ep tic . of Prutlia, which is alto to be totally detached, are to form a Federal Union under the protection, and no doubt for j the benefit of France. Looking back to the period when die Empcior Fram cts ailumed the title of Empero 1 * of Aus tria there teems reason to think, that the court of Vienna was at that tune aware that the delign now promulgate.! was en tertained. If so, the affumptEi of the title of Emperor of Aultria was an ad miiHon of the power of Bonaparte to car ry the deligo into execution, upon which it is r.o wonder that he lltould have enter- prized largely. The anjrnptior. of the tide of Emperor of Auflria, sven fuppoi ing it to be affi ned without any prof- j pcCt ot theprefent change, was at hell J an innovation devoid ot dignity, and held 1 forth invitation and facility to the pre fect degradation of tbe Houle of Antiria. There terms to he no dou X that the prop.iftd changes will take place. Bo uai'.rr preferibes the n ituoat confab, ir, anyone. Elf Princes whom he has ianr izt i wi.i r,f e ‘u. fe iupport them, i ti-v-re seems to oe .<> concert, ; no ind:v.Ju:d preparation to r .fi t them. i In ‘ilj.’iim to the Sovereignth;-alrea- ! dy to - • ively belle ••••e ! cm the family 1 of Bonaparte and ii. connections, CE;ii li'.l Fefon it to succeed to ti.e Ek'itor Arch-C ianeellor.nnd madatne Bonaparte, I the mother, is to be placed at Lie cad of ; the Papal States, to be Lsseeded by her J sou Lucien, who will be made a Princ , ‘ not from any favour tonaids him but left | anyone of the Great Family iliould be ! left unpcffeffel of fove reign power and i authority. Jerome will then be the t only one remaining to be railed to this j high elevation. Bonaparte seems to have ! deflined for him tlie Empire of the seas. . But before he a founds the Throne of j Neptune, he will probably have to under- j go the probation of m Eiiglifh prifou. j Trie Ru ’ians • e determined to ftrer.7-- i then and confirm themlelvcs of the | Mauds, and Bonapnr.e is re Lived to me i tvciy exertijn Vo prevent any acceflion ! to their present force it- that quarter. — j Application having been made to the ! Court of Contlan inople A-r permiffijn for a Ruffian squadron to pass through the Dardanelles fiom the !i. ok Sea, the answer w<i--, that the Porte could not ; grant fueh penniflioir without incurring j the displeasure aid pi ove* ig the hoftiii- j ty of Bonaparte. The Ruffian in.baf- i fa< ! or then intimated the determination of 1 his Court to fore* the paifage. TvVo ; Turkish qur. ‘.ions are said to have faded immediav dy, one for the black Sea, and j the the other for the .rcbipelagu, to re- j lift a”, aitempt to violate the neutrality of their Sovc ‘gn. Thus it seems Bo.ia parte ha 9 game . that afeendanoy over the Divan which b..s heretofore h-en ex c.'cifed by the Couii of Petersbu .-h.—— But we fear the only eonlequence that will rciult to the Porte from the rivality ofihefepow rfu ne'. hhouis ie, tiiat its imbecility will be alternately intuited 3ud trampled upon, nd its territory ultimate ly despoiled by both. The confidence of the pacific rumours which prevailed during the former part ot -the week, abated very coniiderabl; yesterday—Stocks of course fell. For ourselves, we repeat, on the high autho rity on which we have all along discoun tenanced these ruinour3, that nothing like a Negotiation for Peace has txill ed ; that the communications which have taken place related merely to pril ontrs; and we have to add, that warm reirio,-. if ranee:, nave, in a very recent in ftancc, been made cf the non-erriva! of fume per fen s whom the French Govern ment was hound to rcleafe. The e rpefu'E report of the inquiry concerning so exulted Female ha3 not jet been laid before iiis Majesty ; arid doubts are entertained whether ttte par ticulars of the invclltgation will be made public, even, when the matter is fully cleared up. From the high character t-f the persons who conduct the inquiry, v.e are fuse that every thing delicacy te quirea will be combined with every thing that is due to jultice. The expected arrival of the Duke of Brunfv/ick in this ccumry is fuppoied by forre to relate to this matter ; but Lis ferer.e Highness Ewe probably comes on a diplomatic million, with a view to the adjuilaitr.t of the minutes between this country an ; Frufiia. The Duke of Brunswick ha been mentioned as likely to be feet on luck a m.i.ion for fome time back. Two ♦il bis serene H’ghneffes suite arc said to have adually arrived cn Friday, but this lit doubt. Letters 1 roup’nt by the Prince of Y. • .e packet from Lisbon, mention, that advtcrs bad L-cn received tu-rs of the arrival ot the French fqu.i.irou in w i icK Jerome Bonaparte bar a command, r i heg ot t:x Ins! ts the line and a f.irr.e, at tile Pay of Ail Saints, on the of Brans!, on the 4th ct April. Tte Adirirai unmet.lately aa ; t:..hcru'o to be laid on a;i vefTeU, which i . . tii u .diotue 2 I ft, tlie d£y oa which t ; put to 1. n. It tranfpi ed there, that tne ;> .tin?, lion ot i!:t squadron was c* | . for tlie LLpeot GjoJ FIc r e, • but cm that ;. ...... • th ■ hark •of the E h, tbe Fit Adiuir.ti J :t-. r.nined o:i ic.urubiT to : Europe. Ihe crews and troons on ooard were find to he in tolerable good he —*- :o: 9——- HAGUE, June 24. \ ellerday their Uajefties made tluir fcUmn entrance into this place. \\ hen the pioceflkm reached the Palace of their High Mighiineffes their Majesties were received at the dr.or of the anti • chamber by the Pa li.lent of their High ! Vligtitinefles and two other Deputies. Having entered the hall of the alfsmhiy, the lving leated him Leif on the throne, and put on his hat. On the right fine and behind his Majesty fat the Chamberlain and the Aide de Camp Ge neral j on the left, the mailer of the horse and the G’T. and Mailer o< the Civil Lilt. All the vtiier effi ,s cf ita:c were ar langsd in proiierli nations. The Mem- bers of the Alfembly Rood up in their j places uncovered on the enterance of the King, but wiien his Majelty covered him lcif, they telioived his example. Fnc Preiident placed himfelf in a chair direct- Jly opposite to the 1-ling. After the 1 King Gated, he.di.eited the Grand Matter of the Ct. emouies to administer the oath of allegiance to tluir High Mig-’ttacifed. Each inea'jer approach ed the foot of the throne, and was fivorn on the Holy Evsngclitls. When ail the me libers were sworn, Majelty deli vcrcil Lite foliotviii” iocech to toe Ailenu | bl y =— “ GENTLEMEN— j “\\ ben the national deputies came to ! offer me the throne which 1 afeend this t day, I accepted it under the coiividtion ; that it was the wi!h of the whole nation ; I that the confidence and the necefiities oi j ail called me to it. i “ Relying on the intelligence, zeal, ! and patriotism of the principal public j tunftionariee, and particularly on yours, i Gentlemen, the Deputies, I have ft-Hr i iesidy weighed iu my mind the misfor -1 turn sos the nation in their fulleil extent, j Animated by the ftrongeit dchre to pro -1 mote the welfare of this good people, j and entertaining hope that I should one j day attain that end, i Rifled thole fenti j meats which., till then had ever been the ! objeft and happiness of my life. I have | consented to change nny country, to ccife | to be fjleiy and entirely a Frenchman, ’ utter having pa,Teu niv whole life in per forming, to the o.ut of my ability, those ; duties which that name preferibes to all who inve the honor of bearing it. “ i have consented to separate myteif, for t:ie hr ft time, from that which, from j my iniancy, has poileUed my iovc and j admiration—to loE the repose and inde ! pciiuenc.- which thole whom heaven calls | to goveru cannot have—to quit that, i the fepcratiou from which would fill me t witn apprebeufton, even in the mod trar.- j qun tunes, and whole prefeuce precludes I Ganger. | *’ 1 have contented to all this—and, Gentlemen, bad I not done so, I would neverthclefs, yet a<R the fame part, now that by the ardour, joy and confidence of the people through whofc country I have paired, they have proved to me that you were the tru” interpreters of the nati on ; not? cfp: daily when I am convinced that l may rely on your zeal, your at tachment to the inter il of your native land, and on your confidence in, and fi delity towards me. ‘‘ Gentlemen, this is is the firft day of the veal independence cf the United Pro vinces. A trauilent glance at pail events fufScient to convince u> that they never had a liable government, s fixed defliny, u real independence. Under that famous people whom they fought and served by tui ns, as under the Franks Rnd Empire of the Well, they were neither free nor easy. “ Neither were they so afterwards, wiien fubjedt to Spain. “ Titcir wars, and their repeated quar rels until the Union added to the glory of the nation, confirmed its qualities iu point of loyalty, iuterpidity and honour, for’ which, indeed, it had been always ce!e- brhted ; but :ts efforts procured it nei ther tranquility nor independence, even under the Princes of Orange, who, though they were ufeful to their coun try, as Captains and Politicians, were always diliurbing it, by pretending, or endeavouring to obtain a power which the nation denied them. “ Nor could Holland be co.ofidcrtd in that lists in later times, when the pru m .i’gation of ideas, and the general agi tation cf Europe, so long fulpcndcd tCc rtpofc of nations. “ Alter so many vicifStudcs, so much agitation, so many calamities ; and at a time when the great states were enlarg ing them.elves, ante hoisting and con centrating their governments and their force.., tins country could enjoy no real fafety n~r independence but in a moder ate monarchical hate ; a form which had | been acknowledged during a long period and by cacti nation in its turn, as the mod perfect, and if not abioiutely fc, yet much so as the nature of man will aJm.t. But, doubt let, if perfection were the lot of humanity, we might then difpcnfe with a Government of this kind. Ears would then be founded in wisdom, and obeyed without reluctance or ob stacle : virtue would reign triumphant, and ensure its own r.ward , vice would be banished, and wickebr.efs rendered . impotent ; but illutions which layout ; 1.1 romantic idea, of human nature are ’ t a'iihtu ; and experience fooa brings us j ; cues, to poftuve rafts “ However, even monarchy is not lor a country which, though _ .fu ?.:• ’i. ■; I*, :: c-t 1 entiy to for its po.i’.io.i, wi.'.cf. . - li. ‘ f.-re.s of t[>“ fir it unk b.!i • : ••id b-a. it will therefore lie nectiiary ‘.j-. it to form a connection with one 0f,’.,, j great Powers of Europe, with which! iis amity may be eternally affur-d with out any alteration of its iudepcndence. i “ This, Gentlemen, is what your na tion lias done—this is the c! i of: | ecnftitutional laws, and a'.fo that if ! taking upon me an employment so p ; rums—this is my object in placing ~ j lelf in the ini All of a people wlio arc, 1 j ever Stall be miser, by my affeA: u c. : i ray solicitude. With pride I ; . .ive 1 j two of the principal means of G v -•*•- ’ ment and confidence offering the.r.f he 1 j to me—the honour and the virtue of the inhabitants. „ “ Yes, Gentlemen, these Rail 5 - the real iupporters of the throne—l wiirt f _-r no other guide - . For my part, J can fee no ground of difference m religion or \ any other nominal diftinftion—iillinc- ‘ ttons can only a.lie from merit and fir- I vices. My design is only to rem dy the j evils which the country has iuliered. The duration of these evils, and the d.f- j ficulty in remedying them, will only iu creafe and rcaii/.e my glory “To efleifl these objelts, 1. j;ive occa sion for the entire confidence, of the na tion, their complete, .nid U! the taients of the diflinguiflied mm whom it contains, but particularly of y u, gen tlemen, whose zeal, talents, and pauiut. ism are well known. “ I am at this moment anpeUicir to the good ad iaicuiul Htiirfucrs, hr tore the i). putits of the provinces and principal cities of ‘be i ...g loin, i !-s thi.iTt around me v ilh pleuluiv. in t them bear to their fellow citizens the allurance of my fi.licitiidc and aireHion —let them carry the fame of these feu time fit a to AmiUrdam—that city, which 13 the honour of commerce and of the country—that city, which 1 wish to call my good and faithful capital though the Hague will always remain the tclidence of tac fovercigu. Let them also carry the fame afiurance of their fd low citizens and the Deputies of that neighbouring e’ity, the pro: pci it y of which 1 hope very soon to renew, and whose inhabitants I diftinguifii. “ It is by these fentiir.ents, Gentle men; it ts by the union of all orders of peo ple i t ti.e flats, and by that of my fub jedis among theinlelves ; it is by ti e fie. votiou of each individual to tu imies, the only bails of real honor Aligned t.. men ; but principally to the unanimity which lias hitherto preserved these pro vinces from ail dangers and calamities, and which has ever been their illicit], that I expect the tranquility, fafety, and glory of the nation, and Ue happtuefs of my life. CONSTANTINOPLE, May 8. Mr. Arbuthnot, the Englilh ambaf ador, has had a freflvconference with t.u: rtris Elleinli, at which he emphatically declared, that if the Porte did not within a few days co:m. to a de termination to renew its treaties with England, an Englilh squadron would certainly llluiiC its appearance in the Levant, as any further relu fal would be confidm cd as a rupture bet ween the two powers. To this declaration no other anlwer has been given fcy the race, than tiiat it is resolved to maintain the ncutiality which it has hitherto ohferved. May 25 The count Ituilnfky, envoy of Rulfia, had announced to the Porte, that iiis Court had resolved to fetid two ihips ol war, with frelb troops, from Sebafiopol to Corfu, and these iliip would arrive withi.-i a few days at the entrance of the Canal of ConllautiiiopL-. The Reis EiTendi replied, that ti.e Porte, under the prelent circumllances, could nut i:,ant a pallage to theje troops without drawing upon itfeii the reproaches ot another great power... The Count Itulnhky then reminded the Pone of the Treaties of Ainicy which existed, and j which had recently been renewed between it and Ruiha ; and that iu virtue of these Treat es, J the pallage could not be refuted to the troops j oi iiis Imperial Majelty; but if the Porte iliould perlift in oppoCng tins pallage, the Ruliian ‘flips wouid fee tiiemlelves under the li.-.ccd.ty ol opening by force, a road to their dtUiuation. In eonlequence of tliis declsratiun, ti.e Poru ’ has determined upon lending a fquadrui ii o the Black Sea, iu order to maintain nt. ueutii. - ty. Ol tlie fleet dellined for the Mediterranean there were only twelve ships of tiirierent rati s fuied lor the Archipelago, but within these) three days it has been reinforced by lour fri gates. Six ships of the line of die lirit ra.e, | live trigates, leveral brigs and gallics, under the orders oi tlie Captain P-cha and Vue-Admit <l; Schereraet Beg, are to cruiie 1 . ti.e lonian Sea,! tlie Mores, .-ad ti.e Aichip i . The Pa.tnci fnijj between Bay Icy and Harman, by limitation, expire, on I v 7 the tirtt day of tieptci .her 1.. t j cl! claims against the concert., wiil ht ! adjulted by Jacob, at I t. i Riontnioiliii’i noufe, Git-bou’s hur.di who is iegally euthorifed. Those in debted, are requ ; re<l to fettle the:; ;.r~ counts immediately, other-... 1.: Rhi v .11 b; commenced. Thomas Bay ley, j m’r. ; Jacob Hannan. AUgUtt 2*5 i nomas fJ.iyicv, junY. trCH/.r o. ft, WILL com hj: 1:1: Grocery, Wine and id-j quor Trade. Famines, Pb'Mcri cr.i Ship Stores; put up of the choicest article.-), and at 1 low prices Atiguit 26 ~T6 Ltr, ~ ’i HE Shop formerly occuj.iid by I,Jr, I- Btxstt, as a chair I’hc;., 1 it is a;, rxcellcut (land in the Couit ttoule I fa Jme-for terms enquire of maey level:::;, j n.„. 1 _ , :• ■ ; ; • i t 1 A M i I- ••■**’ •’ -• *- < -l- - I I ‘AY Alh Ii AH tui* f l j 1:1 le, 1 . • * . •’. r \' n L"'E~L : L*r E kAZf.'X i.**..- ‘ ■ * THROUGH the politenuH rl a Gentie uiAu (.I this Cnv, we b m fsivu.*: I wh’a . Condon prii.t cz the 6th of July...front vw ich, we have made h veral extra:} •. ..iroui the com plexion of i • content*, we are ol opinion, that -here is a probability df a PlkACii between i-.N gland and Franck . ,\ve have iiu-d !>e j * -e you, tiu.i day, every ulIc!o i.i our poiil i : - v pcM uE to that fubiect, coni’ piiG.itiy, 1 von will he able to judge for yourselves. The ELECTION...Since our last, w J have only been able to obtain accurate return !rom the County of Wurreii, v.-l:-.-re the votes! j were, for DoAor SMEL TANARUS, y-.5...C010nel I I’ROUP, 5)...We arc authorifed to fay, | Colonel Troup had huge niajoritie) in th .- j Counties of Wa'hington, Bulloch an.'. B. i 0i... j and we may fal'ely predict, that M-latoik, i Camden, (Jlynn and Liberty, 1. .ve vi ted mu m I in his favor. Notwithflanding the severity of the gale, or. Saturday nip-lit and Sunday moiiiing, :-..ju and j 2-fth Augult, we are happy to learn, that the i damage is by i<> means io gre it as \ j pre- Uctided...Some vc.iels m the river aver-; (-riven from their moorings, auu m 1 lampti n P.oads where there were upwatds often Jail outward j bound, two only parted troni then- anchot s, and I weiit alliote : .mt we learn,hpve fmee hevn got : on it ..lining any i... tei. i damia-i*... : Some lu-.v buildings and ehimima wtir blown j down ; also, a great many tires and fences... j Accounts lrom the count. _ i . ~ 11, it til- i ru ( Ulliit hive il.l.ered couhbel abi\ ... it is h;i 1 (Norfolk lierafd.) , Capt, Alcorn, of the fittp G'yfic, from j rr iniciad. informs that, a ,'ey or two | previous to the failing- of Miranda’;, jlquatlion, tlie commsiiuci tfi.u li. .i. i j veil direct intelligence ibat die vil.cle t.r i ti.e Cariiiccas whs ... a fiste o; rcvolk, nuJ that two arm, ~ ecu:!. lir., ; . 1 f.otn ten In lifcccn ll.otiland i. in cat!-., wtiv II a tlie lieU, waiting the .. riival i-t gem |i al Aiiia-ula ;—the one is commanded 1 , l lion l’edro Minto,—the r.u.nv of iiu-... Cuamitaiiticr is not rrcoiitfiled. This infoiinaiimi opt. Alcorn ncti.ed |:ci.i the print.pH tßKcrs .1 the cxj.edino... Our ip ioi in..- tit add... ihai t..c oiliicrs n-irl fuiditu were iu health and in high 1 ,irE. s. 2’- r-tn - J c. 1 1. p / * Pi ILADEM IIIA, A Uotlfi. 2U The PH I. hauls t.i .lie* I;nitcd Stats: netd he under no appi'elu-nfior.s of the., .v.l'-h. Iseiii” molested by ..,.y Daitli |n jvateers, (it any exilf) ritilhti do they , want any particular pals or protiAti; n a- I tjainfi them. JAN. liEND. Oil. HEINEI-ILR, i / cutl shrait. Atlguft 27. Lsltttu of u letter Jrom lot enptain oj the J'tiivu l/iii'jj tu 11 pet fori tu it a ci ~ ( tinted Halifax, Airrtjl ;i. dhe brig Incite, c'.gi ;'U l!-irijs, whofi cal'.- w.iSPjCtirly i]i ,ante u.-> ruuit , uud ujg v~yfiij r L- * Dinar, ttii'uut li lii*: puguiur comic I ot trial, was aCijtGUcJ, a. • r jjaynig to tltu a- | nioum oi i*iOO dollar,, 0.-i i.auimi <>{ iurnr <;o- I ionnl produce oil board...oilier tins, W) y j }" ir3 ‘vi 1 overhauled, and a\aie court i tid, >, and toothißg buii tac uuli j .. i- tiic iiu •• ; £ an: It sue, i*st y iui<crci me lupiocfcfcd • j the detention but 1 can c. no i econ.p.ciK ;l I the letters 1 had on Loam weie taken u', hre- ) i.cai open cfic, andJiav** keen returned to me m coriiuiioii...BiJ]* <.i L:<- hx, Jt j Uiaudj irom the ltuci' they belong t0...1 1....] iSi ! this ut.y ior i>aiiu. I.ONUCN Iv.RACHAFHS. j Phi; lilurni o P>jl, tv r since l!.t. a( j oi delicacy in higi* ...c has hecotnt ! the tupii. id Hiutit.w.vci hull, Las iii iuiged ufcll in iutituilc of U’crtion which we cannot think die occasion jnfliiic: Until the rcpoit on the luhjcift is i id i before the public, is it juii or clet,;ut to | a fieri th?t the pe Ili.j w t ... !. ve r>.f i git loiwai'd the charge aie 44 o;l_ calmri . ntutors, vtle coiifpiratou, l<i 'id.of; ■ perions, we unfit fit are oi 1 guilhed rank and chi a...;cr, a ,and it t hr i they lliouid lie hear, bet.-re {■■u.u ku | is ukd. We fioecrely h< ;.c ! ; Die charge may he dilpiove-.i ; at:d then, ; ti rt-ali.c woILJ appear, v.c lhaii not he j the last totrr.t v.i’.fi n.eit: L and hou- I On Tiiurldey, two fellows, n; n ] 1 Jfc.c Wood (h watermen,) a-..J ■ A ’© (** Jtwj I'd 2 mob to Wood Gr-o-i, !■> f-.e them lor. —The fav j-: I per., 1 however, war. prevented by tin: Ic.-li x . tilhecrs l.i loii;.ii.g ro Ht.’ton (Jr and Worlhip-ttn 1 !\ . thin pro , - V again interrupt—Aft -v. *dj tb< , I o i olUr* ‘* 05/ v ‘ ) rr ’ •••'• , • j c * the Jvi.'.c dii Lofj 11 h.. w• i ~ ,I.e. 1 J ■ ‘ \V *j to tl'.j'.i- r. Ii i: . j.*Ciiilc j man's jnivatc groriu'j, v. *, j o Itrc'i 11 ’ Veil'.* : lb [ JOl aoy </i li /Cltl W’ .. j ihouitA ! 1 trcfpafs on bis pretnifes. Thus proper- 1 1 :y t.cuiited, like obnoxiou-- cntinai •, in. . place to place, tl.ry tkuiked to town at 1 lo'. Lack at night, aft . making c• j o. nearly thirty nn-is —/or holti J A letter from Ein..- ch, of the </ii i u.t. lays, “ k\h and ; - ego m?n funinioued to appear brtore our Chief : Magid.ate, the ;d a fpeci sos, fraed hitherto ui l.ix.v.i in this part ol I ti c Uuitc.l iking; r n, to wit, felling his ...r ten guii.iuE, a-.d then l" I !'*-*g ’■*> rr.-tn’t tvije on ti.s pu/cha.e. in 'tern o. 1,19 <.v.'i. I ‘ J bo i.uvher ol bankrupts announced in t!i Eondm Gv..tte from jJ.rc. 2p, 1 05, to J me 2’ , ih o taioi./.:* to tic hu..o ..1 aud ftiiiCty-ouc, - . . • • • -n v>’ . 4 | o'. o:.c ,/iio v-.a ...i u . :.t-. ; ! . jm. . .i re, who vths ar to h:Y 1 vtw n v i • uatAtai ..v * natnrai.'y 111! t• . h'tc • acjomplii’i the ta*lk...and we now la* .• * ? ui i’v'i th-* exit from time to et . ity of Mr TIIOMA:; riiGCS, R reijiuc. v hie merchai:: t f tins city, who c'.ofed ii t ; i tipoa this set r? of adlion yoflerday r*orni':c, in the \ • l ave tru’y iv&lir.ed tJ.j mix.G, that “ ;.n l.i D il ihaii id the nolle'; work oi Guo ’ . >.i - v. > u. u . ... . k t* || A t• 7 *in Aiasters, \•- ar bn's and r.i(ulitrn of ihc different Lodj.. !<•’ in Eava-nah, r.i: nntified t attend jil'.c fun era-, of l.e \i nii.upful Brett, ci* | Ph< mas Beggs, this moruiug 10 o'clock, |-nd move iu proccllion, under the C-taiii j Lodge from the Fih.lLre. I Sept. 12. NOTIC E. -UlJCfl. v :il r Mnr-.'r.v “ext, tie 151 U ini . proceed to r'.eol a Git.-vYE DIGCEK rnd Keeper nf the (h ive YaiU, to till tins v y occali-in-d by t he death ot Mr ). U. Hart is. Apj-'ht uiion to be I .-ft at n.y office. lOH T. LCLi.LS n. C September it:. j j „• <7 O /] L. | COUNCIt. ‘ ‘I;, mi Mouthy t'.t i*th lin procte 1 -ie a GOALER, ton . lin ■ \ :h hh. yo, c hot cd I < the death • f Caj 1. j>l 11,1 t*M Him i.k, Application'! lor the. ; a PI 1 -lent, will be 1011. my, ia tU 1 • van time. JOB T. EOI.I.ES, C. (’ 1 September r, Wasvs a Situati. n, 1 VI r> Mrdu tl Store* :i > un£ who \j ! v f!i *imh nitfil i*i that I .*••;•. ( .’ rcccm mend atlot canl> *1 veil, ii ■ ill • . * * !i’ 1 h ‘til to hi.p employers, on ;r p! ..aticii a: ih is office. | ■ sptember I■. }t 410. NO J ICE. jOn t’r l\t/> of O/i- ‘-t ti.’.x/, H IT. , r . HE SOLD 0.1 .i.”i.’s. ut ihx (:■ lifu I t , 7 J y i lets pmiitation, I r ’}*'! R real and pcrfmial piopcrtv of fillin ‘, ! A Mather dec-rlid—Confining f ibo o. ■ , . 1 i. rues, 1 ta.ion IV. ,!g, R.. Y JV. OK I) DEMIRIi, Juttr. Adm'r 1 ICui.f'.vick, Stpt. (). ko i EXFCU i ORS SAI^ES. I 6.Y ~'nitifjti f 22.1 of OBclet :!, | IVll.l. Bj: SSI.H, .it ti: (.or/: of j Kirkkand, a. j HtJ IS, hiite >, Horli y (> < s *-c. Tojt 'V . ! land > I’antation 7’ools, Houlchold | and l i: i eii Fnrnitt .a. Cci.ditior.s, twelve r.ioittUs Credit. JoliiC'S WllliaitlS, ) m . , 1,. ... / j liarr*; WilhaniS, f September 12. 4 1 o A. ‘ • • , > r.J AVK just received per the Schr. HUI,- ? 10AI1& ANIv .V, li’j.u Kcw-Yobk, a lie fe lupply of . BOOTS, SHOES and SLIP PERS, (of a superior qoaiitt) Wli'ch, toother with their foinier ilock s I msl.i-i ihcir ahort.oent. ObOND to none li tint city. | All oi’which they offer at reduced prices ac ‘*heir ilore, nearly op;>,fite tlie Exchange, I the one lately occupi-d !> y O'llt/ an J lJa* i kei . • Augult 5^3. i'jour, (,/iu iron. handing anil for Sale, at reduced priest for Ca he 25 li!ils. Philadelphia lupdrfinc i‘ Ictir 5 pipes Gin _5 uti s liar Iron and Shear Moulds ANDREW KNOX. A Uguft 2 6 A, CJ F/IC.LdIS and COMMISSION* MliF CHANTS. ’ | II h fiil/fcriberi offer their f.-rice us ) V ( TORS St COMMISSION MiiTLCi ‘ANTS. Tl.ey have good, | is.ft rrd commodious Stores for the 1 1 cf produce, seed v,u! j>?y every rttcotiou to i! c management of ?’ v iiuliiO# placed in their btmds. The; always ke*p on liimri a general aliotL j i.j! :it <-( GROCERIES, warranted t-f lii.e fir!! quality, to lupp'.y their cu'.loi;.. *, st liic lovrnl Cisu prints. JOHN T. WHITE (s’ Cos. r~"Z'd\ i6, ti j am f .i. ‘ L’ ,ES. o*7 t'. i ft ; ’ vi O.Hib r* J n*> , l t.. . HtL SOLO, ct ■ lie Court-fJon/’ in Savant,z,l *. M mrx’ ;< and | ~Jie r y f F </. / jv N-t. ic\, V/iliiii.p ton Tv. r imt:r, l) trby \r; rd, witli li • ! 'j'l'l rin'r thereon, adjoining Mr, John Gird.rr.Ti an pC , rafe of Lo No 3, Hea.iieo.; • Tythifig, iLck:; Ward, v. - Mrs.iiii- ft rtTidc; - } a!fo tv/ > I, ■ - htroc,. Levied on ; t;.c jfjerty of Smt’:, Car. and A.:dr ‘hc the la;: or *2\c aus ja;> ■ Swords. I BLN. WALL, M . m . j s j-tember 4