Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, September 16, 1806, Image 2

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200 DOLLARS REWARD LOST, AT, or nta. the Poa-Ofßcf, m;; ‘ nr'av -■ •. ip last, a let l**r ?ci'h'. ; fra ”> John ifivtieu, ’t i-MHK 1900 Doiiars in Sa v*r.n?li Bank N< ‘.rs, t f 100 Dol )1 r rfh, unci a |)ut Bill <lrat*'-> by Mr. Jo/cph A. Sro r, for 100 Doll.vs, payable on demand. Whoever his found the 1 2nd w II leav. I. ar the Conn ’no Hoorn of Magee & Howard, ih.all be entitled to the above ie v.arth S ft. l 6 2t I'XhaiiO, S SA* I S. 0 ‘ !i'tdmf.hi > lie 2>. tj (Moist next, • it.l. /■■/■* v ,3/ tie huife 0) > 1 “/ ‘ - . d'Cicifeit -!’ A ■ • I . , < Tu ’< • • •• I . fi . r . n . <JI,) ,, Houfi W •*"U r ‘’ •: /■ r. if 11 “ I ■ ■ ‘ 1 c n .10 (fir. : m;f. ? h clr . •nt t ‘ uilll) 1 4 D. ‘xt J fO TO A/iT, T'. !•. *>’. .j fi. if. rly ocoupfc*’ by Mr, is a chair msktr’s Shof, i. 1 aii . i,i ifii ... (1 Ui , I’. L-ouil lit.) ’ 1 c ‘ t-i ■'•fur terms inquire of MaRY LLWDLN, -Tptembt-r 5. NO 1 ILL. A 1.1 . • in.* ..1. :• r it.'! ‘, :• i :.i A.-*. UC !♦■* i4'IfJ.IAL, l l<j. I I ii* T iMi'! ti.t* lubJlrtticr ir. h*\ o p nf 01 v. 1..-. t <il the c'.tiUf of M ..•?:* \yjll p .tli b.o< th • , in as 1 . v f . j,. ILl>l- th 1. Utl- and, - , -vn. Will V-. j';r , c 4 jtn.: n.; v be pul i-1 tram t . f.i enr-i.t James Oliver. 1 j SALES ON ibe fp’/l ‘luefeiay it: oif ole’ tin', li Tl. HE SOIl), <t toe Or/.;/ IJi-uie in av.ari.t £ K tin ::i)iretl lease of Lot / \ No. 10, WTlmir.pfun Ty- Darby Wat/, with die hud ng th rton, adjoi .n Mi John ft r ih/ier j an >:nired ■ ah ot ! .<>’ Mo 3, i L ftii t; y ands , V. .and, wl. r , L ■;, ,i; ii. h reside i j 3 1. 0 rvsuf\ c~ r. i . 1. vi’ iy in he pro* O'. Mftb, Sou .1’ •; ...7 ,2. it the I •.in of 4u ‘ .r/.'t’j oTU./i, B£N\ Vv'Af M . n. c. 1 • • V / 0/v! ,0-7./•. r two very jibalat.dy lltunt .fi. td l.oy’S, in the city cr S. vmr ti-.ii, in iiroi.t'hton Unit, No. 2 .Tt:d 3, Aito.i \V;;,C, nearly oppilO.c to the ..iJencc ol S. li. Siachhoule. ALSO, Two Tors containing 45 Acres each, i.i Anion Vtard, No. 2 and 7, iituate in •he III"; ht.'vhuod of tl.f f nation of Ciror. Mi!*cu, lilq ...i! I> n>v iy val \'bl on a i iiin t ol t .it t . :ig r. ar to tlic c•'y ot .S.o ,nah. ‘lii- ir Ili ell .1 . iinji.j" I .table titles lor ho'd Lots, Ui lie- 1 !. :n the oiiginal gr..nti.e, will In <\e n to the pur. c.itdir, anil a very .xK alive a.i.l liberal 1 redn will be granted foi t.:c payn ent ot the ci till ermiiin n out j. For the parti -nlai t rtm> tvi 1 ci <.f f a l e> .ijip!} hi Savatin.-.!i, to eitliet the lab* Jctibta.. (lEORC i WOODRUFF, !OKN I.AVi dON. Scptttt her 6. -311,, 109. ’ .Xi v. L i e .\ s ‘iA'^Ro. • -'ft Ti. sty ~1 O’obcr next, ■'■ft/.’ t. jar *it t‘>e 1 •/ ,j. of A; . *V ■• •ic. i*. rjv ..I. /. , a 1". Jet J>. r'li/n.-/ , J ‘i7 !j em . , ’•” jo ’i. t• /t / t/e C-, A/y u ’ ham. \ L.L that Lllm! ii trait oF laid, .1 geuciMily known ami called AUVA St 1 : SS. in the count y a tor, laid, cnr.taim g about :v.o FnmJicd and fix • . in oi |.iuuting COT'IG.X L.IXI.y am’ _ bony ot Marth adjoining thereto, ‘F:e..'.l.bfttvctii b.wlic and ikidaa. v I iland, being part of the real eitaic of Jacob Wald burger elect aied, together with the huiSdnigs thereon, and tlie ep. thereto bilougirg. Tcrius to be tiuce known eu the day of laic. John Milledge, Exe r. of the estate of Jaioh Wald berger. h‘y 2S noitcll’ On the 14 thcfOSuher next, IVII.L EE on St. in:, “n't. at tit fol/cn. btrt r V , HF. real ar, ‘ 1. at p.i'j . • ot'Ja 1 Ma htr d.i.iiVd— Com.i not 1!., f-wing articles. VIZ—IVo Kig. oc, l!a ; . tan u Yco b, . K YMUND DEMIHU, .1 r. Ad: .'r lUbUiWlckf IO MNLANCHOKY . ! ! /.’ fs t.f tie Ship liosi-v. Eioom. numsai -emmC'KiUisa k NEW.YORK, Augnft 28. It is a ptiinful and melancholy part of our duty to announce the ’.oL of the ship Rose-in-Bloom, captain Barker, on her pafLpe from Charlcftor. to t!/: pert !!he upset in the U ltra on Sunday last, • 7 liaincj'at ; and of (orty-e.ght, per sons who were on lxiard at the time of <if the accident, twenty-one perished. The furvtvors were taken (it the wreck by the brig Swift, of St. Johns, and ar rived at thifi port ycilerday. The people preformed were, Capt. Stephen Barker, \ Air Jofeyh V. Page C.;|)t. Oliver Chan.jilin • Mr. U. liooth, !ti “, /olm R itledjfe, [ Mr. i>. Botifeur, Mils Eliza M t'hirlyn • ivlr. Joseph Davies, Mr. 1.. B tray, j Tvlr. H. Turner, Mr. D. Crocker, • Mr. >!. Perry, Mr. M. Premian, • Stamen, Benjamin Drayton, j / ices Quin, W. Van Lighten, • r I liornas Conlr, John VV. fhbbes, ■ \s’m. Cowan, Randal Cornel, ; liahtifte Hajadie, j J .oyd B, Bun, • John Alurry, John Vi . Dawf&n, • Henry Davi-, Lev. j,, j tl.e tili'ee last, men of colour. 7he odcv’ pit[ot. s nut 3 e lojl. i ial M’Pherfon Cc f Mr. ‘i liomas h alt, .Servant j J)r. Ballard &. Servant | Mis oi li and Sou, • Mr. IDniy Bowering * • c • Mr. Bet ill hi ‘. Serv int j ’ Jr, Miller,jun • Mi.D.Crocker's Sev’t SU'idse I’ ■[■•■•gets /ir.d Sei-nen j u Wl.ltercdge, | i ortune JiihnEn, ; John jrcka, ■ John ‘1 rutty, t). M'Cariy, j r'-dain Knott, j . iiohnifoii, • Harry Kid, ■—.-.■■ J.iyie, • the three lull men of colour. PARTICULARS Gs th: left vj tie Rose in Bloom. Since the wreck of the Hafwell India nwii, on tin trjrroiß i.f which the in .il p;t!ut:c it rants of the mourning muse bt. 1. If .'l'y | red forth, and the pain * pui to 1. qucntly employed, no ifi .goftlic kind has occurtd, t leaß j it...- neua at y. Tent cal! to rccoikdtton j to call uhiud to v in- the- heart of hu- Illa 1. } in! to c>.: h iorrow and lym i p: :’i> eiy bof-ni, lot wholly flint a | gi.iid. ilu l ■ r vitiiii .of our nature, .1, the fhtpAWc!. of Inc tiofe-in Bloom.— Convinced th..’ our rcadern will he anxi pu. to get a minute i.,fo mation refute ting that dilaiti’ ua event, we have bee ;.i tome pains to obtain the particulars, which vve found to be as follows : The Re) in Jiloom left Charlellen on Saturday, the t6ih oi Augult, with the wind at >, V\ . which continued til! the 1 ucfday l.dh wing, when it changed to . ie L uccafiotied a very heavy lea, tho’ the wind was by no meat surest. Thus u cortiuu and till Friday, the morning of which was tdhered in with appearance “1 u heavy g L. At noon ot that day a Ilium ot violence ...ofc, with tiiuii dcr and lightening so fierce and vivid, >i had rarely been witnefaed, never ex eteded evi-11 by the oldett of the inhabi tants of South Carolina who were or. btard. More need not be Lid oi it than it appalled the Kcat c.u o’ the Route marin etb, and made fuTt an impredionon mei, iraaginattom, us to induce them to thick lha. there was a flrong lu!pherou9 he’ about the vclicl. About 4 o’clock it began 10 Clear away—but in the evening ’ he gale increased to a tempdt, accom patiicd with heavy ruin, botii if which continued with unrelax and severity, aid without iotetmillion, for the whole uigtit. On Saturday tin viclemeof th. icn.pdt, and the heavy agitatton of u.e L.i, lug gefied to the captain the ixptdicuey of end avoring to heave too, which he ..i.ha VO, id to do under a topsail ; but this waain Ills than .t halt an hour torn to fitted, by tin wind, and by the woiking of the veil'd. A Itay tail was .hin let ; but u too w. s Ihivcred to pieces before midnight. At this tune, the b coming appteheulive iliat the wind, being at N. li. blowmg very violently, and ol e'ouife the unit of the veil'd to w.ids the land being very gieat, he might get a Ihore, let a elute reded ’ eirtl, iti hopes 1 f the vilLi eiaw iig oT. Under this (he ci ntinued iabouuug till iwu.ty ni,antes after nine on Sunday naming, when tnc npLt. Nulling ot t. t i.ulet.eo hang batteiiid down, rh c Ra i.,.u;c its way thi. ugh, and milled by tiiitr. into tl 1 hold, wlu.c the cabin was ’ immediate')’ .'uled with water by the w. y [ot the Ci npumoii. YV ith an extraordi ■ u 4. ) pretence oi mind, fupphed by the ’ ive ot life, operating upon brave und intvepi spirits, tome ot ibe paflingere in the lubin tuliied up tiie companion, and Line bu.-ft their way through ttie Iky .ight, and got into the lea. Among the lint 11 thole was Mils M’Phcrion, whom Mr. John Rutledge, by vigorous efforts, got up the companion. Tin veil'd being on her fide, thole who went out ol the iky-light of courlc got into the lea, where they were entangled among the tackle and cordage, and 111 their druggies dung to various parts of the mulls, yards, and rigging. The omy chance they appeared now to have was, to cut away the malts } but this was found to be nnpolTible, neither axe nor hatchet be -to k had. I home pertous, however, w’i ! ..d iuii up tlit lide c'f the llup by the thri uds, contrived, with much labou. and difficulty, havtug nothing but ltnall pocket knives wi h which to do it, to away the laoyarus, un the giving wy of which ) uit the malts brvK: oii short by j J e board. The (nip oovv began U right gradually, bu. very ii v. v—it le lacing below, r.-weii as on deck, being cotton, the wa> lo lar, sortututcly buoyaut, aud t-orturned “H v,'.•.!• tee t'cti: ; water $ so low hr -, ,-r r.r o be , .■> jby the waver as they pslT-d a'-.- y. 1 0 j j ttiis wretched ft pport- the ’ittlc ( : .e or hope of life, which thole pudenger. who had efcapcd the La, now wholly relied. In the gallant tflorls of a brave ] father to save a beloved child, Gen. M’; j Pherfon, who from the cmfet to the last J nfoment, incessantly exclaimed, “ Save j r.y daughter,” had been numbered with the dead. Mr. Booth, another of the passengers, li3d seen his w-ife. and chi'd j tiuried forever in the deep. They had i lain in the weather-state room. On the ! vessel’s overfetting, lie had burst out the dt ad light, and this unhappy pair get ting upon the wreck with their only son all clingirvg in an embrace together were swept into the lea, where a wave fepar attd them, never mure to embrace—He role in the mizen top—she was seen for a moment at the peak, and finking, ap peared no mere. The child, after a few feeble efforts, funk also. Those who escaped from being carried away by the fta, and from drowning in the cabin, new collected upon the stern, and bound themselves with ropes to the weather railing, nearly naked, utterly destitute cf food and drink. The cold too, was extremely great ; and what, with the hurts and fatigue from the toiling about ot the V'.ff !, four of titufe di;d m the courfc of the afternoon. Every thing that could tend to diihearten them, was to he uttered, and such rm a furcs as their desperate means allowed, were taken to preserve them. ‘i..ey were arianged in three tierr, joined c!olq for .. r./.h • th: te* 1 hang ’ pi ices at Hated intervals, so that e. !•’ tk-r should have a turn cl the middle for shelter from tiie cold wine which blew upon them. In this per _ ’ Los and pait tui ftr.te they continued aii j night. About, midnight the wii and ihil't i led to N. W. the sea ftil cor fide: ably, | and the weather became moderate and I the night clear. About three o’clock • in the morning they were cheered Lv a j distant light, which the mariners ir.fifted was a {hip’s light—it increased in iize— it rose fatt from the horizon, and they had foop the affliction to perceive that it was the morning Itar, inftcad of the light of a ship. At day light on Mon ; day the gale quite abated, and the heat became alntoft as painful as tin cold had been before. At this time bags of cotton began to emerge from itic hold, and a trunk escaped from the ca bin which had a fraall bag of bifeuit in it. Ttiis, though reduced to a p fte with water, and fait as brine, they were rej need to get, resolving to hnlband it, by allowance barely to keep foul and body together. In little more than an ftour after fan rife, a fail was deferibed in the .W, Handing as they thought to wards them. She afterwards feeand to change her courfc ; watch, probably, | wa3 own g to the weather being cai.n, j and her coufequently not answering Te helm Fearing that eb.y should eicape the r.o 1 of he vcffel, and dtfirous to muiuplv ofjeifts in the sea, 111 order to inert’afe their chance, two featnen were induced, l>y a v.aru prormled by Mr. join Rutledge, to git upon a malt or ipar, and, paduits made from the weather beam to move towards the fail. 8 o’cioi k, while the men were with jfi ij diuiculty, but not more danger than they would be on the wreck, makmg way, they and the wreck were dit covertu by toe fail, winch turned out to be the B itifh brig Swift, of Bt John’s N. B coir.rn .tided by an Itifhman of the ; name of P,.elan, whose conduct, upon J this occasion, ranks him among ft the no 1 hie ft tnliances of iliac pure benevolence J and philanthropy, which do honour to the human race, and so generally diitm gu.lh the hearts of that oppressed nation —He immediately bore down to the wreck, put out his j !!y boat to succor the feanr.en on the spar, and his long boat to relieve those 011 tiie wreck, and got them all 111 fafeiy on board his veff.l, the wea ther being dead calm. He continued by the wreck til) the evening—leuttied the after part oi the q iarted deck which was above water, and by gteat exertions I in diving, cauled Line few trunks to saved, which helped to clothe the fuivr . j mg fuff'erers. Nor was this all. To! his immortal honour be it laid, he won!.;: not Hop doing good while any good u. j matued to be done. He hitnLlf atten-i ded the lick, recruited and nounihco. i the exhausted strength of thole who* were will; gave up his own blankets l and clothes, and those of his crew, to! cover the unfortuuates he had laved in a word did everything j n his power to mAe them comfort, bie. And,* what was more than all, without h.Citation,! contented to go out of his courfc inor-j dir to bring the fufftrers to New-York, where he landed them about 8 o’clock on j ednefday evening. Evcuts of such an affliifting nature, would be intolerably painful, if they were ‘ net relieved by fume tiling calcu’-ie.l to ‘ ioothe tl.e mind, and relit*e it from the agony of reflecting upon so much her- ! ror. la this case, the foul, fickcued with j a long detail ot mil'eiie:, and deatu and ‘ anguish, turns Loin the lutferers, and re- j pefes with delight upon tiie contempla- • tioo of the humane and genercas man! who relieved them. Mr. 1 ait, * t the houfc of ‘Fait and Wiifon ;n Charleflon, than whom a worthier inao lives not ; and Mr. Bow ering, being in birth- to windward when the vcffel overfet, could uot get out ot the cabin, where they we e found cead, ve.) rnuvli bruiled ar..; lacciated, as it 1 fuppoled, by the robing of the chtft ar.u trunk*, and by their Iruitlifs c fieri a to eicape. cL. : ■ ,v, .■ r • pc, T f.J 7 2 ! - ?.! S o’.kOr .”. I.aft night the arrival of the l;Yp J ft.n Adams, and Sally irom Liverpool, fui nifhed us with London p-per’ to the :9th July, and Liverpoole to the 21st. An intercourse of couriers was kept up between England and France, and fruitful crop3 of rumours, &c. was tbr confequerice. One of tli-fe rumours fta-1 ted that tl.e outlines of a pacific,;tier t had been drawn. All the couth ntai arrangements of Bonaparte were to be recognized; and Britain wa3 to have Hanover restored and Malta and the Cape guaranteed to her.—.But a!! this was meie conjecture. Nor was there a nv certainty of the arrival of a Ruffian negociator at Baris. On the 18th July, 3 per cent, confols were 63 1-2. Troops were embarking in England ; and an expedition to Sidy was tilting out with activity. In Germany, things remained station ary ; except that feme of the Auttrian prToners bad recommenced their march homeward ; arid there wete indications of the evacuation of Germany by the French. The new Condiution of Ger- j many was under uifcuili.m. Tne Pruflians i.-ad evn.uaied Bremer,. 1 The gallant Prince ot': teff: continued J •vitii unabated conftaney to tiefcaU Gae-I , j ta * J The duke of Suffc.e, one of the Briton ( I’rtncts, ;to come .it to Jamaica v ‘ 1 a king of Viceroy. 1 lie report of the intcn'dej e'eva* ‘• ‘• rol j;<inujiartN b r:;Dtlur to i:-. \‘c< ?i b. | ,| “ Holy Ff.t vi 2 contrauitiod. “ Ihe C'jtiiii'.iffioners on the charges; resp. ting the Princefa of Wales had not ! reported. j ‘1 ,be bon. Mr. Erflcine rs to leave | Ei-.gland tor Atuenci about t.iL 20 n ~, j June. | I lie. Fox was ft til confined with the 1 ! dropsy, and it w-••.•• believ.u he womd not j | recover. A gentleman pal; ng<*r, in the • ft ar j rival from I,iv,.;pco;, sa lumt;,. e ‘ foiiov ing extract from the 1.-.-i .u Star: Os Juiy 19.-—“ ’vir ib'diico, t : ■ rr.-i fku ; gc-r, has been frequently reported to hr;'* I returned again to Frr.icc ; it was rot,! however, ti’l ytfterdzy that he ri-acii*.'. i zeal, on ti.s to Paris ; h, emb-rit.- , ! lo<3n a,ter his arrival, cn boa and the blood hound gur. brig, wich proceeded im-e (Lately .o,- Ti: p.-tnch cor,’ . in the great difference.’ i,f j opinion cxifts on the fid j .ft at per e or j war. Ihe d’.vifiun in ay be dated cj fob! foliov/o ; Far Peace. l'„r -Par. Mr. EOl, : 1.0r.l G eenvlile, i.ord Henry Petty, I .orft Kji.-ncer, Lo.d Moira, : i.orJ Sidmoath, j X.ord Ilcwick, - J oi.i Eltenboroiirl), j Eord Erlkine, : Mr. V, iiulham. Lord i'itzwHliam, BRITISH NAVIGATION LAPS. Among the important men.furs which have engaged the auauinn of the Britilh Cabinet, during the late fitting ot par liament, this act, which p.-olab y p.-.lLd both brunches of the gove .meat, meets with much lcvere remarks ‘Von the Lon don editors. Bell’s ‘NeT.y Messenger, i.. commenting on u,:s it ;, v uus arran- j ges its objections. ( “ 1. It is an uii'-e -i!.. y innovation upon an citabliihed p*3dt ; e an itnnie- ; d.atc and dii ect fact-dice of much good,— and as much wnuid rtqui.e the proof of neci(lit), and a greater good, for us tub perifion. “ 2 ‘ It neceffa;ily dedufls a tr.ofi coriiderable branch from th: *ir,.up | trade and as much muff c: h r wi'.hdr.v, j .111 equivalent oi liie capita! now en ploy- ; eel iu tlic (hipping tiade ami thus pro-! portionahy umin;fh the f-. pping of th: • country ;or if the fame cayte! te ttom ! necessity continued, when ti e oeruiid i has so coniidetabiy fallen, the profit of the fliip owners mult be reduced almost I to uothiag, end thus the !liq> trade wifi! be in a fliort tune ablolutely d.-i.r: .and. j . “ 3* T’> lupply our not orb. ’ j in Amciican Ih.pping, but with .imtii-j j can produce is a i.-justice to our i |<> ‘a colonies. ‘Fiat the merchants o ; { - i: U - d v - fit be ruined, wfiillt the Ame-j ; ticans of Maine and New-England arc! ; lunched ai their coif. j | “4. I hat the opening of the colonia’ | j market to ti c beef and poik, ; I mult molt seriously ciLat tiie Irilh * m j Villon trade; that the Anuri nearer, and paying n r ‘ax sno inlcrac-.e, ’ and huil ing their v. tlT* fit niudt cheap- j ci, they can bring their proviii.ns to the ‘ I coloniai market at half price of either I ; ‘j l: or the Irilh merchants. That 1 ! : ‘ lc ; atier therefore mult be ruined in the • competition, and mult be more or Lis | [ injured 111 proport: -u 33 this competition ! - itio-.c or i:fs iutioduccd, —i. e. as the j I lra de ;s mere or ! v ,, opened. “ 5. i hat tl.e American veffe’s, L- ir, -i admitted into tne color.;-.;, w>il find no ciili-u.ty in introducing contraband arti cles, to the rnauiLit injury of tiie fair ‘.laJer iu the ill ud i, and the Bri.ifit irr* perter or mar.ufactur *r. Ti at tea . and Lait India produce arc in *iiicnca fun-j j e -t 1,0 * s, io th it the inducement to 1 contraband ;rade on the iiJe of the Ame ■ ricans arc irrctiftanle. “ 6., that this opening of the maiket is the firfflmk T in iurrection, which we kno-.v not how he ;t may extend.” NEW-YORlx, Siptcm!>e 6. The luip Liverpool Packet, wfc 1 ; nr : rived at tilt; port last cvciug, filed in ; company wit!, the 0. Eo tou. as j \ . lit.-. ... ,ta .... : fly , M.ear Pr her ‘ : EjJ ‘w V :• lOi* tit". Jl to the i)■ I | r n H‘- ‘*• ive, lain London ; from f.ivi.pcr. ■■> ■ i 2ift, aud Lloyd’s Lifts to the • We are c!fo indebted t” trie’ po’- .It of Capt. V'iifon for Giberalter < t :;p to the 26111 ot j-'.y. CapH-YV’i.ioii informs us tiiat Gaet.a ui! Cii . and ti.a h, a foiti the N'ca- I pol.tat ■ been fucci-Ltul. Admiral 1 Cos L.gwccd continued the bloekade of | Cauiz. We are told by capt. Driver, who ar rived at Norfolk yesterday fo’n night front Alg. ziras, that there w t re eleven Spanish regiments at that place under orders to march agtiinft Portugal—that they we e to be joined by a llrong I‘rencii force—that a Portuguese 74 ap peari ! off \lgeziras the day before he lailvd, t'ft.icli was fired at by the forts, and hulled—and utat a boat which was sent from the iliip, would rot be allowed to land, nor no Portugufe to come oa lboie. The U. S. frigate Conftitmion was at. Algefnas. rteaA a'” ‘ iter from London fu'v 3. ! “La pare oi 50 guns, foiled Irons : bpitlu i.i ( M MaturcJay iall, June 2ft, with } *'* ;, i ec* of toe L arid r, ! wbicn sto ura to England, ua -1 cir tin: . n; i.J id captain Raggett, ; >"<• • r • ■ t ; o Leopard ; and an : ••'; i-. ;- -• :• -.. ,:i ’lit eu l or tau ft- 1 ’ ■ ■.- i.: i ■ >u her a: rival. ! “A h \:t in .fic.u.te- hat occurcd : ' n > 1 ‘• r. • ‘.ll, . f which iut ’ n 1 cr ivid Lilt week ; and t ‘va . ■ • e pt cecded ;sol at as ■ :n tin i\-a'-moml -u-.i 1: f , • ’> -Hi . ik. UDi Y. 2 ,nav’ tor tfnj > ;u: j 1 v-v* i ofhtriu ;cci ol <;*;*inis. •' i; ’ 1 ‘ C| til: jl3 tfU'cC 4 and C.G U.’ \Yu (lc. ! “ Fo tbs mere cT..cult,me of il- fe >ccurrttici.i, and tin . ai; .-t •. \‘ rtu 4., j A tin-Mca is probably t- bo-.d for . .;y j irquiery into til- Cot*duct cf Captain ! W till ! ! In he a I u s. ; ovi ion, >i ike Britt!a Put kst Prince n b ku .. ’• fio ror.ved here on Saturdav, : 1 s.-rmt tii t i,ic I he.J arrived at ; ; , I ■ , , 1 • c- ■■ o . us leaving that pe rt ; • Vitat the L. wa-i to return to £n-.-. ■ inud ji. !v-r ‘fi : ooanna..d of captain Rao- I , 1 v cop. id, 2;: . ln_.t car.t; .1 - ‘y ; - ••• n ?* of the ■ - ‘-.i .i , ..-ix . . go m the Leauder a-. p>;. 1 Com. 3j’./cw : p Lap'ain Conway, arrived at SMLJ ii,-.- \ (-1.- -.n _2r , in.'.irms, ttowJ w.eprah ioui-.Q at La. uh at VM 1 ‘ > ••‘f q 1 ftt on and * - i.. £ll, ,th piroperty •hnd | iLbte, the ecu’ i’>\roon3 levied bv the !■ reach upon t c merchants, had cc.njftitr- / put r stop to bufioefs a. that f’ lact f !i i ‘’ !h m . caunts, weiv *ll greparteg io leave it, and fcarmsiy % fh:p was to be lei,i i.i that heretofore Lufy port. Cap.. Luckcit, arrived at Alexandria in 2 ° 1 sys -'.ora Curracoa, informs, <hat bv an arrival ;n-.n i-Giaycabo, on (he o -- 1 1 ; th j,.’ of .-j ugr.ft, t!;e foilow mg ;t.i. m .tt.ia was received by a letter jnom i gieD-muii there :—“ We have J no.v et anchor in Vero Gulf two brae jk-.p-, tv.., brigs, and Seven fehooners, ■ ft or v.iiicit ffret appear to be armed, lat ded lame troops, and drove our rr, n -out of a tma!i fort whicn they now have in p ffdli m ; we have not yt: been aid : in learn whether they be Biiiiili or I'liranJa.” j * not her schooner that arrived the 1 * Y hit Curia.- a, m-'ntious ltavu.g the j }l -t to an anchor in Vero Gulf. Capt. j Llthidgc, wo > 6:h, was boar. 1 ded .... v ... Iwai J of Botnir ou the jth, jhy a Britifli 11-uop oi -e >.r ; the licute -1 nant informed Capt. Ebidgc tnat Mi anda hr.a levcn armed vi-ffeis when they ; :f | c l ‘ ; v wi id.-eerd lllands, and that ao -1 ■■’-ui 1 Goolira ;e had lot bid the imprefs m •nt'ol Mira uia’t men. It wjs gene* I bei-'-ved at Curracoa, whcn'l Lft it I -art M : .i.ula was in this fleet, as the ihi.dh would iut* no such licet in that ;;'.rur. No arrivals at Curracoa tot* | tin days before 1 left it from any p„rt the Main near Vero; this had canted Spa.uili vellds to remain nearly that hi gth of time in port for information, cargoes on board for the Main.— p-oduce riling hourly at Car* mcoa, i.i conf.quence or this alarm cos. He ;6 so txprefs failed in com* p-my with me for Port Acavelio, with tne above information. On uie i6ih ..1 tic Mono passage, was boarded by H. M. brig Diligent, capt. Hunt, tree tid politely, and permitted to proceed m a few .’..mutes. The lieutenant in r iriu. me, that cn the- 29th July he fpeke the- bi;g P.uly of Wilmington ; on the 27th the Pody was taken in tow by me ot the i’ren.h ihipsnt the line, and ketft ibe captain on board 36 hours, then be him adrift it a leaky iituation T e Y.-et to a lifted of 8 Lilot' line, and was u-rt iteeiir.g north. From tfi. !at. t’ to t: e lat, 31, experienced a trem.n. duoue :; 1 ;.:t. jo saw great - ttts of iamb r, iu at. 35, 55, fpokea ic. frem New Omars bound to L-0:..f-us, ::;c capt. informed, that the - y -’ e fpe-ke tiie schooner Swift, New Bruvidiuce, dilroa eed ir. lac. 31’ -ie *• vis., !.e further fa id, was front Grenada, He also me. tioned hi. ie B-itila Scot, blowing frefn cou.J not • • • the 2ft , ij* . brig Three Friendly fi, . - ers, capt. Tit?, from Gnadaloupe oound to Baltimore, who supplied rrr v.. 1 v t;r and fume other article* i