Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, September 16, 1806, Image 4

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MISCELLANEOUS. f,. . . -J’ ‘ I HENRY and JANE, A ?~PUL ML 10NC. Young Dinky was as brave a youth A ever grac’d a maitial (lory ; And Jans was fair as lovely (rush: i:: [. h'd I'*, Love— ‘.d .oi Glory. V/.t’s !i>- 1, f-is's he in” -ist to plight, And loici her many a g .11 it ry; ‘l.ll ,Var, the ; hone!) joys to Might, CMil’J Jiuti ..way iso;u l.ove to C.ory. r.rsve i.'. nry nn t th )•••• svith J ride ; Jan. i.dlowY -iougl.t- .h ! lia, hi* llory i In nun .... ire, a> ii• t,ry"f u I 6h: dy’ 1 for 1. • —*:..l i for Glory. GiV CEREMONY. BY BHUSMOIIU. “ Sir , will you j leaf.- a. .11 before r” No.jir.iy, Sir- you tie the door. *> I'; ~n M;i... I <.nor, 1 ! not : . S.r, I'm at lio.'ne ; eoufultr, ...r. “ Lieu!” n.e, Sir—l'll ic: go frft” Well, if 1 must be rod 1 .', 1 r.u It : U*e'. yet I wifi, 1 ~..0M c ..Me it . i l ai ;I) alow:. ‘!i : — he pc.!i... led, ftc. On fiiiwatd, ct! go foiaard, ’iejuins ! IN> • i",’ :■ u, what < .sell admires. i. J.iiiac.* not, frissida, with your proc ed ;j?; ft Hi •■> %. you display your bn -Jin; ; Such >le. hi. as oiic’s j i .i.i s.ia pcea^ues, Or ihi.,e oi l and tisetng'if.aiicr teaci.t. O f it l ime roue, tsinuiHtious fellow, l L'l clary, or at k :li half mellow, To conn: behind you unawares, iVod i ,111 y oi.i.i you down Hairs! lint Death ~t its..:d—let n.e udvife ye, Uu, friends—it iic il lurprize ye. J’j lie i.Vru- York t'/ectly Alascir.:. To friof;: v. ho never dive be- IRT.lii It.C ill! f,it C of (li t !*iy, !y -----j. rii'v it ay, as to iis extent an ‘ ii s cfledlb, appear t be a t nice or ilitio magnum! \ A cioirr t Xii. .-mat ion vv• ti convii.ce us tli tit K! fcccttiy at,t cts our hap piLtfs ..111! 1 1 j oil', iiuf I UCti il!i it It.ill .his ode |Uf!.jm:.Tit ami lut i; cia us to bee cnic the dupes of in vis and v;ii.t:..s, VVi'ca we film cur eyes a broad upon t!i • wt'ill, and ke *vl l tic rav.ijrg and deftmuiort, whut havoc and devalt.ition, uie han’t nn l villainy and f.uda. iiv ot ma.ibird have intro ‘need into i ; V, lifts lit bf.iLl.i tile I 11 jt > t ent and dcltrvuig laboiing t n c.< i fjuvous n ifiicitunes, biou, hi alii oil to a Hateof ft ,ii‘ii is: ~rt.y i.n ci ui 11 v and ‘ [ pr< lib nu! j ride an.i f’Suic , vi iu n we ice this ian domain of nature, large tiiougn to cont-siUj an,i iiuidui epougn to lupport a.l us inhabitants; \j 1 in, i lay, we ice, by the t pi city of lome and the avarice o*’ ott.cis’ rheie tr.iicrics produced, and thde bounticß w ufihdu frosn far the greaser poition of man kind, we lannt i help curling the wretch v. ho is tl.c autlu.r oi liich calamities. — lie imagines that the globe and its inliab.taiits, ate cr.aitd lolely to contribute to his pieaiiiii', :r.d wuuia aCtu :illv perluaclc us, that lie .s the lclc groprmtor of its go-.ds. lie views ;he general herd or men as ii> trail) Jlaves and bc.itls of Iju,- den, j .a, id here to adnuniltir to his v.a:us and pleafuies j lubjec ted to h:„ cap: tee and i epemiant On his will ivon for their lives. He will lauifice to Ins lust anc. apj c tu the lives and fortunes or his irlmwis, waii as iimch hoi c:i.n aim indiilerence as he would faii a iparrow. If Inch an one, as devoid o i feeling as humanity, tit Lives the execration and ab horrence of n ai kum, :o docs the inlciument by which thde cviis me accumpkthed. He knows It s power is by no means qua r e to the purpolV, a dis eo im pelled to have ricourle to tubtic and rtrmeu antiriie. Aware that Ids beiL ns will be lr.ore e.dily executed by the pradice of eu phony a:.u deceit, and by impo iu g on the credulity and wcak ircis of oi r naturi, this is the bnt te.y from whence he cotnnicnccs the a tack ■, this is the bulwark 1 1 o.n bciiimi which he lecureiy aims his weapons. It is ait alk in which he goes about ie zing u .'il his i tey ; and, like jaik, iL: g:anc killer, in his of darkr.efs, is bold r.n ! v and xnt be ta use his inedibility piote.’ ts hirr He is a d&ltard and a coward Tnir-■ but lie gains his objed, and is content to be called so. r i he opinion of the world cannot afted him. He is of too fi.'tr rrd indcpende.'i a fpiric : and if he is ever pointed at as an objedt of infamy and contempt, He wraps hinifeif up in the con ;‘t o fnefs of his defers, and w-t’. tile Miser in Dor ce, applauds himself when h contecojilates the rtwa. dos iniquity and fuli hor^d. U..,- wotilvi fi-Ypofe there were \va !i in t”.c v/arid f ,r ac '.oenpi shin •; the works of w ick c ilK*is without adding to them itio'.'iri —one by which the mod i •cud if;?": bhip ar.d the moft xi tcdvirtui is rend red doub.- lul and lufpect ‘d ; winch clcs troys the lence tin y should command, oi 1-/3 us open to the Tof ~ aim wi,iit diet u i Ir ... plainly, too lure -a eogina r.i: to mem: the war melt appro f.ati..,; of it;, eu.ploycii. They ct t;U not think of rdirquifnin: it, however fatal i's adoption migi.t or u> the nobicll afiections t.i i.;t nii il. “i hey law ihat by rcu uiing t.'icfe they would icL one of the ball and rrcit t :T-Ctu al ■ : ; sof their p:ofeflion, io thsr how ver cable it mi rube.n, ■o preserve the- f.r ci.-y couiu not think of giving up the li cr. It could nut h..vcreaui r and nVucm debate oi the two to i huL.—Men lb callous ! o dm imprefliona of right, arid :e t .a;d.e!s cf the intereds or fo* (imy, r ouid tret hefuate to de C:uc v.r.e.i intern.t was ll in iiii .tely (cnntdted, V/e Ik udJ laugh at the man who iGuid be so filly to sup pole chat the'Tiger vvouid have him umriol 1; . occaufe be was ur.abie to avv id him ; and be apt to doubt fmcerity who a'.lcrmd, that a lob r man r fufed to plunder him or his goous be cause he was tillable to refid him. Hence it appears, that hypo criiy, though at firft view a C /n -----terntibH a: and unworthy cl. rm, ink cis a deep ard ir.curab c wound upon foc-ieiy. That what wr. a! firii loppofed to txct-nd no In her man meiely to de civ u hi appearances, actually fern’; .oour oeflruttion. That it ,& ?■ < lo.*k uiicler which wicked a., piolligate men perpetuate th work and abominable curries ; wiiiih leads us to dotib: ol th. ccali.y of virtue and the truth ol friendlhjp. It were devoutly to be wished th it fome vilible mark couki be let on this invisible cowimg, that it might no longer be fuift rcil ro conceal the dagper o‘ the di illin, i.r the villain’s Im.ile. AN ORDINANCE, To prevent disorderly end violent truing mid driving cf carria ges within the euy of A;- Va ninth. J)E IT ORUAINED, by til” Mayor and Aldermen of tf.e city of Savannah, and it is hereby or dinned oy the aivhorhy of the fame, That from and a ter tiie palling of this Ordi nance, ir Inal! be unlawful for any perfoa or {erlonf, to Run, Gallup or ocherwiie ride or drive n a violent or diforoerly maa, any horse, mare, gelding o; mule, within the limiis of tht city of Savannan, and r hat a.y pcrlon or perfuns so offending, shall, for each offence, forfeit and pay a ium not exceeding 1-hve Dollars, to be recovered in the usual luminary manner, be fore the C.ty Council } and if any (lave lhaii be guilty of the laid offence, he ‘lhaii’ receive corporal pumihmenc, net ex cteding thirty-nine lathes on the bare bacrt, at the dilcretion o the City Council, provided, that if the nutter of iuch ilau lhaii,;nd will pay the fine which *'•••>V be impolcd in ’h- akeri.a tive, not exceeding the bum of o' 1 ney or foie .1 e.iiioind, t en the JaiU fhail b- exemp ted from fu-.h corporal puriifn i ne nt. And 1 1 ? it further o; dained, That it shall be unlawful for any person or perf >ns to drive any norle or horses, mule or mules, other a.iimal or animals, draw mg any waggon, dray, cart or other carriage used for the pur riofe of carrving or trrnfporting o.i(’s < r burthens, in any quicker vate c.r in any otlier manner than a walk, whether such v/ag gon, dray, cart or other carriage so used as aforefaid be laden or unladen, and that any person or peri'oiis lb offending, or the own er of any such waggon, dray, car: or o her carriage, used for carrying loads as aforefaid, fhaii for each offence forfeit ar.d pay a sum not exceeding Five Doi ia:s, to be recoved as afoiefaid ; and that if any (lave shall be guilty of the laid offence, he .h.i‘i receive corporal punifh .nent, not txceechng thir y-nine laflvs c>n the bare back, at the dibmtion of the City Council, Provided , that if the master of such 11 rve or the owner or such vv-iggo.T, dray, cart, or other caiMrigr, shall and will pay the fn.e which may be iinpord m he a’tcrnative, not exceeding the sum oi money last mention id, then the laid Have shall bt exempted from such corporal pu.ifhicenr. IN COUNCIL, SAVANNAH, Cth Sept. 180 G. ‘% ,‘ r -*• T I’ASSIU, . V V. T. FLYMING, A’- CHAIRMAN. ATTEST, JOB T. BOLLES, C. C. Statement ot Ground Rents clue to the City. FRANKLIN WARD. D. C. Lot No. 2, 1 qr. due I:3th July 180 G, 7 24 3, 1 qr. . . . 7 24 4, 1 qr. . . . 8 57 5, 1 qr. . . . 8 57 , 1 qr. . . . 7 24 8, 1 qr. ... 8 57 9, 1 qr. . . . 6 70 11, 1 qr. . . . 644 J‘2, 1 qr. . . . 7 50 16, 1 qr. . . . C 70 17, I qr. . . . 8 01 18, 1 qr. . . . 8 04 24, 2 qr. . 23d Sept. 16 OS 26, 2 qr. . . .10 72 27, 2 qr. . . 10 72 28, I qr. . 13th July, 6 96 29, 1 qr. . . .6 97 #l, 1 qr. . . . 5 36 53, 2 qr. . Sept. 23, 16 08 54, 2 qr. . . .15 00 55, 1 qr. . July 13, 7 53 26, 1 qr. . . .8 04 37, 1 qr. . . .8 04 38, 2 qr, . Sept. 13, 15 00 39, 1 qr. . July 13, 7 50 40, 1 qr. . . .8 04 WARREN WARD. Lot No. 1, 1 qr. due July 16, 1806. 536 2, 1 qr . 13 . 4 55 S, 1 qr . . . 4 56 4,3 qr . . . 16 08 ■5, 1 qr . . . 5 36 7, 2 qr . Sept. 23, . a 11 3, 1 qr . July 21, . 5 36 10, 1 qr 13, . 3 75 H.IV • • • 3 75 12, 1 qr . 4 82 13, 1 qr ; ; . 4 82 Id. 1 qr ; : . 3 75 1J i 1 V 16, 1 qr : s , 4 02 1 ? > Iqr : : . sO9 IS, 1 qr : i . 5 09 19, 1 qr . . . 5 09 20, 1 qr e S 09 2i > * H r • - . 5 09 22, 1 qr . . 5 09 20, 1 qr , . 5 09 37, 1 qr . . . 2 0^ 38, 1 qr , . a 68 WASHINGTON WARD. Lot No. 1, Iqr Due July 21, ISO 6. 482 2. Iqr . 13, . 402 8, 1 qr . . . 4 02 4, 1 qr . . . 4 82 5, 1 qr . . . 4 32 6, 1 qr . . . 4 02 *i 1 V . . . 4 82 10, 1 qr , , , 3 22 11, 1 qr . . . 3 22 12, 2 qrs . Sept. 23, 859 12, 2 qrs , July 13, 857 14, 1 qr * . . 3 22 17 1 qr • • . 4 56 18, I qr . . 4 56 - 19. 7 qrs . . SI 89 21 . 1 qr - - . 4 56 23, 2 qrs . Sept. 23, 912 14, 2 qrs . . , 912 2!1 , Iqr . 18, 29j 30, Iqr . July 13, 268 31 > 1 qr . . . 2 68 S -’> 1 qr • August 5, 625 35, Iqr . July 13, 015 36, 1 qr . . , L < 37, 1 qr . . *B, 1 qr . . . 2 15 39, 1 qr . . . a jj 40, 1 qr . . . 2 42 ERANKLIN NEW WARD. Lot No. 1, Iqr . Due July 2, 22 51 2 > 1 q r • • . 16 89 s * I qr • . . 23 07 4, Iqr • . , 22 95 f* 1 V • .16 95 < 1 qr 22 51 1 4 r 22 & ) *> 1 S r 16 S9 ,0 > 1 qr • . . 16 S9 n > 1 q r • . . 22 85 F.iilern hall of Fixture Lot, one quarter due July 6- 6 - 0 Eallern half of the Court-home lor, one quarter due 2oth August. Ol 7 7 , Weftorn hAf of lot letter G. four quarters uue September 3d. _, O - w Elbert ward. Lot No. 1, 2 qrs . Due Sept, 2, 1 806. j 9 74 - 2 i r • . i7 56 *, * qrs J, 1 or 5, 2 qrs . • - * 3 :i ; 6, 2 qrs . . . IJ 66 7, 2 qrs . . i4, 16 66 8, 2 qrs . . 2, 18 68 9, 1 qr . July 7, 8 *6 10, Iqr . Sept. i4, 77i 11, 2 qrs . 2, *8 62 12, 2 qrs . . . l 7 iO 13, 1 qr . . . 8 27 14, 1 qr . .14, 8 55 16, 2 qrs . 2, i5 76 17, 9 qrs , . 2, 76 46 I°, 9 qrs . . 75 94 19, 2 qrs 1” 14 20, 2 qrs . .18 56 21, I qr . . - 8 27 22, 2 qrs . . . ]6 GO 23, 2 qrs . . . 15 98 24, 1 qr • August 6, 8 12 I 25, 2 qrs . Sep:. r 4,1“ rO 26, 2 qrs . . . 16 43 28, 1 qr . . . 8 72 29, 2 qrs . . .j 7 44 30, 2 qrs . . :3, l 4 18 Sr, 2 qrs . . . l3 82 33, 2 qrs . . 18 88 34, 2 qrs • . . i3 62 \ 35, 2 qrs . . , 13 60 j 36, 2 qrs . • . . r 8 65 I 37, 2 qrs ... i5 iO I 38, 2 qrs ... l 5 10 39, 1 qr. • August 6, 677 40, I qr . 8 is) LIBERTY WARD. Lot No. 1, 2 qr Due Sept. 17,1826. 15 00 а, 2 qrs . • 13 77 3, 2 qrs ... 13 73 4, * qrs . . 15 00 5, 2 . . . 15 00 б, 2 qrs . - . >3 7 5 7, I qr . • t tS 8, 2 qrs . • • 15 co 9, 2 qrs . . . J 5 CO 10, 2 qrs . . . 12 50 11,2 q s . • . 12^0 11, 2 qrs . . . 1 j 00 13, 1 qrs ... 15 co 14, I qr . 6 S'J 1 1 qrs . 12 50 16, 2 qrs . . . p3 75 17, 2 qrs . . . lj 00 18, 2 qrs . . . 15 no 21, 2 qrs . . . 15 on 22, 2 qrs . . . 25 00 24, 2 qrs . . . 1500 25, 2 q.s . . . ,3 75 26, 2 qrs . . , 12. 501 27, 2 qrs . . . ’*so a!, 2 qr* . . . 15 CO 2y, 2 qrs . . . 15 03 30, 2 qrs . . . 13 50 31, 2 qrs . . . 12 50* 32, 2 q>2 . . . 15 00 i 3 2 <l rs • • • 1 5 cc i 34, 2 qrs . . . 12 50! 35, 2 qrs . . . 12 50 j 36, 2 erg . , . 15 col 37, 1 V • • - 75° 38, 2 qrs . . . 12 5* 39, 2 qrs . .12 50 40, 2 qrs . . . 13 75 CLUOMBIA WARD. Lot no. I, 4 q s Due Sept. 18, 47 48 2, Iqr . S:pt. 18, 10 47 3, 2 q>S . . . 21 38 4, 4 qt3 . ■ 53 32 5, 2 q-S . . . 26 78 6,2 q s . . . 21 38 7, 1 qr, due June 29, 6 3Q 8, 4 q-s tiept. IS, 50 85 9, 2 qrs - - 23 63 Jo, 2 qrs - - 14 88 11, 4 qrs 38 48 12, 2 qrs - 29 25 I 3> 2 4 3 , “ 33 7; 14, 2 qrs - 29 03 ! 5* I q r - 12 44 16, 4 qrs - 69 98 20, Iqr - Aug. 5, i) 23 21, 2 qrs Sept. 18, 25 88 22, 2 qrs . 30 50 23, 2 q-s - 42 75 24, 2 prs • 40 73 25, 2 q'S - 25 65 28, 2 qis Aug. 5, 18 34 29, 2 qrs Sepl. 18, 27 6b 30, 2 q;3 - 19 13 31, Iqr - Aug. 5, 586 32, Iqr fu-.e 29, 394 33, 1 qr /tugujl 6, 5 t>3 34, 2 qrs September 18, 13 93 35- 2 4‘ 3 29, 5 35 36, 2 qrs 20, 7 76 87, 2 qrs 18, 18 79 40, 5 qrs !*>• 53 44 GILLENE WARD. Lot no. 1, 2 qrs due Sept. 19, i3 60 2, 2 qrs - - 17 89 3, I qr Aug. 15, 8 32 4, 2 qrs Sept. 19, 2 1 79 5, 2 qrs 23 97 6, 1 qr Aug. 15, 8 c 6 8, lqr Sep. 19. 11 25 9, 2 qrs - - 2 1 38 10, 2 qrs - 15 08 11,4 qrs - . 43 20 12, 4 qrs - 61 20 •3 2 Irs1 rs 21 38 14. 2 qrs *• - 16 99 15 2 4 s 12 38 16 2 qrs 13 50 17 2 qrs 29, 4 52 18 2 qrs 19, 17 55 19 2 qrs . 25 1.9 20 2 qrs 23 96 21 2 q.s 29, IO 44 22 2 qrs 19, 25 09 25 2 q J 9 78 26 2 qrs - . . 945 27 + q r - 21 6c 28 Iqr Aug. 5, 478 29 2 qrs Sep. 29 9 77 3° 2 q r 19 11 25 31 1 q r - 5 63 3 2 1 q r - 664 33 2 q :j 29 6 41 34 1 q r ‘tug 6 3 41 35 2 q r * Sep. 19 Io 14 3 6 2 qr* 14 c 7 37 1 qr 7 26 IF CO U:\CIL., Savannah, 8:a Sept. iSc6. I HE Treasurer hav-g Did before Coim „ cd a ftatemeu: cf Kents due for th: City Loir, ordered, That the ic....".,.! re enter the ism; m the name of the C.w f, ‘terasof.theOrdiiancss, in luah case ,'nam and provided . and that the Na, tevice notify in the Ga-ef.e,. the ~.v 0 j re-entry, which be c,: Sasurduw :::e a-th inlfant. LxtraA front the minutes. Job i . Folks, c. c. i ’ j- IM cb diencc to tl ,c Her o! Ccu: oil, I do hereby g” ♦. No-sce, that 1 lnati pteceed on Saturday • 2-,th i.l il. to rnal.e a re-entry on the abf' -s Lots, in terms of ihe Ordinances in such case made and provided, unless the rci; cc tive rents paid to the Treaiuror 6a fore that day. Charles Cope, c. m. September 3 SHERIFF’S SALE. On tie fi st Tuesday in Olehsr not, T/ILL BiL HOLD, at tbs C urt hsttse hi Bulloch County, between the hours cj io and 3 o'clock, -JJ-VGHT burdred Acres Pine Land, b;ingon Die warers ■ iv- ypicis Creek, in said coun ty, ami adjoining lands of Fiiha j Wiggins, Francis Pugh and o ! tfiers, and each tradt is a plan ! fat ion j taken under execution as the property of Samuel Lock hart esor. to Fuisfy adminiftra toss of Dudjy Sneed, executors Ol Lcnja... ,1 Richardson, .ind lao executions returnred by the ftabie in favor of A. Woods, I ne above property pointed out by the defendant. Corditlans C * b, ns m -l boat tv high r. s • August 14. ts 404 TRL AS U it. y’ DER L'MENT Or Tils’. UNITED STATES, June zl, ißos. / HFLEAS rile C minis- VV Clone-1 sos the Jinking i Cno -, at a meeting nd.l on the ! iSth day of April, ISO 6, did re ! L-i- e, that the sum lemairang to jeo-.npkte the expenditure o^ihe j tnnoa! appropriation of EiGH i’ j MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, j houl.-; among ocher [-.-urp-dcs be ! ‘f'pbed ro the rein buriermr,, of the N A VY SiX PEI; CE7• T. rCOvK, ueuci-d in puiLance of so act of Cor greis, paif and on the 30th and of of June, 1798, L'*e rci; .buik. .cat of die FIVE AMD HALF IT ft. ■—Ei\ : i, Si GCiv, created n pur.UiiDce of 3.n uft of Oor 2 rrJ fs f gaffed cn the 3d cay cf March, 1 79>* f n s is to- refore to cive re st- e. that the ; r ncipai of the laid NAVY SIX PER CI N F. S 1 OCK, with the iateidr due thereon, wdR on lurrender of rue cereifi; ates, he paid on the lit lay of October next enfuinp; ‘he aa;e hereoi, t.-> the rilpecuve it(yXiV ,i . luCl . or their lawful re prekatanves or attomies duly con ilituted an.l authorized, ei !-b. rat the I teaioiy or Loan Office, £s tiie case may be, v. r.ere credus have been p:ven for the a fount of stock, r ipeflivdy held by them: and that tht principal of the FIVE AND HALF PER CENT. 81 OCX, with the iruereft due .hereon, will in like manner, a;.u at the fame places, he paid y] the nt day of January, ldoT, to t:e r.'lpecbve ltockhoiders, or intir law-ui reprcfen f ativts or attoiries duiv ccnffitiued and iV*|,k4U lit vlil It is further made known, for the information of the parties concerned, that no tiansfers of the NAVY SIX PER CEN I '. > l OCK, either from or to the books of the Treasury, o> from ior to the bocks ct a Comrn’s fioncr cfLdar.s, will be ailovv cd after the ift day cf September ensuing. And the interest on jai! com incites of laid stocks, whirl: shall r.ot have been fur rer.dcred, in pursuance of this notification, will cease and de tertntr.e, on ti;c day preceding the day hereby Fixed for the re im burletr.cnt thereof ALDERT GALLATIN, Secretary of the Tree fury. J :;; y *5 9a t6ao CAUTION. \ l ASTERS zv.i Owner* ofViffel 1- L 6l ‘ not ; aed, that it :s unlawful to i D or unlc.,4 er.r pzrt c f their cargos ir near 1 its fathom Hole, ur'lets L p- is pertoraed a: the wharves, ’.■i-ra tor ti.e purpose. AS! vio!*- ‘fe act, paued June 2%, :Sc6, j * . ne without ciicrir, taa j tics. j I S. D: MONTMOLLIN. ’ 4 '‘ ' 1 I2W. 2ai. ICC