Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, September 23, 1806, Image 3

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Jy fct cat for p..rls, and vr.?! *ve no <W.u that his lordship will Lav; town its and. comic o. this dy. vYc ilate.’ om be lief jefterd&y that hs*> K> r <lfl.: > >oti’ i not It employer. on a diplomatic uv.lfion to Pa is, but that he vou’ 1 fuce Mr Fox as feerctary for the Foreign Depart meat, it the continued i : . health of tl-a’ right bon. gentleman should render him incapable oi attending to bull nets. Thai avrangenttnt, we believe, was determin ed upon, but was altered, at least for the prefeut, in confequcnce of tae difp3tch ts received yettcaday from Paris. Sun We areforry to state that the account of Mi. Fox’s health this day \va3 much more unfavourable thar. it has been sot dome time. a change tor the work has we underllaud, taken place, which has occasioned the molt alarming apprehen sions to his friends. , H>J. GLASGOW, July SI. a very gallant exploit has been atchiev. ed by tse Blanche of 38 gum, in the capture of La Guerriere French hagatc oi 50 guns, alter an action oi 45 minute: ■ in whiJ* La Guemerc flittered levereiy in killed and wounded. Ihe Blanche j had only onu iicu cn j'ut and ihiee ms j nets v.ouudei'. L'. lh vciiels Jiil* id- *1 | Yarmouth ?* OiK-rncro was one oi \ , fqUidr ** fcVCD i- r'GfSj which j.l i lc” IA ! l-oir> L’Oneut m /.pub lor the annoy ance ot our v. ums in ilm Greenland tca u and Lavish Strslpnts. GREILHOCII. ituguft 4. I French and V’ r O’ ; the forrori j to the 22 j ■’ ! t.*\c‘ ijvicf to the ?.*ih j in ft have r-iveu The Duteh p:-pt under the head of: lntelligccce *i*c,ii kum. ul 22-2 11 a r menlt'/i., 1h >t a l icaiv oi I care iia, l, c .rj concluded with Rufiia. \V rdo • not find.he imr'lek rtliulior: !ti the P■ ; papers r* iin . If l '* cVviit, i *-*r rn , mot', however, fhti t l ave beet it , ne ral Cecil itioi., tliov.-h u uv oi the mi- . nor juU. u.l:i venture to repeat it. aU-i the recent hints in the Motnteur, it can not be (itcedked that any of the uaom.'.a. papers will dare to indulge in important political and (peculation. Neither the nnr.ouis aor expectations of peace, appear to have had any dcruble edeCt on the trench funds, Tt.-s 5 per cents were not higher on the 2 lit ult than they had been on Uie three preceding day3 j it is said, that in consequence of the j Treaty vt ill Ki!’ >, B-map'atte has mul ; tiplied and emburr; tit u the conditions of peace with this country. Such a thing is like./ 5 but at the ptefeu ci sis, there is no lately even in p.ooab l itiea. The two exeditions are cn the evt of failing. That at Portfmt uib pi.fii bly has failed brume this article is pa liftieii. a number of the large!! co lit-rs have alio b t o engaged by govern tnent as tramp r'S for the conveyance of troops —to wliar and -ihuc.tion, we do r.ot prof fs to be infoimed. NASSAU, (N P.)September 2. We regret much to lave to record the unfortunate arid furious difr.fiers oc casioned by cm of the moll violent gale* of wind which bad b eti experienced it, these lfianda for ievera; years ; it com menced on Sunday morning about two o’clock, > om tin N- E. nt and continued with tqui 1 violence until about the fame Lour in t he aitei noon, by which naie the winu United to S. E. “2 he following is ns corrett a hijl as we have been abU to co.leCl of the vffets in jit’td Ij the Jlorm : Ship Ariel, caps. Borrowdalc, of Liv erpocl, on fiiote on Anthony’3 rock, not much injured, and supposed will be got off Brig belonging to Mr G. John son, loaded with fait, totally ioit on Silver Key, toget'n* with he:- cargo Schr. Diana, belonging :o the fame, call on ll.c re oppoiitc to tfie Ordinance yard, and b-iged. Schr. G urge and Ophelia, belonging to the fame, call on lb .re about 3 miles to the well ward, not much i ‘jurcd. Schr. Du.'3 ot .Wti>, be.ringing to Messrs. Bootle Sc Joiinfon, call on ihore on Hrig-illand, and bilged. Schr. Hope, belonging to the fame, m fling. Schr. Lucy, rapt. Hudson, of Charlcf ton, cad on Iht e about 5 miles 10 the weltward— vefftl and cargo conliderabiy damaged. Schr. Admrai, Kirkland, on shore at the weftv.ard—.velfei lull, her cargo, Coffee, will be favor!, but all damaged- Schr. Jofefa, Viiiamii, prize to H. 3M. B. SuperietT', capt. Rufhworth, vessel totally 1011, about a mile to the call ward—part of the cargo will be saved. Scbr. Mars, belonging to Mr. Henry R chardo, cad on shore to the catlward, cargo damaged. Schr. Duchess of Atholl, belonging to Mr. Jcfepli Kyrtt, on shore five miles to the w est ward, supposed to be eonfiderab'y injured. Schr. joliy Bacchus, Jewell, detained by H. M. Schr Redbridge, lies 011 shore off the weilern battery, not much in jured. Sloop Tamer, Thomas, belonging to the Hon Mr Mu, was on ihore a lit tie to the weffward o. tne town, but got off without much damage. Sloop Brothers, Turner, belonging to Samuel Mackay, L;q. returning irom a wrecking voyage, llruck upon the foutii wed reef—fuppofed to be totally 1011. Five Spaniili licenced vcffcib 0:1 Ihore ftlcrg ‘.he bay. i SLcp Expcnm>!il, belonging to the 1 i >'i. Mr. i l fs, was drove out to f.a from .he fouihwetl bey. 1 lie Gcoige and Lovely Lais, be- Ic'iuing to Mr George Jobofon, much j-ired by vdfcls niuuing foul of her. S. hr. Speedwell, capt. Yellov, ley, re uirnieg from New-York, experienced 11 ftvere ga'ie at lea, about 11 days a 6 o, which carried her oiaitunaff by the board ; caufe.l her much damage, and obliged ‘ll-crew to keep continually pumping, arrived off the bar on Saturday evening, out from her oi(t r etf. and iknation was uu aifi. j to make the harbour—the fame night, i ) the gale, fhc was cult on Ihore on Nor.h’s Key, when the vessel imme diately funk and wnth the greated difli ci ty the captain and crew wttc enabled to save their lives. There were on board of her a number of letters & pack age: ic this place. IV t ar. torn 1 to date, that befidcs the ah :ve related injuries done to the pro jpertics of ir.divitbuuls by the florin, the j.iv-3 of three Negiocs, belonging to the {Run. Mr. Moss, were loft, by the boat jiwamivng-, in ai'empnng to teach tav j flu,re from the 0 ;op i.xp'Timeiu. 1 It is uii’n pie .dure we mention the i I folun. ing circuniiiance, to pay ti>e tri ! hn 1 c {., j.tfliy due to ;he adivi.y and hu | ity i Capt John Hen*R*soh, one ;ot the Branch Pilots, who at the inuni | nli; of h:.i life, ventured upon ill. I Sir with his boat, to the afliftancc of a ; | per.ileti'an wild had been c:.r e 1 :iv. • y j ;. a to, I I cat. and who would without j ‘u.-!, ti 1. .y us:, dance, intvita bly liave :al i lei, a vj’ itm the fury cf the waves. September 5. ! Arrived on Wedne-iday, the bru; Pitt, cap'. Ni wcomb. , irom Loin on, Portß - r.i-u-'u, and l almou.ii, from wuei ee !fi v i ia-ie.’ cii t.t,e. 19th ot July, iii company v<i So Lil for tiie Weit-Indies, uud.r 1 Cdnvoy ot the V.nus frigate aiul v\ oi ■ vt. me hr.g, Iroai whom the Pi t parted ! Aii-ull 7, iat. 33. 5. long. 15, 11. On ! Sundry mlt, iat. 25, long. 72, fell in with a two wr three decker, under jury n . its, (landing t.; the S. Yv r . —(hewed i’.i Colors. JOHN BOLTON, sea } Cjmdju vs. > Superior W ILLI AM N 0 B RIS, J Court, March 7 c nn , id 6. “YPON the petition or’ Johr I l j Bohon, lurviving copat i i n r of Robert ife Jol n Rollon or-.yifiJ the forodofuVe of the E iryof Redcmp ion on she ‘oi ‘g preirnfcs, mortgagtd to hr-said Robert 5c John Bolton hr the ium of eleven hunure ‘ ted forty f;;i dol'ujiava.iie the if eh of January s dcu, ano for the further of tie yen huridre-i arid lott> f.x do id:s ano mtereft payable die lifth o* N )ve;n'cr tboa, o wit ‘he fodo.sing lots an i pans o : iocs in the townoi S:. iviary’s.— t tar wharf i..t coritdi irp 50 iter on St. Ma.y’s Ur. ti cm. runni g rSO dec welt to juu iOu’svy iter iot, and ton: st. i'vlu ry’s ftreer to the liver too let; an 1 along the nv r too text The fame being the front of io. No. four in the plan of faiu town.—Also i-n'c of laid lot No, four beginning at Read; street running well on the st. Mary’s ftrtet to Ju for ’s oc &. on Ready flreet 200 .et c north to Divine Young’s lot or line & * 50 wd> on laid Young’s line co Judson’s lot wall the buddings and improvements thereon. Alio lot No. (43) forty three containing four acres then on* copied by Peter VV. Green, with the buildings and improvements chereon, arid on motion of Mr- Stiies attorney tor the petitioner, it is or dire a by the court that the principal interest and coils upon the iaid mortgaged premiles be paid into court with in twelve months from this date and unlcf-, the fame be lo j.-aid the equity of rede ihali thenceforth be forecloied aV.d of ther proceedings take place pur luaat r.o the act of affcmbly in fuels case made and provided : And it is further ordered in puriuance of the laid ait that tins ruie be published in one u( the public gazettes of tins state at ealt once in every month utitili the time appointed for pay men', erfervedon the mortgager or his pecta! agent or attorney at ieaft frx months previous io the time the laid money is ordered to oe paid into court as aforclaid- Ex trail from the min utes ibis oti March, I^o6, JSC CREIVS, c. s. e. cc. s i ami 2 m 60. BiLLb 01 LADING, 10. Sale this Offi.s R.EPU BLIC SAVANNAH September . ISOG. .M,” •’ • -*l > S .l--- OSLORN.-.'F he Republican; of ’bi-, City, in common with their fellovvcitizeng to the North, viev.-i";; tlie confinement of StiLl.H. K OSLORN, (Kditoroi the \\ irsets) in Litch field, (Con.) Jail, as degrading to the princi ples of a Chirltian People, have left a scb scßii’noN paper with ns, for the benevolent purpose of aiding him in his bufmefs. To tliofe who are acquainted with the firm principles of this peilecuted Editor, detail is unnaceliary ...but, to thole who are not, it i may nut be ainifs to offer one or two-oblerva tiens. He is a young man of brilliant talents... Ins independent ptinc piles cannot be doubted, even by bis niofc bitter enemies...he his a firm fur-jKCt.r of the prefettt AdminiAration...even | j ilieliorrors of a doleful prison are not iuflicient ; to weaken Ins attachment to the caufc of Re- 1 publicamim...No, there, like a true dilciple of j ruuTH and c,\adoh, he eapoles the machi-! uatii -as of the enemies of the American Re Hands firm...he is undaunted bv J 1 , j the threats of his uie his own 1 language, i he last wash or his pen shall HE TO EXPOSE THE ENEMIES OF AMERICAN FREEDOM. gs Tliofe who may feel disposed to at ! lach their names to this fuiifcription paper, are j requested to call at this off c...the terms are oxe dollar per annum. HEALTH...WhiIe we notice the health of the Northern Cities, it is with pleasure wc 1 Rate, that this City, was never known, at ihi featon of the y;ar, to be more free from pefii- ] i., or any thing bearing the complex! not j difea!e...the bleCings of health beams upon al- j moil every co'intenancn.. *ih is lea ton \,e have h .! an uncommon lhare of rain...and the fie quent refreihing thowers, in our opinions, have had a faiutiferous effect...but, we understand, that it is not so with the country around us... there these cooling Ihovvers have had a contra ry effect...the Water in the swamps being ibg nated, consequently the air nuift bo impure... j yet, even there it is not very iitkly, fome few instances we have heard of, but none that wear a dangerous alpech The following Toast was given by Mr. I. Smith, at Charleiton, Aiaffiichufetts :... “THOMAS JEFFrRSON, Proficient of the United States...who levels his breastwork, J pikes his cannon, bares his bofoni to the ilialls oi hr; enemies, and gives the deeped wound by a dignified iiienee.” Often have we heard the enemies of Mr. Jefferion fay...and we obierve iuch language in every Federal print...that if he is innocent of the charges aliecged ag..inil him, why docs he not come forward and vindicate fnmlell ! Is lie, because his fair characher/is aflaiied... because the poisonous a< rows ol slander are leveled at his bul'om, by ever petty mribblcr... t-very hireling...every dealer in give an account of his past life...No, it would o-c lUibecomii.g the Ln.el Magiltrate oi ufict people...a people who hold ium high ill tiler eitecni —a peiqde zealous i.i good works. ‘i he above toafi is incomplete answer to the questions of these vvleaercs. Waliiington never delceiidea from Inflation, as command er in chief, to contend v.-ifti his enemies ; hut, when he retired from the -hi /tie oi public life, :ie informed ms feilow-citizeus, that “ certain iettets, widcii had palled us his in war-time, were forvikiues.”——Walhington iought to humble the Lritilh —Jefferfon’s life has been devoted to the cauie of Repubiieamlm... to the iiappinefs of the Anit-i ican people—con i fequently oppoied to Federal ‘i yraimy—each j gained j their fevorite object —each liave been j j abufedby their adverfaries—Jeffcifon, like the j I immortal Walhington, is far above the reach ol j such fcrlbblers—he looks back upon a life vvhiih has been devoted to his country —he again fees hirnfeif placed at the helm of state, in ipitc of the f.anders of Fedtralifls—lie fees all their lf.nders answered by IF 2 votes again if J-l—| he fees that he lives in the affeiSions of a very j large majority of his countrymen —therefore,! he, with firmnefs, “ levels his breastwork, j fj,ikes his cannon, bares his bofoni to the ftrafts , of his enemies,” and thus wounds them by a , dignified contempt. The flandereis of Mr., Jefferion, rail against him merely because they liave an eaching for fcribbling...merely because the leaders of the party firft raise the cry—and they, “ That bark, because their fellows do.” PI GOT AGAIN ! ! GsANO-MoTiir.ii A term of reproacli never to be forgiven, if applied to a Lady of fafhion. Tor Gpasp.—A never, ceafmg Arifto crat.ic endeavour, and the principal object iu view of the members of both Houses of Pai iiament, in England...and of the icderaiifts in America. Ga atificatio*. —In the Exclisii fuif of the word belongs to the few, and is derived from the fufferings of many. Got . —How the English minifl'-rs v/iIM form a fourth Coaliition. As the Yank-c. are said to be good at guessing, it’s probable that Coleman can soon ooejs this matter. Government.— n unive fal the objedt of which is the happiness ol a fiate for whose benefit it was formed. Whenever this objedt is not attained, it is natuial, tAWfULand right to alter the Government, anti t!ie only competent judges in these cases are the people themselves. Economy is the wifefl principle of all virtuous Governments... such, is the Government under which svelivc ; anti iuth, nay it ever be. j Ci' word, it: Inna and, meant pat riotiim and dvteftation oi 1 “e .• uv. iI.M Piness ..“ That - it- in which onr and .lues are fatislicd...Good fi-rtur.e . Happine’s cannot be pofuively afcertaiiied, because the v- r.ou; and contra:y r choices by whicii men are guided iu their pursuits, piovt- that ali per lons do rot place their happiness in the lame thing “...I.ock e. ‘1 he objedl so which we aspire for happi nets, often piaic-s our bane and deftniflion... j 1 he only true happineis irltr in via i ue. Hastk ..Hurry...ptecipitarion This word cannot he heller explained than bv a re ference to John Adams's midnight departur from tile Lily of Walhington the Sd of March, U-Oi. Hard-iiear tedne 11 —Cm eh v ; want oi compafiion. Sheriff I.undon, \, iJ e i j arbitrary anil coniniiiun^ - Si*Utik OP-Jorn to a common Vriion and con ; b’.iing h:Dt in a room \> ifli ieiens a: and nidiuai w : is :i pt-rhet illuflrutiou oi tho woid hard ! II LA II I EON ESS. Harmon v.—Concord, (eu.un i -atug ! luar |o Ai lfteu acy and Kings. Havock.—JJ.‘foltn ir. r—Slaughter. “ Ate by then fidi repeats the found, “ And lets lode the dogs of war.” . Heaven—Fhe belt definition of tis, word is the conlcieiice oi a virtuous niapj. Hi ii File conscience of a Tyrant. Heriditart—'Fhe dr m of jl v . t j, ( . b0;..1 and i-dar.iy ; and 11;e pride ot f : . Her is y—An ahju.ation ol | mtnt-.- ;-nd iupcni Jtion—T> ie iglits cf it-an,'and the pro. mulp- ide ii of truth. Hvi , ocp.isv...The moft tcrivino- oi ; ,'ii ; qualiius ..ail attribute of modem Feder.ilifni. lli bo —The or b of ot. Timothy l-icketing, of Ffaiii tinging niemciy. J.veoEiN—Every :.r. who dared, <1..;. ilm termt>t John Ad.v ‘ reion, to obji ft to uty pu t ol his admin ration. I, .—A cold li’ ,r<**, of which the hearts ol soma gri'at men m e Jmpole-J. It : ure—d .riftrV-'c, Federalism ft j Royalty. / li> n.tUMiN'.'.TE—'■ darken the Im tnan underftandin/pby tv r poffibie artifice. ’Flius the Englil'i Miniiaial and the Am.-r-. can ! Hcral Nt v-s-ji.ipers 3t the present time may be said to i/Junsinate tbiniblic. ‘i HE foij/wing Tiy/iiT is fuhniitted t the Republictn EleAotof Chatham Coun ty, for the app'-oaehing Eleftion SENATOR, LL'vVARi) TEL I-AIR. ’ representatives, JOHN H. MOREL,” JOSEPH Vt KI.SCHER, EDWARD HARDEN. A REPUBLICAN. From tie Lun.lm C ‘xe'te of “July 1?. Queen’s Palace, July 21. James Munroe, elq. Miniller Plempotttiti.i ----r) from the Unite-1 -States o, Aniere a, Ji.t.i.n received new letters of credence, giving him, jointly with Wildam Pinckney, e!q. the cha radler of Ministers lxu .ordinary and Pltm potentiarieslrom the United -i; t- , tluy bail this day a private audience of his Majesty, to deliver their said credentials. PETERSfIURUH, (Vir.) September 9. Wc learn from Kicliinond, that youiii Swinnfy (by tvliole- mta is it is Ittppof ed, ilie venerable judgd VVytlic was tic prived of cxiitenct ) had hid trial hefor the Diftridt Court, ...It Wediiclday, on an iudidtaient tor murder, and w-is acquit | ted. On Thursday, lit was tn<le upon | an indittment for forgery, and found ! Gudty. j Unwin so- ■ Robert 6c John Bolton, H/irn ior Sale, \ Q WEEDS Iron uiT->r'rd . D Brown fitiga, s ti laOaf ditto per Banet I nb--tor Cotton flagging ! <>• cko*. W re m Crates | Northward Hum, anil j Other artii fi :. trom ffnfton ! Cob gne Mill Stone:;, j tect diameter i flacketi Stone Lime. Sept- 23 ot 4/3 SHihllitF's SADLb. On the firft Tuelilay 1* November next, will be fold, .v the Court-houle id i.e count of JJuliocti, bf.vetn ttie ft-art of to ami 3 o’clock, A ‘Fit ACT of 300 arrt i lanr’ adjoining Samuel Lockhart 5....1 Jo . . Uj, . :.. y , levie i on b> a conil .o', a- -lie property of lki.t Lockhart, to fa i IV Robert A-hml'on and of if - 1. - tht ai t£ . , 4-5. danu-.l Ec .1 wuicirr, Sept. ti. ts 413. i.B.C. GEORGIA, \ liY fobn G. Neuilir rf ■’ er o of Ordinary io: Effingham Cout.’; , and hate I afnridau!. VI f lILKEAS, Curt: ]'■■■>■ ?.< 1 Jr,;,., I W I'o.vcr., have app *•! for Let'; i<f difmiffory from the that’ ot Jtn.e-. Web!., j tie of laid County, dreea'V-d, / hole ar | i ‘Tet ol ,to cite and a'lmom.'li till acd (■ j ! /ularthn k ndred artel ert tlitoi■. ol ;,<■ lau.e'.. , !, cubed, file their obi .linns, if r);. y f,,jve, m my oiTi'at ‘Hi Or a fore tlie . and day of Onto,, r otherwise, letters difindlor/ vtil lie grantttl them Given uin'ertny har.d aid leal, ip;* ;.:ddav of Sept. “” ‘• and of the I .ti ‘pendimi. of the t. tited State! the thirty-hrlt. 41 j. Faints, Oils 8l Brufhcs. I’HE fubiariber has on fate a r; an it. of the above article!-, which v.'ill be fold low for calli, or on a (iiort c/ed t, to thole v.ho arc punctual in t .ci pay .rent*. JQtiM HUaS'i’ER. Auguti *4. ! C! ’ V ftL Stpt. x 306, j lU'dV^a. j n.c:r . rs, Jo'ui Jf. Mc.-eJ, /\. li. BttJlorii. THh tlctftdh ol Chatham county ere t otih >d, ts :c a mil will i c openux) on jVlo d.ty tl.a fix It da'- ; ol 05J , '*'' er r>-x’ ,i” j j ■’i-lot-k at the Ccurt-houlc in he uiy <1 :>tvArmh, lor the j- ti |>‘,ie of iit i.titijf !ou: :vlciu u s 10 C'lfip ) it, a Sdttacor rtnd f te K-prd it ativ.-s to the Siacc l .fjUl'.tl IF ‘. Order'i, . at the fame L* publiihcd iic G -ztitcaol tlitj city, I x r r. ift om the luinutf?, ‘2 2:1 S:j. v X■l - r 1 S O 4< j] ‘ HI ! O iI, Clk. ,X ‘ & \ received per the ‘Schr. HUE- - . !]*> ,a A > NNA, ■IVIU {icv. ‘.l'k\ .1 fifth “IJV , f e. f O rs, SHOKS arid al ,IL>- /■’ Ph US, * (of A SUITRIOK 9XHLIT?) ViHm'li toyriKoi wiili tin. r mbkea tiu'i .illyrtuienc si gon j :j *:c.:il* i_i t)u< cay. kilos they ofiftr *t re Inci’d : : ‘.c:s a .!. 1 store, nvi 1 y 0| jKi'.'t? t*. • f \o'.iig c Glic laieiy 11 *.14. l G by andj;;i> et. Alihu (t T. 4. KD dOK, ■ls prpi hi disorderly aid violent i f ti’ ii ('f ir- .■ oj Cur;;,;- fr-S .. i.i-* -i 1 . tily t j ... V.r/,nau | Is it i. iftai s’ i ft, by rfe ll) b-.i\m •!>.; ; ;...‘r;,N.n of tic city jf. t a van rah, anti it is v r r ,’iur rd < v hu atiiho: if y •f iit.* i.tir , I ‘1 ;:n ait.! t r the of : s .ts:tt, t inr t • ! xf :l ’. r y pel iun in pe .tj , to Run, I illop 01 otht rwi)’- ru■or <v t .) a violent or dis i>x-f!y m<u.- it r, any hoile, na- u, elding t'r uie, wtctitti the limi sol the :ty of Sai/’ inih, .if.d that ary -u ; oii or [• lo eftynuinc, nail, for tacit t ftciu e, fotha •ud > .ty ;t lum not exceedin'^ ■ ivc Do!; -rs, tf> r t rerovereti m t tiltifti luminary manner, be ne the C ly l ouncil ; and if .ny Have 111 .11 he puil y oi the id (lieiti c, ft tiiail receive rpcral purnlhuu nr, not cx ctdin:.r ttiircy-t.inu luihes on ‘he ) rc Luck, at f!.e duct tion of I I e Cny, lot. viDiD. i a if’ th” malicF nt ludi Drive mall and v’i l pay ti.e fin wmch ’ ay he imputed i.'i the alter a tive, not caccecliog ii.e him of o.nty Dcfu.e met.uc Rdj ti.cti lie lau! lervuiit iha.i fie vu lip ed from Inch co purai ptwiifh ment. And he it further ordained, ft 1... t ;r. ll lull be unlawful ior any pet it n or pet funs to drive any auric 01 Itutl.s, mule or mules, oilier animal or ammais, draw ing any waggon, dray, car: or ulier carriage uied for the pur pole cf carrying or tranlpornnj; loads ot burth’ iis, in any quicker ./ate or in any other manner ituti a walk, whether Inch wa._>- gott, dray, c ;rt or othci carriage 10 itl- and as amrelaid be laden or unladen, and that nay perlitti or pul or. lo ctlending, or trie own-, er of .ny lu>h waggon, dray, cti t or o her c arriage, used for carrying loads as afort said, fhaiL for each ofTuice forfeit at t! |.ay a fntn rot exceeding hive Dol lars, to l>e reroved as aforefuid anti that if any Tuve ihali be; guilty cf the laid offence, lie lhaii receive corporal punifh mrnr, not extet ding thin y-mne: lafnes on the bare back, at the difcretinn of the City Council, Pro -icLd, that if Hie inafter cuf 1 1 ich Gave or the owner of fuel i i w.iyoon, dray, ran, or othe r carriage, (lull and will pay th ‘* j fun; which may be impoftd i a the alternative, not exceedia r the film of money .a'l nnntio; i ed, then the fa:d Have ftuli Jzz r.ipt-d bom inch coipo; .4 pumUoni nt. IN COTLVC'IE, SAVANNAH, Bth Sept. ISOi .p * ’F SA3SI.O, + c + F. T. FEYMINO, -pi/ ‘"F C UAtil M A H. It ATTEST, [OB f. BOLLI < . (C. I or Sale. O.t Saturday 27th unlaid, at Ciicra Uc Hill, f t K (? i.j .siS and ONr I’i ’ roc Taken from lu tiy ie, - p* r ; e JOEL W Alai COAT, C )’ - ——