Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, September 23, 1806, Image 4

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miscellaneous. Ri.n'tTir -a **-•* WHmßmmmtmmm FOR THE REPUBLICAN. TO A SjLIiEi'UJCi INFANT. iir NTty littl-* infatit, Humber. Rock’d within thy cradled bed ; 2,1 .ny joy a he: t after, without number, Be daily ibow’r’d on thy head. V l*lel, at iI ! could the lesson Live you, ( would warn y-u of the art, 1 a!fe friends will often use to swerve you, Front the diitatea of your heart. Many, from grand’ ar’s heights arc hurl and, Who once have It’ own ambit.on *f:nilc Who trulb and in a er. ’ j world, And lute th- lad cfl of guile. V/hen rhildhcod’s daycare past, thy youth, Shall feel and .traifll ids’ vHom’d dart ; For though thyfett, a-. pV- trutlt^ Malice \..1l frill iiccuf'i thy heart. Bat who, is guihy thus oI r.XJfon, To nature, is in 1 ’.f untrue, f yeeclt to ptettnute with re.ft-;, A follow moital to undo. ‘ * T 1 >n gently, i 11.• • infant Humber, Reck and , iiliiu thy crAUhu ied, 2>l;t.y joys h. cal r, without nil.niter, lie u.hly lhov, r'd on thy head. CLIO. A MU si. MEET. JO 0 MBS 71C HAP PL'. ESS. The gm t end of | ruflence j;,! to give chct iful.oels to ihcfei hours whi n tplcndor cannot gild and >‘cia nation cannot ex hdirate. Thofct Cft “terva./ of unbend (til amulemcnr, in whi h e. man fu;inks to his natural di-| rrcnfions, and throws afi e the ornuro nts or which he feels in j3iiv.ii y, 10 he ufelels in cumbi i.;c.:, and to lose all <tf fett when fm become familiar, *J’p be / , ;y t home is the ulti ;a : • o! ailrib". on j the j .j If.. ‘Ahi h very i i erprize ! rod ‘anor tends, n -(1 of which vrr v rlirr ; ompts ! - profe cmior.;. v It is indcr: .a h :mt that •* ‘ry trit n mu ! l b kno.'Mi } y tlv.le v.’o would nuke ajult rltirrate c: itr o’ hi? virtue or f. ; so ferules end embroi dery at* .dike oc rhiemal, and the o> .and is oftc . cirefled for Iho ’ n painted honor, and fi - r ’ us benevolent e. 7hk TRUE POLICTor FE XT ALES. W MtN should hr acguanr ed, that no b'-au-y h.i'i any cha m:, but the one of the mind.-, and thai a graceful lie Is n ebci” manners is roue!) more engaging than that of per funs: that n.cekncls ui I modes ty me the true and lading orna rrents ; for she ct) ;:t has the i'r, is qualified as fin* on ht to be for the management of a family, for the educating of her children, tor un affedion to htr hulband, ami fubnmtting to a piudent way of Jiving. Thcfc only are the charms that fender wives s.mia- Lie, and give thun the belt title to our re jiedl. A YOUNG Lady was ver\ much in iovc with a young Hi bernian officer * but chat false and Ikacv, whi !) prevails among thefeimle lex, would not perm > her todif luff her p llTion. How ever, her arte, tions were unre mitteu, ar. 1 ihe was lavish in he compliments when opportunity would pern it ! Cut the officei was a delic Jt man, and inexpe rienced in tiieie matters; he was if r sere ineorfeious of hci mtonin , r.d it remained for Me yc ung lady either to be more cx hat or continue in all tht torture of fulprnte. The for mer being her choice, she availec herlcif of a circu n'iunce which happened at dinner. There were fowls, and a scarcity of plates— fo that the officer had hardly room forks fragments; which the young lady taking notice o; a, and rrloiving to tc:ue the pre ent happy moment, turned abou an t w.ih an exprelfive I ok fan “ Pray, Str, ia, your bones wit tHrne.” Ti.e officer took the hr a , and ..n aatcirci event took plan luA c evening. I re:, fit? Pc.lhal Oljirvatory. TEN V’drs ago, F*b"r was an indufirioos mechanic and a wealthy farmer ; but now a mrferable day labourer, with bloated face and palsied hands. A handsome estate, which he had acquired solely by his own in- I'oltry and economy, has run down his throat, in (ingle gills and ghfTes of rum, mugs and naif mugs of tody ; by which his conllitution is so impaired md his limbs so en ervated, that the wreck of age, long before its time of approach, is now nigh upon him. Mow much better it would ha-’e been for him, if he had never taftrd the intoxicating •cup! If he hid preferred the • ch'itle and delightful pleasures j"f home to the rmie and rioc c i the tavern; and the innocent prattle of his tender offspring to the din of yiali sand decan f rs—Hut al.-s, he forfook the temperate and indudiions hab i sos his early life ; by which this labors at the anvil chorea fV f'he culture of his farm became iifksgreeabie, his fen as decayed, cattle destroyed one half juf t.’ c little he en leavored tc ra ft* wild- he was at the g;oa j ‘ } 7J i i>ion, gambling for liquor, am ! being d ru nke:i. j Writs and executions foilov'- jedofcom'fe, the cib of which \ funk him peeper in debt: bur neither the menacing appearance of dread poverty, nor the cries, entreaties itfid admonitions or a 1 virtuous diiven aimoU o and dtraftion'Cy his excefTes, could check in t*- I’e.dt, tile precipi tate careeripf I<u> intemperance, fie mortgjped his farm to tiv tavern-kedper for a large sum ; me morrfage inn” being paid, his farm v\s lold, in cl he oblig ed to quit tV pren iles. 1 hen, jas the PromptQr he was Fairly out at the little ei and of th'. ; born. H.s excedive indulgence re-ininated in the lols of health, rno-als, prerperty, repu atirei and peace or mind. Let u.oie who a- ft e a fi uauon like Ms go and do likewise. fr UG/i X FOR SALE A T Bf. J\] AKY S , rkNF of the mod healthy States. % A COMMODIOUS HOUSE, 40 feet long, 20 feet wide, two tlories.high with two rooms on eai h 11 >or a good garret, two comfortable shed rooms, K tehen, liable ike. fituatrd on die corner ol Olborn and v t* Marys ftree* , extending 84 fee*, on one a i.J 64 lect oil tht other, weif c ah u! ite fur either a private Family, a Boarding or Tunic Houle, ALSO, A LOT OF LAND, in fil'd Town on a part of L No, 3. extending on an A!lv 10.) and back to Bryant Ureet s oc feet. A Credit of 3. 6a. 9 months will be given, a; .1 t 1 titles will be made to cne i'.i.f ‘action of the purtcu'ers by un \gents for the Allignees ol th late firm ol GARVIN N VIEERS. On the 41<1 iy o November n--xc, it will b£ sold at AUC TION, it not previous ly difpoled of. JOHN ROSS- St. Marys Sept S. tf+n. MARSHAL’S SALES. ON tie firfl Tuesday in Oidober next, IVILL RE SOLO , at the Ccurt-Hou/e in Savannah, AN unexpired lcale of Lot No. 10, Wilmington Ty ming, Darby Ward, with the ru.ljing thereon, adjoining Mr. John Gardiner; an unexpired ease of Lot No. 3, Heachcoatc l ything, Decker Ward, where vlrs. imith resides ; alio two Ne ;roe.-. Levied on as the pro arty of Smith, Sens and AnderJ'on, c the fuic of Tcomas and James a or as, BEN. WALL, m. n. c. September 5. 4C9. NT Ri iTiul s Sal-.s. On the firft 1 uesday in Gflobtr next, WILL BF. GOLD, At the Court-boufe in Savannah, ALL the right, title, claim and incereit of James Oli ver, Esq. to those two Settle rn-ncs or Plantations on Hutch infun’s Eland, oupofiie to 6’a varinah, containing 406 1-2 li tres ; the whole under good dams, and is of the firfl quality tide Iwamp, AUO, 23 NEGROES—levied on a* the property of James Oliver, Esq. to iatisfy a judgment ob tained by William Boyd. B. WALL, m. d.g, Augufl 26 40.$ SHERIFF’S SALE. On the fv st ‘Tuesday in OHober next, VS ILL BE SOLD, at the Court- in Bulloch County , between the hours of 10 and 3 o'clock , Land, lying on t e or Cypress Greek, in said coun ty, and adjoining lands of t hhu Wiggins, Francis Pugh and o thers, and each trail is a plan : tion ; taken under execution as die property of Samuel Lock hart c-sqr. to fatisfy adminUtra tors of Dudjy Sneed, executors | of Benjamin Kichardfon, and wo exc utions rcturnred by the conllable in favor of A. Woods Fhe above property pointed uuc by the defendant. Condi Cons Cash, daniel Boatwright, s *e August >4 rs 404 —— SHF RIFF’s SAELS. On the firjl Tuesday in October next, between the hours of- to and 3 o'clock , will be fold at the Coui thoufe, in the city of Savannah, ALL that Lot of land in said city with the improvement there on in the plan thereof by th number one Tayconnell Tythi.ig Dai by Ward containing 60 feet in wedth and 90 feet .n depth. Under and by virtue of a foreclo lure of a mortgage. The truflees if the Orphan Floufe, vs, Willi am Mills, t ALSO, A negro man named Luke fold under execution at the luit it John M.’Earlane vs. John Wllroy the plpperty pointed out by the piauunx attorney. T. KqibertTon, see Sep seat her 5. 408. sh7rTie's sales. OX the ijl Tuesday in October. next, <wiH BE SOLD, at the Gourt-houjc in this city, between the hours of I o and 3 o'stock. A negro man named Bachus, a ken under execution as the pro. erty ot William Barnard, unuer sundry executions, poin ted out by the defendant. Sold at the rdque of the for mer purcnalcTi T. ROBERTSON, s. c. c. May 30 89. City Sheriff's Sales, On the frjl 7 uesclay in OEtebcr } ext Will Be Sold, It the Court-boufe in the city cj Savannah between tee hours of 10 and 3 o'clock, A lot Nc. 5, in tything Ver non, ward, with the buildings thereon, late ly occupied by Mrs. M’Garver, levied on as the property of Thomas Norton deed, at the iuit of Elijah Norton. JNO. WILLIAMS, see Sept. 4 40S City Sheriff’s oaks. On the fit jl Tuefdaytn GeioLer next Will be sold, at the court house in this city, between the bouts of 10 and 3 o'clock, Sundry articles of Houfehojd Furniture and Shop Goods, ta ken under execution as the pro perry of William Barker, to latisfy J. Ever; cc* JOHN WILLIAMS, c. s Auguit 13. 101. 7 ■->; Coll tf.-.vs -I e-. WILL BE SOLD, cn f. /.. Tuesday in October ne: t, at th. i Court-house, in the tUy if Sa vannah between tie u/ual i. ours. THE lot and improvements thereon, at prelent occu pied by Mitchell and Bulloch, attornies, and others known in j the plan of said city as the no. i one, Tyrconnell Tything Darbv ward, fituaLe on a corner of the Church iquare, and Bull street, or so much thereof as will fatisfy an execution for the sum of twen ty-fix dollars 96 cents 8 milk and 31-4, tax due by William. 1 Mills for the year 1804, pointsc: out by Wmi Millj, Peter Jdcveaux, iaxccci Sept. 5 ‘ 4CO Tax Collector’s Soles. | IVILL BE SOLD on the fif/l Tuejday in Isvvember y.exl a:\ the Curt-Houje in it. ; city be j tween the hours 0; ten and th: c. ‘ o'clock, r'iHE LOT and improve I merits there-ai ir. Hr; ug!i- j ton drees ac p*iiem cent; • >\ . Cant. Abraham Abro’-nns nn. lately known as the ur;y r:v of i ‘John h. Bril it-A supposed ;o 60 feet by 9_>, or so much dicrc • as Win latisi v no liiXeclXlGn lor ■ the sum of dolls. 9, 45cts. >1 ; mills being the amount of tax 1 clue by John a. Lr Ic■ i for tea ‘ear 1S0;. At .SO, A trail of PINE LAND in! the county of Bulloch, adjoinim j Thomas Dowell, and vacant a: ! the time of survey, containing one hundred acres more or lels, o; Jo much thereof as will fatisfy an execution for the sum of cigh teen and three quarters cents tax due thereon by the cfaee O’ Peter Dcnvcil, for the year 4805, pointed out by Th-irnas Dowell. A LSO, Trull lor Nc. cne in Ewins biuvh on ths v eil > >•; c>. well • broad (fleet, and la.cly known is the propet:;; of Win. Be.i deed,or lo much thereof in, wi.i latisfy an ex. t.ucion for the iua of eight dollars 59 cents 3 1-2 mills, being the amoum i t tn..- ax due by the dtate of William Bell for me year 180;, poimed j out by John Harriion A Im’r. TETER DEVEAUX. Tax C C C Sept. 2 40* 1 Ciry sheriff’s dale, IVILL he fold on Tuesday the ifr of October next, at the Court house in the city of Savannah, bet ween the hours cf 10 and ‘< o'clock, A HOUSE and Trull Lot, No. Oglethorpe Ward, Spring Hfil, taken in ex ecution as the property of Fred e;ick Womack, decealed, to fat isfy a judgment obtained agaiult him bv James Piatt. Conditions C sh. John Williams, s.c. s. August 2S 406 SHERIFF’S SALES. IVILL bto sOLD on the firfl Tuesday in October next, at the Court-house in ibis city, be tween the hours of ten and three o'clock, John and his wife Catherine, togeher with their children, Charlotte, Juliet and Harry, ta ken Eld win Lewis vs Emanuel Rengill, pointed out by the defendant. Conditions Cash. HENRY W. WILLIAMS, and. s. c. c. September 5. 408. i s HE RIL E's SAL ES. if y 11.. L RE SOLD, on the fife Tut say in Oitocer next, at the Court-house in this city, be tween the hours ofter. and three o’clock, FOUR negroes, VIZ. Sylvia, Jenney, Heclor and Sukev. Icized and to be fold under and by virtue of an execution groun dc i on a mortgage, John Pcr poil va. James Smith. Conditions Col?. H. W. WILLIAMS, D scc July 29 9 : ?.r -,SUPvV I‘EP T or rim UNI FED STATES, for;; ri, 1 8c5. \T J HER FA S the Com 1.,; s- VV fioners of the oinking Fuad, ar a meeting held on die 28111 day of April, 1806, did re- Ifolve, that the sum 10 [complete the expenditure of she annual appropriation of EIGHT MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, lhould among other purpoies be applied to the reinr buriemem of the NAVY SIX PER CENT, STOCK, created in pursuance of an scl of Congress, pafiWl on the gcrinday rj June, 1798, and to the rfirr.burlement of th I FIVE AMD HALF PEF (CENT, STOCK, created ! puriuanrc of an acl of Conyrcfs j palled on the ?d day of March* I J *Mf l ’ ‘ • 1 TL • ‘ L , r . ito iD:rcore to pive no* |ii -, that die pr nerpaf of the : Su'd NAVY SIX PL;^CENT, , t - ‘ l.iv, with me rnterefi; due | Liereon, wi'l.on Surrender o( th<; jrxrtificat-*., be pud on the’ ift • •’■ ‘ :r • ensuing he y** : x y Vi Ihe rcfpectjve : or *■ -ir i iv/fui re x'n rni s duly apt isrrzed, ei- ;’ • ‘ ■ or ?; the I ■ ‘ 35 the case may ‘• ’ ‘ ‘ = ha’ e bee a given id:, fhr .* 0 f (k ocl{ 1 Ipectivt ly : cld .by them; i | that the principal of the I :T Vb’ l and half per Cir - . . ■> i OCi\, with the hue/- cue thereon, _ will in like . : . cr> and :_ v the iau*e places, oc ■ 1 o;. th* 1 i.t dav o January, 1807, n tee rrfpeftive llockhpJdcrt, or liwft ; reprefenraciles or at ’ ,;n: - s andu 7 coiiHstuted and authorized, it is fur:her made known, for ■h. ioiormsnon of the parties C ; mCer f: V- : :r no transfers ot* cheN AV Y 31M EE ii CEN' I \ El OCX, eiti r from or to the books or ihe iVraiury, or from •ii io me boosts of a Cornmis holier of Loans, will be al ow ed after the nil day es September enluing. And the intcreft on -•11 ceoincfiti-s of laid flu ks, whi:hiliai| nor have been sur rendered, in pnrfu nee of tfiis notification, will cede and de termine, on the day piecrdm r the day hereby fixed for the re • mburlenient thereof ALBERT G\LL \TI \ Secretary of the Trsafu y. July 13 9a ( 0 Notice, THE fubferiber, ‘nine • a being,on bis return fa n ~ nation can:” up vvdh a VINE (as h? cl. cd bu. •} ? :)..• m 1 .a pi.iL lacn a nc-. p ■ iovv , fre;-; the countenance am* .'ad oon of irvine, when lr .cm . I Ircai where.; he had come, *r,c i an oer ;-i v i;icb ho made reply, toget* s ‘* lu c - y c: ‘ ‘ nffances or his, cc. : . Joel coimr:ed cot fubferiber m the and ■„ lits rhat .-he i;:g-o had been ftolcn -I fi” therefore demanded cl Irvine in v.i:-.’ way b'h id come to the pofiU i- •: o: the ‘.'.rgre ; to which ht re* turned an evasive answer. The fub enhar told him he had good reaf-m to o iicv; liuj hid been ftoiea .ncl Vvas dtrermiecd to rake /he ne gro irom him and have hirn advertiled aad in cale no peilon claimed him within eighteen months would either return or fell him. i ftis is tne;c!orc to notify all per* ions whom it doth or may concern, 1 nat /he fublcnbcr lias in his ’l°n /lie laid new negro; he is about five fee: eight inches high, aged be* /ween twenty five and .nir/v years— no marks Other than or. his back, winch appear ro have fuff red under the ; (peaks littic or no Er.glifH .ay s he came from Carolina, but does not know wnerher from Nor/h or iSv.u-.n, he indilttnC-liy cormrunicates when asked in wha/ way the man >.a ..i. oy him) that he took him up in I /he road, when on his way to filh on o.r.e r.veror creek nearby. His own er or owners a:e therefore requested ra prove the proecr/y of the negro pay ti,*r ;rs aim /ake him away; Vrm. Neely. Cam..r. Cc■.r i •- on Sr. Mary’s River. Sep:, jo. ;,TjSrn “. ALMANAC’S T.-r ff’.e at this Oiscc.