Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, September 26, 1806, Image 4

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miscellaneous. * -ijhiuam*yu *-+■<**■ ** m**,. ■.. .*,*vm*raja*” [The following Verles are Meifted from an old publication handed u by a fifind.,.they are replete with ufdul advice to the ram... from whom, v.e hope they will receive an attentive ptrufal. VERSES TTo a Young Ladt, with anew edition of SSAKPmAtt. ACCEPT, fwei t rnaid, each scene that SuaKh tl'lAkt DK .Vi , Scenes, whole great Idiom may improve ev’n you 1 Tim vevr. Ib'hold youi image in h , Tr.atrtiT Ihewn, Pot fare /vlilianba’. iput.c, iniud'iyuur own GtNTUsr.'i or Vkrona. JLct Fife V i RoNA’srakn your anger move, Hut fp at chit fr.end, who t. ills a constant love. Mijiy Wives or Winoso*. To check your ninth th agh yrv.dilh iTi..tron 5 fy, With “vliftrcts /jd r, hartnlef* frolick. v,e. IvleA-tPt FOR iilsAJUtl. X.ike Is mie l, on v rtue found your pleasure ; • qu.t hke like, give MtAHiti ttill lor Ml AIUKt.” t” Mr.ur or F.rrohs. With AumaNa’s he you’ ;<■ lippreU’d, >,i life r a l'cene of l’ r itor. .it the hell. Much Ano Aduut Noams.;. From Claudio’s fcom,and injur’s Hero’:; blame, Learn \vh„: final!flips o’enurn a woman’* fame. Lova’a Labour X.os r. To try tlieii temper, lovers roafi Like Rosa i imc, whole I.a hour was not Lost. MinsuMMru Night’s Driam. J ilt* Hr RMIA, ratiiet from a parent purr, Than yield your poiion, and withhold your heart. Merchant or Vrntet. Wile Po r r ia’s caflrets, ere you wed, employ; Who chufe lor riches, ne'er w:il give you joy As You Liter it. And when your point, hke Rosalind, you’ve carrj’d, btrivc not to wear the breedres when you re niarry’d. ’( MINO THE SURIW. hull KaTli’r.n*# conquer’d paltons keep in view, Lr fome Pitrochio comes to Tame a Sim w. Atc’iWm that iHos'Wm. And when your Oraces have a ISietesm ■warm’d, Think, no bad husband is a rake rofoim'd. Twelfth Night. AVhei. Be 11 ii, or Auur-cimt R for love applies, l>eteil tlie Drunkard, and the tool defpile. Winter’s Tale. Ne’er of your hulb.uid’i lii< nd too fond appear, LtoNTits’ jealousy may elle be near. Macbeth. And left ambition blast your peaceful life, Behold the end of Cawdor’s guilty wife. Kino John. Os love maternal mark the influence mild, When Widow'd Constance weeps her mur der’d child. Kino Richard 11. Through changing fortunes let thy iaith be Iceu, , A bright example Himes in Richard s Quoeu. King Henry tV. uaiti. And, if a foldicr you lbould chance to marry, Know, w hile he's ableot, you at home mull tarry. Kino Henry V. Like t’other Kate, no fault’sing lover blame ; Half French, half English, lronell love's the Kino Henry VIII. And Know, like Bullen, fliould you match above you— The great may marry—hut not long will love you. CORIOLANUS, No patii'it March’s take, their faith s but brittle, They love their country much—their wives but little. JULII’S CxAR. To Vok riA S aAions, all but our, aspire Lor what it drinking drams but l'wallowing fire ? Anthony and Cleoeatra. Hate fpendthrift Antonies, who cram the fair, And make them drink the pearls they’d rather wear. Timon. To no grave Timon he your favour fltewn. He ne’er can love your lex who Lius his own. T. Andronicus. No cook, like Andronicus, deign to try, V hose great ambition fours to raile—a pye. Kino Lr.ut. Your dear,-ft childreu’s wav’ring duty fear, Kor give up all your wealth like beggar'd Lear. Romeo unJ Juliet. But let fome Rome* that toft nature n-.rve, M \ w ith thy foul, and yield thee love lor love. HumUt. In each rude Kami it’s l>ofom scorn a part, Wiioii only triumph break your heart. Fv.fimi.S CT TRI PcIMJ. 7 HE INQUIRE. Written in iSco addretttd to ajriend of the /.Imbot't. When late you afk’d, where do year parents dwell ? Urconfcious of the pain your nneftion gave ; For flill this heart with agony will swell, When mem'ry whifjiers, they are in the grave. 1 have no parents, sadly, ! replied fWhile down my cheek th’ unbidden tear would flow) Nor am 1 by the ties of blood allied ‘I u one kind being in this world below ! A tender father’s care lviever knew, One only parent bleftiny tender years; Beneath a mother’s foft’ring care 1 grew 1 rom infancy to youth, devoid of fears! Unknown to me was ev’ry raufe of grief, No anxious thoughts my happy mind dill rest : Health and content Hill bloom’d upon my cheek, And checifulnefs dwelt ever in my breast. To youthful minds each ohjeift gives delight, The world prelents unnsmber and charms to view, And fancied pleasures eagerly invite, Yet oft, in vain, the phantom we pursue 1 Scarce had I enter’d on ti e world’s wide stage, Map- wish youth’s gay hopes of promis’d bliss, , V. lu-n form a difp rent scene my thougbtsengage, | And into lorrow tui’n’d my happiness. For ah ! disease had fix’d its fatal dart Within that breast lar dearer than my own, Ami vain, alas 1 were all th’ attempts of art To lave the deflin’d victim from the tomb. ‘Though many a year has run its circling round Since my lov’d parent was to dull confign’d, Yet in my breast her image still is found, Still lives the mother in her daughter’s mind. One tender tie remain and, a brother dear ; But he,alas! Misfortune’s v idlim prov’d, And oft have 1 conceal’d the failing tear, Left it fhculd wound the bosom which 1 lov and. Chill penury and iickiicfs were his lot, Yet was he to his Maker’s will reftgn’d, And all his wants and full rings were iorgot Whene’er he thought upon his Saviour kind. He view’d th’ approach of Death with joyful eyes, And often drove my heavy heart to cheer. < * Soon,” laid th’ expiring laint, “ I reach the Ikies, And, O my filler ! let me meet thee there!” Forgivethefe tears,my have known These agonizing pangs that pierce the heart; You too have wept o’er a lov’d parent’s tomb, And felt what ’tis from thole we love to part. Now on the World’s bleak waste I (band alone ; An unprotected orphan l am left ; To me the names of kindred are unknown, Os each endearing comfort I’m bereft. Yet, though a tender forrovv fills my breast, I lorrow not as those who have no hope, For still that God, who gives the weary rest, With humble confidence, I dare invoke. I know my Heavenly Father, gaod and l.'.td, Will not without a cause his children grieve ; Hi promiles support and cheer my mind, And coumleis mercies 1 from him receive. For Sale. On Saturday 27th instant, at Cherokee liili, FOl’R GUNS and ONE PISTOL, Fake 11 from linidry Negroes by the Fatrole JOEL WAISTCOAT, C I*. September 18. . 01 FOR SALE A-I Hr. M.iR IS, ONE of the moll healthy situations in the United $ CdCtS. A COMMODIOUS HOUSE, +0 fert lung, lo feet wide, two ‘lories high with two rooms on ach fi >or s good garnet, two 01 (01 table died rooms, K tchen, ‘.Dfeie cYc. iicu.itcd on tq c corner of Oiborn and St* Marys Ureas, extending 84 feet on one and 64 feet on the other, well calculated for either a private Family, a Boarding or Public Houle. ALSO, A LOT OF LAND, in la'd Town on a part of Lot No. 3. ex ending on an Ally 100 and back to Bryant flreet goo feet. A Credit of 3, 6 and 9 months will be given, and the till's will be made to the fatif fidion of the purchaiers by the Agents for the AlTignees of the late firm of GARVIN & MEFRS. On the 4th day of November nexr, it will be sold at AUCTION, it not previoui ly dii’pofed of: JOHN ROSS- S:. Mans Sgt, 8. cfi+i 2 .l Marshal's Saks* On lie jirjl Lueszay in Ollobti t next, WILL Bh. SOLD, /It the Court-house in Savannah, ALL the right, title, claim and interest of James Oli ver, Elq. to those two Settle ments or Plantations on Hutch infun’s Illand, opposite to Sa vannah, containing 406 1-2 a cres; the whole under good clams, and is of the firfl quality tide Iwamp. ALIO, 23 NEGROES—levied on as the property of James Oliver, hfq. to fatisfy a judgment ob tained by William Boyd. B. WALL, m. and. c, August 26 405 SHERIFF’S SALE. On the first Tuesday in October next, WILL BE SOLD, at tbs Ccurt h„use in Bulloch County, between the hours cj 10 and 3 o'clock, EIGH T hundred Acres Pine Land, lying on the waters ot Uyprels Creek, in laid coun ty, and adjoining lands of F iihu Wiggins, Francis Pugh and o ! thers, and each tra£t is a plan -1 cation ; taken under execution as 1 1 he property of Samuel Lock jhartesqr. to fatisfy adminiftra t >rs of Dudly Sneetl, executors of Benjamin Richardson, and two executions returnred by the •onftable in favor of A. Woods i he above property pointed out jy the defendant. Conditions Cash, DANIEL BOATWRIGHT, s * c Auguit 14 tS 404 SHI RIFF’s SAELS. On the firyt Tuesday in QSlober next, between tbs hours of 10 and .3 o'clock, will ie Jold at tht Coxrlbouje, in the cuy of Savannah, ALL that Lot of land in said ity the improvement there on in the plan thereof by the number one Tayconnell Tytlr ng Da by Ward containing 60 feet n wedth and 90 feet .n depth. Under and by virtue of a foreclo lure of a mortgage. The trullees of die Orphan House, vs, Willi am Mills. ALSO, A negro man named Luke fold under execution at the fuic jf John McFarlane vs. John Wilroy the property pointed out by the plautiffs attorney. T. KobertJon, see September 5. 408. SHERIFF'S SALES~ I OA the I JI Tuesday in October, next, <wi!l BE SOLD, at the Court-house in tlis city, between the hours of 10 ami t o'clock. A negro man named Bachus, taken under execution as tht property of William Barnard, under sundry executions, poin ted cut by the defendant. Sold at the rifque of the for mer purebafer. T. ROBERTSON, s.c. c. Ma y 30 89. * City Sheriff’s Sales, On the firjt ‘■luesaay in o.7 eber next Will Be Sold, At the Court-house in the city of Savannah between the heurs of 10 and 3 o'clock, A ict No. 5, in tything Ver non, Heathcoat ward, together with the buildings late ly occupied by Mrs. M’Garver, levied on as the property of Thomas Norton deed, at the iuit of Elijah Norton. JNO. \\ ILLiAMS, see Sept. 4 408 City Slier ill’s Aales. On the firjt fuefday in October next Will ee sold, at the court houfie in ibis city, between the hours of so and 3 o'clock, Sundry articles of Household Furniture and Shop Goods, ta ken under execution as the pro perry of William Parker, to fatisfy J. Everitr. JOHN WILLIAMS, c. s August 13. lol> is x Co!icft or s A a e;. IVILL BE LOLL, on tic £/i\ Tuesday in Cdcier r.txt, a. the j C curt-house, m the city if ca- ; vannah between the ujual hours , rip FIE lot and inriprovernenis i thereon, at present occu pied by Mitchell and Bulloch, attornies, and others known in the phn ot said city as the no. one, Tyrconnell Tything Darby ward, fituatt on a corner of the Church lquare, and Bull street, or lo much thereof as will fatisfy an execurion for the lum of twen ty-fix dollars 96 cents 8 mills and 31-4, tax due by Willian Mills lor the vear iScq, pointed out by Win; Mills. Peter Deveaux, Taxccc Sept. 5 408 Tax Collector’s Sales. HALL BE SOLD on the firfi Tuesday in No-vemeber next at the Ccurt-Houje in this city be tween the hours oj ttn and three o'clock rIHE LOT and improve meats thereon h. Brough ton (freer, at present occupied by Capi. Abraham Abrabanis and lately known ss the property o! John F. liritton supposed to be 60 feet by 90, or so much there, t as will fatisiy an Execution fur the furn of dolls. 9, 45CCS. 3 niiils being the amount of rax due by John F. Britton lor tlu ear iSsj. ALSO, A trafl of PINE LAND in the county of Bulloch, adjoining Thomas Dowell, and vacant a: the time of survey, containing lone hundred acres more or lei's, |or so muen thereof as w ill fatisfv : an execution for the sum of eigh ‘een and three quarters cents, Tax due theieon by the estate o i | Peter Dowell, for the year 1805, | pointed out by Thomas Duwt-li. ALSO, j Trull lot No. one in Ev/ins ! burgh on the weft fide of well j broad ltreet, and lately known as the of V/m. Beil deed.or lo much thereof as will jlatisfy an execution for the sum of eight dollars 39 cents 3 1-2 milis, being the amount ot the tax due by the estate of William Bell for the year 1805, pointed out by fohn Hinder. Adrn’r. PETER DEVEAUX. Tax C C C Sept. 2 40S City Sheriff's .Sale. IVILL be fold on Tuesday the Ift ot Otto her next, at toe Ccu t house in the city of Sava> nab, between the hours of 1 o and j o'clock, A HOUSE and Trust Lot,! Lll ,0 - j Oglethorpe Ward, Spring Hill, taken in ex ecution as the property of Fred ericl; Womack, deceased, to fat isfy a judgment .obtained agaieft him by James P atr. Conditions Cash. John Williams, s.c.s. August 28 406 SHERIFF’S SALES. U ILL BE SOLD on the firfi 7 uesday in October r.txt, at the Court-bouse in this city, be tween the heurs cf ten and three 0 Clock , John and his wife Catherine, togeher with their children’ Charlotte, Juliet a-d Harry, ta ken under execution, Fidwin Lewis vs Emanuel Rengill, pointed out by the defendant. Conditions Cash. HENRY W. WILLIAMS, and. s.c. c. 5. 4cS SHERIFF'S SALES. If iLL BE SOLD, on the fir/ Tuesday in Obiober next, at the Court-house in this city, be tween the hours cf ten and .tree o'clock , FOUR negroes, VIZ. Sylvia, Jenney, Hedtor and Sukey. icuedand to be fold under and by virtue of an execution groun ded on a mortgage, John Per poil vs. James Smith. Conditions Cash. H. W. \\ ILLIAMS, ands c c July 29. 9 T~ 1: \ SVR Y BE PA R'i El F . OF THE UNITED STATES, June 21, iScS. TT7HEREAS the Commit YV kontrs cf the 6’inkirg Fund, at a meeting held on U 0 28rh day cf April,~i8 0 6, did it foive, that the furn remaining tQ complete the expenditure of°ihe annual appropr-ation of EIGHT MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, l’hould among other purpcles be applied to the reimburlement of the NAVY SIX PER CENT. STOCK treated in of an atft of Congress, passed on the 30th day of June, tyt;B, and to the reimburien cut ot the FIVE AND HALF PER kENr, S I OCX, created 111 pursuance oi an act of Conyrefs, passed on the 3d day of March* 1 / 9 5 • 1 his is therefore to give no tice, that the principal ot tnc said NAVY SIX PEk CEiN L. SiOCK, with the inteieit uuc thereon, will, on furr£nder ot tn ceruficares, be paid on the ift day of Gi’tober next eniuing the dare hereof, to the respective hockhoh'ers or their lawful rc pit{•.iitati-/cq of attornies duly • onlfiiuted and autfiorized, ei ’ iicr c the l realury or at tiic Loari Oi.nce, as the case may or, v. here credits have been given for the a nount of frotk, n fpetftivtiy held ‘by them : anti Tat tilt principal of Ihe FIVE AND HALF PER CENT. SIOCK, with the interest due thereon, w:i 1 in like manner, and at the iam be paid >i the ift day of January, 1807, 10 the refpedive ItockhoJdcrs, of ilieu lawiul representatives or attornies uuiy commuted and authorized. It is further made known, for the information of the parties concerned, that no transfers of the NAVY SIX PER CEN'B, >TOCK, either from or to tiir; books of the Tjcafury, or from or io the books ot a Com mis sioner of Loans, will be allow ed after die 1 ft day of September eniuing. And the interest on all certificates of said flocks, whuhfhall not have been fur rendeied, in purl'uance of this notification, wiil ceaie and de termine, or. the day preceding che day hereby fixed for the rt> itnburfemtnc rhereof ALBERT GALLATIN, Secretary of the Trtafury. July 9a tbjo Notice, 1 fiK fubferiber, fome time fine* being,on bis return from the Indian nation came up with a JOHN IR VINE (as he called himfelf) wbJ nad in his pofleffion anew negro feL icw ; from the countenance and con versation of Irvine, when interrogated ftom whence be had come, the mari ner in v/hten he made reply, Together with other circumttanccs if his° con duct confirmed die fabfenber in the be. iid that /he negro had been stolen. He therefore demanded of hrioe 114 whar way “he had come to the pofiel lioncf the icgro j to which he re turned an evaiive answer. Tnefub criber told him he had good reason to oe.ievc tne negro had been ftolcn ana was determidcd to /ake ne gro ffuin hi;n and have him advertiled and in rafe no perlon cJaimed him within eighteen months would eithet re urn or fed him. This is therefore to notify all per” Tons whom it doth or may concern. That /he luolcriber has in his poiles, lion /he said new negro ; he is aboui five feet eight inches high, aged be tween twenty five and thirty years— no marks other tnan or. his back, which appear to have fu/K red under the Lowfxin j speaks little or no English lay s he came from Carolina, but does not know whether from North or iotitb, he indiltincUy ccinmunicates when allied in wh it way the man came by him) that he took him up in /he road, when on his way to fifh on omr river or creek nearby. His own er cr owners aie therefore requeued to prove the property of the negr* pay charges and lake him away; Wm. Necfy, C amden County on S/. Mary’s River. Sc?’, 10. lamiSoi 7. ALMANAC'S For sale at this CSc:,